What is the difference between diamond from a diamond? What is the difference between diamond from a diamond? Emerald - expensive stone in the world of minerals

Diamond is one of the form-modifications of carbon. It is cubic and characterized by a well-ordered crystal lattice, in contrast, for example, from graphite, although the latter has exactly the same composition! But carbon atoms in diamond are located in such a way that our gaze appeared beautiful, the right stone. Few know that in the form in which the diamond is in nature, it does not represent a large aesthetic value: yes, it is extremely hard, it has a phenomenal thermal conductivity, but in appearance it is pretty dim. Therefore, in order for its edges to play in the sun, so that the number of reflections inside them the number of reflections has increased, it is limited and turned into a finished product - a diamond.

Thus, a diamond is a jewelry treated diamond, which also has all its properties and characteristics, only looks much more attractive, which dramatically increases its cost. So that today is one of the most expensive gems. At the same time, I think, no doubt is the fact that the diamond and a diamond find a different application: diamond is used in industry and medicine, and a diamond is only in jewelry.

  1. Diamond - Natural mineral in its original form, and a diamond is a treated diamond
  2. Diamond does not have advantageous aesthetic characteristics, unlike diamond
  3. The cost of a diamond is higher than the cost of the unprocessed stone of diamond
  4. Diamonds are used only in jewelry art, and diamonds - in production, for example, as part of the mechanisms.

It is believed that the most rare mineral of organic origin is little to the famous peinet: this orange stone was first discovered in Burma in the mid-50s. Since then, there have only been two peneys in the world. However, his deposit was opened a couple of years ago, and now there are about hundreds of ground rarers at the disposal of humanity. The most famous stone rarity is the famous red diamond.

Diamond and diamond, what is the difference?

Diamond is a natural carbon, the same as graphite as a rod in a pencil, but due to another molecular lattice, with the same composition, a different structure of substances with different properties and abilities is obtained. The diamond was originally similar to the mica, it is non-zero, dull, layered, muddy, and only when processing and cutting, becoming a diamond, he carries beauty. Diamond itself is very durable, it is diamond disks that the tile cut the tile, but he ugly. But a diamond treated diamond, given several types of modern cut, it becomes not only more beautiful, but also hundreds and thousands of times more than natural stone.

Many consider the concepts of "diamond" and "diamond" are completely identical, other believe that these are two completely different precious stones. Both are just an unreasonable myth. Next, we will debunk this myth, we will give the definition of "diamond" and "diamond" and will try to give an exhaustive answer to the question than the diamond is different.

What is diamond?

Diamond is the hardest, and at the same time, the most fragile in nature mineral, crystalline carbon. The distinctive feature of the diamond is a luminescence under the influence of sunlight, ultraviolet and X-rays, the diamond begins to overflow and glow with all the colors of the rainbow. The most expensive of all crystals in nature diamond makes high transparency, along with a high refractive index and the game of light. Almost in itself, the diamond does not represent the aesthetic value of its only advantage is hardness and thermal conductivity, and therefore diamond is not interested in the original form of jewelers.

What is a diamond?

The diamond is the same crystalline carbon, has the same physical properties as the diamond. Actually, the diamond is a diamond, a diamond, over which the cutter was bother. Thus, a diamond is a lit almond. The cut makes a diamond shape a round or fantasy, thanks to which the stone can be easily inserted into the jewelry, but that the most important thing, the cut creates conditions for multiple internal reflections, due to which the gemstone acquires a natural shine and the game of light.

Brilliant or diamond: What is more expensive?

The answer to this question is completely unequivocal: the diamond is the most expensive precious stone from all existing in nature. Only emeralds and rubies can be compared with it. And although the weight of the diamond karats always exceeds the weight of the diamond, obtained from it in the process of cutting, it is a diamond, due to its aesthetic properties, above all is valued in the market of precious stones. By the way, not all diamonds find an application in jewelry another reason why diamonds are appreciated above.

A diamond, a mass of 516.5 karat got the name of the star of Africa. One of the most famous diamonds in the world - Regent is stored in the Louvre. Almaz Regent Weighing 400 Carat was found in 501 in Golconda. Now he, by weighing on scales or calculation according to the formulas, if the diamond is fixed in the product. The weight of the diamond is expressed in the karats. Second C - Color. Completely colorless diamonds are quite rare, and almost all the stones have shades of various.

Sources: thedifference.ru, www.almaz-holding.ru, www.bolshoyvopros.ru, www.gsmdiamonds.ru, www.sunhome.ru

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- what is the difference? Someone believes that this is the same, and someone considers them absolutely different stones. However, diamond and diamond are not suitable for any of these opinions, they are interrelated, but not identical. Let's finally understand this controversial issue.

These precious stones were highly valued over long ages, and today they continue to symbolize the wealth and glory of their carriers. "Tsar of Stones" is widely known as a jewel, but for what it is used to meet, and rather - the predecessor, many people do not even know. Someone heard about diamond spraying, but no more. In this article, you will learn the difference between crystals, prices on them and areas where each of the minerals is used.


What is the difference between diamond and diamond? To answer this question, let's consider each of the crystals separately.

Diamond, or, as it is also called, Kimberlite is a natural stone consisting of carbon. In composition, it is identical to graphite, but other molecular ties give a stone special properties, as well as another appearance. This mineral is the most stronger in the world, has a high thermal conductivity, as well as other qualities useful for humans.

There is a stone of different colors, and he also has an excellent feature - luminescence. Under the influence of sunlight, he begins to shift with all the colors of the rainbow, sparkling, shine. However, despite this quality, in the aesthetic properties, gem does not bear any value, since it shines very dimly and does not have a certain form. More like ordinary multicolored pebbles like mica.

In order to maximize the magic brilliance of the diamond, the jewelers learned how to handle it in a special way, to limit. The faceted version received a new name - a diamond. These "kings of crystals" differ from their "parents" with the fact that they have the best appearance.

Probably, every person who saw this gem in reality or in the photo was admired by his beauty, extraordinary radiance, wonderful overflows under the rays of light. The remaining characteristics, for example, hardness remain unchanged after cutting.

The cut of the crystal is to give it a special form that most fully transmits the radiance of the faces under the sun. Typically, the number of diamond faces is 57, but for especially small or large stones, this number may be different. Thanks to the cut, each separate pebble becomes aesthetically valuable, and as a result - suitable for the use of jewelers in the manufacture of jewelry. But the unprocessed mineral is used only in other areas, for example, in optics or construction. This is the main difference between the stones from each other.

Everyone should know that the faceted crystals are used only in jewelry, and untreated, on the contrary, in all areas except Him. This is the most important information about the difference between the diamond and the diamond, which is good to remember.

What is the reason for the price?

What is more expensive and why? It is known that a diamond is one of the most expensive substances in the world. It costs more than ruby, emerald or gold, thanks to which refers to the currency values \u200b\u200bof the state. It is much more expensive than the untreated fellow, despite the fact that when cutting weight source material significantly decreases, that is, there is a lot of production waste.

Such differences in the cost are determined by three important characteristics:

  • Processed crystal has aesthetic value and the primordial option is not.
  • Processing - quite costly production , strongly increasing price.
  • Not all source minerals are so high-quality So that they can be removed for jewelry art.

The price of each individual "king of stones" depends on its, colors, mass, shape of the cut. Thanks to the constant value, this mineral becomes one of the best investments: you can not worry that its price will fall sharply.

The price of synthetic products is slightly less, but they are most often used in the fields of industry or medicine, and not in the manufacture of jewels.

Processing of precious crystals

Even by itself is a very difficult process. It includes the search and development of the field, production, grinding, sorting and isolating the kimberlitic breed. It is not easy for the cost of working forces and finance is also processing of crystals. What happens from ore, diamond or diamond, is decided on the stage of sorting.

Only about a quarter of all the extracted kimberlite ore takes on precious stones for jewelry jewelry, and the rest are coming to industrial and scientific needs. At the same time, during the cut, each crystal loses about half of its weight. So the production of diamonds is a process distinguished by a high level of costs.

Types of cuts are divided into 2 large groups:

  • Round - The most common, most expensive appearance.
  • Fantasy - It is found in a variety of forms.

The subspecies of the fantasy cut: Princess, Marks, Pear, Break, Emerald, Asher, Heart, Radiant. Each of them is good in its own way, however, it is the round cut that is considered a classic one, and no reason - this species allows you to maximize the radiance of the crystal.

Unfortunately, not all people understand what the diamond differs from the diamond. At the same time, many love to wear decorations with precious pebbles, because it is very beautiful, expensive, exquisitely and attractive. But in order to prevent incorrect steps when buying such expensive, serious things, like jewels, you should carefully examine all the information on the topic of jewelry with expensive stones.

So, diamonds and diamonds - Minerals are interrelated. Now you know what the difference between the diamond and diamond is. About such things should be known to all so as not to demand a kimberlite ring in jewelry stores, and in construction - tools with a diamond spraying.

Many people believe that diamond and a diamond is the same. Or on the contrary, some believe that these are completely different stones. However, both of these statements are not true. In this article we will try to answer questions: what is the difference between diamond from a diamond and that of them are more expensive.

Since the ancient times, diamond was considered a sign of power and a high social situation, a sign of fearlessness, power and welfare, and the green diamond was a fertility to the motherhood giving a woman. Such a stone received as a gift - brings good luck to its owner.

What is the difference between diamond from diamond

Diamond in its natural natural form does not represent any aesthetic value. It is very hard, it has excellent thermal conductivity, but is pretty enough. In order to give aesthetic beauty, it is limited and transformed into a new jewelry product - a diamond.

The word "diamond" happened from FR. BRILLANT - i.e. brilliant. It can be said that this is a specially treated diamond, which has a special shape and cut, giving the most natural shine. Brilliant is a jewelry diamond.

To assess the quality of diamonds adopted the system "4 C"

  • Cut - cut,
  • CLARITY - Clean,
  • Color - color,
  • Carat - weight in carats.

Thus, we will define the main parameters:

  • diamond does not represent any aesthetic beauty, unlike a diamond
  • diamond is a natural mineral, and the diamond is a qualitatively lit almond.
  • diamonds are used only in jewelry, and diamonds can be found in medicine and in production.
  • their similarity is the same origin and physical composition.

What is more expensive?

To measure weight, a unit of measurement is adopted - metric carat (1 carat is 0.2 gr. Or 200 milligrams). Diamonds, the mass of which more than 15 carats are highly rare, and weigh hundreds of carats - the greatest rarity. Currently, only 26 copies with an initial mass of more than 400 carats () are known in the world. Such stones acquire world fame, receive their own names and occupy a place in history. For example, a brilliant "Great Star of Africa" \u200b\u200b(from Almaz Kulinan) - 530.20 karat is the property of the British royal family. Brilliant "Orlov" - 189.62 karat (from diamond in 300 carats) belongs and is in the diamond fund of Russia.

On the question of what is more expensive, uniquely can be answered: the diamond is the most expensive jewelry stone in Russia and legally recognized by a currency value.

Implementation of the cut

Any litter will tell you that in the implementation of the cut diamond will lose 40% -60% of its own weight. It is despite the fact that only the fourth part of all diamonds can be used in jewelry.

Cut hold great importance When calculating the cost of gemstone. It happens the following types:

  • Round cut. The most popular is more than 90% and the most expensive. A professional cutter will give a diamond shape, in which a diamond can reflect the entire light falling on it.
  • Fantasy cut. It is much less common round, but is an indispensable in some forms of earrings, the emerald cut look great in the rings, since the fingers are visually lengthened.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that a diamond is not only a profitable investment, but also a truly royal gift for life!

Diamond or diamond - what is more expensive? This question interests many. Some people think that there is no difference between them, and others believe that these are two completely different stones. Both those and others are mistaken. To understand what the difference in price is justified, it is necessary to clearly understand what they differ.

Difference between diamond and diamond

From a long time, diamonds were a sign of a high position in society, wealth and power. Stone was considered a strong amulet and guarded, and if he was presented as a gift, it was believed that he would bring good luck.

Diamond is a natural mineral. It consists of carbon atoms in crystalline form. Diamonds can be different, the greatest value for jewelers is transparent, colorless and blue. Also, they can be obtained by industrial means. Special synthesis technology allows you to get these stones for industrial use.

In its original form, the diamond of aesthetic value does not represent. This stone is very solid, which allows it to use it for climbing many materials, such as glass. Natural nuggets are jewelry processing - cut. Faceted nuggets are diamonds.

The cut is performed in order to give a stone maximum shine. Such an effect is achieved thanks to the attachment of a special form. The resulting diamond is a precious gem of jewelry quality.

The same processing pass other gems:

  • ruby;
  • topaz;
  • fianit;
  • amethyst;
  • sapphire;
  • zircon;
  • garnet;
  • emerald.

What is the higher price?

Diamonds are the most expensive jewelry stones in many countries of the world.

In most countries, it is considered both a currency value at the legislative level. The price for 1 carat of diamond is significantly higher than the same diamond. 200 mg (1 carat) is an international unit of measuring the weight of precious stones.

There are huge diamonds from which jewelers can make world-famous jewels. The weight of such nuggets may exceed 400 carats. Now it is known about 26 such stones. Each of them has its own name and belongs to state diamond funds of different countries, royal families or richest collectors.

Even diamonds with weight of more than 15 carat are highly rare. In the process of cutting, most of the gem is spent. After processing, each copy loses about half of its weight. This fact, as well as the complexity of the cutting process, make jewels with diamonds the most expensive.

Not all diamonds are suitable for making jewelry. Only every fourth stone has sufficient cleanliness and quality. The cost of gem significantly affects the method of its cut. There are two main varieties of cut:

  • round
  • fantasy.

Round cut is most often occurring. About 90% of nuggets are limited in this way. With a round cut, you can create a surface that will reflect the maximum light falling on it. Fantasy cut is done much less frequently. However, in some cases it is indispensable, for example, for installation in a complex form earrings. The emerald shape of the cut is great for the use of a diamond in the rings, as such a shape sweeping the finger longer.

Thus, there are several significant differences between diamond and diamond. The first is a natural nugget that can be used in industry, medicine or cosmetology, it is possible to apply it in jewelry only after professional processing that turns the mineral into a diamond.

Do not even think about how to choose as a gift. Jewelry with diamonds is the most desirable gift for any woman.

People mistakenly take a diamond for the most expensive stone among precious, famous humanity. However, this opinion is erroneous. There are many other natural minerals, the price of which is not inferior, and sometimes exceeds the cost of the generally accepted king of stones.

What is a diamond?

A diamond is made to call the treated artificial diamond, which is recognized as the strongest stone among other minerals. Special cut is designed to give a diamond unique shine. The light reflected light reflects the rays, "playing" with all the colors of the rainbow.

Brilliant - expensive stone, the value of which is determined by the presence of the following characteristics:

  1. Weight mineral, measured in carats. The size of 1 carat is 0.2 mg. Proportional dependence in the geometric progression of the value of the stone by the weight characteristic is observed. The greater the size of the stone in the karats, the price increases, the price is increasing.
  2. Diamond color. These minerals are colorless, but in nature there are sometimes diamonds with bright colors - yellow, purple, pink, blue and other.
  3. - a significant factor affecting the final value of the stone. A diamond to confirm its value is carefully considered under the microscope.
  4. Classic stone cut is a circle with 57 faces. This ratio increases the effect of the game of light.

Gold earrings with diamonds and emeralds, SL; gold ring with diamonds and emeralds, SL (Prices on the links)

Emerald - expensive stone in the world of minerals

Emerald - transparent mineral of the beryl group, is able to make a worthy competition to a diamond. These jewels that do not have defective inclusions are valued more expensive than diamonds and are rare in nature.

The main tinge of this crystal is the green color in all sorts of options. A rich green stone without visible flaws, which has the right form, is highly valued. Pale color representatives of this breed are available for a wide range of consumers.

People are still in past centuries. These minerals are attributed to magical properties. He successfully fights the negative energy surrounding its owner. Gives him wisdom, health, supports the preservation of a family focus, creates favorable conditions for the appearance of offspring. However, dishonest, envious people do not fit this stone, but contributes to the eradication of negative traits of the nature of the owner.

Can rubbing be more expensive than a diamond?

Ruby is called a natural mineral, a variety of corundum with a rich purple color. Red stones with a purple tint without extraneous impurities are appreciated. In nature, it is rare, the price of such an instance reaches 15 thousand dollars for 1 carat. By hardness, this mineral takes the second position after diamond.

And royal blood representatives. The headdress of the Russian kings is the monomacha cap, walked noble ruby \u200b\u200bred. This stone is associated with the Sun. He, like an emerald, attribute magical properties, the ability to give health to the owner. Rubin is suitable for strong and purposeful agents. Protects the owner from enemies, giving invulnerability. It is considered the patron saint of passion, contributes to success in love. At the same time, it is a danger to people unrestrained and evil, increasing the negative properties of character. Medieval magicians presented ruby \u200b\u200bas a piece of dragon blood, with which you can find power over the world.

Golden suspension with diamonds and rubies, SL; gold earrings with diamonds and rubies, SL; gold ring with diamonds and rubies, SL (Prices on the links)

Rare Sapphire as a competitor to a diamond at cost

Another representative of corundum minerals is sapphire. According to its physical properties (except color) is close to rubbing. It has a wide color gamut, in nature there are pink, yellow, green, black sapphires. Vasilkovo blue minerals are especially valued.

Natural sapphires of noble shades, possessing bright shine and cleanliness, are rare in nature. The cost of such stones is competing to diamonds. The higher the size of the stone, measured in carats, the more expensive the price compared to the treated diamond.

Sapphire, thanks to the cold blue color, is invariably associated with cleanliness and loyalty. The beneficial effects are capable of providing minerals obtained as a gift or acquired. Stone stones, on the contrary, bring the owner of misfortune.

Having a decoration, which includes sapphire, you can be sure that the mineral will not lose the brilliance and a beautiful saturated color over time.

There are enough precious and rare stones in the world, the cost of which is capable of surpassing the price of the diamond. When evaluated, focus on purity of minerals, color saturation. And the beauty of natural minerals has long won the hearts and representatives of the royal nobility, and other admirers.