Rite of farewell to the maiden name at a bachelorette party. farewell ceremony

The ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is a beautiful and, at the same time, a simple ritual that can be performed in various ways. For many brides, this rite becomes not so much an on-duty wedding competition, but an awareness of the upcoming changes in their personal lives. But depending on how and where it is planned to carry out this ceremony, it can be romantic or humorous. Now for the details...

When can you say goodbye?
Many of the brides are ready to say goodbye to their maiden name at a bachelorette party, after the redemption of the bride or immediately after the wedding ceremony, not far from the doors of the registry office. Persons who are patient can carry out the ritual at the very end of the gala evening.

How to spend "Farewell to the maiden name"?
I think the meaning of the ceremony is extremely clear: the bride symbolically says goodbye to her past, free life, and for this she needs to “let go” of her old surname. Of course, this ceremony is logical to carry out when the bride takes her husband's surname. Here it will be important to conduct this ceremony not in dull silence, but nevertheless to prepare a touching, or, conversely, a cheerful farewell speech-oath.

For example, like this:
I, (full name), solemnly say goodbye to my maiden name (name is called). I promise to always honor and remember her, no matter what happens in my life. In the name of my happy family life, I undertake not to return my old surname under any circumstances.

Or like this:
I, (full name), being here today in my right mind and memory, make this decision. I say goodbye to my maiden name - (surname) and undertake, despite all the hardships and hardships of family life, to proudly wear my new surname. I swear to groom and cherish her, not to disgrace and wear with honor. Honestly, honestly! I swear!

Or this touching one:
Dear Mom and Dad!
My dear, my good ones,
Only recently I was a baby.
I was raised, they sang songs,
When I was sick, I didn't sleep at night.
Then you took me to school
I drew sticks in a notebook
And I read my first books -
And you also experienced childhood.
Somehow I've grown up
And you didn't even look back
And now I became a bride,
Dreams and dreams have now come true.
We cannot change the law of life,
Children cannot live with their mother forever.
Now I walk through life with my husband,
And at the solemn hour, I remind you
How much I love you, you know yourself.
I say goodbye to the surname, not to you!

Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with water

The bride prepares the boat in advance. And here, in general, it does not matter what it will be: paper or wooden, small or large. The main thing that needs to be done is to write your old maiden name on the sail of your boat and let it sail freely. Ideal for a wedding by the sea or river.

- Surname "in a bottle"
After the wedding, champagne is usually uncorked. Don't throw away the bottle - use it for your wedding ritual of saying goodbye to your maiden name. Everything is extremely simple - we take a piece of paper, write our maiden name on it, fold the piece of paper and cork it into a bottle. And the bottle itself is immersed in the "abyss of the sea" well, or in any other body of water that comes across on your wedding route.
Both options are good because they do not require any costs. But, in the case of a bottle, you will have to think about the environment.

Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with fire
Since ancient times, people have believed that fire can purify and regenerate. And even today, the flame retains some special magic for us. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that some brides associate the farewell ceremony with their maiden name with fire.
The ritual is no more difficult than the previous two. The bride takes a piece of paper, writes her last name on it and then burns it. You can at the same time burn everything that you would like to say goodbye to before starting a new family life, leaving only the best in your new family.

Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with air
- Chinese lanterns
Who among us has not seen how quickly small lights of Chinese lanterns fly into the sky during the holidays? Beautiful, romantic and affordable at the same time. All you need is a Chinese flashlight (or rather a few) and a marker. The bride writes her last name on a flashlight to the storm of applause of the guests and, with the support of the groom, launches her maiden name into the sky. Of course, it is better to carry out such a ritual in the evening and in calm weather.

- Balloons
Perhaps the most popular incarnation of the ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is her launch into the sky in balloons. But even here you will find many options for implementing this idea. From budget solutions, when the bride seals her last name in a postal envelope and signs her old name on it, to rather expensive volumetric letters that professionals can make and that are launched into the sky with many balloons. But in fact, if you really want to, you can easily and simply make such a garland with your own hands.

— Let's burst?!
If you are not ready to let go of your maiden name on all four sides, there is such an option. You will need two balloons of different sizes. A bundle with the new surname of the bride is placed in a small ball, or they simply write a new surname on a small ball. Now the small ball is placed inside the large ball. The balls are inflated. The bride then writes her maiden name and signs on the large balloon. The task of the bride is to arrange so that the balloon with her old name simply bursts. But if the guests want a little fun, the task can be complicated - ask the groom to help his beloved get rid of the old surname, for example, without the help of hands.

Or... let's eat!
In this case, you will need small cakes, macaroons or chocolates. We write letters from the maiden name with edible pencils and joyfully eat. Only here the snag can be if the bride's surname turns out to be very long. I'll have to call my husband for help ...

Quite a popular and fun ceremony among many brides is farewell in the maiden name at a bachelorette party. This tradition has become widespread quite recently, but has already recommended it to many brides.

The farewell ceremony with the maiden name takes place as follows. The bride, together with her bridesmaids, attaches her last name to balloons inflated with helium.

The bride's surname can be written on a regular sheet of paper, or originally designed in beautiful bright letters. After all the preparations are ready, the bride must go outside and release balloons into the sky, to which her maiden name is attached. The interpretation of this rite is quite a lot. So, for example, a bride can write her last name on a sky lantern and also launch it into the sky. If a girl lives near a body of water, she can write her maiden name on a piece of paper, put it in a bottle, and throw it into the water.

By the way, many brides often use this rite during the wedding ceremony, ordering a ball with her last name for this. During the wedding banquet, the bride must burst the balloon with her maiden name.

And inside such a ball, as a rule, there is a smaller ball, on which the husband's surname is written.

Rida Khasanova May 31, 2018, 22:12

A wedding is a beautiful holiday, in which there are not only solemn moments, but also entertainment. Therefore, the newlyweds try to spend the whole day carefree and fun. Farewell to the surname of the bride's youth is becoming more and more popular ritual, which can be both serious, carrying a sacred meaning and a touching, beautiful rite. This moment will stand out against the background of other entertainments and will become an important moment of understanding the seriousness of marriage, especially for a girl.

Rite before the registry office

There are many options for saying goodbye to the bride's last name. This is usually arranged in front of everyone present at the guests' feast. But the ceremony can be made more intimate and serious for the bride.

The most important thing is to understand the bride that she is changing not only her last name, but also her status and her whole life.

On the morning before the wedding, the bride and her friend are alone in the room. A friend puts a beautiful saucer, lights a candle and puts a pen and paper on the table. During this, she should say something like this:

- Today you will become the wife of your husband, and your life, and you yourself will completely change. Today there will be a farewell to childhood, to youth, to many habits. And even with part of the name - with his surname. In a few minutes, your fiancé will enter this room and take you to the registry office. There you will receive a paper that will say that you have a new surname, and you will never be called as before.

After these words, you need to invite the newlywed for the last time to write your last name of youth on a piece of paper. At such a moment the girl often ceases to treat the ceremony as a game. The realization comes that by changing her surname, she changes her fate.

Candle and paper for ceremony

Then the bride should crush the leaf into a ball, put it on a saucer and set it on fire with a candle. Now the groom can pick up the girl and leave for the registry office. After such an exciting ceremony, the marriage ceremony will be realized by the young especially fully and deeply.

How to say goodbye to your maiden name at a wedding

Any farewell ceremony with a maiden name consists precisely in the fact that the bride in some way "destroys" the old surname and getting ready to wear a new one. You can look at popular ideas, or come up with your own original way.

Ideas for parting with the maiden name at the wedding:

  1. For a wedding taking place on the banks of a river or sea, you can arrange boat launch from paper or wood. On the sail you need to write the name of the girl and let her go free swimming.
  2. Near the reservoir, you can use another option: write the name on paper, roll it into a tube and cork in a glass bottle and solemnly cast into the water depths.
  3. Launching a surname into the sky is the most popular way, which has several options. A maiden name is cut out of lightweight material and tied to balloons filled with helium. Then the whole structure is sent to the sky. Instead of balloons, you can use a Chinese lantern, and write letters on its surface. It will turn out an unusual and romantic ritual of farewell to the maiden name.
  4. It is unusual, but very symbolic, to get rid of the maiden name with the help of fire. A sheet of paper with the bride's surname handwritten is solemnly burned to the appropriate musical accompaniment.
  5. The original way blowing up a family name. To do this, a huge balloon is filled with confetti and multi-colored sparkles. On its surface, the bride writes her old surname with a marker, and then, to the applause of the guests, she bursts this ball together with the groom.
  6. Write with edible pencils surname letters on tiny cakes. And eat them! If the surname is very long, you can call the groom and wedding witnesses for help.

The bride sends a boat with a surname into the water

The bride pops a balloon with her maiden name

Despite the many options for saying goodbye to the surname of the bride, most often girls choose option with launching into the sky in balloons. This is a very beautiful process, but in order for it to turn out perfect and not spoil the impression, it is important to consider a few points:

  • the letters that make up the surname should be large enough to leave a pleasant memory in the form of photographs;
  • you should calculate how much weight the balls can lift, because their number will depend on the material from which the surname is made;
  • take into account security measures, because the surname will land sooner or later, so no one and nothing should suffer from its fall.

In order for the name with balloons to effectively soar into the sky, there must be calm and dry weather, otherwise the letters may get tangled in wires or trees, or not take off at all

The time for saying goodbye to the surname can also be different. Recommended consult with the event organizer- he will be able to tell you when it will be convenient to do it, based on the wishes of the bride.

If you want to conduct this ceremony more seriously and thoughtfully, then you can take time for it during the ransom or before leaving for the registry office. While the groom is coming for the bride, she will carry out the process of farewell to the surname, which she will part with in the next few hours - very symbolic.

Also from the rite you can arrange integer representation if you spend it during the festivities after the wedding ceremony and photo shoot. For particularly patient brides, the ceremony is proposed to be held in the middle or at the end of the wedding banquet between competitions and dances.

Farewell to the surname of the bride during the festivities

How to make last name letters

You can make letters for parting with a surname from different materials. If you plan to send them to the sky in balloons, then the material should be light. For example:

  • Styrofoam;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated board;
  • wire frame covered with light fabric;
  • plastic.

How to make letters from foam with your own hands - this is the easiest option - before you start cutting, you need to prepare:

  • foam in the form of sheets;
  • sharp clerical knife;
  • thick paper;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • sandpaper.

Lay out sheets of thick paper on the table and write letters. Of which the surname consists. Cut with scissors - get patterns. They should be attached to the foam and circled with a bright felt-tip pen.

You should not take the foam left over from the packaging, as the letters cut out of it run the risk of crumbling even before the ceremony of farewell to the surname

Cut out the letters from the styrofoam using a utility knife with a thin blade. An ordinary kitchen will not be able to make smooth lines and will get stuck in the layers of material. Movements must be slow to get rounded lines.

When the surname is completely carved, the entire surface needs work with sandpaper to make it smooth. If you skip this step, the letters may start to crumble at the corners and look untidy.

Styrofoam last name

Whether to say goodbye to the maiden name or not is the decision of the bride. But if there is a ceremony, then you need to responsibly approach its preparation so that it really makes the bride feel the seriousness of the step of entering family life and changing status. Saying goodbye can be funny or serious, but in any case, it can be touching and memorable for a lifetime.

Your lover proposed to you, and now all your thoughts are busy preparing for the wedding? Don't forget the bachelorette party - your last party as a single woman. Organize gatherings with girlfriends and have fun from the heart. Balloons will help you make this day unforgettable.

A symbolic farewell to the maiden name will help to mentally prepare for the wedding and the upcoming changes in life. This can be done in many ways, but in our opinion, the most beautiful and romantic thing is to release helium balloons with your name into the sky.

Option 1. Order a bundle of helium balloons and tie a paper garland with your maiden name on it, as shown in the photo. Letters can be written on paper or cut out of it.

Option 2 . Make a horizontal inscription with your name from thick cardboard or foam plastic and tie helium balloons to it in such a quantity that it is guaranteed to take off into the sky. The heavier the material, the more balls you will need.

Option 3. Write your maiden name right on the balloons. One ball - one letter. Give them to your girlfriends and on the count of "Three!" release the balloons together into the sky.

Option 4. Tie to each gel balloon one letter from your last name, cut out of cardboard or foam. Line up the girlfriends in a row, give each a balloon and say goodbye to girlhood.


You can save pleasant memories of a bachelorette party by organizing a photo shoot for yourself and your girlfriends. Order colorful balloons and let your imagination run wild! They will make your photos bright and colorful. Large balls look especially beautiful.

Muscular man

The best decoration of a bachelorette party is, of course, a handsome muscular man. Someone must dilute the women's company! But this is not about any dancer, as you immediately thought. No, why give the groom a reason for jealousy! Order a balloon man - he will be the highlight of the evening and a real intrigue. After all, if you tell your girlfriends that they will meet a pumped-up superman at a bachelorette party, they will probably think about the dancer and will be very surprised to see such a handsome man there. In addition, it can take very interesting photos.

The Balloon Man can also be given as a bachelorette party gift to the bride, with a beating on it accordingly. Everyone will have fun - even the groom, who probably wants to get acquainted with that "scoundrel" who flaunted his muscles in front of his beloved.

With the help of balloons, you can decorate not only a bachelorette party, but the whole wedding. But this is a separate topic for discussion. What wedding decoration options exist, see.

Ceremony of farewell to the maiden name The ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is a beautiful and, at the same time, a simple ritual that can be performed in various ways. For many brides, this rite becomes not so much an on-duty wedding competition, but an awareness of the upcoming changes in their personal lives. But depending on how and where it is planned to carry out this ceremony, it can be romantic or humorous. Now for the details... When can I say goodbye? Many of the brides are ready to say goodbye to their maiden name at a bachelorette party, after the redemption of the bride or immediately after the wedding ceremony, not far from the doors of the registry office. Persons who are patient can carry out the ritual at the very end of the gala evening. How to spend "Farewell to the maiden name"? The meaning of the ceremony is extremely clear: the bride symbolically says goodbye to her past, free life, and for this she needs to “let go” of her old surname. Of course, this ceremony is logical to carry out when the bride takes her husband's surname. Here it will be important to conduct this ceremony not in dull silence, but nevertheless to prepare a touching, or, conversely, a cheerful farewell speech-oath. For example, like this: I, (full name), solemnly say goodbye to my maiden name (the surname is called). I promise to always honor and remember her, no matter what happens in my life. In the name of my happy family life, I undertake not to return my old surname under any circumstances. Or like this: I, (full name), being here today in my right mind and memory, make this decision. I say goodbye to my maiden name - (surname) and undertake, despite all the hardships and hardships of family life, to proudly wear my new surname. I swear to groom and cherish her, not to disgrace and wear with honor. Honestly, honestly! I swear! Or here is such a touching option: Dear mom and dad! Dear, my good, Only recently I was a baby. I was raised, they sang songs, When I was sick, I didn’t sleep at night. Then you took me to school, I took out sticks in a notebook And read my first books - And you also experienced childhood. I somehow imperceptibly matured, And you didn’t even have time to look back, And now I have become a bride, Dreams and dreams have now come true. We cannot change the law of life, Children cannot live forever with their mother. Now I walk through life with my husband, And at a solemn hour I remind you, How much I love you, you know yourself. I say goodbye to the surname, not to you! Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with water - Boat The bride prepares the boat in advance. And here, in general, it does not matter what it will be: paper or wood, small or large. The main thing that needs to be done is to write your old maiden name on the sail of your boat and let it sail freely. Ideal for a wedding by the sea or river. - Surname "in a bottle" After marriage, champagne is usually uncorked. Don't throw away the bottle - use it for your maiden name farewell wedding ritual. Everything is extremely simple - we take a piece of paper, write our maiden name on it, fold the piece of paper and cork it into a bottle. And the bottle itself is immersed in the "abyss of the sea" well, or in any other body of water that comes across on your wedding route. Both options are good because they do not require any costs. But, in the case of a bottle, you will have to think about the environment. The rite of "farewell to the surname" associated with fire Since ancient times, people believed that fire is able to purify and regenerate. And even today, the flame retains some special magic for us. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that some brides associate the farewell ceremony with their maiden name with fire. The ritual is no more difficult than the previous two. The bride takes a piece of paper, writes her last name on it and then burns it. You can at the same time burn everything that you would like to say goodbye to before starting a new family life, leaving only the best in your new family. Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with the air - Chinese lanterns Who among us has not seen how quickly small lights of Chinese lanterns fly into the sky during the holidays? Beautiful, romantic and affordable at the same time. All you need is a Chinese flashlight (or rather a few) and a marker. The bride, to the storm of applause of the guests, writes her last name on a flashlight and, with the support of the groom, launches her maiden name into the sky. Of course, it is better to carry out such a ritual in the evening and in calm weather. - Balloons Perhaps the most popular incarnation of the ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is her launch into the sky in balloons. But even here you will find many options for implementing this idea. From budget solutions, when the bride seals her last name in a postal envelope and signs her old name on it, to rather expensive volumetric letters that professionals can make and that are launched into the sky with many balloons. But in fact, if you really want to, you can easily and simply make such a garland with your own hands. - Let's burst?! If you are not ready to let go of your maiden name on all four sides, there is such an option. You will need two balloons of different sizes. A bundle with the new surname of the bride is placed in a small ball, or they simply write a new surname on a small ball. Now the small ball is placed inside the large ball. The balls are inflated. The bride then writes her maiden name and signs on the large balloon. The task of the bride is to arrange so that the balloon with her old name simply bursts. But if the guests want a little fun, the task can be complicated - ask the groom to help his beloved get rid of the old surname, for example, without the help of hands. - Or ... let's eat! In this case, you will need small cakes, macaroons or chocolates. We write letters from the maiden name with edible pencils and joyfully eat. Only here the snag can be if the bride's surname turns out to be very long. I'll have to call my husband for help ...