How to dye your old jeans. How to bring back the brightness of blue jeans? Simple ways to paint at home. Methods for dyeing denim

Almost everyone has jeans that would be nice to update. For some - to refresh or change the color, while others decorate with a bright print. To breathe new life into a thing, it is not necessary to resort to the services of a dry cleaner or a studio. You can dye your jeans yourself. Let's see how to do it correctly.

Nuances of home coloring: expectations and reality

It is not easy to change the color of denim on your own. There are a number of things to do, none of which can be ignored. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to specialists. Have you decided to act on your own? Then, so that the final result does not disappoint, you need to take into account the following nuances.

First of all, they look at the composition of the fabric. Uniform coloration should be expected only if the proportion of cotton in it is at least 80%. If the percentage of synthetic fibers (for example: lavsan or polyester) reaches 30-40%, ribs and stripes will appear on the pants. The fact is that artificial threads can only be dyed with special dyes that are not suitable for cotton.

Keep in mind that contrasting stitching on pockets and side seams will probably not stain either, as they are made with artificial yarns.

The second step is to compare the original color of the product and the desired end result:

  • The shade "as in the picture" will be obtained only when dyeing white trousers. The exception is black. White jeans will take on a dark gray color, but a "radical" black color is unlikely to be achieved.
  • The dye always interacts with the original dye of the thing. For example, if you immerse green jeans in black paint, they turn olive and red jeans turn reddish brown.
  • The best result is to be expected when coloring a faded product with the same or even darker dye. So, black jeans can be obtained by immersing a product made of gray, blue, brown or faded black denim in the dye composition. The more concentrated the solution, the richer the color will be.

The third step is to test. Before you start painting your jeans at home, you need to make sure that the chosen coloring agent will give the desired effect. To do this, you should first experiment with a piece of denim. If the result is satisfactory, you can start painting the thing. If not, change the concentration of the prepared solution or prepare a new one.

A wet product always looks much darker than a dried one, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of painting only after drying.

Preparatory stage

If you plan to return the brightness to faded jeans, partially or completely repaint them in a different color, or hide scuffs, you cannot do without preliminary preparation of the product. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Weigh the jeans dry. This is necessary in order to further understand how much dye is required.
  2. Turn pockets outward, remove any remaining items, clean loose dust from seams.
  3. Was it worn? It needs to be inspected for contamination (greasy). If they are found, it is necessary, otherwise it will not be possible to get an even color.
  4. Wash trousers without using a fabric softener. Rinse the treated item especially thoroughly, first in warm water and then in cold water.
  5. Slightly wring the pants, turn them inside out and smooth out all the folds and creases with your hands. If this is not done, streaks and spots will appear on the product after dyeing. Then immediately start painting.

New jeans should be immersed in hot water with soap chips and washing soda dissolved in it (50 g and 30 g, respectively, for 10 liters) and boiled for half an hour. This will help remove factory-processed starch from the fibers, which may prevent the dye from penetrating properly into the fibers.

When it is required to repaint a thing with a saturated shade, it must first be discolored. For this, soaking for 30-60 minutes in one of the hot compositions is suitable:

  • in an aqueous solution of laundry soap, ammonia and soda ash (1 part of each component to 10 parts of water);
  • in a solution of hydrosulfite (2 tbsp. l. per 10 l);
  • in water with bleach (1 liter of strained solution (10-15 g of substance per 1 liter of cold water) per 10 liters).

Hydrosulfite and chlorine emit vapors harmful to the body, therefore, for the duration of the bleaching, the container must be tightened with film and the windows must be opened. The respiratory tract and hands should also be protected.

Not new, but completely clean product, soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes.

Dry fabrics are less dyeable, so pre-soaking must be done. If the item has been treated with a solvent, it is dried, ironed, and then soaked in clean water.


Choice of colorant

You can freshen up or renew the color of denim with synthetic or natural dyes. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail. Among the chemicals that can paint over cotton, it is worth mentioning:

  • Liquid and powdery aniline dyes for fabrics, for example: “Jeans” series dyes for manual and machine dyeing. Their advantages: color variety, good miscibility with each other, low price.
  • Powder dyes of varying stability and intensity, for example: "DYLON", "Marabu Fashion Color", "Anles".
  • Blue. The substance can make the color of denim quite uniform and rich, but it will hold up until the first wash. After using an alkaline cleaning solution, the painting will have to be repeated. In addition, the product is only capable of blueing jeans that have faded.
  • Hair dye. Undoubtedly, its use for fabric is one of life hacks. Nevertheless, quality products give good and lasting results.

You can refresh the color of jeans using natural dyes, for example: herbal decoctions, strong brewed tea and coffee, infused onion peel, turmeric. But, these funds penetrate very poorly into denim fibers and give, rather, an additional shade than a new color, namely:

  • turmeric - cream;
  • cinnamon - creamy with a pink haze;
  • onion husks - sand;
  • tea, oak bark, coffee - brown of varying degrees of intensity.

When choosing a coloring agent, you need to consider:

  1. How often the product will be washed and exposed to direct sunlight. If jeans are intended for daily wear, it is better to refuse to use cheap unstable dyes.
  2. What weight is the amount of powder in the bag calculated for? One package may not be enough.
  3. There is always a danger that the first time the color of the desired saturation will not work, and the procedure will have to be repeated twice. Therefore, you must always have a bag or jar of colorant "in reserve".

Cold dyeing method

The cold method of dyeing jeans is the easiest to perform. It is especially relevant if it is not possible to purchase a special dye, for some reason it is impossible to do this in an automatic machine, or if you do not want to stand by a hot stove.

What is needed

For him you will need:

  • large (unnecessary) container made of stainless steel or enamel;
  • plastic or rubber gloves;
  • a small container made of plastic or glass;
  • wooden or plastic spoon.

The nuances of cold staining depend on the type of dye. Here is the sequence of work with dyes of different types.


The easiest way to dye jeans blue is to use methylene blue. You need to act like this:

  1. The container is filled with water and gradually, stirring the solution periodically, pour the blue into it.
  2. When the color saturation of the solution seems satisfactory, food or Glauber's salt (1 tablespoon per 3 liters) is added to it as a fixer.
  3. The wet product is dipped into the resulting composition for 2 hours (during this time, the jeans need to be turned over several times), then rinsed in several waters.
  4. Water for the last rinse is mixed with vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) so that the products fade less.

Hair dye

Will paint jeans black, and also give them unusual shades of hair dye. The product is prepared in a glass container, stirring the concentrate with a non-metallic spoon, then, stirring, add to warm water until the required tone is obtained. The product is kept in a solution for 1.5 hours, then rinsed in a fixative and washed.

The dye can be applied directly to the fabric with a brush and then rinsed as if dyeing hair.

Industrial dyes

Some industrial dyes, for example: "DYLON", also act on fabrics in cold water. Dissolve the paint separately, according to the instructions, then add it to a bowl of water along with 5 tbsp. l. salt.

Dyeing time for jeans is 1 hour. In this case, the first quarter of an hour the product must be turned over frequently. In the remaining time, his position is changed only a few times. The dyed denim is rinsed and washed as before.

To make the dye dissolve better, the water in the container is softened with baking soda or ammonia (1 tsp. Or 1 tbsp. L. Per 10 l of water, respectively).

Hot way

You can also dye jeans by hand by boiling them in a dye solution. First of all, in this way, denim is processed with aniline and most other powder dyes.

For this method, you will need equipment, as for cold staining. In addition, you need to stock up on wooden tongs or two long sticks to turn the product over. The process of painting jeans takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Dissolve the dye in the glassware, following the directions on the package. If necessary, filter the resulting mixture through cheesecloth so that there are no lumps that will prevent the paint from lying evenly.
  2. The prepared composition is poured into a container with water, mixed with baking soda (1.5-2 tbsp. L.) Into the solution. For dark denim, add 2 tbsp. l. substances.
  3. The mixture is put on fire and waited until it reaches a temperature of 60 °. If soda foam forms on the surface, it must be removed.
  4. Wet jeans are dipped into the container and, periodically turning them with tongs or sticks, they are heated for about half an hour.
  5. Add 2-5 tbsp to the solution. l. salt to enhance the color, and turn up the heat to bring the water to a boil.
  6. Light jeans are boiled for half an hour, dark ones - 15-30 minutes longer, black ones are boiled for up to one and a half hours.
  7. When the specified time has passed, the fire is turned off and the things are allowed to lie in the solution for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Then the jeans are rinsed. The water should be changed until it stops staining. At the last rinse, vinegar is poured into the basin.

When dyeing cotton in dark colors, the ratio of the weight of the product and the volume of liquid should be 1:20, in light colors - 1:30 or 1:40.


Digestion is also used when processing cotton with natural dyes. Here are some recipes as an example:

  • Henna is diluted according to the instructions in ceramic dishes, dissolved in hot water and pants are boiled in it for half an hour.
  • Add cinnamon (ground coffee or tea leaves) to hot water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and bring the mixture to a boil. The tissue is digested in the solution for 10 minutes.
  • Dry onion husks (4 handfuls per 1 liter of water) are boiled for a quarter of an hour, then put a cloth in a container and continue heating for another 10-15 minutes.

After finishing, the jeans should be hung up on a rope to dry immediately. Leaving them in the basin can cause unwanted streaks to appear on the denim.

Dyeing in the washing machine

Most synthetic dyes are suitable for dyeing fabric in an automatic machine. Depending on the type of chemical product, this method of updating the color of jeans has its own nuances, but the general rules for dyeing are as follows:

  1. A wet wardrobe item is loaded into the drum along with dye and salt. In some cases, the paint is preliminarily diluted, in others it is left dry and placed in the car along with the bag. Sometimes there is no need to add salt (for example, Simplicol paints already have it).
  2. The panel is set to a temperature acceptable for the fabric. Usually 60-80 °, but sometimes 40 ° is enough.
  3. Jeans are dyed in cotton mode and then double rinsed.
  4. Powder for colored fabrics is poured into the cuvette of the device and a regular wash is performed. To consolidate the effect, 50-100 g of vinegar can be poured into the conditioner container.

It is not recommended to dye jeans in a vending machine with aniline dyes, as in this case the color turns out to be paler than when boiling by hand.

Denim creative options

If you want to create original jeans, you need to dye them differently. There are several types of creative processing of products:

Uneven staining

To make original stripes of various types appear on jeans, they can be processed in two ways:

  1. Wet, twist with a tourniquet and bandage in different places with rubber bands. In this form, immerse in a basin and paint in a cold or hot way.
  2. Rip all metal accessories from your pants, including the zipper. Then tie the legs in knots several times or crumple along the entire length. Dissolve the paint in a fireproof glass container, dip the trousers into it. Wrap the container on all sides with cellophane and place in the microwave for 4 minutes. Then the wardrobe item is washed and rinsed without undoing. Straighten the product only during drying.

Applying color stripes

Aniline dyes will help make jeans in whole or in part multi-colored. They are painted on a damp cloth with a brush in different ways:

  1. To create the effect of iridescent colors, paints are applied immediately, in places superimposed on each other.
  2. To clearly distinguish between colored areas, liquid pigment is mixed with tragacanth glue in a ratio of 1: 3 or painted jeans are soaked in gelatin dissolved in water (2-3 crystals per 1 liter).
  3. Drawn prints. Acrylic or plastisol paints are used to apply designs of various colors and sizes to denim. They are applied to a dry, clean cloth, pre-stretched on thick cardboard. First, the light details of the template are painted over, then the dark ones. After 15 hours, the fabric is ironed from the seamy side for several minutes, and then from the front through gauze.

In hand-painted things, it is not advisable to go out for a walk in the cold. It is best to wash re-dyed fabrics with laundry soap in a basin.

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Linen, denim and cotton clothes are usually tinted blue in case of fading. Modern chemical and optical brighteners contain substances that strengthen and restore color, but sometimes even this cannot help. Then a simple blueprint will come to the rescue.

You will need:

I. Blue pill

III. Piece of white cloth

The special advantages of high-quality blue are its resistance to direct sunlight and safety for washing containers and hands. This product is completely washed off from clothes during subsequent washing.

The composition of the blue contains a special component - ultramarine, which is used in all in all blueing preparations. In some cases, a mixture of pigments and dyes is used, for example, indigo carmine with purple or blue class C dye. The method of dyeing with blue is used for clothes made of any fiber, but is usually used for denim.

Classification and method of application of blue

Classic bluing substances are usually classified into 3 groups:

For rinsing
- For simultaneous washing
- For light bluing and starching

The blue staining method is as follows:

1.2 tablets or powder must be placed in a piece of white cloth, after which the water, where the knot is dropped, turns blue to a certain shade.
2. When using starch blue, the preparation is diluted in cold water. The resulting mixture is poured into boiling water. It is important to mix the mixture thoroughly until the clots disappear completely. If the mixture turns out to be opaque, it must be boiled until fully cooked. Then strain the solution through cheesecloth and dilute with water until the desired shade is obtained.

How to dye jeans blue

First you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the blue. Ingredients such as Indigo Carmine or Prussian Blue are ideal for even coloring. Blue, which contains the usual blue paint, insoluble in water, will not be suitable for this procedure. In special cases, when preparing a blue solution for painting jeans, insoluble "Prussian blue" with a small admixture of oxalic acid is used. In this case, it is important not to overexpose clothes in blue water, otherwise the acid can linger in the fibers and ruin the thing.

Blue for jeans is used as follows:

It is necessary to wet the clothes by first filling part of the bath with warm water.
- Pour all the blue into the water or place the tablets
- Stir the water and put the jeans so that the resulting solution completely and evenly covers them
- Leave the jeans for 2 hours, after which they must be rinsed until they are completely cleared of the drug. You can check the purity simply by the color of the water.

This method will help to avoid the release of paint on the body when wearing jeans, and the color will be as close to its original state as possible.

The dyeing service for textiles, including denim clothing, is offered by dry cleaning. For this, professional tools and special equipment are used.

It is possible to return a decent appearance to jeans at home. As dyes, both ready-made factory-made and intended for other purposes, such as bluing or hair dye, can act.

The most environmentally friendly is the vegetable dyeing method for denim clothing. But a less aggressive composition of the product does not always lead to a lasting result.

The most common universal dyes are:

  • "Surf" is suitable for natural and artificial fabrics, available in 10 colors, including white, black and gray. 0.5 kg of clothes will take 1 sachet of paint.
  • Simplicol is a fixative paint suitable for cotton and semi-synthetics without the addition of polyurethane. Can be used in a washing machine.
  • Fashion Color is suitable for different types of fabric. The package is enough for 1.5 kg of clothes. Painting can be done in a washing machine.

Painting in an enamelled tank or bucket:

  • A liter of hot water is poured into the dishes. Add a dye and, if necessary, other substances - salt or soda. All ingredients are stirred.
  • Add another 5-7 liters of water and put things that need to be painted there.
  • The container with things and dye is placed on a gas stove, where it is periodically heated to 95 degrees for about an hour.
  • Then the clothes are taken out of the solution, allowed to cool a little and rinsed first in warm water and then in ice cold water.
  • After that, the painted jacket or trousers are immersed in a vinegar solution (a tablespoon of 9% vinegar is mixed with a liter of water) for 20 minutes and then washed by hand with washing powder.

Washing machine painting is less labor intensive... It follows the following scenario:

  • The dye is diluted in 0.5 liters. water, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed and poured into the drum of the washing machine. Add salt / soda if necessary.
  • Throw things into the drum for dyeing, set the washing mode "Cotton", the temperature is 95 degrees, the washing time is standard.
  • At the end of the wash, the linen is transferred to a basin with a vinegar solution (prepared in the same way as for manual dyeing). After 15 minutes, things are again transferred to an automatic machine and washed with powder on an accelerated mode at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Painting in the washing machine

Many people hesitate to dye their jeans in the washing machine for fear of ruining it. In fact, professional paints do not harm her at all, because there are no aggressive chemicals in them.

Of course, staining will not pass without a trace for the machine - traces of the dye may remain in the drum. In this case, you should wash any unnecessary clothes in it, preferably with the addition of bleach. The washed rags will absorb the remaining dye, and the bleach will additionally clean the drum. Now you can reuse the machine for its intended purpose.

Alternative ways to dye jeans

If professional paints are not available, you can use the tools that every housewife definitely has at home:

  • blue;
  • hair dye;
  • "white".

Blue staining is suitable for clothing without noticeable contamination. The product refreshes blue jeans well, returning them to their natural color.

There is one caveat: blue is a short-lived dye that is easily removed after the second or third wash.

Stages of staining:

  • In warm water (5 liters), dilute a bag of funds.
  • The product to be painted is immersed in the solution, and a tablespoon of salt is added. Leave for a day.
  • After that, the dyed linen is rinsed in a vinegar solution.

Hair dye is suitable for drastically changing the color of denim. To saturate the color of denim pants or jacket, you will need 2 packs of the product.

All stages of the operation are similar to blue staining. Only the time does not match - the clothes should be kept in the dye solution for no more than an hour.

The dyeing "Whiteness" is suitable for denim trousers. Moreover, it turns out not so much staining as the application of original white stripes on clothes in black, blue or gray. Stages of the procedure:

  • A bucket of water is put on the fire and a glass of "Whiteness" is poured into it.
  • The jeans are rolled up, fixed on both sides with rubber bands and thrown into the heating liquid.
  • Boil jeans in a bucket for 15 minutes, preventing them from floating to the surface, then take them out and dry.

Original painting options

To radically change the image and get original drawings, you can resort to acrylic paints . With brushes of different sizes and paint, a pattern is applied to the jeans.

Then the clothes turned inside out are ironed with a heated iron to fix the pattern. You shouldn't put a drawing on casual jeans. Frequent washing can cause acrylic to shed.

If you don't want to deal with chemical dyes when dyeing fabric, you can use natural ones obtained from plants:

Before painting, the item should be soaked in a solution of a natural fixative. For berry dyes, this is salt (125 g per 2 liters of water), for others - vinegar (250 g per 1 liter of water).

Coloring method:

  • The plant material is crushed and, together with the clothes for dyeing, placed in a large container (tank or bucket of water).
  • Keep the clothes in the container for about an hour from the start of the boil.

A few valuable parting words before starting work:

  1. Before painting, it is advisable to wash and dry things well.
  2. Only one type of paint needs to be added to one water.
  3. To achieve the effect, the staining procedure can be carried out twice.
  4. Work only with strong, whole household gloves.
  5. Before the main painting, you can practice on a small piece of fabric.
  6. Dry things after the procedure in a natural environment, without radiators and heaters.

Jeans are very popular clothes for both men and women. This is not surprising, because the pants are comfortable to wear, fit well, and if, for example, a woman complements her image with beautiful high-heeled shoes and a blouse, then she may well go on a date in such an outfit.

It is due to this demand that jeans do not always last long. Some trousers lose their color due to frequent washings, others deteriorate due to the carelessness of their owners. But if your favorite pants fit perfectly, look decent and the only problem is an ugly stain on the knee or slightly peeled paint, then it is quite possible to bring the thing back to life. You just need to return the jeans to their former brightness and color. So let's talk about how to dye jeans at home.

Painting methods

Use special fabric dyes to revive the color of faded jeans. There are several ways to carry out this "operation", but whatever you choose, remember that before you start painting, the pants need to be washed and dried thoroughly. Otherwise, the paint will take badly.

You can buy fabric dyes at a household chemicals store or in the market. They can vary in composition as well as in the method of application.

Some products come with a fixer, others without it. Therefore, before you start painting your thing, carefully read the instructions on the package. Follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, this is the only way you will be able to do everything right and not ruin your favorite jeans.

Let's look at several ways to use dyes

Washing machine painting:

  • In order for the pants to be colored evenly, without the formation of dark spots or streaks, it is recommended to first dilute the paint in 0.5 liters of water, unless otherwise indicated on the package. When diluting the paint, make sure that it completely dissolves in the liquid, any grains of sand and lumps can ruin the case;
  • Pour the resulting solution into the drum of the washing machine. If the label of your product says that you should add soda and / or salt, then add these ingredients to the drum as well;
  • Load the pants that you are going to "revive" into the machine, set the washing mode. Choose for linen or cotton, and set the temperature to 95 degrees;
  • Give preference to the longest cycle in time. After the technique finishes its work, the jeans need to be pulled out and placed in a basin, where vinegar will be diluted with water beforehand (at the rate of 1 tbsp. L. 9% vinegar per 1 liter of liquid);
  • Let the trousers soak for a quarter of an hour, after which they must be machine washed with the addition of powder. Choose the mode as short as possible, set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees.

After all the manipulations, your pants will acquire the desired color, the dyeing process can be considered complete.

Painting in an enamel bucket, saucepan and other utensils:

  • Dilute the dye in 1 liter of hot water. If the package says what you need
    add salt and soda, then pour the substances into a bowl, stir everything;
  • Now pour the liquid into your chosen enamel container. Add 5-7 liters of water there, lower the pants that you are going to paint;
  • Place a pot of jeans on gas and "cook" them at a temperature of no more than 95 degrees for about an hour. Remember to stir the contents of the pot;
  • After an hour, remove the trousers from the solution, let them cool slightly and rinse first in warm (you should not do this with hot water), and then in ice water. Soak your jeans for 20 minutes in the vinegar solution, then hand wash using the powder.

Now you know how to dye jeans in a washing machine and enamel dishes. Just remember that if you carry out the staining procedure in a typewriter, then immediately after that, do not wash white things in it.

Better to let the technique run idle by adding a little bleach to the drum. This will help prevent the dye from ruining other clothes.

How to dye jeans blue?

If your clothes are not very faded and have no noticeable dirt, then you can use blue to "revive" the color. True, you should understand that the substance cannot radically change the color of your outfit. Blue only gives a blue tint to the thing, which, by the way, is washed off after 2-3 washes, unlike dyes.

But this disadvantage is more than compensated by the fact that it is very easy to use blue, and blue jeans will immediately take on a fresh look. To dye, just soak the pants for a couple of hours in water with the addition of blue. How much to add funds can be read on the packaging. Then, rinse the garment in the vinegar-added liquid.

How to dye jeans white?

At one time in Russia, the so-called "varenki" jeans were very fashionable. Every person who considered himself at least a little fashionable knew the secret of creating such stylish trousers. Yes, and the matter is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, you just need to use the "White".

So, take one glass of regular "Whiteness" and dilute it in a bucket of water. Twist the pants thoroughly and fix them in this position with elastic bands. Dip it in a container with a solution, in this case, you need to boil the pants for at least 15 minutes. In this case, it is important to ensure that the thing does not float to the surface.

Having done all the manipulations, you will receive trousers with unusual large patterns. This way you can paint things of any color: blue, black, etc.

How to dye your jeans black on your own?

The most appropriate approach for those who are going to dye their pants is to use fabric dye products. These dyes will help give your panties black, blue, and other colors. But if there is no way to buy a special dye, then what else can you dye your jeans with at home? It is possible to "revitalize" clothes with hair dye, but this method should only be used in rare cases.

The procedure will look like this point by point:

  • Buy paint. When choosing a product, pay special attention to its shade. It is important not to make a mistake, otherwise you will not be able to get the desired color. By the way, if you are going to paint large pants, then it is better to purchase 2 packs of paint;
  • Dissolve the product in water. Vary the amount of liquid so that you can completely immerse the pants in it. Leave the item in the resulting solution for 60–90 minutes;
  • When the time is up, rinse your jeans first in clean water and then in a liquid with vinegar and salt;
  • Dry your trousers and evaluate your work.

It is worth saying that this method of staining is not the most successful, since the result can be very unexpected, although not always bad.

You can create an original design of a denim item and completely change its appearance using simple improvised means - blue, whiteness or hair dye. Those who wish to achieve a flawless result are advised to pay attention to new methods of fabric processing, which can significantly save time and simplify the dyeing process. At the same time, modern professional dyes are as safe as folk remedies.

Using special fabric dyes

The main advantage of using professional dyes is their safety and effectiveness. The products are specially designed for dyeing denim fabrics, therefore they do not contain aggressive substances that can damage the structure of the fibers. A wide color palette allows you to easily select the desired shade.

Fabric dyes are sold in powder or liquid form. Each tool has its own characteristics. If black, gray or blue jeans only need to be freshened up and restored to a rich color, it is recommended to give preference to a liquid reagent. If a cardinal design change is required, powders are used. One of the most effective is the aniline paint "Jeans", which is suitable for manual and machine methods. With this tool, you can completely change the tone of the product at home by repainting white trousers in black or gray in blue.

Before starting the process, you must first wash and dry your clothes. This is necessary for uniform coloring of the thing. If there are stains on the clothes, the paint will not be able to spread evenly over the problem areas. Do not use fabric softener when washing, as the detergent can negatively affect the painting.

Dyeing in the washing machine

Professional dyes, due to their special composition, allow dyeing the product in the washing machine without harming household appliances. Before work, you must read the instructions on the packaging and follow the specified recommendations exactly, observing the required proportions.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. For uniform coloring, you should first dissolve the paint in a small amount of warm water so that there are no lumps and sediment.
  2. 2. Set the washing mode for cotton and linen fabrics (the optimum temperature is 95 degrees), turn on an empty machine and wait until the drum is partially filled with water (make sure that the water level does not reach the door).
  3. 3. After a small amount of liquid has entered, open the door and pour the diluted solvent into the drum, and then restart the device.
  4. 4. After 1-2 turns, when the paint is completely dissolved in the water, you can put your jeans in the washing machine and leave until the end of the wash cycle.
  5. 5. After washing, it is recommended to soak the item for 15 minutes in a vinegar solution (a tablespoon per liter of water). This will set the color in place for a long time.
  6. 6. After soaking, the clothes should be washed again in the machine with the addition of powder and conditioner. It is recommended to set the shortest mode and the temperature not higher than 40 degrees.
  7. 7. At the end of the cycle, the product must be hung up to dry naturally.

After the staining procedure, deposits (paint residues) may form on the rubber door pads. It can be easily removed with a clean, damp sponge. To avoid any coloring particles remaining in the drum, it is recommended to start the machine again, but without any items. If you plan to wash your white clothes soon, you can add a little chlorine bleach.

Hand dyeing

Manual painting is no less effective than machine painting. Of the minuses, one can single out the fact that this method is more laborious, requires constant presence and control over the process.

  1. 1. It is necessary to dilute the dye in a liter of warm water to avoid the formation of lumps, add baking soda and salt (if there is a similar indication in the instructions). To achieve the desired result, it is strongly recommended to adhere to the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. 2. Fill a large enamelled container with water, place it on the stove, pour in the dye, heat the solution and immerse the jeans so that they are completely submerged.
  3. 3. It is necessary to cook clothes on low heat for 40-60 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden stick.
  4. 4. After the procedure, rinse the item in warm and then cold water.
  5. 5. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to soak the product in a vinegar solution for 15 minutes, then hand wash with the addition of washing powder and hang to dry.

Effective folk remedies

You can dye jeans at home using simple improvised means. These methods are effective only if the clothes need to be freshened up a little, given a rich shade or redesigned with patterns and ornaments.

The choice of this or that method should be due to the quality of the material: for thin fabrics, you should use gentle means, dense denim can be subjected to bold experiments.


Organic dye "methylene blue", popularly known as blue, allows you to give things a blue tint. The substance is safe for fabrics, so even the thinnest stretch can be dyed using this method. The only drawback is fragility: after a few washes, the paint will completely come off, and the jeans will return to their original appearance.

For staining, you need to leave jeans in water diluted with blue (the concentration of the product is indicated on the package) for a couple of hours. After soaking, the product should be rinsed in a vinegar solution, washed and dried. To dye your clothes dark blue, it is recommended to leave them in the solution overnight.

Brilliant green will help to give the product a beautiful turquoise color. The algorithm of actions is similar to painting with blue.


A chlorine-based bleach can help brighten your jeans. The simplest and most budgetary option is Whiteness. This product is quite aggressive, so it is only suitable for heavy denim. Thin fabric after such processing can simply tear. Before the procedure, you must take care of personal protective equipment: rubber gloves and a respirator. These items will help to avoid intoxication during work and prevent skin damage.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. 1. Fill a metal container with water halfway, heat it on the stove and pour in a glass of Whiteness.
  2. 2. It is necessary to immerse the item in the resulting solution and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden stick for even penetration of the product into the fibers of the fabric.
  3. 3. After digestion, the clothes should be rinsed and hung up to dry.

In order to get a unique and original pattern, jeans should be pre-rolled, fixed with clips and clothespins, and only then immersed in the solution. The star pattern is obtained by using clothespins, horizontal stripes will create ropes or clamps. All other places not covered by foreign objects are easily brightened during digestion.

Hair dye

It is recommended to use such an extreme method in exceptional cases, since it has much more disadvantages than advantages. The fact is that the substance is not intended for processing fabric, so it is not known how the product will behave after dyeing. The effect can be very diverse: from an unexpected shade to damage to the fabric, depending on the quality of the paint.

For dyeing, you need to dilute the hair dye in water and leave the jeans in the solution for an hour and a half. The amount of liquid should be such that the clothes are completely immersed in water, and the amount of paint varies from 1 to 2 packs, depending on the volume and weight of the product. For large pants, you will need 2 packs, and for short shorts, half a package will be enough. After the procedure, the clothes should be rinsed in running water and soaked for a quarter of an hour in a vinegar solution to fix the result.

Acrylic paint

Creating a drawing with acrylic paints using a stencil

Acrylic paint will help transform a denim jacket, trousers or shorts. The essence of this method lies not in uniform coloring, but in applying drawings and patterns to individual areas.

It is necessary to turn the product inside out and paint the ornament or image you like with a brush. After that, put a sheet of paper on the back of the jeans under the drawing and iron it with an iron. In the absence of artistic talent, it is recommended to use a paper stencil.

You can replace thick paint in a can with an aerosol paint. For staining, lay out jeans on the floor, after laying newspapers, put a stencil on top (you can use mesh tights or stockings) and spray the substance at a distance of 20-30 cm. During staining, it is recommended to wear a respirator, gloves and stay in a well-ventilated area.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

Especially depressing for me were the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person as much as his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...