Mango butter: properties and uses, recipes with mango butter. Mango butter: composition, properties, application and treatment

Among all the components of certain cosmetic products, mango butter deserves special attention.

This product is widely used in cosmetology because it has an amazing moisturizing effect and many other beneficial properties. The use of this product is appropriate for caring for the skin of the face, hands and nails, body, and hair.

In contact with

The main form of this product is solid oil, although essential oil is also used. Its use in the manufacture of certain cosmetics depends on the form and manner in which the product is manufactured. Most often it is sold in the form of a batter.


Mango essential oil does not have a distinct odor, therefore it is not used in aromatherapy as a main component. On the other hand, it is added to shampoos, balms and hair conditioners, and nail care products, since it contains those chemical structures that contribute to the overall effect of a particular cosmetic product.

This is what a bottle of mango essential oil looks like

Solid and semi-solid

Solid mango butter (batter) melts when it comes into contact with the skin, which makes it convenient for isolated use as a cream. Mango butter also has virtually no odor.

This batter does not deteriorate for a long time and has a high emulsion ability, which allows it to be used for preparing homemade cosmetics. To do this, it must be heated in a water bath and added to the existing substance.

This is what solid mango butter, the so-called butter, looks like

How do they get it?

This product is obtained not from the pulp itself, but from the seeds. Two methods are used for its manufacture:

  • cold pressing method;
  • extraction method.

If pressing is used, the chemical structure of all the beneficial contents of the mango seed is preserved, since this is a purely mechanical method of making butter.

The already crushed seeds are placed under a press, the oily substance itself is squeezed out, but this substance is not allowed to heat up. Low temperature promotes the release of unchanged fatty acids and vitamins into the finished product.

During extraction, chemical solvents are used to ensure maximum degreasing of the original product.

Composition and properties

What is mango butter made of? The properties and use of mango oil in cosmetology are dictated by the substances it contains. It is its specific chemical composition that distinguishes it from other vegetable oils.

It contains:

  • high amount of fatty acids (oleic, stearic, palmitic, eicosanoic acid, etc.);
  • many vitamins: water-soluble C, B and fat-soluble A, D, E;
  • trace elements calcium, potassium, ferrum, magnesium.

It has:

  • exceptional penetrating ability;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • stimulating effect on the regenerative activity of the skin;
  • protective effect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • antiallergic effect.

Application in cosmetology

This substance from mango seeds is very widely used in cosmetology, due to its multifaceted positive effects on the skin. It can be used both as a substance on its own and as an additional substance, adding it to ready-made cosmetic products. It is also appropriate to use mango butter when preparing homemade cosmetics.

For hair

Mango oil for hair is used quite actively. This batter perfectly nourishes the hair and helps it retain the moisture necessary for its healthy condition. Mango butter envelops the hair along its entire length and smoothes out the hair scales, thus giving the hair a healthy and rich look.

Butter is best suited for colored or weakened hair due to vitamin deficiency. It is also appropriate to use it if the hair is subject to frequent aggressive external influences: daily fixatives, hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons.

To improve the condition of your hair, you can add mango oil heated in a water bath to your conditioner or shampoo. Mango butter is also an excellent component for oil-based hair masks.

If you smear the ends of your hair with oil, this will prevent split ends and brittleness.

Its use will also improve the quality of scalp massage. In parallel with the improvement of blood flow to the hair follicles, the skin itself will be saturated with vitamins and microelements.

For face

Mango butter has no comedogenic properties, so it can be safely used for daily face creams. Mango oil for the face is suitable for both cold and warm seasons. During periods of increased insolation, it will protect the skin of the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

It is important to remember that sunbathing is always stressful for the skin! For sunburn, this oil will reduce inflammation and promote rapid healing of the skin, reduce dryness, and also prevent infectious complications.

During the cold season, this oil will help retain invaluable moisture to the skin and protect it from drying out. And if you add mango butter, whose properties include moisturizing and improving skin elasticity, to anti-wrinkle creams, its effect will be noticeable much earlier.

For body

Mango butter for the body is used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy and for some endocrine diseases. It is appropriate to apply it to problem areas (thighs, abdomen, buttocks) when performing programs aimed at weight loss in order to avoid sagging and sagging skin.

Mango butter perfectly soothes skin irritated after hair removal.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of mango oil in hand cosmetics. Our hands endure an aggressive environment at any time of the year, so we need to take extra care of them. Mango butter is great for keeping them in good condition year-round.

Permanent microcracks and abrasions on the hands heal faster if they are anointed with mango oil or a cream based on it is prepared. The batter is also suitable for those who frequently wash their hands and use antiseptics, cleanse the skin, and also after contact with hard water.

For nails

This oil is also suitable for targeted nail care. It is known that the cause of hangnails is dry skin. If you keep your cuticles healthy, they will stop cracking and peeling. Since mango butter occupies a leading position in moisturizing properties, its use here is very useful.

The nails themselves begin to crumble and flake if they lack nutrients. In addition to correcting your diet, you can use mango butter.

To do this, you need to apply it in the area of ​​the nail bed and rub in with massage movements, while also grabbing the nail itself. This will improve blood flow to the nail bed, where the nail growth zone is located, and will help the skin quickly absorb the oil. The effect will be noticeable after 5-6 procedures.

Mango butter is obtained from the seeds of the tropical plant Mangifera, which is more often called simply “mango”. This is a solid vegetable oil - butter, the melting point of which is 40 degrees Celsius. Mango butter has virtually no odor, and its color can vary from pure white to yellowish, pinkish or even cream.

Mango contains unsaturated fatty acids, a number of vitamins (A, E, D, C, group B) and microelements (Fe, K, Ca, Mg), as well as plant sterols, which improve the condition of the cell membranes of the epidermis.

Mango butter effectively relieves muscle pain caused by fatigue, so this butter can be used to enrich the composition of various massage mixtures.

When applied to the skin, mango butter restores the skin's natural oil barrier and helps retain moisture. It is especially useful to apply mango oil to the face and body after visiting the pool, sauna, bathhouse and beach.

Mango butter will help quickly tidy up rough, chapped, frostbitten and burned skin, eliminate itching from insect bites, improve complexion, age spots and prevent stretch marks. It can successfully replace aftershave cream: the oil will not only soothe the skin, but also prevent irritation.

Another positive property of mango butter is that it is equally suitable for different skin types: dry and oily, young and mature. This oil can be a real salvation for people with overly sensitive and flaky skin. It is even recommended for the treatment of certain forms of skin diseases, namely dermatitis, psoriasis and dry eczema.

Before using, the mango butter must be melted until liquid. This can be done using a microwave or water bath. 20 minutes after applying to the skin, the remaining oil should be blotted with a clean paper napkin. But in general, mango oil is perfectly absorbed by the skin and does not leave an unpleasant feeling of greasyness.

Mango butter is also used in hair care. It smoothes, moisturizes and restores hair, making it healthy, manageable and shiny. Mango butter can be used either in its pure form or in mixture with other cosmetic vegetable oils, such as jojoba. Melted mango butter or its mixture with another oil should be applied to clean hair and scalp, left for at least 30 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water and a small amount of shampoo.

You can strengthen your skin with mango butter. To do this, it must be regularly rubbed into the nail plates and not washed off for several hours. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure at night.

This valuable oil can be given additional beneficial properties by adding a variety of essential oils to it. Rosemary oil, for example, will help quickly improve the condition of hair and dandruff, tea tree oil will help cope with acne, lemongrass oil will cleanse clogged pores, and lavender oil will heal small wounds and cracks. You can add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 5 ml of melted butter.

Due to its valuable properties, mango oil is actively used in the cosmetics industry and is often included in many popular products: body lotions, sunscreens and after-sun care products, as well as hair balms and shampoos. In cosmetic products it is usually referred to as mangifera indica (mango) kernel oil, mangifera indica (mango) seed butter or mangifera indica (mango) seed oil.


In India, majestic Mangifera Indica trees have long grown in a subtropical climate, the fruits of which are famous on the world market under the name “Mango”. Plantations of such plants are also widely represented in South America and Australia. You can recognize a mango among the variety of exotic fruits by the range of shades that shimmer on the rind - on the surface of the fruit there is a harmonious combination of yellow, green and rich red tones. The juicy and sweet yellowish-orange pulp has a fibrous structure, and visually the product has an intricate round or oblong shape. A ripe fruit can weigh up to 2 kilograms.

Hindus use mangoes mainly in cooking, preparing freshly squeezed juices, cold dishes and delicious desserts from them. For oral consumption, it is customary to cut off the skin of the fruit, separating the edible part from the flat but large seed. The pleasant aroma of mango nectar captivates the minds of travelers, so even sophisticated fruit connoisseurs cannot resist the magic of this exotic delicacy.

Over time, curious scientists familiarized themselves in detail with the structural composition of tropical fruits, coming to a unanimous conclusion. Mango is a “storehouse” of useful minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and biologically active compounds. It is not surprising that representatives of various fields of activity became interested in the discovery. A short period of time after the fact was discovered, mango oil began to be obtained from the exotic nectar, widely used in cosmetology, pharmacology, medicine and Ayurvedic treatment methods.

Features of the structural composition of mango butter

Based on the type of consistency, a similar product is classified as a subgroup of solid extracts, because it is distinguished by its thickness and viscosity. You can change the structural characteristics of the substance by heating the mass, which can be golden-white or light yellow. During the processing of mango oil, the sweet aroma is almost completely eliminated, so the ether has a neutral odor. However, the following complex of useful substances and minerals is retained in the aromatic product:

Unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3).
Micro and macroelements – iron and zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Group vitamins – “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”.
Saturated fatty acids – palmitic and stearic, folic and linoleic, oleic.

The above components supply the deep layers of the epidermis, as well as follicles and hair follicles with a complex of nutrients. The effect of cosmetic procedures using mango oil becomes noticeable after 2-3 applications of restorative masks. The structural composition of the extract significantly accelerates the process of regeneration of dead and damaged cells, promoting the removal of free radicals from the body.

Beneficial properties of mango oil

Having become familiar with the structural features of mango oil, it is recommended to carefully study the extent of the impact of the exotic extract on the human body. To achieve the desired result, you need to correctly diagnose your own illness. Having learned the symptoms of a skin disease or identified the cause of destruction of hair follicles, correlate the nature of the defect with the beneficial properties of mango butter:

Moisturizes dry skin.
Regenerates damaged areas of the cell membrane.
It is quickly absorbed into the sebaceous skin, enriching the epidermis with biologically active compounds.
Stimulates the growth of curls, restoring the structure of follicles and hair follicles.
Protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and other atmospheric phenomena (frost, strong wind, salt water).
It is a potent antibacterial agent.
Slows down the aging process in the body.
Prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.
Tightens open wounds and cracks.
Heals inflamed areas of the body (cuts, scars).
Eliminates pigmentation on the skin.
Restores a uniform complexion.
Relieves acne, blackheads and allergic redness.
It is an indispensable preventive agent in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis.
Makes the consequences of burns and frostbite visually invisible.

Mango oil is added to medical preparations and cosmetic products to speed up the process of penetration of nutrients into the epidermis. After a set of restorative procedures, the skin becomes elastic, firm and smooth, and the hair acquires a healthy appearance and rich color, accompanied by shine.

Features of using mango butter

By choosing the right mask appropriate for the nature of the disease, you can get rid of the unfortunate disease in a short period of time. Most of the ingredients with which mango butter is combined are available in grocery stores, pharmacies and beauty centers within walking distance. To significantly save the financial costs of the procedure, it is recommended to prepare compresses and applications at home. The main thing is to be guided in the production process by the following recommendations:

Nourishing masks should be applied no more than once a week. The effect of the structural components of mango extract lasts for 7 days, so repeating the procedure becomes a waste of time.
Before using a previously prepared application, rub the oil onto a small area of ​​your hand to check the effect of the consistency on your skin type (test for genetic compatibility with the product).
Don't skimp on the quality of mangoes you buy at grocery stores. Choose exclusively fresh and ripe fruits, the appearance of which inspires confidence in you, the buyer.
The optimal procedure time for most nourishing and restorative masks made from mango extract is 20–25 minutes. Do not overdo the application, blocking the flow of air to the pores for a long time.
When using an exotic hair care consistency, use a cellophane headdress and a woolen scarf, thereby enhancing the thermal effect.
After the allotted time for the procedure, wash off the mask with cucumber lotion (for skin) or shampoo-conditioner (for hair).

By following the above rules when preparing and applying masks based on mango butter, you will definitely achieve your goal. The duration of the cosmetology course directly depends on the ratio of proportions and the nature of the disease. It is impossible to harm your health with an extract of an exotic fruit, but translating the product without using the beneficial properties of mango fruit pulp is an impractical solution.

Recipes for homemade masks based on mango oil

Ayurvedic centers offer visitors a variety of massage and beauty treatments using mango oil. However, such services are often overpriced. For those who want to save their family budget while appreciating the beneficial properties of using mango butter, it is recommended to prepare the following masks at home:

For hair.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of mango substance; 15 ml; 1 egg yolk.

Procedure: beat the consistency in a blender or using a whisk in a large container; Apply a thick mixture to the hair roots; Distribute the mixture evenly over the entire length of the curls using a wide-toothed comb.

For skin.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of tropical avocado fruit pulp; 2 times less mango extract; identical quantity; 10 ml thick honey.

Procedure: Mix the above ingredients thoroughly; Apply with massaging movements to problem areas of the body; rinse off after 20 minutes under running water.

For face.

Ingredients: pulp of 1 mango; 1 tablespoon ; 15 ml liquid bee honey.

Procedure: heat the mixture over low heat, stirring the contents of the container occasionally; rub the warm substance into the skin of your face; It is recommended to wash off the mask with cucumber lotion.

Mango oil is an exotic “formula” of beauty and youth, with which you can restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin in a short period of time, as well as transform the structure of split ends and damaged hair.

January 12, 2014, 11:26

If you have tried mango, then you know how tasty and juicy this exotic fruit is. And the seeds of the fruit that you throw away are used to make oil. The result is a soft, creamy consistency with a very slight odor. And how many useful benefits mango butter contains? Today I will tell you the beneficial properties and application of this product in cosmetology.

This product is extracted from ground mango seeds. The mixture is heated and boiled to achieve a uniform consistency. The resulting product resembles cocoa or shea butter. In its solid state, it has a more granular structure. Therefore, do not be alarmed that there will be small crumbs during application. It melts quickly upon contact with skin. The color is thick, creamy white, the aroma is slightly sweet.

Mangoes are very popular in cosmetology. Because it is rich in oleic and stearic acids

These fatty acids act as emollients that soften and soothe the skin and hair. The product has high oxidative capacity, wound healing and regenerative effects. Plus contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins, and.

The main fatty acids present in this oil are:

  • oleic 46%;
  • stearic 44%;
  • palmitic 5.5%;
  • linoleic 6%;
  • arachidonic 3%.

This rich composition makes this product very valuable in hair and skin care.

Beneficial features

In cosmetology, mango butter is often found in soaps and is used as a moisturizing ingredient. In INCI products you will find this ingredient under the following name: Mangifera indica Seed Oil. But they often write briefly Mango Butter or Mango Seed Butter.

I will give the main benefits of using it for care.

  • restores and maintains skin moisture, stimulates cell regeneration;
  • reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles;
  • nourishes hair;
  • helps protect against UV radiation;
  • treats rashes, dermatitis and eczema;
  • relieves itching from insect bites;
  • Helps avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.

Which is better - refined or unrefined?

When Mango Butter is refined, it is passed through a filtration system and treated with chemical solvents. This changes the color, texture and aroma. This product is odorless and colorless. After processing, the content of vitamins and beneficial properties also changes.

And a large number of unsaponifiable substances give the product conditioning and moisturizing properties. Therefore, it is better to buy unrefined if you want to get more beneficial properties. Look for a product that has not been hydrogenated or mixed with preservatives or flavors.

Recipes for use at home

This product is easy to use when mixed with carrier or essential oils. It is extremely similar in use to shea butter. However, its fatty acid content is slightly different. Plus a high level of vitamins and antioxidants.

This is why it is so effective in healing and improving the appearance of hair and skin. So, I will share recipes on how to use Mango Butter.

To reduce wrinkles

With a naturally high concentration of vitamin A, the butter stimulates healthy cell production and circulation. These abilities keep skin firmer while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cells important for maintaining the overall tone of the epidermis are also stimulated. Mango deeply moisturizes pores without being greasy, helping to maintain shine and beauty. Use it as a facial moisturizer as part of your skincare routine. Just pre-moisturize your skin with thermal water or simple purified water.

For problem skin from acne

Mango Butter is easily absorbed, effectively providing the skin with moisture without clogging pores. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Many people ask about its comedogenicity.

Mango butter is non-comedogenic. This means it won't clog pores or make acne worse.

It is important to use a pure, unprocessed product. Chemical additives (fragrances, dyes) can irritate already irritated problem skin.

First, wash your face with cleanser, removing dirt. Then lightly moisten your face with thermal water or clean water. And apply the product with a small makeup sponge. Not with your fingers! Otherwise, it will lead to the appearance of more bacteria.

After applying a thin layer, it is important not to touch your face. Therefore, it is better to use it 2 hours before bedtime. Allow the product to soak in to keep your pillowcase clean.

If you have a bad rash, make this special cream:

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • ½ teaspoon rosehip oil
  • ¼ teaspoon vitamin E (in oil);
  • 3 drops each of essential lavender and immortelle.

Place mango, rosehip and vitamin E butters in a jar. Mix well using a stick. Then add essential lavender and immortelle, which also have healing abilities. Use the prepared mixture to treat stains. Apply the product to spots, leaving it overnight.

For sunburn

Tanning is no fun. Mango Butter will cure sunburn. You can use it by melting it between your palms and applying it to damaged areas. You can use the following cooling lotion recipe.

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel;
  • 3 drops each of sea buckthorn and peppermint oil.

Melt the main ingredient in a kettle. Then add aloe vera gel. Mix well, pour in the remaining ingredients. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then take it out and beat it with a mixer until creamy. Lubricate tanned, damaged skin with the prepared lotion. Shelf life – 18 months. Keep the burn preventative in a cool, dry, dark place.

To reduce stretch marks after pregnancy

Striae are a common occurrence during pregnancy. The best way to create a super-potent stretch mark preventer is to combine it with coconut butter to repair damaged skin.

When used together, the results are amazing! Combine equal parts of mango + coconut butter, spread on areas prone to stretch marks (stomach, hips, chest).

Treatment of scars and cuts

Make a wonderful cream using a combination of three oils known for their healing properties.

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of shea + cocoa butter;
  • 7 drops each of lavender + immortelle oil;
  • 4 drops of carrot seed oil.

Melt the first three ingredients. Once melted, pour in and stir the following essential oils, which are known for their scar-fighting properties. Place the finished mixture in a jar or glass. Use it on scars at least once a day.

You can also protect, moisturize, treat minor wounds, cuts with this product. You can use only it, or you can prepare your own healing balm.

To do this, melt 2 tablespoons of mango with equal portions of beeswax and coconut oil. Lastly add 5 drops of tea tree oil. Pour the mixture into a small glass jar. Allow the balm to cool and cool completely before using.

For eczema and psoriasis

Mango oil is incredibly soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can treat inflamed, dry, itchy skin caused by eczema or psoriasis.

Making your own healing balm at home is extremely easy. Combine a quarter cup of mango butter and half a cup of soft (not runny) coconut oil. Blend until creamy, white mixture forms. Use the balm after a shower and whenever you want to moisturize or heal your skin.

To moisturize hair

Do you have dry locks and thick and/or curly hair? Then this product will be an excellent moisturizer! It is best to use the following mask recipe:

  • 60 ml mango butter;
  • 1 teaspoon avocado oil;
  • 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel;
  • 10 drops of essential lavender.

Melt the main ingredient, then add the remaining three. Pour the mixture into the blender, but do not turn it on. Place the container in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Beat the hardened mixture with a blender until a creamy consistency is formed. Use the product as a conditioner on damp hair. Apply it to the ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp.

Which mango butter to choose?

This product may be a little more expensive than shea butter, but they have very similar properties and benefits. If you make your own masks, look for 100% pure ones with no additives. Selected items for face and hair care products.

Fatty oil Botany - Pack of 50 ml. In fact, this is a lot, because it is quite fatty. You only need a small amount to apply, for example, to your hands. The smell is quite weak and pleasant. Ivory in color and the consistency is a bit like wax. The price is quite reasonable.

Shampooklorane for hair – you can buy this product in a pharmacy or online store. Volume 400 ml. Quite a dense, rich substance of orange color. The smell is pleasant, slightly sweet. The scent lingers for some time after washing your hair. Reviews about Kloran shampoo are mixed, so you have to try it.

Shampoo should perform the main function of removing dirt and oil from the hair and scalp. And the main nutrition and smoothing is carried out with the help of balms and conditioners. Kloran has in this series mango balm. It is better to try these 2 products in tandem.

Puremango for body – This is an unrefined, cold-pressed product. The butter is hard, a little grainy. When applied, it feels greasy and is absorbed gradually. But it softens the skin perfectly. It melts into a liquid state with a bang. For hair, melt one tablespoon until liquid and apply before washing for 1-2 hours. Write your feedback about the result in the comments :)

Nubian Heritage with vitamin C and shea butter – the consistency is also grainy. There’s no escape from this, we have to melt it. As those who have tried it note, the smell of this product is amazing. Lighter in fat content than shea butter. Easily absorbed, non-greasy and non-shiny. Volume 114 grams, enough for a long time.

It turns out that there are so many benefits of this product. How do you use mango butter for your skin? Share your recipes in the comments and subscribe to updates. I will continue to explore the benefits of oils for the skin.

Indian mangifera, better known as mango, is a sweet, very fragrant and juicy fruit, the weight of which can reach 1 - 2 kg. In total, there are about 500 varieties of this fruit in the world, differing in color, size and taste. The pulp of the fruit is actively used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes, drinks and desserts, and a very valuable oil with a fatty structure, used in modern cosmetology, is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. Mango butter is of particular value for the skin, as it contains a whole range of beneficial substances.

Properties of mango cosmetic oil and its use

Mango essential oil is a semi-solid batter that is added to various cosmetic products after melting. Many cosmetologists call mango oil an excellent alternative to various solid oils. It is actively added to lipstick and lip glosses, shampoos, home and industrial creams, shower gels, and body lotions.

Mango butter can be found in semi-solid, solid or liquid form. Most often in retail chains it is the semi-solid form that is found, which is a formed mass that easily crumbles and cuts at normal room temperature. When the crumbs are squeezed, the mass quickly sticks together into a piece. The color of the product is light yellow and its taste is neutral.

Pure, natural mango butter contains no additives and is virtually odorless. If a product has a rich, intense and very pleasant aroma, this indicates that it contains various additives, which can have a negative effect on the skin.

The melting point of mango butter is between 29 and 34 degrees, so if you place a piece of butter in your palm, it will melt very quickly.

Despite the fact that most cosmetologists call mango butter a good alternative to other solid oils, in fact, this product has many advantages over others. Mango oil contains many fatty acids necessary for skin health, in particular, oleic, stearic, palmitic, arachidic, linoleic, linolenic. Contains oil and stearins, carotenoids, tocopherols, as well as many vitamins and microelements.

This type of oil is distinguished by its resistance to oxidation and its ability to form an emulsion. It also contains a large amount of antioxidants, as well as vitamins E, A and C, which makes it very beneficial for the skin.

Mango butter: properties and use for the face

The value of mango oil for the skin lies in the fact that the product is an excellent natural moisturizer that simultaneously saturates the skin with many nutritional components. Mango butter can not only provide the dermis with the necessary amount of moisture, but also retain it in the tissues for a long time.

The oil is versatile; it can be used in skin care of any type, but most often cosmetologists recommend this product for dry, mature, dehydrated and damaged skin.

In cosmetology, natural mango oil is used:

  • To reduce the inflammatory process in skin tissues, as well as for the treatment of various dermatological diseases. With the help of mango oil, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin with dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
  • To soften the skin, accelerate cell regeneration and damage healing processes.
  • To protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun.
  • To rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles. The effectiveness of the product in this matter has long been repeatedly proven in practice. As a rule, to obtain a lasting effect of facial rejuvenation, smooth out fine wrinkles and reduce the size of large folds, you need to use mango oil for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • For healthy skin. Mango butter has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties due to its high content of tannins.

Mango oil is applied to the skin and for insect bites, as well as in the presence of skin allergic reactions, as it helps to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, itching, burning, and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process.

The use of mango butter in home cosmetology

Since mango oil melts very quickly upon normal contact with skin, it can be used in its pure form without prior dissolution, lubricating it on lips, hands, face or body skin, and scalp (to nourish and strengthen hair). To do this, just take a piece of oil and treat the skin with it.

You can add mango butter to any cosmetic products, both industrial and homemade. To moisturize the scalp, strengthen hair, and improve hair growth, mango oil can be added to ready-made shampoos, conditioners and hair balms. It is also added to ready-made creams, lotions, tonics, and cleansers. Homemade creams and masks are prepared using it. In this case, the concentration of mango oil in any preparation can range from 10 to 100% of the total volume.

It is important to store mango butter properly. To do this, place it in a plastic or glass container with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place. You can also store the oil in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container.

Since mango seed oil can quickly relieve muscle tension, eliminate muscle pain and symptoms of fatigue, it is often included in various massage mixtures as a base or an additional component. You can use this product for massage in its pure form.

Treatment of skin with mango oil allows you to instantly restore the lipid barrier, which helps retain moisture. Due to this ability, it is recommended to apply mango oil to the skin after each visit to the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or after taking a bath or shower. For the same purpose, it is recommended to treat the skin with this product in case of chapping, frostbite, after prolonged exposure to the sun or wind, as well as after exposure to other factors that have a drying effect. You can apply the oil to your skin before going outside on hot, windy or frosty days for added protection.

The oil is excellent for caring for any skin type, including the most sensitive, since it can quickly eliminate symptoms of irritation and even peeling of the epidermis. After using mango oil, the skin becomes especially tender, soft, moisturized, acquires a pleasant velvety texture and a healthy radiant color. Mango oil also helps eliminate age spots, and also quite actively fights acne and acne, having a positive effect on stretch marks, scars and scars. During pregnancy or sudden weight changes, this oil is recommended to be applied daily to the skin of the entire body to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

For men, mango seed oil can be used as a shaving cream as it provides excellent glide and prevents irritation. You can lubricate your skin with it after shaving to soften, soothe and intensely moisturize it.

Another way to use mango butter for body care is to use it instead of sunscreen. This product is able to perfectly protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, including ultraviolet radiation.

To quickly restore facial skin, for example, before an important event, you can apply mango butter to previously cleansed and steamed skin as a mask. To do this, you can generously lubricate your skin with oil, removing its remnants with a soft cloth after half an hour, or soak a cloth napkin in oil and apply it to your face. To increase effectiveness and eliminate a specific problem, you can add other essential oils to the composition of such a mask. For example, to more effectively and quickly get rid of acne, you can add a few drops of rosemary, tea tree, black cumin, lavender, grapefruit, and lemon essential oils to mango butter. To whiten the skin, you can add lemon or parsley juice, lemon oil.

For caring for the skin of the entire body, special baths are considered the most effective method. To do this, the bath should be filled with water at the desired temperature (it should be higher than body temperature), you can add special salt or a decoction of medicinal herbs to the water, after which you should simply throw a piece of mango butter into the water and wait a couple of minutes until it dissolves. It is recommended to take this bath for about half an hour. As a result, the skin becomes very beautiful, moisturized, and takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Video review of mango cosmetic oil