How to speed up labor. Stimulation of labor activity. What you need to start childbirth

The last weeks of pregnancy are a hectic period for the expectant mother, because the day of meeting with the baby is getting closer. 38-42 weeks of pregnancy is the most favorable period for the onset of labor and is considered the period of normal natural childbirth. The date of birth of a newborn depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, as well as on the duration of her menstrual cycle. The longer the cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts. In the event that the baby "stays up" in his mother's tummy and does not want to be born on time, the woman in labor begins to worry and worry about the well-being of her baby. How to induce contractions on your own and speed up labor?

According to obstetrician-gynecologists, the period of pregnancy from 38 to 42 weeks is considered the normal period for childbirth. A baby born at this time is considered full-term. After 42 weeks, doctors, as a rule, resort to medical stimulation of labor, and the pregnancy is considered post-term. Doctors decide on the stimulation of labor in a hospital setting. Many mothers are worried that there are no contractions, and are wondering if it is possible to induce labor on their own, without medication?

Future mothers on examination at the gynecologist often ask the question of how to induce contractions faster, how to induce contractions at 38 weeks and not harm the unborn baby. Doctors are sympathetic to the desire of a woman to give birth as soon as possible. In the last months, it becomes more and more difficult to walk, the baby sometimes shows great activity and does not allow you to fully rest, the pregnant woman feels tired from the tedious waiting. But still, the course of natural childbirth at the time laid down by nature is the best solution to this issue. Sometimes you need to wait a bit and be patient, and soon the long-awaited baby will be born according to its biological clock. If a woman does not want to wait and is thinking about how to induce contractions at 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy on her own, she needs, first of all, to consult a doctor. It is necessary to make sure that the fetus has taken the correct position in the uterus, head down. In addition, the doctor will assess the general well-being of the woman, as well as:

  • prescribe an additional ultrasound examination;
  • will establish whether there is no conflict between the Rh factors of the blood of the mother and the fetus;
  • make sure that there is no discharge of amniotic fluid without the onset of contractions or placental abruption.

How to induce contractions with medication

To date, there are several methods of artificial stimulation of labor, which are available to physicians. The actions of physicians are aimed at stimulating the contractility of the uterus and the use of methods that affect the rapid opening of the cervix.

A suitable option for stimulating contractions is selected taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy in a woman in labor. An obstetrician-gynecologist can use a medical stimulation method with the introduction of oxytocin or prostaglandins, as well as open the fetal bladder. When administering drugs to a woman's body, the doctor must make sure that the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bready for labor and that the pregnancy is full-term. To soften the cervix, special medications are used: Mifeprostone, Dinoprostone - pills that cause contractions. Also, these drugs are used in the form of intravenous injections.

The opening of the uterus is possible mechanically. To open the cervix, special obstetric sticks, a Foley catheter are used, and a gel containing hormones is used. Soon, after a medical or mechanical effect on the cervix, contractions and labor begin.

How to induce contractions at home

The question of how to cause contractions at home is relevant for those women whose due date has already arrived, and the baby is still in no hurry to appear. Doctors recommend that the pregnant woman go to the hospital and resort to drug stimulation of labor. But most expectant mothers prefer to induce contractions naturally at home. Consider the most popular, affordable and safe ways to stimulate contractions.

We cause contractions ourselves with the help of moderate physical activity

The physical activity of the expectant mother in the last weeks of pregnancy is one of the most effective options for inducing contractions recommended by doctors. The load should be moderate, without fanaticism. The expectant mother will benefit from walking outdoors, cleaning the house, including squatting floors, and climbing stairs sideways. Perfectly stimulate contractions yoga classes for pregnant women, light exercises with squats. Physical activity should be enjoyable and not tiring. It is strongly not recommended to lift heavy objects, so as not to provoke placental abruption.

Contraction inducing exercises

There are 5 simple physical exercises that will help speed up labor and help the baby descend properly in the uterus for better progression through the birth canal:

  1. Walking. This is the easiest way to speed up contractions. With unhurried walking, the fetus presses on the cervix, which contributes to its expansion and softening. In addition, walking in the fresh air improves blood circulation, trains the heart and tone the muscles.
  2. Climbing and descending stairs. Avoiding the elevator is a great way to induce labor. Raising or lowering the legs when moving to the next step, there is a slight swaying of the pelvis. The baby quickly takes the correct position, and the cervix gradually expands and prepares for the birth process.
  3. Swimming. Going to the pool in the last weeks of pregnancy is an effective way to induce contractions. It is very useful to swim breaststroke. Being in the water is very useful for expectant mothers. Water helps keep the body in the water, relieves tension from the legs and joints, and allows you to completely relax.
  4. Squatting. Squatting can speed up contractions and help your baby head down if he hasn't yet taken the correct position.
  5. wiggle. Small pelvic rocking is a pleasant way to speed up labor.

Gentle sex causes contractions

This way to quickly cause contractions will appeal to the future dad, who will gladly agree to help. Sexual intimacy promotes spontaneous contraction of the uterus and will help provoke labor. In addition, the composition of the male ejaculate contains prostaglandins - a biologically active substance, which, when it enters the cervix, softens it. Thus, the uterus prepares for normal opening during childbirth. Moderate and gentle sexual activity before childbirth is a great way to naturally stimulate contractions. However, there are contraindications for having sex:

  • With low placenta previa.
  • In the presence of a sexual infection in a partner.
  • If a pregnant woman has a discharge of a mucous plug that protects the fetus from infection.

Gentle nipple massage to stimulate labor

Gentle massaging of the nipples contributes to increased production of the hormone oxytocin in the body of the expectant mother, which is involved in the process of preparing for childbirth.

Hot bath to induce labor

Taking a hot bath with a temperature not exceeding 38 degrees will help the body relax and prepare the body for childbirth. However, this method should be treated with caution. Too long water procedures in hot water can lead to an increase in blood pressure, provoke dizziness or weakness. Bath is recommended to take no more than 15 minutes.

Foods that cause contractions

The most effective and safest method to induce contractions is to eat foods that contain fiber. Fiber helps the natural cleansing of the body and stimulates the uterus to give birth. Therefore, before giving birth, expectant mothers should include more greens, seasonal vegetables and fruits in their diet. Of the products, parsley, fresh beets, dried fruits, and prunes are especially useful. The last weeks of bearing crumbs are the time to eat light and healthy food. It is noticed that chili pepper and tincture of raspberry leaves contribute to the stimulation of contractions. Raspberry decoction promotes the production of estrogen.

Use of natural laxatives and cleansing enemas

Having a bowel movement with laxatives or enemas is another popular way to speed up labor. Bowel cleansing promotes contraction and muscle activity of the intestinal walls. The uterus is located next to the intestines, therefore it contracts along with all the organs of the abdominal cavity. Also, bowel cleansing is sometimes necessary for expectant mothers suffering from prolonged constipation. Fecal masses accumulated in the large intestine put pressure on the uterus and prevent the fetus from taking the correct position in it.

Among the effective folk remedies for constipation that can cause contractions is castor oil. It has a powerful laxative effect, perfectly emptying the intestines and leads to uterine contractions. To cleanse the intestines, one dose of 50 g of castor oil diluted with apple juice or fresh orange juice is enough. Do not increase the amount of castor oil, as increasing the dose can cause severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration of the woman's body.

All of these methods can speed up labor and help a woman induce contractions without resorting to medicine. If the gestational age does not exceed 40 weeks, and contractions do not make themselves felt, you should not worry and panic. Most likely, the time has not yet come for the birth of a new life. If you decide to cause contractions without the help of drugs and become a mother sooner, be sure to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist on this issue. It is possible to start stimulating contractions only after the permission of the doctor, so as not to harm the child.

The 38th week of pregnancy has come. Now we can say with confidence that everything went well, the baby has completely completed its intrauterine development and is ready to be born. All organs and systems are formed, the only change that continues to occur is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. But this process will continue after the birth of the child. If the pregnancy is delayed, many women begin to be interested in the question of how to provoke childbirth. However, doctors urge not to rush, nature knows the time better, especially since the period from 38 to 42 weeks is considered the most favorable for birth. Starting from the 43rd week, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy can offer artificial stimulation. However, the topic of our article is "How to provoke childbirth on your own, at home, without harm to the baby and your own health."

First rule - you need to see a doctor

The desire to give birth as soon as possible is understandable and logical. The woman is tired, the baby has already become quite heavy, his activity sometimes causes pain to his mother, and even so I want to try on lace caps and booties. However, safety comes first! Therefore, before inducing labor, it is necessary to make sure that the child has time to roll over and take a position with his head down, which contributes to the easy and quick passage of the birth canal. That is why you need to go to the gynecologist and ask him about the situation of your baby. If he is already in a head-down position, this is a good sign, but this is not the only criterion to consider.

Additional examination and self-analysis of the condition

Before thinking about how to induce labor, you need to make sure that this will not worsen your condition. If during pregnancy you were worried about high blood pressure, there are kidney diseases and edema, then any intervention during pregnancy is contraindicated. Even if you went through the entire pregnancy in one breath, you should monitor your condition very carefully and do not use any of the methods below if there is no one nearby who could provide timely assistance if your health worsens. An absolute contraindication is the Rh conflict of mother and child, premature detachment of the placenta, rupture of amniotic fluid.

The best is natural childbirth

This rule applies to all cases. Women often ask doctors questions about how to induce labor at 38 weeks, to which they receive an answer not to rush and wait a bit. It is quite possible that tomorrow a wonderful event awaits you, so let the baby himself be born, obeying the biological clock. However, if you are already impatient at all, you can speed up the onset of childbirth a little. To do this, it is recommended to increase physical activity. No wonder there used to be a sign: "As you prepare the nest, so the chick will appear." A woman at the 9th month had to prepare the house for the meeting of the baby, and at an earlier date it was forbidden to do this. Cosmetic repairs and general cleaning took several weeks, after which the woman in labor with a sense of accomplishment went to the maternity hospital. In fact, physical activity stimulates labor activity.

How to induce labor at 38 weeks for a modern woman? It is enough to take regular long walks, climb the stairs on foot, go swimming in the pool. The most important thing is to dose the load correctly. Heavy lifting and overexertion can cause placental abruption.


No wonder this method is most often transmitted from one woman to another. Indeed, if we talk about how to induce labor at 39 weeks, the best way is sex. At the same time, it is light and pleasant. This effect is achieved due to the physiological contraction of the cervix during orgasm, which entails the onset of labor, so that you can go straight from the marriage bed to the hospital. But that's not all: if you and your spouse are completely confident in each other, then it is undesirable to use a condom.

This tool is used only in cases where there is no risk of infection with various infections. Remember that in the later stages, especially if the mucous plug has already moved away, the risk of penetration of pathogenic bacteria to the fetus is very high. This is one of the most pleasant ways from the series: "How to provoke the onset of labor." With all this, male sperm perfectly prepares the uterus for childbirth. It contains large quantities of special substances - prostaglandins. They perfectly contribute to the ripening and significant softening of the female cervix. Do not forget that a man at the time of intimacy should be as gentle, attentive and caring as possible, because excessive activity can provoke placental abruption.

Stimulate the production of oxytocin

If the pregnancy continues, since the previous methods did not work, then the expectant mother is already very interested in how to induce labor at 40 weeks. Let's delve a little into physiology: all the processes that take place in our body are tied to hormones. Which of them is responsible for labor activity, dilatation of the cervix and contractions? It's called oxytocin, and it's the drip that women in the hospital inject into a vein when doctors decide to induce labor.

However, the body is able to produce it on its own, which most often happens. If the baby is very late and the question arose of how to induce labor at 40 weeks, then start performing a daily nipple massage. Firstly, it helps prepare the breasts for feeding, and secondly, it stimulates the production of oxytocin and uterine contractions. If you perform a light massage of the nipples daily, starting from 35-36 weeks, then there is a great chance to give birth to a healthy baby at 38 weeks.


Herbalists have long wondered how to induce labor at home. At the same time, the accumulated experience allows you to perform this quite effectively, but you need to remember that even the safest herbs, if used incorrectly, can result in placental abruption or bleeding, so it is advisable to use them only as a last resort. In this case, be sure to consult with the doctor who is pregnant.

The safest way in a series of how to induce preterm labor is to eat meals containing a large amount of fresh beets and parsley. At the same time, be guided by your condition: if you feel nausea or an allergic reaction occurs, then cancel these products. Of the safest herbs, one can name shepherd's purse, barberry, nettle. Since it is possible to induce labor at home with the use of these herbs quite successfully, it is undesirable to use them before 38 weeks. Another remedy is a weak infusion of raspberry leaves. Doctors do not confirm the effectiveness of this remedy, but this does not reduce its popularity. Judging by the reviews of women, many gave birth at 38 weeks, using this drink instead of tea. Although it is quite possible that their biological clock was set that way.


There is another way to induce labor. To do this, it is recommended to eat certain foods. These are pineapples that contain bromelain. It initiates and facilitates childbirth. In addition, it is recommended to eat hot spices, Mexican dishes or food seasoned with chili peppers. Black licorice stimulates childbirth, since it will not be possible to quickly provoke childbirth with the help of products, it should be added to food starting from the 37th week. It stimulates intestinal spasms, which in turn cause uterine contractions. Garlic works in much the same way, so if there are no contraindications, be sure to eat a spicy vegetable.

In order to avoid constipation and stimulate labor in the later stages, it is recommended to eat more foods containing fiber. The last weeks of pregnancy are the time when you need to stop eating heavy food, you should give preference to dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Prunes and dried fruits will help normalize bowel activity.

Castor oil and other laxatives

We continue the conversation about how you can provoke childbirth. One of the popular ways is to use laxatives, but be sure to consult your doctor, not all of them are harmless and can be used by a pregnant woman. What effect underlies the use of these drugs and folk remedies? The fact is that bowel movement is always accompanied by active muscular activity, in other words, contractions. Since the uterus is located very close, muscle contractions are transferred to it. But that's not all. The fact is that constipation is a common problem of pregnant women. Because of them, there is an accumulation of feces in the intestines. When under the influence of laxatives it is emptied, the baby's head may drop lower. The pressure of the head on the bottom of the uterus stimulates the onset of labor.

Of all the medicines, pregnant women are advised to use castor oil. This method is quite controversial from the point of view of modern medicine, but it has long been practiced by many obstetrician-gynecologists. We are talking about taking castor oil inside. This is a fairly powerful laxative that leads to intensive cleansing of the entire intestine. In turn, this entails the onset of uterine contractions, its opening and the actual birth. For one dose, only 50 g of castor oil is enough, which can be diluted with fresh orange or apple juice. It is very likely that long-awaited contractions will begin immediately after taking castor oil, so if you are looking for a way to induce labor at 40 weeks, then you can try this remedy.

However, you should be very careful. Castor oil is a very strong laxative; if taken uncontrolled, it causes severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration of a woman's body. Childbirth is ahead, which means you need to gain strength. Exhausted by severe diarrhea, the body will not cope with such a load.

Reasons for inducing labor

If we discard banal excuses like fatigue and the desire to nurse a newborn as soon as possible, there are reasons when stimulating labor activity is really justified. These are increased intraocular pressure, leakage of amniotic fluid and an allergy to prostaglandins. In addition, doctors recommend stimulation if there are scars on the uterus or the pelvis itself is very narrow. For this, there is a special "Propidol-gel", which is injected into the cervix, but this can only be done if the amniotic sac is intact. In addition, if you are more than 40 weeks pregnant, or more than 38 in the case of a multiple pregnancy, doctors themselves will begin to look for a way to stimulate contractions using special drugs. Without a proper examination, their use is too dangerous, so you should definitely consult a doctor.

Summing up

As you can see, there are many ways to speed up the meeting with the baby. But think about it, is it really necessary? If the pregnancy is going well and there is no threat to the life and health of the child, then born at 42 weeks, he will feel great. At the same time, mom will have an extra month to sleep well and gain strength before future motherhood. After all, with the advent of the crumbs into the world, your nightly peaceful sleep will come to an end. Despite the increasing severity, you can always find advantages in this. Indeed, the next time you will not have to feel the heartbeat inside you soon, enjoy this state to the end.

If doctors have any doubts, they will be the first to offer you an adequate way to induce labor, and it will definitely be safe for you and the baby. Such events are already held in the maternity hospital, where qualified specialists are ready to take birth at any time. Today, in the arsenal of physicians there is a whole range of ways to stimulate them - this is a puncture of the amniotic bladder, the introduction of oxytocin, exfoliation of the amniotic membranes. Each of them has its pros and cons, indications and contraindications. These methods are strictly individual, and their effect is manifested within a few hours. That is why it is necessary to use them only under the supervision of doctors. Therefore, be careful - do not harm yourself and your child by your own actions!

The problems that arise in the process of bearing a baby are diverse. The main part of women suffers as a result of the threat of miscarriage, however, there is such a category of expectant mothers who have passed 40 weeks, the due dates have passed, but there are no signs of approaching childbirth. It is natural that a pregnant woman is looking for answers to questions, how to explain the delay in delivery, how to speed up the birth?

In what cases is it necessary to speed up labor?

There are several reasons why labor is delayed. Some women genetically go overbearing. If you start to find out from close relatives, it turns out that mother and grandmother carried the baby more than usual. Doctors note that often childbirth occurs after 40 weeks in women with a menstrual cycle of 30 days. Then the delay in delivery should not cause alarm, you should calmly wait a couple more days, and the baby will finally appear!

Another thing is if the pregnancy is definitely overdue. In such cases, ultrasound confirms that the placenta is aging, therefore, the fetus does not receive the substances it needs. Specialists turn to artificial stimulation of delivery.

How to speed up childbirth?

If mommy has been carrying a baby for several days, doctors believe that the fetus is already ripe, you can recommend several folk proven ways to speed up the onset of childbirth.

Sex to speed up labor

The most enjoyable and often successful method is unprotected sex. The hormone that is contained in male sperm (prostaglandin) has a stimulating effect on labor activity. Sexual intercourse should be calm, enjoyable for both spouses, intense sex can harm the cervix of a pregnant woman.

Castor oil

Of course, many have heard about the laxative properties of castor oil, but not everyone knows that after increased intestinal motility, uterine contractions occur. Consumed on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons of castor oil will provoke childbirth in 1 to 2 hours. With a persistent aversion to castor oil, you can take the most pleasant laxative cocktail, which consists of 3/4 cup apricot or peach juice and 1/4 castor oil. In addition, gentle remedies include ginger, cloves and cinnamon. A decoction of spices can be used instead of tea a couple of times daily.

Exercises to speed up labor

One of the effective stimulants is breathing exercises. In addition, the simplest physical movements can help speed up the onset of labor: long walking, climbing stairs, swimming. Although, intensive household work, for example, general cleaning, also turns out to be effective in stimulating childbirth.

Hormonal stimulation

If experts believe that it is worth accelerating the onset of labor for medical reasons, hormonal stimulation is used. The hormone prostaglandin is present in the composition of suppositories or gels to speed up the birth of a child, inserted into the vagina. Moreover, such candles and gels are absolutely harmless.

Acceleration of the birth process

Sometimes there are signs of an approaching birth: there is aching pain in the lower back, the bottom of the uterus sinks, the mucous plug leaves, etc., but labor activity is weak. Doctors make a decision to accelerate labor activity at a cervical opening rate of less than 1 cm per hour. A special drug - oxytocin, is prescribed in the form of subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous injections and tablets to speed up delivery. However, doctors usually use a different method - opening the fetal bladder. Due to the discharge of water, the uterus contracts, childbirth begins.

It is important for a pregnant woman to prepare herself for childbirth physically and psychologically from the very beginning of an interesting situation, attending antenatal clinics on time, specialized courses, keeping her body in good shape. So the future mother will be able to control the process of childbirth, which means that the baby is much more likely to be born healthy.

In this article:

All pregnant women have their own problems. Someone has a threat of miscarriage, the cause of which is cervical hypertonicity, and someone simply cannot wait for this long-awaited day, which guarantees a successful delivery.

Thoughts on how to speed up childbirth begin to appear in mothers of the second category: who had no complications during pregnancy, and the child is in no hurry to be born. The last days before childbirth are not easy for every woman. And, if the onset of contractions drags on, then she begins to worry and think about how to speed them up?

Is it worth it to speed up the birth or not?

Before you make a decision, first of all, you need to think about heredity. Most doctors say that women who do not feel the approach of contractions have a hereditary tendency to overwear. If your mother or grandmother carried a child longer than expected, then you may have this feature.

The onset of childbirth is also associated with the girl's menstrual cycle: if it is more than 30 days, then this may affect labor activity in the future. But, if the expectant mother can no longer endure all the delights of bearing a baby, then the process of childbirth can be accelerated. To begin with, it is better to try, the folk and safe methods that have been used by our ancestors for a long time have been tried for a long time.

Relax and wait

Doctors recommend following this tactic of behavior for two weeks after the preliminary date on which the birth was scheduled. If, according to the ultrasound results, the amount of amniotic fluid is normal, they are transparent, the baby’s heart is normal, and the baby is constantly in active movement, doctors try to wait and not rush with stimulation, which can accelerate the onset of contractions or the passage of the cork.

It is done only if, at a period of 36 weeks or more, the placenta begins to fail to cope with its function, the anatomical fluid gives off a yellow-green color, and there are some violations of the baby's heart. If none of this was revealed, then the expectant mother is advised not to worry, relax and wait for the onset of contractions and the discharge of the cork. At this time, you can relax and use sparing folk stimulants and methods. It is best for you and your baby when the pregnancy is going well and there is no need to hasten labor.

Acceleration of childbirth with the help of folk methods

They are effective if the woman is already fully prepared for the birth of a child.

  1. The first way is physical activity, preferably before the onset of fatigue. This time can be spent usefully: clean up the house, take a walk, climb the stairs, but it is desirable that at this time you are not left alone. In the event of contractions, urgent medical attention will be needed. But do not abuse, for example, do spring cleaning, because by the beginning of the contractions you will simply be completely exhausted, which can affect not only your health, but also the health of the baby.
  2. A more pleasant way to speed up labor is to have sex so that sperm enters the vagina. Blood begins to rush to the pelvis, after which contractions may occur or the cork may come off. The composition of semen also includes prostaglandin, which is absorbed into the bloodstream and accelerates the process of childbirth. It should be noted that sex should not be aggressive, otherwise it can damage the cervix, which is the most vulnerable before childbirth.
  3. How to speed up childbirth using the reflex method! Very simple. Stimulation of the nipples causes contraction of the uterus. This method is also used after childbirth, for its rapid reduction. Breast massage is very useful for the expectant mother, because it has a beneficial effect on feeding.
  4. With the help of an enema, leading to a contraction of the intestinal walls and the onset of contractions.
  5. You can include in your diet as many dishes with beets and parsley as possible - this is a harmless remedy that can cause contractions and ensure that the cork comes off.
  6. A proven remedy is a stimulating cocktail: 150 grams of orange, apricot and peach juice with 50 grams of castor oil. Some recipes call for 50 grams of vodka or champagne. This drink leads to an active contraction of the intestinal walls, and then to the onset of labor.
  7. Often, in order to remove the cork, they resort to homeopathy, for example, they use a female root. This drug in a certain ratio is taken 4 times a day. Obstetricians who constantly practice homeopathy claim that it is quite effective, but this has not yet been scientifically proven.
  8. A good remedy that causes contractions is tea made from ginger, cinnamon and cloves. It is recommended to drink it after the 39th week of pregnancy 3 times a day.
  9. In order for childbirth to come faster and the cork to come off, after the 36th week, you can use acupuncture. In most European countries, courses on acupuncture massage are included in the insurance of pregnant women. It has been proven that this method helps to reduce labor activity by about 2 hours.
  10. Some future mothers are helped by foot massage: stimulation of the point located between the index and big toes, kneading the front of the foot near the ankle.
  11. Outdoor walks, a warm bath - these activities are very beneficial for the health of a pregnant woman. But the effectiveness as a labor stimulant is sometimes zero from them.

medical methods

In the event that the folk methods used to speed up childbirth do not affect labor activity in any way: the onset of contractions, the discharge of the cork. Moreover, doctors recommend stimulating childbirth for a future mother after hospitalization in a maternity hospital, in a hospital setting. The ideal way to speed up the process is a smooth and gradual labor induction, with preliminary preparation of the uterus for opening, by softening the cervix with special drugs, and only then using the means necessary for stimulation. But basically, doctors resort to another method - this is the opening of the fetal bladder. Its essence is that after the discharge of the cork, and, accordingly, the amniotic fluid, the woman's uterus begins to contract very quickly, and, consequently, the process of labor activity begins.

Heavy artillery - hormones

But in some cases, doctors resort to more drastic measures. If the baby's condition begins to deteriorate rapidly, and there are still no signs of labor, even after piercing the bladder, doctors use the method of artificial stimulation, for example, prostaglandins. This type of hormone in the form of a candle and a gel is placed in the vagina of a pregnant girl.

Recently, cases of using tampons containing prostaglandin have become more frequent, which, after reaching the desired effect on the cervix, are simply removed. This drug can perfectly stimulate the onset of labor, but there is no guarantee of its intensity. Labor activity is very weak, even in cases of normal onset of contractions, without any stimulation. And how then to accelerate the onset of childbirth?

In such cases, obstetricians inject oxytocin intravenously. It not only prepares the cervix, but also causes it to open, therefore it is considered an ideal remedy if the intensity of contractions has greatly weakened during childbirth.

The main disadvantage of oxytocin is a sharp increase in pain during the birth process, which is quite unpleasant for a woman. But that's not all, like other drugs, oxytocin has a number of side effects, namely:

  • hypoxia in a baby;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • circulatory disorders caused by a sharp increase in the process of labor activity.

In this regard, this drug is recommended by the Ministry of Health to be used only in 10% of 100% of births. But, unfortunately, it is used much more often, so expectant mothers who dream of giving birth to a strong and healthy baby need to be aware of the gentle methods used to stimulate childbirth.

The most important thing to remember is that during pregnancy you should be calm and monitor your health. Then the stimulation of labor activity, you may not need at all!

Watch a video on how to induce contractions

No matter how desirable pregnancy is, but such a condition, lasting nine long months with an ever-growing belly, gradually tires, even if it is a completely healthy woman. If the term of delivery according to the PDR has already come, and the baby still does not want to be born, and according to forecasts it is large and dangerous, it is necessary to resolve the issue of stimulating labor. Often, doctors refuse medical interventions without the necessary evidence, and send the expectant mother for another “walk” and persuade the baby to be born already. Many mothers, losing patience, begin to look for advice on the Internet and from acquaintances who have recently given birth to girlfriends - how to speed up childbirth with folk, improvised methods. Among them there are both quite adequate and acceptable methods that are safe for mother and baby, and those that can threaten with serious complications and consequences. Let's take a medical look at everything that can be found among the tips and techniques, even if these methods seem ridiculous or funny.

What you need to start childbirth

Nature is wise, and the process of childbirth starts at the moment when both the mother and her baby are fully prepared for this event, not only physically, but also psychologically, at the level of higher matters, which science has not yet been able to fix, although such attempts are made repeatedly. In order for childbirth to begin, the mother’s body must prepare for them, and especially active work takes place in the neck area, which must “ripen” and soften so that with the onset of contractions, it opens well and quickly without being damaged, and can pass the baby through itself. Mom's nervous system must also be ready for the birth act, so that the brain and peripheral nerves actively and fully coordinate the processes in the body, from contractions and opening of the cervix, ending with pulse, pressure, body temperature and pain.

And one more point that many people overlook is the formation of a special “patrimonial dominant”, similar to the one that existed during pregnancy. If such a peculiar focus of activity in the brain is fully formed due to physical and psychological preparation for childbirth, it is its formation that helps in starting labor and its subsequent successful course, pain relief and intuitively correct actions of a woman. But let's assume that the “dominant of childbirth” in a woman is already practically “ripe”, and there are still no signs of childbirth, how is it proposed to help in these cases?

We recommend reading:

intimate relationship

The most basic "recipe" for accelerating the onset of childbirth has always been considered an intimate relationship. And from the point of view of medicine, this has a certain biological meaning.

Firstly, sex with a beloved spouse helps relieve stress that accumulates by the end of pregnancy in a future mother. Intimate relationships are a way to escape from painful thoughts associated with upcoming events, relaxation, physical and emotional relaxation, as well as pleasure with the release of hormones - endorphins that suppress the action of stress hormones.


Often, some physicians and psychologists associate a kind of delay before childbirth, when all the terms of the PDR have already passed, are associated with stress, the release of stress hormones, which, as it were, "squeeze" childbirth, inhibit them on a purely psychological level due to a subconscious fear of pain, uncertainty, problems and complications .

With intimacy, the brain, as it were, “turns off” and its influence on the body too - this makes it possible for the mechanisms to trigger childbirth to work.

Secondly, the sperm of a man contains prostaglandins, substances that lead to softening of the cervix, its maturation and preparation for childbirth. Gels for preparing the cervix for childbirth have a similar mechanism, which is used by doctors in the maternity hospital, only their concentrations are higher, and the application process itself is not as pleasant as sex with a spouse.

Thirdly, due to intimacy and orgasm, blood actively flows to the genitals and the uterus, it receives more oxygen and nutrition, the muscles increase their tone, which stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus. This can lead to the mucus plug coming off, strengthening training contractions and turning them into true contractions over several hours or days.

It is important to choose a comfortable position, take into account the presence of contraindications and not be too active. Doctors recommend starting such preparation from or a little earlier (when the pregnancy is fully full-term), the gradual preparation of the cervix occurs over a couple of weeks.

When the method is not suitable:

  • If the mucous plug has come off or the amniotic fluid is leaking, intimacy can be dangerous with complications in the form of infection of the membranes and crumbs;
  • If available, problems in pregnancy and other doctor's prohibitions;
  • Against the background, vaginal dysbiosis or if the partner has it.

Increasing activity

Often you can hear advice about:

  • long walks,
  • general house cleaning,
  • washing windows or hanging curtains,
  • hand washing bed linen
  • active charging,
  • dancing,
  • picking up a box of matches from the floor,
  • active climbing stairs.

All these tips, if you bring them together, it is, in fact, an increase in physical activity. Given that by the end of pregnancy, expectant mothers become slow and clumsy, tired and lazy, such a sharp activation leads to a revival of metabolism, increased synthesis of hormones, blood supply to muscles and revitalization of the nervous system. This fact leads to the process of launching rads, activation of contractions, discharge of amniotic fluid, which leads to the imminent birth of a child.


Lifting weights, moving furniture, jumping and sudden movements threaten placental abruption and bleeding, as well as premature discharge of amniotic fluid. Washing windows or hanging curtains can lead to falls and injuries, which can threaten the health and even life of not only the fetus, but also the mother. Therefore, from all of the above, it would be worth leaving only walks, and even then not to the point of exhaustion.

  • The presence of hypertension

Effects on the breasts and nipples

During pregnancy, a woman's breasts undergo serious changes, due to which special reflexes are formed that are associated with an effect on the brain and subcortical formations, endocrine glands. A similar mechanism is needed for the subsequent formation of lactation with irritation of the nipples and areola due to sucking by the baby. At the end of pregnancy, after the 37-38th week, these connections are formed, due to which the sensitivity of the breast and the reaction to its irritation from the body and uterus increase. Therefore, you can hear the following recommendations:

  • irritate nipples
  • massage breasts in the shower
  • massage the areola and nipples with a hard washcloth or towel.

From the point of view of doctors, there is a certain meaning, since closer to childbirth, due to the stimulation of the nipples and areola, increasing concentrations of oxytocin are released, preparing the uterus for childbirth, stimulating contractions and ripening of the cervix. In addition, the hormone oxytocin has an anti-stress effect, which reduces internal stress, calming and setting the woman up for childbirth. Therefore, this advice can take place, but only in relatively moderate amounts.

It is not worth irritating the nipples of the breast with hard washcloths and towels, only with your fingertips, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the nipple and not form cracks and infections.

It is possible to carry out manipulations with the breast only during full-term pregnancy so as not to provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, discomfort and the threat of premature birth. It is also dangerous to have such irritation with placenta previa, gestosis and hypertension.

Activation of intestinal peristalsis

Due to the activation of the work of the intestine, which in the last weeks of pregnancy is prone to lethargy and decreased activity, reflex reactions occur with an increase in the tone of the uterus due to irritation of the adjacent nerve trunks. Strengthening of impulses to the brain from the abdominal organs leads to the activation of uterine contractions and the launch or intensification of labor activity. In this regard, there are recommendations:

  • Take laxatives (castor oil, buckthorn, vegetable oil)
  • Eat more laxative foods (pineapples, fresh cabbage salad, pears, plums)
  • The use of enemas with decoctions of laxative herbs or glycerin

Often, before childbirth, upon admission to the emergency department, enemas are performed to cleanse the intestines and stimulate labor. They, due to irritation of the intestines and the lower segment of the uterus, lead to softening of the cervix and stimulation of contractions, discharge of the cork and opening of the cervix. Such procedures will help only if the cervix is ​​ripe, ready for childbirth and the fetus is full-term.

Castor oil, senna and other herbal preparations, as well as magnesia, can threaten severe and, abdominal pain and cramps, which also threatens to provoke reflex vomiting and malaise. And if this is practiced against the background of an immature uterus, it threatens due to uterine hypertonicity.

Due to nutritional changes, it is possible to clean the intestines from feces in order to avoid then an enema before childbirth and slightly intensify labor activity. The effect is similar to the previous options, but softer. Given the fact that before childbirth, the intestines themselves prepare for an early birth and can weaken, while taking laxative foods, severe diarrhea is possible, which can be confused with an infectious one, which threatens childbirth in the observational department. Therefore, do not be zealous with salads, pineapples and vegetable oils, cabbage and beets. Contraindications to this method:

  • Placenta previa and threats of its abruption
  • Somatic pathologies leading to ailments, the risk of their exacerbation during childbirth.


It is forbidden to take laxatives without the permission of a doctor, especially if they are medicinal and strong drugs, they can significantly harm.

Various herbal infusions, decoctions, fees

Due to the content of natural biologically active components, many plants, herbs and trees have a variety of effects on pregnancy. Thus, many of the herbs used to stimulate labor have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of prostaglandins, which prepare the uterus and cervix for childbirth, make it softer and help dilation. Some of the drugs have a tonic and stimulating effect on the nervous system and muscle fibers, and some of the compounds have an anti-stress, antihypoxic, sedative effect - preparing the nervous system for a difficult test.

  • Raspberry jam, decoction or tea with raspberry leaves, which help in softening the cervix, increasing the elasticity of perineal tissues, if used from a period of 36 weeks.
  • Tea with cloves and cinnamon has a similar effect as raspberries.
  • Helps in the maturation of the cervix and increase the elasticity of the tissues of the perineum evening primrose oil. It is used both topically for perineal massage, and inside, it can now be bought in pharmacies in capsules. Due to the large amount of fatty acids, it stimulates the production of prostaglandins.
  • It has a similar effect to primrose. It is used from the 38th week of pregnancy to soften the cervix.

Contraindications to such drugs can be:

  • Individual intolerance to the components
  • Allergy in the form, contact
  • Some somatic pathologies,.


Before using such methods, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will determine the appropriateness of such actions, whether stimulation is needed for the cervix and childbirth.

Taking a bath with aromatic oils

There is evidence that some of the essential oils are capable of influencing physiological processes and hormone synthesis, while scientifically proven factors have not been published, but there are observational data and reviews of expectant mothers themselves. Usually essential oils are used in aroma lamps or added to the bath. There is evidence of the use of rose and jasmine oils, cloves, lavender. Inhaling the aromas of these oils up to four times a day can help induce labor. More often, aromatic oils are used for baths, sometimes with the addition of cream.

Contraindications to this method:

It is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath before childbirth, it can provoke placental abruption and bleeding, which threatens the life and health of both. In addition, in hot water it can become ill from a sharp expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in pressure, which is fraught with accidents (injuries, fractures, drowning).

Acupuncture, acupressure

The influence on the body of various types of influences is known - acupuncture, acupressure in the area of ​​reflexogenic points. There are certain points in the foot area, the irritation of which can help in accelerating the maturation of the cervix and starting labor in the next two days. Naturally, the surest method would be to irritate these points with the help of a specialist who knows exactly how and where to press. But if you do not have such acquaintances or the maternity hospital does not practice such innovations, you can stimulate yourself. One of the points is located between the big toe and forefinger, when pressed there, a slight soreness is felt. This point must be actively kneaded. There is also a point in the front of the top near the ankle or 4 fingers higher than the inner ankle bone. These zones also need to be actively kneaded with fingers (index or thumb) in circular motions at different angles. You need to press on the area several times for 10-15 seconds.

With reflexology, specialists can influence the points of the pituitary gland in the area of ​​the big toe, leading to a powerful release of oxytocin, as well as the area of ​​the bladder and cervix in the area of ​​the metatarsal bone. Irritation of the solar plexus point will allow a woman to remain calm and collected, and the point of the ovaries and uterus on the inside of the foot will help in starting contractions.

Contraindications can only be preterm pregnancy up to 38 weeks.


The effectiveness of these methods has not been scientifically proven.

balloon inflation

This method indirectly refers to increased physical activity, but this is done at the expense of the respiratory system. In addition, the process of inflating balloons according to the mechanisms is in many ways similar to those respiratory movements that are needed during contractions and attempts, and therefore the body can prepare for childbirth and start contractions through such training. It is necessary to inflate 10 balloons or more per day, but watching the well-being and dizziness, which are possible against the background of a sharp hyperventilation of the lungs.

Contraindications to this method:

  • Placenta previa and threats of its abruption
  • The presence of gestosis, hypertension, protein in the urine
  • Somatic pathologies leading to ailments, the risk of their exacerbation during childbirth
  • Respiratory diseases, asthma.
We recommend reading:

Medical ways to start the birth process

You can find recommendations before giving birth to put candles with papaverine or take it to relieve spasm from the cervix and relax it, soften it and then start labor. But such drugs without a doctor's prescription can only do harm, so you should not use them, just like any others. It is forbidden to use gels for the maturation of the cervix, various pills, including hormonal ones, without a doctor.

Funny Recipes: Sugar and Flashlight

Naturally, these tips have no real basis, but they circulate on the net and are passed down from generation to generation, reflected in classical literature. So, to speed up childbirth and rush the child, it is recommended to shine a flashlight into the birth canal. This is explained by the fact that the baby will go into the light, seeing the road from the dark uterus. Of course, this advice has no physiological basis - it's more fun than real benefit.

There is another advice from antiquity, in order to "lure" the child out of the uterus, you need to put a piece of sugar between the labia. Children love sweets and, supposedly, they will rush to the white world for its taste. Naturally, this advice also has no logical explanation, moreover, sugar can lead to a violation of the microflora and provocation of candidiasis, inflammation and complications in childbirth.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical commentator