Influenza during pregnancy in the first trimester treatment. Pregnancy and colds. Video: Pregnancy planning and the flu

It is clear that no expectant mother wants to get sick. But what to do if you still catch a cold or catch the flu?

First of all, don't panic. It is quite possible to solve this problem, and without risk to the health of both mother and child.

Safe treatment for flu and colds

If you feel stuffy in your nose, take an inhalation. Place a bowl of hot water on the table and lean over it, covering your head with a terry towel. The effect will increase if you add a few drops of essential oil to the water - tea tree or eucalyptus will do.

Caution - this method of treatment softens the mucus well and promotes recovery, but at elevated temperatures it is impossible to breathe hot steam!

Sore throat? Prepare a solution of "sea water": put a teaspoon of table salt in a glass of warm water and add a couple of drops of iodine. Gargle with this solution. In addition, special lozenges that can be bought at a pharmacy will help soften the irritated mucous membrane of the throat.

A sore throat and cough can be cured by a expectant mother with moderately hot tea (not hotter than 60 degrees), to which honey and lemon juice should be added.

Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to carry the flu and colds on the legs, not only for pregnant women, but for all other people! You need to stay in bed until you are fully recovered. Try to sleep more: sleep helps to quickly cope with the disease and restore strength.

Drink as much as possible: any warm drink will do, such as rosehip broth, chamomile tea, cranberry juice. You can put a couple of spoons of rosehip syrup in ordinary tea, such a drink will not only quench your thirst, but also replenish vitamin C reserves in the body.

When to seek medical help?

Of course, you need to call a doctor if the cold has dragged on, but relief does not come. In addition, be sure to contact your gynecologist if you have other health problems during a cold or flu: pain, discharge, etc.

What medications can and cannot be taken?

Don't try to heal yourself! Even the most harmless medicine for a future mother can be harmful and even dangerous. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult with a therapist and a gynecologist.

If you want to bring down the temperature and relieve pain (for example, aching joints, characteristic of the flu, or a headache), the doctor may advise a fairly harmless paracetamol. However, strictly follow the instructions: do not exceed the dosage! And do not be tempted by the usual aspirin: in the early stages of pregnancy, it can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus, and in the later stages it can affect the birth process.

Vitamin C is best obtained from natural products - citrus fruits, rose hips, sauerkraut. Be careful with preparations containing vitamin C: its overdose leads to stool disorders, gas and pain in the stomach.

Prevention of colds and flu in pregnant women

To protect yourself from possible diseases, it is enough to follow simple rules:

1. Try to eat right: eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as cereals.

2. Give up coffee. It will be replaced during these nine months by herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices and pure water.

3. Avoid stressful situations, keep calm and get plenty of rest.

4. Be sure to give up smoking and alcohol!

5. Do special exercises for pregnant women.

Good for yoga, swimming and other sports. Of course, physical activity should be only with the permission of a doctor!

In this paper, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the topic: "Causes, treatment, prevention and consequences of influenza during pregnancy at different times."

Of course, expectant mothers resort to various methods of preventing diseases. But this is not always enough. For such a long waiting period for the baby, there is a high probability of getting sick with something. Do not panic if you have a little sore throat and a runny nose, a common cold will not harm the unborn baby. Much more serious is to catch a serious infection. After reading the article to the end, you will learn:

  • flu symptoms;
  • danger to the child;
  • how to be treated;
  • how to avoid disease and much more.


In order to understand the consequences of the flu, you need to know what kind of disease it is. We will deal with this issue in this section.

Some mistakenly call acute illnesses (ARVI) the term "flu", this is wrong. The latter carries a more severe form, the disease is caused by influenza viruses. In fact, there are a very large number of them (more than two thousand). A large number of people die from them every year, sometimes the figure reaches a million. In most cases, these are people 65 and older.

The flu can spread in two forms:

  • epidemic;
  • pandemic.

Influenza should not be confused with other viral infections, of which more than two hundred are known at the moment, they carry diseases similar to influenza. Among them, the following viruses are most common:

  • andenoviruses;
  • rhinoviruses;
  • respiratory syncytial and so on.

In the United States, there is a special center for disease control, which offers vaccination during epidemics to those who are at risk. It is also recommended to vaccinate all citizens and children (over 6 months old). The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends taking antiviral drugs, avoiding contact with sick people, and using personal protective equipment.

Harm and consequences for the mother

The consequences of influenza during pregnancy for both mother and baby can be different. Now we will analyze the effect of the virus on the mother and fetus. The consequences for the baby largely depend on the gestational age, so we will further consider separately by trimester.

What are the biological properties of influenza? These include the following features:

  • mucosal damage;
  • lining of the airways;
  • toxicity.

These features are caused by the pathogenic effect of the flu. The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, begins to secrete poisons that spread throughout the body with the blood. They penetrate the placenta, are brought into the circulatory system of the baby.

Another feature of influenza is the constant change, which is the reason for the lack of antigen in people. There are three types of viruses:

  • A - differs in variability;
  • B - less changeable;
  • C - no changes detected.

You need to be most careful before childbirth and in the last months of pregnancy, because it is at this time that a woman's body is more susceptible to viral infections. During infection, the functions are violated:

  • endocrine system;
  • immune system.

All this leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases during and after pregnancy.

1st trimester

Now we will look at the flu in early pregnancy. Consequences, danger and other issues will be provided in this part. It is important for mom to understand that the more she worries and is nervous, the higher the chances of getting infected. Even if you have been ill, it will not necessarily affect the child. Medicine does not stand still, even with the flu they save both mother and baby.

The consequences of influenza in the first trimester are the most severe. What happens to the unborn baby in the period up to 12 weeks? Now there are very important processes:

  • the nervous system is formed;
  • laid internal organs.

It is imperative to deal with a high temperature (how to do this - the doctor will tell you), if this is not done, then the baby will be infected, and this will lead to the development of the following consequences:

  • encephalopathy;
  • convulsions;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • death.

Also, when infected, damage to the placenta is possible, medicine is able to cope with this. Despite this, the following consequences are possible:

  • premature birth (despite this, the child is born viable);
  • developmental delay (intrauterine);
  • oligohydramnios.

The last 2 points affect the weight of the child at birth (there is a chance to give birth to a baby with insufficient body weight).

2nd trimester

Now we will analyze the question of what are the consequences after the flu in the second trimester of pregnancy.

There is an opinion that the flu can harm the baby only during the first trimester, but this is not so. There is a chance of infection of the fetus, but it is already much lower. Why less dangerous? The thing is that it is much more difficult for the virus to overcome the obstacle (the placenta), but there is still a chance of penetration. If left untreated or done incorrectly, the consequences can be the most terrible, up to termination of pregnancy. A damaged placenta in the second trimester can lead to the following consequences:

  • growth retardation;
  • oligohydramnios.

In the last paragraph, it was already said that this can cause the birth of a baby with a small body weight.

3rd trimester

From this part of the article, you can find out what are the consequences of influenza during pregnancy in the third trimester. In the preface, it was said that in the last months of pregnancy, the woman's body is most sensitive to viruses, during this period it is necessary to be extremely careful. Also, in the third trimester, do not be lazy, do flu prevention (you can find out what this means below).

The consequences of the flu can be:

  • premature birth;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the mother;
  • a general decrease in immunity to infections and so on.

It is also important to know that "swine flu" is most dangerous in the third trimester. It spreads very quickly in the body of the expectant mother and can cause the death of the child. To prevent this, it is necessary to start treatment immediately after the first signs appear. They may be:

  • heat;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

Be sure to call your doctor to prescribe treatment.


At this point, we propose to summarize everything that has been said earlier. The consequences of influenza for both mother and child can be very diverse. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor for treatment. For mom, the effects of the flu can be as follows:

  • decreased immunity;
  • premature birth;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and so on.

For the child, the consequences (depending on the term) are as follows:

  • encephalopathy;
  • convulsions;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • death;
  • growth retardation;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • general decrease in resistance to infections and so on.


Influenza during pregnancy carries terrible consequences, it is necessary to start treatment on time to prevent complications, save the life of the baby.

Why is this disease dangerous? It does not carry any specific phenomena. Influenza manifests itself in the same way as SARS, only after the first one complications are possible.

Influenza is diagnosed by:

  • inspection;
  • survey;
  • laboratory research.

What can be seen on inspection? Here are some features:

  • blush on cheeks;
  • shine of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • the tongue has a white coating and so on.

When interviewing a pregnant woman, the doctor needs to clarify whether she had contact with sick people, whether she was in places of an outbreak of infection. This information is important for making a diagnosis.


What are the consequences of the flu, you learned, now let's talk a little about how you can cure the disease without resorting to antibiotics that harm the child and are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Important to know: do not go to the hospital with a fever and feel unwell, call the doctor home. Do not take any medication yourself.

Ventilate the room once an hour, wet cleaning of the room is mandatory, the dishes after washing must be poured with boiling water. If the temperature is high, then you can take a Paracetamol tablet. Antipyretics can be used 4 times a day (break for 6 hours), do not abuse them. The throat can be gargled with either Furacilin or baking soda.

Hospitalization for influenza without complications is not required. A woman needs to be hospitalized if:

  • complications appeared during the course of the disease;
  • exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • there is no way to provide the necessary regimen at home.


Influenza in a pregnant woman, the consequences of which we discussed above, can be prevented. To do this, you need to follow some basic recommendations.

The first thing to remember is the restriction of exits to crowded places. Avoid crowded places especially during the cold time of the day. When going outside, it is necessary to treat the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment.

Reduces the likelihood of infection taking a complex of vitamins for pregnant women. Discuss this issue with your doctor, he will tell you which one should be preferred.

If someone from the household "caught" the flu, then try to limit contacts, follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do not eat from the same dishes, wash your hands more often, put on a gauze bandage that should be changed every 2 hours.

Examination of pregnant women during illness

For an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. He, in turn, is obliged to interview you, examine and write out directions for the necessary tests. There are the following laboratory methods for detecting influenza viruses:

  • express strips;
  • PCR is the most popular and accurate method (pharyngeal swab);
  • ELISA (detection using the mucous membrane of the eyes);
  • RTGA;
  • virological method.

Which one you will be prescribed is the decision of the attending physician. In any case, you should not self-medicate, so as not to harm yourself and the child.

Despite all the precautions that expectant mothers resort to so as not to fall ill during pregnancy, rarely in nine months a woman will not get sick even once and with nothing. Do not rush to panic if you feel that your throat is tickling and your nose is running. It is highly likely that this is a simple one that does not pose a particular danger to the unborn baby. Worse if you have called the flu.

Influenza (from grippe) is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Included in the group of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). Periodically spreads in the form of epidemics and pandemics.

Causes of the disease

The flu is caused by a specific virus called Myxovirus influenzae. Just by getting your feet wet, you won’t get the flu, but if someone coughed on you, it’s quite likely, because from an infected person, the infection enters the body of a healthy person by airborne droplets. After a fairly short time, the person who was coughed on may already feel sick - the virus multiplies rapidly in his body and is carried by the blood stream to all its parts. The virus destroys the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which previously performed protective functions. This can cause a variety of consequences, including complications in the form of pneumonia, sinusitis. The virus has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system: an inflammatory disease of the muscles of the heart, which sometimes develops, can provoke heart failure. For pregnant women, the flu is dangerous precisely because of the complications it causes, the worst of which is the threat or, even more so, miscarriage. In addition, the body of a pregnant woman, weakened by the flu, is threatened by a bacterial infection - staphylococcal, hemophilic, pneumococcal. During the disease, chronic diseases are often exacerbated: bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, metabolic disorders ( gastrointestinal type), kidney disease, cardiovascular disease.

flu symptoms

The flu is characterized in combination with chills, aching joints and photophobia, sometimes nausea and vomiting appear. All this is evidence of intoxication of the body. On the second or third day, a sore throat joins the number of ailments. With influenza, body temperature is usually quite high, up to 40 degrees, with its periodic fall, the patient sweats heavily. This state can last up to seven days. Everything else on the lips may occur. A viral disease in some pregnant women is accompanied by even diarrhea. Like an ordinary person, pregnant women after the flu remain asthenia syndrome - increased fatigue, fatigue, general weakness and weakness, malaise. In addition, other difficulties are characteristic of pregnant women, for example, emotional disturbances. A woman can have both mild and severe behavioral disorders. The expectant mother becomes more irritable, she is disturbed when getting out of bed by tinnitus and she cannot stand bright lights, loud conversations, and a working TV.

How is influenza treated?

Since the treatment of influenza in pregnant women has its own characteristics, it should be prescribed only by a doctor, who should be contacted immediately when you feel unwell. Many of the usual anti-influenza drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. For example, certain cough medicines, vasoconstrictors, some antivirals. In the treatment of pregnant women with influenza, doctors focus on. Drinking plenty of water is also indicated. The liquid will help flush out the dangerous virus from the body. It is better to drink something sour that contains vitamin C - hot tea with or lemon and, fruit drinks, rosehip broth. Antipyretic recommended for pregnant women -. If you are concerned about coughing, your doctor may prescribe herbs or those cough medicines that are allowed during pregnancy. It will be useful to conduct steam baths with infusions of calendula, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, pine buds, wild rosemary, etc. Antibiotics are not prescribed for influenza.

What are the consequences of the disease during pregnancy?

No matter how one would like to answer differently, the consequences of the flu can be very different, and not a single doctor will tell you with 100% certainty whether the disease affected the development of the child or not. One has only to note that the flu is most dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. This is the period of laying the organs and tissues of the unborn baby, so it is so important that the pregnancy at this time proceeds favorably. In subsequent periods, the child is only growing and the flu will no longer affect the structure of organs and tissues. If the flu disease still negatively affected the development of the child in the womb, then, most often, no matter how sad it may be, the pregnancy is terminated. If, after the flu, the pregnancy proceeds smoothly and without complications, which is proved by normal test results and (it shows whether everything is in order with the baby and the placenta), then there is nothing to worry about, and everything is fine with the baby.

Influenza examination

There is a small possibility of infection of the child with a particularly severe course of influenza (with complications). To check if everything is in order with the baby, the so-called “triple test” will help - for, estriol and. Taking three hormones is a must, since the risk of pathologies is often unrealistic to assess by two or one. However, even with this, the results of this test are often unreliable, because they depend on many factors. The results of the "triple" test, which is sometimes repeated several times for greater certainty, will show whether you calm down or continue the examination.

A follow-up examination will not do without an amniocentesis procedure. At the same time, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken, examining which, they check for the presence of pathologies in the child. But even in this case, unfortunately, no one will give 100% guarantees that deviations are absent or present. At the same time, the procedure is also dangerous, although it is carried out almost painlessly and very quickly, under ultrasound control. The threat of miscarriage or exists in about 1-2% of cases after it has been carried out. Therefore, everything should be carefully considered and weighed before agreeing to such a study.


Pregnant women are more likely to become infected than other people, as the immune system in such women is often weakened. It is known that influenza epidemics can be predicted because they occur in a certain period of time (autumn, spring). Therefore, doctors advise before the outbreak of an epidemic to do from the flu. It is believed that it is safe for a child because modern vaccinations contain an inactivated (killed) influenza virus. The exception is women whose pregnancy is less than 14 weeks - they should not be vaccinated against influenza. In addition, no flu shot can guarantee that a person will definitely not get sick with this disease. The possibility of getting sick with a virus, albeit in a mild form, but exists. This is a good reason to increase your immunity through hardening, a healthy lifestyle, physical activity.

To prevent the disease, many doctors advise lubricating the nasal mucosa before going out into public places. In the evening, before going to bed, rinse your mouth with a tincture of eucalyptus or calendula, which will wash away the harmful microbes accumulated during the day.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Influenza during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the sick expectant mother, but also for the baby she carries in her stomach. The course of this highly contagious disease is especially acute, the symptoms seriously impair the quality of life. Among other things, there is a real risk of miscarriage, as well as dangerous complications during and after childbirth.

Pregnant women should be serious about preventing, diagnosing and treating influenza

The main mode of transmission of the influenza virus is anaerobic, that is, the infection is transmitted most often through the air.

The danger of a viral strain lies in its ability to mutate and constantly change, as a result of which even vaccination, which is considered the most effective way of protection, is effective only for a year. New serotypes appear every year, which interferes with the formation of specific immunity.

The main site of injury is the respiratory tract (especially their upper part). Usually, the transmission of viral agents is carried out through the air, but contact-household infection should not be ruled out. First of all, epithelial cells are damaged and damaged. They multiply quickly enough, getting into the blood.

Influenza in pregnant women at a later date often begins due to the fact that the female body is depleted, being in this position. Immunity is also weakened - not least, due to the fact that the body does not reject the fetus as a foreign element. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a variety of infections so easily cling to pregnant women. It is not for nothing that female representatives during the bearing of babies are classified as a risk group.

Influenza in pregnant women seriously impairs defenses and resistance, contributes to disruption of the normal functioning of important vital systems (especially the immune system suffers, as well as the endocrine system). If a woman has any chronic diseases, they become aggravated. The baby is born with impaired health.

If a pregnant woman is sick with the flu, her illness manifests itself as follows:

  • noticeable intoxication signs;
  • mild other symptoms;
  • rather short incubation period (sometimes only a couple of hours).

In the early stages, that is, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the disease begins with an increase in temperature. If the course of the disease is not complicated by anything, the duration of the fever is 2-4 days. A second temperature wave is quite possible.

It hurts not only the head, but also the eyes, joints, throat. The patient suffers from stuffy nose, insomnia, nausea and myalgia.

As for the pathognomic, that is, the specific symptom of this infection, it should be noted the so-called "paving stone symptom", when the surface of the pharynx becomes granular due to the fact that the lymphatic follicles on the back of the pharynx are enlarged.

If a pregnant woman falls ill with the flu, her skin turns pale, as do the mucous membranes, the nasolabial triangle becomes cyanotic, and her face becomes puffy.

Consequences of the disease

Influenza during pregnancy in any trimester can seriously affect the condition of the woman, the process of childbirth and the health of the child.

Up to 12 weeks, that is, during the 1st trimester, the danger of infection lies in a possible violation of the primary laying of the child's vital systems. The result may be some kind of birth defects, and even the death of the baby inside the womb.

Nerve neurons are considered to be the most sensitive to the danger of the flu.

Influenza infection during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is seriously dangerous due to the possibility of infection of the fetus. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of miscarriage and premature birth.

Due to a damaged placenta, a woman may face the problem of oligohydramnios and intrauterine growth retardation. However, by themselves, such conditions are not irreversible, but, if necessary, are corrected. Subsequently born children may be underweight. But with a delay in treatment, serious complications and even deviations associated with the development of the baby are possible (for example, the first teeth appear late, endocrine pathologies are diagnosed, inflammatory processes in the lungs begin).

Influenza can damage not only the pregnant woman, but also the developing fetus

The consequences of a pregnant woman getting the flu can be more than dangerous - both for the expectant mother herself and for her fetus.

Infection Diagnosis

How is the infection diagnosed in pregnant women?

First of all, when the patient goes to the doctor, he:

  • asks her about the existing complaints;
  • collects an epidemiological history;
  • often refers to laboratory research.

The medical specialist needs to identify the type of virus, the stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When examining a patient with the flu, the doctor may see:

  • white coating on the tongue surface;
  • hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • softening of the palate, as well as the back of the throat;
  • observation of the "paving stone symptom" (granularity of the pharynx);
  • shiny mucous eyes;
  • the formation of a blush on the cheeks.

When a blood test is taken, its results show a reduced number of leukocytes, as well as lymphocytes. Erythrocytes settle faster.

In order to accurately identify the viral strain, laboratory tests are carried out:

  • Express method - special test strips are used for it;
  • Checking the polymerase chain reaction - for this, a swab is taken to find out the unique viral RNA (the presented method is considered the most modern);
  • Conducting enzyme immunoassay. It helps to identify influenza antigens and is carried out approximately on the fifth day after the first signs appear.
  • An assay to check how complement is bound to an antigen-antibody, which allows you to identify the antibody titer.
  • Hemagglutination inhibition test.
  • Virological technique - conducting sputum culture on a separate cell.

Even in cases where a pregnant woman recovers, she is recommended to undergo a “triple test” (in the first weeks this is not done, as well as at 21, but from 16 to 20 weeks it is more than desirable). Thanks to him, the number of alpha-fetoprotein and other indicators that indicate possible heart defects are possible. If there are any deviations, the patient is examined by a geneticist, undergoes additional examinations.

If there is a convalescence of an influenza infection, the physician will probably prescribe a fetal ultrasound. Certain suspicions may arise, on the basis of which amniotic fluid is checked. But this technique is considered very risky, since miscarriages occur in 2 percent of cases.

If flu is suspected, a doctor should be consulted

When it comes to the third trimester of pregnancy - for example, at 34 weeks, 7, 8 or 9 months - such examinations as vascular dopplerography, checking the functioning of the fetal heart, and so on can be prescribed. The height of the infection in recent months threatens with serious difficulties in childbirth.

home treatment

How to cure flu in pregnant women with a temperature of 37 and above, as well as in the presence of other severe symptoms?

If the form of the disease is mild or moderate, it is usually treated at home. Of course, this does not mean that there is no need to see a doctor: on the contrary, it is extremely necessary.

As for treatment at home:

  • the patient needs rest and bed rest;
  • the room should be constantly ventilated (at the same time making sure that the pregnant woman does not slip through) and carry out wet cleaning in it;
  • the dishes used by the patient should be carefully treated with boiling water;
  • nutrition must be complete with the presence of all the necessary vitamins and useful trace elements (fermented milk products are especially recommended, unless, of course, we are talking about an intestinal infection);
  • you need to drink plenty of fluids, including fruit juices, compotes, raspberry and viburnum teas (but in the presence of edema, the amount of fluid consumed, on the contrary, should be reduced).

What to drink and take from the flu for pregnant women? If we talk about antiviral therapy, most often the doctor prescribes interferons, like Laferon and Grippferon, as well as homeopathy (for example, Aflubin).

The appointment of antibiotics is possible only when infectious complications are diagnosed (in particular, a bacterial infection has managed to join a viral infection). In the early stages (that is, in the first week), such drugs are usually not prescribed, as they will be excessively harmful to the formation of the fetus.

Symptomatic treatment is also indispensable, because the same consequences of intoxication seriously worsen the patient's condition. What to do to combat high fever, headaches, runny nose and cough? Doctors, in particular, recommend the use of Paracetamol, but these tablets should be drunk when the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees and not earlier. The dosage of this drug does not exceed 4 times a day.

The medicine Furacilin will help stop the inflammatory process in the larynx: four tablets must be dissolved in a liter of water, after which the throat is rinsed with the resulting solution. Another way to deal with sore throats is to rinse with a soda solution (a small spoonful of soda per 200 milliliters of water is enough).

When the nose is blocked and rhinorrhea is tormented, it is advisable to wash the nasal passages, for which sea salt solutions (like Humer or Aquamaris) are perfect. The pharmacy can still offer Doctor Mom or an expectorant mixture made from marshmallow roots. Pregnant women in the second and third trimester are allowed to use Ambroxol.

But it will be possible to recover from an influenza infection without problems only if you start the therapeutic course in a timely manner and follow all medical recommendations. We must constantly remember how negative the impact of this disease is on pregnancy, its course and resolution, and on the fetus.

Although, as already mentioned, sometimes the disease occurs without fever and other symptoms, which is why it should not be considered safe. On the contrary, it may indicate the inability of the body to cope with the infection on its own, as a result of which it will be necessary to make twice as much effort for a speedy and trouble-free recovery.

Sometimes folk remedies are used against a mild form of influenza during pregnancy. This is usually a symptomatic effect:

  • that is, sore throats can be treated with the same rinses - chamomile infusions, soda solutions and beetroot juice are suitable;
  • it is possible to fight a runny nose with the help of soda-tannin drops;
  • You can get rid of headaches by drinking plenty of warm drinks (berry fruit drinks or warm milk with honey).

Finally, one cannot fail to recall the wonderful antiviral properties of such a remedy as garlic.

You also need to know about how not to treat the flu in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters: for example, pregnant women are forbidden to soar their legs, make alcohol compresses, drink Aspirin tablets. In general, which medicines can be taken and which ones you cannot, you should find out from your doctor, who will take into account not only the type of pathogen and the stage of the disease, but also the individual characteristics of the body, the absence or presence of chronic diseases.

Disease prevention

Sometimes on the forums you can find the following cry for help: “The child has the flu, and I am pregnant! How to protect yourself from infection if you need to take care of one baby and at the same time not forget about the existing danger for another - not yet born?

That is why the issue of preventing influenza infection in pregnant women in the 3rd, 2nd and 1st trimesters is of particular importance.

It is better, of course, if the woman first fell ill with the flu and managed to get sick, and then she became pregnant. But such things, alas, we can not control. Therefore, doctors recommend shortly before conceiving a child to be vaccinated. Moreover, vaccination in the early stages is not welcome - it is advisable to vaccinate not earlier than the second trimester, when important vital systems and organs of the baby have formed. At 6 and 8 months, however, vaccination can be carried out without fear for the health of the fetus.

What to do in order not to get sick? First of all, carefully worry about your health:

  • do not overcool;
  • dress according to the weather;
  • consume as many vitamins as possible;
  • eat well;
  • drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • do not overwork and rest;
  • don't worry and always try to be in a positive mood.

In order not to get sick, a pregnant woman needs rest and a positive attitude.

You can not treat such a disease as the flu, in any case, and even more so when it is diagnosed during pregnancy. Even if you plan to be treated at home, you will need to see a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Despite the fact that every pregnant woman tries to warn herself against various diseases, rarely does anyone manage to avoid ailments for all 9 months. However, you should not immediately panic if you see signs of a runny nose or sore throat. The common cold, as a rule, does not pose a threat to the health of the unborn baby. If we are talking about such a viral disease as influenza, it is necessary to pay special attention to treatment, since in this case there is a possibility of complications that can adversely affect not only the health of the mother, but also the condition of the unborn child. In our article we will talk about the symptoms, possible complications, methods of treatment and prevention of influenza during pregnancy.

What is flu?

Influenza is an acute infectious disease caused by the Myxovirus influenzae virus. It spreads by airborne droplets and leads to epidemics that cover the entire globe every year. The danger of the influenza virus lies in the fact that it changes very quickly, and the human body does not have time to develop strong immunity to it. The immune system of pregnant women is significantly weakened, so there is a greater chance of contracting the flu during pregnancy.

The main source of reproduction of the virus is the nasopharynx and respiratory tract, from where, after a few hours, it enters the bloodstream and quickly spreads throughout the body. In this case, the influenza pathogen affects nerve cells, blood vessels, and disrupts blood clotting.

flu symptoms during pregnancy

The characteristic manifestations of influenza - fever, chills, aching joints, and in some cases nausea and vomiting - are observed in all people who have contracted this disease, including pregnant women. On the third day, as a rule, cough, sore throat and runny nose are added to the initial symptoms. Some pregnant women experience abdominal pain and diarrhea. In addition, during the period of influenza during pregnancy, women feel increased fatigue, general malaise and weakness; there are also signs of depression and irritability.

Influenza during pregnancy: consequences

Since the influenza virus is able to destroy the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which performs a protective function, and also easily spreads throughout the body, this disease can lead to complications. Influenza during pregnancy, the consequences of which can be different, is dangerous for both the mother and the unborn child. It can be bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, heart disease, etc. The body of a pregnant woman is also at risk of developing staphylococcal, pneumococcal and other infections.

Influenza provokes exacerbation of chronic ailments, such as bronchial asthma, gastritis, kidney disease. The most dangerous complication of influenza during pregnancy is premature birth or miscarriage, as well as the birth of a child with malformations. The virus easily crosses the placenta, which can cause the death of cells that form the organs of the fetus. First of all, the virus affects the sense organs, the brain and spinal cord. It should be noted that the flu in the early stages of pregnancy is the most dangerous, since for periods up to 12 weeks the baby's organs and systems are laid.

In the second half of pregnancy, the virus is no longer able to cause significant damage to the fetus, however, there is a high probability that after the illness, the woman will have a child with impaired immune systems and congenital infections.

Flu treatment during pregnancy

Treatment of influenza during pregnancy has its own characteristics, so only a specialist has the right to prescribe it. A pregnant woman, feeling the first signs of the disease, should immediately consult a doctor. Many of the anti-flu medications are not recommended for pregnant women, so treatment is often carried out using homeopathy and folk recipes. Below are some tips that will be useful for those who contracted the flu during the period of bearing a baby:

  • In case of illness, the expectant mother should save her strength, so bed rest is recommended;
  • Foods eaten should contain substances that help normalize digestion, support the immune system, and also restore cells damaged by the virus. It is very useful during the period of illness to eat fish, caviar, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, honey;
  • With influenza during pregnancy, it is necessary to consume a large amount of fluid to reduce intoxication of the body. It can be tea with lemon, a decoction of lingonberry or raspberry leaves, berry fruit drinks;
  • At high temperatures, pregnant women are allowed to drink paracetamol. Its dosage, as well as the possibility of taking other medicines, should be discussed with your doctor;
  • For coughs and sore throats, inhalations and sucking lozenges are usually prescribed, in the choice of which it is also necessary to pay attention to whether they are contraindicated during pregnancy;
  • Nose drops are recommended to be used only in exceptional cases. Also, during pregnancy, it is forbidden to take almost all antibiotics.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy

Summing up the above, we can draw the following conclusion: the treatment of influenza in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that most drugs are contraindicated for expectant mothers. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of influenza during pregnancy. The most effective means from this point of view is the flu shot. It is done either one and a half months before the planned conception, or after the 14th week of pregnancy. In addition, pregnant women should avoid contact with patients, often ventilate the room, maintain the required humidity in it, and also try not to overcool.