Competitions for an adult company for the new year. Contests for the new year - fun and cool for a big company

Everyone's favorite New Year's holiday is just around the corner. One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday are active games and original contests that do not allow anyone to stand aside and unite all participants in the celebration of the New Year. Contests can be completely different - gaming, for ingenuity, for quick wits, for sleight of hand with the use of light fraud, for those who are especially relaxed, there are erotic contests. To make the meeting of the New Year memorable for a long time, and in the photographs you recall the enthusiasm of that evening and the smiles of your friends, spend them.

Contest "Pass the parcel"
Necessary: prepare a package - take a piece of candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper
Everyone sits around the table and the host says: "We received the package, but I don't know who it is for. Let's find out!"
The guests begin to pass the package to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper.
Whoever unfolds the last one gets the package.

Sticky Nose Contest
Necessary: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, separately mold a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. Players move back a few steps. Blindfold them in turn, approach the portrait and try to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Competition for the New Year "Real Santa Claus"
You will need: many small unbreakable items: soft toys, books, boxes, etc.
All items are stacked near the leader, the rest of the players depict Santa Clauses, among which we have to choose the real one. The facilitator takes turns handing out to the "grandfathers" one subject at a time. The player who did not hold and dropped any gift leaves the game. The one who turns out to be the most dexterous and does not drop anything is declared "the real Santa Claus" and receives a prize.

New Year's game "Pioneers"
Necessary: lots of balloons and markers
Each player receives a balloon and a marker. The host invites the players to "discover" a new planet. To do this, in a certain time (for example, 3 minutes) you need to inflate your balloon and draw as many "residents" as possible on it. Whoever had more inhabitants after the expiration of time - he won.

Competition "Ice cream"
The most favorite delicacy of the Snow Maiden is ice cream - therefore, a competition is announced for the name of the ice cream. Everyone takes turns calling the varieties of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

New Year's contest "It was my ball!!!"
Necessary: 2 balloons
The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stilettos are not allowed to the competition).
Winner: the one who quickly "pops" the opponent's ball with his foot.

New Year's contest "Christmas tree"
For the game you need: stool or chair - 1 piece, girl - 1 piece, clothespins - a lot.
Clothespins are fastened on the girl’s dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young people are selected from the company (you can generally split into 2 teams), who remove clothespins from her blindfolded.
The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has more clothespins, removes the girl from the chair and kisses her as many times as he has clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

Competition "New Year's song"
Necessary: hat and leaflets with words
There are small pieces of paper in the hat, on which one word is written (tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each guest takes turns taking notes from the hat and sings a song - always New Year's or winter, in which there is a word written on his leaf!

Competition "The most attentive"
This New Year's competition is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The facilitator reads the text:

I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately:

"Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but seven."
"When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, but preferably 10."
“The hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!
"Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours..."

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it?”.

Competition for the New Year "Vocabular tree"
Name in turn the words in which the word FIR “grows”.
The main condition: words must be nouns in the nominative case. The participant who cannot say the word is out of the game.
Examples of "dictionary firs": Caramel, flute, snowstorm, potatoes, housewarming, Monday, etc.

Competition "New Year Scrabbler"
Guests at the table are divided into 2 teams. They are invited to take turns naming the names of feature films in which the main action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Everyone takes turns calling.
Winner: the one who most recently said the title of the movie.

Merry Christmas tradition "Wishes"
Each of the guests is given three pieces of paper and in three versions he finishes the phrase - "next year I will definitely ...".
The papers are folded into a hat, mixed and the hat starts in a circle. Each guest pulls out a piece of paper from the hat and reads the text aloud.
For example, a statement by a young man that I will definitely have a baby next year, etc. makes others happy...
The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants.

New Year's games "Alphabet"
The host says that he has a small gift for everyone, but he only gives gifts to educated people.
The host offers to play the game "alphabet". The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the first player must come up with a New Year's greeting phrase starting with the letter A, for example, says: "Astronomical salary for you." Then the next player says the letter B: "Be happy" and so on for each letter of the alphabet, each player who comes up with a phrase is given a gift.
But the funniest thing comes when the alphabet reaches the letters, Zh, P, Y, b, b.

New Year's game "Cut out snowflakes"
Necessary: plain white paper napkins and scissors.
The host gives guests a napkin and scissors.
The task of each player is to cut a snowflake out of a napkin faster and more beautifully than everyone else.

Game for the New Year "Pulling the napkin"
Necessary: a napkin and a few straws for a cocktail.
The napkin is torn into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents on the table we put a piece of napkin with the inscription down.
On command "Start!" opponents must pull the napkin towards themselves with the help of a cocktail tube.
The second version of the game - a comic task is written on a napkin. In this case, the loser must complete this task.

costume contest
In advance, you need to buy masks, noses, glasses, jewelry in the wholesale market, pick up old dresses, skirts, scarves, etc.
The guests draw lots for who to cook what costume. There may be such tasks as a snow maiden, a clown, an Indian.

Frosty Breath Contest
There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them to make them fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, announce that the winner is the one whose snowflake fell last (so he froze it to the table).

Cooking competition
Participants of the competition are given plates and given the task to make an original salad from the treats available on the table.
And then, blindfolded, you need to feed your dish to another participant.
Winner: the one who fed the other most carefully.

Competition "Who?"
Chairs are arranged in a circle around the room. Players sit on them - men and women. Santa Claus or Snow Maiden starts the game (the second option is preferable). She is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the Snow Maiden walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, she stops and sits on her knees next to the one she stopped next to. The one to whom the Snow Maiden sat down should hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?". If the Snow Maiden guesses who she is sitting on her lap, then the “exposed” one becomes the leader. It is forbidden to touch the hands of the participants when guessing.

Competition "Best Snow Maiden"
Each of Santa Clauses must dress up the Snow Maiden chosen by him in such a way as, in his opinion, the modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that the Snow Maiden is already wearing, plus any additional items, things, Christmas tree decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
The Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden wins.

Competition for the new year "Best Artist"
Several couples take part in the competition, which are teams.
The purpose of the competition: to draw a New Year's landscape in a short period of time.
One player is blindfolded and given a canvas and brushes in his hands - in fact, he will paint the landscape.
The task of the other player is to lead the drawing process (say "right", "left", etc.).
It turns out very funny. The team supported by the audience wins.

Competition "Resourceful Snow Maiden"
Each girl is blindfolded, and Christmas decorations are hidden in young people's clothes. The girl should find a Christmas toy from a companion in clothes as soon as possible.
The most “resourceful” wins, i.e. the snow maiden who will find Christmas decorations the most.
Everyone gets Christmas decorations as a memento of the evening, and the “resourceful” girl receives a separate prize.

Competition "Christmas toy"
Necessary: colored cardboard, scissors, clothespin, blindfold.
Young people are invited to cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. After that, the young man is put on a blindfold and offered to attach a toy to the Christmas tree.
It is necessary to unwind young people so that they do not orient themselves in space, and do not guess in which direction the tree is located. After the young people go towards the Christmas tree, the hall freezes, because most people move anywhere, but not to the Christmas tree. However, wandering around the hall is not allowed - according to the rules, you must hang a toy on the first object that you run into. It can be the ear of the boss or the leg of the chair.
Won the one who came closest to the tree / or the one whose "tree" was the most original.
The originality of the Christmas tree is determined by the volume of applause.

In this material, we present New Year's fun with which you can entertain your guests. In order for the participants to be enthusiastic about participating in games and competitions, let them first get used to it a little: chat, sit at the festive table, have a drink. And only then invite everyone to participate in the entertainment program of the evening.

"This item is needed to..."

The host calls the participants any object (for example, a blanket, a pen, etc.), and they must take turns saying how the hidden thing can be used, starting the phrase with the words: “This item is needed to ...” The game becomes interesting, when all the obvious functions of a thing end and you have to invent them on the go. The one who could not come up with a use for the thing lost.

over bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is coming to an end and the guests want to warm up a bit. Two or three participants are given two sheets of paper. These are “hummocks”, and the floor in the room is a “quagmire”. It can only be crossed by stepping on each sheet in turn, and moving the other forward. Players must cross the "bumps" to the other side as quickly as possible without stepping on the floor.


An old and familiar game that you can change a little. Participants can get fantas out of the “hat” with funny tasks: depict an animal - a symbol of the coming year, sing a New Year's song, loudly call the Snow Maiden, etc. This, so to speak, is a traditional approach to this game.

But you can slightly modify the meaning of "Phantoms". Write on the pieces of paper various states of a person, but try to pick up only original and funny ones. For example, “puppy delight”, “stormy raskolbas”, “languid thoughtfulness”, etc. The player who pulled out the phantom must depict what was written without words, and the rest of the participants must guess what he is showing.

color kaleidoscope

This game is mobile and can be played by at least 5 people. Children love this kind of entertainment. After the facilitator calls out the colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), the players must grab some object of the named color. The host at this time counts to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.

blind artist

The players are divided into pairs in random order, one of the two partners is blindfolded and given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. "Blind artists" should hold their drawing device in an outstretched hand. The second participants are given sheets of paper, the topic of the future creation is reported. It can be from the simplest (draw a geometric figure) to quite complex (create a New Year's landscape). Then the "sighted" partners return to their pairs and begin to draw, moving the sheet around the writing object held in the hand of the second participant. At the same time, the “blind artists” themselves should not move their hand. After the end of the competition, their eyes are untied, and the winners are determined by the best and most accurately reflecting reality drawing.

football players

The host announces to the guests that a competition for the best football player will be held, and everyone can participate in it. Then balloons are distributed to the players. The task is to prevent the “ball” from falling to the floor for a certain amount of time (for example, 3 minutes). Someone will "mint" the ball with his head, and the most ingenious will simply blow on it from below, thus supporting it in the air. If it is not possible to identify a clear winner, then the game can be complicated: give the “football players” one more “ball”. The winner is the one whose balls do not fall on the floor.

Oh those fairy tales! Oh those storytellers!

This competition develops oratory skills and creative abilities of participants. On the cards you need to write the names of different fairy tales (for example, you can take Kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, etc.). Each player pulls out one piece of paper and remembers the plot of the fairy tale he got. Then the participants should tell what they remembered to the audience, but at the same time they should adhere to a certain genre (which can also be written on a card). For example, "Little Red Riding Hood" will sound differently in the detective genre, "Sleeping Beauty" or "Snow White" - in the melodrama genre. The most inventive storyteller wins.

Fair-selling men

To conduct this competition, at least three men will be required, for each of them “sellers” are selected: one or more women. As props, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various jewelry, and cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up their "product" as best and original as possible. You can create some recognizable image: for example, Casanova. This task will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete. Then the "sellers" must advertise the "product" to potential buyers, they may even hold an impromptu auction. The team that does the best job wins a prize.

Too touchy and impressionable in this game is better not to participate - it's a shame when they don't share with you! Participants stand in a tight circle facing each other, while their hands should be behind their backs. The leader becomes the center. The players begin to imperceptibly pass an apple from hand to hand (with other culinary preferences, it is possible to replace an apple with a banana, cucumber, a piece of sausage, in the end). A person who has fallen into the center of the circle must guess who has the fruit at the moment. The difficulty is that you also need to bite off a piece of an apple - naturally, when the driver does not see. If the lucky owner of the fruit is "caught red-handed", then it is his turn to stand in the center of the circle. And so it continues until the main subject of the game is eaten entirely.

"Show Elephant"

Very funny, but quite a tough prank. The host starts a well-known game: you need to guess the animal, depict it without words, and all those gathered must understand who the participant is portraying. The facilitator leads the unsuspecting victim out the door and explains that an elephant (or any other animal that is easy enough to depict) will need to be shown. At the same time, you need to have time to inform the rest that the player will portray such and such an animal, and their task is in no case to name, “not to guess”, offering any other versions. Then, for some time, you can enjoy the sight of a surprised participant who cannot understand in any way whether he himself portrays an elephant poorly, or whether no one has ever seen this animal. The main thing is not to torment the victim for too long.

Two halves

The players are divided into pairs. The host announces the simplest, at first glance, task: cut a snowflake out of paper. Participants are given scissors and paper. If you are afraid that guests will cut themselves with scissors, then distribute bundles, wrapping paper and a bow. In this case, you will need to wrap the "gift". Then the partners should hug each other, hug, leaving only one arm free. Thus, the "halves" interlock into one two-armed whole. And now they must complete the task. Those who do their job faster and better than everyone else win.

New Year's Dictionary

It is necessary to prepare in advance cards with all the letters of the alphabet, except for Ъ, b, b, s, th opaque container. The host announces the preparation for printing of the Special Holiday Dictionary. Each participant in turn takes out one card and immediately names the word of the New Year theme, starting with the extracted letter. It is also desirable, together with all the players, to come up with a funny interpretation of this word. All concepts are written down so that later it would be possible to create a Dictionary in memory of the celebration.

New Year's songs

The host puts the words related to the holiday written on separate pieces of paper into an opaque bag or into a hat: “herringbone”, “icicle”, “snowman”, “hoarfrost”, “frost”, “snow”, “dance”, “gift” and etc. Participants take turns pulling out cards, and then trying to remember and sing lines from a song with a given word, receiving points for this. The winner is the one who scores the most points, i.e., remembers more songs.

snow shooting range

In advance, you need to prepare as many "snowballs" as possible - balls rolled from paper, cotton wool or, better, made from papier-mâché. You can use ping pong balls as snowballs. Participants are divided into two or more teams. Several people (one from each group) stand on chairs - now they are "targets". Opponents are trying to hit the target with "snowballs". At the same time, players on chairs can move, in every possible way dodge "enemy projectiles". The most accurate team wins.

In winter conditions

As you know, in order not to freeze in winter, you need to dress warmly. Invite your guests to see if they have a chance to survive the harsh winter frosts. Participants put on the given warm mittens and bathrobes. Their task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task the fastest is the winner. The rest must be saved from the cold in another way - pour a glass of something intoxicating.

Leap into the future

Draw a “scale” in advance: you need to turn a long strip of paper (you can use wallpaper or toilet paper) into a kind of large “ruler”, that is, mark it in centimeters.

Now connect your imagination and write some New Year's wish or prediction near each mark.

It will be great if you write something humorous.

Participants will have to jump from a place in the long jump, see how much they jumped, and find out what awaits them next year.

Understand me

This game is similar in essence to the television show that was on our screens a few years ago. The participants are divided into two teams (at least 4-5 people in each). Teams line up in two rows. The facilitator passes to the first participants the cards on which the phrases are written, preferably more intricately. It is necessary to quietly and quickly transfer the contents of the card to the next player's ear. He tells the next one, and so on. The last participant must say out loud what he heard. The team that completes the task the fastest and, of course, does not lose the meaning of the phrase during the transfer wins.


The host will need to prepare for this game in advance. It is necessary to cut out various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to the guests, and they will need to make a coherent story out of them.

It will be fun, especially if the prepared passages concern politics, show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes.

And the further development of the game will depend entirely on the imagination of the participants.

Who said "woof"?

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle stands the blindfolded driver. At the command of the "blind" the round dance begins to move in a circle, at the other command it freezes. The participant standing in the center must point blindly at any other player, who barks once. After that, the driver must guess who he pointed to. If he is right, then the "barking" takes his place, and the game continues. The task may be too difficult, since it is difficult to determine the speaker from a short word. Then "Wow!" can be replaced with the phrase "Happy New Year!".

Now prove it!

The facilitator writes down the intended word on a piece of paper in advance (for example, “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree” or something else on the New Year theme). All those gathered must, without knowing what was hidden, say what this object looks like. Then the host announces the word, and now each participant must prove that the hidden thing really resembles what he compared it with. For example, "Santa Claus is like a sofa because he is just as big and soft."

Each family has its own traditions, customs and habits of celebrating the New Year. But whatever these habits, all families are united by one desire. It's about wanting to have a really fun New Year's Eve. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost all people are preparing for the celebration so seriously.

Each person prepares for the celebration of the New Year in his own way, based on his habits. Well, in order to diversify the celebration a little, now more and more people are interested in cool games and contests for the New Year, with which you can make the holiday even more fun and memorable.

"Show New Year's Song"

For this New Year's competition, you need to split into several equal teams. After that, the leader calls for one of the teams the name of the New Year or winter song, and provides them with the text of the named composition. Each of the participants chooses a noun for himself, which he will play in this New Year's theater, while the participants of the other teams will sing in chorus. The whole thing looks really fun.


This children's competition will amuse any company of adults. Its essence lies in the fact that people become in a circle, and one of the participants, who was chosen by means of a counting rhyme, enters the circle and begins to squat. At the same time, the driver must, in all seriousness, say "I am a moon rover." The task of those participants who stand in a circle is to contain laughter. The first laughing participant joins the driver, and the two of them begin to walk in a circle, saying "I am a moon rover."

"Who are we talking about?"

A cool game for a New Year's party that will help guests get to know each other better. To do this, you need to distribute a pen and a piece of paper to the guests. On these sheets of paper, they will have to write those things about themselves that other participants in the competition do not know anything about. After that, the host takes the leaflets from the milestones and reads out what is written on them. After hearing the information read, the participants should understand who it is about. You can ask both all the guests at the same time, and each person individually. Moreover, the person referred to in the note must also give his answer, so as not to give himself away.


The classic cool game, which is very popular at all kinds of corporate parties, can amuse guests at any New Year's party. Guests who wish to participate are divided into several teams of two people. One person in the team will be the mummy, and the second member is the one who will have to work on turning the partner into a mummy. The second participant is given a roll of toilet paper or a bandage. With the help of this, a person will create a mummy out of his partner. Whoever completes the task faster, wins.

"Picture the word"

This cool contest is suitable for any New Year's Eve party, as it does not require much effort to prepare. It is enough for him to prepare an easel, a few pencils and 20-30 sheets. Moreover, you can do without an easel, because you can draw on the table, and when the drawing is ready, the participant can demonstrate it while holding it in his hands. The essence of the competition is that the host calls the word to the participant, and he must draw it. In order for the game to be connected with the New Year, the presenter can think of words exclusively on the theme of winter.

"Diver on land"

For this contest, you need to try a little more. There is no need for papers and pencils. To carry it out, you need to find fins and binoculars. The participant is invited to put on fins, put binoculars to his eyes and follow a given route. This contest is so cool that it is guaranteed to bring laughter to all the guests of the New Year's party. However, you need to be careful with this competition so that the divers do not touch anything fragile, otherwise the holiday will be overshadowed.

"New Year's crocodile"

What holiday is now complete without everyone's favorite "Crocodile"? This game, the essence of which is that one of the participants, without saying anything, shows the hidden word with actions and gestures, while the other participants guess it. This game is perfect for any holiday, including the New Year. Well, in order for it to perfectly match the theme of the holiday, you can only think of New Year's words for the participants, for example, a snowman, Santa Claus and others.

"Snow Basketball"

For this cool game for the New Year, you need to prepare in advance "snow balls" from cotton wool, as well as several buckets. The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of snowballs. After that, the participants must alternately throw cotton balls into their bucket from a certain distance. The most accurate team wins, which will understand how best to throw cotton wool.

And the snow flew and fell ...

Another cool New Year's contest with cotton wool, which replaces the snow. For guests who want to participate in this competition, the host should give out a small piece of cotton wool. The task of the participants is that they need to keep cotton snowflakes in the air for as long as possible. This must be done using the flow of air from your own lungs.

"Balloon Crash"

An original and cool contest, which is perfect for a New Year's feast. The host announces to the guests who are sitting at the table that they are all in a balloon. It crashes due to overload. Since there is no extra ballast in the balloon, one of the passengers will have to jump out. But how do you determine who needs to do it? To do this, it is necessary that each of the guests must tell why he should stay in the balloon. During the story, you can tell not only the truth, but also invent all kinds of stories. After that, all guests themselves choose who told a less convincing story and who will need to "jump off". The person who lost will have to drink a glass of strong alcohol.


To hold this contest, you need to find a lot of old and funny clothes. All these clothes will need to be put into a bag and two or three participants will be called, depending on the number of clothes in the bag. Each of the participants must take turns taking out an item of clothing from the bag and putting it on. When all the clothes from the bag are used up and the fashionable looks are ready, the guests will have to evaluate whose masquerade turned out to be the most fun and interesting.

"Sector Prize"

Everyone knows the moment in the popular TV game "Field of Wonders" when "Prize" falls on the reel. When this happens, bidding between the presenter and the participant begins. Something similar can be done on New Year's Eve. To do this, you need to prepare the same number of sheets as there are guests at the party, and write “Prize” on one of them. All sheets must be put in a bag and walked with it between the guests. The one who pulls out the right piece of paper and becomes the main participant in the competition.

The competition itself should be held in the same tense atmosphere as in the popular television game. That is, the presenter must submit a prize, in such a way that it supposedly represents something of real value. The host offers the participant money and says that he will not show him the prize. If the participant chooses a gift, the amount increases. At this time, guests of the New Year's party can shout out, helping the participant to make a choice. At the end of the competition, when the auction is over, the presenter gives the participant what he has chosen.

In fact, the money may not be real. Well, the prize can be symbolic. But this competition will surely amuse everyone in the New Year.

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Winter is coming, which means it's time to think about how to properly prepare for the meeting of the Year of the Pig 2019. And it's important, in addition to the menu and outfits, to think over contests for the new year, New Year's games and entertainment, because they will revive the company, they will not let get bored, fill the holiday with joy and laughter.

Bustle will soon begin in every house, someone will rush to choose gifts for their loved ones, someone will go after the forest beauty, then to decorate it with all kinds of ribbons, balls, bows, crackers and garlands, and someone will make a New Year's table menu. You also need to buy in advance for relatives and friends.

All this is important, because the holidays are not complete:

  • without a fun feast, where there are so many delicious dishes on the table that it is simply impossible not to try something;
  • without beautiful outfits, where everyone wants to emphasize the sophistication of their nominal dress or suit;
  • without champagne, sparklers, heaps of gifts.

But what else is needed in order for the atmosphere to be cheerful, perky, so that all the invitees and family members have high spirits? Everything is simple - these are contests, entertainment, jokes, jokes, riddles, songs and other attributes of a good mood.
We will tell the reader how to create a holiday at home, what relay races, games, quizzes and other entertainment events to organize, which will certainly appeal to both adults and children.

View with step by step photos.

New Year's games and entertainment for the New Year

Let's reveal a little secret. On a fabulous winter night, any adult, even the most strict and severe, dreams of returning to childhood, at least not for long, and feeling like a child. And since the night is magical, then this dream can come true. We bring to your attention cool entertainment for adults. Before we start having fun, we need to prepare a few useful things.

Attributes that are useful for holiday contests and games

- Balloons (a lot).
- Garlands, firecrackers, fireworks, sparklers.
- White sheets of paper and small stickers.
- Pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, pens.
- Drawing of a snow castle (for a children's competition).
- Plastic cups.
- Big boots.
- Sweets, fruits, sweets.
- Small gifts and souvenirs, preferably with the Rooster symbol of the year.
- Prepared poems, riddles, tongue twisters, songs and dances.
- Good mood.
When everything is assembled and prepared, you can start playing and winning.

Games, various competitions on New Year's Eve for seniors

1. Family games

Both children and adults of different ages and generations can participate in the proposed games.

Competition "Forest Fairy or Christmas Tree"

When everyone had already eaten on New Year's Eve, they relaxed. We drank, it's time to start games and entertainment so that the guests do not get bored. We call two who want to participate in the game. Everyone stands on a stool and tries to portray a Christmas tree. Two more volunteers begin to decorate the tree, but not with toys, but with whatever catches their eye first. The winner is the one who dresses more beautiful and original. By the way, it is allowed to take attributes from guests, it can be anything - ties, clip-on earrings, watches, hairpins, cufflinks, scarves, scarves and more.

Offer your friends the entertaining game "New Year's Drawing"

All ages can participate here. Two heroes, who were previously tied up, standing with their backs to a stand with a sheet of paper, are invited to draw the symbol of the next year - the Dog. You can use pencils, felt-tip pens. Participants have the right to prompt - to the left, to the right, etc.

Game for big and small "Merry Caterpillar"

A funny and mischievous game for the New Year's feast. All participants line up like a train, that is, everyone grabs the waist of the person in front. The main leader begins to tell that his caterpillar is trained and carries out any commands. If she needs to dance, she dances beautifully, if she needs to sing, she sings, and if the caterpillar wants to sleep, then she falls on her side, tightens her paws and snores. And so, the presenter begins to put on disco music, to which everyone starts, without letting go of the neighbor’s waist - to dance, then you can sing in karaoke or even on TV, and then sleep. The game is funny to tears, where everyone shows himself in all his talents. Noise and din is provided.

2. Competitions for adults at the festive table

When the guests get tired of running and jumping, sit down to rest, we will invite them to play without getting up.

Contest "Piggy bank"

We choose a leader. He finds a jar, well, or any empty container. Lets it go in a circle, where everyone puts a coin or big money. After that, the presenter secretly calculates how much is in the jar and offers to guess how much money is in the piggy bank. Guessing, the contents are at their disposal.

By the way, you can tell fortunes on a fabulous evening. Therefore, we have the following entertainment for adults:

Game "Fortune Telling"

To do this, we will prepare in advance a lot of airy, multi-colored balloons and put various playful prophecies in them. For example, “Your constellation is under the influence of Queen Cleopatra, so you will be charmingly beautiful all the years” or “The President of New Guinea will come to visit you” and so on. Each participant chooses a balloon for himself, bursts it and reads his playful note to those present. Everyone has fun, we celebrate the New Year 2018 with games and entertainment, it will be remembered by everyone.

Game "Funny Adjectives"

Here the facilitator calls all the participants the adjectives prepared in advance by him, or writes them out on a piece of paper so that everyone can see. And after the word, in the order in which they are called by those sitting at the table, it is placed in a specially prepared text. Words are added in the order in which they were spoken. Here is a sample.

Adjectives - wonderful, ardent, unnecessary, stingy, drunken, wet, tasty, loud, banana, heroic, slippery, harmful.

Text:“Good night, most (wonderful) friends. On this (ardent) day, my (unnecessary) granddaughter Snegurka and I send you (stingy) greetings and congratulations on the year of the Rooster. The year that was left behind was (drunk) and (wet), but the next one will certainly turn out to be (tasty) and (loud). I want to wish everyone (banana) health and (heroic) happiness, I will give (slippery) gifts at our meeting. Always your (harmful) Santa Claus. Approximately like this. For a slightly tipsy company, the game will be a success, believe me!

The game will be called "Racer"

Great entertainment for the New Year 2018. So, we borrow toy cars from the kids. On each of them we put a glass filled to the top with sparkling sparkling wine. Cars must be carefully pulled by the rope, trying not to spill a drop. Whoever the machine comes to first, and whoever drains the glass to the bottom first, is the winner.
The holiday is in full swing and you can try to move on to bold games for the most not insecure participants.

3. Mobile contests for adults

Ate, drank, it's time to move. We light up and play.

Competition "Clockwork Cockerel"

We call two participants to the Christmas tree. We tie their hands behind their backs, and put some fruit on the dish, for example, a tangerine or an apple, a banana. The task is to peel the fruit and eat it without touching it with your hands. Whoever did it faster, then won. We give the winner a keepsake.

Competition "Clothespins"

It needs two wonderful participants. We blindfold the young ladies and force them to remove all the clothespins from Santa Claus that were previously put on him to the music. In chorus, we consider the removed clothespins, whoever has more of them, she won. Clothespins can be attached to the most unexpected places. But be warned, this game is not for the shy.

Game "Hat"

Everyone can participate. What is the essence of the game: pass the cap to each other, without hands, and the one who drops it tries to put it on his neighbor's head, also without using his hands.

Sobriety test game

We continue the list of New Year's contests and entertainment and the next step is a funny game. Two participants must lift a matchbox with matches that are clamped in their hands. Or another test. We hand each leaf, with a tongue twister written on it. The winner is the one who pronounces the verse faster and more clearly. A promotional souvenir is a must.

See more that will amuse your friends and little guests.

Games and competitions for young children and schoolchildren

Children are of different ages, so we have specially prepared entertainment for both kids and older children, school age, so that everything is exciting and interesting on this magical New Year's Eve. By the way, you can dress up children in costumes of fairy-tale characters and hold a competition for the best costume or a Guessing contest. If there are many children, let each participant guess the costume of the previous one. Distribute sweets and fruits to everyone.

Contests and games for the little ones

  • 1. Competition "Snow Queen".
    We are preparing for it in advance, we will prepare a small drawing of a castle made of snow and a lot of plastic cups. We show the children a drawing, let them remember it well, then hide it. The task itself: from plastic cups to create a castle of the Snow Queen, such as was shown in the picture. The fastest and most accurate child wins a prize.
  • 2. The game "Forest beauty and Santa Claus"
    Children make a circle, holding hands and tell what Christmas trees are. After, everyone depicts what he said.
  • 3. We play New Year's theater
    If the children came in carnival costumes, then let everyone play the role of the one in whose appearance they came. If he cannot, ask him to sing a song or tell a poem. A gift is required for every child.
  • 4. The game "Guessing". The leader of the children begins to pronounce synonyms denoting a fairy-tale hero or the first words of his name, for example, Snowy ..., Ugly ..., Red Santa Claus ..., Princess ..., Koschei ..., Ivan ..., Nightingale ..., A man in the prime of life ... and so on, but kids continue. It will be even more interesting if children can portray these characters.
  • New Year's competitions for schoolchildren

    Older kids love to have fun, and they also like to receive gifts and delicious sweets. Play these funny games with them, reward each with a memorable prize.

  • 1. The game "Boots". We put large felt boots under the tree. The one who runs around the coniferous tree faster and fits into felt boots will win.
  • 2. The game "With signs." When a child or an adult enters the house, we attach paper with an inscription on his back - a giraffe, a hippo, a proud eagle, a bulldozer, a cucumber, a tomato, a rolling pin, a bread slicer, a washcloth, candy, Velcro, and more. Each guest walks and sees what is written on the back of the other, but does not see what is written on him. What is the task, to find out, without asking a direct question, what is written on the back, only “yes” and “no”.
  • 3. The game "we harvest." We put clean fruits, sweets and other goodies in a vase. We give a start, the children run around and grab sweets from the vase with their mouths, whoever pulls the most is the winner.
  • 4. Competition "New Year's song". Children remember New Year's songs from cartoons and films, whoever remembers more wins.

- do not miss the opportunity to do something unusual and original with your own hands, please your loved ones!

New Year's competitions for adults and children at the table

Competition "Whose ball is bigger"

This competition will be interesting for both adults and children. The guests need to distribute a balloon and as soon as the signal is given, everyone should start inflating it. Whoever bursts forward, that player leaves the game. The one who ends up with the most balloons wins.


This competition will also appeal to the older generation. For an organized competition, a leader is needed who will pass a wand in a circle. This must be done to the music, on whom it ends, he performs the ditty. Who will perform the most interesting and funny ditty will receive a prize.

I love - I don't like

This entertainment will bring you laughter and joy. All participants must say what they like and dislike about their neighbor at the table. For example: I love my neighbor's cheeks on the left, and I don't like his hands. And this participant must kiss what he loves and bite what he does not like.

wish ball

We write in advance on the sheets of desire and tasks. During the feast, everyone chooses a ball for himself, and must burst it without the help of hands. Whatever the participant gets, he must do. Fun also depends on imagination.

Cheerful and joyful mood depends on cheerful, cheerful people. Also on New Year's Eve, fortune telling will be fun.

Let's guess on paper

We take strips of paper, write down the questions that interest us, our desires. We put everything in a wide bowl and pour water. That piece of paper that will float up and will be a positive answer or wish fulfillment.

Invent, play, have fun - and your holiday will remain in your memory for a long time, and the new year 2019, the year of the Earth Pig, will bring you good luck!

Active New Year's game for the company "Throw the ball"

The guys are divided into two teams. A ribbon is stretched between the teams at the height of the players' faces. On one side and on the other, there are 5-10 balls. The task of the players is to transfer all their balls to the opponent's side. It is forbidden to throw the balls to the other side under the tape. At the command of the leader “Stop”, the children should freeze and put their hands behind their backs. The host starts counting the balls. Whichever side has fewer balls wins.

The game is very fun, dynamic, causes a storm of emotions that children sometimes cannot cope with. Therefore, the host must warn that if, after the “Stop” command, the children continue to throw the balls with their hands or push them with their feet, the offending team will be considered the loser. During the game, the balls often burst mercilessly, you should not pay attention to this. The main thing is the end result.

Active New Year's game for the Transmission company

You will need:

- 2 sheets of cardboard the size of a playing card.

Players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines. The host gives the first players in the line cardboard cards. Task: pass the card from one player to another, holding it in your mouth.

The team that completes the task first wins. The losing team must drink at the "penalty". Then a piece comes off the cards, and the game is repeated.

Active New Year's game for the company "Tug of war"

This common, fun, noisy game is most often played between children and parents. Children are terribly fond of competing with their parents, they have no doubt that they will win, and (of course, not without the help of their parents) they win. But it also happens that the participants of the holiday get so into the taste that a whole tug-of-war championship is arranged between families, dads, moms, etc.

Active New Year's game for the company "Letter"

The players stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader is in the center of the circle. One of the players says: “I am sending a letter...” and says the name of any player standing in the circle. He passes the "letter" by shaking hands to the right or left neighbor. The player whose hand was shaken must pass the shake to the next player. When the player to whom the “letter” was sent feels the squeezing, he must say: “Received!” - and, in turn, announce to whom he sends a “letter”.

The leader's task is to intercept the "letter". To do this, he must point to the person who is currently transmitting the "letter". It is quite difficult to do this, since the host does not know in which direction the "letter" is sent. If the leader has coped with his task, he becomes in a circle, and the player caught in the transmission of the “letter” takes the place of the leader.

Active New Year's game for the company "Try, pierce!"

One or two balloons are tied to the leg or both legs of the guests. The task of the players is to pierce other people's balls in any way and protect their own.

Active New Year's game for the company "Try it, separate it!"

The host invites a strong and brave boy to approach him. He gives him a hoop in his left hand, and asks him to put it in his right hand. In this hand, he also gives a hoop. Hoops for this fun should be small - about 40-45 cm in diameter. It could be a teenage bike rim suitably prepared for the competition. “Now try to separate them,” the host says, “only you can’t take your hands off the hoops.” Nevertheless, it is possible to free yourself, and it is not as difficult to do as it seems. The hoop, which the viewer holds in his left hand, must be put on his head, passed through the entire body, and then exit it. This is how this problem is solved.

Active New Year's game for the company "Put the boxes"

2-3 inverted stools are placed on the floor, the participants stand 2m from it. Each of them has four matchboxes in their hands. They should go to the stool with their eyes closed and put the boxes on the legs of the stool. The winner is the one who does it faster and without errors.

Active New Year's game for the company "Kisses"

You will need:

- handkerchief;

One player is seated on a chair and blindfolded. The others take turns kissing him. The player sitting on the chair is trying to determine who it was.

Important! All players must kiss the seated person, regardless of gender.

If the name is guessed correctly, the players change places and the game continues.

Active New Year's game for the company "Rainbow"

The players become in a circle. The host calls the colors, for example, says: “Yellow! One, two, three!”, “Blue! One two Three!" etc. During the time the host is counting, the players must touch the thing of the named color.

Important! Players must find the thing of the indicated color without leaving the circle formed by the participants.

The one who last touched the thing of the desired color leaves the game. The winner is the participant remaining in the game.

Active New Year's game for the company "One Blow"

In this simple but fun competition, you can get a prize, as children sometimes say, on fu-fu. You just need to try and blow as it should on ... On what will be at hand: on balls from a crumpled napkin, on corks from wine bottles, on empty matchboxes ...

On a flat floor or an empty table, two objects are placed in line, let's say two empty matchboxes. Competitors stand at the same distance from them and, at the signal of the host, blow strongly once. The one who blows again, automatically loses. The one whose object flew the farthest wins.

And you can also compete like this: push a slightly empty cardboard box out of the box, put the boxes to your mouth (attach, not put in your mouth!) And blow hard. This is a competition whose “shot” will be more distant. And you can put some kind of target - a box, a bucket, a pan and, standing at full height, hit it from a certain distance. Each is given five "shots".

Active New Year's game for the company "Scout"

You will need:

- 2 baby rattles;

- 2 chairs;

- rope.

The host invites two people to participate in the game. A baby rattle is attached to each player's belt on a rope. The length of the rope should be such that the rattle is at knee level. 2 chairs are placed at a distance of 2 m from the start. The task of the participants is to go the distance, go around the chair and go back. The winner is the participant who managed to complete the distance with the least noise.

Active New Year's game for the company "The most daring"

You will need:

Diploma "For courage and the fight against prejudice."

The host proposes to create women's and men's teams. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to take off their clothes and lay them out in one line.

Important! Each team has its own line.

The task of the players is to lay out a line of clothes longer than that of rivals. The winning team receives a certificate "For courage and the fight against prejudice."

Can not live without you

You will need:

recordings with fast dance melodies.

The players are divided into pairs. Women become, forming an inner circle, men - an outer one. The leader turns on the music, and both circles start moving in opposite directions. When the music breaks, the leader commands: "Hand to hand!" After that, the partners should find their mate as soon as possible and snuggle up to each other with their hands. The pair that completes this task last is eliminated. The game continues, and each time the leader gives new commands, for example: nose to nose, hand to knee, butt to butt, ear to ear, etc.

The winning couple receives a prize - Santa Claus's cap and the Snow Maiden's crown. After all, such mutual understanding arises only when you spend more than one century together!

Active New Year's game for the company "The Most Stubborn"

You will need:

chairs - according to the number of participants;

inflated balloons;

diploma "The most persistent."

Balloons are pre-tied to the seats of chairs. Then the participants take their places - each near his chair. At the leader's command, the players must sit on the ball and crush it.

Important! The host does not explain until the end of the game how the winner will be determined.

This task only at first glance seems simple. It invariably causes a lot of laughter, both among the participants and the fans. The player who manages to do it last wins. As a prize, he is awarded a balloon and a diploma "The Most Stubborn".

Active New Year's game for the "Harvesting" company

The task of the players of each team is to transfer oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

Active New Year's game for the company "Snipers"

You will need:

- matches - 10 pieces for each participant;

- a cardboard box from under the shoes;

paper tubes for each player;

prize - "Diploma of a sniper".

First you need to prepare the “shells” - cut off the sulfur heads from the matches. Then each player is given 10 matches prepared in this way and a paper tube. The shoe box is placed on a chair 2 m from the participants. Using paper tubes as blowguns, participants must hit it with matches. Each participant maintains a separate account. The winner is the one who managed to throw the most "shells" at the target. It is he who is awarded the "Sniper Diploma".

Active New Year's game for the company "Snow Wire"

You will need:

- rope.

Participants stand one after another and hold on to the rope with their left hand. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. If he managed to do this, the last player becomes the first number and the game continues.

Choose a gift

- rope;

- strong silk thread;

- handkerchief;

- scissors;

- many small gifts. This game is known to many, but that doesn't make it any less fun. A lot of small prizes should be hung on threads on a stretched rope: toys, sweets, fruits.

Participants line up at a distance of 2 m from the rope with gifts. The first participant is blindfolded, given scissors in their hands and scrolled around its axis several times. His task is to approach the rope and cut off the gift. Then the scissors are passed to the next participant. This continues until the gifts run out. The most difficult task is for the last participants: at this point there are few prizes left and it can be very difficult to determine where they are.

Active New Year's game for the company "Dancing in the Dark"

You will need:

headscarves - by the number of participants;

10 empty bottles.

The players are divided into two teams. The start is determined and at a distance of 4-5 m - the finish. In a straight line from start to finish, 5 empty bottles are placed. The players are blindfolded, after which they must go the distance without knocking down the bottles.

Important! The team must walk the distance holding hands.

For each bottle not knocked down, the team receives 1 point. The team that earns more points is declared the winner.

Active New Year's game for the company "Shadow Theater"

You will need:

a large sheet of paper;

table lamp;

various household items.

A sheet of paper acts as a screen, a lamp is installed behind it. The light from it is directed to the screen. Various household items (scissors, spoon, alarm clock, pen, cup, etc.) are placed between the lamp and the screen. The task of the participants is to determine the subject

Active New Year's game for the company "2 dumbbells"

The players are divided into two teams. The start and finish are determined. The task for each player: stand on a dumbbell and, pushing off with one foot, "get" to the finish line. There you should take the dumbbell in your hands, return and pass it to the next player. The team that can overcome the distance first wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "Thin nature"

You will need:

- 3 stools;

– 3 opaque bags;

- walnuts;

- scarves;

- Diploma "Subtle nature".

To participate in the game, the host invites three women. The participants are blindfolded and told that the purpose of the game is to determine how developed their sensitivity is. In the meantime, three stools are placed in a row, 2 to 5 nuts are placed on each, and they are covered with an opaque bag on top. The preparations for the game are over. Participants are seated on stools, and with music for two to three minutes, they must determine how many nuts are on their stool. The winner is the one who will be able to name the exact number of nuts, it is she who deservedly receives the diploma "Delicate nature".

Active New Year's game for the company "Guess who?"

The participants are divided into two equal teams. One of the teams starts the game by thinking of some abstract concept, for example, infinity, a castle, a vacuum cleaner, etc. representative of the opposing team. This person should not tell his native team what they thought to him, but shows this word with the help of gestures and facial expressions. It is very funny to watch a person who portrays, for example, a drunken penguin!

Active New Year's game for the "Firing practice" company

You will need:

large umbrella;

tennis ball.

First, the start line is marked, at a distance of 3-4 m from it they put an umbrella with the handle up. The task of each player is to throw the ball so that it remains inside the umbrella.

Important! The first time the ball is thrown simply into the umbrella, the second time it bounces off the floor.

The player with the best result after two tasks wins.

Active New Year's game for the "Khvatalka" company

You will need:

- 2 chairs;

- a rope 1 m long.

The host puts two chairs back to back and invites two participants. The rope is placed under the chairs. At the command of the leader, the players sitting on the chairs should grab the rope as soon as possible and pull it out from under the chair. The winner is the one who managed to do it first.

Active New Year's game for the "Turtle Race" company

You will need:

- 4 empty bottles;

- 2 chairs;

- pieces of rope.

Two teams take part in the game, and each must have an even number of players so that they can be divided into pairs. Chairs are placed at a distance of 3 m from the start, and empty bottles are placed in front of each chair at a distance of 1 m and 2 m. The players' legs are tied with a rope: the left leg of the partner on the right, with the right leg of the one on the left. In this position, the couple must go along the "snake" route, bypassing all the bottles and the chair.

Important! If the players drop a bottle or a chair, they must return to the start and start their stage again.

The team that completes the route first wins.

Important! Participants do not disclose the content of the note to the audience.

Active New Year's game for the "Warrior's Honor" company

You will need:

- teaspoons;

- ping-pong balls.

The host invites 3-4 participants and gives them teaspoons and ping-pong balls. Each player must take a teaspoon in his mouth, and put a ball on it. The task is to knock down the ball from the opponents and not let your own be knocked down.

Important! Players must not help themselves with their hands.

The player who is the last to be left with an unbroken ball is the winner. It was he who managed to protect the honor of a warrior.

Active New Year's game for the company "Pole for sobriety"

You will need:

- chairs - by the number of players;

- glasses;

- alcohol.

Players sit on chairs close to each other. Each player must place his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and his right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. The extreme players put one hand on their knee (on the side where there is no neighbor). The right winger claps on his knee, then the players need to clap so that the claps are distributed in a row. When it is the second winger's turn, he pats his knee twice and play is reversed. Gradually, the pace of the game accelerates. Those players who miss their turn are out of the game. The last three remaining participants are declared winners, at the moment they are the most sober in the company. The winners must drink "penalties" in order not to be too different from the rest of the company.

Active New Year's game for the "Chef" company

The host leaves the room for a while. From among the rest of the players, a “boss” is selected. All participants stand in a circle and invite the leader. After his return, the "chief" begins to show various movements, and the rest of the players repeat after him. The host's goal is to guess who the "boss" is. If he manages to do this in two attempts, the “chef” becomes the leader, if not, the leader leaves the room again, and the players choose another “chef”.

Active New Year's game for the company "Nimble seller"

It would be nice if the shop assistants acted as quickly as the children during this game.

The contestants are divided into two equal teams. Everyone takes off their shoes in the next room and puts them in a common pile. This is a store warehouse. After that, the players come back and turn into "customers". Team captains are "sellers". Their job is to find out what shoes to bring, and not to make a mistake in choosing a pair.

At the signal of the facilitator, the children one by one begin to describe the shoes that they need to bring. They naturally describe briefly and ask to bring their mate. As soon as the information from the "buyer" is received, the "seller" immediately rushes to the "warehouse" and brings the right pair.

The player, i.e., the “buyer”, must behave like in a good store: not enough shoes, but only substitute his foot, the “seller” will put on shoes himself. The task of the "seller" is to quickly bring shoes and put on shoes for all team members.

If the “seller” brings the wrong pair, then, of course, he runs for another. While running around, the “salesman” must behave correctly with his colleague, do not push him, they should not collide at the door. And "customers" - briefly and accurately describe their shoes. The team whose captain finishes the job first wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "Oh, I'll give a ride!"

You will need:

The game is played by two teams of three. They mark the start and at a distance of 4-5 m - the finish. Each team receives the ball, one of the players stands on it, and the other two support it under the elbows. At the signal of the leader, the player begins to roll the ball, stepping on it. The task of each team is to come to the finish line first.

Active New Year's game for the company "Young firefighters"

Two compete. They sit on chairs at a distance of 2 m with their backs to each other. Jackets or jackets with sleeves turned inside out hang on the backs of chairs. This is "form". Under the chairs is a rope, the ends of which just reach the legs of the contestants. This is a fire hose. At the sign of the leader, the “young firefighters” put their “uniform” in order, put it on, fasten all the buttons, run around the chairs three times, counting loudly: “One, two, three!”, Sit on the chairs and pull the “fireman hose". In whose hands he remained, that is the winner, that is, the "young fireman."

Active New Year's game for the company "Apples"

You will need:

Players are divided into pairs. The rope is pulled so that the apples attached to it are at the level of the belt. The task for each couple is to eat an apple as soon as possible.

Important! You cannot help yourself.

"Dirty tricks" are allowed in the game - it is not forbidden to push and push neighboring pairs with elbows. The pair that completes the task first wins.

The balloon is attached to the player's ankle with a rope. The task of the participant in the game is to slam someone else's ball and not let your own slam. To protect his ball, the player is given a newspaper.

Important! You can only pop the balls with your feet. If a player's balloon pops, he is out of the game.

The last player whose ball is still intact is declared the winner.

Active New Year's game for the company "Ice - Ice Melt"

You will need:

pieces of ice - by the number of participants; letter "The warmest heart."

All participants are given a piece of ice.

Important! All pieces must be the same size.

The goal is to melt the ice as soon as possible. You can do it with your hands, you can put it on your cheek, you can rub it on your chest - there are no restrictions! The first one to cope with the task receives the diploma "The warmest heart".

Active New Year's competition for the company "Auto racing"

It is necessary to draw two lanes, indicating the start and finish. The same ropes will come in handy for the game. Only at one end we will tie a toy car, and we will tie the other end to the middle of a 30-centimeter stick (you can use part of the handle from the mop).

Two contestants try to wind the rope around the stick so quickly, rotating it with both hands, so that the car tied to the other end comes to the finish line first.

Active New Year's competition for the Akkuratist company

For this contest, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. Santa Claus, presenter and commentator, rewards the one who does it more accurately.

Active New Year's competition for the company "Running in a bag"

There is probably no adult who has not participated in this competition at least once in his life. It seemed that this bored competition was forever in the past. But no! Today, it is increasingly common at mass holidays and in school gyms. And the participants of the holidays respond to it with enthusiasm.

The essence of the competition is very simple: the opponents put a bag on their feet, which they hold in their hands or tie on their belts. "Running" in the bag is possible only if you spread your legs in the corners of the bag and pull it well. In this case, the runner resembles a hobbled horse. Some prefer to pull the bag, jumping like a kangaroo. In any case, a man running in a bag makes a very funny impression. At the same time, the excitement inherent in the competition makes this competition as beloved as the Tug of War. The one who reaches the finish line the fastest wins.