2 unusual holidays in English. Unusual holiday in English. Holidays are categorized

Hello my beloved readers.

What is your favorite holiday? Birthday? New Year? What do you know about holidays in England? Today I want to tell you about the most interesting national holidays. And I also have an English theme for you that you can use.

Shall we start our list?

If you did not know, then the British are madly in love. On this day, the period begins when the New Year celebrations begin. Traditionally, families get together to roast a turkey and make pudding. This is the most family holiday of all known.

In December, the British have another holiday - Boxing Day. History cannot give an exact definition of where and why this holiday originated. It may have come from the day after Christmas when the leftovers of dinner were put into boxes. Or because customers were carrying gifts in boxes that they didn't like. However, now it's just the day off after Christmas, which the British pay homage to.

If it seems to you that this is similar to the Maslenitsa we are used to, then you are greatly mistaken. The holiday takes place in March, a couple of days before Lent. A kind of competition is held in the cities: city residents run through the streets with frying pans in their hands, throw pancakes and catch them.

Irish holiday, when on March 17 the inhabitants of Ireland honor the memory of the saint, whose name marks the birth christianity in the country. Throughout the country are traditional festivals with folklore.

A very important holiday in the life of every Englishman. Usually, the British are given 3 days to celebrate, and the traditional symbol is Easter eggs made of chocolate and the Easter bunny, as a symbol of abundance and fertility.

The celebration of spring, when festivities and costume processions take place all over the country, and the city is decorated with colorful garlands.

The birthday of the monarch is traditionally celebrated on one of the Saturdays of June, when the weather is warm. A parade is held at the residence of the monarch, where soldiers in multi-colored uniforms march. And if you think that fireworks are launched only at night - go to this holiday in the UK. On this day, at exactly noon, a 21-shot salute is launched. By the way, on the official website of this day you can leave your congratulations for.

The carnival, which takes place in the country at the end of August, is dedicated mostly to the people of the Afro-Caribbean community. The streets of some areas of London are painted in bright colors, and African and Caribbean music plays until late. Incidentally, the carnival previously gathered 2 million spectators and took 2nd place in terms of the number of participants.

In the UK, people decorate their houses, put on interesting outfits, go to their neighbors and ask for sweets with the words trick-or-treat. The symbol is empty pumpkin and a candle inside. Especially this day is loved by the Irish, who launch a lot of fireworks and light bonfires. Find out more about this holiday.

Fireworks are launched all over the country and bonfires are lit. It is not uncommon for people to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, a man who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the 18th century. But in general, for most residents of the country, this is the day of farewell to autumn, when they can burn all their garbage at the same time.

If you want to learn more about holidays in different countries, you will be interested in visiting the section - there you will find interesting texts in English and Russian.

If you want to learn a lot of new and interesting things about England (or Great Britain), welcome to the section ""

Well, now keep the text in English:

There are a lot of holidays in Great Britain. Christmas is the most beloved one in the country. Every year the whole family gathers together, cooks turkey and pudding. Next day is named Boxing day. Nobody really knows why it is called this way, but the holiday is loved by many people.

Pancake day is the day of meeting spring. There is a tradition when people run down the street with the pan in their hands and throw up the pancakes.

Easer is loved for the chocolate eggs and Easter Bunny. On the 17th of April the whole country celebrates St. Patrick's day. There are many folk music festivals. Everyone in the country also loves Queen's birthday. There is a parade where the soldiers march in beautiful colored uniforms.

Notting Hill Carnival is dedicated to Afro-Caribbean citizens of the county. Some districts of the city are full with people in colored clothes and the music plays till the late night.

Halloween is extremely popular in the country. The houses are decorated; children wear funny clothes, wonder from house to house playing trick-or-treat game, and receive sweets.

So, there are many holidays in Great Britain that are not similar to ours but consequently are very interesting and sometimes unusual.

Useful phrases with translation:

to run down the street - run down the street

to throw up sth- toss something

to be dedicated to - to be dedicated to something

to be full with sth - to be filled with something

till the late night - until late at night

to be decorated - to be decorated

to wander from place to place - wander from place to place

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Topic: English Holidays

Theme: English holidays

The homeland of the English language which we are studying is an island state, the United Kingdom. Britain’s location "away" from Europe became the main reason of British traditions’ being so different from the European ones. English holidays are no exception. Many of them coincide with European holidays, but are celebrated in a special way, and some have no analogues in the world.

The birthplace of the English language that we study is the island nation of Great Britain. Precisely because Britain is located "aside" from Europe, most British traditions differ from European ones. English holidays are no exception. Many of them coincide with European ones, but are celebrated in a special way, and some have no analogues in the world at all.

Studying about holidays of England and other British countries is very interesting. We can compare the British holidays and traditions with our holidays. It helps to understand the nature of the British, their lifestyle, the differences between our characters. In addition, many English traditions and festivals celebrated in England are becoming popular all over the world.

It is very interesting to study the holidays of England and other countries of Great Britain. We can compare British holidays and traditions with our holidays. This helps to understand the nature of the British, their way of life, the difference between their character and ours. In addition, many of the traditions and holidays that are celebrated in England are becoming popular all over the world.

The festive year in England begins, like ours, with New Year is celebrated on January 1st. But New Year celebration in the United Kingdom can not be studied separately from Christmas celebration on December 25th. This week is the brightest of the year. Like we do, the British install Christmas trees in their homes, streets and in churches. They decorate not only trees, but also their homes, yards and streets. Flashing lights, garlands, figures of Santa Claus and nativity Scenes, big and small, can be seen everywhere.

The festive year in England begins, like ours, with the New Year, which is celebrated on January 1st. But the celebration of the New Year in the UK cannot be considered separately from the celebration of Christmas on December 25th. This week is the brightest of the year. Like us, the British set up Christmas trees in houses, streets and churches. They decorate not only trees, but also their houses, yards and streets - flashing lights of garlands, figures of Santa Claus - the English Santa Claus and Christmas nativity scenes, large and small, can be seen everywhere.

By the way, all December is filled with pre-holiday bustle. The fact is that from the 25th of December to the 1st of January, most shops are closed. So everyone wants to buy gifts for the loved ones and take care of everything required for a holiday beforehand. Holidays when banks and other specialized institutions are closed, are known as bank holidays. The list of them is traditionally approved by the Queen. The holiday week includes, except Christmas and New Year, Boxing Day which is celebrated on December 26.

By the way, the whole of December is filled with pre-holiday fuss. The fact is that from December 25 to January 1, most shops are closed. Therefore, everyone strives to choose gifts for loved ones and take care of everything necessary for the holiday in advance. Holidays when banks and other special institutions do not work are called banking holidays. From the list was traditionally approved by the queen. The festive week, in addition to Christmas and New Year, also includes Boxing Day, which is celebrated on December 26th.

Next after Christmas and New Year, there comes a holiday which is also marked all over England and abroad – St. Valentine's Day. The tradition of congratulating the loved ones was so great that it has become popular all around the world. On this day, people who feel sympathy for each other, exchange heart shaped presents. There are many variants of gifts - cards with romantic poems, small pillows, sweets, toys and souvenirs.

The next holiday after Christmas and New Year, which is celebrated throughout England and beyond, is Valentine's Day. The tradition of congratulating loved ones was so good that it became popular all over the world. On this day, people who like each other exchange gifts in the shape of a heart. There are many gift options - postcards with romantic poems, pillows, sweets, toys, jewelry. Anything that can bring pleasant emotions to a loved one will do.

Spring season festive in the UK is also rich in bright events. In March, for example, they celebrate St. Patrick's Day - the day of Ireland's patron saint. On this day, the Irish and other residents of Britain wear green clothes or attach the emblem of shamrock. In April, they celebrate the day of England's patron saint - St George. On this day you can see a red rose on the clothes of the British, and in the streets you can hear folk songs and playing national instruments.

The spring holiday season in the UK is also full of colorful events. In March, for example, Saint Patrick's Day, the patron saint of Ireland, is celebrated. On this day, the Irish and other British people wear green or attach the image of a clover - a shamrock to their clothes. In April, they celebrate the day of the patron saint of England - St. George. On the clothes of the British on this day you can see a red rose, and on the streets you can hear folk songs and playing national instruments.

And still in March and April an entire series of Easter events is marked - Good Friday, Holy Resurrection (Easter) and Easter Monday, when children are presented with flowers and toys. In England, they do not use boiled chicken egg, as a symbol of Easter. But in every house you will find chocolate eggs in colorful wrappers, egg shaped souvenirs and Easter bunny figures.

And in March-April, a whole series of Easter events is celebrated - Good Friday, Good Sunday (Easter), Easter Monday, when children are given flowers and toys. In England, boiled chicken eggs are not used as a symbol of Easter. But in every house you will find chocolate eggs in bright wrappers, egg-shaped souvenirs and Easter bunny figurines.

Do not also forget about the April day of fun, which is called "Fool's Day" in England and "Cuckoo's Day" in Scotland. Just like we do, on this day the British are playing jokes on each other. The first May Monday is declared a public holiday in Britain. This is the holiday of spring and blooming nature. Such fun activities as carnivals and festivals are held everywhere. On this day the streets are decorated with flower garlands, and the national hero, Robin Hood, is honored. A similar rest day is held in August, on the last Monday of the month. People organize family picnics, fairs, carnivals and festivals.

Let's not forget about April Fool's Day, which in England is called "April Fool's Day", and in Scotland - "Cuckoo's Day". Just like with us, on this day the British play each other. The first Monday in May is declared a public holiday in England. This is a holiday of spring, the flowering of nature. Fun events are held everywhere - carnivals, festivals. The streets on this day are decorated with flower garlands, and they also honor the national hero, Robin Hood. A similar day of rest is also held in August, on the last Monday of the month. People organize family picnics, fairs, carnivals, festivals.

The official birthday of the monarch, which falls on the second Saturday of June, may not coincide with the real date of birth of a king or a queen. On this day a ceremonial parade and troops review are held, and then a magnificent secular ball finishes the day.

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There are many holidays in Russia: some of them are public, others are unofficial, and others are religious. When talking about Russian holidays in English, it is important to take into account all their diversity. Structure the information and tell about the most significant of them. The sequence of holidays in your text can be chronological: start with the New Year and end with National Unity Day; you can also arrange them by importance and popularity: first the main holidays of the country, and then all the others. So that you do not get confused in this topic, we have compiled a detailed plan for an essay about the holidays of Russia in English with translation.

The plan of the story about the holidays of Russia

  1. Introduction

    At the beginning of the topic, tell us about the variety of Russian holidays. What holidays, in your opinion, are the most beloved and popular in Russia: historical dates, religious holidays, cultural celebrations?

  2. Public holidays

    List the public holidays of the Russian Federation. Briefly describe the most important of them: their history and meaning, the attitude of the people of Russia to these holidays. Tell us how they are usually celebrated: in the family, with friends, in the central city square.

  3. Unofficial holidays

    List the unofficial holidays that are working days. Do Russians celebrate them on the same scale as the state ones? Tell us that most of the unofficial holidays can be divided into two large groups: professional holidays and religious holidays.

  4. your favorite holiday

    Tell us which of the above holidays you like the most. Explain your choice and tell us how you last celebrated this holiday.

  5. Conclusion

    At the end of the topic, describe your personal attitude to the holidays: do you like such days, would you like the holidays to become more or less. Maybe you have an idea of ​​what holiday is missing in Russia?

Useful words and expressions

English term Translation
Avenue Avenue
Balls balloons
celebration celebration
christmas day Christmas
Concert concert
Crowd crowd
day off day off
Decoration decorations
Defender of the Fatherland Day Defender of the Fatherland Day
fair fair
Festival festival
Fireworks salute
Fun fun
historical event historical event
holiday celebration
International Women's Day International Women's Day
national flag day Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation
new year holiday New Year
Orchestra orchestra
outdoor festival festivities
Parade parade
Park a park
Performance representation
Procession procession
religious holiday religious holiday
Russian Day Russia Day
Spring and Labor Day Spring and Labor Day
Square area
Unity Day National Unity Day
Victory day Victory Day
Walk stroll

An example of a holiday story

Our holiday traditions play an integral part in defining who we are as people, in that, we all enjoy celebrating holidays, whether it’s Christmas, the New Year, or Easter.

There are official and unofficial, professional and private, old and new holidays in Russia. Some holidays came from the past, others were revived or renamed.

Officially recognized Russian holidays include New Year's, Christmas, Protector of the Motherland Day, International Women's Day, Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day, Russia Day and Unity Day.

Russians celebrate the New Year on Jan. 1. Because Christmas is celebrated on Jan. 7, the days leading up to Christmas are also a part of the New Year-Christmas celebration.

International Women's Day loosely corresponds to the celebration of Mother's Day in the West, though in Russia's case, all women can share in the celebration.

Victory Day, May 9, is an important secular holiday in Russia, celebrating with parades. Its significance arises from Russia's victory over Germany in World War II.

Unofficial Russian holidays, like Easter, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala and Cosmonaut Day, are also celebrated.

Easter in Russia is celebrated on a different date each year, just like in the West. Russians consider Easter an even bigger holiday than Christmas. Shrovetide, or Maslenitsa, takes place in early March. The history of the holiday goes back to ancient times. Maslenitsa is the way Russian people celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The traditional food for Maslenitsa is pancakes.

Cosmonaut's Day celebrates Russia's achievement of sending men into space.

My favorite holiday is, of course, New Year because I always get a lot of presents. We usually celebrate this holiday in Moscow. I like the atmosphere of this holiday as there is a great air of expectation. Traditionally, on the thirty-first of December, we decorate a fir-tree and put presents under it. We also enjoy the family meal, which is a central part of our celebration. When the Kremlin clock strikes twelve, we wish each other Happy New Year and then we go for a walk and let off fireworks. It's a great time of the year.

To know the customs and traditions of any country is the key to understanding its people, and here Russia is not an exception. Overall, Russian holidays play a very important part in Russian society, as do most holidays around the world. Russians take pride in their traditions, and some have influenced other celebrations around the globe.

Translation of the story

Our holiday traditions play an important role in our self-determination, so

how we all enjoy celebrating the holidays, be it Christmas, New Year or Easter.

There are several official and unofficial, professional and private, old and new holidays in Russia. Some holidays come from the past, others have been revived or renamed.

Officially recognized Russian holidays include New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day, Russia Day and National Unity Day. Russians celebrate the New Year on the first of January. And since Christmas is celebrated on the seventh of January, the days before Christmas are also part of the New Year's celebration.

Victory Day, May 9, is an important secular holiday in Russia, celebrated with a military parade. Its significance derives from Russia's victory over Germany in World War II.

Non-state holidays such as Easter, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala and Cosmonautics Day are also widely celebrated.

Easter in Russia is celebrated on different dates every year, just like in the West. Russians consider Easter even more important than Christmas.

Maslenitsa is celebrated at the beginning of March. The history of the holiday goes back to ancient times. Maslenitsa is a Russian holiday of the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The traditional dish of Maslenitsa is pancakes.

Cosmonautics Day celebrates Russia's achievement in sending a man into space.

In any country there are special activities, wherever it was. Some holidays have come to him from the depth of centuries and remained as a memory of the traditions, some of them have appeared in modern times, dictated by time. Some have become important events in the life of nation and country. Among them are the most unusual in the eyes of the common man and here are some:

  • Mountain sports (Scotland) - participants should dress in their traditional kilts, figures which reflect the affiliation to a particular clan. The contest consists in the hammer throw, as the competition is held in Glenfinnan. There annually conduct a range of activities - it is a contest, various dances, games, and of course a picnic.
  • Fire festival of Beltane (Scotland). Another traditional Scottish celebration. "The Celts" parties without clothing, that is, bare-chested holding fiery torches dedicated to the fire festival Beltane. It is held in Edinburgh. The holiday came from the depths of the centuries, the Celts met summer.
  • Feast of naked men - or HadakaMatsuri (Japan). He more than 1200 years. National festival, something like dipping into an ice-hole in Epiphany frosts - men there in the winter in 9 degree cold to swim in the water, performed a cleansing ritual.
  • The vegetarian festival (Thailand). Phuket is where believers from a temple located in a place BangNeow) parade participants. They "ve been stabbing yourself with various weapons, expressing its protest. The ceremony begins with 1825, a Chinese immigrant believers to become vegetarians to protect against the terrible epidemic.
  • Holiday hens - one of the festivals Wayne, Nebraska. Show in which men dress up in chicken suits. Celebration is held annually in the summer. Wayne is one of the cities of Nebraska - venue. Every year in bright and noisy honoring chickens: perches made of cement, they organize dances with the chickens, arrange competitions. One of them was a race by the number of eaten chicken wings.
  • The Feast Of The Body Of Christ (Spain). It is quite old. The festival is dedicated to the defense against the dark arts pure children's souls. In it a man dressed in a suit and mask called ElColacho, that is symbolizes Satan. He jumps over the little girls gathered in a group. The celebration is held in Castrillo de Murcia is in Spain.
  • Schleicherlaufen Festival, (ecowaste). Something similar to Halloween is known to all. Marked in the town of Telfs, Austria. Every five years the streets have become a part of supernatural, mysterious world. According to him people walk in costumes and masks in the days before lent. The festival for several centuries, the first mention of it date back to the fifteenth century, but it is possible in a festival more ancient history, before the coming of Christianity in the world.
  • Gerewol Festival (Republic of Niger). It is located in the Western part of Africa. The nomadic Wodaabe tribe each year to note their views on beauty. The jury is going - it consists of unmarried women. Young men wear festive costumes and jewelry, their task is as much to stand out, to attract attention. Perform traditional dances of the Yak. The winner can receive a grateful member of the jury as his wife or bride.
  • Lantern Festival (Taiwan). Very nice event, now replicated by many in the world. Especially at weddings or birthdays, arrange competitions. Then light glowing lanterns released into the sky with hopes and dreams, wanting to carry the wishes up. Taiwanese people celebrate the first full moon of each new year. This holiday is traditional and for China. Unknown, whence came to them this holiday, but every year it is gaining popularity.

Translation into Russian:

Every country in the world has its own special events, no matter where it is located. Some holidays came to them from time immemorial and remained as a memory of traditions, some appeared in modern times, dictated by time. Some have become important events in the life of the country, the people. Among them there are the most unusual in the eyes of a simple person, and here are some:

  • Highland competitions (Scotland) - participants must dress in their traditional kilts, the designs on which reflect belonging to a particular clan. The competition consists of a hammer throw, and the competition is held in Glenfinnan. Every year they hold a whole range of events there - these are competitions, various dances, games, of course, a picnic in nature.
  • Beltane Fire Festival (Scotland). Another traditional Scottish holiday. "Celts" - participants without outerwear, that is, with bare torsos, hold fire torches dedicated to the Beltane fire festival. It is held in Edinburgh. The holiday came from the depths of centuries, so the Celts met the summer.
  • Festival of Naked Men - or HadakaMatsuri (Japan). He is over 1200 years old. A national festival, somewhat similar to dipping into an ice hole in Epiphany frosts - men there in winter at 9 degrees below zero bathe in water, perform such a cleansing ceremony.
  • Vegetarian Festival (Thailand). Held in Phuket, where believers from the temple located in BangNeow) are parade participants. They pierce themselves with various weapons in protest. The ceremony dates back to 1825, Chinese immigrants - believers became vegetarians to protect themselves from a monstrous epidemic.
  • Hen Festival is one of Wayne, Nebraska's holidays. A show in which the men dress up in chicken costumes. The holiday is held annually in the summer. Wayne - one of the cities in Nebraska - the venue for events. Every year, chickens are celebrated brightly and noisily in it: they make perches from cement, arrange dances with the largest chickens, and arrange competitions. One of them is a race by the number of chicken wings eaten.
  • Feast of Corpus Christi (Spain). He is many years old. The holiday is dedicated to the protection of pure children's souls from dark forces. In it, a man dressed in a suit and mask is called ElColacho, that is, he symbolizes Satan. He jumps over little girls gathered in a group. The celebration is held at the Castrillo de Murcia in Spain. Refers to religious honors. Some reference to the celebration of Holy Communion by Catholics.
  • Schleicherlaufen Festival, (this is Austria). Something similar to the well-known Halloween. Celebrated in Telfs, Austria. Every five years, its streets become part of the otherworldly, mysterious world. People in costumes and masks walk along them in the days before Lent. The festival is already several centuries old, the first mention of it dates back to the fifteenth century, but perhaps the holiday has an older history, before the arrival of Christianity in the world.
  • GerewolFestival (in the Republic of Niger). It is located in the western part of Africa. The nomadic Wodaabe tribe celebrate their vision of beauty every year. The jury is going - it consists of unmarried women. Young men wear festive costumes and jewelry, their task is to stand out as much as possible, to attract attention. They perform traditional dances - Yake. The winner can get a grateful member of the jury for his wife or bride.
  • Lantern Festival (Taiwan). A very beautiful event, it is now being copied by many in the world. Especially at weddings or birthdays, contests are held. Then light luminous lanterns are released into the sky along with hopes and dreams, wishing that they would carry the wishes up. The Taiwanese celebrate on the first full moon of each new year. This holiday is also traditional in China. It is not known exactly where this holiday came from, but every year it is only gaining popularity.

All nationalities have their own national holidays, traditions and customs that are unique to their culture. Holiday events are loved by the inhabitants of every country, they prepare for them, look forward to them, celebrate them with pleasure and part with regret until next year. English holidays are an integral part of the culture of the English-speaking world, a way of expressing themselves, the source of habits and behavior. Often, in order to understand the soul and character of the inhabitants of a particular country, it is necessary to get acquainted with their customs and traditions. Let's look at the most famous holidays celebrated by the inhabitants of English-speaking countries.

Holidays in England

New Year, January 1st. The most important custom of this winter holiday, which is invariably revered by the British, is the tradition of the first guest. If a dark-haired man enters the house after midnight, then the next year will be successful for this family. The guest must bring a coal with him and, without saying a word, throw it into the fireplace, and only after that congratulate the hosts. This custom means that peace and prosperity will reign in the house.

One of the favorite holidays of the British, which is celebrated with all its might. Secret presentation of gifts, making pairs with the help of lots, the exchange of sweets and soft toys - this day of all lovers consists of surprises. And, of course, a wide variety of hearts.

Mother's Day, March 22. An analogue of our March 8th. This holiday has its roots in the Victorian era, when children from an early age had to earn money by hard work, being far from home. And only one day a year they could spend with their family. Now it is a holiday in England, when children give their mothers flowers and touching gifts.

Walpurgis Night, 30 April. Witches' Sabbath or Fertility Festival. According to legend, at this time all the witches gather together and the gates to the country of the elves open. The streets of England are filled with witches of all ages - of course, not real ones, but townspeople in carnival costumes. This holiday also marks the imminent arrival of summer.

Chimney Sweep Festival, 1 May. The British believe that a meeting with a chimney sweep is a very good sign that brings good luck and happiness. Therefore, they are often invited to weddings. This tradition originated a long time ago, from the time when the hard work of chimney sweeps was revered - they were respected at all times and considered noble people.

Street entertainment festival, 12 August. This holiday lasts for several days, the streets of the cities are filled with noisy crowds. Carnivals, parades, concerts, theatrical performances, folk festivals, colorful fairs, competitions and attractions - on this day, few people stay at home, everyone succumbs to the general noisy and cheerful mood.

Halloween, October 31st. Every year on this day, the streets of England turn into a real fairy tale with witches in hats, devils with pitchforks, ominous pumpkins, and other "cute" characters. Children dressed as fairy-tale heroes go home with baskets, and according to tradition, they should be treated with sweets, otherwise there will be no luck.

Christmas, December 25th. A favorite holiday not only for English children, but also for the older generation. Traditionally, all the inhabitants of England hang stockings or socks on the fireplace so that Santa Claus can put gifts in them. If you believe the legend, once upon a time Santa accidentally dropped a gold coin into his sock through a chimney, and since then it has become a custom to hang a stocking on the fireplace on Christmas Eve - what if something falls there?

Holidays in Scotland

New Year, January 1st. In Scotland, this holiday is called Hogmanay, and is celebrated on a larger scale than Christmas. Here, as in England, there is a tradition of the first guest, who must bring with him a biscuit, whiskey or fruit pie. After midnight, the owners open wide the doors of their houses - to spend the old year, and processions with torches are arranged in the streets to drive out evil spirits with fire.

Night of Robert Burns, 25 January. A very revered holiday in Scotland in honor of the popular and famous poet, whom the Scots are very proud of and honor his memory every year. This event is celebrated according to a certain scenario, in national costumes, with skits, poetry readings, songs, dances and a gala dinner.

Whiskey Festival, 3 May. This holiday has no definite origins, on this day the Scots just gather to have fun. Noble alcohol flows like water, and competitions are held with prizes, which are rare varieties of whiskey.

Independence Day, 24 June. As the story goes, on this day in 1324, Robert the Bruce (King of Scotland) defeated the English king, restoring independence in his country. Today this holiday is celebrated "on a grand scale" - with folk festivals, concerts, festivals, national songs and dances.

Bagpipe Championship, 14 August. This event takes place annually in Green Park (Glasgow) throughout the day. Indispensable condition: each participant must be dressed in a national Scottish costume with a mandatory kilt skirt.

St. Andrew's Day, 30 November. The day of the patron saint of Scotland, St. Andrew, the official holiday of the country. It is celebrated very widely: with performances, fairs, music and dances. On the tables on this day there is exclusively traditional food.

Holidays in Ireland

New Year, January 1st. The oldest holiday in Ireland, celebrated mainly in the family circle at the festive table. On New Year's Eve, the Irish traditionally open the doors for good luck, prepare national dishes (pudding and cumin pie), and wait for any guests who, according to tradition, should bring bread and salt to the hosts. Salutes and fireworks in Ireland, alas, do not happen, as they are prohibited by law.

St.Patrick 's Day. March 17. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, so this holiday is considered very important by the Irish. Only in this country it is celebrated on a grand scale and marks the arrival of spring. On this day, residents put on red wigs and green suits, and, not forgetting to grab pots of clover (the symbol of Ireland), rush to the parade, where dances, music and fireworks await them.

Harvest Festival, August 1st. In Ireland, the imminent arrival of autumn is celebrated with the Lughnasad holiday, which means "Lug's wedding." Its essence is gratitude to the gods for a good harvest. On this day, the Irish eat a loaf of grain from the new harvest, kindle fires on the hills, bake traditional blueberry pies and make straw dolls.

Christmas, December 25th. It is considered the most important holiday in Ireland. Children decorate the Christmas tree, hang red socks on the fireplace, leave cakes for Santa's reindeer, adults stuff the turkey and make dried fruit pudding, hang bells and holly wreaths on the doors. And artists of different genres perform on the streets, choirs sing Christmas songs and fairs are held.

Saint Stephen's Day, December 26th. A holiday celebrated only in Ireland. On this day, all Irish boys dress up as chimney sweeps, smear their faces with soot, sing hymns and collect money, which then goes to charity. Horse racing is also held on this day, as St. Stephen is the patron saint of horses.

Holidays in Australia

New Year, January 1st. In Australia, the New Year comes early. This holiday is celebrated boisterously, with musical shows and magnificent fireworks. After the clock has struck midnight, all the festivities are traditionally interrupted by the ringing of bells and car horns, after which the Australians continue to celebrate at picnics, rodeos, beach parties, costume carnivals, etc.

Australia Day, 26 January. The most favorite holiday of the inhabitants of this country. Parades and regattas are held all over Australia, in all regions beautiful fireworks take off into the sky. Music festivals, cricket matches, the honorary award "Australian of the Year" - the local population celebrates this holiday on a grand scale. Houses are decorated with flags and balloons, and all Australians give gifts to each other.

Royal Regatta, 9 February. This holiday lasts three days, a huge crowd of spectators gather to watch it. The regatta includes water skiing, rowing, boat racing, sailing and a colorful event where the most beautiful girl receives the title of "Miss Regatta". There are also exciting shows - swimming competitions and performances by sky diving professionals.

Mardi Gras Festival, 24 February. Parade-carnival of people of non-traditional sexual orientation. It is the largest festival in the world, carrying an almost iconic connotation. Every year, crowds of spectators gather at this event to watch dancers in erotic costumes, exotic cabaret, theatrical performances and musical shows. Celebrities from all over the world visit this festival every year.

Harmony Day, March 21. In Australia, it is not so much a holiday as a social event. On this day, every Australian attaches an orange ribbon to their clothes, thereby protesting against racism and racial discrimination. Schoolchildren wear an orange badge and a sticker depicting happy people of different races, while students draw flyers and hand them out to passersby - this is how Australians say "no" to racism.

Father's Day, September 6th. The essence of the holiday is to emphasize the important role a father plays in the upbringing of his child. In Australia, this day is celebrated with great joy, children enthusiastically draw cards for their dads, uncles and grandfathers, make handicrafts with their own hands, and give the most popular gift - a tie. Father's Day is a home holiday where the whole family gathers and arranges exciting intellectual games.

Christmas, December 25th. This holiday is held in Australia in a very colorful and original way. Vendors, drivers and ordinary employees put on hats with deer horns, and Santa Claus walks around shopping centers and takes pictures with children. On the night of Christmas, life on the streets of the cities stops - everyone gathers at the festive table. The traditional dishes of the holiday are turkey, fruit salad and seafood.

Boxing Day, December 26th. The day when all Australians traditionally exchange gifts. What is interesting: if the gift is not liked, then the donor can exchange it in the store for something else. A gift is certainly given in a box so that it takes a long time to unpack it - for intrigue. This is the whole point of this Australian holiday.

Holidays in the USA and Canada

New Year, January 1st. In Canada and in many US states, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in masquerade costumes and masks, which are removed at midnight. In other states, people simply gather with the whole family at the festive table with traditional New Year's dishes. Also, a large number of people specially come to New York to watch a grandiose festive concert with fireworks on Times Square.

Groundhog Day, 2 February. A very beloved annual holiday by Americans. They believe that the groundhog can predict the approach of spring, you just need to observe its behavior. According to legend, if a groundhog calmly crawls out of its hole, then winter will soon end. If he looks out and hides again, then the cold will last at least another month. Very often, Groundhog Day is celebrated with festivals that attract many tourists.

Valentine's Day, February 14th. A traditional holiday in the USA and Canada, accompanied by valentine hearts and chocolates. Recently, on Valentine's Day in these countries, it is customary to give modern gadgets and other practical and useful things. It is on February 14 that the largest number of wedding ceremonies falls.

Grandparents Day, September 5th. This holiday was invented by a housewife from West Virginia. But the Americans liked the idea so much that it was decided to make the holiday nationwide. On this day, the whole family comes to their old people with flowers and gifts to play old-fashioned games and look at yellowed photographs, and grandparents treat their children and grandchildren with sweet pies.

Halloween, October 31st. The most popular holiday in the US and Canada, which is also called All Saints' Day. It is almost a fairy tale sight when kids dressed up in "terrible" costumes knock on the doors of houses with the words "Trick or Treat!" in the hope of getting sweets. Residential buildings are decorated with pumpkins with "burning eyes", figurines of black cats, witch dolls, and other mystical creatures and symbols.

Thanksgiving Day, November 26th. It is also a very popular holiday among Americans. Many traditions are associated with it, which the residents revere sacredly - they always go to church services and gather with the whole family at the festive table. On this day, charity flourishes - gifts are distributed to the homeless and the needy. The most important attribute of the holiday is stuffed turkey.

Christmas, December 25th. For this holiday in the USA and Canada, they prepare in advance - they buy gifts and Christmas decorations, decorate houses with tinsel and garlands. All states are full of festive illuminations and multi-colored lanterns, and the main Christmas tree of America is lit by the president himself. Children, dressed as angels, go around the surrounding houses and sing Christmas carols, for which they traditionally receive sweets and sweets.