Its size: how to paint the severchable or poor clothes painlessly. How to stretch the network new T-shirt. How to stretch the thing

Why are things sit down after washing?

It often happens so that by posting clothes or other things, ultimately they become less than several sizes. It causes anxiety from many, since there is no desire because of this trouble to give up any thing and no longer put it. But, in fact, the fact that things are characteristic of sitting after washing - a completely natural process. Therefore, you should not have any unrest on this reason, as there are several ways, familiar with whom you will learn how to stretch the thing to the desired size. Therefore, we bring to your attention information on the stretching of things at home.

What breeders are needed to stretch the thing?

To stretch the thing you need the following components of this procedure:

  • buttons;
  • children's shampoo;
  • cork board;
  • vinegar;
  • towel;
  • iron;
  • gauze;
  • sponge;
  • washing machine with a function of drying things.

How to stretch the thing - technology

If you have a need for stretching things, first of all, it is necessary to determine which material it is made. When dealing with a wool or half-wing thing, for its stretching it is necessary soaking for a quarter of an hour of this very thing in warm water, in which you need to add a children's shampoo in small quantities. As for the pressed thing, its technology is the following. We put the thing on the towel of large sizes and twist it rolled. With this, it is possible to absorb moisture by a towel from the thing. After that, the towel used unfolds and is located on the cork board. We take a thing, and sprawling the fibers with your fingers, give it the necessary shape and size. At the same time, these actions can not be performed for the entire product, but only for those areas that need a stretch.

Due to the lack of time, this procedure can be impossible for execution, so you have to use the following way to stretch the thing. To do this, with the help of an iron you can dry the thing during ironing, pre-stuck it gauze. This will allow you to give things the right shape and stretch it to the desired size. It will also be superfluous, if you stretch the fibers with your fingers.

How to stretch jeans and t-shirts?

For stretching jeans and t-shirts, for the manufacture of which cotton materials were used, you can use vinegar in small quantities. We take 3-% vinegar and pour it into a prepared container. Then we welt in it a sponge and we carry out the processing of the seeding thing. Special attention must be paid to the state of the gate and the abbreviations that are most of all under the washing. Then, the thing processed in this way is placed in a washing machine with a drying function or an automatic dryer is used, in which the "Dry" function is also provided. Drying treated thing should be carried out within 30 minutes. This time is quite enough to perform drying of various things. Get rid of acetic smell on things will help a thorough rinse with an air conditioner. Then must follow the complete drying of the product, the stretching of which was engaged.

It should be noted that in order to prevent the stretching of woolen, half-walled and cotton fabrics that are used to make clothes and other things, they need to store them in folded form, and not hang around the hangers. This will help preserve the natural shape and size of the product.

Thus, if you follow these instructions and advice to stretch the thing, make this procedure for almost every person.

Things from some types of materials due to washing in an excessive hot water can "sit down", significantly decreasing in size. Also in some cases it is necessary to increase the dimensions of overlooking things.

In the circumstances listed, it will be worthnowing how to stretch the T-shirt.

How to stretch a t-shirt on size more

It is immediately necessary to clarify that the following methods are most relevant for natural materials (in particular - cotton). Qualitative synthetic materials mainly possess sufficient levels of elasticity, and cheap options when trying to stretch will lose appearance. This specified process coincides with that.

There are several ways to stretch cotton T-shirt.

  1. With iron

First you need to wet the thing in warm water. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the saturation of the tissue with water is uniform. After that, the product must be placed on a flat surface and start smoothing with an iron at a minimum heating temperature. At the same time, it is necessary to stretch the fabric, that is, a t-shirt fabric is fixed with one hand, and the iron with an effort is smoothed in different directions. If you need to be taken care, not to damage the drawing. It should not completely dry the T-shirt, after the end of the ironing it should be a bit raw. After that, it is necessary to fix the increased size of the T-shirt, laying it onto the smooth surface and fixing the edge of the load.

  1. With stool

It is possible to stretch the T-shirt on the size more, putting it on a chair having the required width. To stretch the fabric to be uniform, it is desirable to arrange other things on the back of the chair to smooth out the existing protrusions on the back of the chair.

Before stretching the T-shirt, it is also necessary to wet in warm water. Singing a little product and put it on the back of the chair. As the T-shirt is drying, it stretches and acquires the desired size.

  1. With the help of a hair rinse

In this case, to stretch the T-shirt soaked it in warm water, after which we add one fourth glass to it any available hair rinse. Run a T-shirt under water (if the product is crumpled - it is deformed) and keep so about 15 minutes. Then we pour water and carefully rolling the product in clean water.

After that, remove the T-shirt, sit down a bit and proceed directly to stretching. Hands for opposite edges, carefully stretch the T-shirt in length and width to the desired size. After that, it is necessary to fix the changes, laying out the product on the horizontal surface and fixing its edges by cargoes.

The situation when a beautiful and convenient wardrobe object becomes too close, every familiar. This may be associated with a weight gain, pregnancy, as well as the wrong choice of washing mode or drying clothes. However, your favorite thing can be converted that it will not only sit well, but will acquire a new original look.

Stylish clothes do it yourself

We have prepared for you interesting ideas like change clothing parameters And at the same time turn things into something beautiful ...

How to expand clothes

1. The thing is wide, and the sleeves have become narrow? Use homemade inserts. They can be anyhow: lace, embroidered or contrasting fabric.

2. If the favorite thing has become close in the width - the side inserts. The material for them can be chosen one-picture or under the color of the main product.

3. Contrast, differing in texture and color inserts not only help expand the blouse, but also become an interesting element of the decor.

4. So you can increase your favorite blouse or tunic. To do this, add inserts on the back or shelf of the product.

5. Pants act on the same scheme: Use side inserts along the entire length. Moreover, both from the outside and the inner seam.

6. Recently comfortable jeans began to put pressure on the stomach? Make inserts in the belt area on side or rear seam.

7. But a wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bincreasing the dress in all respects. I already want myself the same!

Nowadays, repair and lengthen old things are not so important: in the era of the mass market, it is easier to buy new clothes than redo old. But sometimes it is a sorry to throw out your favorite thing, I want to update it or refresh it. To shorterate clothes, it is most often not difficult, but to lengthen beautifully - a little more difficult.

How to lengthen clothes

1. This is probably one of the most common ways. It looks just great! Add up the bottom with a band from fabric or lace. Color and material depends on your fantasy.

2. Fashion trend of this season - insert with transparent fabric. Place it on a subsidence of a skirt or a light summer dress.

3. And this is even more radical transformation of trousers. Openwork inserts are not at the bottom, but in the middle of the product. To enhance the effect, you can decorate the pockets and belt lace. Personally, I really like this option.

For girls who love sports style in clothing, a great option for changing the shape of the trousers will be knitted cuffs.

4. If we talk about blouses and jampers, then the options here have a huge amount. The most popular of them is the addition of lace inserts on the bottom of the product.

5. Looking at this photo, I immediately wanted the same summer T-shirt. For alteration, you need to make a contrast fabric insert in the middle of the product.

As you can see, you do not always need to throw a close blouse or too short skirt, especially if it concerns your favorite clothing. Take advantage of these simple but reasonable tricks and stay in trend!

Sometimes situations may occur when a favorite T-shirt decreased in size - this usually happens after washing. If you like to make purchases via the Internet, you can confuse the size and then you have to either resell the purchased thing, or just throw out.

But do not rush with cardinal actions, there are several ways to stretch the product in length, width, zoom in size, or return the previous one. It all depends on the type of fabric from which the product is manufactured.

You may have incorrectly determined the size of the product when they did a purchase in the online store, or the T-shirt decreased after washing, or you recovered - in any of these cases, the situation can be corrected.

T-shirts made of natural tissue most often after washing decrease in size. Cotton fabric has a property to decrease due to the effects of high temperatures. Manufacturers are added to the cotton synthetic component of the elastane, which prevents the rolling and tightening the product during and after washing. If the trouble still happened and it is necessary to increase the T-shirt on one size, you need to take a big towel, decompose the wet product on it, thoroughly scatter it and dry in this form - the T-shirt should return to the previous size.

Important! To avoid trouble after washing, carefully examine the information provided on the product label. Manufacturers always indicate the temperature allowed for washing. Be sure to follow the instructions provided.

Two methods are distinguished: stretching with washing and mechanical method

With washing

Things from synthetic or combined materials need to wet in cold water and throw in a washing machine. Select a program for delicate washing, do not add a powder or gel, just run the program. Dry the product vertically, hanging over one edge. Also, after washing, the T-shirt can be neatly decomposed on the bedspread and evenly stretch it in all directions. Leave the thing to dry - thus it stretches for one size.

Knitwear can be stretched using hair conditioner, vinegar 3% and a simple sponge:

  • Take a pelvis with warm (but not hot) water, soak for 5 minutes the product.
  • After five minutes, carefully press it.
  • Pour water from the pelvis, put a T-shirt there and moisten it with hair conditioner.
  • Start stretching it if you do it badly, add more air conditioning.
  • Sat the thing, squeeze a little bit.
  • Distribute T-shirt in the bathroom.
  • Soak sponge with vinegar and drive her cloth slightly stretching.
  • Select a program for delicate washing and run the program.
  • Rosen the product with a conventional conditioner for clothes to get rid of the smell of vinegar.
  • Dry vertically.

Mechanical method

You will need gauze, iron, rope for drying clothes and clothespins.

  • Place the thing in the pelvis with water is not above forty degrees, and leave for ten minutes. Pull it up and press with the utmost accuracy.
  • Be extremely careful with pictures or prints - do not overdo it with a spin, as you can damage the picture.
  • Wet t-shirt gently straighten on the ironing board, cover the gauze. Gently stretching in the sides you need, disappear it.
  • Do not disappear pictures and prints.
  • Do not dry the product to the end - fasten it down with the rope for drying clothes and leave to dry.

T-shirt collar stretched: what to do and how to solve the problem

Surely you faced this unpleasant problem - the product is new, and the neck or collar after washing or ordinary wearing ugly stretched. Do not throw it out, you can save it. You will need to be patient, as well as a needle with a thread.

  • Carefully expand the collar bar - usually it is double. Divide it, make single and longer. Sust together - you will have a longer tissue strip for finishing.
  • Take a T-shirt and an iron hang out the stretched neckline, fold it twice the shoulder seam.
  • Take a strip of fabric, fold twice, attach a t-shirt to the shoulder seam, stretching slightly, sew it in a circle. Stay in three centimeters to the junction. The ends of the strips are connected, and place them together, and the seam hide into the bent strips.
  • Then sushach 3 missing centimeters to the neck. T-shirt is ready.

How to stretch cotton t-shirt

Wet a thing, place on a flat surface, stretch to the sides. Iron, at a minimum temperature with a strengthen the smooth cotton, pull it to the side. Put the cloth on the towel, stretch, fix around the edges, wait for drying.

Stretch cotton width

You will need the help of another person. Water the product, spread it on the towel. You have to pull it into the width, and the other person at this time is holding the bottom of the T-shirt, pressing toward the towel, so the product will not be shorter.

Stretch cotton

Wet clothes in cool water, add ordinary shampoo. Singlely squeeze, distribute on the board and stretch along the length. Fix the thing by cargo, and wait for drying.

T-shirt after washing: how to stretch the product without asymmetric deformation

After washing the thing, put in cold water, squeeze slightly. If you have good health, it is dressed in it - in this way, the fabric will repeat the contours of your body without asymmetric deformation of the product.

What increases the likelihood of t-shirt stretching

Sometimes such a problem arises when the T-shirt is unevenly stretched. To avoid this, you need to carefully examine the information on the label.

What to pay attention to when buying a new product

  • To buy a quality piece of clothing, pay attention to such nuances:
  • Shoulder seams should pass strictly along the edge of the shoulder bone.
  • Check the seams of things made of materials that are drawn - they should not spread.
  • The sleeves of the product should not be close to check it out, bend your hands in the elbows - if something likes, the thing does not fit you.
  • There are fabrics that are strongly impaired when wearing is a natural material, such as flax or cotton. To check, squeeze the fabric in the fist, if he was very smashed, then you need to decide for yourself whether it is worth buying it.

Water T-shirt entirely in the world of warm water. This can be done, seeing it in a sink or big bowl. Make sure the water is cool and soaked all the places on the T-shirt you want to stretch. Water should cover a t-shirt with a margin.

Add 1/4 water rinse for hair to water. After you have added it, stir up with your hand so that it is completely dissolved in the water, and did not get drunk. Hair conditioner will soften the fibers, because of which they will stretch easier.

  • If you do not have a hair rinker at hand, take a children's shampoo.
  • A cheap rinser is suitable, do not waste your expensive hair care products on a t-shirt.
  • Cross the T-shirt and hold it under water 10-15 minutes. The easiest way to put a T-shirt on top of a bowl or sink and, after gently pick it up to the water so that the water with the rinse is impaired every fiber in a T-shirt. If the T-shirt crumpled, then its parts are coated differently.

    • Hold the T-shirt flat in the direction of the bottom of the bowl, not allowing it to turn over for a minute-two so that each fiber is soaked with a rinse with a rinse. The more it wets, the longer she breaks the bowl on his own. Leave the T-shirt there for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse the T-shirt. Get a t-shirt from a bowl, drain the water and pour clean, cool water (or take another bowl). Rinse the T-shirt almost the same as you rinse your hair from the rinse, otherwise it will cover sticky sediment.

    • Do not hurry. Spend 5 minutes or so on the rinse of the T-shirt, so that the clean water is soaked every fiber.
  • Find a flat place to put a T-shirt. The top of the dryer, the granite countertop or the top of the refrigerator. First, unload the towels to protect the T-shirt (and the surface itself, if you do not want to wet it).

    • Press the T-shirt from the water so that it does not flow and dried faster.
  • If there is a print on a T-shirt that you do not want to stretch, go through it iron now. T-shirt stretching can damage the drawing on it. But if you first dry the drawing, it does not stretch the same way as other parts of a T-shirt (those you want to stretch), because they are still wet.

  • Slide your hands on the elbow in that part of the T-shirt you want to stretch. If you want it wider, stretch it into width, without applying too much effort. This can leave a strange "mark" somewhere on a T-shirt. If it turns out that your hands are not strong enough to stretch the T-shirt, try your feet, or take some strong stick, or ask to help someone with your hands stronger than yours.

    • If you just want to make a t-shirt longer, stretch it in length between the neck and the bottom in opposite directions. Try from left to right so that all sides of the T-shirt stretched equally.