What you need to know for a successful pregnancy. How to ensure a normal pregnancy

Most first-time mothers naturally worry about how the pregnancy is going, whether it is going well, without complications, especially in the early stages. Currently, obstetricians and gynecologists are engaged in pregnancy management.

In order to optimally monitor the condition of the expectant mother and fetus, doctors recommend regularly attending a antenatal clinic.

Registration of a pregnant woman for dispensary registration

How can a woman understand that early pregnancy is going well? It is quite difficult to independently determine the nature of the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. Only qualified specialists can answer this question by conducting an appropriate examination. Therefore, it is very important that the pregnant woman visits the antenatal clinic as early as possible, preferably before 12 weeks.

If contraindications for maintaining pregnancy are identified, then in the first trimester you can still use gentle methods to terminate it. Timely registration at the dispensary and further regular visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist, according to the established schedule, largely determine the normal course of pregnancy.

The schedule of visits to the antenatal clinic, scheduled by the supervising doctor, must be observed unquestioningly.

Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman

How can you understand that pregnancy is developing normally without taking into account the opinion of doctors? To do this, you need to focus on your general condition and feelings. Bearing a child will necessarily lead to physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. What kind of changes in her body can a woman notice, which will indicate the normal course of pregnancy:

  • Appearance.
  • The performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • The functionality of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract (GIT).


It will be quite natural for a pregnant woman to acquire a characteristic appearance that was unusual for her before the conception of a child:

  • In addition to the appearance of the tummy, there is a slight increase in the size of the limbs, a decrease in the range of motion in the hip joints, and a change in facial features. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the gait and posture of a woman changes.
  • There is a darkening of the skin (pigmentation) in the face, abdomen and peripapillary zone.
  • Become more visible veins on the lower extremities. Varicose veins may even appear, which was not typical before conception.
  • Due to an increase in the abdomen, so-called striae (stripes, stretch marks on the skin) are often formed on its surface.
  • During the period of bearing a child, in some cases, a moderate increase in body temperature (subfebrile condition) is recorded. As a rule, this is observed up to 4 months and is associated with the usual hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. By the way, an increase in rectal temperature is considered to be one of the early signs of pregnancy.
  • The mammary glands undergo significant changes, swelling and an increase in the volume of which is simply impossible not to notice. The size of the nipples also increases. In addition, due to pigmentation, the nipples and areola become dark brown.

Cardiovascular and respiratory systems

As a rule, in the first trimester, low blood pressure is characteristic, but, starting from about the 29th week, there is a tendency to increase, which sometimes makes it difficult to diagnose true hypertension. With the growth of the fetus and the increase in the uterus, the heart rate also increases slightly (within 84–90 beats per 1 minute).

Fluctuations in blood pressure and hormonal changes in the female body often lead to disruption of the heart, which can be manifested by arrhythmias and extrasystoles.

An additional load on the lungs, associated with the fact that you have to provide oxygen not only to yourself, but also to the fetus, leads to the development of shortness of breath. Pregnant women, especially in the later stages, have certain difficulties with performing normal physical activity. An attack of shortness of breath and fatigue can be observed even when climbing stairs only a few floors.

Nevertheless, all this is considered within the normal range, unless, of course, the pregnant woman suffers from any pathology of the cardiovascular and / or respiratory systems.

Digestive and urinary systems

Quite often, in women in position, taste preferences change dramatically. Some pregnant women have a sharp aversion to certain types of foods (for example, meat, cheese, sausages, butter), while others may generally be drawn to inedible things (clay, chalk).

In some cases, there is an increase in appetite, in others, on the contrary, a significant decrease. Also, due to a decrease in intestinal tone, pregnant women are more prone to constipation. This is normal and does not require correction with medications, only a change in diet.

Increased stress on the kidneys often leads to frequent urination. In the absence of other symptoms, frequent urination should be attributed to natural physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, and not to the clinical manifestation of any disease.

No one says that you have to endure any kind of discomfort or worse, pain. Any changes in your health should be reported to your doctor. And he will decide how serious it is.

Signs of a normal pregnancy

What you should pay attention to first of all in order to find out that pregnancy, both in the early and late stages, proceeds normally:

  • Body weight gain.
  • Enlargement of the abdomen.
  • Fetal movement.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • Pain.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • The appearance of colostrum.

Body mass gain

The development of the fetus, an increase in the uterus, fluid retention, the restructuring of metabolic processes - all this naturally causes a progressive increase in the weight of a pregnant woman. On average, the body weight of the expectant mother for the entire period of bearing a child increases by 10–12 kg, of which:

  • About 6 kg are the fetus, afterbirth and amniotic fluid.
  • 1-2 kg are due to the growth of the uterus and mammary glands.
  • 3-4 kg is an immediate weight gain.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's body weight practically does not change. By the end of the 12th week, there is some increase, which can be up to 2 kg. In the second trimester, a woman usually gains 300 grams per week. In the third trimester, the increase is already up to 400 grams per week.

A few days before childbirth, regular changes in metabolic processes lead to the fact that the body weight of a pregnant woman can decrease by 1-2 kg.

Please note that these are averages and may vary on a case-by-case basis. In addition, weight gain, among other things, can be affected by factors such as individual and constitutional characteristics of the body, as well as heredity.

fetal movement

The baby makes the first movements at 8 weeks, but they are not yet noticeable to the woman. It is generally accepted that fetal movement begins to be felt at 16–20 weeks. Multiparous mothers are familiar with this feeling firsthand, so they fix the motor activity of the unborn child earlier than primiparas. It is also worth noting that due to the lack of fat deposition on the front wall of the abdomen, more slender girls perceive the baby's movements faster than plump ones.

Note the date you feel the first movement of the fetus, as this will help your healthcare provider determine your due date. As a rule, for a primipara it is necessary to add 20 weeks, for a multiparous - the 22nd. The intensity of movements will help you assess the health of the baby. Excessively violent activity is just as bad as a significant reduction or complete cessation of movement.

To control the activity of the child, a specially designed test is used, which can also be used at home starting from the 28th week. From 9 am to 9 pm, it is necessary to count the number of movements and record every 10. Normally, the tenth movement is usually observed before 5 pm. If within 12 hours you notice that the child has moved less than 10 times, then this should be reported to the doctor. If for the whole day there is not a single movement, then you should immediately go to the hospital.

By the movement of the fetus, a woman herself can understand how her pregnancy is proceeding, everything is developing normally, or you need to immediately seek help.

Fetal heartbeat

One of the most important signs of the normal course of pregnancy is the fetal heartbeat. The first signs of the work of the heart of the unborn baby can be determined using a special vaginal ultrasound sensor already in the early stages of pregnancy (3-4 weeks). Features of changes in fetal heart rate:

  • At 4-6 weeks, the heart rate will be 80-85 beats per minute.
  • At 6–8 weeks, the heart rate will increase to 110–130 beats per minute.
  • At 8-10 weeks, the heart rate can reach 190 beats per minute.
  • From the 11th week until delivery, the heart rate will be in the range of 140-160 gifts per minute.

By heart rate, you can assess the general condition of the fetus. The child's heart instantly reacts to any changes that occur with a pregnant woman (stress, various diseases, physical activity). For example, a heart rate that is too fast can indicate long-term disruption of the fetal blood supply, leading to inadequate oxygen and nutrient supply.

The slowing of the rhythm will indicate a sharp deterioration in the condition of the fetus, requiring emergency measures, up to and including surgical delivery.


During pregnancy, quite often there are painful sensations of a different nature, intensity and localization. Most of them are considered a natural physiological process in response to changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman:

  • In connection with the increase in the uterus, its own ligaments are stretched, which are attached to the iliac bones, and pain occurs in the inguinal folds and above the pubis. Sharp turns, quick movements, or even just a cough can be to blame. Such pains do not pose a danger to a woman or a child.
  • Due to the tendency to constipation, pregnant women often experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen (usually on the left side). To prevent constipation, pay attention to your diet. Your diet should include a sufficient amount of fermented milk products and foods containing more fiber. In addition, regular exercise of moderate intensity has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  • Due to some discrepancy of the pubic joint under the influence of the hormone relaxin produced by the ovaries and placenta, pain in the pubic area may be noted. Such changes in the location of the pelvic bones are necessary in order to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

If you experience sufficiently intense and pronounced pain, you should seek help from a qualified specialist. It is not recommended to take any medications or perform any manipulations to relieve pain without informing your supervising doctor.

Vaginal discharge

During the entire period of pregnancy, vaginal discharge is observed. And this is quite normal if their character meets a number of parameters. What vaginal discharge is considered normal?

Abundant, clear, white, without an unpleasant odor and not accompanied by itching or burning in the genital area. At the same time, the following discharges are considered pathological, requiring identification of the cause and undergoing special treatment:

  • Yellow. It is necessary to pass the appropriate tests to exclude sexually transmitted diseases (for example, gonorrhea).
  • Abundant white color, accompanied by itching and burning . Plus it has a creamy texture. The most common cause of such discharge is vaginal candidiasis or thrush.
  • Green. The causes can be very diverse, but most often associated with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Brown. In no case should you delay visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist. This kind of discharge could be provoked by an ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, cervical trauma, etc.
  • Bloody . They are considered the most dangerous of all possible pathological discharges, if detected, it is necessary to urgently see your supervising doctor.

Most often, bleeding signals an ectopic pregnancy, the development of a miscarriage, premature detachment of the placenta, damage to the vagina and / or cervix.


For some pregnant women, any changes in the body that they have not been warned about cause serious concern. For example, the appearance of colostrum before childbirth can even cause them to have a panic attack. We hasten to assure you, there is no reason for concern. The secretion of colostrum during childbearing is normal. No pathology can be traced here.

In addition, the absence of colostrum before childbirth is also not considered a deviation from the norm.

If you cannot accurately understand whether the pregnancy is proceeding well and normally, then you should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible, which will dispel all your doubts or take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

Pregnancy is both a happy expectation of the miracle of birth, and the excitement caused by the fact that in the near future life will change radically, and you will have to master new responsibilities - motherhood. For nine months, the body of the expectant mother is rebuilt in order to provide the fetus with the necessary nutrients and oxygen, prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding. All these processes take a lot of effort.

To help the body cope with the increased load and prevent possible failures in its work, you need to completely isolate yourself from some things that can negatively affect the unborn child.

Rules for a successful pregnancy

1. It is necessary to exclude certain foods from the diet. These include the now popular sushi, which contains raw fish. Some varieties of fish, such as tuna, shark, contain substances harmful to the child. You should also completely exclude dry-cured and raw-smoked meat delicacies. Such food will be too heavy to digest. During pregnancy, you should not eat chips, crackers and fast food, which include flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives. It is recommended to eliminate or reduce coffee consumption as much as possible and drink more purified water.

2. A pregnant woman should monitor her surroundings. In no case should a future mother smoke, doctors have said this more than once. But not only active smoking negatively affects the fetus, inhalation of cigarette smoke is no less harmful. Therefore, you should not be near people who smoke. Not only cigarette smoke has a negative effect, but also various chemicals contained in powders and other household chemicals, as well as vapors of paint, varnish, and glue. The expectant mother should use only high-quality cosmetics that have passed clinical trials and have the appropriate certificates.

3. The body of a pregnant woman is not able to completely filter out toxic substances. The systematic use of alcohol or drugs can lead to serious violations in the development of the fetus, and even lead to the death of an unborn baby. Doctors have not yet determined the amount of alcohol that will not harm the fetus. Therefore, it is better not to take risks once again, and completely eliminate its use along with drugs.

4. If there are pets in the house, then you need to contact the veterinary clinic so that they can conduct a full check for the presence of infectious diseases. If they are detected, treatment should be started immediately, even if the diseases are not transmitted to humans. Furry pets should be checked for ticks, fleas, and salmonella.

5. It should be understood that the baby growing in the mother's tummy does not yet have a sweating system and cannot regulate its temperature. Therefore, the expectant mother must avoid overheating. In hot weather, wear light clothing and drink plenty of water. Try not to be outside in the middle of the day in the sun, it is better to go out for a walk in the evening hours. Do not visit saunas, steam rooms and take hot baths.

6. Expectant mother should not worry a lot and be stressed. You should not overwork and argue with superiors at work. Close people can be asked to treat your condition with understanding and distribute household duties among themselves. For relaxation, you can do yoga, meditation, or just relax with a good book in your hands.

Follow these simple rules and remember that the health of the little man is in your hands.

If you believe folk wisdom, then if you “pull” on salty, then you are pregnant. And if you began to "lean" on sweets - wait for a girl, for meat - a boy. Is it so? Let's figure it out together.

Already from two stripes, the body of the expectant mother does not completely belong to her. The pregnancy hormone progesterone and the growing baby change it. These changes are necessary for a successful pregnancy. Susceptibility to smells increases, aversion to smoking, to fried or raw, wants something light and simple. So the body tries to protect itself, adjust to healthy and proper nutrition. But if there is a deficiency of the necessary substances in the diet, the pregnant woman immediately receives a signal in the form of an acute desire for some product or substance. Bananas are a source of potassium, milk is a source of calcium, seaweed is a source of iodine, meat is a source of protein, lemon is a source of vitamin C, etc. Sweet and starchy foods are a source of fast carbohydrates, the body needs them during stress, mental or nervous strain, weight loss or periodontitis.

The cause of taste changes can be complications of pregnancy, such as toxicosis, anemia, or certain diseases, more often the digestive system, oral cavity, and teeth. Sometimes the body fails, giving incomprehensible taste urges, there is a craving for inedible things. For example, the desire to eat toothpaste, chalk, soap, earth, etc., which must be announced to the doctor who is observing your pregnancy. He will send for examination, identify the cause of such changes and help to eliminate them in a safe way.

Often pregnant women have vague desires: “I want something tasty”, “something like that”, “I want that, I don’t know what”. And they can be caused by an ordinary attention deficit, as a pregnant woman subconsciously tries to draw attention to herself.

Most pregnant women believe that taste changes are a must, and all pregnant women should want something, and if you don't have exotic desires, then something is wrong. In fact, this suggests that everything is in order with your body, it has everything it needs, and you are surrounded by attention and care!

Is it always worth indulging the desires of the body? After all, sometimes it's impossible to argue with him! Be sure to listen to the needs, but do not follow their lead, especially if they can cause harm. An excess of salty, spicy, sweet, starchy foods, fast food cannot be called healthy, but what if you really want to?

  1. Don't beat yourself up! You need positive emotions. The expectant mother has the right to whims.
  2. Everything is good in moderation. If it is edible, a small amount can be eaten.
  3. You may need to take additional drugs, such as vitamins, calcium or iron, and the taste cravings will go away.
  4. Hazards can be replaced: for example, coffee for chicory, sweets and confectionery products for healthy sweets based on natural fruits - marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, muffins for muesli, etc.

Dear women, remember that every pregnancy is special, the main thing is that for all 9 months you are in harmony with yourself and the world around you!

Pregnancy is truly an incomparable condition, especially if it is long-awaited and desired. A little man under the heart is able to make any woman the happiest in the world. We are looking forward to his birth, preparing for the upcoming birth both psychologically, and materially, and spiritually ... However, so often pregnancy is accompanied by serious threats. Sometimes it is almost impossible to save the life of an unborn child. Doctors shrug their shoulders, and believing Christian women hope in the Lord in prayer for the preservation of the desired pregnancy.

Everything is the will of God, everything is His providence. However sincere works wonders. It is unlikely that I will be mistaken in saying that almost every woman, having heard the unpleasant news about the threat of her pregnancy, subconsciously mentally turns to the Almighty. Prayer is primarily calming. But the calmness of the expectant mother is the main condition for the normal course of pregnancy. Even doctors, suspecting something is amiss, try not to scare a pregnant woman and recommend spending the entire “pregnant” period in peace.

When it comes to maintaining a pregnancy, then every experienced gynecologist will prescribe the safest and most effective treatment for you. And each confessor will advise you to strictly adhere to the doctor's prescriptions and not to forget about prayer.

Any pregnant woman needs qualified help from specialists, and it is equally important to strengthen her state of mind. Prayer during the days of pregnancy should become more fervent. Already in the womb, we feed the soul of our baby with faith and prayer. It is desirable for a future mother to often confess and partake of the Mysteries of Christ, especially during difficult periods of gestation. The Jesus Prayer, prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, to the saints of God, have a special power. They pray for the preservation of pregnancy in front of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God: “Help in childbirth”, “Jumping the baby”, “Feodorovskaya”, “Healer”, “Quick listener” ...: It is also customary to pray to the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos (Joachim and Anna), the parents of John the Baptist ( Zechariah and Elizabeth). These saints of God in their old age, by the grace of the Almighty, experienced the happiness of parenthood.

What is the true essence of prayer for? The holy fathers teach that it doesn’t matter which icon you bow to in prayer, which akathist or canon you read, which saint you worship and ask for help and intercession, the main thing is to sincerely believe in the mercy of God and constantly be in prayer. Many women share their experiences, telling what kind of prayers they read and confirm that they helped them. Difficult pregnancies ended in successful births. Again, the holy fathers say that prayer has a special invisible power. Reading Holy Scripture, each person calms down. Prayer gives comfort, faith in a successful outcome, which is why it is so important during a difficult pregnancy.

Spiritual fathers teach to pray mentally, in their own words, asking for help and intercession. However, there are many specially composed prayers specifically for pregnant women. Reading them, future mothers strengthen their faith, gain strength that helps them endure all trials and difficulties.

Here are some options for prayers for the preservation of pregnancy, which are shared by accomplished mothers.

Prayer of a pregnant woman

Almighty, Merciful God, Creator and Preserver of heaven and earth, and of all creatures. He himself spoke a blessing on all Christian spouses: this is the inheritance from the Lord - children, the fruit of the womb, a reward from Him. I thank You that You have made me a partaker of this blessing and Your gift in my marital state, and I pray You, please bless the fruit of the womb that You have given me, grace it with Your Holy Spirit, accept it among Your beloved children and make the beloved Son a partaker of the holy sacraments of the Church of the Church Yours, my Lord Jesus Christ, so that he may be sanctified and cleansed from the poisonous infection of hereditary sin in which he was conceived. Lord God!

I and the fruit of my womb are children of wrath by nature, but You, beloved Father, have mercy on us, and sprinkle the fruit of my womb with hyssop, so that it will be clean, wash it, and become whiter than snow. Strengthen and keep him in the womb until the hour when he should be born into the world. This fruit of my womb was not hidden from You when it was formed in the womb. Your hands arranged it. You have given him life and breath, and may Your supervision preserve them. Save me from fear and fright, and from evil spirits who would like to damage and crush the work of Your hands. Grant him a rational soul, and make his body grow healthy and undefiled, with healthy members, and when the time and hour come, resolve me by Your mercy. Grant me strength and strength for my birth, bless him with Your almighty help and ease my suffering, because this is Your work, the miraculous power of Your omnipotence, the work of Your mercy and mercy. Remember the word that You have spoken; You took me out of the womb; I am devoted to You from birth; from my mother's womb You are my God; You gave me rest at my mother's breast. You are the God who knows and sees the needs of all people; You said, When a woman is in labor, she suffers grief, because her hour has come. God! For the sake of this heartfelt compassion of Yours and for the sake of Your pity-filled heart, I beg You, deign to relieve my sorrow, which You foresaw, and bring the fruit of my womb into the world, in a healthy living body and intact, well-formed members. I entrust him to you, into your almighty, fatherly hands, in your mercy and mercy I place him, Lord Jesus Christ, in your holy arms, bless this fruit of my womb as well, as you blessed the children brought to you when you said: “ Let the children go and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Savior! Thus I bring to Thee also this fruit of my womb; lay your graceful hand upon him. Bless him with the finger of Your Holy Spirit and sanctify him when he comes into this world with holy, blessed baptism; make him a new creature, wash and cleanse with Thy Blood, make him also a member of Thy holy Body and Thy holy Christian Church, so that Your praise is pronounced from his lips, and he would forever remain a child and heir of eternal life, through the holy, Your bitter suffering and Your death and Your holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

God, my Savior, give me firmness and in time to give birth to this child of mine, now already beloved, and raise him in good Christian principles, and consecrate him to serve You and Your Holy Church. Amen.

Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy to the Lord Jesus Christ

Almighty God, Creator of everything visible and invisible! To You, beloved Father, we resort, endowed with the mind of creation, because You, on special advice, created our race, having created our body from the earth with inexpressible wisdom and breathed into it the soul from Your Spirit, so that we would be Your likeness. And although it was in Your will to create us immediately, like the angels, if only You wanted, but Your wisdom was pleased that through husband and wife, in Your established order of marriage, the human race multiplied; You wanted to bless people so that they would grow and multiply and fill not only the earth, but also the angelic hosts. O God and Father! May Your name be forever glorified and glorified for all that You have done for us!

I also thank You for Your mercy, that not only I, according to Your will, came from Your wonderful creation and replenish the number of the elect, but that You honored me to bless in marriage and sent me the fruit of the womb. This is Your gift, Your Divine mercy, O Lord and Father of spirit and body! Therefore, I turn to You alone and pray to You with a humble heart for mercy and help, so that what You do in me by Your power will be preserved and brought to a prosperous birth. For I know, O God, that it is not in the power and power of man to choose his own path; we are too weak and prone to fall to bypass all those networks that the evil spirit sets up for us at Your will, and avoid those misfortunes into which our frivolity plunges us. Your wisdom is limitless. Whom do you wish. Through Your angel, You will save us unharmed from every misfortune.

Therefore I, merciful Father, commit myself in my sorrow into Your hands and pray that You look at me with the eye of mercy and save me from all suffering. Send me and my dear husband joy, O God, Lord of all joy! So that we, at the sight of Your blessing, worship You with all our heart and serve with a joyful spirit. I do not want to be removed from what You imposed on our entire race, commanding to give birth to children in illnesses. But I humbly ask You to help me endure suffering and send a prosperous outcome. And if You hear this prayer of ours and send us a healthy and good child, then we swear to bring him back to You and consecrate him to You, so that You remain for us and our seed a merciful God and Father, as we swear to always be Your faithful servants together with our child. Hear, merciful God, the prayer of your servant, fulfill the prayer of our heart, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who became incarnate for us, now abides with you and the Holy Spirit and rules in eternity. Amen.

Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant, come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all the poor daughters of Eve give birth. Remember, O Blessed One in women, with what joy and love You went hastily to a mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful effect Your grace-filled visit had in the mother and in the baby. And according to Thy inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Thy most humble servant, to be relieved of the burden safely; grant me this grace so that the child, now resting under my heart, having come to his senses, with joyful leaping, like the holy baby John, worships the Divine Lord Savior, who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain himself to become a baby. The unexpressed joy with which Your virgin heart was filled when looking at Your newborn Son and Lord, may it alleviate the sorrow that comes to me amid the illnesses of birth. May the life of the world, my Savior, born of Thee, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be counted among the elect of God. Hear, Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look down on me, a poor sinner, with Your eye of grace; do not shame my hope in Your great mercy and fall on me, Helper of Christians, Healer of diseases, may I also be able to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which never rejects the prayers of the poor and delivers all who call on You during times of grief and illness. Amen.

Prayer of a pregnant woman in front of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Preblagaya my Tsarina, My Hope to the Theotokos is a haven of orphans and strange representatives, grieving joy, offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as if weak, feed me as if strange. I’ll offend my weight, let me, as if you will, as if I don’t have any other help, except for You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, only You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen

Most Holy Theotokos, do not turn Your face away from me, the sinful servant of God (name), and your grace from this Miraculous Kazan is not taken away from me, and accept this prayer, offered to You with all my heart, save the fruit of my womb and safely give birth in time favored by Thy great and inexpressible mercy. Amen.

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy