Parents' club as an effective form of interaction with the dhow family. The parent club is an effective form of interaction with the family

Parents' club "Family Hearth"

A long-term plan-program of the parent club "Family Hearth" for the 2016 - 2017 academic year

Purpose: harmonization of parent-child relations.


1. Psychological and pedagogical education of pupils 'families, expansion and deepening of parents' knowledge in the field of preschool psychology and pedagogy.

2. Promotion of the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children and parents.

3. Provision of qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents on the issues of upbringing and development of the child.

4. Formation of a single space of the family and preschool educational institutions in the upbringing and development of preschoolers, their preparation for school.

5. Activation and enrichment of the educational skills of parents, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

6. Engaging parents in cooperation with the preschool educational institution in terms of common approaches to raising a child.

Organization of the activities of the parent club "Family Hearth":

1. The activity of the parent club "Family Hearth" is carried out in accordance with the regulations governing the activities of the preschool educational institution.

2. The parent club includes parents of kindergarten pupils, educators, preschool education specialists.

3. The work of the club is supervised by a teacher-psychologist.

4. Community meetings are held once a month in a group, in a music or gymnasium.

5. The duration of the meeting is 1 - 2 hours.

6. The topics of the meetings are determined by the statutory tasks and the request of the parents.

The essence of the parent club "Family Hearth" is based on:

  • in close cooperation and partnership with families of preschoolers;
  • on joint child-parent interaction under the guidance of teachers;
  • on the possibility of a differentiated approach to the family;
  • on the voluntary participation of parents;
  • in the active position of parents;
  • on the orderliness and sequence of activities.

Principles of interaction with parents:

1. Purposefulness - attraction of all members of the club to the direct and conscious implementation of purposeful activities to harmonize child-parent relations.

2. Planning, consistency - the consistent complication of the content, the connection of the new with the already learned.

3. A differentiated approach - interaction with parents, taking into account the multifaceted specifics of each family.

4. An individual approach - taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children when interacting with their parents.

5. Consciousness, activity, dosage - the conscious attitude of parents to the proposed activities, information received.

6. Stimulating the internal resources of the family - the family's attitude towards self-help, by changing the way of life, restructuring relations with children.

7. Benevolence, openness, partnership - combining the efforts of preschool educational institutions and families for the most effective interaction.

Month / week

Lesson topic


Contingent of participants




3 week

Organizational meeting, familiarization with the work plan for the year


Parents' committee, preschool educational institutions, educators

1. To interest parents with the idea of \u200b\u200bworking together with preschool educational institutions in raising children.

2. To acquaint with the work plan of the parent club for the year.

3. Discuss thematic parental requests.

1. Acquaintance with the club members (game "Acquaintance").

2. The game "Bragging".

3. Familiarization with the work plan for the year.

4. Questioning

5. Game "I am a child".

6. Game "Suitcase".

7. Memo "Your expectations"

8. The game "Magic ball".

9. Collage "What did I like?"

1. Questionnaires

2. Memo "Your expectations"

3. Ball

4. Whatman, felt-tip pens


3 week

Round table "A child has the right"


Parents of families at risk

1. To cultivate respect for the human person.

2. To contribute to fostering a sense of respect for the family.

3. To contribute to raising awareness of children and their parents about the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4. To contribute to the formation of awareness of the importance of the adoption of this international document in the development of all mankind.

5. To activate cognitive activity and systematize parents' knowledge about children's rights.

6. Show the significant role of the family in the implementation of this law.

1. Ball game "Catch - throw, call right"

2. Discussion "Why observe the rights of the child?", Illustration of the consequences of violating the rights of the child "Sheet of paper"

3. Presentation "The child has the right ..."

4. Game "Rights of Fairy Tale Heroes" - work in creative groups

5. Lecture-conversation "Psychological rights and responsibilities of a child in the family"

6. Analysis of pedagogical situations and parental statements-attitudes

7. Independent work "The right of the child is the duty of parents" (filling in the "chamomile")

8. Summing up, distribution of booklets

1. Questionnaires "Do you know your child's rights?"

2. Brochures "The child has the right"

3. Books with fairy tales "Boy with a finger", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkina's hut", etc.

4. Cards with situations and statements

5. Chamomile "The right of the child is the responsibility of the parents"


2 week

Pedagogical living room "Safe childhood road"

Senior educator, musician head, speech therapist

1. Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of ensuring the road safety of children

2. Formation of a socially acceptable position of a road user among parents

3.Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in teaching children traffic rules

1. Speech of the Svetoforik propaganda team: "Traffic rules - reliable rules!"

2. Blitz-survey "I know and follow the rules"

3.Presentation "Safe childhood road"

4. Workshop "Trap traps"

5. Questionnaire "Competent pedestrian"

6. Exhibition of didactic games and manuals on traffic rules, children's fiction on the topic, posters

7. Distribution of booklets "Traffic rules deserve respect!"


2.Prepare presentation

3.Cards "Trap traps"

4. Questionnaires "Competent pedestrian"

5. Booklets "Traffic rules deserve respect!"

6. Games, manuals and literature on traffic rules


Week 1

Oral journal "Ethics of Family Relations"



Parents of preschool age groups, educators

1. To draw the attention of parents to the ethics of family relations.

2. Formation of parents' understanding of the rules of behavior in the family.

3. Improving the pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of educating children about the ethics and aesthetics of family relations.

1. Game "Acquaintance".

2. A collage of scenes about family life and the role of children in them.

3. Distribution of leaflets-reminders.

4. Testing "Am I conflicted?"

5. Message "Manipulation in the family"

6. Summing up

1.Reminders for parents:

Mom can ...

Dad can ...

Grandma and Grandpa can….

2. Test


3 week

Lecture-conversation "Influence of deprivation of parental relations on the development of the child and his health"


Parents of families at risk, psychologist, social. teacher

1. Give parents an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "deprivation".

2. To form in parents an understanding of the role of communication in the development of the child.

1. Playing in a circle "Communication: good - bad"

2. Post on the topic based on the presentation

3. Playing with a ball "It became important for me ..." (feedback)

1. Presentation

2. Ball


4 week

Discussion club "Child on the threshold of school"


psychologist, group educators

Parents and educators of the preparatory group

1. Find out the position of parents on the problem of preparing children for school.

2. Establish the correct understanding of the child's psychological readiness for school in the parents.

3. Discuss the concerns of parents when a child enters school.

4. Explain the requirements for testing at school admission

1. Open display of educational activities.

2. Questionnaire "Your position on the problem of preparing children for school"

3. Discussion "Factors of successful preparation and adaptation of a child to school"

4. Message "Parameters of readiness for schooling"

5. Game "I'm afraid that at school ...." (Game - drawing, color cards - determining the degree of concern of parents in connection with the approaching school life of the child)

6. Workshop "Parental attitudes and school difficulties"

7. Speech by a primary school teacher "The modern school - what is it like?"

8. Distribution of the leaflet "Parameters of the child's readiness for school", booklets "Parents of future first graders"

1. Memo "Child's readiness for school parameters"

2. Booklets "Parents of future first graders"

3. Questionnaires "Your position on the problem of preparing children for school"

4. Color cards

5 whatman pencils

6. Cards with parental statements


2 week

Workshop "We do the theater ourselves"

Moose. hands., speech therapist

Parents of preschool age groups, educators

1. To acquaint parents with the meaning and features of the organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers

2. Introduce parents to the different types of homemade theaters and how to use them

3. To form the ability to make attributes for theatrical activities of children with their own hands from improvised material

1. The game "Theater is ..."

2. Presentation "Organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers"

3. Acquaintance with the exhibition "Theater with your own hands"

4. Game "Teremok"

5. Workshop "Making a theater with your own hands"

6. Summing up, distribution of booklets "We do the theater ourselves"

1. Different types of homemade theaters

2. Material for making theaters

3. Booklets "We do the theater ourselves"


Week 1

Training "Portrait of my child"


Psychologist, educators

Parents and caregivers of all age groups

1. To help parents understand the role of the child in the relationship with the parents.

2. To help understand the parental transferences of their personal desires to the child.

3. Determine what the child really wants and what the parents want from him.

4. Help in harmonizing relations between children and parents in the family.

1. Game "Acquaintance".

2.Projective test "Portrait of my child"

3. My child through the eyes of other parents

4. Game "Do you need a circle?"

5.Game "Pity and Scold"

6. Test "Portrait of my child"


2 week

Final meeting of the parent club, report on the work for the year

Educator-psychologist, educators

Parents' committee, educators and specialists of the preschool educational institution

2. Get feedback from parents about the work of the club.

3. To determine the thematic requests of parents for the next year.

1.Presentation "Work of the parent club" Family Hearth "in 2016-2017"

2. "What did the parent club give me?" - drawing test.

3. What would I work on next year? -a game.

4. Tea Party: "I liked it!"

1. Pencils, sheets of paper, pens, a ball of thread.

2. Presentation

3. Attributes for tea drinking


to the order of MA DOU DS No. 12 "Buratino"

from " 08 » 12 2015№ 576



municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 12 "Buratino"

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation regulates the activities R parent club "Mom's school" MADOU DS № 12 "Buratino" (hereinafter the Club).

1.2. Clubis an additional component of educational activities where parents can receiveadvisory and methodological assistance on education, training and development of pupils.

1.3. The activities of the Club are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ, the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the agreement on education between MADOU DS No. 12 "Buratino" and the parents (legal representatives) of the child and this Regulations.

1.4. The management of the Club is carried out by the preschool educational psychologist in close contact with the head of the preschool educational institution, the senior educator, with specialists (speech therapist, music director) and preschool educators.

1.5. The main principles of the Club's activities are the cooperation of the preschool educational institution with the family, voluntariness, competence, adherence to pedagogical ethics.

1.6. The term of this Regulation is not limited. The regulation is valid until a new one is adopted.

2. Goals and objectives of the Club

2.1. The purpose of the Club is - withcreating optimal conditions for ensuring the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family as a mechanism for increasing the quality of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

2.2. The main objectives of the Club are:

2.2.1. Involvement of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities, identification of needs and support for educational initiatives of the family.

2.2.2. Providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family; increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

2.2.3. Increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of:

- the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity.

- ensuring the full development of the personality of children in all major educational areas, namely: in the areas of social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and a positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and towards other people.

Tatiana Burshina
Perspective plan "Parents' Club"


The family is the primary source and model for the formation of the child's interpersonal relations, and mom and dad are role models. There is no such institution other than the institution of the family, which so precisely predetermines the laws of the formation of a future person. Behind the behavioral problems, features of children's relationships, adults are visible - their view of the world, their position, their behavioral stereotypes.

It is essential that the child's problems cannot be solved without taking into account that the little person is dependent on the situation and environment in which he is. The sincere interest of adults - parents, teachers at every moment of his life creates a good opportunity for the development of positive children parenting relationship.

Parent club - a special form of interaction between the participants, involving a mutual exchange of experience, knowledge on the problems of the development and upbringing of children, contributing to a deepening of understanding and change of some of the life ideas of the participants. The result of the work club can be considered the enrichment of experience, ideas of each at the expense of the abilities of all participants. The main content of the activity Parent club becomes the creation of a concentrated emotional experience of family relationships. When choosing topics for meetings Parent club age characteristics and typical problems of preschoolers are taken into account, as well as the most pressing problems of children parenting relationship.

Parent club - the most important component of the education and upbringing system in kindergarten. Educational, developmental, leisure work is carried out with the active participation parents in the preparation of holidays, performances, joint creative activities with children and teachers; consultations are organized for kindergarten specialists, a music worker, an educator, a senior educator, exchange of experience in raising children parents, trainings.

Goals and objectives parent club.

The main goal of the activity parent club - creation of a positive microsociium in which each of its participants (adult or child) can creatively organize their leisure in the process of joint activities (holidays, performances, consultations, classes, etc.)


1- promote the harmonization of children's parenting relationship.

2 - identification and development of children and parents to various types of activities (acting, art, music, handicraft);

3 - discussing the most important moral issues (specific to this group); creating scripts on this basis;

4 - preparation of scenery, costumes, props with participation parents.

5 - rendering parents consulting and practical assistance in organizing holidays, by kindergarten specialists.

Perspective plan

date of the discussion topic and form of the event responsible

1st quarter

1. Consultation for parents: "Family holidays".

2. Entertainment "Birthday - Autumn".

3. Questioning

4. Tea drinking.

Moose. hand-l: play whether:

2 quarter

1. Consultation: "How to spend New Year in the family?"

2. Workshop "Santa Claus", joint production of crafts for the New Year.

3. Entertainment: "Birthday - visiting Mother Winter".

4. Tea drinking.

Moose. hand-l:


3 quarter

1. Consultation: "Sing to the children before bed."

2. Skillful hands: "Joint gift making".

3. Entertainment: "Name Day - Spring Red".

4. Tea drinking.

Moose. hand-l:


4th quarter

1. Consultation: "An unforgettable birthday. A holiday in kindergarten ".

2. Questioning

3. Entertainment: "Name day-Summer is hot".

Moose. hand-l:


Related publications:

Children's and parent club "On the way to the alphabet" Child-parent club - accompanying the family in MDOU. Regulations on the child-parent club. 1. General position. 1.1 Present position.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities.

Parents' club "Family Academy" “Each of us, teachers and parents, bears his share of responsibility for the treasure named Childhood” - these words of E. P. Arnautova define.

Parent club "City of Masters" Our parents are always interested in the crafts that we do with children. When we ask you to do any crafts, they are.

Parents' club. Game Library "Journey to Sensoricu Country" Purpose: enrichment of parental ideas about the sensory development of children of primary preschool age. Objectives: to acquaint parents with didactic.

Smirnova Alena Nikolaevna
Position: senior educator
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 13 "Ryabinushka"
Locality: Zheleznogorsk
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Children's - parent club "School of early development"
Date of publication: 13.12.2016
Section: preschool education






MBDOU number 13 "Ryabinushka"

Parent-child club "School of early development" Education is a very difficult and responsible business. Love for children is not enough to obtain good results. A child must be able to educate, and this requires special knowledge. The beginning of correct education cannot be postponed until a later date, it must start from the first days. For more fruitful communication between teachers and parents in our preschool educational institution created a child-parent "Club of early development" for parents of children attending a group of early age. The club is attended by kindergarten experts: music director, group educators, psychologist , senior educator, doctor The purpose of creating the "Early Development Club" (hereinafter - the club) is the development of promising forms of cooperation with parents in the preschool educational institution, which involve their involvement in active participation in the pedagogical life of the kindergarten and the establishment of the full opportunity of family education. Parents should spare no time or energy for fasting. a significant increase in their educational and cultural level. Basic principles of the club:  voluntariness;  competence;  adherence to pedagogical ethics. Parents' participation in the child's life not only at home, but also in kindergarten will help them:  overcome authoritarianism and see the world from the child's perspective;  treat the child as an equal;  understand that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children: if he did something better today than yesterday, you need to rejoice in his personal growth;  know the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account;  show a sincere interest in his actions and be ready for emotional support, joint experience of his joys and sorrows;  Establish a good, trusting relationship with your child.
Tasks of the club: 1. Social and moral development of the child, as the basis for the formation of personality. Gaining experience of communication with peers and adults through a variety of games and activities. 2. Use of new organizational ways to attract parents of children to cooperate with the kindergarten. 3. Provision of qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents in caring for a child, problems of his upbringing, development and adaptation to preschool educational institutions. 4. Development of a unified style of communication with a child in a preschool educational institution and a family. 5. Activation and enrichment of the educational skills of parents, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. Club working conditions:  club meetings as agreed with the parents of the children (1 meeting is held per month);  the work of the club is carried out in accordance with the annual plan of the club; the topics of the meetings should concern children and their problems and parents and their problems in raising their children; forms of communication can be different: visual, verbal, play, the result of the work is a positive dynamics in the development of children's activities, especially in children's movements, verbal communication and sensory representations, the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. The proposed program of parent-child relations of the club is variable, that is, if the need arises, it is possible to adjust the content and forms of classes. PROGRAM OF THE CHILDREN-PARENT CLUB EXPLANATORY NOTE
The problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family has always been relevant, and now it has acquired special meaning in connection with the fall in the birth rate and the change in the family structure. An analysis of the state of modern families showed that the composition of a family does not exceed four people. Most Russian families raise one child, while other relatives often live separately from the young family. In such family conditions, children cannot acquire sufficient social experience, learn to communicate, the ability to yield, and respect the interests of other people. Young families, despite the widespread promotion of preschool education, do not
a sufficient understanding of the child's living in kindergarten, of the conditions of upbringing and education available there. The parent-child club created at the preschool educational institution will help parents in practice to overcome the barrier of mistrust in kindergarten, and the information received will greatly facilitate the period of adaptation of children in the future. Classes with children conducted by teachers give teachers the opportunity to establish psychological contact with the child's family and learn the peculiarities of the development and upbringing of the baby practically from his birth.
The lack of educational programs for parents, a decrease in the circulation of specialized popular science publications created an information vacuum, in which most families raising preschool children find themselves. In this situation, the only source of pedagogical knowledge for parents will be a kindergarten-based child-parent club. Coming to a preschool educational institution for special classes, in games with peers, parents acquire useful knowledge and learn to communicate, while receiving the necessary advice from specialists in child development. The need to introduce this program is due to the requests of parents, conducting a survey. A distinctive feature of this program is the nature of the lessons. Each lesson includes games aimed at developing motor skills, enhancing speech, attention, memory, etc. Games and exercises of previous lessons are repeated in subsequent ones, which contributes to a better consolidation of the passed material. This Program has
Harmonious development of the child's personality in the process of subject-play activity. In the course of achieving the goal, the following tasks are solved: 1. Social and moral development of the child, as the basis for the formation of personality. Gaining experience of communication with peers and adults through a variety of games and activities. 2. Use of new organizational ways to attract parents of children to cooperate with the kindergarten. 3. Organization and implementation of interaction with parents of children attending kindergarten. 4. Provision of qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents in caring for a child, problems of his upbringing, development and adaptation to preschool educational institutions. 5. Development of a unified style of communication with a child in a preschool educational institution and a family. 6. Activation and enrichment of the educational skills of parents, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.
The parent club is a necessary social platform on the way to solving problems in family education, strengthening parent-child relations. The study of parental requests revealed the need for the club to work in 3 directions.
Parent education
;  Leading forms of training in a club environment - conversations, business games, consultations, trainings.  Teaching children; Games, game exercises, recreational activities, sports events and entertainment, activities.  Counseling parents. It is aimed at achieving a deep, objective understanding by the parents of the child's problems, his personality as a whole; determination of their educational strategy in communication with him and ways of interacting with other participants in the educational process. Counseling of two types:  Pedagogical (on issues related to the development of the program, the individual educational route of the child, methods of additional education);  Medical (on issues related to the health of children, individual characteristics of the child) Consulting parents was based on the following principles:  Creation of trusting relationships;  Mutual respect;  Competence;  High-quality organization of consultations. Content of work: The club is created to visit children with their mother or other close person. The organization of work is based on the leading types of children's activities (at an early age, subject activities taking into account the individual, personal characteristics, capabilities and interests of each child. The club program is designed for 8 months (from September to May). Each meeting takes 30-40 minutes. the program of the lesson consists of several constantly present blocks: cognitive, musical, motor, creative, in turn, each block contains types of activities replacing each other, which does not allow the baby to feel tired. objects and phenomena of the surrounding world of the kid.
kindergarten. The material for the meetings is games, game assignments, expert consultations. Methods and techniques used in the program:  Organizational;  Visual (showing the teacher, example, observation, consideration);  Verbal (persuasion, encouragement, conversation, explanation, artistic word);  Practical (clarification, repetition, demonstration of actions, independent implementation).  Logical.  Motivational (persuasion, encouragement, praise). The main stages of the development of interaction with the family:  Stage 1: Studying the child's family, child-parent relations, the activities of teachers  Stage 2: Creation of a cooperation program (choice of content, forms of interaction with the child's family).  Stage 3: Implementation of the cooperation program  Stage 4: Analysis of the obtained results The specificity of the clubs is that the work in it is carried out taking into account the psychological age of the child, because this will allow teachers to develop more actively all children (not only ordinary children, but also "advanced", capable, gifted). The forms of organizing children's activities can be different, but so that the means for achieving educational and health-improving tasks remain playful. It is most expedient to use various didactic, developing games, entertaining exercises, games-experiments with materials, etc. in all areas of children's activities, ensuring the implementation of the selected program content. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the main direction in working with children, the development of the speech activity of each child in the process of various activities. Expected result:  Mastering some methods of interaction with a child.  Ability to notice and accept the individual manifestations of the child.  Ability to respect the wishes and possibilities of the child.  The child's idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around him.  Accumulation of sensory experience.  Formation of the child's speech.  Development of fine and gross motor skills. The result of the work
is a positive dynamics in the development of children's activities, especially in the movements of children, speech communication and sensory representations, the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. Studying in the "Early Development" club, the child's abilities will develop, parents will learn to work together with him, to build positive relationships filled with warmth and attention. The effectiveness of the training sessions will be monitored by a questionnaire.
Curriculum 2016-2017 academic year Time Topic Purpose Cooperation of specialists Consulting and August - September Preparatory stage Gathering information, developing a project, questioning. Music director, senior educator, educator, psychologist, speech therapist, doctor Consultation for teachers on the development of a creative project of the club. October "On a visit to the hedgehog" Development of communicative, physical qualities, consolidation of sensory standards, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the development of emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature. Senior educator: "Acquaintance with the work plan of the" Early Development Club "November" Welcome to the fairy tale "Development of emotional responsiveness to theatrical performances, development of communication skills of children, development of fine motor skills. Supervision of a psychologist during the work of the "Club" Individual consultations and recommendations for families. December "On a visit to the Snowman" Raising the pedagogical culture of parents in the development and upbringing of preschool children, promoting the unity of the parental collective. Consultation at the request of parents.
but, to acquaint parents with drawing techniques, characteristic of an early age. January "Winter's Tale" Development of communication skills of children, development of fine motor skills. Involvement of children in theatrical activities, development of emotional responsiveness. Consultation at the request of parents February "Toys came to visit us" Development of children's physical activity. Formation of skills: run, jump, perform sequential actions at the command of an adult, crawl, development of coordination of movement and a sense of balance, development of the functional capabilities of the spine. Enhanced cognitive activity. Doctor's consultation KB 51 "Baby's health" March "My mother is the best" Development of children's motor activity, activation of cognitive activity, involvement in creative activity - modeling. Consultation of a speech therapist "Speech development of an early age child" April "Funny Matryoshka" Consolidation of knowledge about sensory standards, development of motor activity of children, involvement in the creative Consultation of a senior teacher "Achievements of a child of three
activity - non-standard drawing techniques. years "May" Spring mood "Acquaintance with typical weather phenomena (rain, the sun is shining brightly, etc.), development of children's physical activity, involvement in creative activities - dough modeling, help to unite the parental team Consultation at the request of parents

Cooperating with parents in solving the problems of upbringing, development and socialization of preschoolers, the teachers of our preschool educational institution strive to create a friendly partnership between the kindergarten and the family. For several years the family club "Sodruzhestvo" has been operating, the classes of which are focused on the joint activities of children, teachers and parents. The main goals of the family club are:

  • combining the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in matters of upbringing and development of children;
  • providing medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents;
  • increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;
  • strengthening of parent-child relationships;
  • enabling parents to communicate with each other and children.

Club members: parents, the administration of the preschool educational institution, teachers, medical workers, the educational psychologist are guided by the principles of voluntariness, openness, competence, adherence to pedagogical ethics, mutual respect and understanding.

The regulation on the Sodruzhestvo family club defines the rights and obligations of the club members, as well as organizational issues.

The choice of the topic and the planning of the club's work is coordinated with the results of the parent survey (questionnaire) and the annual goals of the preschool educational institution.

The forms of the club's work can be different depending on the topic, composition of participants and tasks:

  • round table;
  • training;
  • workshop;
  • solution of pedagogical situations;
  • exchange of experience in family education;
  • video views on the organization of the life of children in the institution;
  • organization of joint activities of children and parents.

Family club classes are held in the premises of the kindergarten once a month. All parents or family members, as well as guests, are invited to participate in the work of the club. attracted specialists (teachers of additional education of the orphanage of creativity, employees of the city children's library and others) in accordance with the previously identified requests.

All participants are preparing for the classes: teachers, children and parents.

The organizing teachers strive to ensure that each meeting in the club is interesting and useful to all participants, they try to celebrate the personal successes and achievements of children, the individuality and creativity of adults. Video screenings, screenings, exhibitions, musical accompaniment, joy and a sense of satisfaction from joint activities help create a positive emotional background of meetings. But the main thing is the general attitude of the teaching staff, the correctly chosen tone of communication between the teacher, the child and the parent.

The desire of teachers to cooperate with the family bears fruit: the trust of parents in the kindergarten, the desire to take direct part in all activities of the institution, the high rating of our preschool educational institution in the microdistrict.

Work plan of the family club "Commonwealth" for the 2007-2008 academic year

Topic: According to Russian custom

Purpose: Introduction to the world of art and culture of the Russian people.

Objectives: acquaintance of the participants with each other, with the club's work plan for the year.

Participants: teachers, children, parents.

Lesson 2. “Whether in the garden or in the garden”. October.

Objectives: Expanding children's ideas about fruits and vegetables in joint activities with parents

Lesson 3. "There is a horned goat." November.

Objectives: Expanding children's understanding of and caring for pets. To bring up kindness, sensitivity, responsibility for their pets in children.

Participants: parents, children, educators.

Lesson 4. "I will sew a sundress for Masha". December.

Objectives: to get acquainted with Russian folk costume, women's crafts in Russia. Raise interest in Russian traditions and culture.

Participants: parents, children, educators. Guests: teacher of additional education at the children's home of creativity.

Lesson 5. "A chicken sweeps a rug with a broom." January.

Objectives: to clarify and enrich children's ideas about household items of Russian antiquity.

Participants: parents, children, educators.

Lesson 6. "There is a dream near the windows." February.

Tasks: introduction to Russian folklore.

Participants: parents, children, educators, music director.

Lesson 7. "Foka boils water and shines like a mirror." March.

Objectives: acquaintance with the traditions of Russian hospitality. Summing up the results of the club.

Participants: parents, children, educators.

Work plan of the family club "Commonwealth" for the 2008-2009 academic year

Theme: Healthy baby

Purpose: Introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson 1. Organizational. September.

Objectives: Discussion of the club's work plan for the academic year.

Participants: parents, administration, teachers.

Lesson 2. Healthy baby food. October.

Tasks: coordination of nutritional issues for preschoolers in kindergarten and at home.

Participants: parents, educators, head nurse of the preschool educational institution.

Lesson 3. Movement is life. November.

Tasks: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, identifying the positive experience of family education.

Joint activities of children and adults: outdoor games. Photo booth “We are resting actively”. Sharing family experiences.

Participants: parents, children, educators, physical education instructor.

Lesson 4. "Moidodyrchik". December.

Tasks: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, joint leisure.

Contents: newspaper “It's good in our garden - I can't wait to go”, recommendations to parents on raising children's cultural and hygienic skills and independence, memos “Rules of hygiene” and “Rules of behavior at the table”, dramatization of “How Masha fell in love with water” , demonstration of the process of washing hands by children in the washroom, an artistic word on the education of cultural and hygienic skills, joint activities - games with soap bubbles.

Participants: parents, children, educators.

Lesson 5. Emotional well-being of the child. January.

Tasks: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, strengthening child-parent relations.

Participants: parents, children, educational psychologist, educators.

Lesson 6. A very important toy is a ball. February.

Tasks: introduction to a healthy lifestyle, joint leisure.

Participants: parents, children, physical education instructor, educators.

Lesson 7. Prevention of children's myopia. March.

Objectives: increasing the medical and pedagogical competence of parents. Summing up the results of the club.

Exchange of views on the work of the club over a cup of tea, questionnaires to identify parental requests for further work.

Participants: parents, educators, medical specialist.