Karma of the relationship between a man and a woman. Karmic connections and meetings

A karmic relationship is a connection between two people who already knew each other in their past lives and experienced deep emotions in these relationships. When it seems to us that the meeting with some person was predetermined by Fate, we can assume that we are talking about karma.

AND find out if there is karmic love or karmic relationship between a man and a woman, you can use numerology - by the date of birth of both partners, calculating them.

The karmic connection between a man and a woman in the present does not necessarily refer to the love experience of past lives. In their previous incarnations, two could be just friends, and relatives, and work colleagues, and lovers. In other words, the type of relationship in the past is unimportant, it only matters that the experience was shared and very memorable.

Speaking of karmic love, now for some reason most often they mean a complex, difficult, dragging and exhausting relationship. At the same time, they are called bad karma, a hard lot, a hard fate. However, karmic relationships can be both destructive, negative, negative, and healing, positive, positive, and constructive.

Positive, constructive karmic relationships

If in real life two met and fell in love thanks to good karma, it means that in past incarnations they were a happy couple, led a harmonious life, did not change or betray their loved ones. And since none of them accumulated karmic debts, Fate rewarded them with another happy life together and predetermined their meeting in advance.

It doesn't matter if they had other relationships and marriages before, when and at what age they met. The only thing that matters is that these two were destined to unite and experience real happiness.

Positive, positive karmic relationships are given to people so that they become better, moving along the path of spiritual growth, understanding and forgiving a partner, giving him support, not trying to change a loved one to please themselves.

Negative, negative karmic relationships

Destructive karmic relationships can be determined by several signs: as a rule, they are distinguished by the fact that from the first minutes of acquaintance people begin to feel an irresistible attraction to each other, and they begin to feel as if they have known each other all their lives. There is a quick "recognition" of your soulmate, love at first sight.

A sign of the beginning of precisely karmic relationships is also the speed of their development. Due to the spiritual closeness, two either get married very quickly, or radically change their way of life, breaking old ties. This is due to the fact that their meeting seems to people to be a real sign of Destiny.

However, such an idyll at the beginning of a relationship later develops into a series of disappointments. Living together brings misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts, lies and betrayal. Relationships cause unbearable pain to one or both partners, which often leads to the emergence of bad habits and addictions, leading one or both spouses on the path of self-destruction.

Destructive, negative karmic relationships can also be assumed based on the absence of children in such couples. In a situation of karmic love, two have difficulty in procreation, even if both sincerely want to have children. Sometimes it also happens that a child is still born, but is born sick, with a congenital pathology, or even dies at an early age.

Negative, negative karmic love in real life, it is usually filled with hardships and suffering, it can be called mutual torment, when two both love and hate each other at the same time. When they are together - they feel bad and hard, but as soon as they part, they again begin to pull towards each other. However, after the resumption of relations, quarrels and conflicts continue with renewed vigor.

Karmic relationships and karmic love by date of birth - how to calculate

Find out if love and relationships are karmic, will help . To do this, add the numbers of the dates of birth of each person. In this case, "zeros" are not taken into account, except for those cases when there is a "10" in the date or month of birth. This is how they get partners.

If, as a result of the calculation, two identical numbers are obtained, it means that the meeting was not accidental, and the relationship between a man and a woman is definitely karmic.

If the final numbers are different, then they turn to the second rule that applies to love karma: karmic birth numbers that have a common multiple of "11", or that range from "3" to "9", speak of the existing signs of a karmic connection in love and relationships.

Karmic love by date of birth sometimes it is determined without referring to numerology, but by the difference in the age of partners: if it is a multiple of 5 - 5, 10 or 15 years, then such relationships are also referred to as karmic.

Some sources offer a way to determine karmic relationships by summing up all the numbers of birth dates of partners, followed by reducing the total to a figure less than or equal to "22". However, such an algorithm is not correct, since this is calculated only on Tarot cards.

On our website, you can use the online calculation form and quickly find out if your relationship with your loved one is karmic.

Karmic relationships by date of birth - calculate online

To calculate online and find out if your relationship with your partner is karmic, predetermined by Fate, select your date of birth in the form and your partner and click the button "Calculate karmic relationships".

Your date of birth: Partner's date of birth:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900
Calculate karmic relationships

You are clearly dealing with a karmic relationship that aims to either reward or punish past sins. Whether your relationship is positive and constructive, or negative and destructive, it will benefit you immensely. It is thanks to this relationship, this love, that you will be able to realize your mistakes and correct your life for the better.

Your relationship is not accidental and is of a karmic nature. Most likely, there is a connection between you from past incarnations that requires working off mutual debts. It is karma that holds you together. You need to go through life in one direction, but at the same time, one of you must take on the role of a leader, and the other must become a follower.

There is an indicator of a very strong karmic attraction in your relationship. Most likely, it will be difficult for you to break up forever, even if you want to do it. However, such a relationship is very complicated. They either help each of you choose the right path in life, or, on the contrary, lead you astray, increasing everyone's karmic debt even more.

There are signs of karmic relationships in your relationship. Either the striking similarity of your characters, or the polar differences in everything, can tell you about them. If difficulties, conflicts, misunderstandings constantly appear in your union, but for some reason you simply cannot break off relations in any way, then this is a manifestation of karma.

There are very few karmic attachments in your relationship. The only thing that can probably be an echo of past incarnations is an equally strong desire to create a family. You have every chance of living together your whole life, but love will fade into the background over time.

There are signs of karmic in your relationship with your partner. Probably, at some stage of development, your union will reach a dead end. However, this will not be fatal. Children can become a deterrent if you have them at the time of the crisis in the relationship.

Your relationship is karmic. In the process of developing your union, one of you, or both of you, may suffer from your own selfishness. If you begin to suffer from narcissism, then it will be quite easy to solve the problem. If your partner becomes selfish, then there will be more difficulties. Even if you manage to come to terms with the shortcomings of the soul mate, it is far from the fact that you can live with it.

There are signs of karmic attachments in your relationship. Usually they manifest themselves in the union of people who are ready to do anything for the sake of the family. In previous incarnations, each of you behaved correctly in relation to your soul mate and your family, so in this life you will not have to pay for the mistakes you made in your past life.

In the relationship that binds you, there are signs of karmic. You and your partner on the path of development of the union may face incompatibility in needs and desires. If you strive for a successful and happy marriage, then it is better to dot all the "i" s from the very beginning of the relationship.

Signs of the karmic echoes of the past that are in your union warn that your relationship is likely to constantly go in circles. Despite the fact that you will find a way out of a certain difficult situation, it will be repeated periodically. All the bad things that you managed, at first glance, to get rid of forever, will come back to your relationship again and again. Your fights will be repeated, which is most likely to lead to a break in the relationship. The only way out is to give more freedom to the soulmate.

There are signs of karmic attachments from past incarnations in your relationship. Most likely, your union has a material interest, or in your relationship there is a financial dependence of one partner on another. Most often, such unions are not built on love, but on the desire of one person to receive something material from another.

There are very few karmic attachments in your relationship. As a rule, nothing threatens happiness in such a union. In such a relationship, both partners will be happy, as they can fully trust each other without fear of being deceived.

In your relationship and love, there are no signs of a karmic connection from past incarnations. Even if your relationship is difficult, if conflicts, quarrels or misunderstandings occur in them, the reasons for this should not be explained by the influence of karma and a difficult Destiny.

Do not forget that all unions have their ups and downs, their own white and black stripes, their own successes and failures. Everyone faces trials in relationships, only some couples go through these difficulties, learning life lessons and strengthening relationships, while others choose the path of divorce or breakup.

The very concept of "karma" came to us from India, where people are of the opinion that the human soul is not only immortal, but also capable of being reborn in a new body. We can say that karma means the influence of our past lives on the present one, imposing on it a vivid imprint of past experience, which often forms the basic principles of our character. In our Western terminology, karma can be compared to fate. Many people believe that all our actions are predetermined.

In modern astrology, the concept of karma is used very widely. Professional astrologers believe that many meetings between people are far from random and carry a certain meaning. There is an opinion that in his entire life, each person goes through several thousand karmic meetings. According to the ancient Hindu teaching, the soul is immortal, and accordingly, in each of our new lives, we can easily meet those people who were close to us in the past incarnation.

How to identify karmic connections

We are all familiar with the theory of two halves. We hear from childhood that everyone in our huge world has a close and dear person with whom he is destined to be together - a soul mate. And I must admit that it is a great success if you meet your real partner. This theory is a prime example of a karmic connection. Let's explain why.

Of course, in our past lives, we also had a certain circle of friends, acquaintances, friends, family and a loved one directly. The essence of karmic relationships lies in the fact that in our next incarnations we meet our "past" love. Of course, we cannot remember it, as well as what exactly connected us with any particular person, since we all go through a kind of reboot. However, it should be assumed that our feelings do not arise by accident.

It is highly likely that in a past life next to this particular person, our soul mate, we experienced very strong emotions, which leave an imprint on our current attitude towards him. Perhaps it was anger or jealousy, happiness or fear. Sometimes such unexpressed emotions remain closed in our subconscious until a certain moment. And this moment comes exactly when we first meet our soul mate, which becomes the first prerequisite for the beginning of karmic relationships. It can be assumed that this is the origin of such a thing as love at first sight.

Signs of a karmic connection

The purpose of each karmic meeting can be called the opportunity to resolve old questions and problems. After all, it's not for nothing that life often pushes us to the same rake. From time to time we have to deal with almost identical situations, thus fate, or karma, gives us the opportunity to change something and make the right decision.

Professional astrologers distinguish a number of main indicators - signs of a karmic connection with a person:

  • age difference of more than five years
  • suddenly surging feelings
  • the absence of children in the couple
  • fatal outcome of one of the spouses
  • complex relationships among lovers

In general, Karmic connections and meetings can be both healing and destructive. Sometimes in a couple that is linked precisely by karmic relationships, one of the lovers has a harmful addiction or violent disposition, which torments his partner. This can also be attributed to the consequences of a past life, since it is highly likely that then the roles were redistributed exactly the opposite.

Sometimes some of the strangers seem vaguely familiar to us. We can experience an inexplicable attraction towards a person, which often develops into stronger feelings. If in this life you managed to meet someone who, in your opinion, was there in past incarnations, then try to determine for yourself what exactly you need to do in order to break the karmic connection.

18.02.2014 10:10

Probably, we all would like to know who we were in a past life. But, alas, not everyone ...

Hello dear readers of my blog! Do you believe in karma? I have repeatedly heard from my clients about a certain karmic connection between partners, which is a payback for previous incarnations of souls. Surprisingly, not a single happy couple claimed that their union was karma. But those who have serious relationship problems often tend to blame the higher powers for everything.

I decided to figure out why adults, smart, adequate, educated, instead of making efforts and trying to change something in their lives, prefer to go with the flow and blame karma for everything. Or maybe I shouldn't be skeptical about this issue and there really is a karmic connection between a man and a woman?

Karmic connection and its types

First of all, you need to find out what it is and what is the meaning of this concept by magicians, astrologers and other lovers of mysticism.

Karma is the influence of the past earthly incarnations of the soul on our present life. Simply put, if in one of hundreds, or even thousands of incarnations, you have committed a misconduct, karma will poke its nose again and again until you correct the situation or atone for your guilt.

The same principle applies to partners who are bound in past lives by strong emotions and experiences. Moreover, those who have lived happily ever after are not pursued by karma. But if the relationship was difficult, the love was unhappy, and the breakup was tragic, then payback will surely follow in the next life.

According to experts in the astral world, partners will meet in new incarnations until one or both of them change the scenario of past unsuccessful relationships. Only in this case their souls will be able to break the karmic connection. To make it clearer, let's look at examples.

  • The guy and the girl fell in love, met, were going to get married. But he cheated on her and abandoned her just before the wedding, and she laid hands on herself out of grief. Now their souls will meet again and again until the situation is resolved peacefully. Either the guy will be faithful to his beloved, or the girl will decide that the unfaithful groom is not worth her tears, and even more so.
  • Husband and wife loved each other. Over time, the husband began to drink a little, and then completely turned into a drunken alcoholic. Once a drunken man had an accident and lost both legs. His wife did not leave him, as she believed that this would be a betrayal, but until the end of her days she was unhappy. This couple will meet in future lives until the husband overcomes alcohol addiction, or the wife realizes that she is not guilty of anything and is not obliged to drag this cross on herself.

Situations can be very different, but the principle is clear - if one partner was unhappy due to the fault of the other, or both poisoned each other's life, they are given a new and new attempt to correct mistakes.

What is the karmic connection? It can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • First, the couple experienced a tragic situation and now, in new incarnations, they repeat it again until they can find another way out.
  • Second, one partner made the other's life hell. In the future, the tyrant turns out, and the partners meet until the karmic debt is worked off.
  • The third - once one or both partners took an oath to be together forever. And now the Universe is testing this oath for strength, again and again bringing their souls together and placing them in difficult life circumstances.

I would love to see the fourth type. Something like: they lived a long, happy life, until the end of their days they loved and supported each other, and therefore they met again to once again live happily ever after for an encore. But alas - experts say that the karmic soul connection is used exclusively as a punishment.

"Symptoms" of a karmic connection

They say that relationships that have arisen as a result of a karmic connection are easy to recognize. There are a number of signs indicating that it was not you who chose each other, but the cosmic forces planned your alliance.

Love at first sight

If a relationship broke out from scratch, if you threw yourself into a maelstrom of passions, without even trying to get to know each other better, do not even doubt - your meeting was not accidental.

The volcano of passions

A striking sign of a karmic union is the emotional instability of one or both partners. They may experience an irresistible sexual attraction to each other, the need to constantly be close to their soul mate, to control every step, even from a distance. If there is no opportunity to satisfy his desire, a person experiences severe stress, becomes depressed and may even experience unpleasant sensations such as body aches or fever.

Dolphin and Mermaid

If you remember, the heroes of this old song were not at all a couple. And all the acquaintances say the same about you. Subtle energies sometimes bind the destinies of so different people that those around them are only amazed. A huge age difference, a bottomless social abyss, absolutely opposite outlooks on life ... But come on - pulls to each other, like a magnet, and nothing can be done about this attraction.

We are a long echo of each other ...

“We understand each other without words! ..” - you enthusiastically tell your friends. Indeed, it seems that you even think synchronously or telepathically transmit thoughts to your partner - at the same time you get up to put on the kettle, choose the same movie for the evening viewing and often end a phrase started by your soul mate. Friends are delighted with such a powerful emotional and spiritual connection, but experts advise to be wary. If you feel each other so subtly, perhaps your souls have already met in past lives.

I'm on you like in a war ...

Your relationship really is like a minefield. Moreover, you can never know what exactly will explode - wild passion, all-consuming jealousy or anger at a partner and a desire to immediately burn bridges and dissolve in a foggy haze. You constantly put up, then burn with love, then tear up common photos and pack your suitcases. If it were your will, you would have parted long ago, but the Universe has other plans for you.

One way ticket

Another characteristic sign of a probable karmic connection is considered an unexpected move. Especially if, before the start of the relationship, the partners did not plan to go anywhere. They say that this destiny, foretold from above, pushes the couple on the road, makes them leave their homes, and sometimes cut off all contacts with family and friends.


A powerful spiritual connection also has no mystical background. Most likely, you and your partner treat each other with respect and trust, are interested in his life, and know their habits and preferences very well. And therefore, it is not difficult to predict which movie your soul mate will like, how he will act in a given situation and how he will comment on some events.

Adultery, unfortunately, is far from uncommon in modern society. Of course, a partner who has turned "left" usually carefully conceals his adventures. But if something like that suddenly pops up, you need to make a serious decision and either save the relationship, or put an end to it. Although sometimes it is very convenient to hide behind karma: one partner does not need to take decisive actions and destroy the usual life of a cozy swamp, and the second can continue to have fun without fear of being called to account.

But what about alcoholics and drug addicts sent as punishment for a soul who has been guilty? In this case, karma is just a beautiful excuse for such a serious problem as. One partner slowly but surely steps towards the abyss, and the second spends all his energy and other resources to pull him out of this abyss.

It would seem that the wisest decision in such a situation is a serious conversation. If the addict wants to get rid of the painful craving for alcohol or drugs, help him with this. If not, step aside and do not interfere. In the end, everyone is free to do as they see fit. But no - the codependent cannot afford to be reconciled.

He will be always there, always ready - he will give money for the next bottle or dose, he will run around with a basin when intoxicated, justify before children, bosses, relatives and friends, read the thousandth lecture on the dangers of psychotropic drugs or alcohol ... Everyone regrets the poor thing, but he sighs : "Apparently, this is my karma, my cross ..."

But no - it's not about karma at all. It's just that a person has a kind of addiction - he revels in his sacrifice, feels like the savior of a lost soul and receives energy recharge from those around him who sympathize with him. Leaving a partner is for him the same as losing his importance. Therefore, it remains to endure, be near and sigh about karma.

For those who have decided to throw off the shackles of codependency, great news - it's easier to do it than you think. And I will help in this with the recommendations of psychologists Berry and Janey Wineholds, set out in the book “ Liberation from the trap of codependency”.

I apologize in advance to those who firmly believe that our souls are tied by magical invisible threads. Personally, I believe that those who are afraid to take responsibility for what is happening in the relationship are hiding behind a karmic connection, like a shield. This is how people justify their inaction.

Of course, if you decide to work off karma, hoping for a happier fate in your next incarnation, this is your sacred right. But personally, I prefer to live a vibrant full-blooded life here and now, which is what I wish for you!

Do you believe in karma or do you think that your fate depends more on you than on circumstances? Share your opinion in the comments.

What connects us karmically: children, loved ones, spouses, parents, friends, passers-by?

Any meeting in life is karmic. Each for something and for some reason is given to you. Each one lays its mark on your destiny. According to the Law of Karmic Connections, all meetings in life are conventionally divided into nine categories according to the degree of influence on the fate of a person and according to the degree of approach of karmic connections:

1. Children (they are the closest and most important people in our life for our karma);
2. Favorite;
3. Spouses;
4. Parents, brothers and sisters;
5. Relatives;
6. Friends;
7. Colleagues;
8. Acquaintances;
9. Casual passers-by.

A close karmic connection means that we have met more than once in our past incarnations, were in close relationships and, perhaps, were to blame for something in front of the person or he in front of us. Perhaps we caused great misfortunes for him in the past, and now we pay for our cruel mistakes by being forced to serve this person, fulfill his whims, and listen to complaints. If we are put by fate in such circumstances, then there is a reason for this.

The greater the distance of the karmic connection, the less we met and had energy contacts in the past, and also the less they will have in our present life.

It is believed that we go from incarnation to incarnation in "packs" or, better to say, "baskets", like chickens of one brood. The "baskets" differ from each other by their vibrations. By these vibrations, we recognize a person from our "basket", no matter how fate scatters us. Having met "unexpectedly", we immediately understand each other perfectly.

This does not mean that we do not have relationships with people from other "baskets". There are very complex and difficult karmic connections with them, but we are comfortable only with our own. It happens that karma is conditioned by us to be lonely all our life and not to meet any of our own. Well, then we deserve it.
Let's start with the farthest category that affects us most weakly; it includes people with whom we have the most minimal karmic connections.


We do not give everything to the first person we meet and do not go to the ends of the world. With casual passers-by, to have only contacts that correspond to a given karmic category - there will be more sense. The main way of interacting with a passer-by is an equivalent exchange, which is an indicator of our benevolent attitude towards the world.

If you need to make a decision about the person you are seeing for the first time, for example, whether to provide help for which you are asked, whether to buy the things that are offered to you, listen to your feelings. Try to understand whether a pleasant or unpleasant energy impulse comes from a person and how this impulse in you responds. For example, from those who impose their goods on the street, there is often a good energy impulse (they learn this specially), but if you listen to yourself, then a vague unpleasant feeling arises.


These are people with whom we often or not very often, but meet in life. We cannot put them in the category of friends, because we do not feel much intimacy with them. In general, we do not know them well enough to understand who they are to us, except that they are just acquaintances.

These are friends, neighbors, a permanent hairdresser, a bath attendant, school teachers of our children and parents of school friends of our children. This category is the most extensive in our life. And how differently we behave in the bathhouse and at the parents' meeting, so differently we build our energetic relationships with different acquaintances.

All of us, inhabitants of the Earth, are united and alike, and we have common tasks. The whole life of society as a whole, and therefore each of us, depends on how each person lives.
The energetic interaction with the category of acquaintances is very diverse. We can perceive acquaintances as very close and pleasant people, love them more than relatives, be spiritually united with them, and we can even perceive some of them as hostile. Depending on this, we build our relationship with them.


People connected with us on business are karmically closer than just acquaintances. But they should never be confused with friends and relatives. Otherwise, business relations, friendships and relatives may suffer greatly. Not to mention that the case itself can crumble to dust. Interaction with colleagues can only take place on an equivalent exchange.

The venerable lady, the director of a shoe store, "out of friendship" hires the daughter of her school friend. By a strange coincidence, the girl finds herself in a situation where she becomes the cause of enormous trouble. The store manager almost goes to court. Everyone is shocked. A school friend becomes a hated enemy. Meanwhile, only the venerable lady herself is to blame. Business relations should be built only on a business basis. But the lady did not fully understand her mistake, because the conclusion she learned from the lesson was: do not do good to people.


The karmic category of friends opens a series of close and dear people. And relations with them are built in a completely different way. In the three previous categories, relationships were built on the basis of mutually beneficial exchanges. The karmic relationship of friends involves selfless support, help without regard to what you get in return.

Why is fate bringing us together? Why, meeting one person among thousands of people, suddenly we feel the kinship of our souls? Because this relationship really exists. We do not always remember and understand this, but we always feel that we are chickens from the same basket. We understand each other, we think similarly, we have the same life values. We are cosmically from one basket. How and why does this happen? The question is for tomorrow.

There is an ancient truth: it is better to be deceived by friends than not to trust them all your life. If your friends deceived you, well, then you were mistaken and mistook the wrong people for your friends. Only you are to blame. Learn to distinguish between karmic categories!


We came to this World not by chance, but according to cosmic laws, which we are not given to fully comprehend. We are a part of the entire society of the planet Earth, therefore, the state of the whole society as a whole depends on the state of our soul.

Directly and directly this is expressed in the fact that we "cleanse" some kind of karma. That is, we are obliged (by birth) to solve the problems of our family, help relatives, accumulate the positive energy of the clan, freeing subsequent generations from birth diseases and karmic problems.
The family we came to interacts with us in different ways. To some he is given as a guardian. The clan protects from adversity, helps on the path of life, directs and gives strength in difficult times. It means that we somehow deserve such support! Such roots must be preserved, passed on by inheritance, multiplying traditions.
For others, the race is given as a test. In overcoming generic problems, and sometimes curses that lie on him, the soul grows stronger, hardens, gains strength and thereby cleans the roots, because the person himself is a particle of the genus. Overcoming the negative in himself, he thereby purifies the genus as a whole.

However, there are people who depend very little on karma of their kind. Apparently, because they have a very serious personal task and a difficult life purpose according to their own karma. Such people leave their parental shelter early, move far from home, quickly acquire independence and independence, even with close relatives they maintain a very weak connection. They often have a difficult life path, and usually big difficult things await them.

Unfortunately, too many people, playing on family feelings, are ready to morally destroy their loved ones and not even feel that they did wrong. These are energetic "vampires", one should close oneself from them. And yet, be that as it may, if even the most distant relative asks you - do not refuse, do everything in your power. This is your tribal structure, your children and grandchildren will carry it, it depends on you how clean, auspicious and strong roots they will get.

Equivalent energy exchange is rarely possible with relatives. Either we use their energy, or we give them ours. We often recycle each other's negatives. Sometimes we have to close. And all this is normal for this category of relations due to the specificity of generic energy processes.


The relationship that you develop with your closest relatives is the most striking indicator of your attitude to ancestral karma. If there are several children in the family, then each of them may have their own relationship with the family and, therefore, their own indicator of connection with clan karma.

Our world is so arranged that one of the children can be the full bearer of the father's karma, the other - the mother's karma, and the third remains clean of these debts. Much more complex intertwining of karmic family lines between brothers and sisters is also possible. Two daughters can carry the karma of the mother, and the father passes on the pure genetic line to his grandson. The brother and sister inherit their father's problems, and the mother passes on her creative talents to her grandson. There are as many options as there are families in this world.

A favorable relationship between brothers and sisters, disinterested and benevolent, is a great gift from fate and invaluable support from heaven.
But if the relationship is developing badly and even very badly, we will not forget even then that these are our brothers and sisters, given to us from above. And no matter what happens, we must humbly accept what is given to us. Let us be reasonable support for our loved ones - this is our karma, what we owe them somewhere and are now giving back.

If an alcoholic brother asks for money to drink it away, our duty is not to give him everything we have, but to do everything to save him. However, not against his will. Everything that is done against the will of a person is done for evil.

If there was a disagreement between sisters and brothers, forgive the offenders, we deserve these offenses, maybe we are more to blame for our mutual misunderstanding of each other. Let us give in and go to reconciliation - this is working off the karma of the clan. Working off karma, we will clear the way for our children and grandchildren.

No matter how our relationship with our parents develops, we will forgive them and ask for forgiveness for not understanding them. Whatever it was, these people were given to us by God - therefore, we deserved this and must humbly accept what is given.


Marriages are made in heaven. Spouses are people who have to build their destiny together. Karmic dependence on a spouse is much more than dependence on parents. Failure in marriage is often much more difficult than a “difficult” childhood. She is perceived as a collapse of the plans and hopes of youth. Not everyone manages to find the strength to start all over again, sometimes at a not young age. Joint children continue to tie spouses and divorced.

You have chosen a person as your spouse, and now he (or she) absolutely does not suit you. But you yourself chose - does it mean that this person corresponded to something? It turns out that you chose what you matched yourself at that moment! Now you need to figure out why fate brought you together. What should you give to each other, what to teach and learn through your meeting.

The energetic relationship between spouses knows no boundaries. It is almost impossible to “close” from a spouse. The karma of the two grows together and becomes common. The energy of a harmonious married couple is so great that they are practically invulnerable. Alien, disharmonious influences can only intrude for a while, the energy of two displaces everything that interferes, destroys all negatives. But if on the second day or the second year after the wedding you found a serious disharmony in your relationship with your spouse, then your task is to do everything to make them as harmonious as possible. You can't just pick up and leave. The spouse is not a casual passer-by. This is another level of karmic relationships. Fate provoked you into karmic work.

When you answer yourself all the questions and complete all the difficult mental work, you will have a feeling of emptiness. There will be no irritation, no annoyance, there will be no offense, you will know that everything is your own fault. Then you will become free, you will have the right to make a choice, you will have the right to break off relations that bring no one joy. But your karmic work must be done "one hundred percent", you cannot deceive yourself. The problem is solved when emotions leave and a reasonable, light attitude to everything that happens.

Marriage is the experience of serving another person. This is a test of the ability to love and empathize, the ability to accept someone else's point of view, to listen to it, despite any difference in views.

How much your soul gains if you serve diligently and unselfishly, with humility and love for a person. How happy people are when, having eaten a pound of salt together, they finally harmoniously grow into each other, accepting a spouse as he is, loving with all his heart his merits and his demerits. Do not think that this is simple humility before life or fear of it. If people achieve harmony, it is always the result of the great inner work of both.


It is good when loved ones and spouses coincide in one person. It is more difficult when they are different people. Relationships with loved ones are built in much the same way as with spouses. But if marriage can be complex karma, love is always happiness, and it is given as a reward, apparently, for a good work off of one's karmic debts, it must be cherished as an invaluable gift.

If true love is not mutual, it gives us even higher states of the soul, when we are able to wish our beloved happiness with another, with the one she loves.

There can be only one energetic interaction between lovers - a gift. Give the whole world, give yourself, give every drop of your energy. To feel how with each new breath the invaluable gift does not disappear, but only multiplies, grows, acquiring new strength.


The main karmic duty of a person living on Earth is a duty to a child. The concepts of Peace, Good and Evil are usually assimilated from parenting, they are absorbed somewhere deeply, on sensations even when they are not spoken about aloud.

Which way of interacting with the child you choose is a matter of your taste, character, education, but most importantly, ask yourself more often: "What am I stimulating in him with this action, given a specific word?"
You punished your child - what did you show him? An example of cruelty, the firmness of a hand that has power, or how you need to be free and take responsibility for your actions? How much sensitivity, how much subtlety is required for a parent to feel what exactly responds in a small person in response to the actions and words of adults. Only the endless energy of love for a child can help in this difficult, sometimes intuitive work of the soul.

In conclusion, we can say that such a division into karmic categories is very conditional. One and the same person can be for us in one case a colleague, in another case - another, in the third - a loved one, a relative, a brother. The point is not to label each individual person as “a casual passer-by” or “the most beloved of all loved ones”. The task is to understand, in moments of communication, what is happening, what is permissible and what is unacceptable with a given person in a given situation.

Throughout their lives, people intersect with thousands of others like themselves. We meet some of the people for the first time, and some have already met in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark in our life.

Very often in life it happens that a seemingly absolutely sane person loses his head from love at first sight. This happens both in youth and in adulthood. This can happen at the moment when a person is not free or so many relationships have gathered in his luggage that he decided - that's enough!

What happens at the moment when the eyes of two meet and a spark flashes between them? This can be explained by the birth of love. And yet, in most cases, this has the following explanation: there are former "halves", those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had a platonic relationship. When the eyes of two people meet, the energy of past lives, which is recorded in their energy fields, is activated. "Recognition" occurs.

Karmic meeting

A relationship begins. Two people may have a real coincidence of tastes, harmony of thoughts, etc. A whirlwind of emotions picks up them and makes them dizzy. These two in this life did not know each other before, and they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a pull for each other, such an inexplicable attraction, is the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be very different. Perhaps they have to complete something that they did not complete in a past life. Perhaps they need to be aware of something. Karmic energy can attract two, but they do not even know about it. And it is not at all necessary in this incarnation they will have a happy love or even marriage. Very often such meetings take place precisely for karmic reasons.

When two meet, and “recognition” arises, and it seems to them that there is so much in common between them that they are “brought together by fate,” one must remember that, having the memory of past lives, which everyone has in the subconscious, a person begins to impose on a partner some expectations, their projections and so on, in connection with the qualities and circumstances that existed then, in that life.

But now the partner is a completely different personality, somewhat similar to that, but in many respects new, since, being at the moment the quintessence of our past incarnations, we still carry the features of many people, and not one specific person. And this other person (or rather, both new personalities who entered into a relationship) think, feel, act in a completely different way. And it is not at all necessary that relationships from the past can continue now. Even if it was love to the grave.

When faced with reality, such relationships often die out. Powerful attraction dissipates, everyday life invades, past and present realities collide and conflict.

Zero karma

If people are wise enough, if the feeling that they have is really strong and light, they can find a common language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere on a deep level, realize or feel the reason that brought them together and work it out. And continue the relationship, free from karmic addiction.

More often it happens the other way around - people break up. Karma remains unused and goes on to the next incarnation. Cases when men in adulthood "lose their heads" from love and leave the family for young mistresses - from the same series. Most often this is also a meeting of the former "halves". Even in families where there is love between spouses, but problems constantly arise in relationships, when one or both do not want to understand, accept the closest person, the topic of separation constantly arises.

It is very easy, of course, just to get away from a problematic relationship, to part and forget. This is the easiest way out. Yes, it’s the easiest, and many people do it. But without understanding why they are not comfortable, without realizing WHAT we are working with this person, without neutralizing karma and learning a lesson, such a separation will not remove the problem. Karma with this person will remain unsettled and will be carried over to the next incarnation, the message that he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson will not be learned.

And in the near future, another person from a past life will be attracted with the same message and with the same lesson, and everything will start all over again.

Many people all their lives do nothing but run away from their lessons and step on the same rake. But ask yourself, is this correct? And isn't it worth a more conscious approach to understanding the true reasons for your connection and finally breaking the Gordian knot of karma? ..

How to understand if a relationship is karmic?

The most reliable way is to compose a synastry with a good astrologer. If this method for some reason does not suit you, then it remains to analyze the relationship, having studied the main signs of a karmic connection, given below.

So, the main signs that will help you understand that we are dealing with a karmic relationship:

- At the first meeting, there is a strong mutual attraction to each other, strong interest. There may be a feeling that you already know this person, have seen this person somewhere.

- Another person causes you feelings or emotions, the origin of which you cannot explain to yourself. These feelings can be completely illogical and not peculiar to you. This also includes not quite adequate actions. That is, actions that are not characteristic of a person in relation to other people, but with this partner, as if something makes him do just that, and not otherwise.

- Relationships start quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. In such a relationship, there is a certain predetermination.

- It is very difficult to break off such a relationship. Even if you do it by force, then later the image of this person will haunt you for many years. And all because you left the detention without finishing what you started.

- Karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its action. Even if people part, they are drawn to each other with irresistible force. This connection is characterized by dissatisfaction with the existing situation. Dissatisfaction and inability to change anything.

- Hits surprise. Relationships are struck out of the blue for both partners or one of them. They can be completely different in character, differ in social and material status, have a big difference in age. Alternatively, partners may know each other for years, but the very decision to get married turns out to be a sudden continuation of the relationship: for many years they communicated only as friends, but suddenly one evening the situation turns into an intimate channel and after that the couple decides to get married.

Karmic marriage - greetings from the past

Karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like "What you sow is what you reap" or "As it comes around, it will respond." The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who were already closely acquainted in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, parents of each other, lovers or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work off their karma (redeem their guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the greatest purgatory on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is it too confusing? An example will help to understand. Suppose in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left him because the son of your boss had an eye on you. A marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. As in a computer game: level two, attempt two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about bad things and usually does not look through karma. But in vain. The very reasons that people are guided by when they marry can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion... This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it with a specific example.

In a past life, the conditional Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he gave up scientific research for her sake and did not justify his calling. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, as others are afraid of water, enclosed spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ...

It would seem, live and rejoice! But no. After a while, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in his previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be completely combined, you cannot betray yourself and give up your vocation.

Another classic example is it's time to... If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because "the time has come" or because all your friends have already started a family, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously for yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in your past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, a past life mistake deposited in karma is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience... The wedding epidemic usually begins in the last year of college. When old ties break, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and guys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They look for a suitable partner for themselves - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when young people have feelings and spiritual kinship. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of a husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in fact, no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we hide (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictatorship), they will certainly overtake us. AND this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

What you value most in your husband is money. - be sure, sooner or later he will lose them, and you will remain at a broken trough. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, not far off is the day when he will be left without work ... And these are not the whims of the villainess-fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Many young girls are popping up in marriage as protest or from desire to get rid of unnecessary parental control... And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from her husband. The fact is that they "carry" dependence on anyone in themselves and "produce" it into the world around them. Even someone who was not a domestic despot when he was born will become one only because you subconsciously expect it. You will have to sigh and say: "Well, you can see I have such a karma!"

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better..

For women aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive to marriage can be ... fear: “What if in a year it will be too late?”, “Who will need me?”, “Yes, and the child needs a father ...” Sometimes there is such an argument: “I’m tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some husband”. In other words, this is the case when a girl does not marry the one she wants, but the one who turns up by the arm. If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a person not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will indeed meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts those circumstances and those people about whom he dreams. It's just that not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request" to be received..

Let's say you are a young girl (guy) in a good position, with a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person,” or you are an “ancient soul”. Distinguishing one type from another is easy enough.

Insufficient people believe that they can be happy only when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of hassle that they have been responsible for. And "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, themselves have developed quite strongly, but they come to this world to help others. The “ancient soul” does not complain about anything; on the contrary, others constantly come to cry to it. And they leave emboldened.

And now let's draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage.:

The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves... Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

In their relationship there is a lot of symbolic, "fatal" and predetermined... For example, their relationship looks outwardly incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.

Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners... Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just changed places, and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a previous life.

Absence of children... A sign of the closeness of the future to the genus. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two families. Such a relationship exists so that partners rethink their own traits that the genus does not want to pass on to future generations. If there is no rethinking, that most often such a marriage is dissolved.

Health problems in one of the partners... This situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and caring, which might not manifest in a happy situation.

Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.

Very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less... In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they were supposedly moved by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they really love, accepting a partner as he is, with all his flaws and virtues. From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their fates are intertwined, they are tied with strong threads, bonds, and not chains or fetters.

An alluring prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you have lived in past lives and live in the present. Correct mistakes, walk through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness!

Based on materials from UDuba.com, Econet.ru, the newspaper "Oracle"