Base oils (bases): types and applications, the best base oils. Base oils: how base oil differs from essential, useful properties of base oils

Esters are almost never used in their pure form, but are mixed with the base - base oil. Base oils or so-called carrier oils have an amazing property - to dissolve esters and facilitate their penetration into the upper layers of the skin.

The base oil for the regular use of essential oils is simply indispensable, in addition, it has a number of its own beneficial properties that should not be forgotten when making a choice.

What are the benefits of base oils

Base oils, unlike esters, can be used in their pure form, which is why it is an independent cosmetic product with its own characteristics and methods of use. Such a plant product is used for daily special care not only for the skin of the face, but also for the decollete, curls and nails.

By choosing the best base oils, you can get a bottle of valuable liquid. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, a complex of vitamins and minerals, phosphatides and waxes. The rich chemical composition explains the use of base oils in cosmetology.

This plant product provides the elasticity of cell membranes, allows you to restore skin cells, accelerate metabolism, and have an antioxidant effect.

A base oil, such as olive oil, retains moisture in the epidermis and can be used as a natural make-up remover.

Composition, useful properties

The main components of such a plant product are saturated as well as unsaturated fatty acids. A high percentage of saturated acids ensure the solidification of this herbal product at room temperature. If polyunsaturated acids predominate, the oil remains liquid even at room temperature.

Oleic acid is a valuable component of the herbal remedy, because it contributes to better transportation of other components, so the oily liquid quickly penetrates the skin.

The base oil for essential oils is a great addition, because it is rich in essential acids - linoleic and its derivatives. It is this component that provides comprehensive care for dry, hypersensitive skin, as it fills it with moisture. In addition, essential acids perfectly relieve inflammation of the skin in case of skin diseases, contribute to its rapid healing.

The human body constantly needs fatty acids, since the lack of such substances causes peeling, a feeling of tightness, itching, and slight redness.

Where to buy base oil, which one is better?

Such a valuable herbal remedy is obtained from plant seeds, fruit pits, as well as grains and nuts of pressing methods (cold). Also, other methods (for example, the extraction method) can be used for its manufacture.

The use of the best high quality base oils will allow you to prepare an excellent essential oil composition that is suitable for both skin care and curls. That is why the purchase of base oil for essential oils should be carried out only in those stores and pharmacies that sell products from trusted suppliers that do not contain synthetic impurities.

What base oil to choose in the supermarket? It is worth paying attention only to a quality product without artificial additives. For home use, an unrefined base oil is suitable - extra virgin will be ideal. It has a rich greenish tint, has a characteristic olive aroma, a refined counterpart does not have such qualities.

How base oils are used in cosmetology

Every woman wants to look attractive and young, so quite often the fair sex resort to the use of expensive body care products. But it is far from always possible to feel the effectiveness of such cosmetics, due to the complex composition with synthetic additives that are harmful to the skin.

Base oils are successfully used in cosmetology, as they have a 100% natural composition. Thanks to a wide range of such herbal remedies, you can choose exactly what suits you. Without much difficulty, the base oil for essential oils is selected, given the type of skin.

We select base oils for the skin (according to the type):

1. Oily skin.

For this type of skin, it is desirable to choose products that have a drying effect. This will narrow the pores, regulate the production of subcutaneous fat and eliminate the unpleasant shine.

2. Dry skin.

In this case, moisturizers will come in handy. Unlike oily skin type, dry skin needs constant nourishment. It is best to apply a herbal remedy to the face immediately after applying the hydrosol. A dense oily layer will allow you to save moisture on the surface of the skin and quickly penetrate into the epidermis along with the nutritional components of the cosmetic product.

3. Normal skin.

Often meeting a woman with a normal skin type is a rarity. Base oils for this type of face can be chosen at your discretion. It is considered a universal care product.

4. Combination skin

To care for this type of skin, you will need a number of oils, since each area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face will need its own oil. Forehead, nose and chin - herbal remedies are suitable for oily skin types; the area around the eyes, cheeks, temples - products for dry skin.

5. Aging skin.

This type of skin needs special, careful care. Hormonal imbalance is immediately reflected on the face - dryness, flabbiness and peeling of the skin.

For elasticity and firmness of the skin, oils that have an antioxidant effect are best suited: borage, avocado, and jojoba.

Base oils are an excellent hair care product, as they quickly penetrate into the hair shaft and the bulb itself, nourishing it with vitamins, macronutrients and nutrients. Base oils for hair are selected in almost the same way as for skin - by type.

For oily hair, oils such as almond, calendula flowers, pumpkin seeds, and St. John's wort are perfect.

With light peeling, as well as dandruff, it is worth using: argan oil, burdock or castor oil.

For dry hair, it is ideal: corn, peach seed or sea buckthorn oil.

For damaged, dyed strands, use: macadamia, hemp, jojoba or corn oil.

Almond, coconut, as well as olive oil will help solve the problem of split ends.

Thanks to the correct selection and use of basic plant compositions, every girl and woman will look young and attractive. Choose a natural product for the care of the skin and curls - this is the key to a beautiful appearance, regardless of age.

Useful - options for different hair types and problems.

And it's simply impossible to do without them. The fact is that the use of essential oils in their pure form is strictly prohibited. Undiluted, they cannot, for example, be applied to the skin, as this threatens with allergies and burns. To avoid such reactions, base oils are used. For essential oils, they are a kind of solvent, thanks to which the final product becomes safe for humans.

Definition of the term

Base oils for essential oils can be called differently. In addition to the basic ones, you can hear about them as a fixed and herbal product. Also, such a solvent is sometimes called a carrier oil. The latter option is used, as a rule, in aromatherapy. All other terms take place in cases where base oils for essential oils are intended for the manufacture of various products intended for skin care.

However, it should be borne in mind that the product in question is not always of plant origin. For example, emu oil is used in the manufacture of certain preparations. This product is of animal origin. It is obtained from the fat deposits of emu ostriches. Fish oils are often used as fixed oils. Only such products are not used in aromatherapy. The term "base oil" is used exclusively for a substance of plant origin. It is obtained from certain parts of plants rich in fats. As a rule, these are nuts, bones or seeds.

Different carrier oils have different combinations of useful properties and characteristics, which ultimately determine the choice of one or another oil for healing purposes.

Application area

Base oils are used for medicinal purposes. They are not only natural solvents for essential products, but also make it possible to obtain the necessary aromatic compositions, which later find their application in cosmetology and other human activities.

Natural creams and lotions, bath and body oils, lip balms, and other moisturizing and nourishing products for skin care are made using a basic plant product. And on what ingredients are included in the formulation of cosmetics, their properties, aroma, color, and shelf life will directly depend.

How important is the use of base oil? This becomes clear from a simple example. So, applying only 1 or 2 drops of essential oils to the body is unlikely to succeed. This can only be done if the same volume is dissolved in a larger amount of another product.

The main, but by no means the only purpose of using a base oil is to make a base intended for diluting organic esters. The latter are substances with a strong odor, and only their slight concentration becomes sufficient for the production of cosmetic and perfumery compositions with unique and inimitable aromas.

But the scope of base oils is not limited to this. A plant product with unique properties is sometimes used in cosmetology in its pure form. It is used as a remedy designed to moisturize and soften the skin, as well as to nourish and restore hair.

Varieties of base oils

This plant product, based on its chemical composition, is divided into two categories. Yes, there are:


Fixed oils.

The chemical composition of the first of these is characterized by the predominance of such active substances make this base oil very thick and not so fluid. Betters are usually cheaper, but not as useful. The main advantage of such a product is its long shelf life, as well as its resistance to microorganisms.

Among the main characteristics of fatty base oils, one can note their high degree of fluidity. It manifests itself due to the predominance of polyunsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of the product. These ingredients perfectly penetrate the skin, nourishing their upper layers with useful substances. Their disadvantage is only a short shelf life. After all, the peculiarity of the chemical composition allows bacteria to settle in such oils very quickly. This is what leads to the rapid acidification of the product.

Main functions

Base oils are a kind of transport artery that delivers essential volatile substances to the right place. At the same time, a cosmetic product created with their use, upon contact with the skin, saturates them with valuable substances, normalizing the state of the epidermis, slowing down the aging process of tissues, improving their appearance, etc.

In addition, when applying base oils, the processes of loosening the stratum corneum of the skin begin. This greatly increases the possibility of penetration into it of those beneficial substances that are contained in the healing product.

In addition, base oils contribute to the normalization of the lipid layer of the skin. And this, in turn, increases its protective characteristics. Regular use of cosmetic products created using base oils significantly reduces the risk of septic pathologies. At the same time, the regenerative abilities of the epidermis increase.

Properties of base oils

Anyone who believes that the product, which is the basis for the manufacture of products with ethereal components, is only a pitiful shadow of expensive substances, is mistaken. This is far from true. Base oils themselves have a wide range of health benefits. Their value is due to their rich composition, which contains phytosterols and tocopherols, waxes and polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and triglycerides, all vitamins from A to D, as well as lipochromes.

All of the above micro and macro elements are quite easily absorbed by the human body and are quickly included in the metabolic processes taking place in it. Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, these oils, after deep penetration into the tissues, have a beneficial effect on every cell of the skin, stimulating its metabolism, regeneration and increasing the ability to retain moisture. In addition, the base product has a biostimulating and antioxidant effect. It is able to dissolve dead skin cells of the epidermis and rejuvenate the skin by removing dust and dirt from its surface, as well as restoring lymph and blood circulation.

Main types of main product

Any essential oil must be diluted with a base oil before being used in cosmetology or aromatherapy. This process can be compared to adding spices to a dish: just a small pinch of spices (essential oils) that give an unforgettable aroma and taste to a whole pan of food (plant-based).

Consider the most basic base oils, which in most cases are used as the main product.

  1. apricot. This oil is odorless, has a rich composition of vitamins, perfectly absorbed into the skin, moisturizing, softening and nourishing it. The product is obtained from apricot kernels. Used for aging, fading, inflamed, sensitive and dry skin. The oil is hypoallergenic and has a regenerating effect.
  2. Avocado. This base oil is enriched with non-washable fats. It is characterized by a greenish-yellow color. Oil made from avocado seeds nourishes, restores and moisturizes dry skin. It is able to penetrate deep into tissues and have a bright positive effect on them.
  3. From grape seeds. This base oil is an ideal base for skin care products. It contains a large amount of vitamins B, C, A, E and PP. Thanks to the action of this product, the pores narrow, the secretion of the sebaceous glands normalizes, the keratinized areas exfoliate perfectly, the foci of inflammation and redness are eliminated. At the same time, grape seed oil successfully fights cellulite, strengthens hair and restores the structure of curls in the shortest possible time.
  4. Pomegranate. This oil contains a significant amount of vitamin E. Thanks to this, the product is able to work as a powerful antioxidant. Derived from tightens tissues, reduces wrinkles, nourishes and restores the skin, eliminating its lethargy and promoting rejuvenation.
  5. From walnut. This oil is obtained from dried fruits. It is quite light and does not foam much. It has wonderful moisturizing and softening properties.
  6. Jojoba. This oil is a liquid wax that can quickly absorb into the skin. The color of the product may range from golden to light yellow. After penetrating the skin, it moisturizes, soothes it, restores tissue elasticity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, without causing allergies.
  7. From wheat germ. It is a thick and viscous oil with a neutral odor. It contains a lot of vitamins F, D, F, E, D, B. Wheat germ oil is often used as an antioxidant and natural preservative. It is obtained from raw materials rich in protein. This base oil is great for products designed to improve the condition of mature, dry, oily and damaged skin. It is simply indispensable for eliminating cellulite, birth stretch marks. The product is also used to activate hair growth.
  8. From rice germ. This oil has a pale yellow color and a slight odour. It contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as representatives of group B. The value of the base product lies in the large number of natural antioxidants included in its composition. With the help of rice germ oil, you can perfectly moisturize, protect the skin, and also retain moisture in it. The product is easily absorbed and hypoallergenic. Most often it is used in creams and soaps, sunscreens, as well as in decorative cosmetics.
  9. From ylang ylang. This base oil is a tonic that gently disinfects the skin, nourishing its every cell and stimulating blood circulation. It is great for restoring irritated, thin and damaged dermis. At the same time, the delicate aroma of the product helps a person get out of a depressive state.
  10. Cocoa. This oil has a chocolate aroma. It is extracted from cocoa beans and used to soften the skin and eliminate the processes of its aging and wilting. Cocoa butter also helps to strengthen hair, making it shiny and lush. The product is an excellent nourishing agent for eyelashes and eyebrows.
  11. castor. This oil is also called ricin oil. The product, which has the form of a fatty transparent suspension, is extracted from castor beans. Its main properties are due to a large number of saturated acids. It is thanks to them that the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and retains fluid in it. It is used to improve the elasticity of the dermis and provide it with a bactericidal effect.

Essential oils

One of the most important human senses is the sense of smell. After all, very often people make this or that choice not with their heart, but with their nose. Aromatherapy, the main component of which is essential oils, helps us to use this feeling in full. These are fragrant substances that people began to isolate from plants as early as 5 thousand years BC. According to the most ancient written sources, already in those days there was a detailed methodology, using which this product was obtained and used. Aromas involved Egyptian priestesses in their beauty secrets. The Greeks invented recipes for an ointment, which is a mixture of olive oil and ether, etc.

Why is this product given this name? It was called essential for its volatility, and oil for its fat content. In addition, its consistency is similar to real fatty oils. All this led to such a similar name of the two products.

Properties of essential oils

Most of these substances are insoluble in water. However, they are characterized by easy mixing with ether, with alcohol, with wax and with gasoline. And, of course, fatty oils.

Application area

How to use essential oils to maintain and promote health? This issue deals with one of the areas of alternative medicine - aromatherapy. After all, the action of this natural product can improve not only the physical, but also the mental state of patients.

Why are essential oils healthier than other herbal remedies? And the thing is that they are obtained by distillation. This allows you to save special phytomolecules in it.

Various blends of essential oils are used in aromatherapy in the widest range, from spas to hospitals and educational institutions. They allow you to save the patient from the following:

Psycho-emotional disorders;

Diseases of the digestive tract;

Various lesions on the skin.

How else can you use essential oils? Alternative medicine effectively uses them to treat and prevent fungal, bacterial and viral infections. What are the best essential oils for this purpose? For example, to suppress streptococci and staphylococci, gonococci, pneumococci and E. coli, a product derived from tea tree is very effective. But the essential oil from eucalyptus is used against pathogens of dysentery and typhoid bacillus.


To date, people know several thousand names of essential oils. But this does not mean at all that when conducting aromatherapy sessions, you will need to have a full arsenal of these substances on hand.

To effectively get rid of a particular problem, it is enough to have only some oils that are used in such cases most often. For example, aromatherapists often use:

  1. Essential oil of wormwood. Its action allows you to calm the nerves, relieve the symptoms of fatigue, improve mood. The procedure should be carried out every day for 30 minutes. To do this, 5 drops of essential oil are added to warm water (2 tablespoons). The resulting mixture is poured into the aroma lamp bowl. Wormwood essential oil can be mixed with other oils. They can be products derived from lavender, tea tree or jasmine.
  2. Essential oil of juniper. In concentrated form, it has a sharp coniferous smell. However, when mixed with water, the aroma of this product becomes very pleasant and fresh. What is the essential oil of this plant, which is a shrub, made from? The medicinal substance is produced from its berries. How is juniper essential oil used? It is added to aroma lamps, inhalation solution and bath water. Such procedures tune in a positive way, eliminate tension, irritability, unreasonable fears, and also relieve stress and apathy. Aromatherapy using juniper essential oil increases concentration and performance, and improves attention. To obtain the greatest effect, the product can be mixed with essential oils of orange and bergamot, pine and cedar, lemon and grapefruit.
  3. Essential oil of fir. It is used to have a positive effect on the immune system and prevent the development of infections. In addition, fir essential oil has a stimulating effect on the body, increasing blood flow to the upper layers of the skin. This allows you to relieve pain and speed up wound healing. If this essential oil is used during colds and respiratory diseases, then recovery will come much faster. Inhalations with such a substance will speed up the process of sputum discharge from the bronchi, as well as relieve sore throats.
  4. Jasmine essential oil. This medicinal substance eliminates inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. In addition, having the properties of a natural antidepressant, it is used in the fight against insomnia, the effects of stress, as well as to relieve physical and mental overstrain. With regular aromatherapy sessions, the patient inhales jasmine phytoncides, which stimulate his brain activity and reveal hidden talents, improve susceptibility to mastering information on a general and intuitive level. In addition, the product affects the human endocrine system, which allows you to stabilize its hormonal background.

Product selection

The modern buyer is faced with a large number of fakes. Essential oil is no exception. How can you protect yourself from purchasing a low-quality product? The first thing you need to pay attention to in this case is the brand. The most famous manufacturers of essential oils are:

Swiss firm Vivasan;

Karel Hadek - Czech manufacturer;

Austrian company Styx Naturcosmetics;

Russian firms "Iris" and "Aromarti".

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the price of essential oil in a pharmacy. It is worth bearing in mind that the cost of the product cannot be too low, as the methods for making it are insanely expensive.

So, on average, for 10 ml of essential oil, the price in a pharmacy should be:

Woody and citrus fruits - 300-900 rubles;

Floral and herbal - 600-3000 rubles;

Exclusive products - 1200 rubles. and higher.

Cosmetic oils are a storehouse of various vitamins and minerals and, unlike artificial oils, do not have harmful impurities: dyes, preservatives and flavors. For this reason, getting on the body, they do not provoke allergies.

Oils nourish and moisturize our skin, saturating it with useful microelements, have rejuvenating and softening properties. They are also used to treat various dermatological conditions.

base oils are the main ingredient in home cosmetics. Unlike purchased products, you yourself choose the dosage of one or another component, depending on the desired result.

solid oils used in soap making, creams and lip balms. By their properties, they are similar to human sebum, so they are easily accepted by the body and are necessary as a conductor for essential oils, which in turn have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

liquid oils no less useful. They are used in the preparation of soaps, face and hair cosmetics, nail products, and massage oils.

Base cosmetic oils can act as standalone body care products for maximum nutrition and hydration. They help the skin produce collagen, become more elastic and soft.

Due to the high content of vitamin E, a natural preservative and antioxidant, oils slow down the aging process, improve microcirculation and regeneration in the skin.

Cosmetic oils list and properties:

    Avocado: moisturizes nourishes, accelerates regeneration processes, protects from ultraviolet radiation

    apricot: nourishes the deep layers of the skin, slows down aging, promotes regeneration, improves elasticity, prevents the expansion of pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands

    Peanut: softens the skin, even the most sensitive.

    Apricot Kernel Oil: smoothes wrinkles, restores skin microdamages

    Grape seed oil: tightens pores, reduces the effect of fatigue and inflammation

    Cherry kernel oil: relieves pain and inflammation, smoothes and restores damaged skin, has a whitening effect

    mustard: prevents gray hair, restores hair structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects

    Jojoba: regulates sebum production, relieves irritation, moisturizes, prevents dandruff, treats burns

    Wheat germ oil: powerful immunomodulatory effect, promotes regeneration, increases skin tightness

    Hypericum: anti-inflammatory, promotes hair growth, reduces acne, used for burns

    calendula: relieves inflammation, soothes and heals. Suitable for very sensitive skin, shrinks pores, prevents acne

    Cocoa: softens, nourishes, restores, protects the skin from external influences

    castor: nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation, restores hair structure

    Cedar: prevents aging, nourishes and restores hair, improves skin elasticity

    coconut: treats skin infections, nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

    Almond: stimulates hair growth, improves skin elasticity, prevents pore enlargement.

    peach: prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles.

    Shea Butter: regenerates, protects from the harmful effects of the sun.

    wild rose: has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects, helps the skin with damage, dryness, dehydration, removes stretch marks.

Of course, the list of cosmetic oils is huge, we have only indicated the most popular and affordable products.

Nourishing, moisturizing, softening and smoothing are the properties of each of these oils, but some of them stand out for their special directional action. Therefore, some oils are used with an enviable frequency and for solving very specific problems.

List of cosmetic hair oils

Every day, hair is exposed to various physical and chemical influences: streams of hot air from a hair dryer or a heated curling iron, severe frosts, caustic hair dyes, fixatives and much more. For this reason, they need our special attention.

There are many different reasons why cosmetic oils are used for hair care. We list the main ones:

    Hair structure restoration

    Giving them extra shine

    Split End Prevention

    Stimulation of hair growth - nutrition of hair follicles and scalp

    Dandruff treatment

    Decreased scalp oiliness

    Improvement of sebaceous secretions

    Thermal protection (hot hair dryer or curling iron, severe frosts)

To solve these problems, there are a number of cosmetic oils. All of them, in addition to the general nourishing effect, have special benefits for the hair, which makes them popular hair care products.

So, cosmetic hair oils list:



    grape seed



  • Pumpkin



  • Ryzhikovoe


    tea tree



  • corn

For normal hair, it is better to use corn, olive, linseed and almond oils. Avocado, jojoba, shea and coconut will restore dry and damaged hair, give it volume and protect against dandruff and brittleness.

Tea tree oil, like grape seed oil, normalizes the level of oily scalp. Particular attention should be paid to those means that prevent hair loss.

Base oils for hair in the table.

Base oils for hair are good both on their own and in combination with other ingredients. They are added to various hair care products, but their quantity leaves much to be desired. In addition, mass-use items may not bring the desired result.

For this reason, many resort to the use of home cosmetics. This allows you to make the hair care procedure as effective and individual as possible. Don't get too carried away with the amount of supplements. Let it be from 2 to 5 ingredients, then the properties of the oil will not be lost in the total mass.

Table 1. Base oils for hair

ButterAction and application
BurdockHelps strengthen hair roots, creates an excellent nutrient medium for them. Awakens hair follicles, promotes the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, protects against dandruff.
coconutFor hair care, unrefined oil is used, which prevents the loss of hair shine, protects against excess moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the hair. Promotes easy combing.
AlmondSuitable for the scalp of any fat content, nourishes it, stimulates hair growth and strengthens the roots. Prevents falling out.
castorIt is widely used to restore hair after chemical treatments, such as perms or dyes. Nourishes the scalp, eliminates neoplasms. Gives hair a healthy shine.
AvocadoNourishes the hair and scalp, thick enough, but perfectly absorbed. Resists ultraviolet radiation. Works great on its own and can be easily combined with other oils.
LinenImproves the appearance and structure of hair, gives them shine and volume. Contains a large amount of vitamin F. It is used both as an independent remedy and in combination.
JojobaImproves the growth of eyelashes, head hair and eyebrows, increases their volume and improves the structure of the hair, removing brittleness and dullness.

Cosmetic oils for face and body on a table

Natural oils are one of the best skin care products for the whole body. They contain a huge number of useful components, do not contain harmful substances, unlike store-bought products, and therefore do not cause allergies.

Cosmetic oils can act as an independent care product.

Can be applied to the body after a bath or as a massage aid. Often, oils are added to various creams, serums and lotions.

The nutritional value of cosmetic products is determined not only by the amount of oil, but also by its properties. To understand them, consider the table.

Table 2. Cosmetic oils and their properties

ButterAction and application
apricotSuitable for aging and dry skin, it significantly stimulates cell metabolism and nourishes the skin. Eliminates peeling, wrinkles and dehydration.
AvocadoBest suited for dry and damaged skin. Promotes collagen production and good circulation. Gives elasticity to the skin.
AlmondSuitable for all skin types except oily. Relieves irritation, eliminates hypovitaminosis and dryness.
olivePerfectly moisturizes and nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, not recommended for owners of oily skin.
sea ​​buckthornThe oil is suitable for sensitive and problematic skin. Well nourishes, rejuvenates, rich in antioxidants
peachIdeal for facial skin, especially for areas around the eyes. Oil reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation and circles under the eyes, whitens and cleanses the skin.

The choice of cosmetic oils is very large. You just have to choose the option that will help you get the desired result. What recipes do you homemade cosmetics you used? How do you rate the effectiveness of oils?

In this article, we will talk about the unique properties of base oils. competes with the most expensive and elite creams, yielding to them only in price :) . In addition, 100% natural oils do not contain preservatives, fragrances and other poisonous ballast components.

Vegetable oils are divided into base and essential.

base oils according to biochemical parameters similar to skin, which allows them to penetrate to the deep layers of the epidermis and deliver healing substances there. Therefore, they are also called base oils, transport or carrier oils.

They can be used as a cosmetic product on their own, and as a base for mixing with essential oils and other ingredients.

Buying base oils pay attention to composition, it should not contain synthetic impurities, dyes, preservatives.

For the production of 100% pure vegetable oils, the cold pressing method is used and subsequent high-quality filtration without the use of high temperatures. This method preserves all the valuable properties of the oil and extends its shelf life.

Base oils have unique regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties due to their composition: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, phytosterols, phospholipids.

Well absorbed by the body, oils are involved in chemical processes and are a natural stimulator of the most important biochemical and physiological processes:

  • accelerate cellular metabolism;
  • improve skin nutrition;
  • promote the synthesis of fibrinogen and collagen;
  • improve the circulation of lymph and blood;
  • increase skin tone;
  • effectively cleanse the skin while nourishing it;
  • normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Fatty acid

The unique healing properties of many oils are due to the presence of fatty acids in their composition, which are divided into saturated and unsaturated.

With a high content of saturated acids, oils will be solid even at room temperature. The lower the acid content, the softer the oil.

Fatty unsaturated acids are of great value for the body: they are actively involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which regulate the production of hormones necessary for the body. The higher the content of unsaturated acids in the composition of the oil, the more liquid it is.

Oleic monounsaturated fatty acid, which is responsible for the construction of biological membranes in the human body, has especially valuable properties. Oils containing it in large quantities are easily absorbed and absorbed by the skin. Olive oil is richest in oleic acid (up to 85%).

Many unsaturated acids are not synthesized by our body and can only come from food or through the skin. They are called essential fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3) They are vital for the health of the skin and the body as a whole. These include linoleic, linolenic, gamma-linolenic acids, as well as their derivatives.

Deficiency of essential acids leads to:

  • damage to the skin barrier, as a result, microorganisms, allergens, harmful substances easily penetrate into it, inflammatory reactions, skin diseases occur;
  • to transepidermal moisture loss;
  • to chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes;
  • to deterioration of the brain.

Signs of an essential acid deficiency: peeling of the skin, feeling of dryness, increased irritability and sensitivity of the skin, itching, redness.

To permanently eliminate these unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to introduce natural fats and oils containing essential fatty acids into the diet and skin care.

The best sources of essential fatty acids oils of borage (borage), blackcurrant, aspen (evening primrose) are considered. Gamma linolenic acid found in these oils

  • stops,
  • normalizes hormone levels, reduces oily skin,
  • inhibits the formation of melanin, brightens the skin.

Useful for internal use:

  • linseed oil (the necessary daily balance of essential fatty acids is contained in one or two tablespoons). Before using the oil, be sure to read the contraindications!
  • Fish oil (salmon, mackerel, salmon, sardines, eel and so on),
  • pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, soybeans, wheat germ, nuts.

So, let's summarize and list

oils to watch out for if you are deficient in essential fatty acids

Liquid oils:

In the following publications:

  • what oils are suitable for .

Check out beauty recipes!