Human handwriting and character examples. Various decorations in the signature. Distance between words and lines

Psychologists, sociologists, handwriting experts have long come to the conclusion that man's handwriting and character related.

Of course, one cannot talk about one hundred percent correlation, but there is a certain basis for this. How to recognize a person by handwriting?

Is it possible to determine character by handwriting?

Handwriting begins to form at an early age.

The character also develops, undergoes changes. Graphology has long entered our life, it is used not only in psychology, but also in criminology.

Handwriting linked with fine motor skills, peculiarities of nervous activity, brain work... The character is formed on the basis of temperament and external factors, therefore it is also associated with the brain and nervous system.

The research should preferably be carried out in a calm environment. Ideally, the text is written on a white album sheet without the presence of cells, rulers, and by hand.

One or two words are not enough, at least four lines are needed. Be sure to pay attention to the signature, since you can see elements from it that are not in the usual text.

Better to use pencil or fountain pen... If possible, several texts written in different time periods are taken for analysis.

This can track the dynamics of character development, catch the presence of stress factors, and sometimes determine and presence of diseases.

Why is the handwriting check procedure increasingly used when applying for a job? Psychologist's opinion:

Graphology - concept and general information

Graphology is a psychodiagnostic technology.

The analysis is based on the fact that handwriting is associated with fine motor skills, formed by the brain, associated with subconscious processes and personality traits.

Graphology, as a science, is based on knowledge psychophysiology, psychopathology, psychology... Research and practical experience matter. However, some scientists are skeptical about such experiments and consider graphology a pseudoscience.

Nevertheless, it has its own system, signs that researchers are guided by... Even ancient philosophers noticed that by handwriting you can tell a lot about a person - whether he is good or evil, whether he is capable of deception, how selfish, whether he can be trusted.

The training process for a graphologist includes not only theory but also careful practice that allows you to capture the smallest details of the analyzed object.

The specialist can tell about the personality interesting details. Even the person himself does not always realize that he has certain character traits. The fact is that the peculiarities of writing are largely manifested under the influence of the subconscious.

Handwriting studies were carried out in the ancient world, but the most famous first treatise belongs to a doctor Camillo Baldo.

The word "graphology" appeared in the 19th century in the book of the abbot Jean Hippolyte Michonne.

He compared the individual elements of the style of letters and writing and associated them with certain character traits.

The absence of these elements meant opposite traits.

Many writers and other famous people have recognized that character is reflected in the way they write. Gradually, the ideas of graphology spread throughout Europe.

Now this science is being studied in universities in many countries, in some of them there is such a profession.

Graphology is used in business, psychodiagnostics, psychology, forensics, even when applying for a job.

Handwriting and the main features of a person - a graphologist's comment:

Analysis and meaning

What does handwriting say about a person's character? Handwriting has many features by which researchers assess personality traits.

  1. Small. The sign indicates secrecy, isolation, a desire to become invisible. Small letters speak of pedantry, accuracy, responsibility. The person fully concentrates on the task, tries to fulfill the plan. There may be traits of pettiness, prudence.
  2. Large. The person is sociable, has many friends, gets to know people easily and gets along with people. More symbols speak of emotionality, the presence of leadership qualities. However, it should be borne in mind that letters can get larger with age due to problems with motor skills and vision (example in the photo).
  3. Sweeping. Characterizes people who are active, cheerful, inquisitive. They are interested in the outside world, do not like boredom and routine.

    Also characteristic of creative people. A person easily converges with people, is open to social contacts.

  4. Narrow. The sign is inherent in people who are thrifty, rational, accurately calculating their time and efforts.
  5. Printed. The personality is purposeful, straightforward. Figurative thinking is well developed.
  6. Spicy... Shows that the person has selfish traits. The individual is accustomed to relying on himself, is independent, does not like when people try to control him.
  7. Rounded letters... Personality pliable, compliant, loyal. Such people often have difficulties in achieving goals, they easily compromise. In difficult situations, you can rely on a person, he will help and support.
  8. Tilt to the left. Speaks of a tendency to criticize others. A person puts his interests above all else. A very strong slope speaks of stubbornness. The individual considers his point of view to be the only correct one, it is difficult to convince him otherwise.
  9. Tilt to the right. The most common type. A standard, not very strong slope does not mean anything, as they teach to write in elementary school. A very strong slope indicates purposefulness. It is found in individuals who are inclined to fall in love strongly and.
  10. Text without slant... He speaks of a completely harmonious, self-sufficient person who knows his own worth. Emotionality is combined with calculation and prudence, decisions are made thoughtfully and not spontaneously, after careful planning.
  11. Strong pressure... It is characteristic of energetic individuals, prone to workaholism. Such people are sociable, easily establish contacts, they have extensive connections. Have a sense of humor, optimists.

    They attract attention to themselves, never remain invisible, confident in themselves, which attracts other people to them.

  12. Light pressure... Handwriting can be traced in people prone to calmness, isolation, loneliness. Letters with light pressure are found in romantic natures. A person is dreamy, often hovers in the clouds, prefers to act slowly. Too light pressure can show a person with a weak will.
  13. By the arrangement of the lines. Straight lines characterize a person who is calm, measured, responding adequately to reality, without unnecessary emotionality and outbursts. The main character trait is poise. A line going down indicates the presence of pessimistic character traits. If it rises to the end up, it shows an optimist, but it can still speak of an overestimate.

    If the lines are very uneven, they float, the letters are different, this characteristic shows imbalance, increased emotionality, impressionability.

How to determine the character by handwriting? Watch the video.

Many dream to look into the secrets of someone else's soul and read in it, as in an open book. In fact, these dreams are not fruitless. In order to find out the character of a person, it is not necessary to have psychic abilities. Modern sciences make it possible to unravel other people's secrets without resorting to magic.

So, graphology studies the dependence of handwriting on a person's character and, although many still consider it a pseudoscience, has achieved amazing results. So, more and more representatives of the scientific community answer the question whether it is possible to determine the character by handwriting.

A bit of history

The first connection between handwriting and character of a person was noticed by a Roman historian Suetonius, who, in the first century AD, in his writings dedicated to the life of Octavian Augustus, paid special attention to his handwriting. Centuries later, the work saw the light K. Balbo, in which he talked about an unusual way to recognize the "customs and qualities" of a person - by his letter.

However, the first attempts to systematize knowledge and observations about the dependence of a person's character on his manner of writing were undertaken only in the second half of the 19th century by the founder of graphology J.-I. Michonne. On his initiative, journals devoted to graphology issues were published, communities of people passionate about it were created.

Interesting experiments that were staged a little later by a biologist W. Preyer, who inspired people under hypnosis that they have different characters and asked them to write something. It turned out that along with the "changed" personality, the handwriting also changed.

She paid considerable attention to the study of the connection between the manner of writing and the inclinations of a person R. Wieser... A careful analysis of the handwriting of 700 criminals revealed the presence of common elements.

Today's graphologists claim that they can determine by handwriting not only the character of a person and his emotional state at the time of writing, but also gender, age, habits (), a tendency to addiction and other things that the writer himself may not even suspect.

Graphologists believe that during writing, the brain sends certain impulses to the hand. They are individual, therefore a person's handwriting is individual... Even if a person writes one message in a hurry, in a moment of strong emotional excitement, and "displays" another letter, being in a calm and serene state, his handwriting will remain recognizable. At first glance, it may seem that these are two different handwriting, but if you look closely, it turns out that many elements of the style of letters, their connections, position on the line and other handwriting parameters remain unchanged. It turns out that there is a certain individual code in the handwriting of each, by which it is possible to decipher his character.

What character do the different handwriting features indicate?

It is impossible to 100% accurately determine the character of a person by handwriting, but nevertheless, his notes will certainly give some ideas about him. Especially if they were written at different times, in different emotional states: comparing the notes will help to identify the most characteristic features of the subject's writing. When "decrypting" a message, one should pay attention to the arrangement of lines, margins, connection of letters, their size, style and pressure.

The lines can go up or down, they can be arranged in a wavy shape. This is especially noticeable if the text is written on an unlined sheet.

Arrangement of lines first of all, it speaks about how confident the person who wrote them is:

    If the lines are directed obliquely upwards, then the "feather" that brought them out was in the hands of a determined, ambitious person.

    If the lines go down, then they are displayed by an insecure and sentimental person.

    "Jumping" lines indicate a person's ability to adapt to a situation.

    The "wavy" lines, descending, then ascending, indicate that the writer is used to bringing what he started to the end.

Connecting letters can also tell a lot:

    Torn letters on paper are left impulsive people, most often relying on intuition. They live with their hearts, and their life can hardly be called boring. No one will undertake to guess what they will get into their heads.

    If the words look written in a hurry, when some letters are connected, others are scattered, then the person who wrote them, most likely, is distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity, knows how to quickly find solutions and take the initiative into his own hands.

    If all the letters are carefully connected to each other, then the owner of such a handwriting with a high degree of probability differs in logical reasoning, lives with his head.

    Calligraphic handwriting, as a rule, belongs to a neat person, strongly dependent on someone else's opinion, not self-reliant.

Shape and size of letters, their style also deserves attention:

    Round letters from diplomats.

    Angular in selfish or independent people.

    Small letters in closed individuals.

    Large - with broad souls.

    Signs of different sizes are a signal of imbalance and lack of spiritual harmony.

Unless the subject is left-handed, take a closer look at tilt:

    A strong tilt to the right - you are dealing with a purposeful person

    Stubborn people write without tilt.

    The different slope suggests that the message was left by a capricious nature.

Something to tell and pressure:

    Weak pressure characterizes a light nature.

    Strong pressure indicates that the note was written by an egocentric person.

Even fields may indicate some traits of a person:

    The wide margins on the left are left meager.

    The wide margins on the right leave generous.

For the purity of the experiment, it does not hurt to acquire several samples of a person's handwriting. At the same time, we must not forget that there can still be no complete confidence in the accuracy of determining the character, so do not rush to put labels on people. Nevertheless, deeds speak to a greater extent about character, and not the manner of writing letters.

The connection between handwriting and individual personality traits is studied by the special science of graphology. To determine the character of a person, many nuances are taken into account: the size and shape of letters, inclination, pressure, the size of the fields and much more. What can you learn about a person by handwriting?

The ancient Greek philosophers, including Aristotle, Theophrastus, Demetrius of Faler, tried to find a psychological explanation for the difference in handwriting. So, for example, the biographer of the Roman emperors Suetonius Guy Tranquill, wrote about the thrift of Augustus, referring to the fact that he very closely put letters to each other and added words under the lines. What will the features of your handwriting tell you about?

Large handwriting says that the person is very sociable and easily finds a common language with others. But, small or, as it is also called, "beaded" handwriting, on the contrary, indicates that a person is shy, secretive and uncommunicative, but more observant and collected than someone who is always open to communication.

People who give the letters a rounded shape are very kind, trusting and open-minded, they love to be the center of attention, but are quite impractical. Those whose handwriting looks angular, people are very selfish and proud, rarely take into account other people's interests and always chase after selfishness.

Illegible handwriting suggests that the person is very active, enterprising, but prone to neuroses. Such people are very secretive, constantly trying to mislead the interlocutor and hide the true state of their affairs.

He speaks of great willpower, patience, endurance and perseverance strong pressure on the handle and a pencil, but if a person writes

subtly, barely touching the sheet with the pen, then, on the contrary, he is very weak-willed and suspicious.

If a person does not connect words, but puts them separately, at intervals, know, before you is an extremely egocentric and unbalanced person who finds it very difficult to find a common language with people. The letters, written together, with neat correct connections, speak of the excellent logical thinking of a person.

If the words in the line "jump" waves - this speaks of natural cunning and cunning, that a person is able to weave gossip and intrigue behind your back. If a line tends upward, this indicates that you are an optimist and an incorrigible romantic, but a downward line, on the contrary, gives out a pessimist in a person who is inclined to dramatize everything.

If a person writes without leaving fields on the sheet - this suggests that he is completely focused on himself and there is no place for other people in his life. If the fields are very wide, the same on both sides, this means that you are facing a very generous and good-natured person, albeit a little boastful. If the fields on one sheet are different on the left and on the right, this indicates the excessive carelessness of the person.

If a person writes with a very strong slant, then this characterizes him as an innovator, a lover of experiments, a person who is quite open and does not hide his feelings. But a relatively even handwriting without a slope suggests that you have a very harmonious personality, restrained and calm. If the letters in the words run up, then to the left, then to the right - this means that the person's character is very capricious and impulsive.

A signature can also tell a lot about a person's character, for example, simple, devoid of pretentiousness, speaks of the decisive and confident character of its owner. A very large signature means that a person is very dependent on the opinions of others and tends to listen to everyone.

If the signature is circled- it speaks of shyness and secrecy. And if she is completely devoid of flourishes, this means that you are facing a very brave, energetic and proactive person.


Small fieldson the left they speak of frugality, pettiness, a penchant for family life,wide fields- about activity and the absence of pettiness in character. Too wide fields -evidence of generosity, extravagance, bragging, striving for originality, and sothe same to luxury and splendor. In addition, it speaks of family pride, secular habits and manners.

If the left edge of the field gradually widens, then this also indicates generosity andextravagance, striving for frugality, only with the opposite result.

The left field is narrowing - selfishness, frugality, reaching the point of stinginess; self-control.

Wide, sweeping handwriting, on the right side "compressed" and "dangling", saysabout the lack of logic, about a false view of things.

"Disheveled" handwriting is carelessness, carelessness, activity and wasteful ness.


Straight, even lines speak of calmness, of a person's self-confidence, of the presencehe has willpower, a strong, developed sense of duty, as well as prudence and trustnews. Lines that tend to rise, ascending lines are evidence oflove, vanity, courage and determination, consciousness of their own strength, as well as deedsself-confidence, self-confidence and striving for success.

Lines going down - on the contrary, say that we are facing a lack of initiative, apathetic, pessimist, he is distrustful of himself, most likely, he is sentimental and unlucky.

Wavy lines - evidence of cunning, resourcefulness, desire to lie,but also commercial inclinations.

If the lines first go up, then go down, then this indicates inconstancy harakter, impatience - before us is a person who takes several cases at once and does notfinishes none, he is often disappointed; success does not come with him.

Lines that fall first and then rise are characteristic of a self-confident person who is reluctant to taken for the cause, but, having started, brings it to the end, and therefore achieves success.

Each next word begins above the end of the previous one - activity, butself-doubt, highly developed sense of duty.

Large spaces at the end of lines as a way to avoid word wrapping - be careful

2 reaching the point of cowardice.

Filling the lines to the end, squeezing the letters, is evidence that the person hasthe need to speak out, share feelings, and at the same time he experiences the unconscious fear of being misunderstood and not getting sympathy.


A strong slope, almost lying letters - evidence of incontinence, hot-temperedsti, sentimentality, this is an addictive and touchy nature.

Tilting in different directions speaks of a capricious disposition, insecurity and indecisionsti, about discord with oneself, about the struggle of feelings and reason. But a person with such a handwriting would ratherall, has a sense of humor.

The handwriting is restless, with letters constantly changing in size and slope, onusually people are active, nervous, constantly experiencing anxiety.

Types of handwriting:

Small handwritingpeople are usually observant, calm, even cold-bloodedny, secretive, at the same time witty, inclined to take care of others.

Round hand,usually belongs to people who are proud, proud, entrepreneurialyou, determined, striving for domination.

Narrow handwriting- this is restraint, secrecy, stinginess, diligence, cruelty,striving for precision. People with such a handwriting are often afraid of losing their fortune, losing their well-being.

Broad handwriting- mind, energy, sociability and carelessness, even carelessness; generosity and extravagance.

If a person uses a fountain pen, then by pressing the pen, you can also do someconclusions. Strong pressure speaks of a strict outlook on life, writing without pressure - about devilrarity, excessive sensitivity, compliance. Such a person realizes that he is not understood. others.

Runaway and sweeping handwriting is possessed by enterprising, active people, whilecurious and funny, often dreamers.

Shivering, angular handwriting speaks of nervousness, cowardice, insecurity and indecisionness. This is usually written by touchy people prone to unreasonable sadness.

Strongly angular - harshness of character, selfishness, stubbornness.

Runaway and "dry" handwriting happens to people who are smart and restrained; overly florid- atvain, loving external brilliance, but who are characterized by a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Simple, legible handwriting speaks of prudence, intelligence, prudence, selfworthiness, decisiveness and confidence in business. A person with this handwriting usually hasthere is success.

Illegible, very wrong handwriting is typical for people who are nervous, carefree,prone to extravagance.

Very illegible handwriting speaks of impenetrability, mystery, the impossibility of charactertera. A person with such a handwriting rarely loses his temper.

Beautiful, calligraphic handwriting is typical for spineless peoplesolid, always under the influence of others.


If a person, signing, puts only one of his own surname, then it speaks about himmodesty, courtesy, but often about spinelessness. If to the surname growers are added ki,then this is evidence of vanity, pride, pride, self-esteem wah.

Surname, underlined only, - false pride, exaggerated conceit, rich imagination.

Signature ending with a sharp stroke and dot, speaks of distrust and be careful nosti.

Hook in front and after signature - evidence of great distrust, suspicious sti.

Multiple flourish means decisiveness, a tendency to extravagant actions, sometimes madness.

Condensed and twisted flourish - truthfulness, love of clarity.

Wavy line in the signature can mean sensuality, sometimes talent,most likely, we have an addicting nature.

Zigzag signature with sharp corners speaks of irresistible energy.

A stroke around a surname - evidence of secrecy and selfishness.

Tailstroke speaks of meanness, a passion for gossip and intrigue.

Corners and arcs... The same letters, for example "p", "t", "w", can be written either round, orangular. If the ascending and descending strokes are connected by curves, are they rounded?nii, then the handwriting can be called round; on the contrary, if these strokes intersect everywhere underangle, then the handwriting is called angular.

It has been noticed that people who are inclined to mitigate contradictions and make compromises do not haveangularity in the drawings of the letters. This indicates gentleness and peacefulness. Rounded lettermo in men says that the owner can adapt to any conditions, lovesgossip, strives for crowded fun, loses a sense of proportion when success contributes blows to him.

Angular handwriting suggests stubbornness, obstinacy, demandstrength, sharpness. Ability to work energetically and hard, amazing self-control,the endurance of these people in relation to physical and mental suffering reaches the extreme limit. Bismarck's acute-angled handwriting is indicative, Rasputin's angular one. Pointed writing in women is their increased activity.

Arcadic(those. right-handed) and garland(those. left-handed) the nature of the letter.If the letter "w" is inscribed as "t", the arcs are turned with their convexity to the upper edge of the pagetsy, the letters are connected at the top - this is arcadic the letter possessed by persons prone tofantasies, romantic natures.

If the letter "and" is drawn as "p", the arcs are turned with their convexity to the lower (writingmu) the edge of the page, the letters are connected at the bottom, resembling a garland - this is garland characterrub letters. Its owners are taciturn, prone to sharpening relationships.

If the letters are performed with both left-handed and right-handed movements, then pia shrewd person is persistent in achieving a goal, but not a "farsighted" one. He does not go to the goal in the simplest way, but chooses it without much hesitation.

Are subject to analysis by a graphologist separate letters: there are open top vowels(good nature, gullibility, delicacy; developed ability to sympathize; inability to cut offrelationship), bottom-open vowels(hypocrisy, deceit), closed vowels(isolation).

Exaggerated size of capital letters means persistent striving for self-relianceness, independence in the field of thought, the desire to identify their personality.

If the letter contains the writing of two letters at the same time as a result of peculiarconnections, then this is a person of logical thinking, enterprising.

Also, handwriting can be characterized by length of loops letters such as "y", "p", "d". Timeslich long(inability to think logically) and short(dislike for unnecessary conversations,laconicism in business, the ability not to express your thoughts) loops.

Stylizedhandwriting (the letters differ in the figurativeness of the drawing, harmony is visible in the outline) speaks of a rich figurative memory.

Handwriting is distinguished by configuration words: increasing towards the end of a word(gullibility, issloppiness, sentimentality), wedge-shaped ending words (cunning, secrecy), ukra- tendencywords (pettiness, talkativeness, imagination, complacency, dapperness).

The presence of loops, curls, different hooks in the letter and handwriting drawing speaks ofturn-around in the field of thought, enterprise.

Punctuation marks ... If punctuation marks are placed neatly, accurately, then this is a personneat, precise, prudent. Thick, bold marks indicate a sensual cartawakeness. The abuse of punctuation marks is seen in suspicious, obsessive-compulsive people.

Signature. Signature without a stroke speaks of a high level of culture, taste. Direct strokeindicates energy, determination, courage; falling flourish, waves stony- diplomacy; zigzag flourish- for energy, activity.

Underline signature - developed self-esteem.

Centrifugal direction of signature - ambition.

Signature ending with a dot - a tendency to introspection.

Temperament and handwriting ... An interesting connection between temperament and handwriting, which has been studiedhandled by the graphologist Morgenstein.

1. Personality sanguine temperament has a torn, oblique handwriting with a cut
with some strokes. He is mobile, handsome (Lermontov).

2. Have phlegmatic personality letters are bold, thicken in places, and sometimes tone
kimi, the distance between the letters is not the same, they can be elongated, decorated, calli
graphic (Krylov).

3. For melancholic dancing letters are characteristic, pale with strokes. Word wrap with
long distances (Dostoevsky).

4. For choleric curled, tangled strokes and uneven layer spacing
you; smudged letters with strong and original pressure, closed and tight; falling
tilt to the right (Pushkin).

Summing up, we present a table that shows the relationship between the graphological features of handwriting and the individual characteristics of the writing person.

The relationship between graphological signs of handwriting and individual

human characteristics

Graphological sign

Individual characteristics

The lines: straight

Balance, restraint, consistency


Flexibility, plasticity, democracy


Impulsiveness, impatience, fervor

going up

Energy, ambition

Incline:normal (right)

Discipline, diligence


Restraint, composure, endurance

overturned to the left

Willfulness, stubbornness, secrecy

different types (different slopes)

Capriciousness, affectivity

Letters:exaggerated size of words letters

Ambition, self-confidence, independence

the same in conjunction with adornment


tight, low, short


correction of letters and words

Suspiciousness, dissatisfaction with oneself


Peacefulness, sociability


Stubbornness, exactingness

Signature: without a stroke

Simplicity, modesty

flourish, falling, wavy, in the form zigzags

Energy, activity, dedication

underline signature




ends with a dot

Tendency to self-analysis, increased demandself-respect

Test for graphological examination of handwriting Any person's handwriting can be used for it (at least 20 lines).

1. Letter size: very small - 3 points; small - 7; medium - 17; large -

2. Slope of letters: left - 2 points; easy to the left - 5; right - 14; sharp to the right - 6.

3. Handwriting direction: lines creep up - 16 points; straight lines - 12; line
ki crawl down - 1.

4. Pressing force: light - 8 points; average — 15; strong - 21.

5. The nature of the spelling of words: a tendency to connect - 11 points; penchant for detachment
laziness - 18; mixed style - 15.

6. General assessment: diligent, neat handwriting - 13 points; handwriting is uneven, not
which words are difficult to read - 9; sloppy handwriting - 4.

7. Letter shape: rounded - 9 points; shapeless - 10; angular - 19.

Evaluation of results:

38-50 points. Most often it is an elderly person;51-63 points. Timid, passive, phlegmatic people;64-75 points. People are indecisive, soft; 76-87 points. Direct, open and outspoken people;88-98 points. People are proactive, decisive, practical;

99-109 points. People are quick-tempered, touchy, but gifted and inclined to creativity; 110-121 points. Most often these are undisciplined, lax people.

1 Graphological examination

Handwriting is evaluated according to three graphological categories: geometric consistency;harmony; graphological character of the letter.

1. Degree geometric consistency letters (evenness of lines of lines and fields, uniformity of intervals between lines and words, equal pressure and general consistency of writing) determine the degree of volitional development of a person and the stock of neuropsychicenergy, work capacity. The evenness of the lines of the line, the evenness of the pressure indicate youconstancy and uniformity of the surge of energy, a well-known balance of nature. And onturnover, uneven lines, impulsiveness of pressure indicate a conditional performance ness, manifested by individual outbreaks.

2.Degree harmony writing is determined by harmony in a combination of constituent elementstov letters, indicates the degree of giftedness of the individual, the development of mental abilities, the presence of taste, the degree of a person's inner culture.

3.Degree graphology letters, i.e. deviations from impeccable calligraphichandwriting, determines the degree of identity of the individual, personal initiative, the degree of diversityzia (or monotony) of the mental manifestations of the personality. And the more pronounced these deviations,the more the writer contributes to the handwriting of his own, original, the more we have the right to domother that a person in any area of ​​his manifestation - material or spiritual - is not content with only one adaptation to the conditions of his activity, but seeks outsideto bring something new and original into life. Calligraphic handwriting is impersonal.

We don't consciously care about drawing letters, but subconsciously we choose it. Strerelying on some forms and avoiding others, we thereby give ourselves away - our tastes, prefer niya, your style.

This is where the law works feedback. WITH on the one hand, our individual characteristicsas if dictated by the subconscious choice of the pattern of letters, on the other - some geometricconcepts have become a symbol to which we can somehow relate, accepting or rejectingGuy it. "Sharp corners" are reliably associated with tenacity, sharpness, intransigence.If persistence and harshness are unpleasant to us, we will avoid sharp corners in writing.

Pressure... A person who is stable in the manifestation of his feelings, balanced, with equalwith a measured surge of energy, such uniformity will be present in all movements (gait, gestures) - unhurried, calm. Opposite qualities of the regiongiven by a person who has a choppy handwriting, strokes are not equal in strength. Its activity is characterized by separate bursts of energy, different in strength.

Strings. Direct lines indicate poise, restraint, composure,wavy- diplomacy, flexibility of thinking, the ability to notice weaknesses in people.

Impulsiveness, impatience, fervor are characterized by parabolic lines.The author's feelings and desires are usually of considerable intensity, forcingstrive for their immediate implementation. These people are eager to get down to business, often not beforeleading it to the end.

Spacesat the ends of lines, so as not to wrap words, indicate caution, often beforegoing to the point of cowardice.

Risinglines are found most often among energetic, active, ambitious of people.

Incline... Although at school we were taught to write obliquely, i.e. at a certain angle of inclination, we viWe dim that everyone chooses the way of writing that is convenient for him. For most handwritingkov is characterized by an inclination of 40-45 ° (oblique handwriting), but there are straight, vertical handki (90 °), inclined, sometimes overturned(tilt up to 125 °) handwriting. In addition, there ismany transitional degrees and combinations of these basic forms.

It can be noted that people who write in straight handwriting have great restraint, selfpossession, endurance than people with oblique handwriting.

It is noticed that too oblique handwriting (almost lying)- entrepreneurial, activistpeople who are able to easily navigate in unfamiliar surroundings.

Overturned to the left handwriting occurs most often as a result of a discrepancy between personal naturenatural inclinations and drives of a person to the external conditions of upbringing and life. He indicates willfulness, stubbornness, exactingness, distrust, sometimes insincerity and stealth.

Varietytilt is found in capricious, unrestrained, impetuous people whoThe eye is characterized by heightened nervous sensitivity, scattering in purposefulness.

Connection... The letter itself has no meaning. Only a word consisting of a compoundletters between each other, means something.

Fluencyhandwriting due to rational combinations of ligaments characterizes an enterprising, quick-witted, energetic person. 3 Barcode in handwriting ... If words end horizontal stroke(especially the last in the line), then the person is distrustful, cautious (as if unconsciously moreso that someone could not, in the remaining free space, deliver a point or somesome other sign that can change the meaning of what is written).

Bending down to the left (against the direction of travel) the stroke indicates selfish ness.

Distinguish also bending up strokes (fantasy, impressionability), strokes,preceding words (habit of acting out of inner conviction), exaggerated long, sharp, straight strokes preceding words (stubbornness, despoticness), wrapping themselves up preceding touches (stubbornness, perseverance, uncompromising vost).

Lack of strokes speaks of the desire to rely only on what is availabletechnical verification.

Sample classand fiction of handwriting... Depending on the height and width of the handwriting timesthere are handwritings "small", "large", "runaway" and some others.

Large and sweeping handwriting indicates the penchant of the writer to reveal hispersonality. Such people usually do not put up well with ordinary life conditions.

If the letter large, then a person has a developed sense of his own

dignity, it is impractical.

Smallwriting (less than 3 mm) speaks of restraint, prudence, composure,observation.

Compressedhandwriting (height less than width) characterizes a prudent, thrifty, prudent person, accustomed to economy. He involuntarily manifests these features in the letter, trying to fit as much as possible in the space provided (the fields of the letter will be almost absent, the gaps between words will be extremely insignificant)the last letters will be reduced and constrained).

Normala letter that is not much different from a calligraphic one indicates a moatness of behavior, general balance, constancy in attachments, views. I am writinga person who has a legible handwriting already thereby shows attention to others.

According to graphologists, the size of the handwriting indicates a person's sociability. For example, the owner of a large handwriting can easily find a common language with various people. He usually has many friends. The owners of small handwriting are often reserved and hidden people. Angular letters are inherent in selfish natures, and rounded ones are in kind and sympathetic people.

Strong letterpressing is a sign of perseverance and willpower. Pale, barely noticeable letters are characteristic of a weak-willed person.
Calligraphic handwriting is inherent in obligatory, neat, but dependent people. Correct handwriting is a sign of calmness and poise. Active, inquisitive natures with a cheerful disposition usually have a sweeping handwriting.

Illegible handwriting is characteristic of an energetic, carefree, but rather hot-tempered person. Solid handwriting (all letters in words are connected) is a sign of developed logical thinking. If not all letters in a word are related to each other, you may have a person with good intuition in front of you.

Features of fields and strings

The fields indicate a person's attitude to material values. Narrow margins are a sign of frugality, wide margins are a sign of generosity. If the edge of the fields expands to the bottom, it means that a person can be wasteful. And the tapering left edge betrays a greedy and stingy person.

As for strings, optimists tend to go up from left to right, while pessimists tend to go down. Straight lines are most often inherent in calm and reasonable people with an objective view of the world. Wavy, uneven lines speak of the cunning and shamelessness of their owner.

Signature features

Signature is of great importance. Sometimes even the hidden motives of the personality can be determined by it.
A standard, fairly simple signature speaks of self-confidence and courage. Ornate is inherent in cunning and observant people. A crossed out signature indicates energy and impulsiveness, and an underlined signature is a sign of enterprise.

Timid, self-contained people usually circle the signature (or at least a few of its letters) in a circle. A zigzag stroke gives off an unbalanced person, a stroke in the form of a line - an emotional one. The absence of a stroke characterizes an intelligent and calculating person.

It should also be borne in mind that handwriting may change in different situations. Much depends on the mood of the writer.

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Tip 2: Character of a person: how to identify him by handwriting

Sherlock Holmes amazed his contemporaries with the ability to describe a person's personality by his handwriting. But Arthur Conan Doyle could hardly have imagined that the detective's fashionable hobby would not only outlive its time, but in the 21st century will remain one of the most reliable tools of criminologists.

Now it's the turn of the text itself. Calligraphic handwriting can be found in neat, obligatory, but at the same time having hidden complexes. The handwriting is wide, sweeping for active, inquisitive, cheerful personalities. Illegible handwriting can mean vigor, light character, turning into excessive carelessness and superficiality. Likewise, illegibility of handwriting signals the extreme nervousness of the object of research, a stressful state of mind. Straight handwriting without tilt reflects prudence and restraint, tilt to the right - purposefulness and emotionality. The handwriting has completely fallen to the right - a person subconsciously asks for help and support. A very strong inclination of the letters to the left - the desire to oppose, to go against everything, prevails. The inclination of the letters in different directions tells us about insecurity, an inner discord between feelings and reason.

All are interconnected - a person has good logical thinking and a critical approach, separate writing is characteristic of artistic natures, prone to fantasy and creativity.

The size of the letters determines, first of all, a person's ability to communicate, the smaller the handwriting, the more a person is closed, silent, observant. A person rounds the letters - he is kind, peaceful, does not know how to refuse, is rather weak-willed. Pointed, angular letters are typical for selfish, strong and purposeful people. Strong pressure is inherent in people who are purposeful, persistent, hardworking, light marks the handwriting of a romantic, carried away by nature.

To correctly determine the character by handwriting, it should be remembered that it is impossible to fake it deliberately, but it can change under the influence of stress, illness, age.

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