Pros and cons of a solarium: what is the danger of artificial tanning. Solarium visit: pros and cons

A trip to the solarium will provide you with a good dose of ultraviolet radiation. Under its influence, the body will begin to actively produce vitamin D, the so-called hormone of joy and happiness - endorphin, which will also make bones stronger. However, the rays of the lamps can be harmful to health.

The rays, called UVA, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, dehydrating it, which provokes premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles and contributes to the development of neoplasms - from commonplace moles to insidious melanoma. Of course, such processes do not arise this minute, but develop over time. This happens most often for two reasons.

1. Poor quality equipment

You should not save on solariums. There is a reason for all the cheapness - perhaps they have not changed the lamps for a long time or bought them already in use. Remember, the lamp life is only 540 hours, and it is almost impossible to control the operation of expired devices. Therefore, when deciding to visit the solarium, be sure to make sure how long the lamps have been replaced in it. By the way, new lamps also require the right approach - you need to sunbathe under them less than your skin type should.

2. Illiterate use of the solarium

If you want to get a rich color, visit the solarium a maximum of once a week. If your goal is a light golden hue, just twice a month is enough. In any case, spend no more than 5-7 minutes per session in the solarium.

Olga Kozelskaya, Babor cosmetologist

In order for the skin to acquire a fresh and natural shade, it is enough to visit the solarium 1-2 times a month. Frequent visits to the solarium can lead to:

    the formation of pigmentation;

    premature wrinkles;

    dehydration of the skin of the face and body;

    violation of the menstrual cycle;

    swelling, due to impaired renal function and lymphatic system.

When a solarium is contraindicated

Before going to the tanning bed, you need to make sure that your body is not harmed. Therefore...

Set aside going to the solarium if you have a cold, sore throat or flu. Refrain from the light of the lamps for at least 14 days after the peeling procedure, mesotherapy, surgical treatment.

Give up from this method of tanning, if the skin has a tendency to pigmentation, as well as for certain diseases. For example, if the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, mastopathy, fibroids, polyps, cyst are found, or there are a large number of moles on the body. Solarium is also dangerous during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy due to the risk of general overheating.

A sunburn in our time has become a sign of prestige, evidence that a person can afford to rest in a sunny climate even in winter. However, for this it is not at all necessary to go to tropical countries, you can just go for a session in the solarium

At the same time, not everyone knows that with the help of a solarium you can not only improve your appearance, but also solve some health problems. However, only on the condition that you will use artificial sun correctly.

Solarium advantages

№1. Ultraviolet light of solarium affects the skin more gently than the sun. The equipment for modern tanning salons uses a carefully balanced and controlled combination of beams of different wavelengths. Modern lamps do not emit rays harmful to the skin, and the ratio of useful ones can be adjusted using devices. Ultraviolet radiation triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin, which is responsible for calcium metabolism in the body.

Result. Replenishing the body with vitamin D at a time when there is an acute shortage of it improves the condition of bone tissue and joints. Studies by American scientists have shown that the ultraviolet rays of a solarium affect the exchange of calcium in the body 70% more efficiently than taking vitamin D capsules. For many women, after visiting a solarium, pain in the lower legs and back often disappears, and the condition of the teeth improves.

№2. Sunlight, which mimics the lighting of a tanning bed, affects more than just the skin. Under its influence, the brain produces serotonin, a pleasure hormone that improves mood and increases stress resistance. And not only. Researches of doctors of the English Royal Society have shown that serotonin is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle: it is especially abundant in the body at the time of ovulation, which coincides with the most elevated emotional state of a woman. It is impossible to obtain this hormone artificially, its content in food is negligible. The only way out is more light.

Result. With the solarium during the winter months you can get rid of depressed mood, bouts of unreasonable melancholy, exacerbations of premenstrual syndrome, irritability, fatigue in the morning, when you need to get up in complete darkness outside the window. Such problems could be solved by a daily walk in the public garden or in the park, but it takes an hour and a half in the morning, and even in sunny weather. And if you spend short daytime hours in transport or in the office, besides, you live in a large industrial city, where aerosols and dust interfere with the sun's rays, then only a solarium will help.

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№3. The immune status of the body also directly depends on the sun - we are so light-loving! Back in the 60s, German and English doctors put forward a hypothesis that under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the blood, the oxygen content increases, and they began to use ultraviolet radiation to improve the condition of women in labor. Modern scientific evidence suggests that protective cells under the influence of ultraviolet radiation become more active, their content in the body increases. In addition, immunity is enhanced by the effect of light on the brain: its regulatory systems, which also control the immune system, begin to work more harmoniously.

Result. After a tanning bed, you will feel that you are no longer susceptible to occasional colds, and during flu outbreaks you will remain working. In addition, chilliness and lethargy, a feeling of lead heaviness in the muscles in the morning or after a short work, disappear.

№4. A light tan brightens the skin, fine hairs on the legs fade and become invisible. However, at a deeper level, ultraviolet rays have a positive effect on the epidermis, improving blood supply and cell nutrition in all layers of the skin. For mild pimples, solarium radiation relieves inflammation by stopping the growth of bacteria.

Result. The skin ceases to be irritated by ordinary detergents - peeling, pustules, rashes on the face and hands disappear by themselves, without the use of dermatological creams. Small pimples disappear, but in cases of severe inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the skin rash may worsen even more.

№5. Sunlight, acting as a relaxing factor, lowers blood pressure by at least 15% and reduces blood cholesterol and sugar levels by 1.5-1.7 times. The positive effect grows after 3-4 procedures.

Result. After visits to the solarium You will notice that you are much less annoyed, less likely to have headaches, and your efforts to reduce your weight are finally crowned with success.

Cons of a solarium

№1. If you are using sulfadimethoxine and biseptol, as well as tetracycline and doxycycline, for the treatment of any diseases, even in the case of colds and intestinal upset, you should refuse to visit the solarium for this time: these drugs change the sensitivity to the sun's rays. Hormonal pills, including contraceptives, should also not be combined with a tanning bed.

There are also special drugs to increase sensitivity to radiation - Beroxan, Puvalan, Ammifurin, which are used for some skin lesions. If you need them, you need to wait until the end of the treatment before going to the solarium.

№2. Do not visit the solarium if your skin is sensitive to ultraviolet light. In this case, a real allergic reaction develops: a rash may appear on the skin, and the state of health worsens.

№3. Many skin diseases can change their course not for the better under the influence of rays. In this case, ultraviolet light acts as an active and untested drug.

№4. UV irradiation is strictly prohibited in case of any problems with the thyroid gland, which by its very nature is "sheltered" from the sun and on which the shadow from the chin always falls.

№5. The fact is that ultraviolet rays can produce "breakdowns" in various cells of the body, leading to precancerous conditions... In this case, it is not so much the irradiation of any organ that plays a role, but the entire volume of ultraviolet radiation that will be perceived by the body. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using a solarium for mastopathy, a feeling of heaviness and chest pains.

The sun gives a person light, warmth and tan. However, the last gift of nature is clearly not enough for people. There is no other way to explain the current relevance of tanning salons.

After the creation of the "artificial sun", all people, mainly the female sex, simply went crazy. The desire for tanned skin occurs in 99% of women. What is the reason for this? A mystery, like the very essence of a woman. But still, a couple of public opinions on this matter exist.

Tanning in a solarium: pros and cons

According to one of them, tanning is a tribute to fashion and a kind of sign of prestige. Another opinion dwells on the idea that this is just a preparation for a trip to the sea in order not to look like a "black sheep". And, of course, all this is done for a beautiful selfie from the resort.

All this whirlpool of interest comes down to one desire - to be even more beautiful and different from the general mass. But only 1% of women think about whether this desire to have an artificial tan is safe.

Artificial tanning, as well as regular (natural) tanning, does not always have a positive effect on the skin and health in general. Neglecting it and getting an excess of ultraviolet radiation in both cases is unsafe. What is this danger, and what is the benefit, the following pros and cons of visiting a solarium will explain.

The advantages of a solarium.

1. The immune system is getting stronger. Ultraviolet light activates protective cells and increases their number. The risks of getting viral infections are reduced. It is especially useful to visit the solarium during periods of lack of solar activity.

2. The rays of the solarium suppress the depressive state. This is due to the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy).

3. Getting an even tan of the skin. Under natural conditions, to obtain the same effect, it will take more than one day of staying in the sweltering heat.

4. The solarium has a health-improving and cosmetic effect on the skin. For the suppression of eczema, psoriasis, acne and similar skin problems in which the pores are excessively enlarged, the solarium is the solution to the problem. Under the influence of its rays, the pores are narrowed.

5. The production of vitamin D is stimulated. It is a vital vitamin, thanks to which calcium and phosphorus are absorbed in the body. They, in turn, strengthen muscles, bones, and promote wound healing.

6. There is a positive effect on male potency. Ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of testosterone (a male hormone), which is precisely responsible for the ability to have sexual intercourse.

7. Metabolic and blood circulation processes are activated. The result of all is a general increase in the tone of the body.

Even with the right visit: the intensity and duration of the sessions, the solarium is not always a favorable procedure. There is also a negative, which it carries no less than a benefit.

Cons of a solarium.

1.and can aggravate the condition with some skin diseases, such as dermatitis. You should not visit the "solar shower" and people with freckles, birthmarks. There were cases of inflammation of the ducts in the skin, their transition to a cyst, a tumor. Avoiding possible skin cancer will help to contact a dermatologist, who will advise or prohibit visiting a tanning bed.

2. More intensive skin aging occurs. Ultraviolet light dries out the skin, making it rough. Therefore, it is not necessary to part with a "sunny bed".

3. When using medications, there are risks of complications. Some drugs (biseptol, tetracycline and others) make the skin sensitive, and any active effect on it can cause a side effect, for example, a rash.

4. It has a bad effect on pregnancy and lactation. During these periods, a tanning bed is simply dangerous, since the hormonal background of a woman changes from its effect.

Arguments in favor of artificial tanning

Vitamin D synthesis

Preparing your skin for summer

Since we receive dosed ultraviolet rays in a solarium, our body gets used to them gradually, without experiencing stress. After a few sessions, the skin turns golden, and when we go on vacation to the sea, we risk less getting under the southern sun. Of course, this does not negate the need to use sunscreen cosmetics and only before 11-00 and after 17-00.

Benefits for Skin Diseases

The solarium is useful for skin diseases such as. After several visits to the solarium, the skin is visibly cleansed. True, in this case, dermatologists advise to undergo a course of PUVA therapy before a solarium, which is a combined treatment using long-wave ultraviolet rays and medicines. At the end of the PUVA therapy, you can start visiting the solarium to make the traces left behind invisible.

Arguments against solarium

Formation of addiction

Today it is known and proved more than once that a solarium causes a kind of drug addiction, comparable to cigarette and alcoholic ones. This phenomenon is called tanorexia. Its characteristic signs may be the following situation: not getting to the next session, a person gets nervous, angry, his mood worsens. Most of the rest of this disorder are exposed to people under 30 years of age. Experts agree that tanorexia should be treated, and not only with medication, but also with psychotherapy.


Dr. Katja Warnke, head of the NIVEA Sun laboratory in Hamburg, explains that the spectrum of radiation in a tanning bed is not like natural solar radiation. To achieve a quick tanning effect, tanning salons use ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation, which is used in high doses. These rays penetrate deeper into the skin than UVB rays and have a negative effect on collagen and elastin, the main structural proteins of the skin that are responsible for youthful skin. As a result, the premature process is activated, the risk of wrinkles and the appearance of free radicals increases, and the risk of allergic reactions also increases.

Melanoma development

After many years of research, experts have concluded that the use of ultraviolet lamps increases the risk of developing melanoma. The latest scientific evidence confirms that 75% of young people under the age of 30 who regularly use tanning beds are at greatest risk. Also, experts from the University of Albany concluded that too frequent visits to the tanning salon can cause disturbances in various systems of the human body.


When taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives, and certain drugs and antibiotics, you should be especially careful with a tanning bed. UVA rays can cause stains on the surface of the skin. The same applies to pregnant women: hormonal changes occurring in the body during this period increase the risk of chloasma, the so-called. pigmentation of pregnant women.

The appearance of acne

Despite popular belief, it is better not to go to a solarium for people with rashes and inflammations on the skin. At first, it may seem that it has a beneficial effect: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the local skin is suppressed, greasiness decreases and inflammation disappears. However, this effect is temporary, and after a few sessions there is a reverse reaction: acne begins to appear with renewed vigor and is less treatable. A tanning bed is indicated only after acne therapy in order to reduce the visibility of acne scars.

Let's summarize

The solarium has more minuses than pluses. However, who cares if the tan suits your face or if you are tired of winter and you want more sun, albeit artificial. Here, as with high heels: everyone knows that they are harmful, but no one parted with them. The smart solution is to minimize the risk.

Firstly, you need to follow a well-designed schedule for visiting the solarium: once a week for 5-7 minutes.

Secondly, you need to use special pads to cover the nipples, glue fresh scars and wounds with a plaster, and also cover those places on the skin that have pigmentation or vascular mesh.

Thirdly, you need to sunbathe in goggles, cover with a kerchief, and apply a moisturizing balm on your lips.

Two solutions to prolong tanning:

1. to get a darker tan and last longer on the body, you need to drink carrot, apricot and pumpkin juices. To enhance the effect, you can add 1-2 drops of lemon, orange, or tangerine essential oil to the glass. It is better to drink juice before an artificial tanning session.

2. Use special cosmetics for tanning salons, and not only before the session, but also after. It promotes the production of melanin and moisturizes the skin.

Tells you all the pros and cons of tanning in a solarium and in the sun

Sunburn is not only harmful, it can also be beneficial! With a meaningful tanning, there are more benefits than harm. However, first things first.

The sun, including of artificial origin, is a charge of vivacity and a portion of such important endorphins (hormones of happiness) for us. That is why, with the arrival of summer and subsequent visits to the solarium in winter, we feel much better.

Sunlight stimulates a large number of processes in the body, as well as metabolism. But here it is very important not to go too far, because an excessive tanning can also activate cancerous tumors. For this reason, when sunbathing, you need to use special sunscreens, and among other things, safety products for nipples, lips, hair.

Do not forget that for under the sun and in a tanning bed, creams are special so as not to become stained, do not confuse them! Sunburn is a load on the skin: the acquired dose of the sun must be absorbed in the skin and show up in an attractive shade. For this reason, it is not recommended to use scrubs after a tanning session.

For the same reason, it makes no sense to sunbathe often and for a long time. For example, tanning procedures in a solarium are performed as often as possible after a day, and much better - once every 7 days, and sunbathing in the sun is much better before 11.00 and then 16.00, because the sun is not so hot.

Sunburn can be useful for acne, psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis, as it treats these sores or makes them easier for them. But with many diseases, tanning is contraindicated. For example, people with tuberculosis, diabetes, bronchial asthma with frequent exacerbations, people with liver and blood diseases are not advised to use it. If you have something similar, the best solution is to use a self-tanner.

A tan is very beautiful. Sunburn informs those around you about your good health, and pallor is accepted by them as a disease. Fortunately, it doesn't matter how you got your tan - in a tanning bed, in the sun, or with support. If you haven't gone too far and got it right, tanning will be attractive and safe!

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