How to weave bead patterns from frames. Cozy world - information portal. Here are examples of using this technique

Frames for embroidered icons with beads, how to arrange the finished work

Frames for embroidered icons with beads, how to arrange the finished work

An ordinary white frame made of wood can easily be turned into a real work of art, because for this you just need to decorate it with beads or stones. The main thing is that the beads you choose for the frame are combined with all the main colors and their shades used to create this icon. Also, often for decoration, a salary for an icon is used, thanks to which its appearance can change dramatically.

Various types of bead frames for icons

It is worth noting that the frames for the icons can be completely different. And we are talking not only about the patterns embroidered on them, but also about the methods of their manufacture.
We will consider two options for creating frames from beads of different sizes for icons, and each designer, whether amateur or professional, will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves:
Beautiful small beaded frame
In the photo, the icon has not yet been inserted into this frame. However, it can already be assumed that it will also be made mainly in golden yellow colors and its size will be small.
So, before we start decorating our frame with beads, we will have to prepare all the necessary materials in order not to be distracted by this later. We will need:

  • newspaper;
  • spatula or knife;
  • a bowl;
  • ordinary wooden frame;
  • dessert spoon;
  • PVA glue;
  • silver bugle;
  • star beads with small rays;
  • silver and transparent beads;
  • 2 different types of "oily" transparent beads with an iridescent effect;
  • matte beads, covered with silver from the inside.

Before starting work, we will need to cover the surface of the desktop with newspaper in order not to stain it. Having done this, we will need to prepare a regular white frame and lay it horizontally. We will begin the design of the frame by gluing star beads. They will need to be dipped in PVA glue and glued to the very edge of the frame.
Then we will need to pour all the large beads into a bowl and, adding glue there, mix everything thoroughly.
Try to make sure that the glue evenly covers the surface of each bead.
The next step is to apply the resulting mass to the frame.
After carefully spreading the resulting composition on the surface of the frame, you will need to level it with a knife, and give it a little time to dry.
Then, following the same principle, you will need to mix small beads with glue and distribute them along the inner edge of the frame.
On this, your work on decorating the frame for the icon with beads will be almost completed. You just have to sprinkle the glued beads with a colorless glossy varnish so that they hold better and do not fall off.

Frame for an icon on an embroidered material
Vladimir Icon of the Mother of GodBeaded icon frames can also be embroidered directly on the material on which the icon itself is depicted. Moreover, in this case, it does not play any role at all whether this icon is embroidered with beads or floss threads.
Having decided to make this kind of frame, you will first need to decide on the color scheme. Only a designer can easily and simply cope with this task, but beginners will have to spend some time thinking through this moment.
You will need not only to choose beads that are suitable in color and shape, but also to think over a pattern or ornament for your frame in advance. Of course, if the icon itself is embroidered with beads, then your task will be a little easier, since you will be able to choose exactly the same material.
A striking example is this icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir.
Incredibly beautiful work embroidered with beads of different shapes and colors, as well as stones and beads. But agree that without
seemed a little unfinished. It is also worth noting that the embroidery of this frame will not take too much time, since it uses not only small beads, but also larger details. Such a floral pattern that replaces the frame for this icon can easily be embroidered with beads even by a beginner needlewoman.

How to embroider a frame for an icon with beads

Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign - tavernTo decorate icons, not only salaries are often used, but also frames embroidered with beads. Of course, patterned frames are not an obligatory element of the icon, they rather complement it and complete the overall picture.
An example is the following work:
Icon BM Znameniye-tavern is embroidered with beads, beads and decorated with stones, the work itself is simply amazing. However, if for a moment we imagine that this icon was left without edges embroidered with beads, we immediately understand that it will lose some of its attractiveness and lose its special majesty.
Convinced by such an illustrative example that in most cases frames for icons are simply necessary, we can begin to study the technology of their creation. This small master class will tell you about the main points of creating beaded frames for icons:

  • First of all, you will need to decide on a pattern or pattern for your future frame and prepare all the necessary materials for its creation;

  • Then you will need to apply the selected pattern to the fabric itself. However, at this stage, you may have some difficulties, because if your embroidery must be located on a transparent material, then you will not be able to apply a pattern to it, since all its lines will be perfectly visible even to the naked eye. In this case, you will need to carefully draw a frame on the material around the future frame, which will be about 1 cm larger on each side than the icon itself. For example, if your embroidery has a size of 21×28 cm, then this means that the frame for it, respectively, should be 23×30 cm. This is how it looks in the photo above.
  • Having dealt with this kind of markup, you can proceed directly to embroidery. Due to the lack of a preliminary pattern on the fabric, you will be guided solely by the lines you draw. In the example we are considering, the width of the pattern for the frame is 2 cm. In order to get the main line of the pattern, we will need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the fabric. Thus, we will get 1 cm from the very edge and the same amount to the center of the pattern.

  • If you will embroider icon frames in this way, then you will first need to make absolutely identical patterns on the vertical sides of the frame. And only after that you will have to embroider, moving from the edges towards the center of the horizontal sides.
    If your embroidery is coming to an end, and you suddenly realize that you don’t have room in the center for the final element, then you can always create some new unifying element. For example, a cross looks very beautiful, and most importantly, a cross looks appropriate in the center of the frame for icons. In the photo you can see how the finished embroidery of the frame pattern for the icon looks close up.
    Various frames for icons made in the form of arches look incredibly beautiful and majestic. If you decide to make this kind of frame, then you will first need to embroider its vertical sides, until the moment from which they begin to round, and only then, starting from the corners, complete the rest of the pattern:

    If you are embroidering icons that depict the face of the Savior or the Virgin, then in this part of the frame you can insert the necessary initials. They can be painted on mother-of-pearl with oil or embroidered with beads.
    Two methods can be used to join the individual parts of the patterns:

    • you can make the junction almost invisible by using some identical elements of your pattern for this purpose and making them from similar materials;
    • or you can, on the contrary, emphasize the junction. To do this, you will simply need to change the pattern or change the materials used.

    You can also decorate the arch by embroidering an additional pattern around it. In order to do this, you will need to start embroidering the frame.
    from bottom to top and gradually bring it to the middle. Please note that you cannot embroider frames from one end without a break to the very bottom of the second side. This is due to the fact that after finishing work, you may notice that your patterns do not match.
    If you decide to use this method, then if necessary, you can embroider some connecting element in the middle, which will connect the two parts together and make them seem to be a single whole.
    Bead embroidery of frames for icons is a rather important and responsible task, because with its help you can make your icon more elegant and beautiful. In addition, it is worth noting separately the fact that a hand-embroidered frame for an icon can be a great gift for a person close to you. Such a gift from a pure heart, of course, will not only decorate any house or apartment, but also protect against life's turmoil and adversity.

    Video: Making a framed icon embroidered with beads


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    Today I want to talk about how my friend and I went to a master class where we were taught to make garden and wild flowers from beads. This topic has been of interest to me for a very, very long time, but somehow everyone didn’t get around to it, and then MK turned up, and I decided that it was time to weave flowers from beads. I can say right away that it is not very difficult, but rather laborious. In principle, each person can make a small bouquet or, for example, a rose in a pot, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to work painstakingly.

    Weaving specifics

    In general, in my opinion, beading compares favorably with many other types of needlework. I will not say that it is beautiful - in the end, this is a matter of taste, but there are more objective criteria for the benefits of weaving from beads. For example:
    1. This type of needlework develops fine motor skills due to interaction with small beads. Of course, it is most useful to develop fine motor skills for children, but if we remember that the communicating areas of the brain are responsible for fine motor skills and quick wits, then we can say that needlework will not hurt any adult - it makes us smarter and smarter.
    2. Needlework is soothing, especially when it is associated with small monotonous work. Therefore, many women love to do hand embroidery (by the way, beadwork is also very popular).
    3. Beadwork is rarely utilitarian. Well, you must admit, you will most likely knit mittens or a hat, and you only make something pleasant from beads. Of course, you can do something useful, but in most cases we are talking about pleasure and aesthetics.
    Want to know if this type of needlework is right for you? Try to make a beaded flower - I will tell you how you can make and decorate flowers with beads and show the most interesting lessons.

    Important preparation

    First you need to equip the workplace. I really like doing needlework in a comfortable chair, but in the case of beads, everything is not so simple - you need a hard surface and good light, otherwise you risk too much load on your eyesight and get tired. Therefore, I advise you to work with beads at the table - it can be a writing or dining table, the main thing is that you have free space and a table lamp with soft light.

    Climbing for each bead into a bag or box is not very convenient. Use a velvet or velor rug in order to pour some beads on it for work. On such a rug, the beads do not roll well and do not mix. I also saw a wonderful way with one needlewoman - she simply pours beads into stable bowls and gently pulls out the right amount of beads with her finger.

    Prepare working tools - beads, sharp scissors, threads and fishing line, as well as special wire for beading. I also advise using ordinary small wire cutters to cut through the wire.

    french technique

    The easiest way to make a beaded flower for beginners is to weave it using the French technique. Further I will tell you how you can weave certain flowers, but now I will give a description of the technique itself so that you understand its essence.

    The French technique is bead weaving in arcs, when each element is woven in the form of a kind of boat (from the center to the edges), due to which a pleasant pattern and the desired volume are obtained. If you see a beaded bouquet that looks almost lifelike, then most likely it is French beadwork.

    French weaving is practically not performed on a fishing line - in order for a leaf or flower petal to keep its shape and look elastic and fresh, wire is needed. So, how to weave simple beaded flowers for beginners?

    Weave a rose

    Everyone loves roses, and weaving this beaded flower for beginners is quite simple - especially with a step-by-step master class.

    What do we need to make a rose?

    1. Beads for the flower itself (you can take red, or you can take a couple of shades of pink - so the petals will be beautiful and voluminous).
    2. Green beads (preferably two shades) for the stem, leaves and sepals.
    3. Toothpick or stem stick and green cloth or paper.
    4. Wire for weaving.
    For a lush rose, you will need about two hundred grams of beads of the main color, and about 50-80 grams of green beads for leaves. You should not choose too large beads, the work will look too caricatured.

    To weave a rose, you need to make several types of petals - from 3 to 6. The splendor of your bud depends on this. The smallest petals are woven on a piece of wire half a meter long, then with each new size of the petals, the size of the wire increases by 15 centimeters. 3-4 petals are enough for small petals, 4-5 medium ones, 5 large ones, and 5-6 outer petals. If in the process you want to increase the quantity - everything is in your hands.

    How to weave one petalFrom the petals you need to collect a rose, tying the petals together with a wire at the bottom edge - first the smallest, then a layer of larger petals. Make sure that the petals overlap, and not in a joint, so the flower will look more voluminous and more interesting.

    Then you need to weave the leaves and sepals. We weave them in the same way as petals, only sometimes changing the length of the arc in order to give the leaves a pointed shape.

    After all the elements are woven and assembled, you can start assembling. Leaves, a sepal and a flower bud are attached to the stem, after which the entire stem is wrapped with thread or pasted over with paper.

    To make the rose look more natural, shape the petals and leaves, and make small spikes on the stem, and your beaded flower is ready.

    If some points are not clear, then see the video for more details:

    Making Petals:

    Making sepals:

    Making leaves:

    Collecting roses:

    I think that I explained in detail using the example of a rose how you can make flowers from beads, so I’ll just show you master classes with a few comments. By the way, if you are interested in beaded flowers, a master class with photos or videos is what you need!

    To be honest, if I knew how easy it is to make flowers from beads with my own hands just from a video, I would not go to offline master classes - images and pictures with other people's flowers would be enough.

    By the way, in fact, you can make crafts from beads - flowers and plants - without using any patterns, if you have already mastered beading or like I did embroidery - just one micron is enough to not sit over the patterns. It is much more useful to understand how a flower works, and even to depict it from beads is an easy task.

    Nevertheless, flowers from beads and patterns for weaving different petals will come in handy - you already know how to weave, how to assemble a flower from ready-made petals is also quite understandable, and you can weave petals from beads according to patterns.

    Don't know how to make beaded flowers more natural? Use two or three shades for the petals and at least two for the leaves - this way you can create a voluminous petal effect with a border that looks unusual.

    The beaded poinsettia looks very interesting - it is also called the Christmas star. It is better to weave poinsettia not from beads, but from medium-sized glass beads, it is also called cutting.

    For poinsettia, it is better to take bright shades of beads - deep green, carmine red. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but it is these colors that are best suited for indoor varieties of the most beautiful milkweed.

    Watch how to make petals with parallel French weaving - the video tutorial will tell you how to make petals for this flower step by step.

    Look at the beaded flowers: photos - you will definitely find something for yourself to inspire!

    Callas: Flowers from beads do-it-yourself master class:

    Now you know a lot - weave a few small roses in a basket or make a chic interior decoration (for example, a full pot of wild plants), or just use the knowledge you have gained to make beaded flower decorations or decorate your clothes and accessories with them for free!

    Video bonus: Beaded lavender without weaving. A very simple option:

    Let's decorate our house. Even if you do not expect guests and hope to spend a festive evening with your family, the house needs to be given a little mystery and charm. A real celebration consists of many details that you can create with all family members. By the way, this is a good way to get into the holiday spirit. Get ready to create amazing photo frames from beads and other improvised materials. And our master class with a diagram will help you with this.

    Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 3/10

    • frame base;
    • beads;
    • beads;
    • fishing line;
    • the cloth.

    Step by step master class

    Option number 1

    To make just such a frame in ethnic style, you will first have to cover the finished frame with fabric, and then embroider with beads.

    You can sew metal circles onto fabric in this way. So they will stick well on the surface of any material.

    Now you can embroider the stem of the flower with threads, and the leaves will be embroidered with mother-of-pearl beads.

    Option number 2

    But with such an elegant frame for a leopard, you will have to tinker a little longer.

    Again, you will have to embroider on a base already covered with fabric. But first, sketch the design directly on the fabric with a pencil or pen.

    As the main one, it is better to take ivory or beige. Embroidery method - any that you like, or that you have already managed to conquer.

    Option number 3

    Another option involves fixing the beads on a metal frame.

    You can make the basis yourself if the store did not find a suitable option.

    To decorate the lower and upper parts of the frame, we need beads with a side hole to secure everything in the way shown in picture b.

    But the side parts are made with simple beads with a through hole. The method of their fastening is shown in the picture a.

    To revive the product a little, the metal frame can be decorated with a beaded low. For a small frame, you will need a low length of at least 150 cm.

    Option number 4

    But such a funny frame will suit lovers of creativity and just connoisseurs of good mood.

    The method of its manufacture is similar to that with which we made a frame with a leopard pattern. That is, we take a base sheathed with fabric, and draw future spots and zones on it. Then we start to embroider.

    And such beautiful sides can be made with the help of floss threads, folding them in several layers, and sewing them with an ash thread through every centimeter.

    Beaded photo frames are ready! We hope our master class and schemes inspired you to be creative and creative!

    Weaving technique "mosaic" is well known to all. This is one of the types of tight weaving. But you can diversify it by using beads of different sizes.
    Then you will also get the volume of the product.
    I will tell you about four options for weaving. You can experiment and come up with a fifth.


    Weave a regular fabric in the technique "mosaic", alternating strips of beads of three sizes No. 7, No. 9 and No. 11 (although this is not important, you can take other numbers.
    The main thing is that they differ in diameter, but not much).

    In the example, you see two waves: the first is higher (weaved according to scheme No. 1), the second is lower (scheme No. 2).


    It is possible to get a drawing in the form of rhombuses. Use beads of three sizes and weave according to scheme No. 3.


    Here is a zigzag pattern.

    Paws (rounding).

    If you want to weave a necklace, then I will advise scheme number 4. Weave a regular fabric, and the rounding will turn out automatically. Try it.

    Here are examples of the use of this technique.

    1. Bracelet "I disguise myself as a turtle", craftsman Gezey Ekaterina (Ukraine). Wave technique.
    2. Necklace "Spring", craftsman lita (Latvia). Technique "Paws".
    3. Bracelet master Tanata (Ukraine). Zigzag technique.
    4. Bracelet "Pistachio ice cream", made by Tanata (Ukraine). Zigzag technique.

    And you can combine several options in one decoration:

    Today we have a master class on crocheting a frame for a mirror with weaving beads. Each of us has a pair of mirrors that, for one reason or another, have lost their frame. Such mirrors, as a rule, are not thrown away and are stored on the mezzanine. It's time to get them.

    Enterprising needlewomen always know how to decorate such a mirror, they have a lot of new ideas in store, how to bring it into proper shape. Let's share one of them.

    To make a frame for a mirror with your own hands, you can use the simplest materials. I suggest you apply the crochet technique with beads. The combination of knitted decor with beads will be not only beautiful, but also practical. The beads themselves are directly tied into the frame, which makes its fastening more stable and reliable. This will not lose its original appearance and will delight you for a long time, and the creativity of the product will surprise everyone around.

    To make a decorative frame you will need:

    1. Threads "Iris" - 15 gr.;
    2. Hook #1;
    3. Beads of two colors, orange and sea wave - 1 package each;
    4. Frameless mirror;
    5. Scissors;
    6. Glue is the moment.

    Making a frame for a mirror, step by step:

    Homemade beaded crochet frame on a mirror, this is the perfect option for any girl and woman. It can be made in different colors, as well as using larger beads and even sequins. Such a product turns out to be neat, original and always in demand.

    Surely you will be interested.