Should a pregnant woman wear a bandage. How to choose a bandage during pregnancy from their wide variety. How long can you wear a maternity bandage

Good afternoon, dear readers! Pregnancy is a magical time for a woman, but how many disputes arise about different aspects! How to ideally endure a healthy baby? What is harmful and what is useful? What to do, and what should never be done? For example, a bandage for pregnant women: pros and cons.

Benefits of a bandage during pregnancy

Many pregnant women who lead an active lifestyle, often walk and play sports, already in the middle of pregnancy begin to feel the need for additional support for the abdomen. The same need is felt by pregnant women with osteochondrosis, a weak muscular corset and varicose veins. The bandage helps not only to support the stomach, but also to fix the baby in a comfortable position, as well as to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

If we are talking about indications, then we can distinguish the following positive effects from wearing a bandage:

  • Relieves pain in the back and lower back, inevitable in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Prevents "restless legs syndrome";
  • Reduces the load on the pelvic organs;
  • Prevents the fetal head from dropping prematurely (usually the head is inserted into the pelvis at about 38 weeks);
  • Facilitates the bearing of multiple pregnancies;
  • Some studies show that it helps reduce the chance of miscarriage with a burdened obstetric history;
  • It is mandatory to wear a bandage during pregnancy after a cesarean section, especially if the scar becomes very thin.


Despite the list of advantages, there are a number of disadvantages and contraindications:

  • Due to insufficient natural load, the abdominal muscles are greatly weakened. Subsequent recovery after childbirth will be much slower;
  • In the case of a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus, the bandage does not allow him to roll over and take the correct position;
  • The material from which the bandage is made can cause an allergic reaction, lead to skin problems and exacerbate autoimmune diseases if the expectant mother has a predisposition to them;
  • Tightening the abdomen can cause severe discomfort, as well as cause circulatory disorders, which will lead to a deterioration in the health of the mother or a delay in the development of the baby.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Bandage-panties with an elastic insert and important points when choosing a material located under the abdomen. You can wear both over underwear and tights, and instead. In the second case, you should take care to buy a replacement kit (or kits) so that there are no difficulties with washing.

Bandage belt looks like a strip of elastic material and is worn over underwear. Fasteners (hooks or Velcro) on the sides allow you to fix the stomach in the correct position.

Universal bandage can be used both before and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the rigid wide part is located on the lower back, supporting and strengthening the muscles of the back. After the birth of a child, the sagging belly is pulled with a wide dense part.

Important Points

  • How much to wear? No more than 3-4 hours in a row. Every three hours you need to take a break for at least thirty to forty minutes.

Wear no more than 3-4 hours in a row.

  • How to wear? Most often worn in a prone position, read the instructions. Do not overtighten the bandage. Listen to the sensations: both you and your unborn child should be comfortable. If you feel discomfort, loosen or completely remove it.

How to wear? The main thing is comfort for both mother and baby.

  • How to choose? When choosing a bandage in a pharmacy, pay attention to the size (we measure under the tummy): both too large and too small a bandage can cause pain and a clear feeling of discomfort instead of help.

When choosing, be guided by the appropriate size and feeling of comfort when trying on.

The answer to the question of whether to wear a bandage while carrying a child is ambiguous among gynecologists.

However, statistics claim that wearing it has a beneficial effect on the health of expectant mothers.

This is a kind of underwear, which is used by pregnant women, as well as newly-made mothers.

Types of bandage for pregnant women

Bandages are pre- and postpartum, as well as universal.
  • Combined bandages are designed to be worn in the pre- and postpartum periods. These come in the form of a belt - their fabric does not stretch, rubberized. Fastened with Velcro: during pregnancy, their narrow part supports the stomach in the correct position, the wide part strengthens the back. After giving birth, she fastens the other way around: the stomach is tightened by the wide part, the narrow part is fastened at the back.
  • The bandage-corset is impractical and inconvenient - it fastens with lacing.
  • The bandage-belt is put on over underwear. Elastic band prevents stretch marks, supporting the abdomen. Very convenient. On the sides there are valves with which the density and size are regulated.
  • Bandage-panties has a special insert that supports the stomach in front. It can be worn instead of underpants, but will require daily washing.
  • The shorts are equipped with an elastic supporting insert at the front.
Read more about the types of bandage before and after childbirth.

Who needs a bandage and when

As soon as the stomach begins to grow, you need to think about purchasing a bandage - from 4 months or from 20 weeks. It is necessary for women who are on their feet for a long time or lead an active, mobile life. It eases the load on the spine, calms the pain arising from the pressure of the baby on the coccyx and pelvic bones. It is necessary if the pregnant woman has weakened abdominal muscles, as it holds the baby. It should be worn with the threat of miscarriage, premature birth, with obstetric pathologies. This list also includes varicose veins, osteochondrosis.

Benefits of wearing a bandage during pregnancy

  1. Invisible under clothes.
  2. It is easy and convenient to use.
  3. It can be worn even in hot weather, as modern bandages are made from breathable fabrics.
  4. With the help of a bandage, the fetus in the abdomen assumes the correct position.
  5. Minimizes the chance of miscarriage.
  6. Does not allow drooping of the abdomen.
  7. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen.
  8. Relieves pain in the lower back and back.
  9. Does not give the possibility of pain in the legs.
  10. Indicated for underdevelopment of the cervix.
  11. A zone of scarring is formed on the uterus due to caesarean section.
  12. Supports with insufficient tone of the abdominal muscles.

Indications for wearing a bandage during pregnancy

This specific underwear is recommended to be worn for such indications:
  • with multiple pregnancy;
  • with neuralgic pains;
  • if at least 1.5 years have passed since the operation of the abdominal cavity;
  • If there is a scar on the uterus;
  • if the child is in a low position, and at the same time there is a weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • with a poorly developed cervix;
  • when there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • if a woman feels pain in her back.
In the absence of such symptoms, you should not purchase a bandage.


  1. the bandage makes the abdominal muscles lazy, and they do not recover well after childbirth;
  2. in the last months of pregnancy, when the fetus takes the wrong position;
  3. the bandage prevents the child from returning to the previous position.
  • it makes sense to use a bandage until the end of pregnancy, given your feelings at the same time - it should not cause discomfort;
  • its purpose is to support the tummy without squeezing it;
  • if there are indications for wearing a bandage, then you should not take breaks in wearing it;
  • with constant use of the bandage, you can not sleep in it and every few hours you should take forty-minute breaks.

Using a bandage during pregnancy can help a woman and her baby. But it is worth noting that among doctors there is no consensus on whether it is worth wearing it. In order to make any decision, you should familiarize yourself with different points of view. And if you still want to resort to his help, you will certainly have many questions: what are bandages, what are they for, when and how to wear them. Let's try to deal with all this.

When is the use of a bandage necessary?

The bandage is an orthopedic product that provides medical and cosmetic functions. If you pick it up and wear it correctly, it will become indispensable during pregnancy.

For women who lead an active lifestyle and spend a lot of time on their feet, a bandage is simply necessary, since its main task is to support the abdomen. An indispensable bandage for working women.

A bandage will help if you have varicose veins or your legs just often hurt.

As the child grows, the load on the spine and internal organs of his mother also increases with him. In this case, the bandage will save you from pain in the back and lumbar region, especially with osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine.

This product is often prescribed for use during repeated pregnancy, in which the abdominal wall is stretched more and faster, the stomach becomes flabby. Also, the bandage is worn with weak pelvic floor muscles, a predisposition to stretch marks, it protects against muscle strain.

In addition to easing the load on the spine, the bandage helps to fix the fetus in the correct position, thereby preventing excessive lowering of the baby and, as a result, preventing premature birth.

Doctors prescribe this product to almost all pregnant women in the later stages - at the end of the second, beginning of the third trimester.

It is mandatory to use a bandage for obstetric pathologies: polyhydramnios, large fetal size, excessive increase in the size of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage, low placenta, scar on the uterus.


There is one important contraindication for wearing a bandage - this is the location of the fetus in the wrong position. If the baby is in a transverse position, or legs down, using a bandage can prevent the baby from rolling over to the correct position, because one of its functions is to fix the fetus in the uterus.

When to start wearing a bandage

When the belly begins to grow rapidly, it's time to start wondering when to start wearing a maternity bandage. As a rule, this occurs at 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. However, in some cases it is advisable to start using it a little earlier or later.

In the presence of multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios, a large fetus or a scar on the uterus, you should start wearing a bandage from about the 16th week. If you have a first pregnancy, and the abdominal muscles were trained before conception, and nothing bothers you (you do not feel pain in your back or lower back, you can move freely), then the use of the bandage can be postponed until about the 28th week.

Starting from the 39th week of pregnancy, a bandage should be worn only for long walks or doing housework, since at this time the stomach begins to gradually lower as the baby moves through the birth canal, preparing for the birth.

If you put on the bandage correctly, then very soon you will no longer feel it on yourself, but you can’t be in it around the clock, without a break. It should not squeeze the stomach, its function is to support the fetus. Therefore, every 2-3 hours you should take a break of 30-40 minutes. At the time of daytime rest and at night, the bandage should certainly be removed.

Many women use special orthopedic accessories while carrying a child. Why do I need a bandage during pregnancy, and can everyone use it? What models are available for sale? How to choose and wear such a bandage?

Why do you need a bandage - all the pros and cons

Prenatal bandage - a device that allows you to support the tummy in the later stages. There are many benefits from using it. The accessory relieves tension from the lower back, helps keep the back straight, improves blood circulation and muscle tone. With its help, the load on the skeleton and all organs is distributed evenly. Effectively supporting the abdominal cavity, the bandage prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

A woman should not make an independent decision about whether to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Only the attending physician can recommend the use of the accessory, by determining the daily time and schedule for wearing it.

In what cases can a gynecologist advise the use of "support"?

  • The threat of miscarriage in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy.
  • Low location of the placenta.
  • Breech presentation of the fetus.
  • Polyhydramnios and large fruit size.
  • Bearing multiple children.
  • Re-pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis.

But there are also skeptical doctors who are not inclined to place too high hopes on the bandage. They are sure that during the normal course of pregnancy, a woman can do without this accessory. As an example, thousands of grandmothers and great-grandmothers are cited, who perfectly bore healthy children without a bandage.

There are a number of contraindications that do not allow the use of a prenatal bandage. For example, swelling, kidney disease or disorders in the cardiovascular system. If you have diabetes or other chronic diseases, you can wear a bandage only after consulting a specialist.

Types of bandages

The orthopedic industry is well aware that women are not inclined to save money on their health and the health of their children, so the market offers a wide range of models.

Bandage briefs

This accessory looks like ordinary panties, in front of which there is a dense and wide tape that supports the stomach. There are hundreds of options for these bandages. Many of them are decorated with delicate lace and made of seamless materials so that a woman can enjoy both comfort and confidence in her attractiveness.

This bandage should be worn in the supine position.. With frequent urination, such panties may not seem very comfortable. To put them on or take them off, you have to make sufficient efforts, especially in the later stages. Therefore, manufacturers offer products with a lower fastener. These panties are ideal for a visit to the doctor, and for daily use.

On a note! Bandage briefs are not the best option for women who quickly gain weight during pregnancy. It does not stretch enough to provide the desired degree of comfort, begins to dig into the body and rub the skin.

Bandage belt

One of the most popular models, and the high demand for it is due to its versatility. The bandage is made in the form of a wide belt that supports the stomach. Several rows of fasteners help adjust the waistband, increasing its volume as the belly grows.

Wear it over underwear. It is especially comfortable in summer. The bandage belt is sewn from breathable fabrics, the skin under which does not sweat. If the size is chosen correctly, then the belt will not slip or bristle.


This is an improved analogue of the belt. It has not only a waistband that supports the stomach more from below, but also a wide cotton insert with elastic fibers that accommodates the entire tummy. Such a bandage is sewn from natural fabrics, so you can wear it on a naked body.

Universal bandage

A universal prenatal bandage allows a woman to save money, because she does not have to buy two products - prenatal and postnatal bandage. They are easily replaced by one accessory. It has the appearance of a belt with a wide and narrow sides. During pregnancy, the wide part is placed on the back, effectively supporting the spine and unloading the lower back. At the same time, the narrow part is fastened under the stomach with the help of reliable fasteners.

After childbirth, the belt is turned over so that the wide part effectively affects the abdominal muscles and helps the body recover faster.

On a note! The side Velcro fasteners of the universal bandage help to fit the belt perfectly to the figure.

When to wear a brace during pregnancy

The bandage should not be used until the fetus is in the correct position. This usually happens before 30 weeks, but if for some reason this did not happen, the woman will first have to undergo a special gymnastics course that will help the fetus roll over. And only after the fetus turns around and takes the correct position, it will be possible to use a bandage.

Important! Do not forget to check with the gynecologist how much time per day you can wear a bandage for you. A doctor familiar with the course of your pregnancy should choose the optimal regimen.

In the early days, you may experience discomfort while wearing the bandage. But if the discomfort does not go away, and the child pushes hard, “protesting” against the “support”, you should stop wearing the chosen model and seek a second consultation with a specialist.

How to choose a bandage

Some women buy a bandage "for growth" - and this is a serious mistake. If the product is large, it will not perform its functions. If not enough, it will cause serious harm to health. It should be understood that when developing a bandage design, manufacturers are well aware that the stomach grows during pregnancy. And they took this feature into account in the prenatal bandage: it is sewn from elastic fabrics that can stretch and adapt to the anatomical features of the female body. Approach the choice of prenatal bandage responsibly.

It is important to choose the right size. If you decide to buy bandage panties, then start from your parameters before pregnancy plus 1-2 sizes. If we are talking about acquiring a belt, then you need to focus on the volume under the stomach.

Please note that some manufacturers indicate the size of underwear (42-44, 44-46, etc.), others indicate the volume under the belly (90-100, 100-110, etc.), others use the letter format (L, M, S, etc.). Usually these parameters are duplicated by sizes in centimeters - it is on them, most likely, that you should be guided during the purchase.

Products should be purchased in pharmacies or special salons for expectant mothers. Please note that the bandage has all the necessary certificates confirming its compliance with hygienic and medical standards.

On a note! It’s great if you manage to try on a bandage and evaluate its degree of comfort before buying. To do this, however, is not always possible (you can’t lie down in a pharmacy to put on a bandage). But in a good orthosalon, there are probably special fitting rooms with couches.

Do not forget to evaluate the quality and fabric from which the bandage is sewn. Lace inserts are, of course, beautiful, but will they irritate the skin? How well does the fabric ventilate? Are the zippers comfortable?

The prenatal bandage will serve well during pregnancy, improving the well-being of the mother. Often, wearing it helps the body recover faster after childbirth and avoid many postpartum complications. Fewer stretch marks appear on the abdomen, and the muscles quickly acquire the desired tone. But the bandage should be used only after consulting a doctor, because improper use of the accessory can lead to disastrous consequences.

Using it during pregnancy, you help not only yourself, but also the baby. It helps to support the abdomen in the process of bearing a child. But is it always worth using it? Even doctors cannot give a single answer to this question.

In this article, we will consider it in detail, and you will already draw conclusions for yourself whether you need a bandage.

When you need a bandage during pregnancy: the main indications

It is important to understand that the bandage should be worn only if you absolutely need it. Therefore, it is advisable to get detailed advice from a gynecologist.

The main indications for using this accessory are as follows:

  • If you are carrying twins or triplets. In this case, tugging of the abdominal muscles, early prolapse of the abdomen and even premature birth are possible;
  • For back pain caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve or herniated disc. These symptoms may occur due to a shift in the center of gravity, which provokes an increase in the load on the spine;
  • If there is a risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • If there is a scar on the uterus after a caesarean section;
  • With weak abdominal muscles, which can cause premature prolapse of the abdomen.

If such symptoms are present, then it is recommended to use a bandage as a support. But you can wear it no earlier than 22 weeks of pregnancy. If the expectant mother is absolutely healthy, then there is no need for this accessory. You can get by with regular maternity underwear.

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2) Basic recommendations regarding running before pregnancy and directly in the position.

What are the benefits of wearing a bandage during pregnancy

Although obstetricians have an ambiguous attitude towards wearing a bandage, its benefits are undeniable:

  • The bearing of a multiple pregnancy is greatly facilitated;
  • Legs will hurt and get tired less;
  • Significantly relieves pain in the lower back and back;
  • The load on the pelvic organs of the spine is significantly reduced;
  • Premature descent of the fetus is prevented;
  • Helps the baby to take the correct position inside the uterus;
  • Modern models are made of breathable materials. Therefore, even in the warmest weather it will not be hot in them;
  • It is invisible under clothes.

Many young mothers believe that bandages can protect them from stretch marks. In fact, most doctors agree that this phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes in the body and loss of skin elasticity. Therefore, wearing this accessory solely to get rid of stretch marks in the future does not make sense.

How to choose a bandage during pregnancy from their wide variety

Different bandages differ primarily in form:

  • Panties. It is used as normal underwear and is similar in shape to it. Differs in presence of the supporting insert in front;
  • Belt. It has the appearance of an elastic band that can even be worn over clothing. On the sides there are special valves that regulate the fit of the belt;
  • Corset. Equipped with lacing. In use, such bandages are very inconvenient, therefore they are worn extremely rarely;
  • Combined. Can be used in the process of bearing a child and after childbirth. They have a narrow and a wide part. The narrow part helps to support the abdomen in the process of bearing or fixing the back after childbirth. The wide part helps to fix the back during pregnancy and support the abdomen after the baby is born.

When choosing, preference should be given to companies that specialize specifically in products for pregnant women. The highest quality bandages are produced by manufacturers from England and Germany.

Products made in Italy and the Baltic States, with their decorative characteristics, do not cope well with their main task related to supporting the abdomen. Make sure that only natural and hygroscopic materials are used in the manufacture of the product. Only in this case there will be no discomfort during wearing.

First of all, it is important that you feel comfortable in it. Therefore, when choosing a style, be patient. The following tables will help you choose sizes.

Table 1. Sizes for Fixed Size Antenatal Bands

Band size92 94 100 104 108 112 116
Hip circumference under the belly, cm85-88 89-92 93-96 97-100 101-104 105-108 109-112

Table 2. Sizes for adjustable antenatal bands

Band size96 100, 104 108, 112 116, 120
Hip circumference under the belly, cm85-92 93-100 101-108 109-116

Ideally, the doctor should choose the right bandage size for you.

How to properly wear a bandage during pregnancy

The doctor must show you this. Bandages are accompanied by instructions, but they are not always correct, and sometimes simply incomprehensible. Be sure to control the height at which you wear it. Too high a position is unacceptable. An improperly dressed bandage will put pressure on the child from above, and not support it!

The initial fitting should be done in a supine position. The belt should pass completely under the stomach, grabbing the front of the pubic part, along the upper part of the buttocks, resting on the hips. You can dress it while standing only if you are sure that you have learned how to do it lying down.

Bandage adjustment should only be done by a doctor. The fact is that when wearing it too tight, it will squeeze the fetus. A relaxed bandage simply will not fulfill the tasks assigned to it. As the belly grows, additional adjustment is required!

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Many young mothers are interested in how to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Here you can make the following recommendations:

  • It is undesirable to wear it for more than three hours in a row. It is necessary to take half-hour breaks;
  • If there are certain gynecological prescriptions, then you can wear it all the time. But only if relief is noticed;
  • Make sure that he supports the stomach, and does not squeeze it;
  • There should be no discomfort when wearing. Whether you are walking or sitting.

Is it possible to wear a bandage in the last weeks of pregnancy?

It all depends on the situation. Sometimes the child takes the wrong position, turning his buttocks to the "exit". In this case, the use of a bandage is excluded, since it will not be able to return to its normal position. If the baby from the gluteal position has returned to normal, then the doctor may advise its use. This will fix the correct position of the fetus.

Is there a need to wear a bandage after pregnancy

In this case, it is also used to support the abdomen and spine, relieve fatigue and pain in the back. The use of postpartum bandages is excluded in the following cases:

  • There are stitches from caesarean section;
  • There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • There are skin diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions.

In any case, an additional consultation with a doctor is necessary. Based on the course of the birth process, the recovery period after childbirth and the characteristics of the body, he will already decide on the appropriateness of using this accessory.

We have tried to answer in full to your questions about whether to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Based on this information, you can already draw a conclusion about its pros and cons. However, an additional consultation with a doctor on this issue is still recommended. Only in this case you will not harm either yourself or the baby.