Why you can't wear a ring on your middle finger. Why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger: a tradition. One of the most common beliefs says that you cannot reuse someone's wedding rings in order not to adopt life mistakes and

The ring is an elegant accessory. It not only emphasizes the tenderness of women's hands, but also carries a symbolic meaning. The meaning of the rings on the fingers can influence fate or discover hidden talents. The jewelry on the right hand is designed to activate the capabilities and qualities of the personality. On the left, they protect from negativity and pacify internal disagreements.

From the history of the rings

The ring is one of the oldest human jewelry. Already in the Paleolithic era, bone jewelry was worn on the fingers. The first metal rings appeared in the Bronze Age. Later they became a symbol of social status. So, in ancient Rome, golden rings were the prerogative of horsemen and senators.

Features of the profession contributed to the functional features of the rings. Archers put on 3 rings at once in order to prevent the bowstring cuts. Shoemakers wore special thimble rings that prevented needle pricks.

There were seal rings with the family coat of arms engraved. Thanks to them, it was possible to leave an impression on wax, sealing an important document or letter.

The secret rings were created using a special design. Their top cover was opening. There was a cavity under it in which the poison could be hidden.

Wedding rings date back to the 1st century BC. They were exchanged as a sign of love and fidelity. Later, rings appeared, which were given as a sign of engagement.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers carries a certain semantic load. In psychology, jewelry reveals how a person positions himself in society. In palmistry, each finger has its own name and meaning.

Palmistry and rings

The science of palmistry was born long ago. People have always been interested in what kind of lines are inscribed on the palms, how they affect fate. Thanks to the shape of the hand and fingers, the character of a person can be determined. The interpretation of lines in the palm of your hand will allow you to know the past and the future.

In palmistry, each finger has a hidden meaning and affects personality traits. Therefore, in order to achieve success in a particular area, palmists are advised to wear rings on the appropriate fingers. The entire palm is divided into 9 zones, which are named after the ancient gods.

The values \u200b\u200bof the rings on the fingers will allow you to develop the necessary personality traits.

Finger of Mars (Venus)

You need to know when a certain wearing of rings on your fingers has a hidden meaning. Their meaning should be taken into account only if the jewelry was selected specifically for this finger. The interpretation will lose its validity if the ring is worn depending on its size.

The thumb is named after Mars, in some cases Venus. The thing is that the thumb has a base at the hill of Venus. But next to the hill, in the center of the palm, is the Mars zone. Therefore, the name of the thumb for palmists is twofold.

The ring will help develop logical thinking. Put on the thumb, it expresses the desire to assert itself. Emotionality, internal energy characterizes such a woman. At the same time, the ring will help to pacify aggressiveness, curb outbursts of anger. It will help to keep yourself in control, make harmonious relationships with people around you.

indicates latent potential. The finger of Mars and the decoration on it symbolize sexuality, the desire to dominate. The ring will help you realize your attractiveness in the eyes of men.

Jupiter's finger

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of women gives a hint, a clue to the character. The index finger originates from the hill of Jupiter. The ring on this finger indicates pride and lust for power. It will add confidence in your abilities, help you achieve success. Develops intuition and discernment. The hand on which the jewelry is worn is of great importance.

Ring on the index finger of the right hand means prudence, a tendency to think. Revealing a causal relationship. It symbolizes the ruler's wisdom and leadership qualities.

Ring on the index finger of the left hand confirms the tendency to hysterical outbursts, unbalanced emotionality. In rare cases, it means megalomania.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of Jupiter on both hands indicates the pursuit of the goal. A woman is able to sweep away all obstacles, will stop at nothing to achieve what she wants. The rings on the index fingers of both hands are a symbol of ambition, disregard for the laws of human morality.

Finger of Saturn

The middle is the finger of Saturn. Palmists recommend that unlucky women wear a ring on this finger. Those who do not have a career or family life. The ring on the middle finger will help to overcome all adversity, cope with difficulties, and achieve success.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers demonstrates personality traits. The decoration on the middle finger indicates a woman's irresistibility, her spiritual wealth and a desire to please others.

Usually, birth rings are worn on it. They help smooth out the outlines of fate. The power of the ancestors pacifies the negative impact on life. Stabilizes wealth and gives strength.

Apollo Finger (Sun)

The nameless is the finger of Apollo. He is protected by the Sun. It imparts attraction to exquisite things. The desire for comfort, fame, wealth can symbolize in this case wearing rings on your fingers. The meaning and influence on a woman's life also depends on the type of jewelry. Its small size will give calmness, poise. A large and bright ring will add emotion.

The decoration on the ring finger indicates satisfaction with life and self. The pursuit of fun and variety. Wedding rings are also worn on Apollo's finger. If another piece of jewelry is worn over the wedding, it means that the woman values \u200b\u200bfamily ties.

The energy of the Sun gives honor and success to the owners of the rings on the ring finger. Promotes career advancement, gives creative energy.

Finger of Mercury

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. The inconstancy, variability, instability of nature is indicated by the ring on the little finger. The sophistication of thinking, a tendency to intrigue. Important information can be gleaned based on which finger the rings are worn on. The value of jewelry on the little finger is coquetry, narcissism, passion.

The ring on the finger of Mercury indicates a woman's creativity. Acting, the desire to be in the spotlight, the ability to attract the audience in an unconventional way. These are bright, interesting women with the gift of speech and inner magnetism. They are independent and capable of achieving their goal in any way.

When communicating with ladies, you should pay attention to which finger the rings are on. The value of jewelry carries information about what properties a woman wants to develop in herself. A ring on the little finger will help you find a common language with different people, establish business contacts. Will teach diplomacy and flexibility of mind.

Ring metal

The ring is a beautiful accessory and mystical talisman that helps to acquire or pacify personality traits. It is necessary to take into account the interpretation of palmistry about which finger the ring is on. The value of metals will help you choose the right jewelry.

Gold possesses solar energy, patronizes magnanimous and generous people. Gives strength and power to whole individuals. It hurts faint-hearted, spiritless people.

Silver attracts lunar, mystical energy. It is able to protect against the negative emission of information. If you put silver in water, it will become healing.

Platinum able to smooth out the negative manifestations of stones. For example, pearls, a stone of tears, will lose their negative meaning if they are set in platinum.

Iron will give strength and courage. This metal is suitable for timid, indecisive people. Iron best conducts the energy of the stone to the human mental body.

Copper should be worn open. Even the ring shouldn't be a vicious circle. Copper prolongs life, has a positive effect on the heart, and stimulates sexual energy.

It has been known for a long time that wearing rings with natural stones can enhance the effect of certain planets in your horoscope. And today it is believed that each finger corresponds to a separate planet in the solar system.

For example, the thumb is Venus, the index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is the Sun, and the little finger is Mercury. Thus, by putting on a ring with a certain stone on your finger, you can control your destiny. If earlier a woman took a vow of celibacy, she wore a silver ring on her thumb, blocking the energy of the planet Venus. Therefore, if a girl wants to improve her personal life, to meet a soul mate, she should not wear a ring on her thumb.

Decorations on the index finger

The index finger is a symbol of a person's ego. Many have noticed how unpleasant it is when another person points their index finger in our direction. This is because the finger emits powerful energy. Wearing a ring on the index finger is essential for those who wish to become a leader. In this case, you need to choose silver products. In this case, gold is not suitable. It is recommended to wear sapphires, turquoise, aquamarine and lapis lazuli on the index finger. Coral, opal will help relieve stress, strengthen family relationships.

Middle finger jewelry

Only strong, strong-willed people can wear rings on the middle finger. Jewelry with a natural stone on the middle finger can activate karmic tasks and attract unexpected twists of fate. Putting a ring on the middle finger is recommended if the soul requires a change. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to bright rings with expressive stones. The moonstone ring is perfect for the middle finger. If a person is satisfied with everything in life, there is no need to put a ring on the middle finger.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring on this finger is a vivid symbol of success in society, as well as happiness in personal relationships, well-being, love. If it is necessary to activate all of the above spheres, it is necessary to put on a gold, silver ring on this finger. It is noteworthy that the product can be supplemented with any natural stone.

Pinky ring

The decoration on this finger can activate communication skills. In this case, the person will develop charisma, charm. If you put a gold ring on your little finger with any natural red stone, success in your career, money and business is guaranteed. For the little finger, you can also pick up jewelry with amber, topaz, as well as chrysolite, emerald. The ring on the little finger should be worn by speakers, politicians, businessmen, analysts, doctors. Wearing rings on this finger is recommended for those who love flirting and gambling. Calm, family people are better off choosing jewelry on another finger.

Add your price to the base


Many women love jewelry, especially precious metal rings. And some men do not mind adding a little charm to their image with the help of a massive gold ring with a large stone or a heraldic sign. Is it possible to wear a ring on the ring finger - what are the consequences?

It is believed that powerful, extraordinary people wear jewelry on the thumb. The index finger is also "supplied" with a ring by born leaders, those who feel like a king or queen among other surroundings.

The ring on the middle finger is a sign of the wearer's high intellectual abilities. Those who wear jewelry on the little finger tend to attract attention, flirt and have fun.

The ring finger is the traditional “placement” of the ring. This is usually a wedding ring. In the Orthodox world, the round symbol of the marriage union is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. In other countries where, for example, the traditions of Catholicism are strong, they prefer the finger of the left hand. If the spouses get divorced, then this symbol of extinct love is put on the ring finger of the other hand (for Christians - on the left hand, for Catholics - on the right).

This tradition originated from the ancient Egyptians. They discovered an artery that allegedly connects the ring finger of the left hand directly to the heart. From here they concluded: lovers, in order to enhance the power of feelings, must wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand.

Also, the ring finger unites several energy centers that are responsible for love and family, a person's creative potential, his self-realization and the awakening of vitality. However, this finger is not recommended for married people to wear a silver ring. Beautiful and romantic, but cold metal can tell about the cooling of relations and feelings between a wife and husband.

At the same time, our Slavic ancestors believed that only married people can wear rings and rings on the ring finger. If a bachelor wears jewelry on him, then he will miss his fate and may forever be left without a pair, and will also regularly fail in his love affairs.

Astrologers claim that the ring finger is under the influence of the Sun. Putting a ring on this finger, a person awakens in himself the hidden potential of self-expression, which, sooner or later, will lead him to wealth and fame.

It is interesting! In ancient Rome, there was such a tradition: if a married woman had a ring or a ring on her ring finger, then this was a sign indicating that the woman was sold.

Millennia have passed. But the ring finger is still considered the most convenient place for the wedding ring. Today, rings are worn on this finger not only by newlyweds, but also by many jewelry lovers. And it does not cause any consequences (negative, in any case).


It is believed that an incorrectly selected attribute affects health. For example, gold excites the nervous system, while silver calms it down. There are no strict rules for wearing rings, but there are some guidelines. Let's consider them in order.

Wearing rings by character type

Little finger
It is recommended to wear rings on this finger for people who do not have pronounced signs of eloquence, dexterity, and flexible mind. The little finger is called the finger of Mercury, it patronizes doctors, diplomats, great orators, analysts and politicians.

If you need support in these areas, it is worth putting the ring on your little finger. Such a move will help establish contacts in the business area, establish contacts with people who have a complex nature by nature.

Also, the ring, put on the little finger, helps gamblers and "Casanovs" (men), who are courting different women. The accessory suppresses the listed qualities, returning a person to the true path.

Wearing a ring on this finger is suitable for people who have a passion for wealth, both spiritual and material. In addition, the accessory is recommended to be used by men and women seeking pleasure in life and love.

The ring emphasizes the passion for everything beautiful and living, suitable for people who want to gain power and glory. If you wear gold jewelry, you can soon become famous and rich.

A person who is not in a relationship should put the ring on his left hand. Such a move will tell the future soul mate that a man or woman is open to new acquaintances. The ring is worn on the right hand by people who are married.

The bearers of the middle finger rings are considered to be unlucky people who are accompanied by failure everywhere. Also, the accessory is worn in the case of a piece of jewelry that was inherited (family ring).

A person who has put an accessory on the middle finger will be able to go through life in peace and overcome all difficulties. In difficult situations, decisions will be much easier.

In addition to all of the above, the accessory is suitable for people learning the art of self-knowledge and those who are engaged in meditation. To open yourself up to the fullest, you should give preference to attributes made of bronze or iron.

Palmists and astrologers claim that this finger personifies the power and protection of Jupiter. Wearing a ring on the index finger suits closed, insecure and overly shy individuals. The decoration helps to increase self-esteem, makes a person eloquent and spiritually strong.

Such a move will help a person expand horizons in different areas of life, believe in their own strengths, and also become shrewd and more passionate.

People who by nature have an ardent temperament, expressiveness, high emotionality and an inexhaustible supply of energy are recommended to put the ring on this finger. Moreover, the decoration should be made of copper or red gold.

According to astrologers and palmists, the thumb represents the power of Mars. The planet is responsible for the partial suppression of unwanted (evil or greedy) emotions, restrains irritability, calms the nervous system, helps the wearer become kinder and find harmony with his own "I".

In most cases, people with a thumb ring are highly stubborn. They try in every possible way to assert themselves at the expense of others, as well as increase their libido (in the case of men). Women find thousands of ways to satisfy their partner in bed.

Little finger
As mentioned earlier, the finger is responsible for business relationships and connections with “helpful” people. Often, a ring on the little finger improves speech and mental performance.

Give preference to jewelry with yellowish stones. These include amber, citrine, carnelian, topaz. Green samples like emerald, chrysoprase (inserted in a silver frame), chrysolite are also suitable.

You can also wear a silver or gold jade ring to a business meeting. It will help make grandiose projects a reality, as well as improve kidney function, tell you how to find a solution in a difficult situation.

The finger is a symbol of love, so it is advisable to give preference to jewelry with red stones. These include ruby, garnet, jasper, tourmaline, lal, carnelian. These items strengthen the heart muscle and vision, and also bring happiness in the love plan.

It is allowed to wear rings with yellow stones (amber, carnelian, citrine, chrysolite, topaz, etc.). To strengthen the bonds of marriage, it is worth putting a pearl ring on the finger of your right hand.

People in registered family relationships are strongly discouraged from wearing a silver ring. A similar aspect is associated with the strength of the alloy, it calms and makes a person invulnerable to love and feelings in general. It is not for nothing that people wear "Save and Preserve" on the ring finger of their right hand.

The jewelry worn on this finger is responsible for the human ego. The stone inserted into the ring plays an important role in political, business and family ties. The ring promotes the bearer into the upper world, the elite, and a noble society.

It is advisable to give preference to stones of black, dark blue, purple hue. In this case, the element must be enclosed in platinum, white gold or silver. Palmists recommend wearing rings occasionally, for example, for an important interview that should be successful.

To maintain the harmony of heart and mind, put on the middle finger of your left hand amethyst or obsidian cut with silver. To convince your opponent of the seriousness of the idea, get a moonstone.

Do not decorate the middle fingers with gold items. Jewelry of this kind overshadows its owner, making him uninteresting to society. A gold alloy, in which a red-colored stone is enclosed, has a detrimental effect on personal life and sexual relations.


The finger is a manifestation of the will of Jupiter. He shows a person the way, reveals talents, raises purposefulness and increases interest in life. An incorrectly chosen decoration can be the result of ruin and a lack of spiritual values.

To become successful, wear items with sapphires, turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and other stones on your index finger in blue, as well as blue and turquoise shades. Give preference to gold-cut jewelry.

If you enclose coral in gold, you can quickly eliminate negativity, prolonged depression, stress. Men need to wear jewelry on their right hand and girls on their left.
In no case should you wear silver rings, otherwise such a sock will contribute to the destruction of hopes and dreams.

It is advisable to decorate the finger with rings with green, blue-green or deep blue pebbles. Such a move will increase the vitality and confidence of its owner, put in order the psycho-emotional background, and cure absent-mindedness.

You can also wear yellow stones, but you should discard the blue ones. If you wear a ring with a blue-green stone, a person will feel comfortable, no matter the situation. The "correct" stones include aquamarine, lapis lazuli, turquoise, amazonite.

Since olden times, wearing rings has symbolized the individuality, charisma and taste of its owner. The accessory can be used by men and women, each person needs a certain stone according to the type of character.

Video: how to wear rings with natural stones correctly

Rings at all times have been one of the main jewelry of women. Not many people know that with the help of a ring, fate can be changed. It all depends on which finger and on which hand you wear this jewelry. What do esotericists advise?

Which hand to wear the ring on

It is considered that right hand - male, active. The ring on the right finger helps to activate certain areas of life and improve character traits. Left hand- female, passive. Wearing the ring on the left hand serves as protection from negative energy and dangers.

What metal is the best to wear a ring

If you want to protect yourself from negative energy - envy, gossip, evil eye and bad people, then it is recommended to wear silver rings.

Golden rings - an active metal that helps to activate your personal energy.

Which finger to wear the ring on

Thumb responsible for the mind, logic, head. If in life you do not have enough logical thinking to solve any problems and do not have enough willpower, then wear the ring on the thumb of your right hand. Gold jewelry will help you activate these qualities.

If reason and logic, on the contrary, interfere with your life and you want to follow the voice of your intuition, then it is recommended to wear a silver ring on the thumb of your left or right hand.

Forefinger. It is better not to wear gold rings on the index finger, as the finger itself symbolizes ego and personal strength. Gold can simply make you vain and selfish. A silver ring should be worn in order to protect oneself from unconscious actions, as well as to normalize relations with others.

Middle finger. Wearing a silver ring on the middle finger of your left hand will help correct your destiny. If you want to achieve success in society, personal life and surround yourself with good people, then you need to put the ring on the middle finger of your right hand. It should be a piece of gold.

Ring finger.It is recommended to wear a ring on this finger in order to unleash your creativity. Also, the ring on the ring finger can correct the situation in your personal life. Gold jewelry on the right hand will help attract the other half, and will also help make the relationship with your loved one more sensual and vibrant. A silver ring on the left, passive hand will protect you from an unhappy marriage and unrequited love.

Little finger.With the help of a ring on the little finger, you can correct relationships with others. If you want to become a more sociable person, find friends and lead an active life, feel free to put a gold ring on the little finger of your right hand. If you want to protect yourself from someone else's influence and sharpen your intuition, a silver ring on the little finger of your left hand will help.

Create your own destiny! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.03.2015 09:05

Many people love jewelry and rings are one of them. However, not everyone knows that the ring ...

Jewelry has a strong energy and can tell a lot about its owner. Learning about the meaning ...