How to find out you are beautiful or not test. How to understand if you are beautiful or not: test analysis, beauty standards, classic proportions and individuality. Well-groomed appearance

I have always known that I am not beautiful. And in order to play the roles that my gut is predisposed to, I had to overcome the attitude towards myself as an ugly duckling. This does not mean that I made myself prettier. But I taught people to be ugly. They stopped noticing her.
Alisa Freindlich

Question about your own beauty bothers a lot of women. It is a misconception that this is a "teenage theme" and only in their youth do girls torment themselves with questions about whether they are really beautiful and whether they see themselves differently than those around them. In fact, many women have been tormented by a worm of doubt for many years. Moreover, many women really fundamentally incorrectly answer themselves in the end to this important question.

In order to understand beautiful you or not, you need to understand what beauty is. Take, for example, the white swan. He is beautiful? Of course, this is one of the most charming and graceful animals. But would you like such a beautiful beak, such a thin long neck and white feathers? A ridiculous question, but it illustrates well the relativity of the concept of beauty. And he brings us to a more important question: what is human beauty? Even more narrowly - what is female beauty?

Throughout history, great number of different men, very smart and educated, argued about which one was beautiful and which one was ugly. Among them were great minds, and not only enthusiastic poets, like Petrarch, who devoted his whole life to the poetic glorification of the beauty of his beloved, not only favorites of women and connoisseurs of the female sex, like Pushkin, Byron, Wells. But even the most serious bearded guys, ponderous philosophers and theologians, sometimes pushed aside their own heavy volumes of serious works in order to speak authoritatively on this topic.

So maybe it should explore all their thoughts on this score to understand the subject? No! In our business of people who put the question squarely, thinking practically, all these opinions do not have the slightest weight - they simply need to be thrown out. Because all these high-browed experts never came, in the end, to a single conclusion, or at least to some kind of working theory! No, definitely, for such thousands of years of research, so poor in results, not even the most generous philanthropist will pay a penny.

Where then to look response? Definitely science! What, you ask, has science been able to measure female beauty? Take it apart piece by piece, measure each one, and then put it back together? No, scientists are not stupid enough to waste their precious time on this. But they have a working theory explaining how it happens that one woman seems beautiful to us, and the other does not.

If to speak specifically- this is the theory of evolutionists. The point is, evolutionists say, that all of our “parameters,” such as facial features, skin tone, limb shape, voice frequency, articulation, and gesticulation, are set (at a basic level) genetically. And inside the brain of each of us, at depths where there is no way for our consciousness, there is a mechanism that can read genes by external signs. Just one look lets him know how much our genetic set "likes" the one that is now in front of him. We call it individual taste.

So does that mean that beauty Or is ugliness a given? Why then all these numerous and expensive clothes, tons of cosmetics? Do not rush to throw away your beautiful dresses and expensive perfumes, we got to the most interesting part.

Indeed, becoming social being, the human species has acquired a certain "superstructure". Survival was also ensured by the ability to properly position oneself in society. Numerous hierarchies have emerged. Men have their own hierarchies, women have their own. And the man got a new instinct - the desire to "hang out" with the highest possible status fellow tribesmen, including in sexual terms.

In addition, sociality has given us such concept like "fashion" and "public opinion". These are often completely random trends that quickly cover a separate population. This is how the fact is explained that at one time curvy women were in the price, then thin ones. And under the magnificent ones are meant those ladies that are depicted by the artists of the Renaissance, that is, in fact, "magnificent." For those times, the women on the Playboy covers of the 70s would have passed for skinny. And having seen the modern standards of beauty, people of that century would clutch their hearts.

And so it turns out that beauty consists of three main points: social, and the level of dominance. This is a gross simplification, but the format of the material does not allow describing the whole theory in too much detail. But the conclusion is simple: a person's understanding of beauty is a very subjective thing. In most cases, men only remotely understand what they generally need and what their ideal of female beauty is, even if at every corner they pretend to be jaded connoisseurs with an air of importance.

Not being able to change their own genes, women have many tools to disguise or emphasize them. This dangerous toolkit is called cosmetics. Visually enlarge the eyes, eyelashes, emphasize the lips, redden the cheeks, and now the facial features are changing in an elusive way. And also add an expensive dress that emphasizes the figure, rise a little higher in heels, curl your hair into a fancy pattern, put on a piece of jewelry that calmly declares the status of its owner. And so, the men who came to the evening begin to fuss around the newly-made beauty, not realizing their amusing behavior, and only scratch their heads: "How did I not notice before?"

But learn to act like you're always on darling brooch and rings, look into other people's eyes as if yours are the most beautiful in the world, and you will be the first beauty at the ball, even standing at the stove with a frying pan in your hand. This is the great secret of female beauty - women generate most of it from the inside, bewitching not so much with natural data as with their own behavior.

Simply and easily.

Numerous compliments, flowers and attention of the opposite sex - all this makes it clear to a woman that she is beautiful and attractive. I .

How can you understand that you, Maybe, not as pretty as you think? When you're ugly, you don't have to wait to be told it to your face.

Here are 5 signs that you are ugly:


1. When you look at yourself in a mirror, you don't want to look into it again.

"My light is a mirror, tell me" ...

Do you know there are women who are not in awe of looking at their own reflection? They do not admire themselves by looking in the mirror.

If you look at your reflection in the mirror and the only thing you see is "a woman with a monkey face" or someone else who can be awarded with an impartial epithet, then you either love yourself a little, or you really are ugly.

A beautiful woman should admire herself again and again in the mirror. She will never stop admiring her reflection even without makeup.

2. When you upload photos to your Facebook page and receive comments like the following:

© Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock

If you upload your photo to Facebook or another social network, and no one writes under the photo that you are beautiful, gorgeous, etc., then most likely something is really wrong with you.

If the number of women commenting on your photo exceeds number of men, it may also suggest that you are ugly.

If you have only a few comments from relatives or close friends under the posted photo, most likely your suspicions are justified.

3. When you walk down the street and cross a group of men and no one even turns around to look at you.

© oneinchpunch / Shutterstock

Beautiful women often attract the attention of men. Everyone knows this simple truth.

As a rule, the opposite sex turns their necks at the sight of attractive person. If, for example, you are passing somewhere, and suddenly one of the men stares at you, know for sure: you are beautiful!

Men always notice beautiful women, even from afar. That's why you can do a simple experiment: walk past a group of men and watch their reactions.

You will immediately determine whether you were able to interest at least one of them, or if no one looked in your direction.

Ugly, signs

4. When you put on makeup but even then you realize you're a monster.

© Vladimir Gjorgiev / Shutterstock

Some women do not feel beautiful even after using makeup.

They impose tons of foundation, use blush, powder, but they never like the result they see in the mirror.

Even if you try to correct some defects in your appearance, you see that there are no improvements, and you do not feel beautiful, perhaps this is so?

Beauty is always natural and should appear even without makeup.

Each of us is concerned about the topic of our own appearance and beauty.

This simple test will tell you how beautiful you are with 99 percent accuracy.

Your husband tells you that you are great; your mother that you should make more effort; and the face looking at you in the mirror can go from seductive to frightening depending on your mood - and the lighting. With all these conflicting messages, it's impossible to know how beautiful you really are - until now. But after passing the test: how beautiful are you? You will know how beautiful you are. The test is suitable for girls and girls, as well as any woman can take it online.

Scientists have created a test they claim can tell you exactly how beautiful you are based on the symmetry of your face.

The test then directs them to place 17 precise markers (or dots) at various points on their face, such as their forehead, the tips of their ears, the sides of their mouth, and so on, providing anchor points so that the size and placement of objects can be measured and evaluated.

Artists and architects since the Renaissance have attempted to quantify beauty in terms of regular mathematical proportions. More recently, repeated scientific studies have shown that symmetry plays a vital role in our perception of attractiveness, perhaps because it suggests good health and strong, well-balanced genes.

Not only do men find women with regular features more attractive, but women who partner with men with symmetrical bodies report more orgasms, and those with symmetrical breasts are more fertile than those who are less evenly gifted.

All girls are concerned about this question of how beautiful they are, take the test and find out.
Test Do you have a beautiful appearance? free, you do not have to send SMS or pay in any other way to get a response (result).

Greetings to all readers! Today I again became an involuntary witness to an entertaining conversation. Two girls of high school age, armed with fashion magazines with pseudo-psychological tests, diligently figured out: how to understand that you are a beautiful girl. The argument was heated, the magazines contradicted each other, and the girls really wanted to understand how beautiful they were. I smiled and went on about my business, but their discussion did not give me peace.

What is beauty?

The encyclopedia says that beauty is such a harmonious combination of aspects of an object, in which this object causes aesthetic pleasure in the observer.

Accordingly, a beautiful girl / girl / woman should be harmonious, it should be pleasant to look at her. What does it mean?

Criteria and standards of beauty vary greatly in different cultures and eras, but the same and common is the absence of pronounced physical asymmetry of the body, its proportionality and integrity (lack of mutilation).

So what, if the arms and legs are in place and there is no wild curvature of the spine, then the person is beautiful by default?

Not so simple. Even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts." That is, in order for a girl to be called beautiful, you need not only a pretty face, you need a combination of physical and spiritual parameters.

Physical aspects of beauty

A handsome man is. Unfortunately, fashion often dictates unhealthy trends (anorexic thinness in recent years, the “heroin chic” of the 2000s, rickety pallor, thinness and stoop in the Middle Ages, etc.), but my opinion is not beauty.

What is invested in the concept of physical beauty? How should you look to be beautiful? So, for a beautiful girl:

  1. Beautiful posture. A straight back, a high head - that's what makes a woman beautiful in the first place;
  2. Nice walk. How many times have I noticed: a girl is walking down the street, just a picture on her face. At the same time, she stoops, clumsily, shuffles her feet, and if at the same time she still smokes, swears and spits through her teeth - oh, beauty-ah-ah!
  3. Stretched figure. No, this is not about weight at all, but about general tone. You can be loose and lethargic with a weight of 40 kg, and with a weight of 140 kg.
  4. Well-groomed hair. It doesn't matter if you have them long or short, dark, light, any color of the rainbow, straight or curly. It is only important that they are clean, healthy-looking (split ends look terrible) and at least combed. Girls, remember: fashionable styling “hair disheveled in the wind” looks beautiful only if it was done by a highly professional master in the salon for 2 hours. In other cases, disheveled hair looks terrible and does not paint anyone!
  5. Smooth skin. It is necessary to take care of the skin daily from the beginning of adolescence, visit a beautician if there are problems, use cream with SPF protection on sunny days. And in no case do not go to bed with unwashed makeup!
  6. Healthy white teeth. Here, I think, everything is clear;
  7. Well-groomed nails. No, not necessarily 10-centimeter stilettos with bright varnish, sparkles and rhinestones. At least neatly trimmed, not bitten, without burrs and dirt under the nails.
  8. In general, a clean, healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Spiritual Aspects of Beauty

I really like the poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky, in which there are such lines:
And if so, what is beauty
And why do people deify it?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or fire flickering in a vessel?

What should be in the vessel of our body so that we are harmonious and beautiful? In 2011, a study was conducted on the essence of female beauty.

When describing the character of a beautiful woman, it was necessary to mention:

  • Mind. Yes, girls, only a pretty face and a pumped up butt still doesn’t make you a beauty. But a pumped mind, correctly applied to its body, will easily make a real beauty out of any average young lady in appearance;
  • Kindness and tenderness. An eternally sour expression on his face and a mouth pursed with a “chicken ass” will definitely not adorn anyone.
  • Politeness and good manners;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Sense of humor;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Charm and charisma;
  • Self confidence;
  • And the majority of respondents noted that a beautiful woman should be interesting in communication.

How to be beautiful?

My advice to all girls and women is to find harmony in yourself. Don't get hung up on any one aspect. Take care of your body, but do not forget about inner beauty.

By the way, the French have a very precise saying: "If a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, then she is a fool." Do you understand why?

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