The impact of television on children research. The effect of television on children. Children watch TV - how to minimize the harmful effects of TV, and other negative factors

The impact of television on children

The impact of television on children

The question is whether young children should watch TV shows, is relevant. It's no secret that most parents put the child in front of TV almost from a year so that he would leave them alone for a moment.

The impact of television on children drastically different from influence on the psyche of adults... For example, children 3-10 years old, according to research results, cannot clearly determine where is the truth and where is the lie. They blindly trust everything that is shown on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11 do the guys begin to not be so trusting in what they see on the screen.

Rapid change of images does not give the child the opportunity to understand the meaning of what is happening, and the scenes of violence, which are abundant in today's cartoons, cause irreparable harm to the child. psyche: provokes the manifestation of child aggression, cruelty; increases the state of anxiety, nervousness and fear.

Very often it is viewing TV shows causes the emergence of children's fears.

Fear is an emotion that arises in a situation of real or imaginary threat. Most scientists believe that childhood fears are common in childhood development. Fear, like any other emotion, performs a specific function and allows a child and an adult to navigate in the objective and social environment surrounding him.

However, the fears that arise under the influence of films and television programs are not useful emotions, these fears do not warn a person against possible danger. Therefore, children only feel discomfort from these fears.

In his book “Give up the habit of TV» author J.A. Wilkins writes that for every hour television 9 acts of violence are committed on the screen, and 21 acts occur for every hour of children's cartoons. “By the age of 14, the typical American child becomes witnessed 11 LLC murders". According to the author, TV commits a kind of violence against children and teaches them aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior children- this is a kind of SOS signal, a cry for help, for attention to his inner world, in which too many destructive emotions have accumulated, which the child cannot cope with on his own. An aggressive child develops less self-control, and then he falls into a vicious circle.

Remember that a child who daily watches scenes of violence, murder, gets used to them and even gradually begins to experience pleasure from such episodes. Especially, pay attention to computer games and foreign cartoons.

If you think that without TV your child cannot do, observe the following recommendations:

1. You can watch only programs intended for little ones. children, best of all, domestic cartoons with a clear, clear picture, melodic music, kind, fearless characters and understandable content accessible to the kid. For example, if the child is greedy, then offer a cartoon "Two greedy teddy bears" if cheating - "Castle of Liars" if brags - "Frog traveler" if afraid - if slob - "Moidodyr" or "Queen's toothbrush".

2. Give up the habit of pushing your child onto television like an electronic nanny, even if you are very busy. Instead, find him something to do - let him learn to draw or music, develop an interest in the book. Reading with close adults is also a way of psychological protection: the book comes to children through mother's or father's voice, and this is always love and kindness, warmth and protection.

3. Do not put TV in the nursery, unless you want to completely lose control over what programs and at what time the child watches.

At the same time, numerous doctors' testimonies, psychologists, teachers confirm that such a pastime does nothing but harm. Long viewing TV shows at this age leads to fatigue of vision, frequent flickering of frames, especially in clips accompanied by loud music, often provokes a violation of the activity of the nervous system, up to convulsions.

1. Do not leave television included to create background noise. If your child wants to hear something while drawing or studying, turn on the radio.

2. The child should learn to know the world, and no fears should hinder him in this. Sure, television it is a source of information, and should not be completely neglected, but we must not forget that television- not a means for the full development of a child.

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In the daily distribution of time, television ranks third after sleep and work. If, on average, a person watches TV 3 hours a day, then by the age of 75 he will spend nine of them in front of a blue screen.

Every modern person needs to know that a TV set amplifies the effect of an electrical and energy signal by 25-30 thousand times. As a result, the rays focused by the pupil destroy the nerve cells of the fundus and gradually "burn out" the substance of the human brain, that is, they simply dull it.

Television is especially harmful for children.... Children and adolescents, from constant sitting in front of the TV or computer, develop headaches for which there is no apparent reason, the origin of the pain is unclear. There are other signs: dizziness, decreased memory and ability to concentrate, weakness, increased fatigue. Then there is a constant decrease in the human defenses (weakening of the immune system).

If a child already in early childhood watches TV or plays on a computer for 2-3 hours a day, then by the age of 5-7 he may have nervous tics, headaches, and seizures. A child's body under the age of 12 is especially vulnerable to any electromagnetic influences. The abundance of light, sound stimuli is an overload for the cerebral cortex. As a result, children develop neurotic symptoms: someone constantly licks their lips, bites their nails, puts their hands in their mouths, and someone sometimes fights in hysterics over trifles. The risk group includes children who survived perinatal encephalopathy in the first year of life.

The room where the child sleeps or plays should not have a TV or computer. A child should watch TV from a distance MORE THAN 3 METERS. If we are to watch, then it is better to watch TV with the children during the day, and better - educational programs lasting 20-30 minutes. Sanitary standards allow children under 5 years old to watch TV for 25 minutes PER WEEK, that is, five minutes a day! A biochemical study of the blood of an adult showed that watching TV for 15 minutes reduces the quality of red blood cells (the ability to carry oxygen) by almost half. What can happen to the immunity of children after long television programs?

It has already been verified that if you put a TV with a small screen in front of the bed, "bone aches" will appear. You cannot fall asleep when the TV is on - a sleeping person is not able to protect himself from radiation and from the flow of negative emotions from the screen, negative information. If a child is sleeping and his parents are watching TV, he will feel both the electromagnetic field and all the negative emotions of action movies, detective stories, dramas, "horror films" and other "masterpieces" of night movie screenings.

But this is only one side of the impact of television technology.

Telepsychotechnology is the most dangerous for humans. The impact is achieved imperceptibly, through monotonous sounds, the same type of phrases-sledgehammer (the same happens during rock concerts through microphones). In Bulgaria, under the guidance of Professor Lodanov, known for his method of accelerated teaching of foreign languages, a television experiment was carried out. For a group of 30 volunteers, a gentle mode of exposure was chosen - 15 minutes. The TV session was held once a week. The first achievements were encouraging: improved memory, a surge in perception. But after the second session, all the participants began to have hormonal and other disorders, noticeable only by the readings of the devices. But after the 5th session, the TV session was banned. After 3-5 years, the subjects became seriously ill, and after 7 years they died. Before this experience, all of them had excellent health (TG Dichev “Zombies are next to us.” “Knowledge of the World” No. 6, 2001).

Western psychologists claim that ordinary television films so "charge" the subconscious that it will soon become the cause of many mental illnesses. If the viewer watches a film with scenes of violence or horror, then only consciousness understands that this is a lie, subconsciously everything is perceived at face value and is experienced as actions occurring with the person himself. And that means constant stress. The impact is especially enhanced in films with computer graphics. TELEPILEPSY is now a very common medical concept. The definition of the disease is as follows: a seizure is caused by an excessive flow of light, radiation and sound stimuli. From the blue screens of TVs and computer displays, we are attacked by clots of heavy microleptons, which can break the aura and penetrate into our subtle body.

A little more than a dozen years ago, the ORT channel purchased more than 100 episodes of the Japanese cartoon Pokemon (Pocket Monsters), which was banned both in Japan itself and in many other countries. The entire cartoon is filled with flashes on the screen that cause mental disorders and eye diseases in children. In Japan itself, in December 1997, after watching another 30-minute episode, more than 10 thousand children fell ill, and 700 children were sent to hospitals with signs of epilepsy: convulsions, cessation of breathing, heart rhythm disturbances. In Turkey, the showing of this cartoon was banned after two children, imitating the characters of the animated series, threw themselves out of the window. Knowing all this very well, the ORT management decided to buy this cartoon, crippling our children.

In addition, not long ago in the mornings they showed an amazingly stupid cartoon about "Teletubbies". Apparently, the main goal of this show is to educate a TV-dependent person from an early age. A person who has just touched the values ​​of this world already sees his beloved hero with a TV in his stomach. Try to explain to your child that watching TV is harmful, even from a medical point of view. But the age at which, according to the creators of this program, children start watching TV is 6 months. Children under the age of 3-4 do not have self-defense skills, so their psyche is programmed. Moreover, what happens on the screen becomes the dream of any child: to do nothing, walk through the meadows and run after each other. Bright colors, lack of moral content, a certain musical rhythm, mesmerizing computer images "pull" the child to the TV and serve as a sweet bait for the baby. One of the founders of "Teletubbies", Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.N. Sergienko, after very unconvincing speeches about the usefulness of his favorite animated series, said: "Teletubbies" do not set themselves the goal of teaching the baby anything. The goal of the series is one, and very simple - to give the mother at least a little time to do herself or household chores. " Much more frank and cynical. It turns out all this talk about education is a lie. The main goal is to entrust the upbringing of the baby to the TV, and to do their own thing. “Children are having a rest, parents are having a rest” - the advertisement of RTR said. Parents who are too lazy to take care of their child and put him in front of the TV screen, are you sure that the voice from this device will raise your baby better than you?

We are already reaping the fruits of monstrous information projects. Moreover, the creators of the new order are interested in educating from an early age even more dependent, infantile, cosmopolitan generations. Morally healthy people, with their deep instinct seeing a foreign splinter in all these innovations, are trying to say a word in defense of poor children who have become victims of yet another experiment. There are more and more such performances, which means that we still have hope for the future. God willing, and wiser parents will raise their children not on mutants with an antenna in their heads and a TV in their belly, but on the example of our koloboks, bunnies, bears, Snow Maidens, Alyonushki, Ivanov-princes and other heroes of kind and clever folk tales. I must say that children themselves today watch Russian cartoons and fairy tales with great joy. And to the question of adults: "Why?" - they simply answer: that our cartoons are kind, and the characters in them are beautiful.

Some information for adults on the topic: "Broadcast of scenes of violence and eroticism on Russian TV channels."

In 1997, CSO RAO conducted a study aimed at analyzing the broadcast of scenes of violence and eroticism on three television channels. The study covered morning, afternoon, evening and night programs on ORT, NTV and TV Center.

Let us highlight a number of characteristic conclusions made after this.

1. Research of the received materials shows an increase in the number of scenes of violence and eroticism from the morning air to the evening one. The aggressiveness of television broadcasts at the end of the working week sharply increases (an increase in the number of showing of scenes of violence by the end of the week by 2.4 times). Differences are also observed in the frequency of broadcasts of these scenes on different television channels. For example, TV Center shows scenes of violence and eroticism 2 times more often compared to ORT and NTV channels.

Already these data allow us to state at least two important, in our opinion, considerations:
a) The display of scenes of violence and eroticism quite clearly corresponds to the daily and weekly life rhythm of the activity of an ordinary person. It can be noted that scenes of violence and eroticism are “built in” into a person's life cycle just at the time when the greatest relaxation is expected, a decrease in the control of consciousness (these features of preparation for sleep have been discussed many times in the psychological literature). For example - in the evening. What is a special technique of embedding scenes of violence and eroticism in the phase of preparation for sleep, and leads to the elaboration in dreams of personality patterns and behavioral models perceived from the television screen (a similar explanation was given by V.S.Sobkin and E.O.Smirnova in 1986 at analysis of the TV show "Good night, kids!"). In other words, scenes of violence and eroticism begin to be absorbed by the viewer at a subconscious level and are transferred into their dreams.

b) It is also very important that most often scenes of violence and eroticism are presented in an artistic form (every second scene is transmitted through feature films). This allows us to conclude that scenes “packed” in this way are assimilated primarily at the affective-emotional level. In other words, these scenes are experienced, lived and remain in the subconscious of the viewer. Thus, we are witnessing a special socio-cultural technique of television's work to introduce officially prohibited norms and patterns of behavior into the mass consciousness.

The fact that the second place in terms of the number of screenings of scenes of violence and eroticism after feature films is occupied by advertising (every 5th broadcast) is also not accidental. By themselves, these scenes take a very short period of time and do not have time to be evaluated critically at a conscious level, as a result of which they also have a powerful effect on the viewer's subconscious. The above data allow us to note the INTENTIONAL NATURE of these scenes in advertising, since they show that “consumer demand” is created precisely at a subconscious level, based on prohibited patterns (aggressive, sexual, cruel, etc.)

2. A more detailed study of the materials shows that different television channels differ significantly in their actions from each other. For example, the TV Center channel more often than others shows scenes of violence and eroticism through feature films - 66.4%. The most aggressive and erotic advertising is on the ORT channel - 42.4%. Finally, NTV and TV Center use scenes of violence in their chronicles quite often (16.9% and 15.5%, respectively).

3. An analysis of the types of violence and the person against whom this violence is carried out shows that the most widespread type of aggression on the TV screen is murder. For example, the proportion of homicides with firearms is 20.4% (every fifth scene). Such kind of aggression as outright beating is quite widespread.

The data shows that television broadcasts are quite aggressive, with almost every 3-4 scenes ending in murder and every 12 being brutally beaten. The direction of aggression was especially investigated. The materials show that the aggression of men towards men is 37.2%. Violence of a man against a woman is typical for every 6th case. Every 10th case is a woman's aggression towards a man. Finally, it should be noted that intergroup actions (group fights, murders, etc.) are widely represented on the TV screen.

The actions of a man in relation to a woman are of a different nature. Erotic actions and sexual intercourse account for more than half (50.6%). Beating and beating were observed in every 10th case (9.8%). Men and women also kill each other quite often; finally, women are 3 times more likely to insult men (20.8%).

If we note the actions of a woman in relation to a woman, then a very peculiar line of behavior is found here, different from those described above. In the actions of a woman towards a woman, insults prevail (50% of cases). Increasingly, women's fights, beatings and direct murders began to appear on the screen. At the same time, there is such a special type of aggression as bringing one's victim to suicide. But erotic lesbian scenes are quite common - 33.4%.

In fact, we can conclude that the ban on physical violence on the TV screen has been lifted.

4. If we return to the analysis of the programs of various television broadcasting channels, we will notice that murders are most common on the NTV channel - 39.3%. Verbal abuse is distributed approximately equally on all channels. At the same time, severe beatings are significantly more frequent on ORT and TV Center (15.3% and 16.4%, respectively). Scenes of explicit eroticism are more common on the TV Center channel - 17.6%. Direct display of sexual intercourse is most common on the NTV channel - 8.5%

5. Of sufficient interest is the study of the distribution of types of aggressive and erotic actions in the daily cycle of TV broadcasts. The morning of the domestic TV viewer begins with a fairly large share of insults (36.9% of all insults broadcast on TV channels during the day). But our morning is not limited to verbal abuse. A quarter of all fights take place in the morning, and we also see every 6th “teleicide” in the morning. Strange as it may seem, the number of murders is increasing in daytime broadcasts and, perhaps most importantly, half of the erotic scenes (43.4%) falls on the daytime broadcast. This is a “good relaxation” for our retirees and housewives and an excellent background for preparing homework for schoolchildren who have returned from school (besides, parents are often absent at this time). And what about in the evening? The number of murders, of course, is increasing, but accidents, catastrophes and disasters prevail at this time. It's nice, sitting in front of the TV screen, to know that you are personally safe.

Night broadcast is extremely simple. Here censorship is removed and 75% of all demonstrations of sexual intercourse fall on this time, and let's hope that children and adolescents are already asleep at this time. "
(The text is based on the materials of VS Sobkin, NI Kuznetsova "Russian teenager of the 90s: Movement to the risk zone").

"In our box office, American films - 87%, European - 6.1%, Russian - 5.6%" - these are the words of the former Minister of Culture Shvydkov ("Echo of the Day", 15.08.2003. Yekaterinburg).

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Sooner or later, whether you want it or not, but either passively or purposefully, your child begins to show interest in TV. He likes watching various programs, cartoons, movies. Naturally, parents think about purchasing a separate TV set for their child. It's no secret that the influence of TV can be both positive and negative. So you need to decide - is it worth buying a TV for a child at all? How does TV affect a child? All factors should be considered in order to make the right choice.

Influence of TV on Children

  • The first thing that parents rely on when relying on the purchase of a separate TV set for a child is his employment, and accordingly you can calmly go about your business without worrying that the child will constantly interfere and distract.

This mainly applies to young mothers who are staying at home. With the advent of children, in arise Problems ... A lot of cases accumulate, but with a small child, who constantly needs attention, it is rather difficult to cope with all the cases. A TV with cartoons, music programs, etc. comes to the rescue. Here some mothers forget about the norms that determine the time intervals for a child to be at the TV. And also about how TV affects children.

  • The opinions of experts regarding the time a child spends at the screen differ, but not very significantly. Some believe that you can watch for 2 hours a day, others unanimously say that one hour is a lot. In any case, it is up to you to decide how long your child will be at the screen. Control the influence of the TV on your child. Nobody else will do it.
  • The most common mistake many parents make is when the TV is running in the background. It turns out that no one watches it, including the child, because everyone does their own thing. Along with the negative aspects of using the TV, as a nanny, there is also a positive side - watching TV, cartoons, educational programs for children - significantly accelerates the development of the outlook of kids. With the help of the TV, they learn about the world.
  • Now, in the age of digital technologies, there is nothing impossible - just like installing a television receiver in a car. Maybe he will pass your time and keep your child busy when you are in a traffic jam - but I think there is no need to explain that such things distract the driver, and traffic safety becomes jeopardized. In this matter, also consider the effect of television on children.

Moreover, it is enough to watch TV at home. Still, it is worth communicating with the child directly - telling him about the world around him, showing nature, animals. Do not forget about books that parents have recently used very little as teaching and developmental material.

  • Do not forget about the impact of TV on the vision of children. Watching TV for a long time is very stressful for the eyes. When buying a TV, it is worth considering the size of the screen. A small screen is just as bad as a very large one. And, in general, you should constantly monitor at what distance the child watches TV. It must be at least two meters.
  • The baby's nervous system is also subject to decent stress while watching. Here, according to experts, TV has a very strong effect on the child. This refers to watching "wild" TV shows that can destroy the still weak psyche of the baby. Exclude from viewing programs and films where scenes of violence, scenes of sexual relations are present, because this causes aggression in the child.

How to protect your child from the TV

Sooner or later, but you will have to set a password for turning on the TV in order to exclude the possibility of turning on the TV at the request of the child. If one is installed in the children's room, make sure that there are only children's channels. Better yet, buy a set-top box to watch videos. Or stock up on disks of children's themes - films, cartoons, educational programs, so that you have an alternative to TV.

Finally, I would like to say - do not rely on TV as a nanny for your child. Try to talk to him more, to show, to explain. Live communication will only bring you closer to your baby and no TV can replace live communication. Then your children will grow up developed and adapted to life. And not slaves to the TV, like most around. So your

We live in a world in which it is difficult to imagine an apartment without a TV. For a long time we have not noticed how much useful, necessary time we spend watching programs that have nothing to do with us or our children. We all understand that children under 2 years of age are generally prohibited from watching TV. But after the birth of a baby, there comes a moment when you want to look at other people with at least one eye, so we turn on the blue screen, stroke, cook, clean, play with the baby, perceiving television as a sound background, “after all, the child still does not show any interest, it means that he cannot have such an innocent weakness to his detriment. "
Can children watch TV? And how does TV affect sleep?

The effect of television on the child's nervous system.

A child is born with an immature nervous system, he needs to do a great job in order to adapt to the world around him, he develops all systems of the body, memory, thinking, perception. Even if the baby does not peer into what is happening on the screen, he receives many visual and auditory stimuli that his nervous system is unable to process, they are often remembered as unclaimed pictures and images. The brain cannot connect them with any previously received information. Now, imagine this is happening in the afternoon. The brain tries to process all the received stimuli, but it is with this information that a kind of computer failure occurs in the child's brain. The head is trying to solve the problem, but creates more and more centers of excitement that will not allow the baby to fall asleep peacefully, since by the time of sleep he will already be overworked and overexcited. Our role is to reduce the negative impact of television on sleep and to protect the child from information that cannot be absorbed.

Blue spectrum rays destroy the sleep hormone.

We must not forget about the fact that gamma rays from the TV, acting on the retina, destroys and blocks the production of the hormone melatonin, without which it is impossible to achieve relaxation and quality sleep. This hormone is responsible not only for healthy sleep, it relieves stress, stimulates the immune system, and has an antioxidant effect. In the room where the child sleeps, do not turn on the TV screen and moment of sleep the child (we are not talking about the fact that the noise will affect the depth of sleep, this is obvious). Even through the eyelid, the retina catches a light spot that prevents the central nervous system from going into a deep sleep phase and destroys melatonin. According to the results of studies by German scientists, those animals that slept in the light were prone to manifestations of aggression and depression, they refused the most delicious food, and further research showed that the area of ​​the brain that is naturally responsible for receiving pleasure has sharply decreased. Such consequences are in animals, but our nervous system is even more subtle. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the effect of TV on sleep - the child should sleep in silence and complete darkness.

The electromagnetic field negatively affects the human body, especially the health of the child. The TV is also an electrical device that emits electromagnetic waves that disrupt the regulation of pressure, metabolism and blood formation in the body, especially if the baby is at a distance of less than 3 - 3.5 meters from the TV. In the second half of the day, a tired body needs to be helped, and not set before it new tasks that it needs to cope with.

Stop watching TV at least in the afternoon.

Best of all, during sleep, the brain processes the information that it received in the afternoon. The child, for example, looked at the TV screen or watched a cartoon. The child's nervous system does not know how to separate information into reality and a fairy tale, so the fear of a little pony is perceived as something that happens in real life, the brain transfers these experiences to the child himself, forcing him to experience similar feelings. Mom will never be read fairy tales causing negative emotions at night, but she cannot predict the child's reaction to cartoons or adult programs, under which the baby had dinner.

It is easier to simply give up watching TV than to minimize the effects of its effects on health and, in particular, on sleep. If you still cannot decide on this step once and for all, then postpone viewing to the first half of the day, while keeping an eye on the time. Life goes on without this black box, into which, as if into a black hole, our free time, positive emotions, health, mood and our desire to receive joy from communication with the closest little man in the world are sucked into.

TV and baby- stereotypes about this union are sharply opposite. Some consider TV to be terribly harmful to a child. Others are convinced that televisions contribute to the development of the child and best of all keep the toddler occupied for the time the parents need. What is it really?

Everybody watches TV for years. It is not harmful!

No harm from TV is a huge misconception. First, a large volume of television is addictive. Secondly, watching TV provokes the formation of infantilism. You can not count on the independent solution of problems by a person who has been dependent on TV since childhood. Television teaches a child to perceive the world, which is far from reality. Watching TV does not develop our logic, does not teach us to comprehend facts and images. But regular sitting at the screen stimulates the development of impulsivity, disorganization and kills motivation. Autism, attention deficit disorder, obesity, diabetes mellitus - scientists warn us about this in case of constant TV viewing. Surprisingly, TV addiction leads to early puberty in girls.

TV is the best way to keep your child busy

Leaving your child alone with the TV is the safest way to keep your child busy for a long time. Many modern mothers think so. Yes, the harm of the TV is not particularly obvious physically, but the effect on the psyche occurs to a significant extent. In addition, psychologists are sure that, especially at an early age, a child can watch TV only in the presence of adults, with their comments. And yet psychologists allow such leisure time in the shortest possible time frame.

Let the TV work - all the same, the child does not understand anything

Very often, parents include television background with a small child or allow themselves to watch different programs with the confidence that the child does not understand anything yet. Psychologists are sure that even unconscious TV viewing up to 2 years old has a negative impact on a child's development. Ideal if children of this age will not be present when the TV is on. Even an abstract frame change provokes a negative effect on the nervous system, eye fatigue - there are 24 frames per second. Rhythmic light stimulation of the retina can cause photosensitive epilepsy. Also, unconscious TV viewing can cause insomnia, headaches, stubbornness, moods, stuttering, seizures and even hysterical seizures.

The TV in the children's room is quite normal.

The TV in the children's room affects the decrease in test indicators of educational achievement in younger students. This was proved by a study by Stanford scientists. In addition, the TV in the children's room will not allow you to control what the child is watching. It is ideal to have a TV in the common room where parents can participate in every viewing.

Scary scenes on TV - aggression in a child

This belief has several nuances. Screen aggression affects boys and girls in different ways. An increase in aggression towards peers and parents after watching scenes with aggression or latent aggression was noted in the behavior of boys. No such results were recorded for girls. In addition to aggression, scary scenes cause nightmares, stuttering and various childhood fears.

Cartoons on TV are safe for the child

Despite the fact that cartoons for children are products aimed at children, the harm from them has been proven by a number of studies. Russian psychologists expressed the belief that watching children's products on TV without proper control provokes the extinction of the function of procreation. American researchers have shown that cartoons with frequent flickering of images contribute to the development of behavioral problems, attention deficit in children of 4 years old.

Psychologists are convinced that TV may not have restrictions only for children over 16 years old. It is almost impossible to avoid television in our world, but it is in the power of parents to prevent a child's dependence on television and reduce the risks of its influence.