Feeding the baby lying on its side. Lower breastfeeding. Rules for a comfortable feeding position

The baby should be fed in the most comfortable position for both himself and his mother. It is necessary to choose such that the baby is full and the woman rested. The correct position of the baby and the relaxed state of the mother create favorable conditions for the correct grip of the nipple, good outflow of milk, and contribute (Fig. 1).

Any mother tries to find the right position for feeding, so that it is comfortable not only for her, but also for her baby. However, experts advise periodically changing breastfeeding positions in order to avoid such an unpleasant and even dangerous phenomenon as milk stagnation.

  1. It is necessary to keep the baby level when feeding. Pay attention that the head, shoulders, legs and belly of the crumbs are turned in one direction.
  2. The baby's lips should be turned out, and the mouth should be open wide enough.
  3. The baby should capture not only the nipple, but also the halo around it, resting his chin on its lower part.
  4. Don't try to pull your breasts closer to your baby, place them closer to your body.
  5. Remember that skin-to-skin contact makes it easier and faster to feed your baby. Wear thin, lightweight fabrics. Breastfeeding babies should not be heavily wrapped either.
  6. A comfortable chair, a large number of pillows of different sizes will help the mother to change and find comfortable and correct feeding positions.
  7. You should not deviate to the side during feeding, otherwise the baby will have to reach for you, and the grip may deteriorate sharply.
  8. : Place it lengthwise on your hand so that you can hold the head with your palm (Fig. 2).

A young mother always chooses how to feed her baby. The woman quickly understands which feeding position is most suitable for her. But is it possible to feed a child if his position next to his mother is the same all the time, that is, the position does not change? Experts advise alternating breastfeeding positions to prevent mastitis, lactostasis, milk stagnation and other troubles. Because in one position only a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe breast is emptied, different lobes of the breast are emptied unevenly during sucking.

Let's consider the most popular methods.

Standing pose options

Often, a newly-made mother cannot sit after childbirth, so that the stitches from the episiotomy do not disperse. In this case, the question arises of how to properly feed, if for now it is only allowed to stand or lie down. Such positions for feeding a baby are also convenient because the baby can be rocked at the same time, he will quickly and easily fall asleep when he is full.

  1. "Cradle". The mother should take the newborn with one hand so that its head is on her elbow, with the other hand the baby should be held behind the back or butt. You also need to turn it with your tummy and lean it against your body. Pay attention that the baby's head is at the same height as the nipple and is very slightly thrown back (Fig. 3).
  2. "Cradle in reverse". Support the baby's head and chest with the other hand at the same time. This will help ensure proper latching at the very beginning of breastfeeding. Therefore, it is convenient to feed in this way immediately after birth (Fig. 4).
  3. In a sling scarf or ergo backpack. Once you have mastered the sling, it will be very easy for you to breastfeed while standing. Children tend to get used to this restraint quickly. After all, the baby is all the time at the mother's body, so lactation is perfectly stimulated. In addition, breastfeeding in a public place - in a polyclinic, in a dairy kitchen, on a walk - is no longer a problem (Fig. 5).
  4. On the hip. It is convenient to feed an older child by placing him on your thigh. This position helps to solve the problem of regurgitation and excessive gas formation in the baby (Fig. 6).
  5. Most often, women prefer to feed their baby lying down. This option has many advantages. Immediately after childbirth, episiotomy or cesarean section, when it is difficult to get up or change position, at night, especially if the mother and baby sleep together, with severe fatigue, if you want to relax and rest, breastfeeding in a horizontal position is very convenient.

We feed lying

  1. On the pillow. The baby lies on a flat pillow, and the mother leans on a more voluminous one. In this position, her elbow does not numb and the body can relax as much as possible (Fig. 7).
  2. On the hand. A good option for newborns. The head of the crumb is located on the elbow bend of the hand, which lies on the bed, with the other hand, the mother pushes the breast from above and makes sure that her mouth is at the level of the nipple (Fig. 8).
  3. "Overhang". The woman bends over the baby and gives him the far breast, as if "hanging" over the baby. It is necessary to periodically recall this position to prevent milk stagnation in the lower part of the breast (Fig. 9).
  4. On the side. If the baby has already outgrown the neonatal period and the family practices joint sleep, then the mother finds many advantages in feeding while lying on her side: the child eats at night, practically without waking up, and during the day a woman can simultaneously breastfeed the baby and not be distracted from working at a computer or tablet ( fig. 10).

Comfortable seated feeding positions

From the armpit. The woman supports the child under the neck, her fingers are under the head. To avoid bending, you can put your baby on a pillow. You should turn the baby sideways to yourself so that the mouth is at the level of the nipple, and the legs are behind the mother's back. This method is good after a caesarean section, since pressure on the abdomen is eliminated if the mother has flat nipples or the baby is anxious about feeding (Fig. 11).

Poses "Cradle" and "Cradle in reverse" may well be used by a woman when she is sitting.

Reclining. A great option in which mom can relax as much as possible. It is necessary to sit in a chair with a comfortable support, you can put several pillows. The baby lies on the mother vertically and captures the breast from below. The grip is deeper, and the baby sucks more actively, does not choke (Fig. 12).

Postures for clogged milk ducts

  1. Jack-feeding. The baby's legs are located opposite the mother's face. Both should lie on their side. Suitable if lactostasis is in the upper chest.
  2. If the lower ducts are inflamed, then it is necessary to feed from the armpit or in the positions "Cradle" and "Cradle vice versa".
  3. A focus of mastitis in the armpit. A relaxed position is suitable when the mother is in a half-sitting position.
  4. Lactostasis in the lateral sections from the sternum. Offer the baby the breast in a lateral or overhanging position (fig. 13)

Correct organization of the feeding process is equally important if the baby is on. Bottle feeding should be done in proven ways to avoid colic, excess air entrapment and, as a result, gas production.

Formula feeding positions

On the side. The baby lies in the crib, a diaper is placed under his head, folded several times, and a bottle is offered at an angle of 45 °.

Sitting. The mother or father rests on a pillow or the back of a chair. The child should be placed on one thigh so that he rests on the other. The baby's head needs to be held with a palm or placed on the elbow, with the other hand offer the mixture.

Face to mom. The baby's head is placed on the elbow, and the body is placed on the belly of a nursing woman. With your free hand, offer the bottle to the crumb. Pay attention that the baby does not bend, but lies straight and calm.

Every mom needs to know the feeding positions for her newborn. This will allow her to avoid some problems with the mammary gland: cracks, lactostasis, mastitis.

Most modern female representatives, even being already mothers, do not quite fully imagine how correct and comfortable breastfeeding actually looks like. Even those who are serious about breastfeeding imagine this process exclusively in the "cradle" position, some even manage not to try other positions during the entire period of breastfeeding. And this is very sad, since they miss the opportunity to show themselves and their baby how dynamic and spontaneous they are in their tandem.

In addition, mothers often forget about their comfort, if only "the child was good." Therefore, feeding, especially a newborn, often turns into a "feat" with a stiff back, neck and numb limbs. And this is fraught with such negative consequences as:

  • restless behavior of the child at the breast (he somehow feels that the mother is tense, and milk flows more difficult at the same time). When the child is uncomfortable, he begins to apply incorrectly, which may cause abrasions and cracks on the nipples;
  • due to the nervous tension and anxiety of the mother, the process of milk secretion can be suspended or completely blocked, and as a result, there is a lack of milk and lactostasis;
  • in the end, the mother gets the idea that this is not such a pleasant and rewarding business - breastfeeding, and as soon as possible it would all be over.

But the most important thing is convenience and comfort, both for the baby and the mother! A relaxed mother is a calm and well-fed baby.
So I would like to talk about in what positions to breastfeed so that the mother does not get tired, and the problems of breastfeeding do not overshadow the joy of motherhood.

Poses for feeding a baby lying

From this position, the mother's acquaintance with the process of feeding the baby most often begins, since often after giving birth, the mother cannot sit. Also, this position is convenient during night feedings and for laying the baby to sleep during the day.

Feeding the baby while lying down. Photo - depositphotos.com

You can feed lying down in any of the following ways:

Lying on my mother's arm

It looks like this: the mother's head lies on the pillow, the shoulders sink to the surface of the bed, while the mother holds the baby with her hand so that he maintains his position on his side, monitors the attachment. For convenience, you can put pillows or a blanket roller under your mother's back. At the same time, it is important to move the baby closer to you - this is how the correct grip of the breast will be ensured.

Lying on its side

At the same time, the baby lies next to the breast, resting his head against the mother's armpit. The mother's hand from the side of the baby can simply lie on the surface of the bed. Behind the baby's back, it is necessary to place a roller so that the baby does not fall on his back, losing the correct attachment to the breast.

Lying on a pillow

In this position, it is very convenient to feed with the upper breast, so as not to shift the baby to the other side. The mother can support her head with her hand or lie down on the pillow, holding the baby with her free hand. In this position, it is important to ensure that the lower chest is not pinched by the weight of the body.

Lying on your mother's stomach ("relaxed feeding")

The baby lies on the mother's stomach - tummy down. This position is ideal for feeding twins at the same time, for preventing flooding with a strong gushing stream of milk when sucking, as well as for intestinal colic in young children. It is better if the mother in this position is reclining, with her head and shoulders slightly raised, surrounding herself with a comfortable support of pillows.

Relaxed feeding. Photo - depositphotos.com


The position is identical to the “lying on its side” position with only one difference - the baby lies with its legs up, towards the mother's head. The position is rarely used, but it is excellent for the problem of congestion in the upper chest. In this case, it is important to ensure that the baby is turned towards the mother with his whole body, for this it is necessary to put a roller under his back.

The most common mistakes when lying down are hanging over your baby, leaning on your hand, or keeping your elbow under a pillow. It's hard to feed in this position for a long time - the back and arms get very tired.

Seated feeding positions


The most famous position. It is important to make sure that the child is not positioned sideways to the mother, but face. The tummy is pressed against the mother's belly. The back is straight, the baby should neither hunch over nor lean back strongly.

Feeding the baby in the "Cradle" position. Photo - depositphotos.com

So that the mother's hands do not get tired, you can put a pillow under the baby and your hand, put your feet on a stool, in general, provide yourself with maximum comfort.

A common mistake in this position is to feed the baby's breast, leaning forward, instead of attracting the baby to you. This puts unnecessary stress on the muscles in the neck and back.

Cross cradle

A variation of the first pose, the difference is that the child lies not on the elbow, but on the mother's palm (the palm grasps the baby's head in the back of the head), while giving the breast opposite to the mother's hand. This is the most comfortable position for novice nurses, in which the easiest way is to put the breast in the baby's mouth with your free hand according to all the rules and during the entire feeding to monitor the correct grip of the breast. When the attachment has taken place, the mother does not hurt, you can change hands, as in the "cradle" position.

Cross-cradle feeding. Photo - depositphotos.com

From under the arm ("soccer grip")

In this position, the child is located to the side of the mother, as if looking out of the armpit. The mother supports the baby's head under the neck, its legs are behind the mother's back. The child is turned with his tummy to his mother's side, his mouth is at the level of the nipple of the breast, so that the mother does not have to bend, they put a pillow to the required height. The pose is very effective in case of congestion in the lower and lateral lobes of the breast, when learning how to attach correctly, when feeding after a caesarean section (no pressure on the seams), when feeding twins and in many other situations.

There is only one conclusion: a nursing mother should feed her baby in this position at least once a day. In this case, it is important to ensure that there is a comfortable support for the mother's back.

Standing baby feeding positions

Possession of these feeding positions makes the mother quite mobile, allowing her to do some simple household chores without taking the baby off her breast.

Standing motion sickness

The main position for feeding is standing. Mom hugs the baby with both hands, pressing his tummy to her belly. The main load should fall on the bends of the elbows - we fix the baby's head with one hand, and his buttocks with the other.

A common mistake is that a mother tries to hold her baby with her palms alone. It is much harder, more impractical and unsafe for the baby.

Baby on mom's hip

There is also such a variant of attachment to the breast. The position is convenient when feeding a grown fidget, as well as in a situation where the baby is prone to regurgitation - an upright position can alleviate or solve this problem.

If you are using a baby sling, the number of possible standing feeding positions increases markedly. Also, thanks to the sling, one hand is freed up, with which you can perform many other urgent matters, and your back gets significant relief - because now the weight of the baby's weight is evenly distributed.

Breastfeeding in a sling. Photo - depositphotos.com

Standing Feeding Older Children

The best connoisseurs and inventors of comfortable feeding positions are the older kids: sliders and sliders. To kiss the chest "on the run", they sometimes do the most real acrobatic stunts. But by this time, mothers are already becoming such experienced nurses that they are able to quickly satisfy the baby's urgent need for milk, almost without interrupting their daily activities.

From what position to breastfeed is important, of course. But it is even more important, when settling down with a baby for feeding, to be sensitive to the sensations of your body.

The process of breastfeeding does not require heroic efforts at all. On the contrary, it requires maximum relaxation and a positive attitude so that the baby can easily and freely enjoy the most valuable that nature has created for him. So make yourself comfortable and feed as you please.

Inna Tarasyuk, GW consultant, specially for the site Active Mom

Having given birth to their first child, many women face problems when breastfeeding their baby. And experienced mothers need to adapt. After all, every child is different. And what worked great with one may not work for the other. The mother needs to choose the appropriate posture for feeding the newborn: sitting, lying, standing - and teach the baby to breastfeed correctly.

You can look at pictures of breastfeeding moms on the Internet and in books, or find a video that suits you.

Let's first consider some general rules for latching a baby to the breast:

  • baby's body: ear, shoulder, legs and tummy - should be located in one straight line. The head turned to one side makes swallowing difficult. Muscle clamps may also occur;
  • newborns must be completely wrapped from head to toe, carefully fix the head of the crumbs, the back of the head must be free
  • the baby's neck should be straightened, it is inconvenient to suck, lying with the head thrown back, bent forward or turned to the side;
  • mom should be in a comfortable position. The child is attracted to the mother, and not, on the contrary, the woman is drawn to the baby;
  • the nipple in the mouth must be inserted deeply: not only the nipple itself, but also the areola. The capture must be asymmetrical, i.e. the bottom is larger than the top. During the feeding process, you need to constantly monitor so that the baby does not crawl onto the nipple. This is especially important at the first stage, while the child has not yet learned to suckle correctly correctly, as well as for weak and premature babies;
  • the baby's mouth should be wide open, the lips are slightly turned outward. There should be no smacking or clicking when sucking. If you hear such sounds, then the child needs to check the bridle. She may be a little short. In this case, it will be trimmed and the baby will not have problems with sucking;
  • the mother should not experience any pain during feeding.

Correct attachment is shown in the following video.

Correct feeding positions are the key to comfort for mom and baby. They allow to ensure correct attachment, to empty the breast as completely as possible, to avoid lactostasis and nipple cracks. And in the end, organize successful breastfeeding. It's so wonderful when mom and baby enjoy their intimacy, communication and breastfeeding.


The most famous, classic pose. If you ask any adult to draw a nursing woman, then most will portray the mother and baby that way. Despite its fame, feeding in the "cradle" has enough subtleties.

Mom should be in a comfortable position. You can put a pillow under your back, put a bench under your feet. In the first months, until the woman has adapted, the pillow will be correctly placed under the elbow. It's a good idea to sit comfortably in the pillows several times and ask your husband or grandmother to serve the newborn. It is convenient to feed in a rocking chair.

The baby's tummy and legs should be pressed against the mother. The head is at the bend of the elbow. The newborn must be supported under the ass. Little children worry if they don't feel securely supported. The mouth should be positioned against the nipple. If the baby is low, then it is advisable to put a pillow under it. Otherwise, feeding will take place practically on weight, and the woman will quickly get tired.

Cross cradle

The classic "cradle" has one significant drawback: it is very inconvenient to adjust the baby's grip with the elbow. This is very important at first.

In the “cross cradle”, the mother holds the baby with her opposite breastfeeding breast with her hand. At the same time, the second hand is free, and it is convenient for it to gently give the breast to the baby. When the baby has correctly picked up the breast and started to suckle, hands can be changed, as long feeding in the “cross cradle” is tiresome.

Standing pose, motion sickness

We can say that this is a standing cradle. At the same time, the mother is standing or walking slowly around the room with the child in her arms. It is convenient to feed this way when it is time for the baby to sleep, but he cannot calm down in any way. But it's best not to use this pose often. If the child gets used to constant motion sickness, then it will be very difficult to wean him.

From under the armpit

Not the most famous, but comfortable and very useful position. The baby is lying on the pillow on the side of the mother. The baby's mouth should be against the nipple. The mother holds and guides the baby's head with one hand, and gives him the breast with the other. The pose is suitable for teaching weak newborns and premature babies to suck. In addition, it allows the lower and lateral lobes of the breast to be freed from milk, where stagnation occurs most often. If a woman feeds in this position at least once a day, then she is almost guaranteed to have no lactostasis.

This pose is also useful in the following cases:

  • large breasts;
  • after a cesarean section;
  • when feeding twins.

Lying on my mother's hand

Very comfortable position for night feeding of the baby. Mom can give the baby a breast on the bed, practically without waking up. The woman lies on her side. Only the head should be on the pillow. The child also lies on its side, and the mother holds and guides him with her lower hand, on which the child's head lies.

For convenience, the mother can put pillows under the back of herself and the child. It is better to put the newborn on the pillow itself, so that it is more convenient for him to suck. The pose is often used after a cesarean section or episiotomy. If the mother's breast is large and soft, then a rolled-up diaper should be placed under it.

Upper breast feeding

If for some reason the mother does not want to roll over on her other side at night, then you can lay the baby on the pillow and feed him from the upper breast. The baby should be located exactly lying on its side. On his back with his head turned, it will be uncomfortable for him to suck. This pose relieves mid-chest congestion.

Lying Jack

An unusual and rarely used pose. Meanwhile, it helps to eliminate lactostasis in the upper lobes of the breast. The baby in this position lies on its side, under the back he needs to put a pillow. The legs are located at the mother's head.

All recumbent breastfeeding positions are best practiced only after the baby has learned to suckle well. If the mother falls asleep, does not follow the baby, and he slides off the areola, then the nipple may be injured by the baby's gums.


The mother stands on all fours over the baby or hangs over the changing table. The kid should lie on the barrel, not on his back. This position is useful for babies who move from the bottle to the breast, milk in it flows out of the breast more easily. "Hanging" is a good prevention of lactostasis in any part of the breast. But for a long time in this position, of course, it is impossible to feed.

Lying baby on top

The process of feeding a child should take place in the most comfortable conditions and not cause unnecessary trouble. You need to choose the right position for breastfeeding so that the mother can relax and unwind, and the baby should be properly satiated. In a favorable environment, the outflow of milk is easier, but in an uncomfortable position, on the contrary, problems with the breast may arise, including cracks in the nipples or lactostasis.

Although every mother tries to intuitively find a comfortable position for feeding her baby, it is best to know several possible options that may be useful in different situations. In addition, to reduce the likelihood of milk stagnation, it is recommended to periodically change the position, since in each position only certain areas of the breast are emptied.

Whichever position you choose, there are several rules for comfortable feeding:

  • The body of the baby should be in one direction, that is, the head, shoulders, tummy and legs are turned in one direction.
  • It is best to hold newborns obliquely along the whole body, while supporting their head.
  • Make yourself comfortable without leaning sideways or pulling your chest towards the baby. Better to pull the baby closer to you.
  • It is necessary to give the breast so that the baby captures not only the nipple itself, but also part of the areola (areola), mostly from below.
  • The lips of an infant should be twisted slightly during feeding, and the mouth should be wide open.
  • For a comfortable seating position, have several pillows, from small to large, to fit under your arms, lower back, or head.
  • Thanks to the skin-to-skin contact, milk is released more easily, so it is advisable to choose thin fabrics in clothes for yourself and your baby at the time of feeding.

By following the basic rules, you can make the feeding process convenient in any of the selected positions. And yet, what positions for breastfeeding are there and in what cases is it better to use them?

Cradle pose

This position is considered classic. Sitting on an armchair or sofa, a woman holds the baby in her hand under the breast with which she is going to feed. The child's head at this time is located at the level of the elbow bend. If the baby was born quite recently, then the mother holds him by her butt with her palm, and if he is already several months old - by the back. The baby is turned towards the mother's breast, belly to belly.

To make it more comfortable to hold the baby to your breast, you can arrange your legs on a small elevation. For added comfort, place a pillow under your back and lean your elbows on it. In this position, it is difficult, out of habit, to keep the weight of the baby on his own hand for a long time, so it is recommended to lean your elbow on some object. Such support can be, for example, a pillow or armrest of a chair.

One variation of this position is standing feeding. Thus, moving with smooth steps around the bedroom, the mother can rock the baby and put him to bed.

Another kind of pose is the "cross cradle". The situation remains the same, only the hand with which you grasp the baby changes. If the baby is sucking from the right breast, you support him with your left hand, and vice versa. This position is suitable for newborns, since it is convenient for the mother to hold the baby's head with her palm and make sure that he takes the breast in the correct way.

Pose "from under the arm"

The baby is in a prone position, to the side of the mother, as if peeping out from under the mother's hand. In this case, it is recommended to put a pillow of a suitable height under the baby's body. The baby's legs lie behind the mother's back, and the stomach is pressed against the mother's side. The woman sits and holds the baby with her hand on the side from which he is located, and supports his head with her palm. You can slightly vary the position by feeding reclining or leaning on your side, which is especially suitable for women who are forbidden to sit for some time after giving birth.

This pose has a number of advantages:

  1. The mother can guide the baby's head and control the latch of the breast.
  2. The position is relevant for mothers with flat nipples or large breasts.
  3. The baby actively empties those lobes of the mammary gland that are located below and in the armpit area.
  4. Milk stagnation occurs quite often in this area.
  5. The baby does not put pressure on the seam on the mother's abdomen if she has had a caesarean section.
  6. The position is relevant for simultaneous feeding of twins.

Pose "lying on the side"

This position is great for night feedings, as it allows the mother to rest. This pose has two variations:

  • Feeding from the lower breast. Mom settles down on her side, and the baby lies on her arm and is completely turned towards her. Do not put the baby on the back, turning his head, it will be difficult for him to swallow milk. With the hand that is on top, put the breast into the baby's mouth. A pillow is placed under the mother's head, while the shoulders and back are not lifted by any means. Alternatively, place your arm bent at the elbow on a pillow near or under your head. To keep the baby in a prone position and not roll over from side to back, you can prop him up from behind with a pillow or rolled up blanket. If you have large breasts, place a diaper rolled up underneath.
  • Feeding from the upper breast. Mom and baby are in a prone position facing each other on their side. To provide the child with comfort, it is better to put him on a pillow and hug him with your free hand. This position will come in handy if you have milk stagnation closer to the center of the chest. In addition, it is not forbidden to apply the position if the mother fed the baby from the lower breast and she does not want to roll over. Of the disadvantages of the posture, a rather large load on my mother's hand can be noted, because she has to lean on it and slightly raise her body.

Jack Pose

This position is similar to the “lying on its side” position, but the child is positioned in the opposite direction, as if upside down. This position helps to cope with lactostasis in the upper chest, because the baby sucks most effectively in the area where his lower jaw is located.

Pose "lying on the back"

This position is also called "Australian" or "telephone", since the baby is lying on the mother's breast like a receiver on old telephones. A woman can maintain the correct position of the baby so that he does not roll off with her hands. It is easy to move into this position from a sitting position if you lean back on your back.

This position can be useful for mothers whose babies cannot cope with a large flow of milk. The child swallows less milk, and therefore does not choke. This position is also well suited for newborns, as the infant needs less effort to grasp the breast deeply. Another advantage of the position is stimulation of the baby's tummy, which prevents colic and gas.

Overhang pose

Mom gets on all fours and, as it were, hangs over the baby, laying him on the pillow, slightly turned on the side. Alternatively, you can arrange your child to lie on the changing table and bend over him. This posture will improve your condition during lactostasis, as the outflow of milk is easier. This position is also suitable for weak babies who find it difficult to suck. Nevertheless, it is not convenient to feed in this position for a long time.

Hip Pose

This position is suitable for babies who can sit, that is, most often after reaching the age of six months. Minus the position - there is a high probability that the child will be taken by curiosity and he will twist his head while feeding, so it will have to be carefully held at all times.

Kneeling pose

The mother places the baby on her lap in a sitting position. This position is useful if the baby is blown out: he has a stuffy nose or pains in his ears. In this position, the discomfort of the crumbs will be less. The situation is also relevant for those children who tend to swallow too much milk and regurgitate it.

Standing pose (baby is standing)

This position is more suitable for those children who already know how to walk, but you can try to use it earlier. The pose can be used to calm a sobbing baby by applying it to the chest for a few minutes.

Standing pose (mom is standing)

If your child is playing out and does not want to sleep in any, but it is time to put him down, you can offer him a chest while standing. If at the same time you gently sway, the baby will quickly fall asleep. What is valuable, this position is suitable for both a newborn and an older baby.

Sling feeding

Modern mothers often carry their baby in a sling with them wherever they go. This accessory not only does not interfere, but also promotes breastfeeding. By organizing feeding in a sling, the mother can even move in parallel and do simple housework.

Twins feeding positions

While the newly minted mother is mastering the intricacies of latching to the breast, she can feed the twins in turn. However, to save time, it doesn't hurt to get the hang of and arrange simultaneous feeding, for which the following positions are suitable:

  • The “under the arm” position is very convenient if there are suitable pillows to place the little ones on them.
  • You can hold the twins in a "cradle" so that their legs touch in front.
    Position yourself so that one baby is in a lying position in the "cradle", and the other is looking out "from under the arm."

Feeding during pregnancy

It becomes more difficult for a mother who is expecting a baby to feed an older child. Many poses are no longer suitable due to the noticeably enlarged mother's tummy and restrictions on lifting weights. Various devices come to the rescue, such as a special pillow for pregnant women. You can lay the baby on it, raising it in this way to the height of your mother's chest. At the same time, the mother can feed while sitting or lying down.

There is also a "over the shoulder" pose. In this case, the mother settles down lying or reclining so that she is as comfortable as possible. To the right or left of you, you must put a pillow or rolled up blanket so that you can lay the child on it. Then the mother puts the baby on her shoulder on her tummy, head to chest. At the same time, the legs remain behind the shoulder on a pillow or blanket. In this position, the mother's back is relaxed, the abdomen is free, and the baby has free access to the mother's breast.

Each mother is individual and has personal preferences, and children have different temperaments. Therefore, a woman will have to choose a position for feeding her crumbs from the variety presented. The main thing is that the mother can relax and get pleasant emotions from the feeding process, and the baby remains well-fed and peaceful.

In the first 3 months after giving birth, a newborn, if he is breastfeeding, hangs on his chest almost all the time - he needs mother's milk - a lot and often. Until a relatively stable feeding schedule has been established and lactation has not improved, it is better for mom to prepare to spend a long time with the baby at the breast. In order not to initially create a negative attitude towards breastfeeding and not get tired of long and frequent feedings, you need not so much - just learn the basic postures for feeding and start putting them into practice as soon as possible after birth.

It is known that the more comfortable the nursing mother is, the more fruitful the saturation will be - the child will be able to properly suck on the breast (of course, with the help of the mother), and the milk will flow freely and in the necessary flow.

  1. Before you are going to feed your baby, you need to get several pillows of different sizes - they will help you get comfortable: one can be placed under your lower back or back to take the correct position, on the other you can put a newborn so that your hands do not get so tired.
  2. Maybe you will like a special feeding pillow. Or, you will appreciate the convenience of a footrest (try what you have at hand: a basin, upside-down, a large saucepan or box).
  3. In addition to pillows, prepare for yourself a book or magazine for reading - the crumb may well not let you go for a long time, and interesting reading will help you not to get bored during feeding.
  4. Keep a glass of liquid nearby: water, compote or tea - in the process of saturating the baby, the woman constantly wants to drink, especially the first months.
  5. In the first weeks, when you are just getting used to each other, it is better to choose comfortable positions for feeding your newborn: during the day it is a "cradle", "from under the arm", and at night - "on the mother's arm." Later, when you become more experienced and more confident in yourself, you can experiment - start feeding and rocking at the same time, or feeding while walking on the street in a sling.


One of the simplest and most comfortable poses. To feed the baby, you need to sit comfortably, leaning against the back of a chair or placing a pillow under your back, the newborn needs to be put on your hand opposite the chest to which you are going to apply it. At the same time, the baby's head lies on the mother's elbow, and with her palm she grabs his ass (if the baby is newborn), or holds it under the back (if the baby is older).

There is one drawback in this position - when the baby is just learning to apply, the mother is not very accustomed to holding the head - here it is more comfortable to use the palm rather than the elbow.

"Reverse cradle"

To quickly and intelligently teach your toddler how to latch onto the breast - which is very important to do as soon as possible - try using a modified cradle position. In this case, the baby's head must be held with the other hand - the opposite breast from which you are going to feed the baby. Your palm should support the back and shoulders of the baby, and his head should be in your palm. If, when you bring the newborn to your chest, you see that its head is tilted back a little, then first put your chin to your chest, not your nose. This will help the baby to better capture the areola. However, there is a drawback here too: your hand will quickly get tired because it has the entire weight of a newborn on it. A small pillow will help here, which should be placed under the palm of your hand and lean on it or change hands when the baby is already well sucked to the breast.

"From under the arm"

This pose helps out in situations where you need to adjust the attachment of the baby. The newborn needs to be placed on the side of you, it will seem to look out of your mother's armpit. So you can control the tilt of the baby's head and quickly teach him to correctly and fully capture the nipple and areola.

Another advantage of this position is that the baby can completely empty those milk lobules that are located below and on the side, they are the most "milk" part of the breast. Therefore, feeding in a position from under the arm is the prevention of lactostasis (milk stagnation in the breast). You need to put a pillow under the baby's torso. It is also perfect for mothers who have undergone a cesarean section - the baby does not press on the injured mother's belly.

Feeding and sleeping at the same time is a reality! Side position will help

At night, when the mother wants to sleep especially, it is very convenient to put the baby to the breast, lying on its side. With a certain skill and some experience, the mother has a chance to even doze off while feeding, but this is possible only if you and the baby do not have tummy problems. The main thing is to master the basic postures for lying down.

"On Mom's Hand"

The basic rule to follow when feeding while lying down is that the head of a newborn should lie charmingly on your hand, this helps the baby's mouth to be at the level of your breast. The ear and shoulder of the crumbs should form a single line, and the tummy is turned towards yours, the mouth is directly opposite the nipple. With your upper hand, you need to hold your chest a little, and put a pillow under your head. Pay attention to an important point - only your head and hand should lie on the pillow, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for you to feed while lying down.

"Lying next to mom"

Another pose - the newborn needs to be placed next to you, with your upper hand you need to firmly press the baby to you. Keep in mind that the baby must be on its side, it must not be allowed to lie on its back and its head is turned to the side - it will be very difficult for him to swallow mother's milk. It is better to put a folded blanket or a small pillow in several layers under the baby's torso so that his torso is at the level of your chest.

Common feeding mistakes

You can not feed a newborn, leaning on the elbow, while hanging over the baby. You will quickly get tired of such feeding, because it is quite difficult to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time. In addition, in this position, the baby will have to eat sisya at a very uncomfortable angle, while his nose will close strongly, and his chin will be very far from the areola, and the chest will constantly fall out of his mouth. And the last thing - in most cases the crumb will lie on your back with the head turned to one side, which does not contribute to good saturation.

"Lying astride my mother"

The position when the mother lies on her back is very popular. It is also called relaxed feeding. In this position, the newborn lies on top of the mother's belly, who holds him with both hands. Mom helps the baby to find the breast on his own, after a while after such attempts, the baby himself will easily find and pinch the sis, as the innate seeking reflex will work.

This position is simply irreplaceable if a woman has a very strong flow of milk, and the newborn is choking on it. With relaxed feeding, the milk flows in a trickle upward and not so much. In addition, it is easier for a newborn to grasp the areola and nipple more fully.

For relaxed feeding, it is convenient to quickly change from the usual sitting position: all you need to do is, holding the baby, lean back and lie more comfortably on your back.

The correct position for breastfeeding is a very conditional concept. The basic rule is that you both should be comfortable and comfortable. And don't forget about pillows - they are your best helpers in any position!

Watch the video to dispel your last doubts.