How to create your own unique style. General style rules. Hairstyle

Tell how to create your own style.

Even the presence of good income does not guarantee a woman that she will independently can cope with the right choice of clothing for one or another case. The feeling of style is innate quality that allows a woman, even with a small income, look excellent.

But, despite the fact that not everyone is lucky with such quality, you can work out your own style, which will always help be at the height and skillfully combine any things.

In addition to external beauty, its own style is a sign of the moral maturity of a person, his confidence and readiness to demonstrate his own view of the world.

Where to start creating your own image

In order to create your own style, you need to discover the aesthetic taste, which will become an assistant in choosing clothes.

Pay more attention to the study of fashion trends, take time to read about styles and fashion. Highlight an hour per day to fully immerse yourself in the fashion world. This is a very interesting and exciting occupation will help learn what criteria are important when creating your own style.

You can understand over time to pay attention to first of all, selecting the outfit, find out the secrets of creating a successful style.

Examine women with similar features, figure and age. If you liked some kind of outfit, demonstrated on the podium, you should not hurry to buy it or copy it.

Style is not only fashionable clothing, but a skillful combination of the outfit with the advantages of the figure, a person, lifestyle and the event for which he is chosen.

If it is visually hard to imagine what the most suitable for you, do not hesitate to experiment, mixing various colors, styles, and even the epoch. Try to catch the moment when the outfit will look flawless.

A small advice: if you want to understand how to create your own style, be prepared for increased attention of not only acquaintances, but also unfamiliar people. If close people help with the Council and support your choice, the stranger can condemn, so getting ready to smile cute if you look wrong with your stylish outfit.

Top 10 Soviets: How to create your own style

Own style and accessories can say about a woman more than she herself. Only it needs to be created.

Do not wait for fast success, but your efforts will be rewarded with an impeccable appearance, which will not leave anyone indifferent and will save money that will not be spent on unnecessary outfits remaining in the closet.

  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the shape and think that you would like to emphasize, and what to hide. You can write out your pros and cons on a piece of paper and analyze them.
  • Be prepared for changing the image. A unique style may require you to shift not only the wardrobe, but also makeup, and even hairstyles.
  • Think what style of clothing as much as possible will reveal your inner world. Creating your own style, the main thing is to start from the inside. All changes must cause a pleasant feeling, a person must be comfortable in the selected style. If you do not want to change anything, then you should not do this.
  • Determine what style you like from existing: romantic, sports, unisex, classic. You can combine them, creating your own, just not to mix them or use them on those events where they will be inappropriate.
  • Own style should not be a challenge to society, he must emphasize your individuality and beauty. Recall once again about the relevance: if you want to come to a festive event in a sports suit, it will only create unnecessary problems.
  • Determine which shades are suitable for your color, cold or warm.
  • Picking up clothes, follow what suits you, and not what kind of celebrities are like or what worn.
  • Carefully approach the selection of trendy options for clothing. Not every woman can feel comfortable in them.
  • Think what should be present in your wardrobe always. If you have a beautiful waist, emphasize her, neck or legs - emphasize attention to them. Find the color or accessory that will become a business card of your style.
  • Any style requires well-groomed and accuracy, so tidy and purity are no less important components of their own style.
3 main criteria for creating your own style
  • The style of clothing must take into account all the features of the figure. He must hide the shortcomings and emphasize the merits. Wide thighs are suitable skirts and medium length dresses with an arched and slightly narrowed silhouette. Wide pants, skirts with folds and coquettes will look at narrow hips. If you want to slightly increase your height visually, the main accents of the outfit must be upstairs - scarf, earrings, brooch. With high growth, accents are placed at thenime - bracelet, belt or border.
  • Choose several basic things that will create the basis of your style and will be combined with those that already exist. Creating your own style does not require a complete shift of the wardrobe, the main thing is a skillful combination of things among themselves. If you start a favorite scarf a little differently, you can already completely change your image.
  • Do not forget that the outfit must consist of no more than 3 colors. And be sure to follow moderation in choosing colors of clothing and accessories.
Own style is what makes every woman unique and unique. You only have to create your own style or a little diversify it.

Not every woman is pleased with his appearance. However, it is no secret that correctly selected hairstyle, hair color, makeup, clothing style and axes are capable of creating a miracle and turn Cinderella into the princess.

Are you still looking for yourself? We will reveal you small secrets, which are used by experienced stylists. With our heading "Himself a stylist" you will create your perfect, unique image that will be the key to your success.


The correct selection of hairstyles, taking into account the peculiarities of the person, helps to competently hide all the shortcomings and advantageously emphasize the advantages of appearance, thereby turning you into real beauty.

Hair color in the appearance color

Before changing your natural hair, you need to listen to the advice of experienced stylists and analyze how the desired color of the hair with the color of your eyes and the skin of the face relate. The correct selection of color hair is carried out in accordance with the appearance color.

What are the colors of clothes to your face?

By buying clothes, we often do not think about the fact that its incorrectly chosen color can significantly spoil our image. It is possible to carry out the perfect selection and avoid elementary errors, if you follow the rules of the ideal ratio of the selected color scheme.

Tinting Makeups

Properly made makeup, taking into account the peculiarities of appearance, is able to turn any lady into a dazzling beauty. But it is advantageous to emphasize its individuality - by no means an easy task, as it seems at first glance.

How to choose clothes on the type of shape

Properly selected clothing must be perfect to approach your figure, it is advantageous to emphasize its advantages and competently hide some drawbacks. Therefore, choosing clothes must first of all correlate it with the type of figure with nature, which, regardless of whether you lose it or recovered remains the same throughout life.

How to lengthen legs with clothes

If Nature gave you enviable legs "from the ears", the tips of the stylist will come to the aid. With the help of clothes, prints and color games, you can create an illusion that you are a long-legged slim.

How to choose shoes

Even the most magnificent costume does not make a proper impression if shoes are wrong to it. After all, competently chosen shoes may even transform your appearance - visually make the legs longer and slimmer, smooth their fullness, or emphasize the harness of the figure. We give the basic rules for the correct selection of shoes.

Everyone at least once thought - how to find your unique style. Some advise to look at star images. Others recommend buy stylish clothes and shoes in fashionable boutique. And someone will say that it is enough to be yourself - it will be a style.

With the first two statements, many image makers and stylists will not agree. Eminent designers argue - copy someone's style is not correct, and fashionable clothes and accessories will not help emphasize their individuality.

And only the last statement, according to stylists, is partially true. The only nuance is to listen and look at yourself to understand what style you like you.

What modern styles in clothes exist

Style is a way for self-expression. It should be organically combined with the surrounding situation, age, character, personality status.

Twenty-first centuries presented a large variety of styles with representatives of beautiful sex. Depending on situations, ladies can create a business, romantic, mysterious or carefree image. Allocate five main styles in clothes:

  • Classical. This is the basis for the basic wardrobe of the girl. Clothing is characterized by rigor, minimalism, conciseness, rigor. Among the varieties allocate office and business styles.
  • Urban. This is the second most popular style. Careless clothes, comfortable, democratic. One of the litters is Caushal, which combines practicality and neat carelessness. Also isolated grunge - rebellious combination of absolutely different things.
  • Sports. Free and relaxed clothing is created to provide a girl freedom of movement - regardless of whether it is directly or adjusted. For clothes in the sports style, fabrics with hypoallergenic, wear-resistant properties are used.
  • Romantic. Clothing in this style will emphasize the femininity and sexuality of a woman. For this purpose, light flying tissues of warm and gentle shades are used. It is used to cut, which will emphasize the dignity of the figure. The main subspecies of the style - linen, sexy, glamorous and retro.

General style rules

Style is an external manifestation of your internal state. Fashion designers say that most girls and women in everyday life use mainly 2-3 different styles.

Forming your own style, you need to remember the generally accepted rules:

  • the thing needs to be beat - you can buy several basic things and complement them with all sorts of accessories and details;
  • fashionable things - this is not a style: style This skill is beautiful and uniquely combine them among themselves;
  • trends should like, bring joy and be "to face" - can not be a fashion hostage;
  • minimalism is always relevant - do not overload an image with extra details;
  • if a thing likes, we carry it, regardless of fashion trends;
  • from time to time, change your style - try on new images, experiment;
  • with age style should change;
  • the main thing is that your style like you - if you confidently feel yourself in your present image - you found your own style;
  • find the highlight in the image that will complement your wardrobe - it can be scarves, decorations, unusual bags, and so on.

What is the founding of the choice of style in clothes?

If you think about how to find your clothes in clothes, you must first pay attention to the features of your appearance. The main goal is to reveal its beauty and uniqueness. Stylists advise to take into account several factors:

  • Form of Figure. There are several types of female figures. With the help of clothes, you can successfully emphasize the merits and hide the shortcomings in the figure. It's all about the details. So, pay attention to the straps - than they are already, the wider seems shoulders. Also matter pockets on jeans - depending on the diagonal line of the head of the pocket, you can make the shape of the hips below and wider or higher and already. Also stylists recommend to take into account cutting clothes. For example, lush skirts will hide big thighs, and the blouse with naughty will hide the extra kilograms on the stomach.
  • Situation. Style must be applied depending on the circumstances. However, even if you are an office worker, does not mean that you have no freedom for experiments. In your everyday image, you can combine different styles - for example, dilute the classics with romance.
  • Internal statee. With the style of style, you express your personality. Therefore, your internal "I" should be displayed in clothes.
  • Color. To go clothing, you need to pay attention to its color. This is more important than it seems at first glance. Color will help to disclose your beauty and individuality.

How to independently create your own style in clothes?

Stylists in one voice say - do not be afraid to be yourself. Catch off prejudices, fashion standards and complexes. Think what kind of you would like to see what you want to change in yourself what to emphasize and beat. Do not forget about your hobbies and hobbies - they can also affect the creation of your unique style in clothes.

After you figured out in yourself, we go to shopping.

  • Do not give in to emotions during shopping. Before you go to the store, draw a desired image in my head or even on paper. And look for these things. No need to buy clothes if you do not know what to wear with it.
  • Do not choose expensive things. It does not matter in creating your own style. It is important how clothes look at you in the complex.
  • When clothing purchased, we select accessories. Not vice versa. Only so your image will be solid.
  • Successfully pick up colors. To do this, determine your color. There is a theory that the person has a specific color gamut from the birth. Color materials are named by analogy with the time of year - they are divided into cold and warm. So, autumn and spring correspond to warm shades, and winter and summer are cold. A man with a cold blobby dark hair, bright eyes of dark shades and light skin. If the color is warm, the person has a bright shade of hair and eyes, a light gently peach-shaped skin. To determine what kind of color you can, you can bring the face in turn warm and cold tones. You will see that against the background of one of them, the features of your face "will play."

And if you contact the stylist?

If you do not want to spend time on experiments and self-searches for the perfect style, refer to stylists. The expert will examine your character, appearance, type and color, after which it will start forming an image.

The specialist will not just give advice on the selection of clothing, but also will go with you on shopping. In practice, you will see how to choose things. The stylist will find suitable combinations of clothing for any case - both for everyday life and recreation or travel.

The cost of such a service depends on each individual case and on average ranges from 3000 rubles.

So, create your own style in clothes - is not so difficult. You just need to sort out yourself. Find your strengths and emphasize attention. And then you can reveal your beauty and uniqueness a hundred percent.

The most relevant trend of fashion recent years is an individual. Now it is important not easy to follow fashionable trends, but to use only what helps to create bright and unique images.

What is an image? If short, then in the context of fashion and image is a harmonious connection of all external elements and internal content. That is why the work should be considered in the way both art and craft. Of course, to achieve professionalism, you need to learn a lot. And yet, everyone is quite capable of mastering some skills.

As, for example, everyone can learn to solve elementary mathematical tasks. Why mathematical? Because the creation of a stylish image is not a natural activity, but, if you can say, the algorithm, the order of certain actions. And they are all based on the laws of proportions, optics, color and some others.

The first important stage, from which work on creating an individual style begins is to determine the external characteristics of a person.

And he begins with the study of its color-type.

It is a pity to see women who do not know how to pick up "their" colors. Color is capable of a lot: to give freshness and youth to the face and on the contrary, to form it, emphasize wrinkles, even change the features of the face. Color can add or "remove" extra kilograms, make growth higher or lower. Color creates a general mood of the image. Do not choose the color of clothing only on the principle of "Like - I don't like". In this case, man leads his inner state. And it does not take into account natural color!

It is also not necessary to buy a dress of a certain color only for the reason that it is fashionable color. It is much more important that it matches the colorful palette. For example, the ladies of a warm spring type should pay attention to clean, clear, ringing color nuances.

Autumnal-type women also fit warm colors, but they already have a depth, saturation of the color pigment. The palettes of summer and winter types make up cold colors, but the first all shades are insensitive, light, transparent, smoky, and the second is bright, strong, crystal and contrasting.

The next step is to determine the type of physique.

Understanding the peculiarities of his figure helps a person rightfully pick up clothes on silhouette, length, cut, details. And again, not a fashion should dictate to him that buying and worn. Knowledge of the type of physique, proportions helps and suggests that the fashion offers will be ideal for this person.

The second important stage is the definition of a key style.

In various articles, a different number of existing styles are indicated. But IMIJ-design specialists in working with a specific person use the system of 6. Such an approach takes into account the psychological features of a person in its attitude to clothing. By the way, ignorance of the inner nature or, more simply, the character, temperament, the habits of a person just leads to the fact that the selected image is rejected by them. And even persuasion that he looks better, do not convince the changes.

The third stage is the formation of the current wardrobe.

At this stage, it is necessary to evaluate all the clothes that is available. You need to be prepared for the fact that most things, and maybe everything will have to "write off". But do not try to persuade yourself to leave something with a slimming correction. The "second chance" can be given only to those objects of the wardrobe, which are perfectly sitting, are ideal for color, ideally look and easily combine with other things.

After that, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary items of clothing and accessories and outline their purchase plan. Perhaps this is the most creative stage. But here there are some rules. One of them is a rational approach. If the existing wardrobe has been seriously "cleaning", then, first of all, you need to replenish its so-called basic things. And then buy supermodic.

During the creation of an individual stylish image, it is important to take into account age, profession, the order of life, habits, requirements for clothing. And the key point to be to understand the specialist, and the Person itself - what tasks should decide a new image. So, if a woman wants to marry, then the wardrobe, which is created for this purpose, will be very different from the wardrobe, which is compiled for the careerist. It will be too different things for a young girl who starts their activity in the status of an intern, and employees of the same office, but in office, say, a senior employee.

That is why you need not just follow the fashion, but also learn to understand that and how from offers you can apply to yourself.

Work on an individual style - the process is long. But not only because all the steps have to spend not one day and not even one week. Style can not be static. He must "live", that is, change. Depending on the time of year, age, events of life ... and therefore it will require constant attention to himself.

In addition, external events affect individual style. What was stylish 20 years ago, today, naturally, looks old-fashioned. And the fact that then was unacceptable, after time it can fully fit into the era. Example? They can be brought a lot. But let's stop at the most interesting.

About modern stylish

Today, evil taste is considered to wear clothes with logos. Of course, brand things help a person to declare their capabilities. First of all - financial. But do not "shout" about them everywhere. Now the ability to combine expensive and not very much appreciated. And also important is the ability to look appropriate.

Today you should not buy fakes. So, it is better to choose a bag without logos, but good quality and suitable in style than a bad copy, which, besides will be dissected with the rest of the things.

Today you can have a small wardrobe. But all the items of clothing must be exceptional quality and sit good on the figure. But accessories are relevant to have a lot. Just they will help create new images. Only here preference should be given quality and compliance. Accessories must make compliments, and not just fill it with emptiness on the body.

But, perhaps, the most important secret of modern style is to be yourself. This, of course, does not imply the idea of \u200b\u200b"what I want, I wear, as I want, and I look." Being yourself - this means to understand yourself, love yourself, and still not contradict the world, but to be able to find in his diversity what will help live in harmony with you.

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Himself a stylist? Why not! Who, how not you herself are, the best thing you know what is suitable for you, and from what you need to categorically refuse? Of course, no view from the side can not do. But only with a purely advisory point of view. The main decision in any case is taking you.

So, how to create your own image and style, and most importantly - where to start? Here you will get fashionable advice on fashion and style and learn how to choose your own style in clothes. And of course, see photos, how to choose the style of clothing, combining classic and extravagant things.

How to create your own unique, individual style: drawing up inventory

Life in general and style in particular sometimes require breaking something to then create a new, improved version. So it was with the cleaning of the cabinet. Now, having freesed from all excess in physical and emotional plan, you are fully prepared to become your own stylist.

At the first stage, how to create your own style, it would be wonderful if you had a review of all the existing items of the clothes, looking at them with a fresh, thoughtful look, and used them to make a powerful individual message, best transmitting your entity. But for this you need to evaluate not only what you already have, but also something that may be needed in the future.

So, proceed: Before making your own style, get a laptop, smartphone, a tablet or an old-fashioned paper notebook and write down your thoughts, comments and a list of current desires. That is, start with the preparation of inventory. Write down everything that inspires you, and hang this list somewhere on the closet to see it every day. Now we have moved a step towards how to find your clothes in clothes: having this motto in front of them as a reminder, you need to do three exercises that will help you look at your clothes. By the end of this task, you will have time to identify those desired items that fill your wardrobe meaning.

How to create your own clothing style: wardrobe assessment

The next item at the stage of how to create your own style is the assessment of the wardrobe. At this stage, you must appreciate your current wardrobe, taking into account the motto of your style, color compass and the X-factor. Even if all things in your cabinet belong to the "Yes" group, it is very important to move back and carefully look at what material you work. Seeing a holistic picture in front of him, did you notice any persistent habits or areas that need to be improved? Maybe in your wardrobe there is a jait of jeans and it's time to unfold a little? Or maybe you have only one or two skirts in which you can go to work? How to pick up the style of clothes for yourself, beloved, if in the closet such an imbalance?

If you have twenty-five pairs of yoga trousers, perhaps it says that you are time to finally do yoga. Or you may find that most of your clothing is the same color; This explains why you periodically annoy your own outfits. (Do not be surprised if suddenly it turns out that you want to get rid of several clothes that originally belonged to the group "Yes".) If you have any distinct desires, before you determine your style in clothes, add them to your own. list.

Here are some leading questions that can identify trends in your wardrobe.

Does any common color, shade prevailing, color category (black color, shades of brown, neutral tone) prevails among your items?

What fabrics prevail: monophonic, with a pattern or both of those and other equal? Are pictures on different things (for example, a flower theme everywhere)? How to decide on the style of a woman who does not want to change?

Does some kind of clothing prevail in your wardrobe (a bunch of trousers and only two dresses)?

Are there any other things dominating over the others (many ivory blouses, ten pairs of black trousers)? And how to choose your style in woman's clothes in this case?

What things do you have more - free, stretch or strict and fitted?

How to make your style: creating a metering magazine

There is a simple way to find out what things from your wardrobe you really wear is the creation of an accounting magazine. In the next stage, how to properly pick up the style of clothes for the girl, you need to make three graphs in the log: "I wore," "Why?" And "buy?". Within thirty days, you put your outfits there or their key items. It is not necessary to fanatically celebrate all the details, and it is not necessary to write there every day, but as soon as you remember about him - inhabiting coffee at work, going to go to bed or sitting in front of the TV, write this information.

1. I wore. The main objects of clothing, which were on you, - dress, asymmetric skirt, shirt, trousers, shoes, any accessories. If you write a report in all week, note how often you put on the same thing.

2. Why? The reason you have chosen one or another thing. Because there was a special case, or you like how she sits on you, or because nothing else was found, or this thing is very well combined with others - just a few words so that you can identify your trends. You may find that many times have worn the same thing, because it masks the shortcomings, or that you prefer some kind of dress or skirt.

3. Buy? What you need to buy, based on your style and intentions. If during the month you often wear some "duty" thing basic color (for example, some T-shirt), then you may have started to buy another one in the case when the first is blocked - or get the clothes yet Some colors. If you notice that you often choose the same dress - think, perhaps you should buy another dress of the same cut. Or point out those parts in this column that you need to supplement the outfit or give it a new view (for example: brown belt so that these pants look more informally, or new shoes, even more lacquered than previous things - so that this " Skirt for work "I looked more fun). So you can clearly define the tasks of your style.

One is an important detail about how to create your own style in clothes: Keep the registration log in a convenient location - on the shelf of the wardrobe, on the bedside table near the bed, in a handbag or a table box, so that you can easily make updates in it. By the end of the month you will have a thoughtful, concrete list of things that are worth adding to the list of main desires. In addition, you may have ideas about what things you no longer need and what you would like to invest money.

4. Put on me. Perhaps, during the cleaning of the cabinet you stumbled on some favorite clothes ("And I forgot about this thing! Why didn't I wear it?"). You can highlight a special graph for these forgotten pets or make a separate list called "Puting me" so that you have a reminder before your eyes. In addition, it can help figure out why you did not wear a particular thing (for example, you did not have a suitable shoe or top / niza, which would be combined with it).

Maybe you have often wanted to go somewhere with girlfriends, but now you are aware that I never went, because you do not have such a clothing that you want to wear (damn these trousers for yoga). Another important item, how to choose a style in clothes: Be honest and frank with yourself, because this estimation is individual and is based on your personal style of life. Only you yourself can determine your clothing needs, so pay attention to everything that is missing in your current wardrobe. Add these things to your list of main desires.

How to define your style in clothes: Drawing a catalog

When you took the opportunity to look at your cabinet from the side and reveal any habits and general trends, in the light of the above, you need to make a "album of the Vikid" - the catalog of your wardrobe, consisting of photos of all your clothes. It will be a visual "inventory of property" before picking up the style of clothing for girls, the purpose of which is to help you find those special toilet items, thanks to which your images will acquire a completeness, and the wardrobe will become really complete. When drawing up a catalog, take a picture of each thing from your cabinet: you can hang it on my shoulders, decompose on the bed or on the floor, it does not matter. In the course of how to create an individual style, you can wear and take a picture of yourself in the mirror, these pictures will serve as a reminder of what things or combinations of things you love. You can even find photos on the Internet - either the pictures of the same models that you have, or those like it (for example, you can google "black dress with a smell") to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you have in stock.

When you capture all your wardrobe, it will be more easier. Add new pictures only when you buy something new or want to remember any combination of things. If you have a smartphone, I advise you to shoot at it and immediately upload photos to a computer where they can be stored in a separate folder, but you can shoot on the soap. It is much more efficient than to sort out all things in the closet with a high probability of skipping something; Saved snapshots can be classified by clothing types, or types of events that appropriate to wear one or another thing, or for any other features, as you are more convenient.

If your "antician album", who serves, lives on the work computer, which is in your office, it will not help you decide here and now, right? Therefore, before finding your style in the clothes woman, it is better to print the entire album so that it will feature you. If you have a paper instance on your bedside table or in a box of the chest, then pick out the outfit (and collect the suitcase) will become much easier. You can even write on the back of every photo of some epithet associated with the style of the style, or list the items of clothing that love to wear in combination with this thing, creating images that will inspire you when choosing an outfit for some kind of event.

If you do this, next time, on the way to find your style in clothes, a girl in front of a party or an important meeting, it will be necessary to simply ship the "album of the Vikid" - a deliberately reliable catalog, correctly reflecting its essence. If you add to the album on one photo after each purchase, you can watch the development of your wardrobe.

How to decide on the style of clothes: shopping in your own cabinet

Having revealed general trends or gaps in your wardrobe, and then creating a catalog of all clothes, you can safely arrange shopping in your own closet and invent a wide variety of combinations. This is the next stage of how to create your own style in the girl's clothes: picking out the outfits, you will begin to add new, more relevant items to the list of desires. You have equipped your cabinet so that it looks like a store, and now you can walk there like a store!

In the same way as you mentally collect a new outfit from clothes on the shelves and hangers of your favorite boutique, - just just go to the closet and show ingenuity.

If you have your own style icon, know: its image is not unique. In the process of how to create your own unique style, remember that celebrities have no personal secret boutiques, and although they have large bank accounts, but often the matter in another: they simply or their stylists know how to a non-standard way to combine basic types of clothing Colors and shapes. If your attention attracted advertising, shop showcase or a striking outfit on someone, look at the details: layers, length, combinations of flowers, with whether the trousers, whether the sleeves are sunk. Then recreate your own version. If you inspire the interior of the house, try to combine different things, whose texture, color, or pattern are similar to these elements of the interior. Do not forget to keep your phone or a camera at hand to add a new outfit to your catalog and show yourself different features.

An important recommendation for how to choose your style in the girl's clothing: Mix basic things with others. Many beauties make the same mistake, distinguishing professional and personal styles. Do not divide the cabinet to the working and non-working half. It is always possible to find a balance using the basic types of clothing. For example, the blazer is a standard worker, which at the end of the week can easily be turned into an output of the output day if wearing it with informal clothing. The glossy jacket acquires a completely different look, if we replenish the cuff and roll the sleeves or put it on with the spacious shirt in the style of "unisex" and free jeans. Do not separate work clothes from the rest of the wardrobe - make it part of all the wardrobe.

Another clothing style council: Combine clothes from different seasons. Let your wardrobe work on you all year round - mix and combine things from warm and cold seasons. You can wear summer outfits in the fall, if you align the dress with a cardigan or put on a cozy sweater on top of the same cozy, soft, flowing dress. Massive parts - for example, leather boots and warm tights - will complement lighter elements, giving an ensemble of contrast. And if you have to go to the spring or summer fabrics of the deepest tones with a floral pattern, with them it is necessary to combine chocolate, dark gray or black (and not beige and not the color of the ivory) - then the ensemble will sound a test of warm autumn.

Style Tips: How to create your own style in clothes (with photos)

Below you can see the photo, how to create your own style in clothes, and get fashion tips and style regarding the choice of clothing, shoes, accessories and linen.

Little bold dress. It can be both black and your favorite color. Invest funds into a spectacular outfit that can be reinstaling every time to your taste.

Relaxed dress. The model of type "buttoned and went", looks and felt easily, can serve both solemn and informal outfit, suitable for day, and for night.

Soft blouse. It is impossible to solve the question of how to create your own style in clothes without purchasing this item of the wardrobe. The flowing thing that instantly gives the elegance or ease to everything, with which you put it.

Dental blouse with collar on buttons. In whatever the ensemble you either wore it - even in strict, even in informal, - this universal classical thing will give the image of chic.

Basic top. Simple and multi-layered, simple T-shirts and blouses with long sleeves are needed in any wardrobe.

Tops "Under the bottom." Great to T-shirts with a deep neckline (or translucent). You can buy several seamless stretch tops: black, that shade, which is combined with the tone of your skin, and, perhaps, a few more - your favorite coloring. And long tops can be worn with legins.

Classic pants. Look at the photo how to find your style in clothes using this wardrobe subject. Any spectacular black pants, from narrow and straight to those attached to the belt will become an excellent reliable background for any vertex.

Skirt on the figure. Forever fashionable fitting style of black or other elegant smooth color will give you the opportunity to wear both trend and classic top.

Informal pants. Black leggings, yoga pants or soft-cargo pants look more comfortable and gorgeous than lazy and careless, unlike training pants or pants in a pajama style.

Light and dark denim. If you have only two pairs of jeans, let alone be light, and the other is a dark shade, for maximum compatibility. Your next neutral color can be gray.

Classic shorts. Buy yourself neutral shorts and the most winning length for you.

Cardigan Shawl. Easily elegant, suitable for all the setting and any other cape clothes.

Chic blazer with clear outlines. Black is a win-win version, but the blazers of the dark blue, gray or color camel wool also go to everything: from jeans and t-shirts to a soft dress.

Trenchkot. It is suitable not only for rainy weather; This is a powerful style capable of making informal outfit - elegant; He is sparkled enough to wear it with dresses.

How to find your style in clothes girl and woman (with photo)

Look in the photo: How to pick up the style of clothes for girls without having three basic model shoes in the wardrobe? We are talking about boats, ballet shoes and high boots.

Cute boats. You should always have a pair of heels shoes at hand, which please you whatever they are - black or bright.

Cheerful ballet shoes. They can be an original color part, may be a trend pattern carrier, can be made of fashionable fabric or other material; Anyway, the ballet shoes are an easy way to send a cozy and stylish message about yourself.

Knee-high boots. They are not too informal and not too solemn; Rubber boots are suitable for very many outfits.

How to choose your own style in clothes to a girl and a woman (with a photo)

Pay attention to the photo how to choose your clothing style using indispensable accessories.