A summary of mathematical development in the middle group. A summary of mathematical development classes in the middle group "Journey to Africa". Video: fixing elementary knowledge in mathematics using a multimedia board

Summary of classes in mathematics in the younger group "Circle, Square, Triangle"

Purpose: Fastening the knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).



- Continue to acquaint children with a triangle, form skills to distinguish and call it, examine the relative way, classify figures in color and title;

- form skills to distinguish between geometric shapes among themselves;

- call objects round, square and triangular shape;

- Fastening the skills of using glue, learn to make a booth for a dog from geometric shapes: a circle, square and triangle.


- development of memory, imagination;


- educate accuracy while working with glue.

Demonstration material: Circle, square, triangle.

Handout: a set of geometric shapes; Large and small circles of 2 colors, large and small triangles of 2 colors; Squares are large and small. Among them are the same as the educator.

Application material: For each child, 1 cut out of colored paper circle, square and triangle, glue, sheet of paper.

Travel course:

On the magnetic board there are three pictures (circle, square, triangle).

Children sit beyond the tables.

Educator: Guys, a puppy came to visit today, and he wants to check how you know the geometric shapes well. Show him how do we know them well?

The tutor shows the children a circle of blue and asks:

Children: a circle.

Educator: What colour is he?

Children: Blue.

Educator: You also have a circle on the tables, show it.

What did you show?

Children: a circle.

Educator: What colour is he?

Children: Saint

Educator: This is a blue circle. And now circle it with your finger.

- Guys, and he rolls? Try to rent it.

The tutor then shows the children of a yellow triangle and asks in children:

- Who knows that this (if children do not answer, the teacher calls the figure himself, then asks children with him to repeat the word by the word, and then two-three children say independently)

- Guys, and now find the triangle on the table.

- Raise it.

- Can I roll it?

- Why it is impossible to roll, which prevents?

Children: Corners.

Educator: What figure did you show?

Educator: And now, guys, see what figures lie on your table?

- What color are they?

- Set the red forms and name them.

- Square squares. What color are they and how many of them?

- Set Circles. How many of them?

Game "Find the same figure"


- Guys, you are geometric shapes - a circle, a square and a triangle.

- Now what kind of figure I will raise, you also have to find the same on your table, raise it and call it.


Someone in the morning, slowly (walking in place)

Yellow ball inflates (children blow and dilute with hands)

And how to get out of the hands (raise your hands up, cotton)

It will be suddenly light around (turn)

What is this ball? (Children choir "Sun")

Educator: Well done boys!

Finger gymnastics "Orange"

We divided the orange,

A lot of us, and he is alone.

It's a slicer for hedgehogs

This rolling for string,

This slicker for ducks,

This slicing for kittens,

This slicing for beaver

And for the wolf ... peel.

He is angry with us, trouble!

Spare who is where.

Educator: "Guys, a puppy says that you are well done, you know geometric shapes well.

"But he has one problem, he has nowhere to live and he asks us to make a house for him."

And who knows what is the name of a dog for a dog?

Will help him make a house?

(To put children for the second table, where in advance is the material for appliqués: geometric shapes, glue and white paper sheet)

Educator: - Guys, before each of you are geometric shapes. Let's call them again with you.

Children: Circle, square, triangle.

Educator: - What do you think from what figure we will make the walls of the booth?

Children: From the square.

Educator: And from which roof of the booth?

Children: From the triangle.

Educator: But our puppy, after all, you need to somehow get into your booth, you need to make an entrance for him, so take the circle and stick it in the center of the square.

Educator: Well done boys.

"Puppy you are very grateful that you made a booth for him."

- Let's say goodbye to the puppy, say to him "Goodbye!"

- I think he will ever ever want to come to the lesson.

Educator: Guys, let's remember with you, what kind of figures do we talk about today?

Children: About the circle, square and triangle.

Educator: Well done boys.

"See guys, a puppy left and left his treat for you."

The summary of the final exercise on the development of mathematical ideas of children of the Central Group "Training with an adventure"


Promote the formation of ideas about geometric bodies, the ability to recognize the objects of familiar geometric forms in the environment; Secure account up to 8 view of numbers and numbers within 8.


To actualize the submission of children about the studied geometric bodies in a new problem situation.
Training ability to correlate flat geometric shapes with spatial bodies, develop mental processes.
Fasten the sequence account to 8, the ability to find the missing number.
Training the ability to distinguish between numbers 1-8, develop communication abilities.
Training the ability to find geometric forms in surrounding items.
Continue learning to classify items, develop mental operations: comparison, analysis, generalization.


Presentation of the game "Four-extra", multimedia equipment, tickets with numbers, numbers on chairs from 1 to 8, blocks of Dienesh, doll fairy, "passports" geometric bodies, cone, cube, ball, cylinder and magic bag, whistle.

Travel course:

Communicative game "Hello friend"

Children stand swiss free.


Still say hello to guests. Tell me, guys are you today everyone in the morning greeted? Let's say hello again, but not in words, but awesome. (Ears, shoulder, tummy, knees). And now let's take hands and make a small circle. We raise your hands up and say hello to the sun, feel it warm, and now I will give it warm to each other. (Closed with a palm boat to lower in front of them, pour them on them).
The educator comes SMS message to the phone: in the country geometric figures trouble. Residents of the geometric country are asked to help them escape from the evil fairy prism. To do this, it is necessary to overcome the difficulty perform a lot of tasks. Help the residents of the country of geometric figures?
Come on? The path is far away on what we go? (Airplane, train, bus, etc.) Here are tickets. The evil fairy mixed all the numbers, and one digit disappeared. That figure, what is not on your ticket and there will be a place number in our train (aircraft, bus, etc.). Whistle, the train goes ...

Station first "Gaughty"

Game "Find Figure"


The first station, go out. (Fairy doll appears).

Fairy doll:

Why did they come? Who called you?


We came to help out the inhabitants of the geometric country.

Fairy doll:

You never get there! You do not know geometric shapes.


Fairy doll:

I will not believe for anything until I see. Try you to find geometric shapes in the surrounding items. Haha, you will never find them.

Children call items and are told, in what kind of place the subject hid geometric shapes hid.

Fairy doll:

I see, you know. So be, I miss you. But with the following task you definitely do not cope.

Station Second "Poiga"

The Fourth Extreme game

Presentation of the game. Children call an excess object on slides and justify their choice. With the right answer, the subject disappears.

Fairy doll:

And with this task they coped! Well done! It was even angry. Let's see what successes will be next. Train departs. (Whistle).

Station Third "Geometric"

Fairy doll:

I hid the inhabitants of the geometric country into your magic bag. You can not looking at learning, and even a passport to find it - save. We will not be able to sit in a bag always.


Can you? Let's pair. One will try to learn to find out who sits there, another will find his passport. The rest of the children check whether the task is performed correctly.

Fairy doll:

And with this task they coped! Fu, even angry not interesting. I give the last task. Here I have my magic houses-boxes, and they live geometric shapes. Let's see how well you are familiar with them.
Note, you need to work in a pair and friendly, then with all my tasks handle.

Put on the carpet 4 not a blue triangle.
Okay. Add 6 not yellow circles to them.
Well done! Below 8 not red squares.
Excellent. Even below, place 7 rectangles.

Well done! I managed with all the tasks so well that I was not angry, but a good fairy. Good to be so nice. You saved all the inhabitants. Thank you guys. You've time to go the train goes. We are waiting for you again. Bye. Return to kindergarten.


Where did we visit today?
What did you like best?
What did you get better?
What game would you like to play again?

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song) came out in American rental about the abduction of the girl in the Caucasus Mountains. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played in this film of local zhulikov. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Materials section

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

State budgetary institution

Kindergarten number 14 of the Kirov district

Node on mathematical development in the middle group

"Magic Teremok"

Performed educator

Vermaeva Jan Andreevna

St. Petersburg



Fasten the skill to move in a given direction.

Explain that the result of the account does not depend on the value of the items (within 5).

Learn to compare items in size (within 5), lay them out in a decreasing and increasing sequence, denote the results of comparison with words: the largest, smaller, even less, the smallest, more.

Abstract Node for FMP in the medium group "Magic Teremok"

Software tasks:

Consolidate the names of geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square);

Consolidate the ability to relate the number of items with the number;

Improve account skills within 5;

Develop memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination;

Bring up independence, the ability to understand the learning task;

Relieve the ability to help, friendly relationships.


Demonstration Material: Bababo Doll - Mouse, Cards with Numbers and Skin Pictures, Geometric Shapes (Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle), Toys (Five Cubes, Four Matryoshka, Three Bear, Masha and Bear, One Hedgehog), Four Wrap, Tuben .

Distribution material: geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), cards with numbers.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, reading fiction, health, physical culture.

Node move:

Educator: Children, will you only look, who came to visit us?

Mouse: Guys Hello, I'm a mouse-norushka, from the fairy tale "Teremok" did you find out me? With me today, the story happened. Want to listen to what?

Children: We want

Mouse: I came running to the teremku and ask: "Who lives in the Terema? Who lives in a low?" And the voice of the Teremka responds: "Teremok will open his door only to someone who fulfill all my tasks." Will you help me complete the tasks that magic teremok gave?

Exercise 1

"Name geometric shapes"

What is the name of this figure? (Square)

And who can call this figure? (Rectangle)

Look very carefully and tell me what is the difference between the rectangle from the square? (children answer)

How can this be checked? (Impose them on each other)

What do we see now? What can we say? (Two sides of the rectangle are longer than the square, and the other two are the same)

And how is the square of the triangle different? (The triangle has three angle and three sides, and the square has four corners and four sides)

What is the difference between a circle from a square? (The circle has no corners and sides)

Task 2.

"Find a picture of the figure"

(On the floor lie four hoops, in the center of each geometric figure. The educator distributes to children on one geometric figure)

Educator: While I will knock on the tambourine, you go in different directions. As soon as the tambourine silete, you need to find a hoop with your geometric figure and get up around it. (The game is repeated several times, while children change their figures)

Task 3.

"Show the right"

(The educator calls geometric shapes, and children raise the geometric shape, which the tutor calls).

Task number 4.

"Hit the tambourine as many times as the figure shows"

(The tutor raises the card with a digit, the child must hit the tambourine as many times as the figure shows).


Up hand and down hand

Up hand and down hand.

Pulled them slightly.

Quickly changed hands!

We are not bored today. (One straight hand up, another down, jerk change hands.)

Squat with cotton:

Down - cotton and up - cotton.

Legs kneading

I know exactly - it will be (Squats, cotton in your hands above your head.)

Cool-we will put your head

We smear the neck. Pave! (Rotation heads to the right and left.)

Task number 5.

"Candor right"

(The tutor exists substantive pictures to easel. Children should correctly relate the number of items with a number).

Educator: Guys, you are very good and most importantly coped with all the tasks correctly, so the teremk doors are open for mouse-nomushka. Let's say goodbye to the mouse, she must be rushing into her fairy tale. And if the mouse-norush will need our help, we will help her. True guys?

Mouse: Thank you guys. You are very kind and you helped me very much. Bye.

The educator summarizes the class: who came to visit us today? What story happened to her? How could we help her? What tasks did we perform? Have you liked to help the mouse-nirushka? (Children's responses).

Summary of classes in mathematics in the younger group "Circle, Square, Triangle"

Purpose: Fastening the knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).



Continue to acquaint children with a triangle, form skills to distinguish and call it, examine the relative way, classify figures in color and title;

Form skills to distinguish geometric shapes among themselves;

Call objects round, square and triangular shape;

Fastening the skills of using glue, learn to make a booth for a dog from geometric shapes: a circle, square and triangle.


Development of memory, imagination;


Relieve accuracy while working with glue.

Demonstration material: Circle, square, triangle.

Handout: a set of geometric shapes; Large and small circles of 2 colors, large and small triangles of 2 colors; Squares are large and small. Among them are the same as the educator.

Application material: For each child, 1 cut out of colored paper circle, square and triangle, glue, sheet of paper.

Travel course:

On the magnetic board there are three pictures (circle, square, triangle).

Children sit beyond the tables.

Educator: Guys, a puppy came to visit today, and he wants to check how you know the geometric shapes well. Show him how do we know them well?

The tutor shows the children a circle of blue and asks:

Children: a circle.

Educator: What colour is he?

Children: Blue.

Educator: You also have a circle on the tables, show it.

What did you show?

Children: a circle.

Educator: What colour is he?

Children: Saint

Educator: This is a blue circle. And now circle it with your finger.

Guys, and he rolls? Try to rent it.

The tutor then shows the children of a yellow triangle and asks in children:

Who knows that this (if the children do not answer, the teacher calls the figure himself, then asks the children with him to repeat the word by the word, and then two-three children say independently)

Guys, and now find the triangle on your table.

Raise it.

Can I roll it?

Why it is impossible to roll, which prevents?

Children: Corners.

Educator: What figure did you show?

Educator: And now, guys, see what figures lie on your table?

What color are they?

Post down the red forms and name them.

Set squares. What color are they and how many of them?

Set circles. How many of them?

Game "Find the same figure"


Guys, in front of you are geometric shapes - circle, square and triangle.

Now what kind of figure I will raise, you also have to find the same on your table, raise it and call it.


Someone in the morning, slowly (walking in place)

Yellow ball inflates (children blow and dilute with hands)

And how to get out of the hands (raise your hands up, cotton)

It will be suddenly light around (turn)

What is this ball? (Children choir "Sun")

Educator: Well done boys!

Finger gymnastics "Orange"

We divided the orange,

A lot of us, and he is alone.

It's a slicer for hedgehogs

This rolling for string,

This slicker for ducks,

This slicing for kittens,

This slicing for beaver

And for the wolf ... peel.

He is angry with us, trouble!

Spare who is where.

Educator: "Guys, a puppy says that you are well done, you know geometric shapes well.

But he has one problem, he has nowhere to live and he asks us to make a house for him.

And who knows what is the name of a dog for a dog?

Will help him make a house?

(To put children for the second table, where in advance is the material for appliqués: geometric shapes, glue and white paper sheet)

Educator: - Guys, before each of you are geometric shapes. Let's call them again with you.

Children: Circle, square, triangle.

Educator: - What do you think from what figure we will make the walls of the booth?

Children: From the square.

Educator: And from which roof of the booth?

Children: From the triangle.

Educator: But our puppy, after all, you need to somehow get into your booth, you need to make an entrance for him, so take the circle and stick it in the center of the square.

Educator: Well done boys.

The puppy you are very grateful that you made a booth for him.

Let's say goodbye to the puppy, let's tell him "Goodbye!"

I think he will ever want to come to the lesson.

Educator: Guys, let's remember with you, what kind of figures do we talk about today?

Children: About the circle, square and triangle.

Educator: Well done boys.

Watch guys, the puppy left and left his treat for you.

Software content:

1. To acquaint with the formation of Number 8, learn to consider children up to 8.

2. Secure spatial relationships (left, right, in the middle, on, about, for).

3. Recognize and call geometric shapes, their properties, develop logical thinking, educate in children the desire to engage in mathematics through the game.

Travel course:

Guys, today we go on the journey. But on what we will go, now we know, guessing the riddle:

Does not fly, not buzz

Beetle on the street runs,

Wears rubber shoes and feed on gasoline.

Look, guys, we had a squirrel on the way. This protein is an artist.

Look, what picture she painted, let's go and carefully consider it.

What is drawn in the middle? (wood)

How many trees are drawn? (one)

Show me a number 1.

What is drawn to the right of the tree? (pond with ducks)

How many ducks? (choral and individual account. 5 ducks)

Show the number 5.

What is painted on the left? (mushrooms)

How many mushrooms? (4. Choir and Individual Account)

Show Number 4.

Guys did you like the picture of the squirrel?

A squirrel gives a picture of children.

And let's guys, we will make a white gift.

What does a squirrel love? (mushrooms, bumps, jump from one branch to another)

So we will give proteins of cones and mushrooms. - You have mushrooms and bumps on your plate, as well as the cards with the 2nd stripes.

Put 7 mushrooms on the upper strip.

The score of children.

On the lower 7 cones.

How many cones? (7) - on top.

How many mushrooms (7) are on the bottom.

So their equally. And now add one mushroom.

How many mushrooms? (8) And cones are still 7. What are more cones or mushrooms?

How much more? (on 1)

What needs to be done to equally equally? (Add 1 bump)

River, what? (Wide, deep)

How do we go to her?

Responses of children.

We correctly swim it on the boat.

We make a boat from the Vaobobovich square.

Oh, look who meets us.

Guys, Hedgehog wants to play with us with us in the game "Nazis Right" (Hedgehog sits on hemp, behind hemp, near hemp).

Well done guys.

Our journey continues.

We came to the mysterious forest. Guys, see forty flew.

Forty Beloboka, that you brought us (Soroki in the beak glitters the bag).

I got a letter.

I am Bear Kosolapoy

Cheerful and shaggy

In the forest calm lived

With a lyrics of a friend

And the evil sorcerer once

I ruined us all.

You guys help

From the figures collect us.

Here are photos of bears and chanterelles. Get out of the bag.

Let's calculate how many figures in the image of the bears.

What color is the figure?


What do these figures call?


Children collect bear. Consider.

Let's consider how many shapes in the Fox image.

What do these figures call?

What color are they?

Children collect fox.

On this, our journey approached the end. It is time for us to return to our kindergarten. Children sit in the car and go to kindergarten.


1. Smolentseva A.A., Empty O.V., Mathematics to the school N.Novgorod, 2000.

2. Mikhailova Z.A., Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers. M., 2001.