Primary and secondary amenorrhea in adolescents: signs, symptoms and treatment. How to avoid problems in adolescence. Continuation

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Children's appetite worries parents more than a child. Moreover, an increase in appetite is met by them with joy, and a reduced demand for food - with caution. Quite often, parents confuse the concept of hunger and appetite. Appetite is a broader concept, not limited to physiological factors. This is a selective manifestation of hunger. It changes depending on the emotional state and preferences. Long-term loss of interest in food leads to dehydration, anorexia, and the formation of ketone bodies. Therefore, it is important for parents to control the nutrition of a teenager.

Lack of appetite in adolescents is most often due to hormonal changes, as well as due to:

  • anxiety state;
  • infections;
  • problems at school
  • season change;
  • various kinds of diseases.

In case of prolonged refusal to eat and ignoring this problem, the child is threatened with exhaustion, drowsiness, dehydration and excessive weight loss. Diseases such as iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency) and (complete refusal to eat) may develop.

In this article, we will talk about the causes of lack of appetite in adolescents, how dangerous it is. You will also learn what to exclude and what to add to your usual diet to increase your appetite.

What could be the reasons

The most common are pathological and psychological.

Pathological causes

infections: intestinal tract when infected with worms or infections of the oral cavity. Appetite may be absent while taking medications that are taken to treat an infection.

Diseases: chicken pox, low thyroid hormones, measles or rubella in a child can cause a lack of appetite due to emerging symptoms of the disease: itching, poor sleep, fever, vomiting, anxiety. High temperatures during the flu, colds, allergies are also a common cause of loss of appetite.


Psychological condition: the influence of friends, relationships at school and at home. Watch your child, talk to him. Is everything in order at school, is there any reason why he may feel depressed or upset. Perhaps a new team or a girl (boyfriend) you like causes anxiety. It is possible that the lack of appetite is due to an attempt to get your attention.

If you observe that a teenager often refuses to eat, do not forget about such factors as the change of season, sleep disturbance, the postoperative period, and dietary habits.

Ways to increase

Lack of appetite in an adult is usually a consequence of the disease. In adolescents, most often, this is due to the age period.

Choosing the right foods can solve the problem, not mindlessly pushing food into the baby. It's better to just keep track of the number of calories a teenager consumes.

Instead of jumping straight into medication or forcing your child to eat (which will only make the problem worse), check out this list of helpful tips that can increase your son's or daughter's appetite.

Include Vitamins in Your Teenager's Diet

The lack of vitamins threatens with many problems, including loss of appetite. They are not classified as either nutrients or plastic. But they are necessary for metabolic processes in the body. If you do not saturate the body with vitamins, you can give impetus to obesity. It is better to give preference to natural vitamins - from fruits and vegetables. The vitamin complex is also a kind of chemistry. The main assistants will be B vitamins, vitamin D, as well as calcium, iron and zinc.

Sources of these vitamins:

Eliminate unhealthy foods from your child's diet

All types of fast food should be excluded from the diet of a teenager. They contain empty calories. The body does not receive any benefit from such food. It is also worth limiting sweets: chocolate, pastries, confectionery. Fats contribute to an increase in appetite, but in this case it is impossible to improve the situation by all means.

Get your teenager used to 3-4 meals a day.

Introduce appetite-enhancing foods into your diet


    orange grapefruit, lemon, apricot, pomegranate, peach, apple, pomegranate;


    fruits of mountain ash, blackberry, cranberry, barberry;


    calamus root, wormwood;


    freshly squeezed and packaged.

Use spices

Include the following seasonings in your diet:

  • basil;
  • dill;
  • hot red pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • horseradish;
  • mustard;
  • curry.

With bay leaves and hot spices, you should be careful. Increased load on the pancreas.


Consult with your doctor if your child has any allergies or contraindications to the composition of herbal drinks.

All of these funds are used in a tablespoon no more than four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe 1.

You will need:

  • Parsley seeds 0.5 tsp
  • Cold water 200 ml

Mix everything, heat, but do not boil. Take after cooling.

Recipe 2.

You will need:

  • Chopped anise fruit 1 tsp
  • Boiling water 1⁄4 l

Leave the infusion for 40 minutes.

Recipe 3.

  • dried mugwort 1 tsp
  • Boiled water 200 ml

Dried wormwood pour boiled water and leave for 30 minutes.

Recipe 4.


  • Dried or fresh raspberries 2 tsp
  • Boiling water 200 ml

Berries pour 200 ml of boiled water, leave for 30 minutes.

Before using phytocomplexes, you need to consult a pediatrician. Herbal infusions can cause allergies.

Provide physical activity

It has not been scientifically proven that physical activity increases appetite. But physicians unanimously recognize such an effect. Physical activity will be useful not only for improving the situation with food, but also for all health in general.

A professional approach to training will certainly lead to the concept of a carbohydrate window. This is 30-40 minutes after exercise, when the body most needs to replenish its energy reserves. But it all depends on the type of load. Immediately stuffing a child with food after a workout is not appropriate.

The optimal duration of the lesson is at least 45 minutes. After that, the body begins to actively burn calories. To replenish which you need to eat.

Decoration of dishes

90% of information comes to a person through the visual channel. The magnitude of the desire to eat it also depends on the beauty of the design of the dish. McDonald's, Burger King, and MOS Burger marketers use red in their logos. It is believed that it increases the desire to eat more. But this is only partly true. Red color stimulates the activity of a person, makes him act. That is, a person can buy more, but not eat.

Frequently Asked Questions

    A teenager does not eat anything, what is the reason?

    If you are sure that your child is healthy, then refusal to eat may be the result of childhood experiences or a psychological condition. Teenagers are often afraid of gaining weight. Or they have already faced bullying at school because of being overweight. Refusal to eat can be a sign of anorexia. Sometimes teenagers try to protest - they refuse food in order to defend their rights, to prove something to their parents, to insist on their own (TV and the Internet influence the adoption of such decisions). You should analyze exactly how family dinners are held. Sometimes the atmosphere is so heavy that it is better for a child to refuse food than to endure mockery or nitpicking. Especially if parents are used to sort things out during meals. It may also be affected by the fact that a teenager has a snack at school or catering, so when he returns home, he no longer feels hungry.

    Why do teenagers eat a lot?

    Let's start with the reasons caused by the shortcomings of education. For example, a teenager has too much free time at home, he has nothing to do with himself. He watches TV, plays games, is at home for a long time without the necessary activity, leads a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, he begins to snack on what is at hand. It ends with obesity, passivity, a decrease in interest in life. Increased appetite, especially in boys, is observed in those who are actively involved in sports (swimming, boxing, running), attending circles. So the portion may be larger than that of peers. It is not worth sounding the alarm if the child spends all the calories received and eats healthy food. Try to cook for him yourself. If you notice a sharp increase in appetite, you should check your teenager for the presence of worms.

In a recent study conducted by the Queen Elizabeth Medical Center in Western Australia of 400 younger adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, 10% were diagnosed as clinically depressed, and more than half of the children were assessed by doctors as prone to depression in the future. Depressed teenagers believed that happiness is achieved only by fame, money and beauty. Happy teenagers tend to think that life satisfaction depends on successful personal relationships and setting worthy goals. What is teen depression? Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

What is teen depression?

Teenage depression is not just a bad mood - it is a serious problem that affects every aspect of a teenager's life. Teenage depression can lead to problems at home and at school, drug addiction, self-loathing, even violence or suicide. But there are many ways parents, teachers, and friends can help manage depression.

There are many misconceptions about teen depression. In adolescence, many children are quite aggressive, it is difficult to communicate with them, they show rebelliousness and want to be independent. Teenagers often have mood swings and are sad. But depression is something else. Depression can destroy the very essence of a teenager's personality, causing overwhelming feelings of sadness, despair, or anger.

The incidence of teen depression is on the rise worldwide, and we are increasingly aware of this when we look at our children or their friends. Depression hits the teen psyche more often than most people realize. And while teen depression responds very well to treatment, experts say that only one in five cases of depression do teens get help.

Unlike adults who are able to seek help on their own, teens usually have to rely on parents, teachers and caregivers to recognize depression and get the treatment they need. So if you have teenage children, it's important to know what teen depression looks like and what to do if you notice its symptoms.

ICD-10 code

F33 Recurrent depressive disorder

F32 Depressive episode

Symptoms of teen depression

Teenagers face a lot of pressure from adults, ranging from grades at school to being controlled by mom and dad. And at this time, a hormonal storm passes in their body, which makes the psyche of a teenager even more vulnerable and fragile than before. In adolescence, children begin to fiercely defend their independence. For them, it’s a drama that an adult only smiles sadly at. Since adults are accustomed to seeing adolescents often in a state of agitation, it is not always easy for them to distinguish between depression and the moodiness and mood swings inherent in adolescents. If you notice these symptoms in a teenager, it is likely that he has depression.

Signs of Depression in Teenagers

  • Sadness or hopelessness for a long time
  • Irritability, anger or hostility
  • Tearfulness
  • Rejection of friends and family
  • Loss of interest in any activity
  • Loss of appetite and poor sleep
  • Anxiety and excitement
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide 

If you are not sure that a teenager is in a state of depression, consult a psychologist with him.

The negative impact of teen depression

The negative effects of teenage depression go far beyond melancholic mood. Many instances of unhealthy behavior or aggressive attitudes in teens are actually signs of depression. Below are some of the ways teens are able to show adults that they are depressed. They act this way not out of harm, but in an attempt to cope with emotional pain.

Problems at school. Depression can lead to loss of energy and difficulty concentrating. At school, this can lead to poor attendance, class fights, or disappointment in schoolwork, even for children who used to do very well.

Run away from home. Many depressed teens run away from home or start talking about running away. Such attempts are a cry for help.

Drugs and alcohol abuse. Adolescents may use alcohol or drugs in an attempt to "self-medicate" depression. Unfortunately, these methods lead to irreparable consequences.

Low self-esteem. Depression can provoke and intensify feelings of helplessness, shame, and give a sense of the meaninglessness of life.

Internet addiction. Teenagers may go online to get away from their problems. But excessive computer use only increases their isolation and makes them more depressed.

Desperate, reckless behavior. Depressed teens may engage in dangerous activities (eg, rob a passerby on the street) or take desperate risks, such as dangerous driving, unprotected sex.

Violence. Some depressed teenagers (usually boys who become victims of aggression) become aggressive. Self-hatred and the desire to die can escalate into violence and rage towards others.

Adolescent depression is associated with a number of other mental health problems, including digestive disorders.

Symptoms of Suicidal Tendency in Depressed Teenagers

  1. Talking or joking about suicide.
  2. Says things like, "I'd rather be dead", "I'd like to disappear forever", or "I have no choice".
  3. Talks admiringly about death, something like "If I died, everyone would regret it and love me more").
  4. Writes stories and poems about death or suicide.
  5. Participates in dangerous, traumatic sports.
  6. Saying goodbye to friends and family, as if forever.
  7. Looking for weapons, pills, or discussing ways to kill himself.

Depression needs to be addressed, and the sooner the better. It is very important for a teenager to share their problems with you. The teenager may not want to tell them. He may be ashamed, he may be afraid of being misunderstood. In addition, depressed teenagers find it very difficult to express how they feel.

If you think your child is depressed, you should trust your instincts. In addition, the situation is complicated by the fact that adolescents may not consider their behavior to be the result of depression.

Tips for talking to a depressed teen

Offer Support Let the depressed teenager know that you will do everything for him completely and unconditionally. Don't ask him too many questions (teenagers don't like to feel in control), but make it clear that you are ready to give your child any support.
Be gentle but persistent Don't give up if your child closes on you in the first place. Talking about depression can be a very difficult test for teenagers. Consider your child's level of comfort in the conversation while emphasizing your concern and willingness to listen.
Listen to a teenager without moralizing A teenager always resists an adult's desire to criticize or condemn as soon as he starts to say something. What matters is that your child communicates with you. Avoid giving unsolicited advice or giving ultimatums.
Just admit the troubles baby Don't try to tell teens that it's stupid to be depressed, even if their feelings or problems seem really stupid or irrational to you. Just acknowledge the pain and sadness they feel. If this is not done, they will realize that you do not take their emotions seriously.

A teenager and suicide

If you suspect that a teenager may commit suicide, take immediate action! Take your child to a psychologist, psychotherapist, show him more attention and care.

Adolescents who are severely depressed often talk about suicide or make "attention-grabbing" suicide attempts. Some teenagers don't really want to commit suicide, they don't go beyond suicidal thoughts, but parents and teachers should always take these "beacons" very seriously.

For the vast majority of suicidal adolescents, depression or another mental disorder is an increased risk factor. Depressed teens who abuse alcohol or drugs have an even higher risk of suicide. Because of the real risk of suicide among depressed teenagers, parents and teachers should be on the lookout for any signs of suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Methods for diagnosing teenage depression

Depression is very damaging to the fragile psyche of a teenager if left untreated, so do not wait and hope that the symptoms will disappear on their own. Seek professional help.

Be prepared to give your doctor information about your child's symptoms of depression, including how long they last, how they affect your child's daily activities, and in general about any symptoms that worry you. You should also tell your doctor about relatives who have suffered from depression or any other mental disorder.

If there are no health problems that cause teen depression, ask your doctor to refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in child and adolescent psychology. Teen depression can be a tricky condition, especially when it comes to treatment. No one will work miracles with your child. You will need to work with depression symptoms for a long time. If your child feels uncomfortable with a psychologist or psychiatrist, ask for a referral to another specialist who may be better suited to your child.

The difference between teenage and adult depression

Depression in adolescents can be very different from depression in adults. The following symptoms of depression are more common in teenagers than in adults:

Irritability, anger or mood swings - as noted above, it is the irritability, and not the sadness inherent in adults, that often prevails in depressed adolescents. A depressed teenager may be grumpy, hostile, easily upset, or prone to angry outbursts.

Unexplained Pain - Depressed teens often complain of physical ailments such as headaches or stomachaches. If a thorough physical examination does not reveal a medical cause for these pains, it may be indicative of depression.

Extreme Sensitivity to Criticism - Depressed teens suffer from feelings of inadequacy, making them extremely vulnerable to criticism, rejection, and failure. This becomes a particularly serious problem at school when a child's academic performance drops sharply.

Closure in oneself, withdrawal from people (but not from all). Although adults tend to withdraw into themselves when they are depressed, teens tend to maintain friendships but limit that circle to a select few. However, teens with depression may communicate much less than before, almost stop communicating with their parents, or start hanging out with other company.

Don't rely on drugs alone

There are several treatment options for depression in adolescents, including individual therapy or group therapy. There is also a method of family therapy. Medicines are the last thing, and this is only part of a comprehensive treatment, and not a panacea.

Any type of psychological therapy is often good for treating mild to moderate depression. Antidepressants should be used as part of a more comprehensive treatment plan for more severe cases.

Unfortunately, some parents believe that antidepressants are the only way to cure a child. This is far from the case, any treatment is individual and may vary depending on the results.

Risks of teen use of antidepressants In severe cases of depression, medications can help relieve symptoms. However, antidepressants are not always the best treatment option. They can give side effects in the form of addiction, sleep disturbances, increased fatigue and drowsiness. It is important to weigh the risks before starting antidepressant medication.

Antidepressants and the teenage brain

Antidepressants have been developed and tested in adults, so their effects on the young, developing brain are not yet fully understood. Some researchers are concerned that the use of drugs such as Prozac by children and adolescents may interfere with the normal development of their brains. Adolescent brains are rapidly developing and exposure to antidepressants can affect development, especially how a teenager manages stress and regulates their emotions.

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior in some teenagers. The risk of suicide, according to specialist research, is highest during the first two months of antidepressant treatment.

Adolescents who take antidepressants should be under close medical and parental supervision. Any indication that the symptoms of teenage depression are getting worse should be a signal for a review of treatment.

Warning symptoms include increased arousal, irritability or uncontrollable anger in a teenager, and sudden changes in behavior.

According to psychotherapists who deal with teen depression, after starting antidepressants or changing their dose, a teenager should see a doctor:

  • Once a week for four weeks
  • Every 2 weeks for the next month
  • At the end of the 12th week of taking the drugs

Adolescent support as a treatment for depression

The most important thing you can do for your child is to let him know that you will always support him. Now more than ever, your teen needs to know that you appreciate, love, and care for them.

Be patient. Living with a depressed teenager in the same house is not an easy task. From time to time, you may experience fatigue, despair, a desire to quit, or any other negative emotion. During this difficult time, it is important to remember that your child will definitely recover, you are already working on it. Your teen is suffering too, so it's best to be patient and understanding.

Encourage physical activity. Reward your teen when they do sports or yoga. Exercise can relieve symptoms of depression, so find ways to keep your teen physically active. Something as simple as walking the dog or riding a bike can be helpful.

Encourage social activity. Isolation only makes a teenager's depression worse, so encourage him when he wants to spend time with friends or you.

Participate in treatment. Make sure your teen is following all the doctor's instructions and doing everything on time and in full. This is especially important when your child is taking prescription drugs. Keep track of changes in your child's condition and see a doctor if you think your symptoms of depression are getting worse.

Learn more about depression. If you don't know much about the course of this condition, you need to read more about depression and then you too will become an expert. The more you know, the better you can help your depressed teen. Encourage your teen to learn more about depression too. Reading non-fiction can help teens feel they are not alone and give them a better understanding of what they are going through.

The road to recovery as a teenager can be a long one, so be patient. Rejoice in small victories and don't worry about failures. Most importantly, don't judge yourself or compare your family to others. You are doing everything possible to save a teenager from depression, and he is trying with you.

In childhood, the incidence of depression in boys and girls is the same. Differences are revealed only in the pubertal period. According to experts, the most "dangerous age" for girls is 13-15 years. But we recommend not to be tied to a rigid time frame, since already in the prepubertal period, at the age of about 8-9 to 11-12 years, the risk of depressive disorders increases. During this period, you should be more attentive to the behavior of your daughter.

Causes and consequences of depression in adolescent girls

Practicing psychotherapists agree that the hormonal changes that occur in a girl's body during puberty can in itself serve as a trigger for the development of a depressive episode. The entire neuroendocrine system of the body with its complex connections is involved in the ongoing changes. Due to the unstable hormonal background, not only somatic disorders occur, but also changes in the psyche.

Both direct and inverse relationship of depression with hormonal changes is observed. So, the risk of developing premenstrual dysphoria in girls appears directly from the first menstrual bleeding. On the other hand, depression itself can cause hormonal disruptions. It has long been known that during global catastrophes, many women lose the ability to conceive due to the cessation of menstruation.

The same can be said about "personal" disasters. For example, girls who have had a depressive episode show the following types of disorders:

  • the formation of a normal monthly cycle occurs later than among peers - at 15-17 years old instead of 12-14;
  • initially irregular periods (dysmenorrhea);
  • loss of menstruation (amenorrhea).

In addition, depression during puberty is more likely to recur in an adult woman. If a girl has a delay in the formation of the menstrual cycle, irregular periods or their absence, not associated with physiological pathologies and somatic diseases, we recommend paying attention to the emotional state of a teenager.

Signs of depression in teenage girls

According to studies, the frequency of depression in adolescent girls is 5-20%. This variation is due to the fact that depressive states at this age are masked by behavioral disorders and are very often mistaken for "normal manifestations of character for adolescents." The very variety of such manifestations, the lack of a “habit” among general practitioners to assess the very possibility of a neuropsychiatric disorder further complicates the diagnosis.

Symptoms of teen depression include:

  • asthenic manifestations - increased fatigue, decreased motor activity, headaches, weakness, sleep disturbances;
  • anorexia or bulimia;
  • decrease in school performance, decrease in attention, ability to concentrate, showing ideas about lack of ability, fear of attending school;
  • passivity, egocentrism, capriciousness, apathy;
  • a sharp reaction to any comments from parents;
  • depressed mood, gloominess, dissatisfaction with one's appearance, disbelief in one's own strength;
  • isolation, anxiety, fears.

Any traumatic factor can serve as an impetus for the development of depression in girls. For example, misfortune with acquaintances, somatic illness, transfer to another school, moving, quarrels in the family, and even the inability to express thoughts in words.

Our recommendations: if you see that your daughter has become uncontrollable, has changed her social circle, her character has changed dramatically, do not rush to write off all these symptoms as adolescence. Contact a qualified specialist. Against the background of the unwillingness of a teenager to discuss his problems with adults, you should not rely only on your own strength and try to cope with the situation on your own.

From the onset of puberty to the first menstruation, adolescent girls pass several years. The formation of the menstrual cycle is a long process, which is influenced by many external factors. But not always a change in the duration or regularity of bleeding indicates a violation of this process.

Features of puberty

The age of 9 years is considered to be the normal onset of puberty. The hormonal background during this period undergoes serious changes. The suppressive effect on the hypothalamus of the central nervous system disappears. This allows GnRH to be released in a pulsating rhythm. This hormone stimulates the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

But the process does not develop all at once. At first, hormones are secreted only at night. But gradually their release stabilizes and occurs at certain time intervals.

In the process of puberty, the appearance of sexual characteristics occurs in a certain sequence:

  1. Andrenarche - the appearance of pubic hair, hair growth in the armpits, on the legs.
  2. Telarche - a change in the phenotype in accordance with the female sex - the growth of the mammary glands, the appearance of roundness of the hips.
  3. - the first menstruation, appears 2-3 years after thelarche.

Violation of this order may be associated with various pathologies.

The formation of the menstrual cycle

Even 150 years ago, the first menstruation, on average, began at the age of 15. Currently, the age has shifted to 13 years. But the onset of menstruation in adolescents 9-15 years old is considered the norm. The gap between the onset of breast growth and menstruation should not be more than 2.5 years.

Setting the menstrual cycle takes several years. The duration of the first bleeding can be from 2 to 7 days, sometimes there is a long period of up to 2 weeks.

From the first to the second menstruation in most girls it takes about 40 days, while in women of reproductive age it is 21-35 days. In adolescence, a longer first cycle can also be observed, which stretches for 60 days. In some cases, the interval may be shortened to 20 days.

Most often, during the first year, menstrual cycles are anovulatory, maturation and release of the egg does not occur. If an ultrasound of the ovaries is performed during this period, then multiple small cysts can be seen in them, which are functional in nature and do not require special treatment. It takes 8 to 12 years to establish a normal ovulatory cycle. This stage ends only at the age of 21-22 years.

If there are no signs of puberty

It must be remembered that external changes necessarily appear before menarche. If there are no signs of puberty, then spotting is not always an indicator of the pathology of menstruation.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. - inflammatory infectious diseases. If left untreated, an increase in signs of inflammation can lead to bleeding of the mucosa. Smearing discharge will appear on linen, toilet paper.
  2. Injuries can occur at any age. Often occur in girls who are actively involved in sports, for example, in gymnasts when doing exercises on uneven bars and horizontal bars from a direct fall by the perineum. The severity of bleeding will depend on the severity of the injury.
  3. Foreign bodies in the vagina. Sometimes girls, out of curiosity, can put small objects into the genital gap and cannot always remove them back. Prolonged presence of a foreign body leads to the formation of bleeding erosion.
  4. Tumors are much less common in adolescents than in women of reproductive age. But they are capable of leading to bleeding of varying intensity.
  5. Estrogenization occurs with the use of hormonal drugs. For example, in the desire to imitate their mother, girls try her pills. Such bleeding does not require special treatment and disappears after the exclusion of the drug.

Types of menstrual irregularities

The failure of the menstrual cycle in teenage girls can be a change in various characteristics of menstruation.

Changes over time:

  • primary - the absence of menstruation over the age of 15 years;
  • secondary amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation within 4-6 months after an existing menstruation.
  • - rare menstruation, more than 35 days pass between them;
  • polymenorrhea - frequent periods, between which there are less than 25 days.

Bleeding force change:

  • hypermenorrhea - heavy bleeding;
  • - poor blood flow
  • juvenile bleeding.

Sense disturbance:

  • - prolonged, heavy and painful menstruation;
  • algomenorrhea - painful menstrual bleeding.

Why do violations occur?

The causes of menstrual irregularities are varied. Each type of change is characterized by individual factors that cause them.

Primary amenorrhea can be caused by:

  1. Pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (in 50% of cases): delayed sexual development, increased sports, anorexia nervosa, congenital malformations that lead to pituitary insufficiency.
  2. Diseases of the central nervous system: tumors, empty sella syndrome, brain injury.
  3. Hyperandrogenism and virilization syndrome: polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, adrenal tumors,.
  4. Ovarian pathologies: chromosomal diseases that lead to gonadal dysgenesis, autoimmune diseases, galactosemia, castration as a result of removal, radiation or chemotherapy.
  5. Pathology of the metabolic-endocrine system: hypothyroidism, obesity.
  6. Congenital anatomical defects: infection of the hymen, underdevelopment of the vagina and uterus.

Secondary amenorrhea develops after the first menstruation. The duration of the menstrual cycle in adolescents is unstable during the first three years. But if 4 years have passed after the menarche, or the girl is 18 years old, then it is required to determine the cause of intermittent menstruation. Often failures occur in the form of hyper- or hypomenorrhea, juvenile uterine bleeding.

Most often, secondary amenorrhea develops for the following reasons:

  1. - increased concentration of androgens. Testosterone rises above 0.5 ng / ml, DHEAS more than 3.4 μg / ml.
  2. Hypersecretion of prolactin - above 12 ng / ml.
  3. Ovarian insufficiency - estradiol level below 30 mU / ml, FSH - above 25 mU / ml.
  4. Pathologies of the endocrine system and metabolism: hypothyroidism, when TSH is increased by more than 4.2 mU / ml, as well as hyperthyroidism, sudden weight loss, obesity, diabetes mellitus.
  5. Neuropsychiatric pathologies: anorexia, bulimia, psychosis, deep stress.
  6. Tumors of the hypothalamic-pituitary and central nervous system.

Manifestations of the main pathologies

An unstable menstrual cycle caused by pathological causes in adolescents rarely manifests itself only as a violation of menstruation. An experienced doctor will notice additional signs that are symptoms of the underlying disease.


An imbalance in male sex hormones is a common cause of irregular menstrual cycles. Additional signs that may indicate pathology are the following conditions:

  • hirsutism;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • acne
  • alopecia, more often in the region of the crown;
  • virilization - the development of the body corresponds to the male constitution.

Diagnosis allows you to identify polycystic ovaries on ultrasound, according to the results of blood tests, changes in the concentration of testosterone and DHEAS are determined. A common cause of the disease is either the adrenal glands.


A change in the concentration of prolactin in adolescence is much less common than in women of reproductive age. If a girl has milk secretion, then this is an occasion to take a blood test for prolactin. The cause of the disease is often tumors of the hypothalamic-pituitary region. Therefore, neurosurgeons deal with such patients.

Neuropsychiatric causes

In adolescence, girls begin to evaluate their body in terms of sexuality. Misperception leads to the desire to lose weight or gain weight. But at this age, any experiments with diets are fraught with serious disorders, including those of a mental nature. The menstrual cycle in adolescence directly depends on the calorie content, balance and regularity of meals.

In adolescents, a delay in menstruation can be observed when the body mass index drops below 19. The reasons for a sharp weight loss can be not only when following strict diets, but also in patients with celiac disease, Crohn's disease, when the absorption of nutrients is impaired, as well as in severe pathologies leading to exhaustion. The lack of fats and proteins in the diet disrupts the synthesis of hormones, the absence or occur against the background of hypoestrogenism. The severity of violations depends on several factors:

  • calorie content of food is less than 15 kcal / kg / day;
  • violation of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • long-term adherence to a hypocaloric diet;
  • additional physical activity in order to reduce weight;
  • initial body weight, fat reserves and the degree of their reduction.

Pathological eating behavior in a teenager should be noticed in time by parents. The deeper the malnutrition, the more difficult the recovery period.

Juvenile uterine bleeding

The cause of the pathology is the immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. There is a discrepancy between the concentration of FSH and LH. The endometrium reacts to this with hyperplasia. The uterus is under the influence of relatively high levels of estrogen. Several follicles form in the ovaries, but they do not mature, there is no corpus luteum.

The mucous membrane of the uterus is not rejected completely and on time. Long delays from 2 weeks to 1.5 months are characteristic, after which profuse bleeding appears. It leads to weakness, dizziness, anemia. The development of juvenile bleeding is provoked by infections, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, stress, malnutrition, and lack of vitamins.

Anomalies of the genital organs

With atresia of the vagina, infection of the hymen, menstrual blood does not find a way out. After each menstruation, the torn endometrium accumulates in the uterine cavity, can penetrate into the abdominal cavity. This leads to the symptoms of an acute abdomen. When applying to a surgical hospital, the girls must be examined by a gynecologist. At this moment, the reasons for the absence of menstruation are revealed.

Treatment approaches for adolescents

If the menstrual cycle has gone astray in a girl who has only started menstruating for a year or two, this is a variant of the norm. An exception can be considered profuse uterine bleeding, which appeared after a delay. In case of frequent violations, an examination and additional examination is necessary. Often, violations in adolescence are the first step to the pathology of the reproductive system in adulthood.

Treatment for menstrual irregularities depends on the cause. If there is an anomaly in the development of the genital organs, then an operation is performed to cut the hymen or plastic of the vagina.

Juvenile uterine bleeding belongs to the category. In reproductive age, the main treatment is curettage of the uterine mucosa. In adolescents, this method is used as a last resort, because. trauma to the uterus disrupts further reproductive function and can lead to miscarriage in the future. In girls, treatment is carried out with the help of estrogen-gestagen preparations. More often these are combined oral contraceptives, which are taken several times a day according to a special scheme.

If tumors of the brain, adrenal glands or ovaries are diagnosed, then the main method of therapy is surgical removal of the tumor.

Eating disorders are treated together with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, depending on the severity of pathological changes in the psyche.

Cycle failures that occur against the background of endocrine pathologies require treatment of the underlying disease, which takes place together with the endocrinologist. You also need to remember that failures can occur not only with exhaustion, but also with obesity. Therefore, diet and sufficient physical activity are of great importance.

Adolescence is a difficult time for both teenagers and their parents. Mood swings and a sensitive attitude to the environment can lead a teenager to depression. What to do in such a situation?

Signs of Depression in Teenagers

To find out if a teenager is depressed, you should look for the following signs:

With the manifestation of some of these signs, it can be judged that the teenager is depressed. It is necessary to seek the advice of specialists.

A depressed teenager is usually always in a bad mood and inhibited physical activity. Slow thinking processes may also be observed.

Causes of depression in teenagers

The main cause of depression in adolescence is hormonal changes in the growing body. All people between the ages of 12 and 18 are exposed to such changes. However, hormonal restructuring takes place during everyone in varying degrees of intensity.

Some teenagers go through this period by withdrawing into themselves. They can fall into lyrical moods and write sad poems. Depression in these adolescents is mild and does not require medical intervention. Behavior is easily corrected and they return to normal measured life.

But some teenagers go through a stage of hormonal surge in a severe form. They may even develop suicidal tendencies. Such young people are usually very suspicious and wary of others from an early age. Many teenagers who are prone to depression are seen by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

This group also includes children from problem families and orphanages. A teenager who is overprotected by his parents may also be in this group, as he does not have the opportunity to develop normally and learn responsibility for his actions.

In severe cases, it is imperative to undergo a course of treatment, otherwise it may lead to a deterioration in the mental state. This can result in various psychological disorders and suicidal attempts.

The causes of depression may be associated with intrauterine pathology. Children who were exposed to infections and lack of oxygen while in the womb are also prone to depression.

The cause of depression can also be strained relationships with peers within the walls of a school institution.

The tendency to depression can be passed down through the genes. This condition is called endogenous depression. It may arise from a minor cause in the form of a bad grade or a quarrel with friends.

How to treat depression in teenagers

Having noticed signs of depression in their child, parents, starting to scold and conflict, further push him to suicidal thoughts. To effectively cope with the stage of hormonal adjustment in a teenager, it is necessary to start treatment at the right time.

You should contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist if:

  • signs of self-harm in the form of cuts or broken fists were seen on the child's body;
  • a teenager refuses to eat for several days in a row;
  • suicidal thoughts are traced through creative works or expressed thoughts;
  • the child begins to behave inappropriately, often fights, enters into aggressive conflict situations and breaks the law;
  • the teenager is isolated from the people around him;
  • he has a progressive apathetic state.

Before starting therapy, doctors must conduct studies and tests, on the basis of which a specific course of treatment is prescribed. You can not self-medicate and hope for a resolution of the situation.

After an examination of a teenager by a neurologist, therapist and psychologist, treatment begins on the basis of the diagnosis. It may include taking antidepressants, various vitamins, hormonal drugs, and stimulants. Pain medications and drugs to restore immune functions may also be prescribed.

Mandatory in the course of therapy are classes with a psychologist. They can take place individually or in a group.

To prevent the manifestation of depression in adolescents, it is recommended:

  • treat your child with understanding;
  • find time to listen and help;
  • accept a teenager as is, despite his shortcomings;
  • avoid criticism and conflict situations;
  • show ways to resolve conflicts by example;
  • get your child involved in sports.