A mysterious stone called "labrador. Labrador stone: magical properties and features

Precious and semi-precious stones not only decorate jewelry, but are often used as talismans, charms and amulets. In ancient times, people discovered their unusual properties that can heal, protect, and attract good luck. This value has been preserved to this day. From the article you will learn about what the labrador stone is famous for, the magical properties of which are not yet fully understood today.

Features of the labrador stone

When was the labrador stone discovered?

Labrador stone belongs to the "young" varieties, because it was discovered only in the 18th century in North America. According to ancient Greek mythology, this stone of extraordinary beauty was given to people by the inhabitants of Hyperborea - the blessed people of the mysterious northern country. Labrador can also be found under the names: spectrolite, black moonstone, "peacock stone", caryatite and "bull's eye".

labrador stone color

The Labrador Retriever is actually a type of tulle spar that ranges in color from dark to greenish grey. Sometimes the stone looks almost black, all its attractiveness is that multi-colored highlights are very beautifully reflected on its surface. Thanks to this, the Labrador itself seems colored, similar to a real opal.

Labrador stone deposits

As is known from scientific sources, a Labrador deposit was discovered in North America on the island of the same name in 1770. 10 years later, when the construction of the Hermitage in Russia began, during the development of stone blocks, those that contained small inclusions of it were discovered. In addition, they find beautiful specimens in Finland, very bright ones - in Germany and India, as well as in Tibet. Some species that are found in Australia are subject to cutting.

strong talisman of magicians and sorcerers

Labrador stone magic

Labrador as a stone of hidden opportunities

Due to the fact that the Labrador was discovered relatively recently, its capabilities have not yet been fully explored. However, it is known that the stone greatly enhances a person's ability to know the mystical, therefore it has always been a talisman of magicians and sorcerers.

The stone is able to reveal creative potential in a person, extrasensory skills, hidden talents. He literally pushes you to accomplishments and does not give you the opportunity to doubt your own abilities. The Labrador is able to push for adventurous and ill-conceived actions, therefore it is best suited for people after 30 who soberly assess the situation, know how to analyze and learn from past mistakes.

At the same time, the Labrador protects its owner if he is engaged in a risky business.

Labrador as a stone of inspiration

Labrador is recommended to be worn by people of creative professions, it gives them inspiration and success. If you wear a stone for a long time (but not constantly), then you can enlist its support to attract sponsors and patrons. At the same time, he will make his owner famous, and his work will be recognized.

helps to reveal the creative potential and magical abilities of a person

Labrador as a protective talisman

Labrador is one stone that is easy to befriend. He gets so used to his owner that he is able to protect him from all misfortunes and bad people. The stone will protect the well-being and tranquility in the house, you just need to keep it so that it is always visible. The Labrador absorbs all the negative energy and transforms it into positive.

The stone hates evil people who have unclean thoughts and act in accordance with them. As a talisman, he leads them into trouble.

You can wear a labrador as a piece of jewelry in a pendant or ring. The first option is the most successful, since the stone interacts with the solar plexus. Just do not allow outsiders to take it into the hands, because it will be easy to break the connection with it.

Labrador as a stone of the moon

The Labrador draws its energy from the moon, so it can even be recharged by placing a full moon in a place that is open to moonlight.

Labrador stone for home

Labradors are distinguished into male and female stones. The former are light in color with a bluish-gold sheen, the latter are dark in color with greenish brown. You need to keep a couple of Labradors in the house so that the stones help to economically manage household chores, protect the family and teach respectful and caring attitude towards each other. It is better for outsiders not to give the opportunity to touch the stones, otherwise the energy will be destroyed.

The Labrador should always be placed in such a way that he "sees" the maximum of what is happening in the house, and everyone sees him. It helps the exchange of energy. But in no case do not put a stone under the threshold, otherwise it is not known what the effect of the amulet will be in this case.

Labrador stone as a healer

Labrador is a stone that can strengthen the body as a whole. It helps with problems such as:

  1. diseases of the joints and spine;
  2. infertility;
  3. stress;
  4. insomnia;
  5. kidney disease;
  6. depression;
  7. dependencies.

Labrador is of great importance for the psycho-emotional state. It improves mood, allows you to look at the world from an optimistic point of view.

has excellent decorative qualities and healing properties

Labradorite is one of many minerals that interact with a person, help and support him. When choosing, completely rely on your own intuition and feelings, because even with all its positive qualities, a stone may not suit you. You should also not unconsciously hope that he will save you from all troubles. Remember that the Labrador is a talisman for thoughtful and reasonable people who can sensibly assess the situation and possible risks.

A granular-crystalline rock in various shades of gray and blue is called labradorite. This stone was first discovered on the island of Labrador, which is why it got its name. Its beauty is fully revealed after processing by a jeweler. Today we will learn everything about the labradorite stone (photo) - properties, meaning and to whom this precious mineral is suitable.

Properties and value of labradorite for humans

When it comes to the signs of the zodiac, then labradorite is more suitable for such zodiac signs as Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. It was noticed that labradorite obeys the representatives of these particular signs to a greater extent. The stone is able to literally change the environment around these people, adjusting to their mood and desire. Therefore, you need to be careful when contacting with labradorite. If you wish someone evil, the stone will grant your wish. In order for your message to be fulfilled, after energy replenishment from the owner, you need to make contact of the stone with the person to whom your message was sent.

Labradorite is especially useful for people who want to develop their gift of foresight. He is able to awaken their hidden abilities and amplify them many times over. Sometimes labradorite stone is used as a love spell. These abilities of the mineral are often used by modern magicians and psychics.

In addition to magical properties, labradorite is able to have a healing effect on a person. In particular, his abilities are used to heal chronic diseases. The mineral has a positive effect on patients with problems of the heart, vision, and memory. In ancient times, this stone was used to treat mental disorders. Now in official lithotherapy, labradorite is used in the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts, to lower blood pressure and hypertension.

Now labradorite is used to stimulate sexual function. At the same time, the mineral has a positive effect on both men and women. Labradorite also effectively affects joint problems, relieves pain in arthritis, reduces the time for bone fusion in case of fractures. Labradorite is especially helpful for treating fractures in the elderly. This mineral is able to improve the well-being of a person as a whole, even affects the mood of its owner, increasing it and relieving accumulated stress.

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Shimmering like a peacock. However, beauty is combined with a layered and due to this fragile structure, small. It remains to be seen how far the labrador has fallen from the labradorite. What in the breed accounts for the remaining 30% of the composition and what, in fact, it is.

What is labradorite?

Labrador - a mineral of the group . All of them are plate. Spars account for 60% of the composition. It turns out that labradorite contains 60% spar. This causes the similarity of the breeds.

In some types of labradorite, the proportion of the main mineral reaches 85%. The rest falls mainly on and. Both minerals are based on oxide. But, in quartz its formula is SiO 2, and in pyroxene SiO 4. Other components and granite, and labradorite contain in a proportion of not more than 1% of the total mass.

In addition to silicon oxide in the form of various minerals labradorite stone saturated. The labrador with the formula (Ca, Na) (Al, Si) AlSi 2 O 8 is also rich in it. Like any silicate, the composition of the mineral is complex.

Accordingly, the chemical composition of labradorite is even more complex. By the way, in the literature, the rock is often referred to as anorthosite, so as not to confuse the rock with the mineral. The name is French, translated as "", that is, feldspar. Anorthosites are the name given to the range of rocks rich in them.

Properties of labradorite

Due to admixture, the Labrador breed. The minimum indicator of anorthosite is 6.5 points. For a Labrador, this is the top bar. The fragility of an individual mineral is also more pronounced. In the rock, the compression limit reaches 162 megapascals.

At the same time, the dispersion of strength is expressed. The most resistant are samples with 60% Labrador. If the proportion of the mineral reaches 85%, the compression limit of anorthosite can drop to 40 megapascals. At the same time, the lamellar structure of the stone is malleable to bending. Here labradorite properties compression clamps into 621-in megapascals.

Photo of labradorite demonstrate smooth and monolithic. It has almost no pores, especially large ones. Therefore, the breed has a low moisture absorption rate, equal to 0.1-0.2%. The absorption of light in labradorite takes place in a special way.

There is interference. This is the coordination of several waves of light, overlapping each other due to the difference in reflection. The latter in labradorite is provided by twin-plates.

In the photo, facing labradorite in the form of plates

They grow together naturally, but not in parallel. As a result, several coherent rays are superimposed on each other, that is, with the same wavelength. This gives rise to iridescent overflows on the surface. labradorite.

Buy anorthosite is possible, casting - in tones, or else, with all the rainbow. The overflow of the breed depends on the type of Labrador included in it. It has a variety called spectrolite.

In it, respectively, all the colors of the spectrum “play”. Sometimes, the breed almost shimmers with tones. Some stones combine sparks and blue.

Overflows in the rock are not as pronounced as in a separate mineral. Iridescent sparks in labradorite are usually guessed only on the faces that make up. Less often, iridescence is located in spots or solid.

If the overflows are zonal, the picture of the rock is transformed by a change in the angle of view on it. At this moment, the previously “burning” crystals go out and others “flare up”.

The iridescence of anorthosite adds value to it, as does its light weight. The density of the rock does not exceed 2,800 kilograms per cubic meter. This facilitates the extraction and transportation of labradorite.

Mining and deposits of labradorite

Rock with spectrolite is imported only from Finland. More deposits of stone, playing with all the colors of the rainbow, have not been found. There is a close version, which lacks literally a couple of spectrum.

It is imported from Madagascar. are called from the island. This is a generalization due to the characteristic radiance of labradorite. From a scientific point of view, only moonstone has the right to be called.

Labradorite "Blue"- Ukrainian goods. Turchinskoye and Golovinskoye deposits are known on the territory. A rock with a mineral that shimmers with blue tones is mined in and is called "Peacock".

Almost, dark blue samples are rich in the lands of Canada. Below, blue-green rock is mined in the USA. Deposits are being developed in the states of Oklahoma and New York.

Labradorite is an igneous rock, that is, it is “born” from red-hot magma. Approaching the earth's surface, it cools down. At depth, the process proceeds slowly.

Escaping to the surface, the mineral melt solidifies in a matter of days. At such a speed, crystals do not have time to form in the rock. The structure is similar to glass.

Full crystal labradorite. The grains in the rock are large and pronounced. Conclusion: - formed at depths. It turns out that the output of arrays to the surface is possible only when they are pushed out of the bowels. This is possible with folding, that is, mountain building. Therefore, the main place to search for anorthosite deposits is a chain of ridges and rocks.

The meaning of labradorite stone and its search take on a special meaning given the rarity of the stone. Unlike granites similar in composition and properties, anorthosite is a tasty morsel for most miners. What they do with labradorite will be discussed in the next chapter.

Application of labradorite

Irization made labradorite a decorative stone. They cover the facades of buildings. Rock overflows are recognizable, for example, at Lenin's mausoleum. Suitable for interior work as well.

They take into account not only the beauty of the rock, but also the absence of a radioactive background inherent in many volcanic masses. At the same time, the abrasion of labradorite at 0.5 grams per cubic centimeter is almost as good as granites and. So, the plates can be "lay" on the floor.

Anorthosite is easy to process. malleable, sandable. Therefore, they prefer to make complex forms from the hero of the article - sculptures and monuments from labradorite. Plus, he's good at .

The iridescence of the breed is visible only in cabochons. labradorite faceted looks ridiculous, because it is not transparent, and the play of light in the stone is "tied" solely to interference, for which the layers of anorthosite must be intact.

But photo labradorite floor

The magical properties of labradorite are more difficult to determine than for a single mineral. We have to take into account the nuances of the composition of the breed, the proportion of one or another in it and its appearance.

So, in labradorite it can be present both in the form of a mountain, and a prozeme. The latter is considered a guide on the path of spiritual growth. crystal transforms negative energy into positive, and rock crystal gives the gift of clairvoyance.

As for the magic of the head of anorthosite, that is, the Labrador itself, it is associated with the awakening of hidden abilities. Indeed, it is worth considering What zodiac sign is labradorite suitable for?. You need to “dance”, again, from additional minerals.

The Labrador itself has a positive effect on representatives of all constellations. But "drowns" the signs. So, when purchasing products with rocks, and not individual minerals, you need to be an expert in astrology, geology, and history. It does not interfere with recognizing the stone.

Labradorite price

Price breed depends on its variety, the severity of iridescence. Let's analyze the difference using the example of labradorite monuments. For a 43-kilogram stele made of spectrolite, they ask for a minimum of 5,000.

At the same time, a monument made of a typical blue labradorite costs around 3,000. A monument made of "Peacock Feather" is between spectrolite and classical in price. For a 43-kilogram stele, they will ask for about 4,000 rubles.

Pictured is a silver ring with labradorite

The most budgetary Russian labradorite. The first deposit in the domestic open spaces was discovered during the construction of the Hermitage. Not far from, they found blocks of rock with "eyes" of a rainbow stone.

The Petersburg nobility ordered it from Paris and London, and here they had their own stocks. The ladies of the court pounced on them, and at the same time on the tausin. This is a type of silk that shimmers like peacock feathers. complemented with dresses, and not vice versa, as is customary in the 21st century.

The mineral labradorite is a type of moonstone with an inconspicuous bluish color at first glance. But a skillfully processed sample begins to play with all the play of the rainbow.

In legends, this stone is mentioned in the era of the Hyperboreans. Decorations and talismans with him deserved only distinguished people - warriors, heroes.

The first official mention dates back to 1770. It was then that the first place of occurrence of the Labrador on the Canadian peninsula of the same name was discovered. The stone became popular in Europe, it was sorely lacking for everyone. After 11 years, another deposit was accidentally discovered in Russia, then the fashion for the "rainbow stone" came to our region.

Physico-chemical properties of the Labrador

Ornamental Labrador refers to feldspars, it is found in the bowels both in the form of inclusions in rocks and solid crystalline blocks.

Labrador is most often gray to almost black with multi-colored tints. The stone is opaque and has an average hardness - up to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. Has an exceptionally bright iridescence (plays and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow) also known as labradorization.

When the stone is compressed under high pressure, the Labrador crumbles, and with a strong blow it can even crack.

Gemologists distinguish several main types of Labrador Retriever.

Light orange with golden iridescence, occurs only in the USA, Oregon.

Type of Labrador with black and blue and blue tints.

An iridescent mineral that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Labrador deposits

The largest deposits were discovered in the last century on the territory of modern Ukraine - Guta Dobrynska, Golovinskoye, Blue Stone, Rudnya-Ocheretyanka. Mining is still underway in eastern Canada - the Labrador Peninsula, the Greenville Mines. Single medium-sized deposits are found in Finland, India, Greenland, Tibet.

Rare gem-quality minerals are mined in Australia. Spectrolites - a kind of Labrador - are found in only one place on Earth: the vicinity of the Finnish city of Ylämaa.

Healing and magical properties of the Labrador

The magical power of the mineral has not yet been fully revealed, but the labrador is already widely used by magicians and psychics. It is believed that he is able to activate the gift of foresight, helps develop psychic talents, and participates in many magical rites. When used correctly, it can cleanse the aura, bring good luck, calm, help in decision making.

Lithotherapists use stone infrequently due to unexplored medicinal characteristics. However, it is believed that the Labrador has a general strengthening effect. Round dark labrador stones are used in therapeutic and prophylactic stone massage sessions. Studies have shown a positive effect of the mineral on the human aura, so it is recommended to wear jewelry with a rainbow labrador often ill, aggressive and unbalanced people.

Who is the Labrador suitable for?

Of all the zodiac signs, the Labrador is best suited for Aries, Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio. It is strongly not recommended to wear jewelry with this stone to Cancers and Aquarius.

Labradorite is a mineral, a rock, with a labrador content in the range of 60%, some species are distinguished by a higher content of labrador - about 85%. The unique beauty of the labrador stone endowed with the unique appearance of labradorite.

Labradorite was first discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, located in the eastern region of Canada. The color scheme of the stone is dark, minerals with a blue or green tint are rare in nature.

Composition and properties of labradorite

and labradorite in mineralogy are classified as a highly aesthetic rock-forming mineral and rock containing it. On average, the structure of an igneous rock has the composition:

Labradorites, rocks of a granular crystalline structure of moderate hardness, are rather brittle. The difference in mineral composition determines the appearance of labradorites.

They may be:

Mostly deposits are known in which rocks of gray shades predominate.

Labradorites have a unique optical property - iridescence. On flat chips and polished surfaces of gray or black stones, shimmering spots of all colors of the rainbow appear.

Due to this effect, the rock is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty and decorative effect.

Uses of labradorite

The natural decorative properties of the stone, due to its texture and lighting effects, allow it to be used:

Illustrative examples of the effective use of rock are presented in the facing of the Mausoleum, the basement of the Moscow Hotel, the subways of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv, the Alexander Garden, in which labradorite stone was used to decorate the alley of the cities of heroes. Temples in many cities of Europe are faced with a unique stone.

Labradorite and magic

Labradorite, known to man since ancient times, is considered to be a reflection of the dark side of the moon to this day. It is filled with her magic, has a huge power hidden from a person. It is believed that the stone was presented to the inhabitants of the earth by the Hyperboreans, fabulous people who once inhabited the Earth.

People have carried faith in the power of the magic of the moon through the centuries, believing that it will endow good people with happiness and prosperity, and bring bad people to death.

People believe that with the approach of the new moon, labradorite emits a brighter light and becomes colder, saturated, acquires strong magical properties.

Dark types of stone that radiate blue are classified as endowed with the dark powers of the moon.

The moonstone is framed only in a silver frame. It should be worn only by people who have reached the age of thirty. It contributes to the development and expansion of consciousness.

It is believed that for those who are suitable for the moonstone, it exhibits the properties of a very strong amulet. As a talisman, it can be used by creative people and those who love risk.

Those who are embittered and cannot adequately relate to failures and life problems should not wear lunar symbols.

Labradorite and signs of the zodiac

Each sign of the zodiac is endowed with its own stone. The magical properties of labradorite favor Taurus, Scorpio and Leo. For these people, it instantly changes the situation in a positive direction. He will fulfill all the promises of these people, up to the fulfillment of any evil intent.

Solar signs of the Zodiac can acquire a very strong amulet in the form of a moonstone. Some zodiac signs should have this stone with them at all times. Astrologers interpret this behavior of the stone by its magical features:

Magic is intertwined with life, though many refuse to admit it. However, many people have a need to slightly open their future. Labradorite is able to activate and enhance the hidden capabilities of a person. Use the magical possibilities of the moonstone as a talisman or amulet should be carefully and carefully.

Relationship between labradorite and health

The energy of the stone is capable of not only magical actions. The healing properties of moonstone are used to heal a person from the following diseases:

  • Problems of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Violations of the metabolic processes of the human body;
  • Cleansing of internal organs;
  • Reduces pain in arthritis;
  • Helps heal fractures.

In modern official medicine, labradorite is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of severe eye diseases, which often lead to complete loss of vision - cataracts and glaucoma.

In traditional medicine recipes, a unique rock is used to treat infertility, insomnia, rheumatic pains, and relieve stress.