Crochet beach bag to complete your summer look. Beach bag crochet, digest Knitting from propylene

Author Tarasyuk Anna Yaroslavovna. Tyumen. I am 34 years old, I have been knitting for more than 20 years, I work as an assistant professor at Tyumen State University. Mom of a wonderful boy :) A cute and useful hobby helps to relax after a hard day's work.

Summer bag, height 29 cm, width 30 cm.

Threads "Rose" in 2 additions, hook No. 1.5.

Handbag turned out to be small 14-24-5 cm

Competitive work No. 9 - Knitted bag "Sovunya"

Hello, my name is Tatyana. I present to you my work:

Children's bag "Sovunya" with a purse.

Knitted from polypropylene threads, crochet No. 1.5. She knitted without a pattern, relied on fantasy.

Competitive work No. 8 - Knitted bag "Fat bag"

Hello. My name is Natalya Kuteeva, I am from Krasnoyarsk. I decided to participate in the competition again, before that I participated in the competition - napkins)))

Competitive work No. 7 - Bag "Chamomile field"

I used 3 types of thread: champagne-colored jeans (4 skeins), brick-colored jeans (4 skeins) and camomile cotton for the bottom (2 skeins). I always take threads with a margin so that there is no trouble later!

Bag size 40 cm (width) and 30 cm (height without handle).

Competitive work No. 6Beige bag with a bow

The second work from Laletina Tatyana, sent to the competition.

Beige bag with a bow also crocheted from satin ribbons 12mm wide, crochet No. 5. To stiffen the bottom, I inserted a piece of linoleum.

Bag size 40 cm * 22 cm.

Competition work No. 5 - Satin ribbon handbag

Hello, my name is Tatyana Laletina.
I found out about your competition and decided to participate.
I was inspired to create my handbags by the works of Svetlana Tregub, which I once saw on the Internet. I wanted to do something similar and this is what I came up with.

Job #1. A blue oval bag is crocheted from satin ribbons 12mm wide, with hook No. 5, to stiffen the contour of the ovals, I laid a crossbar 7mm wide. Magnetic button for fastening.

Bag size 33 cm* 21 cm.

Competition work No. 4 - Crochet knitted phone case

Description of knitting phone case

Competition work No. 3 - Knitted bag from "grandmother's squares"

Good afternoon I have long liked elegant crochet products, but my hands did not reach. Basically, my hobby is knitted toys, and if I really like something, I’ll knit it. A lot of leftover yarn accumulated, looked at the wonderful grandmother's squares, but they were crocheted, at first I was upset, and then I tried it and it began to work out! I got so fired up that I knitted a bag, and even swung at a phone case - these are my first crochet products!

Bag knitting pattern


Msalisca (msalisca) wrote in ru_knitting

The MK that I bring to your attention is quite suitable for knitting not only a beach bag
in the style of "Colombian mochila". You can knit anything with crochet jacquard. But here are the beach
bags made of polypropylene proved to be very popular. Why is polypropylene good? Erased
a bag from it by simply rinsing in the sea, the canvas from it is not inferior in strength to a tarpaulin,
easy and unpretentious in everyday life. The only negative, of course, is a completely non-environmental material.

For the manufacture of such a beach bag (bottom diameter 25 cm, wall height 38 cm, capacity ... like a bucket,
no less - it will include a towel, bedding, a bottle of water, cream and a lot of everything small, but necessary
on the beach) I use Raffia polypropylene yarn from the manufacturer Adelia. Online on request
"polypropylene yarn" you can see a similar product from different manufacturers. Everything is good
there are no special features of this particular company, I will say more: quite suitable yarn can be
made from plastic bags. Cotton yarn or viscose will also work well.
Its thickness should be approximately 400-350 m in 100 g. Not suitable yarn, the threads of which are stretched
or spring. They won’t fit because a flat bottom and vertical walls of them will be connected
not easy. Only with some experience and skills in crocheting jacquard. For such a bag
I need about 250-300g of yarn.

About hooks. I knit with thin hooks, I have a thickness of 2.0 in general, there are no hooks in the household.
Here I used a 1.35 Clover hook.

You will have to knit very tightly so that the columns (single crochet) are one to one in height, good
tightened. A bundle of colored threads (bourdon) will be hidden inside the columns. These threads must be straight
and evenly (over the entire product !!!) stretched and tightly wrapped around the working thread, which is knitted
single crochet.

I start knitting the bottom with a ring of 5 VP, which I tie with 9 RLS. At the stage of the second row I enter
all the threads used in the ornament are put into work at once. I do this so that the bottom is
dense and so that the size of the columns is the same everywhere. Then I knit a circle in a spiral, according to the laws of knitting
circle - in each new row I add 8-9 columns, making sure that a flat part is obtained.
If the bottom bends, then most likely the number of added columns in the extreme rows
not enough. Another reason is also possible: you pulled the bourdon threads through the columns too much,
therefore, the edges are tightened and the bottom becomes arched or concave. The fix is ​​simple: you need to dissolve the couple
rows and bandage without errors.

With a bottom diameter of 25 cm, the work should be turned away from you and knit one row in reverse
side, then turn the work again and knit one row in the same direction as at the beginning of knitting.
This is in order to get a piping, from which we will continue to knit the walls in the same way in a spiral, but without
gains. At a height of 30-32 cm, you need to tie 4 holes for the lace, then tie another 5 cm to the top
bags. Now about how to change the color of the thread as you knit to create uniquely colorful and fun
ornaments (column knit for both half loops of the previous row):

The front side looks like this:

The back side looks like this:

We knit a handle about 1 m long (so that you can not just put it on your shoulder, but wear it through
oblique sazhen - it’s more convenient). You can knit a large ring in a spiral, and then cut it, you can
tie a VP chain about 80 cm long and tie it on one side and the other in a spiral in 6-8 rows
columns with bourdon inside - then you don’t need to cut anything. Decor will suit any - knitted
balls, beads, tassels - what the soul asks for!

It turns out quite bright and joyful, especially when looking into the bag on a sunny morning:

That's all the tricks. it remains to add that VP is an air loop, RLS is a single crochet.
Bonus - several ornaments (in 1 cell there are two single crochet):

Everyone have a great summer!
Thank you for reading))).
Here is a cosmetic bag made in the same technique:

after all, not only bags can be knitted, everything can be knitted with jacquard. I have a skullcap friend for my son
knits from cotton in this technique - very beautiful. I knitted a hat for my granddaughter - the fields in it are just that
crochet jacquard made:

Not all hand-knitted items are garments. You can also knit a washcloth for bathing. After all, yarn can be not only woolen or cotton, but also polypropylene, products from which are easily lathered and well wiped off the keratinized layers of the skin, and then washed and dried quickly. It is pleasant to wash with such a washcloth.

We will tell you how to crochet a washcloth in a variety of shapes - a classic rectangular one, in the form of a mitten or in the form of various toys filled with foam rubber. Such bathing will bring special pleasure to children, and adults will be pleased to use their own works, which are much better than store-bought washcloths.

No holes are formed in the proposed washcloth, its loops are held firmly without moving apart. The washcloth is crocheted from special threads for washcloths No. 2 in one thread. The washcloth is knitted double-sided, in a circle, for which 30-40 air loops are typed. The width of the washcloth depends on their number. Synthetic thread resembles polypropylene ribbon, but this does not interfere with crocheting at all.

Having typed a given number of loops, we connect them into a ring with a connecting column. The next 4-5 rows are knitted with single crochet or with one crochet, no pull-out loops are formed on these rows. Then comes the turn of rows with these loops, knitted so that they cannot stretch and break the configuration of the product.

Video lesson:

The thread that was used to create the washcloths is purposefully designed to create washcloths and rugs, it is made of polypropylene. You can choose a thread of different colors - the color range is quite wide. A neatly knitted washcloth is much more durable than a store-bought one. First of all, a chain of air loops is dialed, twice as long as the width of the future washcloth. It is necessary to knit carefully, avoiding delamination of the thread.

The edges of the chain are connected to each other, and a handle is immediately knitted, by which it will be possible to hold a washcloth, from 3-4 columns. Everything is told for beginners step by step, all actions are described in detail. After several ordinary rows, rows are knitted with elongated loops that are tied around the thumb.

Video lesson:

When knitting this washcloth, elongated loops are knitted on both sides. To obtain a more magnificent washcloth, knitting was carried out in two threads. That is, two skeins are used or one, then the second end is additionally pulled from the inside. After a set of air rows of loops, a row of columns with one crochet is knitted.

The next row is knitted without a crochet. After the third row, we start knitting with elongated loops, forming them with the thumb. In the last loop of the row, a single crochet is knitted. After turning the work over, another row is knitted with similar elongated loops, and they end up on the opposite side of the product.

Video lesson:

The product is knitted in a circular way and is obtained in two layers. The use of double crochets allows you to knit a washcloth twice as fast and at the same time reduce the consumption of threads. The washcloth is soft, gentle, it is quite convenient to wash it. The threads for creating the product were used in two colors, since the product is made with a gradient.

We knit with two threads crochet No. 5. 35 air loops are recruited, closed with a ring. The next row is knitted with columns that do not have a crochet. Then elongated loops are knitted with a double crochet. To make the loops elongated, they are formed using the thumb. The stitches knit very quickly. Subsequent rows are knitted in the same way.

Video lesson:

A washcloth-mitten made of threads of various colors resembles a whimsical flower. To make it neat and fluffy, we work in one thread. We start with five air loops, which are looped and after one lifting loop they are knitted in a circle from single crochets. In the next row, already elongated loops are knitted between the columns of the previous row, securing them with single crochets.

After the air lifting loop, a row is formed with single crochets, increasing their number: one and two columns are knitted into the cells in turn. Then a whole row of elongated loops is knitted again. Gradually, other colors turn on, and in the photo the washcloth resembles a flower.

Video lesson:

To make the washcloth look lush, you need to use a polypropylene thread folded in half. We start work with a set of thirty air loops, and connect them with a ring. In each of the air loops we knit a single crochet. In the next row, single crochets alternate with single crochets. The same pattern is then repeated.

In the next row, we knit elongated loops in each of the columns of the previous row. These loops are fixed side by side, consisting of columns with one crochet. The front side with elongated eyelets remains from the inside. The alternation of loops is repeated to the required length. Next, the washcloth turns out.

Video lesson:

This master class is designed for those who do not know how to knit at all. Training begins with a story about how to hold the hook correctly, ensuring its movement. The initial loops are also described in detail. It turns out a chain of air loops, connected by a ring that serves as a cuff of the product. A row of single crochets is formed, five rows will be enough.

In the next rows, elongated loops begin to form, which are thrown over the thumb. The technique for creating these loops is detailed on the screen. Further rows are knitted exactly the same until the washcloth takes the specified length. You can change the thread color.

Video lesson:

The yarn used is double, hook number 5. First of all, 36 air loops are collected, they are connected by a ring, and a row is knitted with columns that do not have a crochet. In the next row, only columns with a single crochet are used, then two more similar rows are knitted. We begin to create the main pattern.

Of the three crochets knitted together, a bump is formed. Two columns are skipped, and another cone of four crochets is knitted. The whole row is formed from such cones. From row to row, this pattern with bumps is repeated. A washcloth made of staggered knobs ends with a cuff made of rows of single crochets.

Video lesson:

The washcloth, dyed in the colors of the Russian flag, is knitted from a special yarn for washcloths. We collect 35 loops, this number will determine the width of the washcloth. The chain of loops closes, and you can start knitting in a circle. The first rows are simple, they form the cuff of the washcloth.

Further, elongated loops of the same size begin to form in the rows, which is ensured by throwing each loop over the thumb. After knitting a third of the length of the washcloth, the color changes, another change of yarn is made for 2/3 of the full length of the washcloth. Before completing the knitting, two circles of simple loops are knitted to form the cuffs. Next, the handle is knitted.

Video lesson:

Work begins with a set of 30 air loops. The resulting chain is looped, and two rows are knitted with columns that do not have a crochet. The next row is knitted with columns with a single crochet. Next, the main pattern is knitted, consisting of three columns with one crochet, and with an interval in the form of two columns between them.

It turns out a beautiful pattern, which also closes in a ring. This pattern of three columns is repeated on all subsequent rows until the washcloth is knitted for the rest of the length. The washcloth ends, as it began, with two single crochets. The washcloth is almost complete, it remains only to tie the handles.

Video lesson:

The beach is a kind of catwalk where fashionistas demonstrate stunning outfits and spectacular accessories. Such beauties are idolized by men and studied with the gaze of a woman. But becoming an icon of summer style is not so difficult if you carefully consider your image.

In addition to a stylish bathing suit, on vacation you will need a hat, shoes and, of course, a beach bag. You can choose a model from the store assortment. But it is better to create an accessory with your own hands, choosing your favorite style, size and color. Depending on the wishes of the hostess, it can be a voluminous bag that will fit all the necessary beach accessories, or an original clutch for important little things like a wallet and a phone. Also, a crochet beach bag will become a faithful companion on shopping trips.

What do you need to knit a beach bag?

First of all, yarn. The choice of material must be approached from the point of view of its practicality. The bag should be durable, poorly absorb moisture and dry quickly, not fade or stretch. You can also choose synthetic yarn, if it has such qualities. From plant fibers, jute, hemp or cotton thread is suitable, from artificial fibers - acrylic, polyester.

Often, for knitting summer bags, craftswomen choose fancy yarn made using a special technology (for example, ribbon, knitted) or a completely unusual material - cords, satin ribbons, strips from plastic bags. Even the remnants of yarn will come in handy, the main thing is that the threads are of the same thickness. A crochet bag is knitted quite simply and quickly, it does not require special skills and the construction of complex patterns. The canvas, consisting of knitted motifs - small multi-colored elements interconnected, looks very impressive, but it is more difficult and longer to make it.

In addition to yarn, you also need to prepare a hook of the right size, zipper, lining, handles, accessories and decorative elements for decoration. As a rule, rather thick threads are used for knitting bags, so the tool must be appropriate. Large diameter metal or bamboo hooks are usually made, they are durable and easy to work with.

Wooden rings, a strong cord or tourniquet, and a metal chain often act as handles for a bag. Also, the handles can be a continuation of the knitted fabric.

Decorating the product is the final and most creative stage. What will be the final design of the bag depends entirely on the craftswoman, her imagination and skills.

Crochet beach bag, models from our website

Crochet beach bag. Tatiana's work

I want to show you my beach bag. It is sewn from 8 details, crocheted with Tunisian hook No. 2 from Yarnart Bright threads (80% p/e, 20% metal. p/e). I decided to play with multicolor.

Crocheted nylon cord beach bags

Crochet beach bag, Svetlana's work

The bag is crocheted from ROSE yarn. The bottom is connected with floral motifs. Fabric sidewalls. Sidewalls are quilted for rigidity. The bottom is reinforced with a plastic insert.

Beach bag from granny squares

The summer bag is crocheted of ordinary acrylic with a pocket inside. Very suitable for jeans. The bag is crocheted No. 3, it took 200 gr of acrylic yarn, 3 beads and one wooden ring.

Bright crochet beach bag

Thick yarn in bright saturated colors is great for knitting with a scalloped pattern. The unusual asymmetrical shape of the bag is created by connecting the ends of the L-shaped part. Flowers simply sewn to the bag serve as a bright accent.

Bag size: 43 x 44 cm.

For knitting you will need:

  • 100 g each of blue and orange yarn,
  • 50 g each of yellow, ecru, lilac and green Boston yarn (70% polyacrylic, 30% wool, 55 m / 50 g);
  • hook number 7; 3
  • buckles for a belt in the form of a flower.

Crochet beach bag in marine style

To knit a bag, you will need 350 g of yarn (100% cotton, acrylic) in white, yellow, blue, light blue, green, lilac and purple, melange; lining fabric; zipper; hook number 4, 4.5.

The model is made in the freeform technique. You can use the pattern of your favorite bag as a basis, or use the pattern and make a life-size pattern.

Crochet beach bag Summer mood

My name is Olga. I live in Primorsky Krai. I love sewing, embroidering, knitting, I give every free minute to my favorite pastimes. Recently, I have become very interested in knitting bags, I have already knitted several bags to order. I present to you the bag “Summer Mood”. It is crocheted of nylon cord, which is used for weaving macrame. Hook 2.5. I really like these bags - they are very bright, practical, do not shed, wash easily and simply, keep their shape well.

Crochet Beach Bag White Pineapple

Knitted bag made of polyethylene "White pineapple" - the work of Elena Ostapenko from Zaporozhye.
Bag size: 28x30x8.
Number of garbage bags: 2 packs.
Strip width: 4cm.
Hook number 4.
The bag holds its shape, is quite roomy and comfortable.

Beach bag crochet from plastic bags

Bag made of plastic bags "Poppies" - the work of Ostapenko Elena for the knitting competition "Red Poppy".

Elena lives in Zaporozhye (Ukraine). Knitting since childhood. I found out about the competition and immediately got to work. I knitted a bag out of plastic bags. Handbag size 30*20. Hook No. 5. The width of the strip for “yarn” is 3 cm. It took about three packs of bags.

Beach bag crochet beige

Knitted bag size: 28 x 58 cm.

You will need: 450 g of beige yarn (100% cotton, 90 m / 50 g); hook number 4.5; 2 pens.

Knitting density. Art. b / n: 18 p. and 18 p. = 10 x 10 cm; relief art. s / n: 18 p. and 11 p. = 10 x 10cm.

Crochet motley beach bag

This crochet handbag is a must for trips and picnics. A large, roomy and bright handbag will always delight your eyes. The bag is knitted in the round with single crochets and is suitable even for beginner knitters. At the end of the work, decorate the handbag with stylish handles made of transparent beads.

To knit a bag you will need:

  1. - 2 x 50 g (125 m) skeins of yellow Orlis Flamenco (tone 177)
  2. - 1 each of cherry (41), hot pink (38), orange (196), hot green (16) and turquoise (122) colors
  3. - Hook No. 3.5
  4. - Two handles made of translucent pink beads
  5. - 34 translucent pink beads with a diameter of 15 mm
  6. - 1 m thick wire
  7. - A piece of thick cardboard 30 x 10 cm

Two-tone crochet beach bag

To knit a bag you will need: 200 g of cotton yarn in three colors, hook number 2, lining and zipper.

Bag dimensions: width 30 cm, height 25 cm, thickness 7 cm.

Crochet beach bag, models from the Internet

Wonderful crochet beach bag "Sand and Sea" with an ornament

We suggest crocheting a bag. We chose different colors for our case: sea, water, sky and sand. Therefore, our name of the bag: "Sand and Sea". This does not mean that you will only use it as a beach bag. Our bag is also perfect for shopping and for all occasions where you don't need to be formal.

Threads - wool.
Hooks - 4 mm (bag bottom) and 4.5 mm (bag walls).

Crochet beach bag

Crochet beach bag from Burda

SIZE 30 cm (height) x 96 cm (top circumference).

You will need: yarn (100% polyamide, 65 m / 25 g) - 50 g of beige and 25 g of blue, green, red, gold, white, black and pink; hook number 5; 1 plastic rectangular brown button 33 x 21 mm.

Beach bag decor, master class

Exotic sea shells are so delicate, exquisite and wonderfully diverse! Saturated by the sun, caressed by the waves, keeping the secrets of unknown depths. It is not surprising that it is customary to take them as a memento of travels to the sea. Probably, each of us has a cherished box with these embodied memories at home... And how pleasant it is to open it one cold winter evening, stroke the smooth mother-of-pearl sides of the shells with your fingertips, put one of them to your ear and hear the distant, barely audible song of the sea...

But now it's summer (yes, yes, I insist)! Time of interesting travels, new acquaintances, vivid impressions, time of joy. And what can please a woman more than a new bag? Especially the beach bag!

Crochet Jacquard Beach Bag

A crochet bag with a jacquard pattern will always be a trendy summer accessory.

A knitted bag in your collection will be not only comfortable, but also a stylish thing.

  • length 38 cm,
  • width 40 cm,
  • bottom 10 cm,
  • border height 12 cm.

You will need:

  • 300 g linen (col. 03248), 150 g green (col. 03392), 100 g burgundy (col. 03128) Schachenmayr CATANIA GRANDE (100% cotton, 63 m/50 g);
  • hook No. 4 and No. 4.5;
  • hook for Tunisian knitting with cable No. 4.5 and No. 5; wool needle;
  • bag handles;
  • for lining 45 cm of cotton fabric 90 cm wide;
  • sewing needle.

Moroccan crochet bag

This bag is crocheted using the tapestri technique - it turned out to be a beautiful dense fabric with a beautiful Moroccan pattern.

The bag is connected in a spiral. Leather handles and fabric lining complete the job to create the perfect summer bag.

Bag dimensions: 36 cm x 30 cm.

Bag knitting density: 28 loops x 22 rows = 10 cm

Tunisian crochet beach bag

Bag size: 30 x 22 x 5 cm.


  1. 100 g brown and 100 g blue yarn (50% cotton, 50% polyacrylic, 65 m / 50 g).
  2. Hook number 5.
  3. Tunisian hook number 6.
  4. hook number 7
  5. marker
  6. crossbar for handles 2.5 mm wide, 2 m long
  7. candle
  8. Hook-and-loop beach bag with fringes

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A crochet beach bag is a great opportunity to crochet a new fashion accessory. Even if you do not know how to crochet - with master classes and patterns, you have a good opportunity to knit a great stylish bag for the summer. Knitted beach bags are lightweight, roomy in size, and easy to make with your own hands. We will crochet a beach bag with our own hands from cotton, p / woolen, acrylic yarn, and also from polypropylene yarn or from garbage bags.

The pattern for such a beautiful beach bag, we will take a lush crochet column. The knitted bag has a height of 33.5 cm and a width of 39.5 cm. Knit the bottom of the bag and the handle with a single crochet (RLS). We knit with a double thread so that the bag keeps its shape well. You can take 1 main thread and 1 rope type thread for the bottom.

Bag pattern.

For work you will need:

  1. Cotton yarn (50% cotton, 50% acrylic or polyester) 150 m/50 gr., 250 gr. white, and 90 gr. turquoise, burgundy, orange, lilac.
  2. Hook 5.5 mm thick.
  3. Cardboard to reinforce the bottom
  4. Large sewing needle.

Each next row we start not RLS, but VP.

Main pattern: we knit a pattern of lush crochet columns. Do not forget that you need to dial so many points so that the number is divisible by 4 plus 1.

Knitting density: 15 p.15 p. equals 10/10 cm. RLS.

All crocheted details are done separately, and then sewn with a needle and thread to match the color of the bag. We knit the bottom of the bag with our own hands - we start with a chain of 21 p. And then knit RLS. We add to round the shape on both sides in every second p. from the beginning: 1 time for 4 p., 1 time for 3 p., and 2 times for 1 p. As a result, you get 39 p. We knit 9 p., That is, 6 cm from the beginning - this will be just the middle of the work. Here is another option for knitting a bottom: choose which one is easier for you.

We knit the side parts of the bag for the beach with a pattern of lush columns according to the scheme:

Knit with white yarn a chain of 45 VPs with lush columns. We start with loops before rapport (4 RLS), this rapport is repeated constantly, we finish the item after rapp. Repeat from the 1st to the 6th p., observing the colors, as in the diagram. In the first and in every second repetition of the scheme, knit with the color in brackets.
Then, on both sides, for rounding, add on both sides in the second p. from the beginning 1 time for 1 p., then in each 6 - ohm p. 3 times 1 p., Total will be 53 p. We finish the work when we reach the desired height (52 p., Or 33 cm from the beginning).

Handles (2 parts)

With white yarn, dial a chain of 9 VPs, close it into a ring, knit in a spiral RLS. During the transition of the circular river. knit all the time RLS, without connection. pillar. After 76 cm from the beginning of knitting, we finish.

Assembly of the bottom and side walls

We sew both side parts and sew to the bottom of the bag. We tie the upper cut of the bag with white yarn “crustacean step” (RLS). We sew the handles, departing from the upper cut 8-10 cm.

We will continue crocheting bags with our own hands with another beautiful bag knitted with jacquard. Such a beautiful bag can not leave anyone indifferent. How to crochet a beach bag for beginners? We offer a detailed description of knitting a beach bag. The bag is crocheted of woolen threads with acrylic, suitable for shopping. Such a bag can be crocheted from knitted yarn - it will turn out to be dense and durable.

For work you will need:

  1. Yarn (wool with acrylic or acrylic) - 100 gr. white, gray, aquamarine, dark green, 50 gr. brown
  2. Hook 4 mm thick. and 4.5 mm.
  3. Pins to mark the beginning of the row.

We take a hook 4 mm. We start knitting the bottom with an amigurumi ring. We knit the bottom until we reach the row, in which there will be 144 p. We start with a floating loop:

The bottom will be round. The end of the row is marked with a pin or colored thread. In order to make an amigurumi ring, wrap a gray thread around your index finger (Fig. 1), knit the 1st VP, then drop the stitch from the finger and knit the first circular row - 6 sc (Fig. 7). We tighten the ring.
Row 1: 2 sc in each st for 12 sts.
2nd row: add 12 more sts (again 2 sc in each st), you get 24 sts.
3rd row: no increase.

4th row: 12 more sts inc, 2 sc in every other st, totaling 36 sts.
5th row: no increase.
6th p.: 12 sts inc, 2 sc in every third st, you get 48 sts.

7th row: no increase.
8th p: 12 p. Appr. 2 sc in every fourth st, you get 60 sts.
9th row: change to another color without increasing.

Row 10: Change color to grey, inc 12 sts every 5th st, 72 sts.
11th p.: no increase.
12th p.: 12 p. We add (2 RLS) in every sixth p., = 84 p.
13th p.: no increase.
14th p.: 12 p. increase 2 sc in every seventh p., we get 92 p.
15th row: change the gray color to dark green, without increasing.
16th p.: 12 p. We add in every eighth p., You get 108 p.
17th p.: no increase.
18th row: change color to gray, add 12 sts to every ninth st, it turns out 120 sts.
19th p.: change the color to dark green, without magnification.
20th row: change color to gray, 12 sts increase in every tenth st, there will be 132 sts.
21st p.: no change.

22nd p.: change to the color of the sea wave, add 12 p. in each 11th p., there will be 144 p.
23rd row: change color to gray, no change.

The bottom of the bag is finished. The bottom turned out to be 27.5 cm in diameter. We take a hook 4.5 mm thick. and we knit the walls of our handbag with our own hands.

24th row: we knit the lower bezel, there are no more increases, all rows have 144 p. We turn the knitting to the wrong side, we tie the entire row with connecting loops.

25th row: unfold the knitting and knit the entire row in gray RLS.
26th, 27th, and 28th p.: RLS in dark green.

29th - 33rd p .: we knit according to the pattern, there should not be broaches on the wrong side, since the working thread is knitted together with the non-working one.
34th row: gray yarn.
35th, 36th and 37th: color blue.

39th river: the color of the sea wave.
40th p.: white.
41st - 48th p.: drawing from squares, diagram:

Do not worry if the squares move to the right, this is acceptable in this knitting.

This is what the pattern looks like:

49th p. and 50th p.: change color.
51st, 52nd, 53rd p.: knit with gray yarn.
54th, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th p.: Knit according to scheme number 1.