Labor induction: natural and medical. How to induce labor in the hospital

Many women know that childbirth is stimulated. But how and when this happens is not known to all expectant mothers. The procedure obstetricians-gynecologists call induction or labor induction. Let's get acquainted with such manipulation and pills to stimulate labor.

Indications and contraindications for labor induction

Induction is considered appropriate when the risk of its implementation is lower than the risk of prolonging the pregnancy, and there are no contraindications to natural childbirth. Doctors induce childbirth, if there are indications for that. They are common, as well as only on the part of the woman or the fetus.

The first include the gestation period of 41 weeks with obvious signs of overbearing the fetus; severe polyhydramnios; outflow of amniotic fluid with the absence of labor; preparatory period with irregular and painful contractions.

On the part of the mother, indications for the use of stimulation are severe forms of preeclampsia, preeclampsia, and diabetes mellitus. It can also be other progressive ailments that threaten a woman's life. On the part of the fetus, indications for induction are severe malformations of its development, intrauterine growth retardation, hemolytic disease and antenatal death.

A relative indication for labor induction is a presumably large fetus or multiple pregnancy at 37-38 weeks.

There are also contraindications for induction, including a scar on the uterus, a narrow pelvis of a woman, an abnormal position of the fetus, complete placenta previa, a primary acute disease of genital herpes, the presence of a cervical myomatous node, severe diseases of the expectant mother.

The question of the possibility of inducing labor is always considered by obstetricians on an individual basis.

Labor induction methods

They are based on accelerating the start of the birth process with the help of medicines. These include drugs containing analogues of oxytocin or prostaglandins.

The latter are hormones that affect the change in the structure of the cervix, in particular, stimulate its maturation and relax the lower part of the uterus. Medicines with prostaglandins are produced in different types and dosages. But in practice, a gel containing prostaglandin E2 is most often used. It is inserted into the cervical canal. The effect of using this remedy can be expected in a few hours. But sometimes a re-introduction is required. It is allowed to use the gel three times a day. Prostaglandins to a woman in labor can also be administered intravenously. In this case, they act faster. But this method of management is fraught with the development of uterine hyperstimulation.

A common method of induction is the administration of oxytocin to the woman in labor. They do it intravenously. The drug enters directly into the blood. There are no standard dosages of oxytocin. It is administered slowly, controlling the onset of contractions, avoiding uterine hyperstimulation.

Perhaps the simultaneous drip of oxytocin and prostaglandins.

Mifepristone - birth control pills. They are applied according to the scheme. First, a woman is offered to take 200 mg of mifepristone orally, after a day, if necessary, the drug is repeated. This drug is a synthetic drug that suppresses the action of progesterone and stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus. It has side effects, so it is taken only under medical supervision.

There are also non-pharmacological methods of labor induction. These include amniotomy (opening the fetal bladder). The method is indicated for mature cervix.

Sometimes kelp is used for induction - dried stalks of seaweed. They are inserted into the cervical canal and rammed. Under the influence of mucus, they stretch the cervix, swelling. The efficiency of the method is more than 70%. Laminaria gently acts on the cervix, contributing to the production of prostaglandins.

Foley catheter is a mechanical way to stimulate cervical dilatation. In fact, this is a can filled with water, which is inserted into the cervical canal.

The choice of method of induction depends on the degree of maturity of the cervix. In any case, during stimulation, doctors constantly monitor the heart activity of the fetus.

Natural labor activity is provided for by nature, but there are times when outside interference is indispensable. A full-term pregnancy lasts an average of 38-40 weeks, but it happens that these periods increase. In this case, artificial stimulation will come to the rescue with the help of special preparations or mechanical manipulations (for example, massaging the nipples). It is used if the child is very small or, conversely, if his weight exceeds 4.5 kg. Good or bad, the doctor will decide. In some countries, this procedure can be carried out at the request of the woman in labor.

Indications for labor induction

Labor induction is done according to indications and not earlier than 39 weeks of pregnancy. The reason for the procedure is overwearing, which begins as early as 41 weeks (for more details, see the article:). This condition is fraught with premature aging of the placenta and a change in the color and consistency of amniotic fluid, in which toxins accumulate. This threatens not only the development of oxygen starvation, but also the death of the child. Sometimes the stimulation of natural childbirth is indicated for multiple pregnancies, and the presence of some chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels in a woman requires a procedure already at the beginning of the 38th week.

No less dangerous for a woman in labor is the discharge of water without the onset of contractions. If contractions do not begin 12–24 hours after the waters have broken, mandatory stimulation is carried out. It also happens that the birth process that has begun is suddenly interrupted, the contractions stop, and the uterus does not open. Here you also have to use special drugs that cause childbirth. Artificial stimulation is carried out both for the first, and for the second and subsequent births.

Pros of stimulation

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There are situations when it is impossible to do without stimulation, but it is not worth using it in advance, focusing only on the estimated date. It is better to stimulate labor after 41 weeks only if the uterus is ready. Before starting the procedure, the doctor must prescribe an ultrasound, which will show not only the condition of the child and the surrounding placenta, but also the muscle tone of the uterus. Methods of rapid stimulation of labor do not have to be medical, but they must be used when a woman develops preeclampsia and late toxicosis, premature detachment of the placenta.

Advantages of artificial stimulation:

  • elimination of risk to the fetus during hypoxia and developmental delay;
  • relief of the condition of a woman with preeclampsia and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acceleration of labor activity during prolonged contractions and overwearing.

Labor inducing drugs have been used for many years, and this method has earned the trust of physicians. The procedure takes place only in a medical institution under the supervision of doctors and strictly according to indications. If the cervix does not open, and the water has already departed, then stimulation cannot be dispensed with.

Possible harm to mother and fetus and other disadvantages

Any intervention in the birth process has its drawbacks and can lead to serious unpredictable consequences. Artificial labor induction is much more painful than the normal delivery process, which requires the additional use of painkillers. Sometimes stimulation leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, and this poses a serious danger to the further development of the child. Often, labor can be induced using a dropper with medicine, which creates inconvenience for the woman in labor.

It also happens that the procedure does not bring any results, which is why they either endure childbirth or do a caesarean section. The child develops jaundice after an artificially induced birth, there may be serious problems with the nervous system, hypoxia.

There are weighty arguments of experts against drug stimulation. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only in case of vital necessity, when the delay in childbirth poses a threat to the life of the expectant mother and child.

Methods of stimulation of natural childbirth and the technique of their implementation

Extraneous interference in the process of delivery causes significant harm to a woman's body, but in certain situations it cannot be dispensed with. The use of certain methods of accelerating labor in the maternity hospital depends on the condition of the woman in labor, the indications and the stage of the process. Stimulation is indicated for intrauterine growth retardation of the child, a small amount of amniotic fluid, infection.

Detachment of amniotic membranes

This operation is carried out with a significant delay in the expected date of birth. It is carried out during a gynecological examination by gently pinching off the fetal membrane at the very edge of the uterus. With the help of this method, contractions are provoked, but it does not always work the first time. If after 3-4 procedures there is no positive result, then other measures are used. The procedure is painless, safe for health, but is accompanied by minor discomfort.

Introduction of prostaglandins

Prostaglandins are lipid physiological substances that are derivatives of prostanoic acid. The negative properties of prostaglandins include their ability to increase the sensitivity of neurons to pain mediators. In small quantities, these substances are produced by the body on their own, but they are especially abundant in semen and fetal waters. They actively influence the cervix, helping it to open in time.

Prostaglandins are administered orally using suppositories or a special vaginal gel. The method practically does not cause any negative reactions, there are no significant contraindications to the procedure. Not always candles or gel are able to cause contractions, and sometimes this does not happen. In this case, the administration of the drug can be repeated, but there is a risk of hyperstimulation. The drug does not cross the placenta and has no side effects on the fetus.

Puncture of the fetal bladder

Compared to other methods of inducing labor, this one is the most dangerous and unpredictable. Firstly, a puncture of the bladder is fraught with infection, because the child loses its protective shell (for more details, see the article:). If the bladder is pierced, the waters have departed, and childbirth has not begun, then only a caesarean section can help. Use this method only when the contractions slow down, and the baby's head has dropped low enough. Frequent complications include prolapse of the umbilical cord, which is extremely dangerous for the life of the child. Whatever the indications, it is worth refraining from such a method.

Application of oxytocin

To speed up childbirth, you can use the hormonal drug Oxytocin, which includes a hormone produced by the pituitary gland (more in the article:). It is administered via a drip and used to restart contractions, but it can be not only harmful, but also risky. The slightest excess of the dose threatens the development of hypoxia in the child, so stimulation is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. At the first signs of oxygen starvation, the administration of the drug is stopped.

It is not uncommon for women to be hypersensitive to oxytocin. Dosage, duration and rate of administration is determined individually. In addition, oxytocin provokes severe pain during contractions, which requires additional use of anesthetics. During drip administration, the doctor must continuously monitor the child's condition and cancel the drug at the slightest suspicion of oxygen starvation and other dangerous phenomena.

Stimulation tablets

Of all the above means that promote delivery, it is the tablets that have the least contraindications. These drugs include artificial antigestogens that block estrogen production and increase progesterone levels. The latter is responsible for the full disclosure of the cervix and the onset of contractions.

Labor induction drugs are often used for early abortions, which is a legitimate concern for women. In the later stages, the tablets do not have a negative impact on the health of the future woman in labor and the development of the baby.

Many women are wary of this method of stimulation, considering it unreliable and unsafe. This is not at all the case, but, like any drugs (especially hormonal), tablets have many contraindications. They can not be used for liver or kidney failure, problems with blood clotting, diabetes, bronchial asthma. In some cases, it is worth consulting with several qualified specialists to determine the possibility of using this type of drug.

Contraindications to artificial stimulation

Natural stimulation will not bring any harm to the female body, however, artificial evocation has its own contraindications. Before making a decision to stimulate delivery, the doctor must fully examine the woman, assess the prenatal condition of the child.

Direct contraindications:

  • opening of uterine bleeding;
  • pelvic presentation of the fetus;
  • caesarean section in previous births;
  • diabetes mellitus in a woman;
  • large dimensions of the fetus, exceeding the parameters of the pelvis of the woman in labor;
  • infection of the uterus;
  • intrauterine growth retardation, fetal pathology;
  • hypertension.

If there is at least one contraindication or severe chronic diseases are present, then it is impossible to induce labor artificially. You can try natural methods, and if there is no effect, you will have to resort to a caesarean section.

Is it possible to stimulate the onset of the birth process at home?

When a woman overstays the pregnancy, all the scheduled dates have passed, and the birth still does not occur, you can try to stimulate the process yourself with the help of nipple massage or sex. At home, this can be done in several ways (more in the article:). The simplest and safest is sexual intercourse without a condom, which promotes uterine contraction, and sperm serves as a source of natural prostaglandin. A woman can also achieve intense contractions of the uterus with the help of a gentle massage of the nipples.

A complete bowel cleansing, for which laxatives or an enema can be used, will help speed up childbirth. Eating certain foods can also trigger preterm labor. It is enough to include parsley, currants, raspberry tea and beets in the diet. In such a situation, foot massage or a hot bath with aromatic oils helps. A good result is given by moderate physical activity (mopping, hand washing), special exercises, but only after 40–41 weeks.

At home, women can use pharmacy kelp, produced in the form of convenient thin sticks that are inserted into the vagina. It is important to understand that any intervention in natural processes is undesirable, and it is allowed only in case of emergency.

You live in anticipation of a magical moment - the birth of your baby. The expected due date has already arrived, but the baby is in no hurry to be born. Doubts, fears and insecurities appear in the head. What to do? how

Before we commit, let's figure out what's what. So, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. Timely delivery is considered from 38 to 42 weeks. Of course, some doctors try not to delay until the last minute, because it negatively affects the development of the child. Therefore, usually for a period of 41 weeks, medical stimulation of labor is performed. .

Stimulation of the birth process is carried out by a doctor only after a comprehensive and thorough examination, which includes:

  1. Control over the movements of the child. Movements should be regular and constant.
  2. Ultrasound control. The amount of amniotic fluid and the general condition of the fetus are assessed.
  3. CTG control. The contractile features of the uterus and the well-being of the fetus are assessed.
  4. Doppler indicators allow you to assess the state of blood flow in the umbilical cord and the maturity of the placenta.
  5. Blood study. Determined by a pregnant woman. With a post-term pregnancy, the level of hormones (progesterone, estriol, lactogen) is below normal. A fairly informative indicator is the level of hCG.

If during the examination all indicators are normal, then, accordingly, the pregnancy develops properly.

Indications for artificial induction of labor

  1. A delayed pregnancy is dangerous for the baby. The aging placenta cannot provide adequate nutrition with the necessary substances and saturate the fetus with oxygen. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs. In addition, they become denser, so the risk of birth injury increases. Aspiration of amniotic fluid may occur, in other words, they begin to linger in the lungs, which can lead to irreparable consequences.
  2. Suspension or complete cessation of labor activity. This is characterized by the cessation of marriage and insufficient opening of the cervix. These moments, observing childbirth, the doctor notices.
  3. Premature detachment of the placenta.
  4. Rhesus - conflict. If the treatment has an insufficient effect, and the antibody titer is constantly increasing.

What methods are used to induce labor?

Oxytocin - is used for weak labor and artificial induction of labor. Basically, the drug is administered as an injection. Its action does not affect the readiness to open the cervix. Usually the drug is used in combination with antispasmodic drugs.

Prostaglandins are hormones that stimulate smooth muscles and the cervix to deliver. The introduction of suppositories or a viscous gel containing these hormones into the vagina is quite popular.

Amniotomy is the process of opening the amniotic sac. This method is carried out during the examination and absolutely does not affect the condition of the fetus. Labor induction by amniotomy is the safest method affecting uterine activity.

How to induce labor on your own so as not to “pass” your due date?

It is believed that it is the baby that produces the hormones oxytocin and prostaglandins, which, entering the mother's blood, begin to stimulate labor activity. Perhaps a lack of hormones or a failure of the chain of reactions contribute to the inhibition of childbirth.

Let's look at how self-stimulation of labor is carried out.

  1. A decoction of raspberry leaves. This tool is recognized by official medicine. The decoction contracts the muscles of the uterus and pelvis.
  2. Nipple massage. Such massage promotes the release of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.
  3. Unprotected intercourse. Sperm contains prostaglandins that soften the muscles of the uterus and contribute to the onset of labor.
  4. Enema. With the help of a simple procedure, you can push the already prepared uterus to the birth process.
  5. Exercise stress. Long walks, light gymnastics, washing windows and washing floors without using a mop help open the uterus and tone its muscles. However, excessive loads are harmful.

I would like to note that the stimulation of childbirth is an artificial process that carries a certain risk. Such childbirth is always more painful than natural, and the baby experiences severe stress in the process. Of course, there are also serious cases when additional stimulation is simply necessary. But, if the expectant mother tunes in and is mentally ready for childbirth, then she, most likely, simply will not need stimulation.

In this article:

When the pregnancy has come to an end in time, and childbirth has not yet occurred or labor is too weak, there is a need for stimulation of labor. Induction of labor is a natural or artificial acceleration of the activation of labor activity through the administration of medications or certain procedures.

Indications for labor induction

Labor induction is used in the case when a woman cannot give birth on her own due to the presence of such factors: overweight of the fetus or mother, the presence of some serious diseases in history (diabetes mellitus), placental abruption, early discharge of amniotic fluid, etc.

Mandatory stimulation of labor is carried out with placental abruption, when there is a possibility of bleeding and the life of the fetus is at risk. They stimulate labor activity when the pregnancy is overdue, and childbirth does not occur. Rare irregular contractions or their complete cessation, cases when a woman is completely exhausted after contractions are also a reason to induce labor. Large-term and polyhydramnios is an indication for artificial stimulation, since in this case, childbirth can be delayed, and there is a possibility of hypoxia in the fetus.

Artificial methods of labor induction

During childbirth, the doctor monitors how the labor activity is progressing: he palpates the woman's abdomen, determines the frequency and number of contractions, and their duration. The most accurate indicator is the disclosure of the cervix. If the cervix opens too slowly or the opening has stopped, then, if necessary, labor is stimulated.

Induction of labor can be carried out with the help of:

  1. oxytocin;
  2. prostaglandins (gel, suppositories);
  3. amniotomy;
  4. mifepristone, pencrofton, miropriston.


To open the cervix, hormonal analogs are used to promote the opening and maturation of the cervix. The most effective and common drug is oxytocin. It refers to the method of artificial stimulation of labor by intravenous administration. It is used for weak labor, as a stimulation of lactation, as a remedy for postpartum hemorrhage.

There are some contraindications against the use of oxytocin. So, it cannot be prescribed if the woman has a very narrow pelvis or there is an anomaly in the position of the fetus. There is also the possibility of overdose or side effects due to inaccuracies in dosage. As a side effect, excessive contractions of the cervix may appear, which leads to impaired blood circulation and fetal hypoxia. Bleeding may develop.


Prostaglandins are used in medical practice as a means to stimulate labor. They are prescribed in cases where the cervix is ​​not ready to dilate. Normally, prostaglandins are found in the amniotic fluid, and in small amounts in the tissues of the body.

The safest is the use of a labor-stimulating agent in the form of a gel or suppositories - this method is the most gentle and effective. Labor induction gel, which contains prostaglandins, helps to improve hormonal levels and prepare the cervix for dilation and childbirth. Labor activity occurs within 4 hours after the introduction of the gel. Under the action of oxytocin, contraction of the cervix is ​​​​stimulated, pain is softened.
The gel is injected vaginally with a sterile syringe into the back wall of the vagina. After that, the woman needs to lie down to avoid the gel leaking out. If you enter the gel directly into the cervix, there is a possibility of hyperstimulation of labor. In the absence of the desired effect after 6 hours, the gel is reapplied. The maximum dose of the injected gel is no more than 3 ml in total.

Although the gel, as a labor accelerating agent, has good reviews, there are still a number of contraindications to the use of this gel. These include the presentation of the fetus, a clinically narrow pelvis in a woman, the presence of indications for a caesarean section.


Folk methods of stimulation

Folk methods of stimulating labor include such remedies as castor oil (castor oil), champagne, the use of kelp, etc.

Castor oil

Induction of labor at home can be carried out with the help of an oil such as castor oil. Castor oil, due to its relaxing effect, can lead to the opening of the cervix and hasten childbirth, if taken in large quantities. To stimulate labor, you need to drink 1 tablespoon of castor oil. But still, modern medicine is against such a drug as castor oil, because castor oil can cause diarrhea and lead to dehydration (castor oil is also used as a laxative).

Castor oil is not considered a good and suitable remedy for inducing labor. You can use more gentle and more effective methods to stimulate labor than castor oil or castor oil.


You can bring the process of childbirth closer in a natural way at home with the help of a special diet, which includes foods rich in fiber. In this sense, seaweed (or, in other words, kelp) is very good. Laminaria contains a large amount of iodine. And the vitamins and elements contained in kelp are in no way inferior to expensive vitamin preparations. To have a relaxing effect, it is enough to eat a little kelp, and it will have a stimulating effect on the body.

Laminaria in obstetrics is used not only at home in official medicine. In order to make it convenient to use kelp, they are formed into sticks 6-9 cm long. Laminaria absorb moisture well, therefore, when placed in the vagina, they expand the cervical canal. In addition, it is believed that kelp contributes to the production of prostaglandin, which expands and softens the cervical canal.

Laminaria is used in two stages: first, 6 sticks are introduced for 16 hours, and if childbirth has not begun, then these sticks are removed and another 6-12 sticks are introduced for the next 16 hours.


It is believed that taking a small dose of alcohol has a relaxing effect on the body and leads to a natural acceleration of labor. Partly it is. For example, if you drink a little red wine, it will not harm the baby and will help bring contractions closer. Champagne is not recommended. Champagne does not have the necessary effect on the body and can only harm. Therefore, doctors are against this method.

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The birth of a baby is a long-awaited moment for any mother. This process does not always go smoothly, so you need to be prepared for minor complications. Fortunately, medicine does not stand still. Even if the baby is not in a hurry to be born at the appointed time from 38 to 42 weeks, there is a way out of the situation. In this case, doctors often decide to induce labor.

Specialists decide on the stimulation of labor activity in the presence of certain indications that threaten the life of the baby. Among them are the following:

  • post-term pregnancy (between 41 and 42 weeks);
  • severe stretching of the size of the uterus due to multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios;
  • diabetes, heart disease of a different nature, renal failure in chronic or acute forms that threaten the life of a woman and a child;
  • the absence of contractions for more than 12 hours after the discharge of the fetal waters.

Why is stimulation dangerous?

Inducing labor often saves the life of both the mother and the baby. But this procedure often carries difficulties and inconveniences. Why is labor stimulation dangerous and is it harmful to the child?

  • Contractions caused by artificial means are much more painful than natural ones. In this regard, women in labor often require pain medication, which is not recommended during childbirth.
  • The next inconvenience is the position in which a woman has to be during contractions. Drugs that stimulate labor activity are administered through a dropper. This forces the woman in labor to lie only on her back, which is extremely uncomfortable during childbirth.
  • Increased risk of caesarean section.
  • And the most dangerous thing is oxygen starvation of the baby, caused by active uterine contractions. Fortunately, such cases are rare, but there is still a risk of developing such a situation.

A post-term pregnancy is a significant reason for the immediate induction of labor. Normal childbirth begins from 38 to 41 weeks, and a period of more than 42 weeks in medical practice is considered to be post-term. The danger of this process lies in the aging of the placenta, due to which its functioning is reduced. For a child, this threatens with oxygen starvation.

How long does it take to induce labor? If natural labor does not begin between 41 and 42 weeks, doctors decide to urgently induce labor.

Artificial stimulation of labor

Obstetricians can provoke contractions under certain indications even before the onset of labor, as well as during childbirth to activate them. In practice, medicine uses four methods of artificial induction of labor:

  • the use of prostaglandins;
  • opening the amniotic sac (amniotomy);
  • separation of the fetal egg;
  • taking oxytocin.

How is labor induction done?

During amniotomy, the obstetrician-gynecologist inserts a hook through the cervix, piercing the fetal bladder. This causes the water to flow. The baby's head rests against the pelvic bones, opening the cervix. This provokes labor activity. Doctors recommend using this method only for multiparous women.

Prostaglandins are hormonal preparations in the form of a gel, suppositories or tablets. Labor activity usually begins 3-4 hours after the application of funds. If this does not happen, the drug is injected into the vagina after 6-12 hours. Prostaglandins open the cervix, causing the uterus to contract.

Oxytocin is an artificial analogue of the hormone in the form of injections for intravenous administration. The drug is potent, so it has a number of side effects. Oxytocin is administered by doctors through an IV in certain doses until regular contractions are achieved.

After the start of stimulation, the baby's heartbeat is constantly monitored. After the activation of labor activity, the introduction of the drug is stopped.

Separation of the fetal egg. This method is as follows: the doctor, penetrating the neck with a finger, massages the fetal membranes from the walls of the uterus with massage movements. The procedure is allowed to be performed only for a period of more than 40 weeks.

Artificial stimulation of labor takes place carefully under the constant supervision of specialists, observing the condition of the woman in labor and the child. Doctors achieve results in 1 contraction in 5 minutes.

If 4 hours after the procedure, labor activity has not begun, a caesarean section is performed.

Reasons for artificial induction of labor

The decision on artificial stimulation of labor activity is made by the gynecologist even before the expected date of birth if the woman in labor has chronic pathologies of the heart and kidneys, diabetes. If during a doctor's examination or during an ultrasound scan, polyhydramnios was revealed, artificial stimulation of labor is used in every second case. With multiple pregnancy occurring with complications, the procedure is also inevitable.

The absence of contractions for more than 12 hours after the water breaks, a post-term pregnancy are good reasons for the immediate stimulation of labor.

Alternative ways to induce labor

Many women in labor, learning about the need for artificial stimulation of labor, are looking for alternative methods that do not require medical intervention. The effectiveness of such methods is somewhat lower, but there is a chance to achieve natural childbirth on your own. These methods include:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • bath with the addition of aromatic oils;
  • breast massage;
  • therapeutic measures;
  • castor oil;
  • contraction-inducing herbs.

The onset of labor with artificial stimulation

Labor activity, depending on the method of stimulation chosen by the doctor, begins in different ways.

The separation of the amniotic membranes is carried out only with the cervix open. The obstetrician, inserting a finger into the vagina, separates the fetal membrane from the uterine wall. In most women, after this, water breaks and, under the influence of prostaglandin, contractions begin.

Almost all methods of artificial induction of labor are carried out with the cervix open. If the uterus does not open naturally, drugs containing prostaglandins are used. For some women, a single use of the remedy is enough to start natural labor. If, after 24 hours, childbirth has not begun, specialists resort to other methods of stimulation.

The puncture of the amniotic sac by an obstetrician mimics the natural process of childbirth, when the waters break on their own. If contractions do not begin a day after the water breaks, the doctor artificially induces labor with oxytocin to minimize the risk of infection.

If an insufficient amount of oxytocin is released in the body of a woman in labor, the doctor introduces drugs that stimulate this process. In medical practice, pitocin is often used for such purposes. Usually this drug works within half an hour after application. At this time, the obstetrician carefully monitors the reaction to the introduction of the drug, if necessary, increases the dose of Pitocin.

Methods of stimulation of labor activity

Ways to stimulate childbirth are conditionally divided into:

  1. Artificial (use of prostaglandins, amniotomy, separation of the amniotic sac, use of oxytocin);
  2. Natural (drinking castor oil, sexual intercourse, increased physical activity, stimulating bath, use of special herbs, additional therapeutic measures, breast massage).

Every woman has the right to choose when she needs labor stimulation and by what method. However, you should definitely ask the advice of a specialist!

Labor can't start, needs stimulation

Expectant mothers, being at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, are often interested in: is it possible to stimulate labor on their own at home without the use of medications and the intervention of doctors? Can! For this, natural methods of stimulating labor activity are suitable. If the method does not work, doctors use artificial induction of labor.

Artificial opening of the fetal bladder- a painless, but unpleasant way to stimulate labor. The method is one of the most popular types of inducing labor without the use of medications and consists in puncturing the amniotic bladder, which entails the discharge of water.

Oxytocin- a way to stimulate childbirth. The drug is an artificial analogue of the hormone that causes contractions. It is administered to a woman in labor intravenously until regular contractions are achieved.

Sexual intercourse. Male sperm contains prostaglandins. The amount of the hormone in it is not as large as in medications, however, with a normal pregnancy, such a hormone content will be quite enough for the timely onset of labor. During sexual intercourse, a woman's body produces oxytocin, which causes contractions to begin.

Separation of the fetal egg- at the moment a little outdated method. They were actively used to stimulate labor activity several decades ago. Now the method is rarely used, since the procedure itself is painful, and it can also cause bleeding in a woman in labor.

Nipple stimulation. This method, against the background of a woman's excitement, causes a surge of oxytocin in the blood. The main disadvantage of this method is the duration. Nipple massage should be done 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes on average. Not every woman can stand it, it will be especially difficult for owners of sensitive breasts.

Long walks, mopping floors, or walking up stairs are common ways to induce labor. During long and active movements of the expectant mother in late pregnancy, the baby begins to put pressure on the cervix. Often this provokes the start of contractions.

additional therapeutic measures. Massage of certain areas is another way to stimulate labor. Many women choose this method, because it is both useful and pleasant. However, as practice shows, this method is less effective in stimulating labor than the others.

The use of herbs that cause contractions. For this method, a decoction is prepared, consisting of spicy herbs - cinnamon, ginger, cloves. Swabs are soaked with the finished infusion and inserted into the vagina. You can use this method only with a mature pharynx. Otherwise, intense uterine contractions caused by herbs will lead to oxygen starvation of the baby.

Stimulating bath. To provoke the onset of contractions can help a warm bath with the addition of aromatic oils. To carry out the procedure, a mixture of 250 ml of cream and 5 drops of essential oils (cloves, ginger, cinnamon) is added to water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Take a bath for 30 minutes.

Castor oil. Castor oil causes spasms of the intestines, which leads to uterine contractions. To stimulate labor, castor oil in pure or diluted form is taken orally. At one time you need to drink 50 ml of the product. Half an hour later, severe diarrhea begins. This is what causes the fight to start.

Labor induction at home

Timely stimulation of labor at home will save the woman in labor from subsequent medical intervention in the hospital. Not all natural methods will immediately help induce contractions. The body of each woman is individual. Try on yourself several methods of stimulation in order to understand which method is right for you.

Stimulation of labor in the maternity hospital

Artificial stimulation of labor activity works in 100% of cases. But such methods are unsafe for both the mother and the baby. However, do not be afraid of artificial stimulation of labor. Sometimes only she can save the life of you and your child. Before carrying out such a procedure, it is worth considering all kinds of methods, weighing the pros and cons, and, of course, consult a doctor.

Childbirth after stimulation

After artificial stimulation, labor contractions are more painful than during natural childbirth, and last longer than 1 minute.

Breathing exercises can help reduce pain. Otherwise, the birth of a baby after stimulation is no different from natural childbirth.

Natural induction of labor

Natural stimulation of labor activity can be practiced only after agreement with a specialist. The most effective methods include sexual intercourse and taking castor oil. Don't be discouraged if these methods don't help. After all, there is medical stimulation, after which the baby will definitely be born on time.