Characteristics of onyx stone. Magical and healing properties of onyx. Interaction with zodiac signs

Even the ancient Arabs dubbed the mineral onyx a symbol of sadness. According to local customs, the combination of white and black colors in the stone meant mournful solemnity. But the ancient Jews thought a little differently, believing that the crystal is by no means sad, but quite the opposite, and its light permeability was distinguished as the main quality.

Historians suggest that the walls of the famous Jerusalem temple, built over a millennium BC, were built according to the same principle, where elements made of onyx were inserted into the walls and windows. That is why the sanctuary was illuminated by rays of reverent twilight.

The gem was suitable not only for the decoration of palaces during construction work, its properties were noticed by the ancient masters of jewelry. On the one hand, strength, and, on the other hand, the susceptibility of the material to cutting and grinding, allowed carvers to create a wide variety of patterns.

From multi-colored crystals, unknown masters of antiquity created wonderful cameos, which have not lost their value even today, being considered magnificent works of bas-relief art.

Ancient Egypt was famous for onyx lining of pharaohs' palaces and temples. Ancient Greece went down in history by the fact that its speakers, according to the custom of those times, kept a mineral under their tongue in order to be more eloquent than their competitors. And in ancient Rome, the stone served as the strongest talisman.

The attraction of the gem was so strong that the tribes of barbarians who broke into the Eternal City tore off the facing of palaces and rich houses, consisting of onyx, “for a long memory”.

Physical and chemical properties

In ancient Greece, they explained that the stone appeared from the nail of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and love, marriages and childbirth. Her assistant Eros was to blame for everything, who accidentally caught the nail of the “baby feeder” with his loving arrow. The particle that broke away from it turned into a beautiful mineral. No wonder the gem comes from the Greek "onychon", which means "nail" in translation. Yes, and purely outwardly, the crystal looks great like a human nail. Usually this stone is translucent or completely transparent.

Over the years of fame, the gem has gained many synonyms. Whatever it was called: onychius, chalcedony-onyx, oriental alabaster, sardonyx, Egyptian alabaster, Gibraltar stone, cave onyx, carneolonyx, alabaster onyx, Mexican onyx.

Mineralogists classify onyx as a chalcedonic variety of quartz, and jewelers as ornamental minerals of the third group.

Onychia has a great variety of shades. They range from light marsh to yellow-brown. But the feature that makes it possible to distinguish a gem from others is parallel stripes (dark red, white, gray or black). The higher cost of the stone depends on their elegance and sophistication.

Multi-colored layering, which depends on various impurities, as well as the degree of their concentration in the rock layers, largely determines the structure of sardonyx. First of all, we are talking about impurities of chalcedony, iron, chlorine and other substances.

In order to classify a wide variety of types of onyx, specialists (mineralogists, geologists, jewelers) use special terms. The main varieties are grouped by color. So, sardonyxes differ in orange, scarlet, blood-brown shades, and carneolonyxes have white or red stripes on the surface.

The most valuable material for jewelers are black (Arabic) onyx, as well as dark green quartz. By the way, the level of decorativeness of the mineral is evaluated by color, translucency, pattern features and polishability.

Quartz tends to have a structure characterized by a strong adhesion of oxygen and silicon atoms at the nodes of the crystal lattice. This explains the hardness of Egyptian alabaster, which, in accordance with the Mohs scale, corresponds to 6.5-7.0 units, the density corresponds to 2.6 g/cm3.

The chemical formula of onyx is SiO2.

The presence of quartz, to which onyx belongs, is 60% in the earth's crust. The extraordinary distribution of the mineral in nature makes it accessible to jewelry lovers. The main deposits include the development of Brazil, Uruguay, India. In addition, crystals of high quality are found in the United States and the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in Russia.

Magic and signs of the Zodiac: who suits the talisman

Magicians believe that onyx is a special stone, and special people should wear it: strong-willed individuals, those who are called "fighters". The mineral will give such persons firmness and self-confidence, so that they can defend their own point of view, successfully complete what they have begun.

According to psychics, oriental alabaster is something like a battery that tends to absorb negative energy that accumulates around the owner of the stone. The crystal continues to work in the house of its owner, protecting it from negative intrusions from the outside, and in the form of a pendant it will protect a person from damage and love spells.

A silver ring with onyx is a wonderful remedy for laziness. In India, it is worn in order to become a favorite of fortune, to get good luck, in the Arab world, sardonyx plays the role of a “stone of sorrow”.

There is such an idea that regular wearing of jewelry with a crystal allows you to gradually “pull out” all ailments from the body and, moreover, prevent the unexpected death of the owner of the mineral.

Gibraltar stone is a wonderful "helper" for the elderly. He "knows how" to dull pains of a different nature, add strength and endurance to an elderly organism.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that an amulet made of onyx and given to warriors strengthened their spirit and made them more courageous.

Among the zodiac signs, the maximum efficiency and manifestation of the magical properties of the crystal is guaranteed to Virgo. A stone can also become a good helper for the signs of the water element, blocking the negative external influence, thanks to which Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces become more independent in their actions.

Heals, does not heal: healing properties

At one time, traditional medicine suggested that onyx has a wide therapeutic spectrum of action. The healers believed that prolonged wearing of the mineral on the body would contribute to the fact that all ailments would gradually fade away. Especially the stone is “irreconcilable” to diseases of the kidneys and liver, it is ready to “help” weather dependent, strengthens the skeletal system, improves hearing.

Lithotherapists express their firm belief that the healing properties and effects of the gem are not fairy tales. They strongly advise it to those who suffer from constant stress, have problems falling asleep, who seek to get rid of nightmares.

In some countries, "stone healers" note that onychius heals potency disorders.

Folk healers and healers advise fighting obesity with water infused with a mineral.

Ways to distinguish genuine from fake

The ways to distinguish fake from natural onyx are almost the same as for many other minerals.

  1. The first thing that should confuse the buyer is the low cost of the crystal. As a rule, they underestimate the price of a fake, and a real stone is not cheap.
  2. The second thing to pay attention to is the color of the decoration. In this regard, scammers often overdo it, giving the fake brighter tones, while the original ones are more restrained and paler.
  3. And third. Hold the gem in your fist. Even warm hands will not be able to quickly heat quartz, but a piece of plastic that they are trying to hand you instead of natural stone will heat up immediately.

stone care

If the owners of onyx want the stone to serve them faithfully for a long time, they must remember a few "don'ts".

  1. The mineral is fragile, so in order to avoid scratches on the surface, you should not allow it to come into contact with other jewelry.
  2. You can not clean the gem with active chemicals. It is best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and warm soapy water for this. If for some reason this procedure does not suit you, carry out an ultrasonic cleaning.

Often, jewelers advise the owners of a crystal to rub special impregnations into it. This is done so that a film is created on the stone that repels dirt. It proved that the use of impregnations has a beneficial effect on the structure of the mineral, giving it a wonderful shine.


Onyx has long been one of the favorite stones for lovers of jewelry and decor. Moreover, any products from this type of quartz are popular: figurines and combs, cameos and vases, candlesticks and caskets.

Naturally, the gem is indispensable in jewelry: playing with shades, it makes the product original and unique.

And the price of such a wonderful crystal cannot but please the eye. It is quite democratic - from 15 to 250 dollars. It is clear that onyx becomes precious if it is combined with gold or diamonds, if it has a black and white color. On average, onyx bracelets can cost 6-50 dollars, necklaces from 140 to 300 dollars, earrings - 60-140 dollars.


Onyx jewelry and ornamental stone has been known to mankind for several thousand years and is still widely used for various purposes. The ancient Egyptians used it for wall cladding, decoration of household items. Archaeologists find a description of the stone in the early texts of the Bible. Jerusalem temples and Babylonian tombs are decorated with onyx mosaics. During the heyday of stone cutting, the mineral was most popular.

Onyx is classified as chalcedonic quartz with a layered or radiant structure. Multiple metal impurities give the mineral different shades. The stones are colored brown. They can be translucent and opaque, plain and variegated. The pattern most often looks like a series of pink or golden stripes. They contrast in color and come in different thicknesses. The thinner the strip, the higher the price of the stone.

The stone is easy to process: cutting, grinding and cutting. The characteristics of the stone are very similar to those of marble. Therefore, banded marble is confused with onyx and is called Algerian and Mexican. The stone is used to make jewelry, wall panels, stained glass, countertops, souvenirs and writing instruments.

Variety of types and colors

Classify stones according to their color. The following varieties of onyx are most popular:

  • Arabic - alternating black and white stripes;
  • sardonyx - brown and white stripes;
  • carnelian - white and red stripes;
  • chalcedony - white and gray stripes.

When choosing a stone, you need to remember that most black, blue, pink, blue and green onyxes are artificially dyed. The best characteristic is given to stones mined in Brazil, India, the Arabian Peninsula, Uruguay and the USA.

Stone of power and eloquence

The magical properties of onyx are best manifested when worn on the middle finger. The optimal cut for the stone is a round or oval cabochon. Lithotherapists recommend wearing jewelry with a mineral in autumn and winter. Onyx is a strong life amulet. It protects against accidents, sudden death and major losses.. It is advisable for people working in conditions of increased danger to have a talisman with onyx.

Natural blue-black onyx helps businessmen develop their business. The owner of the stone vigorously moves forward, skillfully overcoming obstacles. Onyx promotes better deals and negotiations. It activates the entrepreneurial spirit and gives financial stability. But it is undesirable to constantly wear a stone so that the thirst for profit does not overshadow everything else.

An onyx vase will be a powerful home amulet. It will protect the home from robbers or thieves, accidents and destruction. Onyx keeps marriage from conflict, betrayal, jealousy and boredom. The ability of the stone to establish contacts between parents and children stabilizes the psychological climate in the family. It has a positive effect on the older generation, improving well-being and mood. An onyx product gives protection from evil energy effects, envy and damage.

Onyx is considered a stone of eloquence. He helps his master to choose the right words and convey them to the audience. Listeners succumb to the magic of the stone and the charm of the speaker. Therefore, onyx is so loved by politicians, lecturers, lawyers and preachers. In an effort to win the respect of the team, you can also use the help of a stone. He will indicate the correct style of communication with colleagues.

Onyx is necessary for those who lack determination, perseverance, perseverance to achieve the goal. Slowly but surely, a person will move to his heights. On the way to victory, the owner of the stone will not go over the heads, he achieves success through diligent work. Therefore, the stone will help soft and weak-willed people to form an integral solid character.
The stone helps to concentrate on the most important things at the moment. It is useful to wear onyx for students during sessions, for accountants when submitting reports, for managers before difficult negotiations. The mineral increases productivity by sweeping all unnecessary thoughts out of your head. It relieves fatigue, filling the body with strength and energy.

Onyx is an excellent means of protection from the action of magical rituals. The owner of the stone is not threatened by a love spell, damage or evil eye. Onyx is able to remove an already cast spell or divination. It enhances a person's own energy field.

stone healer

A product with a stone has a positive effect on hearing, so such a natural talisman will be a good gift for a musician. Silver can enhance the healing properties of onyx. In this form, it is useful to wear it for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The stone absorbs ailments, so it is advisable to periodically clean it under running water.

Natural onyx improves memory, sharpens attention and activates logical thinking. Lithotherapy uses the magical properties of the stone to relieve headaches and dizziness. It helps with ear diseases, hearing loss and inflammation of the nasopharynx. It is used to prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The stone is useful to wear to increase psychological stability. Onyx reduces the intensity of passions in conflicts, helps to cope with outbursts of anger. But it is undesirable to wear a stone all the time, so as not to turn into an emotional idol. Onyx allows you to quickly recover and eliminate the effects of stress. It uplifts the mood and relieves depressive thoughts.

Onyx helps weather-dependent people cope with the vagaries of the weather. It improves potency and fertility. The stone is able to reduce the feeling of hunger, so it is useful for those who are on a diet to have it with them. With the help of onyx, you can cope with pain.

The meaning of onyx in astrology

Astrologers say that onyx is optimal for Aries. The stone concentrates their efforts to achieve a result. The seething energy of Aries is directed in the right direction. He calms the representatives of the sign, helps them cope with their feelings. The mineral makes you think and teaches you not to forget about past experiences. Blue, light blue and green stones are contraindicated for Aries.

The mineral is a good acquisition for Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. Onyx helps the restrained Virgo to show her emotions more vividly. The stone is useful to representatives of the sign at the time of making important decisions, as it relieves the confused Virgo from suspiciousness. The talisman with him suits the soft sign in terms of energy.

Lazy Taurus needs onyx to increase labor activity. The stone will give him the necessary impetus to action. The magical properties of the mineral will protect Taurus from foreign influence, make it more independent. A stone has a similar effect on Capricorns, energizing them and protecting them from fatigue and absent-mindedness.

You can not wear onyx Gemini. It is especially undesirable to wear stones with black and black and white colors. Even a brief description of the sign makes it clear that the mineral contains the opposite energy to Gemini, which will limit them. This sign of the Zodiac is characterized by a plurality and versatility of interests. Concentration on one thing will be detrimental to Gemini.

Onyx stone was loved and revered in ancient times. Even then, people knew about its magical power to heal many diseases, as well as about the magical properties of the mineral. An unusual and varied range of shades attracted jewelers to create jewelry and decorative crafts from this material.

Description and history of the gem

The mineral is a variety of agate. The translucent structure allows you to see parallel veins of different tones. There is white, green, red onyx and even completely black (very rare and valuable). Because of this, it has many other names, depending on the color of the veins. Onyx gemstone is actually not. It is included in the 2nd echelon according to the classification - it is a jewelry and ornamental mineral. Despite the fact that it is actively used in jewelry, it still has a greater use in the manufacture of decorative crafts, exclusive dishes, and is in demand as a building material for design decoration.

The history of the stone is rooted in the distant past. Even in the biblical stories it is mentioned that Solomon's temple was built from this mineral. The semi-precious stone has an amazing property: it transmits the sun's rays through itself. Later, historians and archaeologists became convinced that in ancient palaces and churches there really were onyx inserts on the windows.

In the Old Testament there is a description of the clothes of the high priests: they were decorated with onyxes of different colors. Aaron's confidante, in addition to 11 other gems, included this amazing mineral. The stone was used in many countries around the world - decorated with imperial clothes, symbols of power, church paraphernalia. It is not at all surprising that onyx received another name - the royal stone, despite the general availability of the price grid.

magical influence

The gem attracted not only with its beauty and diversity - the magical properties of onyx stone have been known for a long time. Rulers, commanders, influential businessmen always carried a talisman from this gem. It gives strength, energy, impetus to achieve the goal. The owner of the amulet is always collected, has a sober mind, determination. The stone helps to choose the only correct solution in a difficult situation.

The magic of the mineral helps speakers, politicians, public people express their thoughts beautifully. It used to be believed that in order to perform well or attract attention, you need to put a bead of blue onyx under your tongue. Then success will be guaranteed. Now there is no need to resort to such an extreme. For this occasion, a pendant, beads or earrings made of a gem of any color are well suited. Even if they are blue or black.

OKAMI steel bracelet with onyx (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

The mineral wonderfully helps in family life - it strengthens mutual understanding, builds relationships, maintains a warm atmosphere in the house. An onyx pyramid in the matrimonial bedroom will create a favorable and harmonious atmosphere. Quarrels will subside, even already cooling feelings will resume.

A charm made of white onyx will not allow harm to the owner from otherworldly forces. Sentences, evil eye, damage will be ineffective. On the contrary, all bad intentions will be mirrored on the author of wishes. The magical meaning of the stone in this case is the most powerful. White color instantly reads negative energy and neutralizes it or sends it to the source.

From the magical characteristics of the mineral, it can be seen that it has strength in different directions. Gives courage and confidence, helps to glue family relationships, protects from bad influence. It is worth noting that, nevertheless, onyx is not quite as benevolent as it looks. He is quite headstrong and capricious. To make friends with a gem, a lot of time must pass. And only when he takes a closer look, gets used to the owner, then his beneficial power will begin to act.

Gem horoscope

Astrologers note that not every sign of the zodiac prefers a stone. For example, Gemini can suffer from such a neighborhood. Gemini and onyx have different energies, which means that the mineral will suppress all the undertakings of the owner. With a favorable set of circumstances, the gem will turn out to be simply neutral, i.e. the owner will be neither warm nor cold, but you can wear it as a decoration.

SL gold earrings with onyx (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

An amulet made of black stone suits signs with a strong will and aspiration. Since his coloring is quite aggressive, the owner must know what he specifically wants to achieve. In this case, the gem will work in unison with the owner, multiplying strength, adding confidence. Under this characteristic, people born under the sign of Leo are most suitable. It is noted that the dark onyx talisman also helps to overcome bad habits.

Capricorns and Taurus will get rid of laziness. The mineral will push to new successes, will not let you stop there. A talisman made of yellow onyx stone, meaning wealth, has the opportunity to improve the financial situation of the owner.

Virgo will get excellent prospects from friendship with the mineral. The excitement, anxiety, uncertainty that constantly haunt a person of this zodiac sign will gradually weaken and come to naught. The gem will help resist depression and stress.

Onyx has the best compatibility with Aries. The mineral will fully reveal their talent, increase intelligence, and protect them from ill-wishers. For this, an amulet with a stone of cold colors (white, gray, pink) is suitable.

It is worth remembering that the gem helps someone who really wants it and makes efforts to achieve the goal. Those who only see success in their dreams, lying on the couch, will remain only with mirages.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, people not only enjoyed the beauty of the mineral, decorated their clothes and utensils, but also knew and used the healing properties of onyx. The crushed stone stopped the blood and applied bandages with it to heal the wound, treated sores and erosions on the mucous membranes.

Onyx has a good effect on the nervous system. Helps with insomnia, relieves stress, cures depression. To do this, you must have direct contact with the stone - take it in your hands, focus your eyes on the object, relax. Several such sessions will significantly improve well-being.

A wonderful mineral has a positive effect on all organs. He himself reads the negative situation. If a person is prone to obesity, then the stone will cut the threshold of satiety. And for a weakened person, on the contrary, it will improve appetite. The digestive system will work normally.

SL gold ring with onyx and diamonds (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

Headache and migraine will leave the inhabitants of the house for a long time, in which there are figurines, vases or other decorative things made of onyx. The little kids in this family will forget about the fears of the dark room and learn to fall asleep quickly.

But most of all, the mineral will comfort the elderly. This is a stone for the wise, experienced, who have come a long way in life. Green onyx will help you find interlocutors and brighten up loneliness, prolong activity and a sense of being in demand.

Application of onyx

In our time, the mineral has not lost its relevance at all. Jewelers are still willing to work with this material. Jewelry: rings, pendants, beads, bracelets are in demand. Gems are quite cheap and available to the buyer with any wallet.

Figurines, exclusive dishes, caskets also find their customers. Talismans in the form of animals or symbols look harmoniously in any interior. Designers like to emphasize the luxury of the furnishings with elements of this particular mineral.

Modern technology allows you to create artsy extensive compositions from stone. Bar counters, mantelpieces, long sturdy countertops can be made from several parts. First, the figured details for decorating the facade of the product are sculpted each separately. Then, using a special glue, they are combined into a common composition. When gluing, the seam remains completely invisible and durable. Even in the case of chipping a stone, it does not crack at the junction, but in the natural structure of the mineral.

Due to the availability of natural stone and its cheapness, artificial onyx is not produced on an industrial scale. There are fakes in the form of low-grade agate or jasper, but this does not bring any benefit or satisfaction to the fraudster. Therefore, on the shelves there really is a natural, natural onyx stone.

OKAMI bracelet in steel with steel and onyx (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

Varieties of the mineral by color

A peculiar color background to onyx is given by parallel stripes in the structure of the mineral. Depending on the impurities that make up the stone (iron, copper, calcium, etc.), the palette can be very diverse. The alternation of black and white veins gave the name - Arabic onyx. Very nice, classic combination.

If there are white and bright red lines in the palette, then the stone is carnelian. Jewelry with him looks elegant and festive.

Brown, brown and white color is sardonyx. He also has another combination: red, white and yellowish-honey tones.

Stones with a greenish tint are called marble onyx. Greens can vary from light green to rich emerald.

Chalcedony - gray-white, ashy gamma. Sometimes there are minerals of this type with blue and blue inclusions. A stone with strong energy. Amulets and amulets are famous for reliable protection from evil influences.

Monochromatic onyx does not occur in nature. In the characteristics of this stone, it is precisely the clearly demarcated parallel of different colors that is remarkable.

Since ancient times, onyx has attracted with its gloss, unusual color and intricate patterns on its surface. It is no coincidence that in translation from ancient Greek the name of this gem means “nail”. According to one of the legends, onyx was part of the nail of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite.

Types and uses of the mineral

Sardonyx is one of the most popular types of onyx.

Onyx is a fibrous (chalcedonic) variety. It consists of parallel flat layers, different shades of which form bizarre patterns on the surface of the mineral. There are over ten different types of this gem. The most famous of them are green onyx, gray agate onyx, Arabic onyx with black and white layers, sardonyx (or carnelian onyx) with stripes of various shades of red and white, marble onyx. The largest mineral deposits are located on the Arabian Peninsula, in India, in Central Asia, Brazil, Uruguay. There are also technologies for creating artificial onyx that imitates natural stone. Such a product is cheaper, but significantly inferior to the original in quality.

Onyx is widely used as an ornamental material

Since ancient times, onyx has been used for the manufacture of carved art products, jewelry, and also as a decorative and finishing material. It was used to create mosaics and inlays. An ancient legend says that the walls of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem were made of onyx. At the same time, they did not have windows, since this mineral let in enough light to illuminate. Beautiful gems, vases, caskets, countertops, candlesticks are made from onyx to this day, it is used in rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets.

An interesting story related to onyx happened to the great sculptor, jeweler and Renaissance painter Benvenuto Cellini. One day, the artist suddenly disappeared from the Vatican, where he served as head of the Papal Mint. At the same time, Benvenuto took with him gold and precious stones given to him for work from the Papal store. The absence of the artist was long enough to cause concern at first, and on his return, the real anger of His Holiness Clement VII. The Pope began to scold Cellini, accusing him of debauchery, drunkenness, behavior unworthy of a good Christian. In response, the artist presented Clement with a cypress box containing a gem of striking beauty made of sardonyx.

Benvenuto Cellini (ital. Benvenuto Cellini) - Italian sculptor, jeweler, painter, warrior and musician of the Renaissance.

On the surface of the stone, Benvenuto carved one of the canonical plots of the New Testament - the Last Supper. Moreover, he did this using all the veins, stripes, drawings and natural coloring of the mineral so that they served as the basis for the images of the participants in the supper. Jesus turned out in a white chiton, the apostle Peter - in red clothes, John in blue robes. Judas was depicted in the most gloomy, dark brown color.

Gemma so impressed the Pope with her beauty and originality that Cellini was not only immediately forgiven, but also proclaimed by Clement VII the beloved son of the church. The artist's masterpiece was placed in the altar of the main porch of the Roman Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Onyx magical energy

Onyx refers to the "Bible stones"

In ancient times, onyx attracted people not only for its beauty. They believed that the mineral has a special magical energy.

Onyx is mentioned in the Old Testament and refers to the so-called "Bible stones". He was one of the twelve gems that decorated the breastplates (quadrangular breastplates) of the high priests. Each of these stones was engraved with the name of one of the tribes of Israel. Onyx was considered a gift from Joseph, the son of the biblical forefather Jacob, and was a symbol of his family.

According to esotericists, onyx makes it possible to concentrate powerful energy in itself, makes its owner strong, purposeful and self-confident. It is a stone of leaders and fighters. To weak-willed and soft people, he adds perseverance, strength and firmness.

Onyx - the strongest stone-amulet from the evil eye and damage

Onyx is a powerful amulet. It reliably protects its owner from induced damage, evil eye, love spells. Strengthens the energy field, removes the cast spell and resists the effects of divination. At the same time, the stone protects against accidents, great losses and sudden death. An onyx talisman will be especially useful for representatives of professions associated with various kinds of dangers.

Entrepreneurial people and businessmen will need black onyx. A talisman with this stone will help in successful negotiations, bring financial benefits, and activate entrepreneurial activity. True, in this case, you should not wear a talisman with onyx all the time, otherwise the thirst for profit can overshadow the rest of the interests and desires of its owner.

Onyx will help in the development of public speaking skills

Onyx will endow its owner with oratorical abilities. The stone helps to find the right words of persuasion, makes speech more meaningful and passionate, capable of captivating and captivating listeners. This property of the stone will provide an invaluable service to those whose activities are related to negotiations and speeches to the public.

Onyx helps to concentrate at the right moment, focus on solving a specific problem, isolate the main thing and thereby successfully solve the problem. At the same time, it relieves fatigue and makes its owner more energetic.

The healing power of onyx

One of the strongest properties of onyx is to relieve pain.

The properties of onyx allow you to relieve pain, "pull out" diseases and reduce inflammation. It is enough just to apply a stone to tumors and sore spots. In ancient medicine, crushed onyx was used to cleanse the mouth and heal wounds.

Water infused with onyx helps in the fight against obesity, relieves fatigue and hunger, gives strength and energy. Wearing red onyx in a silver frame strengthens the heart, normalizes the nervous system, and helps treat depression, insomnia, and mental disorders.

Onyx sharpens hearing, vision, strengthens memory, promotes rejuvenation of the body and increases potency. It should be noted that only natural gems have healing and magical powers. Artificial onyx does not have such properties.

The magical properties of onyx stone for zodiac signs

Onyx is great for representatives of the zodiac signs of the elements of the earth

The properties of the stone affect the signs of the zodiac in different ways. Its energy force is under the influence of Saturn and Mercury. Onyx is well suited to the signs of the zodiac, which correspond to the elements of the Earth.

It is not recommended to wear an onyx amulet only for representatives. This is especially true for black and black and white stones. This is explained by the fact that Gemini has the opposite energy to onyx. This sign is inherent in the plurality and versatility of character, interests, hobbies. The properties of onyx may conflict with the qualities of the Gemini sign, which will have a negative effect on them.

Onyx is best suited for the zodiac sign Aries

According to astrologers, the energy of the onyx stone is most suitable for such a zodiac sign as. Thanks to the onyx talisman, the stormy activity of Aries will be streamlined and directed in the right direction. The mineral will help them focus, calm down, master their emotions and feelings. At the same time, the magical properties of the onyx stone will help representatives of the zodiac sign Aries to better absorb, analyze and use the accumulated experience and knowledge.

Since time immemorial, people have attached mystical meanings to stones. It was believed that some of them serve as keys to portals to other worlds, and most minerals are able to create energy protection around a person. Every gem corresponds to a certain element, is under the auspices of one of the planets and serves as an amulet for its zodiac sign. Today we will talk about the onyx stone, its properties, meaning, who it suits according to the horoscope and accompany the material with various photos of the mineral.

The magical properties of onyx stone and to whom it suits

properties of onyx stone

Main magical properties:

  • Energy is projective.
  • Element - Fire.
  • The deity is Mars.
  • The associated stone is a diamond.
  • Powers - protection, protective magic, reduction of sexual desires.

Ancient magical knowledge says that in ancient times onyx was considered a manifestation of a demon that is encased in stone. This demon would wake up at night and spread fear and nightmares to any person under its influence. However, it has been known since antiquity that amulets made from this mineral are actually used as protection against black magic, as well as protective magic when negative energy flows are directed at a person.

It will also help you find emotional balance and self-control, and to top it off, it balances the male and female polarities within each person. Throughout history it has been assumed that onyx brings the power of protection, defensive magic and diminishing sexual desires. Many authors say that it brings cheerfulness, strength, endurance and self-control. The properties of the gem help to reduce anxiety, tension and nervousness, eliminate confusion and nightmares.

The mineral is often used to provide glimpses of what is "beyond" and to activate the memory of one's roots and reality. Medicinal properties find their manifestations in the treatment of diseases of the bone marrow, teeth, feet, blood and bones, as well as disorders of soft tissues. It is also believed to help with diseases such as epilepsy or glaucoma and is known to have good regenerative properties for cells.

This quartz is supposed to increase happiness, intuition and instincts. It is also believed to help reduce sexual desires and get rid of bad habits.

The shapes or patterns that are contained within it give rise to the belief that this is a photograph that tells a story or contains a lesson. It is believed that the mineral stores the memory of physical phenomena surrounding the person. Onyx is a powerful totem to use in spiritual work as it tells the owner's story.

Great for releasing negative emotions such as sadness and grief, and therefore brings good luck and helps to unleash your inner strength. The black color gem helps to relax when a person is faced with various problems in life, especially if he suffers from a lack of energy and depletion of vitality.

The mineral harmonizes the physical with the spiritual and helps alleviate fears and anxieties, especially during periods of strong overwhelming emotions. Such a talisman helps to be balanced and maintains a positive outlook on life and the environment. It increases concentration and devotion, relieves stress, especially in married life.

It is considered a strengthening talisman, well suited for athletes or people under severe mental and emotional stress. Brings balance to the mind and body, and develops the strength of the mind. The mineral is ideal as a talisman for those who are scattered by nature, as it helps to focus attention. A strengthening totem that helps develop self-confidence. It is highly recommended to use onyx in combination with pearls and diamonds to enhance its own metaphysical qualities.

How to wear

The mineral should be worn directly on the body or for a long period of time, as its power develops rather slowly. Due to the fact that the talisman needs a sufficient amount of time to fully develop its power, itshould be washed under running wateronce a week, and when using it for a long period of time, be sure to immerse it in the ground once a month at night. This will allow you to recover and renew energy strength.

The value of onyx stone and its properties directly depend on the coloristic features of the mineral. Therefore, before you buy yourself an amulet from this variety of quartz, you need to figure out what kind of energy it will bring into your life.

Black onyx stone, its magical properties, meanings and who suits

Powerful protective amulet able to absorb and transform negative energy, helps prevent leakage of personal energy. It stimulates the development of emotional and physical strength, endurance. His energy supports during times of severe stress, grief and confusion in business and in life. Helps the owner in making the right decision. The amulet attracts happiness and good luck to the owner. A strong energy impulse of the mineral contributes to the development of self-discipline.

Black Quartz is a good healer for old wounds or past life problems, as it is able to store physical memories. Have you ever felt that your aura is drained by certain people, places or events? Then such a talisman is ideal for the renewal of internal forces. The properties of black onyx are able to protect the weak biofield of women, because they are more susceptible to the destructive influence of negative energy.

The stone is white, or marble, onyx, its magical properties, meanings and who suits

White onyx, including light gray stains, is also called marble. The magical power lies in the fact that the mineral helps open the third eye and the crown chakra. The marble totem stimulates the chakras in such a way as to further reveal their physical manifestation, inner vision and insight. The energy of the white amulet helps to concentrate and focus, increasing the ability to retain information and strengthen memory.

Green onyx, its magical properties, meanings and who suits

The meaning of this amulet is physical healing. The green mineral is associated with the Heart chakra and the planet Mercury. It helps to develop its owner ability to speak publicly and to express their feelings and thoughts correctly.

This talisman is believed to have calming elements that help during difficult or stressful times. It not only gives peace of mind, but also frees from the physical manifestations of stress. The green amulet develops resistance to stress.

Useful and healing properties of onyx stone

On the physical level, when healing onyx crystals help in wound healing and during childbirth. It can be used to treat eye and ear problems, as well as cell regeneration. It strengthens the structural systems of bones and teeth, hair, skin and nails. The mineral increases overall endurance and self-control. The totem is great for grounding, as well as eliminating and/or controlling excess energy.

It is often recommended for athletes to wear, as such a totem increases strength, endurance, stamina and stress resistance. It is known to be especially beneficial for skin conditions, healing of infected wounds, as well as fungal infections, inflammation, and even sunburn.

Who suits the onyx stone according to the sign of the zodiac

The signs of the zodiac, which are under the strong energy "guardianship" of the totem, are under the auspices of the planets Saturn and Earth. On planet Earth, Saturn manifests as dark and heavy stones such as agate, black onyx, black quartz and obsidian. Mineral positive effect on Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Taurus, and for Lions, he is able to provide a happy life with a suitable companion.

Black onyx stone is suitable for such signs of the zodiac as Capricorn and Leo. In addition to the black crystal, “chrysoprase” is capable of igniting a fire inside Capricorn, and red “garnet” is ideal for Leo as a talisman stone.

The green onyx stone is associated with the planet Mercury, and its properties are suitable for people born under the signs of the zodiac. Gemini and Virgo. But besides the green mineral, the main patron stone for Virgos is jasper, and the nature of Gemini will be perfectly revealed by malachite.

The strength of any stone totem is influenced by the zodiac sign under which the person was born. So, for example, - chrysolite - will fully show its properties for Libra and Sagittarius, but for Aries and Gemini it is contraindicated, or “sapphire” is a stone favorable for Libra, Lviv and Pisces, but categorically does not suit Capricorn.

Each precious and semi-precious gem is able to neutralize or enhance the influence of a particular planet. When choosing a talisman stone, you need to carefully study all its properties of both the dark and light sides. You also need to be careful about the combination of different stones, because in this way you can get a result that differs sharply from the expected. Maybe you have your own vision of the influence of stones on human life, then feel free to share your observations in the comments.