Anesthetic cream for depilation of intimate areas. How to relieve epilation in the bikini area: general recommendations. Video: cosmetologist on methods of pain relief during depilation

Shugaring without pain is by no means an oxymoron, as it might seem at first glance. In our time, this is quite possible, because modern means of anesthesia for epilation come to our aid. I am talking about the possibilities of application anesthesia.

Many times I have come across the opinion that local anesthesia is a waste of time and money, however, let me disagree with this. It helps to endure painful procedures, but only if used correctly.

Errors in the use of application anesthesia for epilation

At the very beginning, it is worth mentioning the 3 most common application mistakes.

  • Choosing the wrong local anesthetic
  • Lidocaine spray for pain relief is absolutely not suitable for the skin. This tool has proven itself perfectly for small dental and gynecological surgical procedures, as it is perfectly absorbed by the mucous membrane. Do not count on any effect on the skin.

  • Insufficient application time
  • Even if you were not mistaken with the means and chose a cream for pain relief, but it did not help you to dull the painful sensations, then most likely you did not keep it on the skin for enough time.

  • No occlusive dressing
  • Anesthetic cream should be applied under the film and only so. Otherwise, the effect will not be different from zero.

Rules for applying application anesthesia: we anesthetize bikini correctly

Anesthesia in the bikini area during epilation is a fairly simple manipulation that does not require much effort, however, following a few simple rules will help you get the most out of local anesthesia and greatly facilitate the procedure. Of course, you should not think that this method will completely discourage sensitivity during the procedure, but it will significantly dull the pain sensations.

  • Anesthesia before epilation of the bikini area begins with an allergy test. You must be completely sure that you are not allergic to lidocaine. As a rule, people with intolerance to the substance know about this, but if you are not sure, do a test sample according to the instructions. Do not rely on chance in this matter, since the consequences can be simply terrible, up to anaphylactic shock and .... let's not talk about sad things.
  • Before applying the anesthetic cream, the skin must be degreased and dried.
  • The cream should be applied in a thick layer, especially carefully treat the most sensitive areas with the cream.

  • Apply a film over the cream.
  • The application time should be from 1.5 to 2 hours (we are talking about creams with a concentration of 5% lidocaine), depending on your individual characteristics.
  • After that, go about your business before visiting an epilator. Do not remove the cream yourself so as not to lose the freezing effect ahead of time. The master will process and prepare the skin for the procedure himself.

Local anesthetics: ointments, creams, gels and sprays. What to choose?

All means for application anesthesia are very similar in composition, the main anesthetic is lidocaine. However, they may differ not only in form (cream / gel), but in the concentration of the active ingredient. The most common is 5% lidocaine. Let's talk about such funds.

Lidocaine spray

At the very beginning of our article, we already said that anesthesia with lidocaine during epilation is absolutely ineffective, since it is absorbed only on the mucous membranes. It will not help you no matter how much you hold it. Of course, the placebo effect has not been canceled, but do not count on a real anesthetic effect.

Now cosmetic companies have also begun to produce sprays with an "anesthetic effect" which do not contain any anesthetic, but only menthol and camphor, sometimes other aromatic oils and cooling components. It is not worth buying these funds counting on any analgesic effect. Don't waste your money. It is better to buy another local anesthetic for hair removal from the pharmacy (see next point).


Emla is an ointment with lidocaine for pain relief of skin surfaces, and is also perhaps the most popular remedy in this group of funds. This is primarily due to its availability. Available in almost every pharmacy. It is sold in tubes of 5 g and 30 g. To cover the bikini area, 5-10 g is required (for the first time, 10 g is better). The price of a small package is 380-480 rubles, a large one - 1600-2400 rubles.

Light Dep and Light Frost

A more democratic option compared to Emla. The price for 30 ml of gel starts from 850 rubles. But there is a significant drawback, it is sold only in specialized stores for cosmetologists and in online stores. For example, here ... Therefore, you should take care of buying it long before visiting the epilation office.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the composition you will not see a list of anesthetics and their concentration, instead you will see that skin anesthesia occurs due to the mysterious component of anestoderm. Don't let that fool you that lidocaine is not there. Yes, and the same amount as in emla - 5%. Anestoderm contains lidocaine, prilocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine. People suffering from lidocaine intolerance cannot use it categorically!

The manufacturer claims that Light Frost has a deeper and longer lasting effect, and the application time is reduced due to a special component. The truth is not clear what, they have the same composition.

In general, there are many similar products on the market Dr. Numb, Supernumb. Tatooist, etc. Choose any, after reading the instructions, and I just talked about the most popular and available.

Disadvantages of using local anesthetics

Application anesthesia for hair removal, although a safe procedure, is not without drawbacks. Redness, irritation and swelling after epilation may last longer than usual, and there may be skin peeling. In principle, the disadvantages are not so terrible, against the background of the positive effect of anesthesia in general, if you do not tolerate pain very well. However, with hot wax lovers, these products can play a cruel joke. Thermal sensitivity is one of the side effects. That is, hot wax can feel scorching, so if this occurs, you will have to ditch the wax in favor of sugar.

These tips and rules are described for the indicated products with a lidocaine concentration of 5%, if you decide to use other anesthetics before epilation that are not listed in the article, or products with a higher content of active ingredient, please read the instructions in the section on the maximum time carefully. exposure to this drug in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and side effects.

For most people with a high sensitivity to pain, it still makes sense to focus only on anesthetizing the skin in the deep bikini area. Hair removal in other areas is much less painful and does not require such careful preparation for the procedure. It's easier and cheaper to be patient a little. Believe me, it's not scary at all.

  • 1. Advantages and disadvantages of pain relievers
  • 2. Action of anesthetic
  • 3. Creams, gels, sprays
  • 4. Tablet preparations
  • 5. Occlusive dressing
  • 6. TOP-11 funds
  • 6.1. Emla cream 5%
  • 6.2. Plaster Emla Plus
  • 6.3. Cream Dr. Namb
  • 6.4. Depilflax gel
  • 6.5. Light Dep
  • 6.6. Anesthetic colloidal solution Golden Rose
  • 6.7. Gel Anestop
  • 6.8. Spray Lidocaine 10%
  • 6.9. Prilokain
  • 6.10. Menovazin solution
  • 6.11. Spray VEET
  • 7. Other methods of pain relief
  • 8. Home methods of pain relief
  • 9. General contraindications
  • 10. Useful tips
  • 11. Frequently asked questions and answers to them
  • 11.1. If you rub in 2% lidocaine, what will be the result?
  • 11.2. What is better Emla or Anestop cream?
  • 11.3. What method of pain relief should I choose when using an epilator?
  • 11.4. No addiction to analgesics?
  • 11.5. Is peppermint oil a good pain reliever?

The advantages and disadvantages of pain relievers

The main advantage of any anesthetic is pain blocking. Pain is always stressful and negatively affects the nervous system. Removing vegetation on the skin for the sake of beauty, but with flour is an unjustified sacrifice. Hair removal without pain is possible thanks to just such means.

Painkillers have their disadvantages:

  • oral medications can have side effects;
  • external anesthetics sometimes cause allergies, and are generally not useful to our body.

Another drawback of many local anesthetics is that it is necessary to wait for their effect to begin, trying to have time to do epilation before the activity of the substance ends.

Anesthetic action

Pain relief during depilation is often done with the help of topical medications. These drugs block painful electrical impulses from a part of the body to the brain. And also anesthetics reduce the sensitivity of the dermis. In the area of \u200b\u200btheir application, a feeling of freezing may occur.

Each pain reliever has a different duration of action. When it ends, pain signals again pass unhindered to a specific part of the brain, and the unpleasant sensations return.

Creams, gels, sprays

According to consumer reviews, the best pain reliever is a special gel or cream with a cooling effect. They are selected for the type of skin, because an ointment suitable for one person can irritate another.

Below are the top 3 pain relievers that are suitable even for deep bikini.

NameApplication methodEffect duration
Lidocaine solutionIt is sprayed onto the surface to be epilated 3 hours before the procedure. After application, cover the bikini area with cling film and put on underwear.1 hour
EmlaYou will need two packs of 5 grams each. The cream is applied in a thick layer and covered with a film, after an hour you can start epilation.2 hours
Light DepA good analogue of the previous cream, it is applied in a middle layer to the skin. The anesthetic effect appears in an hour.4 hours

On the shelves, budget analogues of well-known painkillers for shugaring and other methods of hair removal are sold, but they may not be strong enough or cause allergies. If possible, you should consult with a beautician who will select a suitable gel or cream.

Tablet preparations

Cream and spray have a budget alternative - pain relievers (Andipal, Pentalgin, Ibuprofen). The tablets are taken half an hour before epilation, then there is a decrease in discomfort.

When preparing to use drugs to reduce the pain of epilation, you must read the instructions and contraindications to them. It is best to relieve pain by using previously used pain relief methods that have been used in the past to avoid side effects.

Some use Analgin for pain relief before epilation. It is in every first aid kit. However, it has blood thinning properties, so any injury will bleed profusely.

It is worth noting that the effective drugs Lidocaine and Menovazine are available in different forms: ointments, sprays, tablets, so women can choose the most convenient method of pain relief during epilation.

Occlusive dressing

To relieve epilation in the bikini area, you can use a special bandage that will enhance the effect of anesthesia and prevent the gel or cream from drying out. To make the dressing, you will need a dense material that does not allow moisture evaporation and oxygen access.

Usually a thin cling film is used. It adheres well to the skin without requiring additional fixation. If epilation is planned not only on the pubis, then you can put on underwear and glue an adhesive plaster.

TOP-11 funds

There is a large selection of anesthetics suitable for hair removal, which can be purchased at drugstores or beauty stores.

Emla cream 5%

This cream is used by most cosmetologists. It helps to make epilation painless and comfortable. The cream has a minimum of contraindications, it acts quickly and for a long time.

The cream is applied to the skin with hairs 20-25 minutes before the procedure and covered with a film. After the time has passed, you need to remove the film and start the procedure. Anesthesia lasts from 1–3 hours (depending on the exposure time). This is an effective cream for epilation pain relief at home.

Plaster Emla Plus

The patch is similar in its properties to the cream. With it you don't need any films: after removing the backing it is ready for use.

It is best used for small areas of the body - armpits, bikini area. The plaster is kept for 15–20 minutes and has a strong freezing effect.

Cream Dr. Namb

Anesthetic cream is used before hair removal of various types, for example, shugaring, waxing, laser and electrolysis, depilation with a machine. It is applied in a dense layer to the dermis pretreated with an antiseptic, and kept for 15-30 minutes. The longer the cream is kept, the stronger the freezing effect will be. To speed up the action of the cream, you can use a film. The action lasts 1–4 hours.

Depilflax gel

Has a weak anesthetic effect, disinfects well. It is used before shugaring, waxing. It is applied with light massage movements 3-4 minutes before the procedure. The gel helps to relieve pain during epilation, but does not completely remove it. It is not suitable for people with very low pain threshold.

Light Dep

The preparation is made in the form of a gel. Apply 15-40 minutes before epilation. To prevent the gel from drying out and acting actively, it is covered with cling film on top. After the onset of freezing, you can start removing hair. The local anesthetic is suitable for epilation and any other unpleasant cosmetic procedure.

Anesthetic colloidal solution Golden Rose

The skin is lubricated with liquid using a pipette on the cap 15 minutes before epilation. It allows you to painlessly remove hair from any part of the body. With this tool it will be easy to do epilation with an epilator, shugaring, wax epilation. Works for 1-3 hours.

Gel Anestop

The Spanish drug is very strong. The cream is applied 25 minutes before the session, then covered with a film. Anesthesia during epilation is complete. This cream is used even for piercing and injection cosmetology. The action lasts up to 3–3.5 hours. Thanks to dexpanthenol, which is part of Anestop, irritation after the procedure is reduced.

Spray Lidocaine 10%

Liquid lidocaine solution is distributed over the skin through a nebulizer. For the effect to come faster and last longer, it is recommended to cover the area moistened with lidocaine with a film and hold for 15 minutes.

Lidocaine - spray for hair removal is used with caution in the bikini area (due to mucous membranes), since the risk of a histamine reaction is high. The aerosol has a pronounced anesthetic effect. It is suitable for all types of depilatory methods that cause pain. A severe allergy to lidocaine, up to anaphylactic shock, is common. Therefore, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to lidocaine.


The drug is similar in action to Lidocaine, but its effect occurs a little more slowly. They can numb the skin before epilation by applying it 15 minutes before the procedure. To speed up the action, it is recommended to cover the place moistened with the solution with a film.

Menovazine solution

Menovazine is used for any type of hair removal, but its analgesic effect is weak and short-lived. It is suitable for people with a low pain threshold, for depilation of less sensitive areas. The constituent substances help to reduce inflammation of the dermis. It will ease the pain, but it will not completely remove it.

Spray VEET

The sprays are chemical depilators with a mild anesthetic effect. The product is applied to the epidermis, kept for the specified time, then washed off with water. The broken hairs fall off, the skin remains smooth.

Other methods of pain relief

When it is not possible to purchase a special product (ointment, gel, cream with lidocaine), painless hair removal can be performed with the help of analgesics. A tablet of Analgin, Baralgin, Nurofen, Ibuclin or any other pain reliever medication will significantly reduce sensitivity. The medicine is taken 20 minutes before epilation. Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects, which must be consulted before taking.

Internal pain relievers should be used in extreme cases.

Home remedies for pain relief

There are many home remedies for painless bikini hair removal. Sometimes folk anesthesia is no worse than purchased products.

  1. Before the hair removal procedure in the bikini area, be sure to take a hot bath or shower, the water will steam out the skin, soften the hairs and make it easier to pull them out.
  2. As an alternative to the bath, you can make a compress. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the surface of the skin does not wrinkle.
  3. Cooling is quite effective, since ice reduces the general sensitivity, reduces pain. A cold compress is applied to dry skin.
  4. When depilation with an epilator, it is necessary to create tension on the skin, in which case the tweezers capture only the hairs. It is enough to press on the surface of the body or slightly pull the skin to the side to reduce discomfort.
  5. To reduce pain, you can use menthol or eucalyptus essential oil by diluting it with regular cosmetic oil.
  6. Massage manipulations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe epilation zone can reduce pain, but their effect is weak and short-lived. Therefore, they are used as a supplement to cosmetics or tablets for a painless procedure.

General contraindications

  • Any local anesthetic should not be applied if the dermis is damaged (wounds, abrasions, scratches, irritations).
  • Do not use external anesthetics (cream, gel) for any dermatological diseases.
  • Pregnant women should consult a doctor before using preparations containing lidocaine for hair removal.
  • Contraindications for local anesthesia include: heart failure, severe liver disease, low blood pressure.

You can carry out painless bikini hair removal at home by following simple rules and tips.

  1. An allergy test is always done before using any commercially available anesthetic product. The ointment is applied to the bend of the elbow and lasts for half an hour. If no redness or irritation is observed, then you can safely apply the cream.
  2. You should choose a favorable time to remove unwanted vegetation in intimate places, the pain is felt less in the morning and in the second week after menstruation.
  3. After the end of the procedure, do not wear tight synthetic underwear. Friction and artificial fabric are irritating.
  4. Before shugaring or any other method of depilation, it is necessary to stop using alcohol-containing lotions. Sometimes alcohol reduces the effectiveness of pain relievers.
  5. Owners of long hair in intimate places are advised to carefully trim them with scissors, so they will not cling to the razor or epilator, causing pain.
  6. Cosmetologists recommend not to save on pain relief when depilation of a bikini. Sensitive skin can react negatively to a cheap cream from an unknown brand.
  7. Before using drugs to reduce pain, you need to carefully study the instructions, which describe in detail the method of application, application time and possible side reactions.

Frequently asked questions and answers to them

If you rub in 2% lidocaine, what will be the result?

A spray or cream with lidocaine 2% will work before epilation, but it must be kept longer (30 minutes) under the film for the effect to be stronger.

What is better Emla or Anestop cream?

Anestop cream for pain relief before epilation works faster and longer.

What method of pain relief should I choose when using an epilator?

Painless, comfortable depilation with a household epilator is possible with any local anesthetic or analgesic pills.

No addiction to analgesics?

They do not cause addiction, but it is better to use ointments, creams, liquids with anesthetic effect when epilating, since the tablets have more side effects.

Is peppermint oil a good pain reliever?

Yes, mint has pain relieving effects. Freeze ice cubes by mixing oil and water for an even better effect.

All methods that will make it easier to transfer the hair removal procedure can be conditionally divided into medication and non-medication.

When it comes to plucking or pulling hair, then often non-drug ways to reduce pain are sufficient:

  • choose a specialist who has experience in removing hair with wax, since the speed and painlessness of hair removal depends on the coordination and clarity of movements;
  • using a body scrub will simplify hair removal, therefore, it will reduce pain;
  • do not anesthetize the skin with ice before the procedure, as this contributes to the tension of the muscle that lifts the hair, contributes to the narrowing of the pores, therefore, hair removal is much more difficult, and the procedure, on the contrary, may be more painful; ice is best used immediately after the procedure;
  • you should not use tanning agents - those substances that make the skin denser, for example, alcohol and alcohol-containing cosmetics, as this complicates the extraction of hair from the hair follicles and makes the procedure more painful; it is better to use an alcohol-containing lotion after the procedure to disinfect the surface;
  • you can check how alcohol and coffee affect your sensitivity to pain: for some, such drinks contribute to better tolerance of the procedure, but there are also those whose agitation from alcohol or caffeine leads to an increase in sensitivity to pain;
  • choose the "right" day for hair removal, focusing on the periods of the menstrual cycle: for most women, epilation is most painless in the first week after menstruation, and epilation before or during them can be unbearably painful;
  • watch your breath, this helps to distract from the sensations when removing hair: pulling out hair is at the beginning of a deep breath;
  • before the procedure, it is good to take a hot bath, sit in a sauna or bath, i.e. steam the skin by any means; for the same purpose, you can use compresses from towels soaked in warm water; but before applying wax, the skin must be wiped dry;
  • take on self-hair removal only when you familiarize yourself with the rules of the procedure, since you need to apply wax correctly, and most importantly, tear it off from your hair with a clear sharp movement; if you pull up or to the side and not sharply enough, it will be very painful and increase the risk of injury to the skin.

Any procedure for removing hair in the deep bikini area, as well as methods of radical getting rid of unwanted hair, for example, with laser hair removal, most people require the use of pain relievers.

There are three options here:

  • the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inside;
  • applying painkillers to the skin at the site of the proposed procedure;
  • infiltrative anesthesia - subcutaneous administration of anesthetic drugs.

Oral tablets

Painkillers in pills can simply be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) types of indomethacin, diclofenac, ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen, and others. It should be noted that this listing is in descending order of the severity of the analgesic effect from the strongest.

It is undesirable to take aspirin because of its pronounced effect on blood viscosity. It reduces the viscosity and increases the risk of “bloody dew” at the site of hair removal, subcutaneous hematomas at the site of depilation.

Photo: anesthetic drug tempalgin

Also now there are tablets in which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are combined with mild tranquilizers, for example, "Tempalgin".

These drugs are available over the counter without a prescription and are completely safe and can ease the emotional response to pain. Thus, it is much easier to tolerate the procedure, using fewer NSAIDs, the effect of which on the body is not the most useful.

For local anesthesia, drugs such as lidocaine and prilocaine are used.


Photo: lidocaine

Lidocaine is used as a soluble salt of lidocaine hydrochloride.

Rasters of lidocaine hydrochloride can be applied topically by applying it to the skin and mucous membranes, subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously.

With intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, the drug begins to act in 5-15 minutes, when applied to the mucous membranes and on the skin and when a sufficient amount of it accumulates in the area of \u200b\u200bnerve endings.

The accumulation time is very individual and depends on many conditions:

  • skin temperature and the presence and thickness of a layer of skin grease or creams;
  • the amount of the drug on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the solution is dry or is under a moisture-retaining bandage, it is also called occlusive;
  • the residence time of the drug solution on the skin.

Contraindications for the use of lidocaine

  • individual intolerance to the drug: before using lidocaine, it is necessary to remember whether you have treated your teeth under local anesthesia, and whether you have had a reaction to the administration of an anesthetic drug;
  • the presence of seizures in the past, including the administration of lidocaine;
  • the presence of atrioventricular blockade of the 2nd and 3rd stages, sick sinus syndrome, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, Adams-Stokes syndrome;
  • with a decrease in heart rate, a tendency to lower blood pressure;
  • with myasthenia gravis, porphyria, severe disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • age up to 12 years.

Side effects of lidocaine

  • weakness, drowsiness, or vice versa euphoria;
  • headache;
  • nystagmus, photophobia, double vision;
  • hearing impairment;
  • numbness of the lips and tongue;
  • trembling limbs, convulsions;
  • heart rhythm disorder, drop in blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath;
  • allergy to the drug in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, Quincke's edema, pruritus, urticaria, anaphylactic shock;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • chills, feeling of heat, drop in body temperature.


Compared to lidocaine, prilocaine pain relief develops more slowly and is less likely to develop side effects. When used simultaneously, a longer lasting effect of local anesthesia can be obtained. Applying drugs to the skin.

In order to get rid of the hair above the upper lip, women have to either go to a salon or remove their hair at home. Let's look at what methods can be used to remove the antennae both at home and in the salon, and which ones only require contacting the salon. All the details are in the article.

In order to avoid infection, which can lead to Brazilian bikini hair removal, it is absolutely impossible to touch the skin immediately after the procedure. Watch the video .

Lidocaine spray

For the skin and mucous membranes, it is necessary to use a 10% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride. If the drug is absorbed quickly enough from the mucous membranes, then lidocaine penetrates poorly through the skin.

Often, pain relief when epilating the bikini area with lidocaine spray is based on the placebo effect, where the patient is confident that the drug will help, and this confidence helps him to reduce sensitivity to pain.

The occlusive dressing also slightly enhances the effect of the spray, which must be worn for at least an hour in order to obtain a minimally pronounced effect. If you apply the spray on the skin 15-30 minutes before the procedure and let it dry, then you may not get anesthesia at all.

Cream and plaster "Emla"

Photo: EMLA cream

Emla contains lidocaine and prilocaine, which is specially formulated for use on the skin. It is possible to anesthetize the skin with it only by clearly following the instructions, which says that it is necessary to keep the cream under an occlusive dressing for 60 minutes to a depth of 2 mm, and 120 minutes for 3 mm.

To accelerate its absorption into the skin, the cream can be refreshed, The effect lasts for 2 hours after the dressing is removed.

The approximate consumption of the cream is 1-2 grams per 10 cm 2 of body skin area. For the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, it is necessary to use 5-10 grams of cream.

The cream should not be applied to damaged skin, as this increases the risk of side effects of lidocaine and prilocaine, especially allergic reactions.

Emla plasters can also be used to numb the skin before hair removal. But the use of plasters is limited by their small size. And only 3 plasters can be used at a time. Therefore, they can be glued in the most painful areas for epilation, if these areas are small in area, for example, in the armpits. When epilating bikini it is better to use Emla cream.

Video: Pain relief during depilation

A novelty, which, nevertheless, some managed to try on themselves and even compared the effect of the new cream with the already familiar "Emla". The cream is used for hair removal, when there is an allergy to "Emla" or an individual intolerance to any of its constituent substances.

Light Dep is produced in two types: for a face with a volume of 15 ml and for a body with a volume of 30 ml. It also requires an occlusive dressing for the onset of anesthetic effect.

Occlusive dressing

Photo: occlusive dressing

In order to prevent the cream from drying out on the skin and to enhance the effect of its constituent components, it is necessary to use a material that will tightly close the place with the cream applied to it from water evaporation and air access.

The easiest way is to use a thin plastic wrap. As a rule, a thin film adheres well to the skin with a cream applied to it and does not require any additional fixation under the linen.

If you plan to use the bandage not only on the crotch area, then you can additionally fix the film with adhesive tape and tight-fitting clothing.

External use of anesthetics such as lidocaine and prilocaine rarely causes side effects and aallergic reactions and is not prohibited for use in pregnant women, since the drugs do not accumulate in the body and cannot create a high concentration in the blood plasma.

Skin infiltration at the injection site

Local anesthetic injections are given in many medical centers, and some of the most daring use them at home. Most often, anesthesia during epilation is carried out by subcutaneous administration of a 2% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride.
You can use lidocaine at home only if you know for sure that you have no contraindications and intolerance to the drug. But even in this case, you should not give yourself injections of lidocaine if at this time no one is at home except you. Lidocaine is injected under the skin with an insulin syringe into the pubis, inner thighs, and labia majora to a depth of several millimeters. 0.1-0.3 mm of the drug is injected into one injection site until a small papule is formed (a seal that rises above the skin level).
Injections should be done in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 2.5-3 cm from each other. The mucous membrane of the labia minora should not be chipped off.

There may be a slight burning sensation when the drug is injected. If during the injection you touch the vessel, then small bruises may form, which will pass on their own without treatment.

With the subcutaneous administration of a solution of lidocaine, it is very important not to exceed the required dosage: it is better to limit yourself to 1 ampoule of the drug for the entire perineal area.
It is most rational to use a combined method of anesthesia for bikini depilation: apply Emla cream under the bandage on the skin and mucous membranes of the perineum, and then inject lidocaine only into the most sensitive areas before the procedure. This will allow you to safely endure the hair removal procedure, without the risk of side effects.

Are additional examinations required before Elos epilation? Are there any contraindications for Elos hair removal? You can find out all about this.

Regular upper lip laser hair removal will help you get rid of hair permanently. You can find out the cost of the procedure.

Every woman who has ever tried to remove hair from intimate parts of the body with tweezers, wax or sugar paste knows how painful it is. Someone is more bearable, someone is unbearable and nightmare, but there are practically no people who would not have these procedures cause an inner shudder from the expected painful sensations. Therefore, the question of how to anesthetize the bikini area during epilation is very relevant for everyone (not only women, but also men) who cannot live with vegetation “there”. In this article, we will tell you about the methods of pain relief before bikini hair removal that really work.

Ways to relieve epilation in the bikini area

Photo: a clean intimate area will appeal not only to you but also to everyone around the beach.

Since the skin of the bikini area is much more sensitive than in many other parts of the body, the pain sensations there are much stronger, which means that you can hardly do without the use of special drugs for pain relief. However, each person's body is unique, so before buying these drugs, try to do the procedure without them. If you are convinced that there is no way, then feel free to read on.

To relieve pain before the procedure in the bikini area, you will be helped by:

  • Pain relievers in tablets;
  • Local anesthetics - lidocaine / prilocaine;
  • Special anesthetic creams (for example, Emla cream).

Photo: assortment of pain relievers for oral administration

You probably have drugs in your medicine cabinet that you use for headaches, menstrual pains, abdominal pain, etc. Many of these pain relievers can help while epilating the bikini area, for example, tempalgin, ibuprofen, nise, and others.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations on the skin, however, it is possible to make the epilation bearable enough. If the pills "do not take" you, and you understand that this method does not work, then proceed to the next points.

Lidocaine and Prilocaine

Photo: spray to relieve epilation. Suitable for most hair removal areas.

Both of these agents are used as anesthetics, they can be applied both locally and subcutaneously / intramuscularly, and, according to reviews, they give the best result in pain relief in tandem. For painless hair removal, many women adhere to the following scheme: before the procedure, lidocaine or its mixture with prilocaine is applied to the skin of the bikini area, this place is covered with cling film on top for 30-40 minutes, then the film is removed and the hair is removed.

Photo: Lidocaine and prilocaine in one ointment composition

Important: This method of anesthesia can be both your panacea, and it may not work at all - everything is very individual here. If there is no effect, but you want to give these drugs another chance, then you can try injections. Although, if you are not a nurse, and you have no experience in this matter, it is better to choose another method of pain relief, because the risk of harm by hitting the wrong place with the needle (after all, this is a very delicate area) or exceeding the required dose is quite large. Therefore, try to use safer methods.

Anesthetic cream "Emla" for bikini

There are many creams for pain relief, but none of them has received such distribution and recognition as "Emla". In part, this point is related to the previous one, since the active substances of this cream are just lidocaine with prilocaine.

Most women who have tried Emla say that it works flawlessly and leave the most rave reviews. The most important thing is not to rush and do everything right, namely:

  1. The cream is applied to the skin of the bikini area for an hour and a half before epilation with a sufficiently dense layer (it should completely cover the skin).
  2. Next, you need to cover it with cling film so that no air gets inside and gently hold the bandage for the specified time so that the cream is absorbed and begins to act.
  3. After that, you need to remove the film, wipe off the remnants of the drug, and immediately start epilation.

The only drawback of "Emla" is its rather big price. However, it easily pays off with an excellent result, if it helps you with a bang, do not save. Your health and well-being are more important. Over time, painkillers like Emla become addictive. For some, this "adaptation" occurs literally after 3-4 times! And the remedy ceases to give an analgesic effect.

Video: Epilation and depilation. Easy and painless!

All of the above means, in one way or another, are already "heavy artillery", which you can significantly help if you follow simple rules:

  • Before each procedure for removing hair from the bikini area, be sure to steam the skin well (this can be a bathroom, sauna, bath, and even just a warm towel applied to the right place). Thanks to this, the pores will open as much as possible, the hairs will be pulled out much easier, and, accordingly, less painful.
  • Never use ice for pain relief. It greatly narrows the pores + makes the muscles tighten, which will only increase the pain.
  • For the same reason, do not use alcohol-based lotions before epilation.
  • Pay attention to your cycle: they say that from the third day of menstruation, and for about another week, the sensation of pain in women dulls, so any such procedures are more bearable. But a week before, and in the first days

Despite the well-known statement that beauty requires sacrifice, it is not at all necessary to endure unpleasant and painful sensations, for example, when depilation of the bikini area. In modern cosmetology, there are many means to significantly anesthetize such an unpleasant procedure.

Effective methods of pain relief during depilation

All methods that can be used during the removal of unnecessary vegetation so that it does not hurt are divided into medication and non-medication. Usually during the process, the following actions are sufficient to reduce pain:

Painful sensations when depilation of the bikini area

  • applying a scrub before a session will help reduce pain symptoms, and will also make it much easier to remove excess vegetation;
  • so that it does not hurt so much during the session, it is good to visit the sauna, steam bath, or just take a hot bath just before the depilation session. The procedure can only be carried out on dry skin, so it must be thoroughly wiped off;
  • to correct pain symptoms, it is recommended to monitor your breathing during depilation: you need to pull out the hair on a deep breath, then it will not be so painful;

Getting rid of unwanted vegetation in the bikini area is very painful. The skin here is very thin and sensitive with a lot of nerve endings. The following methods can help in anesthetizing the procedure:

  • administration of drugs subcutaneously (infiltration anesthesia);
  • applying drugs to the surface of the skin;
  • oral administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lidocaine is the most famous, proven remedy for years, serving as an affordable and simple anesthesia. The drug comes in the form of a spray that can quickly numb the areas to be depilated.

Lidocaine for pain relief during depilation

Unfortunately, this tool works only on the surface, without touching the deep subcutaneous layer. The drug can be used both in salons and at home.

Quite often, salons offer pain relief with lidocaine injections. In this version, a thin insulin syringe is used, with the help of which the cosmetologist makes injections that allow you to completely remove the sensitivity for at least an hour. With this type of anesthesia, it is absolutely not painful to carry out the procedure. This method is perfect for clients with very sensitive skin.

as an anesthetic, it is most suitable for depilation in the bikini area, underarms, arms and legs. The only and indispensable condition that must be met when using the drug is to check that there is no allergy to this drug.

A simpler option for anesthetizing the depilation process along the bikini line and in the face area is the use of special creams and gels.

Application of Emla lidocaine cream

The most famous and effective remedy containing the pain relievers lidocaine and prilocaine in its composition is. To anesthetize the bikini area with cream, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow all recommendations. Usually, the cream is applied to the surface of the skin, which requires depilation one hour before the procedure. Cover the top with cling film so that all components of the drug are well absorbed into the skin. Then it will not hurt at all to carry out the subsequent actions. you can also use EMLA plasters. True, their small size creates certain difficulties in application.

In addition to creams with lidocaine "Emla", a number of creams and gels are produced that can relieve the procedure for removing excess vegetation, especially in the bikini area. These include: Golden Rose, Ane Stop, Xylocaine. Now there is a new cream - Light Dep. Its properties resemble the traditional "Emla". Light Dep can successfully replace it in cases where any of the ingredients of "Emla" cause allergies.

In addition to the aforementioned drugs used to remove excess hair as a local anesthetic, pain reliever tablets are often used. These can be: ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, tempalgin. All of these medications are safe and significantly reduce the body's response to pain.

Regardless of whether pain relievers are used during a hair removal session, there are certain guidelines to follow for removing excess hair from your bikini line:

  • the least painful will be depilation carried out in the first week after the end of menstruation. But or before they start, the pain will be unbearable. This moment becomes especially important during a deep bikini session;
  • a procedure performed early in the morning or in the afternoon will be less painful than an evening one;

Is it safe to depilate the bikini area?
  • it is recommended to wear a skirt or dress instead of trousers on the day of the session. This results in less friction between damaged skin and tissue and less discomfort.
  • Recommendations before depilation in the bikini area
  • you should never remove unnecessary vegetation in the bikini area if you have a date. Damaged and inflamed skin is not the best companion in such an event;
  • it is not recommended to process the skin in the bikini area before the session with ice cubes. This tightens the muscles that lift the hair and narrows the pores, which makes the hair removal process much more difficult. In this case, it will be more correct to use ice at the end of the procedure;
  • you do not need to use alcohol-containing cosmetics immediately before the session. They thicken the skin and make it difficult to remove vegetation, which contributes to increased painful sensations;

Getting rid of unwanted vegetation in the bikini area is very painful.
  • in the case of a long hair in the intimate area, you can pre-cut them, and only then carry out the removal procedure - it will not be so painful;
  • do not use creams before the session. After the procedure, you must not take a hot bath for 2 days.

To get a high-quality result after removing unnecessary vegetation in the bikini area, it is recommended to use the services of professional cosmetologists and visit a salon for this.