Reiki cleansing practices over the years. The technique of "harmonizing relations" in Reiki. Emotional work

Reiki - development and improvement of physical and mental health.

The method originates in the spiritual healing research of Japanese monks. A person initiated into this technique takes the bright path of physical and spiritual development, longevity. The initiate begins to realize and feel himself as a particle of Mother Nature.

"A man stands on Earth and is turned to Heaven, he lives according to the laws of the Cosmos and in accordance with the energies of the Earth."

Reiki energy Are neither X-rays, nor radiation, nor electric currents. These are rays spreading everywhere. It is able to act through fabrics of silk, linen, wool, layers of porcelain, lead, wood, metal, and penetrate distances. Omnipresence and permeability comes from the fact that Reiki comes from the Great Spirit, the Infinite. Reiki is said to be the source of God's pure energy and his Love.

Reiki origins

Teaching Reiki was discovered in the early twentieth century by a highly educated Japanese monk, Dr. Mikao Usui. The founder of the method argued that everyone, of any gender and religion, age, literacy and lifestyle, can learn and practice it. In the history of Dr. Mikao's work, Usui Reiki has shown itself to be a method that gives good results.

The essence of this method is encrypted in its very name. If you look closely at the ancient version of drawing a Japanese hieroglyph, you can better understand its principles.

The very Japanese meaning of the symbol Reiki consists of two Japanese words:

  • Rei - drawn at the top of the hieroglyph;
  • Ki - traced at the bottom of the hieroglyph.

Rei - Divine, spiritual wisdom

Japanese symbols are unusual letters, they are real ideograms in which several meanings of expression are encrypted at once, esoteric and official, worldly. In the usual translation, the word "Rei" means: "Universal".

In the esoteric sense, this word meant: "Higher knowledge", "Spiritual consciousness of the Supreme", "Wisdom of the Divine, Higher Self", "All-knowing Wisdom". This wisdom is able to understand any living being, penetrate into his consciousness, understand the cause of problems. Knows what should be healed and how to heal every person.

Ki - life energy

The Japanese hieroglyph "Ki" symbolizes the "Energy of the Absolute, life", which in India is called "Prana", in Chinese it is called "Qi".

Eastern philosophies consider vital absolute energy as the source and cause of the universe, filling it, supporting it. In the languages \u200b\u200bof eastern peoples and dialects, this word, spilled very generously, can be found in any phrases.

The word "Genki" is to be healthy, with excellent health: "To have the required amount of Ki", if translated accurately. "Tenki" means excellent "weather" or "high Ki of the sky." "Denki" - "electric current" or "Ki light". Life energy, for Eastern philosophers, is the main component of the Cosmos, life in it.

Reiki legend and facts

Legend has it that the founder of the Reiki method lived in Japan at the end of the nineteenth century. He was dean at Doshish University and served as a Christian priest.

One day, students asked him about the healings of Jesus. They asked to explain and show how miraculous healings take place. But the doctor explained that he could not give an exhaustive answer because he had not been trained to do so.

Dr. Usui left this job, went to study in America, studied the Bible thoroughly, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism. He learned that Buddha also knew how to heal with one touch.

Mikao Usui did not give up, returned to Japan, walked around many monasteries, but could not find out about miraculous healings anywhere. After studying ancient manuscripts and passing the test on Mount Kuram, austerities for twenty-one days, Mikao rediscovered the long-forgotten truth about healings by touch.

At the end of the twenty-first day of fasting and meditation, the Doctor saw a ray of light hitting his forehead, then rainbow bubbles appeared in front of his eyes, in which the hieroglyphs of the power of Ki were written. These symbols still help to heal by touch and are an integral part of the Reiki system.

Three miracles that happened to Mikao Usui

The first miracle that happened to Mikao was that after twenty-one days of austerity, he regained consciousness and felt extraordinary lightness and strength. He was in a hurry to return to the monastery, stumbled, broke his toe in blood. Instinctively grabbed hold of him with his hands. The blood stopped flowing, the pain was gone.

On the way, he went into a tavern. The poor owner's daughter cried from unbearable toothache. Mikao put his hands to her cheek, the pain passed, it was the third miracle of this morning.

Over the next seven years, he healed people in the nearby slums, first healing the abbot of arthritis.

But healing only bodies, Mikao began to look for an opportunity to heal the souls of patients.

After many years of searching, Mikao Usui opted for Zen philosophy - to live in the present and not be attached to the results of his actions. This became the foundation of the spirit of Reiki teachings. He teaches his students this: to live day after day, not to regret the past, not to worry about the future.

Living in the present is a great art, inaccessible to everyone, but it helps a person in all matters. To be, and not to exist, while remaining attentive to the world around us, and calm means being healthy and strong, living in harmony with the world, the Almighty, the entire Universe.

Useful Reiki Applications

Practical application of Reiki is not only the healing of organs and bodies, it is the ability to harmonize relations with the outside world.

If a person learns to do good deeds, without waiting for gratitude, he simply listens to the interlocutor, supports him with a kind word, he will immediately notice how the world around him will change.

The person practicing this method with a garden is well aware of the beneficial effects of Ki energy on plants and pets.

Plants and animals grow and develop better. Indoor plants are less sick, the garden bears fruit richly. The regular action of Ki energy on vegetables and fruit crops increases resistance to pests, contributes to a rich harvest.

Reiki training (Reiki), as well as the method of healing with the help of the all-knowing, wise, all-pervading Ki energy - you can go to our Alexandra Kand center.

Learn to feel Ki

Study Reiki recommended in order to learn to feel Ki, to evaluate its positive impact.
Through practice, the world of Ki will soon become as real to Westerners as the world of material possessions.

Scientific discoveries show that all matter in the manifested Cosmos consists of energy: both the largest stars and the smallest particles of a molecule. Life is a product of CI. Structured energy makes up our body. Thoughts, joy, anger, any feelings are also a surge and work of energy. If a person has Ki in abundance, they say about him that life is in full swing. Life dies out where there is a lack of Ki.

The structure of energy bodies

In order to better understand the world of Ki, to use it competently in real life, you should know that a person, in addition to the physical body, has several energy shells, with their own meridians and structure.

The Seven Thin Sheaths of Human Ki, Known in Theosophy:

All energy shells surround the physical body, like a cocoon, form an aura, a field, each layer of which differs in a certain wave frequency, differs in its quality and color. Despite the fact that they are invisible waves, they do not merge, do not mix, like multi-colored liquids. They are like signals from different radio stations operating on a separate frequency.

In different teachings, the energy sheaths are called differently; are classified by a different number. But the presence of an energy aura in a person is recognized by everyone.

Reiki Empowerment Levels

The traditional initiation of students into a Reiki master has three stages. Many reasons encourage people to study this system of knowledge and knowledge. Reiki always benefit. The last level of knowledge - gives the right to be called a Teacher.


1.First stage of Shoden

Dr. Usui named the initial stage Reiki Shoden or Entrance, Beginning.

In elementary study lessons, the story of the discovery of this teaching is told. Techniques are studied and the practice of Ki action is carried out, as well as methods of healing wounded animals and sick, weakened plants, self-healing.

Also, Reiki initiation is performed, the opening of the channel of Reiki energy frequencies, which is permissible at this stage of training.

Having received the initiation of the First Stage, initiates try to live according to the five basic laws Reiki... Initiates work hard to develop techniques, applying "Dry bathing" and "Breathing method", "Cleansing shower" and other methods within 21 days after initiation.

This enhances the spiritual self-improvement of the student and increases the energy of the Reiki channel. The student acquires the ability to heal with a light touch of his hands, tapping, stroking the sore spot; eliminate pain, heal completely: yourself, animals, plants.

Students at this level learn:

  • what is it, and where is the source of Reiki;
  • discovery history;
  • five great principles;
  • the structure of the world from an energy point of view;
  • types of energy, principles of work;
  • chakras, their system, human energy system;
  • concepts of aura and biofield;
  • the symbol of the first step;
  • techniques for working on oneself;
  • healing techniques for plants and animals.

Five Basic Laws for the Reiki Initiate

Anyone who becomes exposed to the knowledge of Ki must obey five laws:

2. Second stage Okuden

Anyone who learns the lessons of the first stage, if desired, studies further than the second stage. This can be done 21 days after initiation into the first stage. Reiki.

The second degree gives the Student a chance to rise to a higher level of awareness of his personality, knowledge of the laws of building harmony in reality.

Reiki teaching of the second stage involves the following theoretical lessons:

  • acquaintance with information on how to use the power of Ki of the second stage;
  • acquaintance with the methods and techniques of the second stage;
  • acquaintance with the rules for the impact of symbols, the rules for their writing, impact;
  • methods of remote work with people, situations, past, future;
  • initiation into the energy of Reiki of the second stage.

And also the practical part is carried out:

  • repeat the techniques of the previous stage, especially the use of symbols;
  • perform the technique, fill the chakras, in order to instantly saturate Ki;
  • performing mental practices that help get rid of negative attachments;
  • health improvement sessions using the second stage methods;
  • practical implementation of the harmonization of interpersonal relations;
  • practical exercises on solving problems in life;
  • practical distance healing sessions;
  • mastering meditative techniques with Reiki symbols.

Okuden - studies the inner world, soul, this is how the word is translated from Japanese.

The main transformation is that second degree students are able to send life energy (KI) through space and time.

Students gain knowledge and practical experience to manipulate three “tools”:

  • the symbol of Cho Ku Rei for strengthening the healing power;
  • the mental-emotional symbol Sei He Ki;
  • the symbol of Hon Sha Zen Sho Nen, capable of acting through time and space.

The first symbol of Cho Ku Rei concentrates and increases the healing power of Ki.

The second symbol, Sei He Ki, helps harmonize the mind with emotions.

The third symbol of Hon Sha Zen Sho Nen allows you to heal the client and work from a distance. The power of this symbol enhances the future and the past.

The first step is more suitable for working with oneself and is the initial one, and the second step is a powerful initiation, on a student prepared after the 1st step, which makes it possible to heal others, including at a distance.

Healing sessionsfirst degree students are taught for two hours. By reaching the second degree, the student can transmit concentrated Ki energy for twenty minutes. The possibilities of the second level are simply exciting and amazing.

Features of this stage, study:

  • distance healing;
  • mastering the techniques of phantom, bear, knee and other techniques;
  • open symbols Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Zen Sho Nen, working with them, application;
  • the symbol of this step;
  • the technique of healing oneself at the second stage;
  • protection during work;
  • work with situations;
  • and much more.

3. The third stage - Sinpiden A (Initiation into a Reiki Master)

Training for the third level of Reiki - a serious decision of the Disciple to rise to the top of improving his divine abilities. A Master's degree is quite often a period that opens in the mind of a practitioner a new look at the world around him and its non-prejudiced perception. As a result, incredible wonderful transformations in family life and professional activity occur. Social status rises enormously.

Much depends on the degree of preparation and desire, the aspiration of the Pupil to transformations and growth in spiritual practice. Magic Vibration Practice Reiki create situations conducive to the implementation of the Pupil's sincere intentions, achievements of all stages of perfection, the acquisition of spiritual high qualities.

Shinpiden means mystical teaching, translated from Japanese. The first part of the third level involves increasing spiritual development, familiarization with the master symbol, learning to empower oneself with the power of Ki.

At the third stage, they study:

  • the principles of this step;
  • open symbols of the third degree Dai Koo Mio, Raku, working with them, application;
  • symbol of the third stage;
  • techniques for mastering self-healing;
  • techniques for mastering other people's healing;
  • masterful healing techniques at a distance;
  • techniques for influencing entire groups of people.

Initiation to this stage gives a connection with the "Divine Light", which strongly promotes the process of our cultivation, but does not save us from spiritual work on ourselves.

The student should diligently continue the practice of meditation and Ki mastering exercises. Persistent practice brings you closer to your own enlightenment (satori).

The Master's degree is awarded:

  • after studying the meaning, rules of action, writing characters of the Sinpiden A level (Master without the right to study);
  • initiation into the Master of the third stage;
  • practical meditations Reikithe level of the Master.

4. Fourth stage - Sindipen B (Initiation into the Master, with the right to initiate Reiki)

This level provides information on initiation methods and settings:

  1. to the first stage (Shoden);
  2. to the second stage (Okuden);
  3. to the third step Reiki(Sinpiden A) - (Reiki Master, without the right of Initiation);
  4. to the fourth step Reiki(Sinpiden B) - (Master - Teacher, with the right of Initiation into the Master - Teacher);

Stage 4 of the Master-Teacher (Sinpiden B) is the stage of cultivation, which makes it possible to teach and improve oneself. Only an inquisitive, hardworking person becomes a teacher; he remains a constant treasure hunter, an explorer of the extraordinary riches of an amazing life.

Master who passed the fourth stage Reiki,has the right to organize seminars and adjust settings for all degrees.

A Teacher and Master, devoted to the chosen Path, filled with Divine love, compassion for people, is able to create new directions, open unknown Paths and methods for creative, seeking individuals.

Achieving the title of Master allows you to help people, but self-improvement does not end there. The path of spiritual ascent is a lifelong road. Through constant practice, a person comes to an awareness of personal purpose and discovers a place in the Cosmos intended only for him.

Initiation is a sacrament that is performed to tune the Student to the subtle energies of Reiki, with the aim of further correct work of the Student with the energy of Reiki and obtaining uniquely good results. It originates from the ancient times of mankind and not only and is used to transmit intuitive, informational keys of access to the subtle world of energies. This, in turn, guarantees the accuracy of the Student's work when invoking energy, and accordingly guarantees that certain accurate results are obtained in the corresponding system in which the adjustment is made.

The Reiki system has vast experience and is definitely not dangerous or harmful to anyone, since it uses a light energy substance.


Courses are held remotely (Skype) or in person in Moscow or your city. Energy works equally well in both cases.

After completing the course, a Reiki certificate is issued, confirming the level you have passed.

The course conducts Alexander Kand, a certified teacher. For a certificate confirming the right to teach Reiki, see the section .


Independent attempts to work with frequencies, channels, energies, without Initiations (Initiations), are extremely dangerous due to the variety of surrounding worlds, defenses and the ability to tune in to something different from the desired, which can eventually attract dangerous situations.

It is for this reason that the keys are given only to those who have passed the Initiation (Initiation), on which you receive all the keys, for safe and high-quality work for the benefit of yourself and others.


You can see what days of training at our school on the website page

It has long been known that a person can heal himself and others using a special energy.

This ability has been given various names over the centuries: laying on of hands, healing, spiritual healing.

For millennia, people have used vital energy, but then the ancient knowledge was undeservedly forgotten and remained accessible only to a select few.

In recent decades, people's thinking has been changing, people have realized the existence of such an opportunity and gained access to this knowledge.

Currently, various methods of “working with energies” are widely used in practice as a form of therapy for a number of emotional and bodily disorders, changes in life situations. One of the softest and most accessible methods for everyone is Reiki (Reiki) - a method of healing with life energy.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient energy system that helps healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, allows you to influence situations that arise in your life.

Reiki is the name given to the healing energy that exists in nature that is always around us. The first syllable "Rei" means Universal, the second syllable "ki" means "Life energy", and together "Reiki" is "universal life energy".

Just as air is present in nature and we are able to absorb it, the energy of Reiki is around us, this is the energy of nature, the surrounding world, and we have the opportunity to use this healing energy. Reiki initiation strengthens our ability to do this.

Any person can heal with Reiki energy; this does not require any magic, any special abilities or state of consciousness.

Healing with Reiki energy is safe for both the healer (he does not give anything of his own, only conducts the energy of Reiki) and for the person being healed (healing in Reiki occurs exactly as much as a person is ready for it, work in Reiki goes not only at the level of the physical body, but also on emotional, mental and other levels, which allows you to remove not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease or negative situation).

Reiki capabilities:

Reiki helps in the treatment of any disease that occurs both on the body level and on the level of emotions and thoughts.

Strengthens a person's self-confidence.

Relieves physical and emotional stress, bringing calm and energy.

Cleanses the body and emotions and helps to get rid of bad habits and addictions.

Reiki enhances a person's creativity and energy.

It improves memory and creates a positive attitude, helps a person overcome negative emotions in himself: anger, fear, anxiety and live in harmony with the world.

Promotes the healing of problematic life situations.

Helps you find your way and answers to exciting questions.

For young children, Reiki energy is useful because they get sick less, and when they get sick, they recover faster, develop better, learn more easily at school, their memory improves, and latent abilities develop.

For the elderly, Reiki can significantly improve their well-being and prolong life.

Why study this practice yourself? Isn't it better to use the help of Reiki masters?

It so happened in our society that we are often used to shifting the responsibility for our health, physical and mental, onto others.

On doctors, psychologists. Disappointed in official medicine and science - on the masters of alternative medicine, psychics and parapsychologists.

But somehow it doesn't get better. In one place it stops hurting, but starts in another, one "mental hole" was patched up, the next one appears.

You run from one doctor to another, parting with the last money just for the sake of not being responsible for your health and your integrity yourself. We are looking for masters, gurus and wizards who will solve all our problems, pat on the head and help us out.

Do you still believe that someone else can heal your body and soul instead of you?

The master can direct, teach, push to act.

But only you can change your life!

One of the methods that can help with this is the energy practice of Rei Ki.

This is one of the best techniques, having learned and passed the initiation, a person CAM can improve his physical and emotional well-being, influence situations in his life.

Reiki is a very soft energy, the energy of the surrounding world, nature, love. And healing with this energy occurs just as gently, without breaking, very carefully and carefully.

In our center, we teach you to do this yourself, so that you finally take responsibility for your life and begin to really change it, and not with the hope of walking from master to master.

Receiving Reiki training and initiation will be helpful if you want to to heal yourself and others not only on the physical, but also on the emotional, mental and other, deeper levels.

Feedback from our students:


I welcome everyone!

Patients from relatives, close friends and pets lined up as soon as they knew about my options. In such a short period of time, I did Reiki several times a day every day.


* Umbilical hernia of newborns in a granddaughter (the surgeon said that the case is difficult, it is better to find a medicine woman, he will not be able to help) - in 3 sessions it completely disappeared. Together with her, the problems of the "gazers" disappeared.

* My 75-year-old aunt was ill for 2 months after the flu: severe weakness, palpitations with minimal exertion, sweating, low-grade fever - in 6 sessions she completely recovered, leads an active lifestyle, works.

* Daughter 22 years old flu, high fever, breastfeeding: the temperature dropped even during the Reiki session for 8-10 hours without additional drugs. The flu went away in 3 days without complications.

* I changed my job quickly, easily, for a more interesting and well-paid job. Back pain is much less disturbing.

* My cat - twisted its paw, limped for 3 weeks. After 2 sessions of Reiki everything went away.

* Relief of headaches and menstrual pains - almost every day for different people. The result is fast and durable.

* Reiki on the situation is a favorite pastime for me and my whole family. The most important thing is that no matter how you plan, the result is always wiser than expectations. It's amazing!

A huge change took place in consciousness: it sounds like "butter oil", but I began to think what I think. Previously, like most of us, I only thought about making a good impression, even if my thoughts at that moment were full of negativity: I didn’t say them out loud, so I’m a good girl. Now I think with greater responsibility. It's hard to put into words.

Angelica, 2012.

I chose this particular center because the prices were affordable and there were good reviews about this center from friends who were already here.

I wanted to learn even better to understand myself, to influence my life, to have a tool for working with my inner and outer world.

I liked that during the whole process I felt that some kind of movement of energies was taking place inside me, I constantly wanted to yawn, some blocks were removed, apparently because I really wanted to sleep after the training, and slept for almost a day.

During the treatment, I felt bliss and a feeling of amazing calmness and peace. In addition to myself, I managed to cure the dog from poisoning. from time to time I treat my husband's, mother's and animals' reiki. Mom and husband feel warmth from their hands and say that the pain in the lower back, pain in the bronchi and abdomen is subsiding.

Thank you very much Olesya and Ilona for the accessible and wonderful training!

Malakhova Natalia Sergeevna.

I have known Olesya's trainings for several years. I find them interesting and useful. Very often, coming to classes, I received answers to my questions.

For a long time I was looking for answers to the question "where do diseases come from and how to cope with them?" The eldest daughter had stomach problems since the age of 6. Medical treatment helped temporarily, and then the disease returned.

I also had a feeling of a catastrophic lack of energy. There was no strength for anything - neither for desires, nor for dreams. This was the impetus for receiving Reiki initiation.

I received the initiation of the first stage in April 2014. I felt the energy (warmth) flowing through my hands immediately after initiation.

At the very beginning, I did not quite believe in the effectiveness of this system. But after it began to be possible to eliminate painful sensations, the belief came that Reiki energy is very effective. At first, I used my new abilities to heal my loved ones.

It turned out very quickly to relieve headaches, lower blood pressure, relieve erysipelas, remove stomach pains, and significantly reduce the duration of colds. After a while, she began to offer help to friends and acquaintances. And every time I heard that the pain was gone, that my state of health improved, my confidence in the effectiveness of Reiki energy grew. It's great when you can help without medication and very quickly. Now I am planning to receive the initiation of the 2nd stage of Reiki to increase the flow of Reiki and to be able to heal from a distance.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Olesya for her labors and to thank the Universe for all her gifts.

Before, I had not even heard anything about Reiki, but by chance I came across Olesya's website and I was very interested in her trainings.

I hadn’t done anything like that before and decided to try it.

Started with Cash Flow. The training just captured me and in the process of work I realized that I just didn’t have enough energy and without delay decided to do ReiKi, there was a great desire to find energy and share it with others.

Received initiation on May 18, 2014. and I just do not have words to convey my state ... a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and most importantly, after just a few sessions, during meditation it suddenly dawned on me: and I am FLYING, I do everything with ease and with pleasure. The hands became very sensitive, at first only the palms (before that the hands were always cold, even in the heat), and now, as soon as I call on Reiki, the hands completely start to "burn" and tingle pleasantly. And here are my first successes:

1. cured my mother tinnitus (complication after sinusitis), periodically fill her with energy and she really likes it.

2. my son was cured of a sore throat, although the doctors prescribed antibiotics, but we managed.

3. Well, and most importantly, I gained vital energy, which was so lacking, I want to FLY, CREATE and FILL everything around. And this is just the beginning ...

Olesya, thank you very much for sharing your experience with us, I hope that this was not our last meeting


Last December, I had the idea to take a Reiki training. I read on the Internet that a teacher should be liked. And I sent a wish into the Universe that I want to meet such a teacher. My wish came true quickly. I easily went to Olesya's site. The green background and bright pictures immediately endeared me to myself. I read the articles, watched the video and realized that Olesya Dobrovolskaya is my person.

I received initiation of 1 step of Reiki through Skype. Olesya at that time lived in Brazil, but at the same time she found time to become a guide for me. This is an amazing feeling. We are in different parts of the world: I am in a Ural apartment, and Olesya is in hot Brazil. During the initiations, the sensations were different from the heat of the palms to the light coolness. I liked Olesya's approach: everything is clear, unhurried and soft, in a feminine way. After initiation, I started practicing on my own and my morning starts with Reiki. This is a beautiful addition to the female practices that I practice. According to the results, after a month, I can say that I began to trust life more, my palms became hot (before that there was poor circulation), more joy and energy, and incredible vitality and efficiency. Manages to remove pain and fatigue, balance energy. Reiki in general is wonderfully combined with yoga, with sacred dances. Because I myself advise and lead groups, then Reiki, like a kind Angel, is in my support. Thank you, Olesya! You are a clean, very bright and incredibly intelligent person. In addition to the fact that you have charm, you are very professional in your approach. I really liked the presentation and presentation of the material, your meditations, your support. And yet, you are a conductor of Joy, Light and Love!

Huge Respect and Gratitude to you! I am glad that you are my Teacher. We wish you great prosperity and movement only up! Love, Christina Grinkevich. Ekaterinburg.

I am a Reiki Master Teacher - Hurray! I am grateful to Olesya Dobrovolskaya for the miracle of learning. I have met different masters, but Olesya is a Master with a Capital Letter. An intelligible and individual approach, soft presentation of material, support (meditations and books) and a very pure and light flow of Reiki. With the practice of Reiki, my life began to change very much and I am glad that now I feel this energy very well. I practice Reiki on a regular basis, combine it with female practices and am happy with what I get. Olesya, I want to wish you creative prosperity! And I am ready to teach and transfer knowledge of Reiki in my city!

With love and gratitude, Christina Grinkevich. Ekaterinburg.

Conducting training - Reiki Masters:

Reiki allows you not only to relieve symptoms, but also to work with the causes of diseases and situations at the level of your soul.

Side effect of Reiki sessions: a person begins to better “hear himself”, his soul, feel his nature, see his way.

For some, this leads to the fact that a person finds his favorite business, for someone - to spoiled relationships and finding his loved one.

Usually, Reiki energy acts gently, but in my practice there are also such cases when people were fired from their jobs (at the moment when a person realized that he felt bad in this company, but it was scary to quit), relations that had been tormenting for years were gone. (to make room for new ones).

In Reiki, it is believed that all the negativity that arises on the path of life is not punishment at all, not working off "bad karma", but the experience that a person, his soul, needs to get at this stage of life.

If the experience is gained, realized, you can go further.

There is no past, present, future for Reiki energy. All this is a single information space that is constantly in motion and changes.

By changing something in the present, we change both the past and the future. By changing the past (in Reiki at 2 levels, we can heal the events of the past), we change the present and the future.

There are also certain principles of Reiki that also help a person heal at all levels.

These five principles are very important for self-improvement and inner harmony. The founder of the Reiki system, Mikao Usui, considered it a wonderful healing remedy. By doing this on a daily basis, you will gain a clean and healthy mind, which will be reflected in your daily life.


One of the spiritual poems of Emperor Meiji, selected for his system by Mikao Usui, reads like this:

Every moment of our life is priceless.

Now I will try to live my new day

No regrets.

If we set ourselves up for joy, it is no longer so easy to arise and settle in our internal organs of hatred, anger, despondency, anger and fear.


(in some sources "don't worry", but with the "not" particle I like it less)


First of all, a person should be grateful to the World, life, fate, and the people around him.

After all, you can be grateful, among other things, for some negative events or relationships that have taught us something.

Once in heaven, a Soul was sent to earth so that it could gain an invaluable experience.

Who will go with this Soul to be near, to cause it such suffering, in which it can grow and find a state of Happiness?

All bright Souls silently hid their eyes. And only one of them, the closest to our Soul, who had a long journey ahead, said: “I will go. For her sake .. "

Here is an oriental parable ...

The sky is wide

Serene and pure

So blue above us.

Our soul can grow

And become the same open!


Working on yourself means really changing yourself and your life for the better.


Kindness is expressed in the fact that if you see a suffering person, and you have a medicine for his illness, then you strive to give him this medicine.

If you at least try to live by these principles, remember them every day - in your soul, and as a result, at the level of your body, you will certainly become more joyful and harmonious.


Consistent work with Reiki energy gently brings us into a meditative state, leads to the practice of meditation.

We begin to consciously cognize the world, consciously work on ourselves, and, as a result, quickly move forward along the chosen Path.

We have contact with our inner and outer world, knowledge and wisdom are acquired.

Reiki meditation helps to understand the causes of problem situations and find ways out of them. This is a kind of psychotherapy in which a person can help himself.

One of the healing meditations can be downloaded at the top of this page! :) We present a disc with healing meditations to our students at each of the levels of Reiki.

The possibilities of healing with the help of Reiki are enormous: it turns out to be very effective in many cases - it can significantly speed up the healing of wounds, heal diseases of internal organs and infectious diseases, relieve pain, make it possible to heal at a distance, has no harmful side effects, and contributes to the development of human latent abilities.

Reiki helps not only the body, but also the soul, harmonizing the emotional state of a person - it helps to solve life problems in the best way for the soul, and much, much more.

The five benefits of Reiki

1. The healer during the session does NOT expend his energy, but on the contrary, he himself is also fed by the energy of Reiki.

Many healers have such a situation that when working with a person they give their energy, and the patient feels good, and the healer feels bad.

In addition, healers often take on the problems of their healers, and it is even believed that healers tend to get sick because of this.

In Reiki, this cannot be.

Because we do not heal personally, but the Universe (God, the Absolute) - through our hands.

We are simply a channel, we are conducting a flow of Reiki for a person.

And already the energy of Reiki itself heals, acts as it is necessary for the highest good of a person.

As a result, the healer during the Reiki session does NOT waste his energy, does NOT take on the problems of the healed. On the contrary, the healer is also fed with energy and vitality, because Reiki goes to a person through him.

And due to the fact that the flow of Reiki goes through the healer to the healer, the healer himself also heals at the time when he makes a session to another person.

2. Reiki is completely safe.

Reiki energy is of divine nature. This is the energy of the highest level, and it nullifies all destructive intentions, removes all negativity. Just like a stream of water washes away any dirt.

When we do a Reiki session as a healer, we are shielded from taking on the problem of the healer.

And a person who receives a session always receives pure energy that heals him, gives him vitality, and improves his emotional state.

Reiki always works in the best way for a person, for his highest good.

3. No medical education required.

You don't need to have a medical degree to become a Reiki healer.

Of course, if you know how our body works, where the internal organs are, how various diseases manifest themselves at the level of the physical body, then this is only a plus for you. But this is optional.

In order to make a healing Reiki session, it is enough that you have at least 1 stage of Reiki initiation and you know how to conduct the session.

Reiki energy acts by itself. The healer's task is only to be a channel, a guide.

Reiki is of divine origin, and Reiki contains information about everything, about all the phenomena of existence.

And Reiki knows in what ideal state our health should be, and knows how to restore it.

4. Everyone can learn easily and quickly.

EVERYONE can become a Reiki healer.

The main thing is your desire and regular practice.

The Reiki system was created in such a way that any person could learn to feel this energy, conduct it through himself and direct it.

If you have never done any energy practices before, then Reiki is a great start.

You can heal yourself and other people immediately after receiving initiation, after completing a seminar on stage 1.

If you are engaged in other energy practices, then they can be combined with Reiki.

When you do any technique in the flow of Reiki, the effect is enhanced.

You don't need any special training to learn Reiki, you just need your desire and regular practice. Skin color and religion also do not affect your ability to use this practice.

But Reiki energy by itself, without your work and desire, will not do anything. It is not for nothing that it says: "God has no other hands than yours ..."

5. Reiki helps us in everything.

Reiki is more than healing.

For those who practice Reiki, this energy helps in everything.

Stage 1 At this stage, a person gets the opportunity to heal himself or others with Reiki energy by laying hands on a problem area.

After this step, you will also be able to work with situations that arise in the present tense, heal them with the help of Reiki energy.

In the center "SO!" at this stage, we also present you with the technique of working with your desires and situations that you want to solve in the present tense with the help of Reiki energy.And also a collection of healing meditations.

The 2nd stage allows the use of remote methods of influence by working with symbols.

You will be able to heal others at a distance, while it does not matter where the person to whom you are giving Reiki is - either he is in the next room, or in another country.

It also becomes possible to heal physical states, emotions and situations in the past, present and future.

The minimum interval between settings for 1 and 2 steps is approximately three months, subject to daily independent work for 21 days after 1 step.

3rd stage - Master-Teacher. At this stage, it becomes possible to transfer settings to other people and teach others. Reiki flow is greatly enhanced.

In the Reiki system, as in any spiritual tradition, it is important meet your Master.

An old Eastern proverb says: "When the Disciple is ready, the Teacher comes to him."

There are several criteria when choosing your teacher.

A real teacher is ready to pass on his knowledge to the student. He strictly adheres to Reiki ethics. He does not try to manipulate or exploit his students. He doesn't judge people. He does not try to subdue the student to his will. He does not flaunt his abilities, does not try to impress. (after all, it is not he who heals, but the energy of Reiki).

And you should like him personally. (otherwise there will be no motivation to learn).

How to choose a Reiki (Reiki) master

Reiki can be successfully combined with any spiritual and therapeutic method. I, with the consent of the client, successfully use this method, along with psychological ones, when solving problem situations.

My spiritual line in Reiki: Mikao Usui - Suzuki San Chris Marsh - Taggart King - Benedict Karaush - Miroslav Zhiva - Atma - Veronika Krainova (1st and 2nd stage) - Ilona Elufimova (3rd stage) - Olesya Dobrovolskaya

To date, we conduct Reiki sessions in our Center only in emergencies or within the framework of individual programs to the result and consultations ... The main focus is on learning, because we want people to take responsibility, learn to create harmony in their lives themselves.

The peculiarity of our center is small groups, no more than 10 people, which in the learning process allows us to pay attention to everyone.

Please sign up in advance, the groups usually close a week before the training.

P.S. We invite you to get to know us and such a wonderful method as Reiki, having received additional materials about Reiki at the top and bottom of this page! And Welcome to Step 1 of Reiki!


Reiki, Reiki, Rei Ki, what do you know about this technique? Reiki is an energetic healing practice. Universal Life Force Energy is what surrounds us and is available to absolutely everyone. What is energy? Energy revives all living things. Reiki is a practice that consists in receiving this energy and directing it either to yourself, to someone close to you, or to resolve the situation. This is not a religion and there is no need to believe in something to improve this practice, everything is done in a conscious state.

Anyone can learn Reiki, even children, regardless of previous intuitive ability, experience or education.

Reiki, as a healing technique, is familiar to many, as a way to help oneself at an energetic level, and everyone knows that the opening and awakening of this energy occurs through the Initiation of the Reiki Master.

Initiation is the tuning of your energy centers, which is transmitted from the one who can receive it and also transmit it. It is so simple that you will be surprised.

You can transfer this Reiki Energy even from a distance. The technique of distance Reiki sessions has gained immense popularity all over the world. Using Reiki, you can release tension, relax, sleep better and be more focused.

And if you are not yet very familiar with Reiki Energy, with its capabilities, then we will now reveal to you some secrets in the interests of the full disclosure of this Divine Technique of self-healing. So, you will know how Reiki can help you too:

1. Reiki CAN improve relationships with your parents, with your children, with yourself.

Energy helps to cope with existing relationships with people in difficult situations, relieve negative attitudes and emotional stress. All this will help you become better, as well as affect your interactions with others. Your Zen state will help keep the tension from all annoying interactions.

Reiki CANNOT change you or your thoughts. (Although you can meet people with more positive thinking, with a deeper outlook, and it was the practice of Reiki that contributed to this.)

2. Reiki CAN relieve stress.

Have you had a bad day? It's not scary, you can sit for just a few minutes in Reiki Energy and feel how stress literally dissolves. That's better. If you want to relieve stress from your partner, you can keep your hands on your back, Reiki energy will restore strength and relieve all fatigue and stress accumulated during the day. The Reiki energy can be transferred to the child through hugs, especially when the children are upset about something. And a child frightened by a nightmare can be soothed with a Reiki session, this will help the child release the fear and return to sleep.

Reiki CANNOT keep stress out of your life. (Although you may only feel that you become less tired of the things that used to drive you crazy when you practice Reiki regularly.)

3. Reiki CAN relieve pain .

You have a headache? Cramping your leg muscles? Spasms? Try Reiki instead of any pain reliever. Energy smooths out, relaxes and just helps. Reiki eliminates gas in the baby, soothes tummy pains and promotes good stool.

Reiki CANNOT prevent disease. (Although you may find that by practicing Reiki, your body and immune system will function better, which means you will be more resistant to many diseases at any age.)

4. Reiki CAN speed up the healing process.

Have a runny nose? Or did your child come home from a walk with all the symptoms of a cold? The very Energy of Reiki can help speed up the healing process, improve the body's ability to recover and you can confidently get the status of "Most Super Mom" \u200b\u200bor "Most Super Dad". Reiki will restore your baby's energy balance in the shortest possible time.

Reiki CANNOT be cured if you need the help of a professional specialist, a doctor. If you need a doctor, he will invite him! (Always remember that optimal health is a balance at all levels, so not taking care when you need it is a bad decision.)

5. Reiki CAN restore body balance and inner harmony

Energy fills where there is a need for it, and smoothes out where there is excess. Anxious at heart? Reiki will relax you. A sluggish state? Reiki will give you vigor and energy boost. Are you angry? Reiki will calm you down.

Reiki CANNOT heal everything in one go. Good Reiki healing lasts several days. If Reiki Energy is fed into the body regularly, the results will be obvious.

6. Reiki CAN clear the energy around you.

Send Reiki Energy indoors and observe how people's behavior changes. A positive atmosphere is achieved in many ways, and Reiki Energy can be one way to establish a positive aura in a room.

Reiki CANNOT remove the smelly odor from the room. To do this, you just need to open a window.

7. Reiki CAN enhance your intuitive abilities .

The more you open up to spiritual energy, the more you become more intuitively aware. You will tune in to "coincidences" and all events will line up in a certain order. Who doesn't need intuition? In everyone, it is developed to a certain extent. And how much you want to raise its level depends on you.

Reiki CANNOT make you a psychic or medium with the help of sessions. (Although, all Reiki practitioners, in the process of working with energy, found that with the development of the skill, intuition increased and the superpowers of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance awakened)

8. Reiki CAN work at any distance.

How? This is energy. Do you use a mobile phone? So draw an analogy. There are many types of energy, some measurable and some not (yet). Reiki energy is channeled through intention. (The power of thought is so powerful! Use this power for good!) Learn to work with Reiki Energy, and you will be amazed at what great opportunities you have and much more than you imagine them.

Reiki CANNOT help those who do not want it. Each of us has freedom of choice, and we can both accept energy and not accept that someone sends to us. (By the way, this also refers to the negative energy sent by those obsessive people. You don't need to accept it at all. Learn how to stop it, and maybe transform it!)

9. Reiki CAN help animals and plants .

Pets, plants, and your garden will all respond positively to Reiki. So many Reiki practitioners work exclusively with animals, and the results are overwhelming. Pets experience the same benefits of Reiki as humans, and they enjoy Reiki Energy very much. Plants are fragrant, become much stronger in the presence of good energy.

Reiki CANNOT keep a pet from dying naturally. (Although Reiki can relieve pet pain and show your pet that you care. It can also help you and your family cope with the emotional stress of losing a pet.)

10. Reiki CAN change your life for the better.

What could be even better? If using the Reiki technique, you can help yourself completely at any time and in different ways.

Reiki CANNOT cause harm, there cannot be much of it, there cannot be an overdose (you can absorb as much as you need), since it is not your own energy, but its source, call on Reiki Energy and it will always come to your aid ...

REIKI Mikao Usui You can complete the entire course of study at our school for only 12,000 rubles! We make it accessible to everyone! Help yourself and others!

The Reiki system has absorbed all the best from the ancient teachings of the East about the path of spiritual improvement and from the energetic methods of self-healing and self-regulation.

The foundation on which the Reiki technique is based are sacred knowledge, philosophy and traditions of oriental medicine, Shintoism, Zen, esoteric Buddhism, Taoist energy practices and other ancient methods of natural healing.

Master Mikao Usui

It takes more than one year to become a true Master. Mastery in any business is the path of spiritual maturation in devotional service to one's life purpose.

In order for the world to recognize Reiki Mikao Usui, the founder of the method, it took years of work to accumulate knowledge about the nature of man and its relationship with the entire manifested and non-manifested world.

As a descendant of an ancient samurai family, Mikao Usui, according to tradition, from a young age was sent to a Buddhist monastery for training.
By the age of 25, he had reached a high level of mastery in martial arts, preserving and enhancing the traditions of the family. In addition, he had extensive knowledge in medicine, physiology, psychology, religious studies, philology, and also perfectly mastered various energy self-healing practices and esoteric practices of Tendai Buddhism and Shingon. He worked tirelessly all his life, enriching his experience with new knowledge.

The founder of the Reiki natural healing method, Dr. Mikao Usui, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, was a wise, open and heartfelt person, an unusually gifted person, an indefatigable inquisitive seeker of truth.

Today, there are many versions of how Mikao Usui came up with the idea to create a method of natural healing and spiritual development, for the development of which people would not need to spend many years of their lives.
It can be assumed that only he himself and the Universe knew about the true motives that prompted Mikao Usui to search for a unique Reiki technique, which eventually rewarded the Master for years of work and samurai endurance.

The knowledge of using the power of the universe to create a system of healing and self-awareness, called Mikao Usui Reiki, was gained by him during deep meditation and 21 days of fasting. According to unverified reports, this event took place in 1914.

In 1922, in a suburb of Tokyo, Dr. Usui founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, a natural healing society. Until that moment, he had been proving the viability of his Reiki system in practice for more than 7 years.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Reiki system of Mikao Usui was officially recognized in Japan as a method of healing and spiritual self-knowledge. Clinics were opened in which doctors used the Reiki method to treat various diseases. To this day, the school "Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" works based on the traditions, the foundations of which were laid by the Teacher. Thanks to Mikao Usui, Reiki became the property of mankind and spread throughout the world with the help of students and followers of his teachings.

Reiki - the path to your inner God

Nowadays, the Reiki system is often presented as a method of healing, which supposedly can be quite easily mastered in order to heal other people.

Unfortunately, small misconceptions sometimes give rise to big misunderstandings. Only one who has created the conditions for its formation - the master of his body, his thoughts and beliefs - can get rid of the disease.

Healer - this is the life purpose of the people chosen by God for this mission. Not everyone can reveal the gift of a healer, and not everyone is ready to spend years of life to acquire the necessary knowledge to work with people.

To help others, you yourself need to rise to a sufficiently high spiritual level of self-awareness and openness to sacred knowledge.

Healer - it is a conductor of wisdom and pure energy of life, which gives relief and guides the patient on the path of complete recovery. And a real healer knows that a person must master this path on his own.

Each of us has been gifted by God with different individual abilities and talents, which, with the help of simple Reiki meditations and practices, can be revealed in ourselves and shared with the world.

Healing can take many forms. There are different ways to bring mental and physical relief to another person, to inspire him for inner transformations, to give him joy, to wrest him from the embrace of stupidity and sorrow. An ingeniously staged performance, show; a painting, book, article, music, poem written with inspiration; the cordial and professional attitude of a teacher, doctor, stylist, manager, taxi driver to his clients and colleagues is also a manifestation of the healing energy of life and love. It's good when everyone is in their place and enjoys doing what they love.

The Reiki system is aimed at revealing personal unique qualities and abilities that are stored in the nature of every adult and child.

It is natural for people to be healthy and cheerful. Be cordial and intuitive too. It is more than natural to be talented, successful, loving and loved. It is unnatural and not inherent in human nature to be frail, sick, angry, unhappy, lonely. Only by achieving an open heart, inner integrity and awareness of one's purpose, one can learn to receive satisfaction from life, which means - to benefit other people.

Healing yourself begins with knowing your unique human nature.

From everyone who wants to become happy, only one thing is required - to learn to listen to their rational body, which will always tell you what it needs to be strong and healthy, in order to conscientiously fulfill the mission of a vessel of the spiritual force of the Universe, formalized into the life task of the soul of a specific person. And in order to live in harmony with oneself and other people, feeling whole of one's material and spiritual nature, one needs to free oneself from everything that creates imbalance and tension.

The Reiki system includes a number of practices that reveal the inner potential of life energy in people. They improve the work of all vital systems of the body, help to acquire the skill of a conscious attitude to their feelings and manifestations, to thoughts and emotions, develop intuition, individual abilities, lead to a harmonious interaction of spiritual and personal tasks.

In the Reiki system at the first levels, the compulsory program includes:

  1. Reiki breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to calm the mind, acquire the skill of deep relaxation and develop concentration.
  2. Meditative practices, during which the ability of equanimous contemplation, observation of thoughts, feelings, emotions is developed without being involved in the observed process.
  3. Reiki exercises that develop sensitivity, open the heart center.
  4. The practice of accumulating, distributing and balancing energy in bodies and energy centers.

Reiki Is a multilevel integrated system of human development and improvement. It contains a wide range of destinations. From healing and health promotion, successful advancement on the road of self-realization in society, to the disclosure of deep talents, abilities, spiritual essence and life purpose. Each person has the opportunity to make his own personal choice, realizing himself in one or all directions, but he receives knowledge about the capabilities of the entire Reiki system initially at the first levels of training.

Simple Reiki exercises are attractive to both business people and less busy ones, because they can be done at any convenient time and they do not require a specially equipped space.

The system of the traditional school "Usui Reiki Ryoho" includes the following areas:

1. Reiki and health:

Health promotion. rejuvenation, longevity and activity.

Treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • digestive system;
  • respiratory system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • urinary system;
  • reproductive system;
  • immune system, etc.

Rehabilitation and quick recovery after:

  • childbirth;
  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • heart attacks;
  • chemotherapy;
  • nervous exhaustion, depression;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • operations of varying degrees of complexity;
  • craniocerebral trauma, etc.

Emotional work:

  • elimination of emotional attachments, blocks, fears, phobias;
  • developing skills for quick and deep relaxation;
  • development of abilities to control the energies of feelings and emotions;
  • the formation of a favorable emotional state for solving daily life tasks.

Works with the mental plane:

  • elimination of bad habits, addictions, inferiority complexes, self-doubt, subconscious programs and negative attitudes;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • developing the skill of creating positive thought forms that harmonize and restore the state of mental and physical health;
  • development of skills for working with mental energies.

2. Reiki and human abilities

Development of skills and abilities:

  • intuition, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, etc.;
  • disclosure of natural talents;
  • developing the skill of forming favorable events and implementing harmonious life situations;
  • expansion of consciousness;
  • activation of the work of spiritual centers;
  • awareness of the tasks of the spiritual development of one's personality;
  • maintaining balance in the energy system of the human body;
  • formation and activation of personal financial flow.

3. Reiki and relationships:

  • harmonization of difficult situations and relationships in the family, team, with friends, loved ones, etc.;
  • healing karmic relationships and events;
  • emergency energy support, "ambulance" in various stressful situations, during conflicts, in trauma, etc.

4. Reiki and Healing:

  • development of skills for distance healing and work with Reiki energy in various situations at a distance outside of time and space.
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Reiki - a method of non-traditional healing

If we consider the Reiki technique in an encyclopedic sense, then it is called the method of non-traditional healing.

As mentioned above, healing is only one of the directions in the Reiki system, which becomes the life goal of not every practitioner.

However, teaching the skills of transferring Reiki to other people is included in the general teaching program of the method. And if you are not destined to become a great healer, then you can become a good conductor of the life energy of the Universe with due diligence and regular practice.

Healer, or Reiki guide, transfers Reiki to another person through his palms according to a certain system. But to start practicing Reiki sessions, I still advise myself. I recommend not earlier than a year of daily practice with yourself to start working with other people and only if you have the ability to do this and you are asked to do so.

Hand positions in Reiki correspond to the zones of biologically active points on the human body, as well as vital organs and centers of consciousness (chakras). In a Reiki session, hand position is not a hard and fast rule to perform. A certain sequence must be observed, but first of all, you need to rely on your intuition and sense of the flow, since the bioenergetic structure of the bodies of each person is individual, and changes in the systems of vital activity occur every minute. To be a good guide means to follow the energy-information flow of Reiki, the positions of the hands during such work can have their own sequence.

For beginner Reiki practitioners, the basic hand positions represent a system of sequential actions, which is called "General Reiki Session" or "Healing, Harmonizing and Revitalizing Reiki Session" .

Expand the diagram of hand positions in a general Reiki session

General Reiki Session - Hand Position

The impact of vital energy on the state of the energy-informational structures of the mental, emotional and physical bodies follows a certain pattern.

Each hand position in a Reiki session carries an energy-informational "package" or impulse that restores the harmonious work of every organ in the human body, as well as balances the general state of the nervous system and transforms emotional blocks and mental programs.

Hand positions in Reiki: eyes, temples and ears; occipital part of the head, base of the skull

Mental level

Clarity and quality of thinking increases. There is a calming down of the thought process, improvement of memory, good assimilation of a large amount of information. The energy intensity of thought rises. The ability for intuitive feeling is increasing or actively developing.

Emotional level

Emotional stress is relieved. Various phobias and fears are healed. There is a feeling of self-confidence and resistance to stress. The energy potential of the male and female principles is harmonized.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: eyes, brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, nose and sinuses, central nervous system, spine.

Hand positions in Reiki: neck, chest, hypochondrium

Mental level

The ability to concentrate attention increases, creative thinking and the ability to accept abstract ideas of the higher spiritual spheres of one's being are manifested. The horizons are broadening. Thinking is transformed into a positive and socially oriented one.

Emotional level

There is a feeling of comfort and a harmonious perception of oneself and various life events. A cordiality and openness to the outside world and a conscious self-respect develops. Creativity and natural talents are enhanced. The ability for self-realization in various spheres of life increases.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: thymus gland, thymus (spiritual heart), heart, immune system, circulatory system, chest, lungs, bronchi. Liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen.

Hand positions in Reiki: abdomen, groin area

Mental level

The mental programs and attitudes of the destructive plan are transformed, the feeling of fear disappears. The ability for self-knowledge and the desire for self-realization increase. The ability to make quick, error-free decisions and to implement new ideas is enhanced.

Emotional level

There is a release from emotional blocks, attachments, from psychological trauma. The control of emotional states and the ability to self-expression increases. Strong-willed qualities and energy potential are being developed to solve vital problems. Sensuality and the ability to enjoy life in its various manifestations develops.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: digestive and lymphatic systems, small and large intestines, organs of the genitourinary system.

Hand positions in Reiki: knees, ankles, feet

Mental level

There is a process of liberation from fears for loved ones and harmonization of relations with them (the left leg - relations with women of the clan, the right leg - relations with men of the clan). A confident life position and active implementation in society are manifested.

Emotional level

The process of liberation from children's complexes and psycho-emotional trauma is underway. The energy channel of interconnection with the generic structure is restored. The ability to easily communicate with people increases, reaching an excellent emotional state and material wealth.

Physical layer

Energetic harmonization and restoration of all internal organs, the projection of which is in the zone of the feet.

Hand positions in Reiki: shoulders, zone of the seventh spine, back, lower back

Mental level

Painful memories, worries about past life events are healed. The ability of positive, creative thinking is enhanced. The ability to fully accept people and the entire manifested world as it is is manifested.

Emotional level

The ability to deep relaxation, emotional liberation is manifested. The level of mental and physical strength rises. The skill of self-observation and the ability not to get involved in the emotional states of other people is being developed.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: the lower part of the neck, the thoracic region. Kidneys, adrenal glands, lower lobes of the lungs, coccyx, base of the spine, thighs, gluteal muscles, genitals, bladder.

Collapse the diagram of hand positions in a general Reiki session

The effects of Reiki, in a very simplified form, are similar to the ancient Chinese method of acupuncture. It promotes the activation of the work of energy channels and the harmonious flow and distribution of vital energy throughout the entire energy structure of a person.

Techniques in the Reiki system are aimed at the treatment and prevention of various diseases and work at all levels of human existence.

As a rule, the root causes of various diseases, however, as well as failures in business and personal life, are located at the levels of subtle material bodies - astral (feelings, emotions), mental (mind, thought forms) and causal or casual (karma). Reiki harmonizes the imbalance that has arisen in the system of human life, first at the levels of subtle bodies, as a result, healing occurs on the physical as well.

The Reiki method is an affordable way for everyone to rejuvenate, prolong life and maintain excellent physical and mental health for many years. The path of spiritual development, expansion of consciousness and one's abilities must certainly have a material manifestation on Earth.

We learn spiritual practices not to hide from reality in monasteries, ashrams, hermitage caves and meditations, but to spiritualize the material world, to fill our daily life with the light of smiles.

Teaching the art of Reiki

The Reiki system also has a training program for everyone who wants to learn this art. Training does not take a lot of time. Reiki exercises are available to every adult and child.

This program assumes 4 stages (levels) of mastery. Reiki knowledge and techniques are passed directly from the master to the student in training seminars.

Before the beginning of the training of each level, the master conducts the initiation of the student into the Reiki channel, and then the training process begins. At the first level, the master conducts the student several attunements to the Reiki channel.

1 and 2 steps meditation and healing is taught using different techniques of the Reiki (Reiki) system of Mikao Usui and more modern techniques of other Masters.

All practices of the first and second levels are aimed at developing sensitivity in a person and activating the ability to "listen to oneself", to feel the needs and various states of the physical body, as well as to observe and learn to control one's thoughts, emotions, feelings. A set of Reiki exercises is aimed at consciously working with energies within oneself and in outer space.

Level 3 - Master. This is the level of personal meditation aimed at expanding consciousness and connecting with your higher self. It allows you to find more inner freedom, and with this comes a period of discovering new abilities and opportunities for self-realization and spiritual growth.

Level 4 - Master Teacher. At this level, the technique of initiation into the Reiki stream is taught at all stages of this system.

Each level in the Reiki technique is self-sufficient. After the training course, every practitioner has the opportunity to independently practice Reiki, choosing any training scheme that is convenient for himself.

The decision to move to the next step is only the inner intention of each person, and it cannot be conditioned by anything else.

The beauty and uniqueness of the Reiki method is in its accessibility and simplicity.

You just need to open up and trust in the beauty of simplicity in order to understand how little I know about my true self.

The Reiki system, like other systems of spiritual and physical development, opens the door to the world of self-knowledge. It helps to reveal those aspects of our being that for a long time remained unknown to us. This process is delicate, painstaking, consistent, and does not tolerate fuss and rush. This is the sacrament of the birth of a unique individuality, which each of us is.

Dear friends!
If you have a desire to learn more about the Reiki system or you have already decided and want to learn Reiki practices, write or call +380 67 507-21-03 (Kyivstar / Viber) or Skype: pmilana70
Head of the studio, Reiki Master-Teacher Milana Predrikhovskaya.

Each of us dreams of becoming a wizard and learning how to heal our wounds, not only mental, but also physical. Reiki is a working technique that helps heal the body and attract what we want into our lives.

The opportunity to heal oneself and to heal other people was discovered by the Japanese Buddhist Miako Usui. He went through many trials to understand how this system works and to pass on knowledge to his students. The very name Reiki consists of two parts, which mean the universe, soul, energy and mind. Having learned to control your mind and bring your soul to harmony, you can heal not only yourself, but also those around you.

Features of technology

Using various meditations, visualizations and the like, we use our own energy, or, as they say, the power of thought, to achieve the goal. Due to our biofield, we energetically charge our desire and send it to the Universe. But everyone knows: using your abilities in this way, you need to be able to recover and develop energy protection.

Reiki differs in that a person, activating this energy, does not expend his own. Healing power comes from outside and helps you achieve what you want. Our body is a conduit for this powerful energy that cannot harm. It has been repeatedly verified that Reiki is not activated if a person has bad intentions. That is why it takes a clean mind and an open heart to work with and heal with that power.

Now humanity is just beginning its spiritual development, and there are still many discoveries to be made in the ability to read minds, move objects and similar achievements. And Reiki is one of the proofs that we are capable of something more.

How it works

This technique can be used by anyone, but a master is needed to access it. It is he who explains how to properly launch it, and also warns about security measures. To obtain this technique, you must undergo initiation. This is a specific procedure for opening certain chakras.

As soon as you activate this energy, Reiki begins to flow through the upper chakra in the palm. That is why it is called the technique of hand healing. However, this technique has been known to us for a long time. The Bible also mentions how Jesus Christ knew how to heal by the simple laying on of hands.

There are several stages in Reiki, and the higher the stage, the more it gives energy and opportunities. At the first there is an acquaintance and a kind of grinding in between you and the new force. Also at this stage, the process of self-healing takes place. Having learned to manage your emotions and having cured yourself not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual level, you can move on to the next stage.

The second step allows you to heal other people, as well as work already on attracting abundance into your life. Once cleansed and filled with light, you begin to radiate new energy of success and attract money and love. There are also several special practices that help improve your financial situation and open up to new relationships.

Having received the highest level, you receive the title of master. It is the masters who can carry out initiations, as well as heal people at a distance. Having gained access to this level, you automatically begin to attract happiness and abundance, and the right people and situations come easily and quickly.

However, not everything is so simple, because in order to get what you want, you need to apply Reiki every day and completely trust this energy. After all, she knows better what and when to do for your well-being. Therefore, before deciding on such opportunities, consider whether you really need it.

Relevant literature or consultation with a master will help you make the right choice. Listen to your heart, open up to the universe and of course don't forget to press the buttons and

09.01.2016 00:50

From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and can in the most incredible way ...