How to wash sheep wool (raw): step by step instructions. Removal of surface contaminants. Hold the comb in this mixture for at least one hour. Then, taking it out, you will see that there is no trace of the former dirt! It remains only to rinse it and

Professional work is not cheap, sometimes the amount of the check exceeds the cost of the product itself. How to clean a coat at home without washing? An alternative and cheaper method of caring for outerwear made from wool, compared to going to the dry-cleaner, is dry-cleaning the coat at home.

Good to know!

The symbols on the label attached to the side seam, in the form of a letter in a circle, will help you choose a specialized chemical agent for dry cleaning outerwear. Deciphering: A - any common solvents;F- freons and white spirit; P - perchlorethylene. If there is one strip under the circle, the product is shown gentle cleaning, if there are two - more gentle delicate.

Rules for removing stains from a wool coat

Before a thorough dry cleaning of the coat, it is necessary to examine the product for the presence of pronounced stains and eliminate them. The process of removing dirt begins with a thorough inspection of outerwear under fluorescent lamps. Take note of the problem areas on your clothes and follow the rules below on how to clean a wool coat from stains at home:

  • To eliminate the stain, it is necessary to treat the contaminated area, starting not from the middle, but from its borders. This will prevent uneven cleaning, which often results in residual small spots at the edges of the soiled area or dirty streaks.
  • If you remove the stain from the wrong side, it will take much less time to work. The applied chemical reagent or other means will gradually push out the deeply seated stain from the inside of the fiber weaves.
  • Be very careful with the choice of stain remover, it is best to use alternative methods of removing stains.
  • Before processing the soiled area of ​​​​the material, check the durability of the coloring matter by testing the selected product on the wrong side of the product.

Note to the hostess: When wearing woolen coats with pile, local areas of clothing, such as the elbow fold, cuffs, pocket area and the inside of the collar, are often rubbed to an untidy shine. Shine is removed by steaming and treating the fabric with table salt using a stiff brush.

Dry cleaning instructions for coarse wool

Full cleaning of products made from coarse fibers, such as two-layer drape, gabardine, all varieties of coat tweed, boston, boiled wool (another name is “loden”), ratin and flacomé, is carried out in several stages:

  • Hang the treated outerwear vertically on the coat hanger and clean the most problematic areas of the coat (collar, pockets, cuffs) with a thick brush with a mixture of salt and 10% ammonia. To do this, you need 40 g of salt and 10 ml of ammonia. Homemade powder actively affects the material for 10 minutes. After treatment, shake the coat and brush off the remaining powder with a soft brush.
  • At the second stage of cleaning, you can use any of the proposed methods:

Method number 1. Processing material with pile

This method, like no other, is suitable for cleaning a drape coat at home. Since the two-layer drape coat is double-sided, both the front and the wrong side are processed. With a dry brush with thick bristles of medium hardness, a thorough cleaning of the product in the direction of the villi is carried out. In this way, small particles of dirt are removed from the material. After thorough combing, the procedure should be repeated with a moistened brush.

Method number 2. Foam cleaning

Dilute carpet cleaner in water according to package directions. Apply the foam to the material until dry (takes 10-15 minutes), then clean the composition from the fabric with a thick brush.

Method number 3. Processing of textured material

An unusual cleaning method using breadcrumbs. Lay the coat horizontally and crumble the bread thickly, then rub the bread crumbs with your hands until lumps form. Remove bread lumps and carefully clean the material from the remnants of crumbs with a brush.

Method number 4. Wet cleaning with fabric softener

The tool for wet processing will be a microfiber-based brush. Comb off dirt from the coat with a brush moistened in a solution with a chemical agent, after 10 minutes clean the product with a clean, damp brush.

Method number 5. Semi-professional dry cleaning

For high-quality material processing, you will need a dryer. Semi-professional cleaning requires appropriate conditions and equipment. As a result, the product will look as clean as after dry cleaning. To clean a coarse wool coat at home at the professional level, specialized chemicals are needed: perchlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene, hydrocarbon or white spirit. Drop the liquid chemical onto a tissue and place with the product in a fine-mesh polyester laundry bag. Send the filled bag to the dryer for 30 minutes.

Coats made of dense materials, after a thorough cleaning, can be treated with an aerosol that enhances moisture resistance. Aerosol impregnation is applied to the front side by spraying. Such additional processing will improve the water resistance of the coat and it will have to be washed much less often.

Gentle cleaning methods for soft fabric coats

Outerwear made of elite materials, the basis of which was fluff or downy undercoat, are treated with gentle cleaning methods. Such capricious fabrics made of very thin threads include cashmere, angora, alpaca, camel and merino wool, mohair and llama wool.

Before you clean a cashmere coat or other soft downy fabric at home, you need to get rid of the smell of sweat in the armpits. To this end, we dissolve grated laundry soap in warm water (up to 30 degrees) and moisten a sponge or cloth. It is necessary to wet the problem area several times. It is proposed to use 10% ammonia as an equally effective alternative to soap solution.

A warning!

When using professional chemicals (white spirit, perchlorethylene, freons, hydrocarbons), you should protect yourself from their direct effects. Always wear a respirator, gloves and work in a well ventilated area. These chemicals are not safe for health!

To clean the elite material, you can use the semi-professional dry cleaning method using a gentle chemical reagent. The most gentle dry cleaning agents include hydrocarbon solvents.

  • Wet treatment. Coats made of soft fabric are cleaned in a circular motion with a brush with thick soft bristles. The best option is a brush with a long pile of microfiber. Since cleaning will be damp, before you start, remove dust and other small particles that have settled on the fabric with a special roller for clothes. The microfiber brush must be soaked in soapy water and carefully treated on the front of the coat. It will be more convenient to work with clothes hanging vertically. Repeat the action using a clean damp fiber.
  • Dry cleaning. A delicate way to refresh the appearance of a product made of soft material: sprinkle the powder composition on the fabric and wipe the coat with a damp sponge in a non-pressing circular motion. After treatment, shake the clothes and brush off the remaining powder with a microfiber brush.

Coats made from wool materials will last more than one season, maintaining a fresh, neat and well-groomed look, if dry cleaning of clothes is a priority method of care for you.

At any time of the year, our inquisitive four-legged friends find something interesting on the street.

Sometimes this interesting thing leaves stubborn traces of fuel oil, tar or paint on the wool.

In addition to a purely aesthetic problem, such incidents cause great damage to the coat, so these stains should be dealt with immediately.

Oil or tar

Even if you do not live in the capital, but in a quiet, calm district center, there will still be some kind fellow tractor driver who will merge used engine oil right next to your house. A dog, walking through such a puddle with its paws or simply running along the railroad tracks, runs the risk of returning home in foul-smelling oil stains, which are not easy to wash off with ordinary water. Here are some tips that will help you clean the skin and coat of the animal without harm to the hair:

  • Dishwashing liquid "Fairy" called a real ambulance in such situations. The main advantages of this liquid are its widespread availability, low cost and high efficiency. Dilute the product in a small amount of water and lather the stains liberally. Leave the dog in this state for 7-10 minutes and rinse everything off with running water. If after the first time there are slight traces, repeat the lathering again.
  • To neutralize the possible harmful effects of chemicals on the skin, after the procedure, be sure to bathe the animal with shampoo and generously lubricate with the usual balm.
  • Dogs prone to allergic rashes, or those who find this method too drastic, may be advised to try to wash off the pollution. Shampoo "Clean paws" Russian production.
  • Often, after washing your beloved four-legged dirty, fuel oil is not only on your clothes, but also on the walls of the bathroom in which the dog bathed. To minimize contamination, make it a rule to wash your pet only on a special rubber anti-slip mat. Enamel stains are best cleaned with an ordinary Comet.
  • It is not easy to wash the tar that has stuck to the dog. If it happens in winter, the substance in the cold has time to harden tightly, and then the only way out is shearing the spot. In the hot season, there is a chance to avoid drastic measures. First of all, you should abundantly moisten the contaminated area with vegetable oil. Then gently wipe the dirt with a soft cloth. As a rule, blackness remains on the rag, completely removed from the wool. Now in place of the dirty, a greasy stain has formed. However, it is much easier to deal with him. With the help of your faithful "Fairy" you can easily get rid of fat on wool. Well, after, according to the already familiar scheme, we wash the dog with a delicate shampoo and lubricate with a balm.
  • Dog breeders - motorists are advised to deal with such stains with the help of detergent paste for hands of car mechanics sold in any car dealership. This substance is hypoallergenic and very gentle on the skin, eliminating stains.

Hair dye

Despite the seeming absurdity, hair dye stains are not uncommon on a dog's coat. Sometimes, to give the animal an exotic look, the owners paint the pet with their own hands or in the salon. Or, perhaps, while dyeing the master's hair, the restless dog was smeared in a coloring agent.

  • The best and most gentle means today are considered professional human paint removers. Gently apply them on the stain and, following the instructions, leave on the coat.
  • If the dog is short-haired, try carefully comb this place with a furminator. It will gently remove most of the dyed hair and speed up shedding.
  • You can try to paint on white wool bleach with hydrogen peroxide. According to the testimony of those who used this remedy, the dark spot, albeit slowly, but disappears.
  • Gives excellent results folk bleaching agents. You can try to get rid of the stain with masks or applications from kefir, lemon juice with starch, decoction of chamomile. By the way, the latter gives light wool, a clearly visible golden hue. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it on white dogs.
  • The most important thing when removing paint stains - do not overdo it with industrial washes. As a rule, a rather aggressive composition of the liquid can lead to a pronounced allergic skin reaction.
  • Oil paint cleans up great vegetable oil or special brush cleaner which can be purchased at any art store.


When a dog is sick, the owner thinks only about the speedy recovery of the pet. Thoughts about a spoiled appearance come much later, when the danger is already behind. Unfortunately, not all drug stains can be removed. Most often, after treatment, traces of the following drugs remain on the coat of dogs:

  • Iodine. Theoretically, iodine can be easily removed from wool using ammonia. But how the skin and subtle olfactory receptors of the dog will react to this radical remedy is a big question. Just in case, we advise you, if possible, not to use such potent drugs. After all, pure wool is not worth the health of a four-legged friend.
  • Good for removing fresh traces of iodine hydrogen peroxide and a solution of ordinary ascorbic acid in ampoules. Acid, applied a few minutes after the drug, magically leaves the coat spotlessly clean. Unfortunately, with old stains, the effect of the application is almost zero.
  • To avoid such problems, it is better to treat animal wounds with colorless antiseptics.
  • Treatment of the wound with dioxidine or levomecol can also lead to a persistent yellow spot. appearing at the site of injury. If the dog is white - can help professional chalk produced by Biogroom.
  • Animals with a light color, alas, are left only with shave the yellowed area and, using hair growth products, hope that new hair will grow back quickly.
  • Occasionally, a different color of hair will grow at the site of the injury - gray in dark dogs and dark brown or black in light dogs. The nature of this phenomenon is not completely known. If there are several hairs, you can try to pull them out with tweezers, but if the area is large, it remains only to carefully mask this place at the exhibition.


Often, the asphalt of modern cities resembles a bizarre marble mosaic, in which chewing gums densely covering the pavement are the white element. If your dog has chewed gum, don't panic. Getting rid of it, though not easy, but possible:

  • Wrap a cotton swab liberally moistened with ordinary medical alcohol on the teeth of the comb. Then comb the wool in all directions with this design.
  • As is known, the vat crumbles easily and falls off from exposure to low temperatures. Of course, putting the whole dog in the freezer is unlikely to succeed, but an ice cube applied to the limb will give the same effect. After the chewing gum has dried, be sure to take your pet to the doctor.
  • By the way, stuck in wool plasticine looks great after processing wool with any means for tangles.

If you find a colored spot on your pet's coat, do not give up. Try to clean it in all possible ways that are safe for the health of the dog.

If you don't succeed, don't despair. Perhaps, for some time, your friend's show career will stop, but the creative appearance and unusual color are guaranteed to draw the attention of others to the dog and make it the most popular and recognizable dog in the area.

Natasha Sherwood

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Today, many are interested in how to properly wash a draped, woolen or cashmere coat. In this article, we will try to formulate the most clear answer, as well as provide some tips on how to properly clean your coat at home.

There are many methods for cleaning a coat, depending on the material from which it is made. Therefore, in the material below, we will try to provide the most common of them and suggest the most acceptable, and most importantly, gentle and highly effective options for cleaning your coat.

Can you wash coats in the washing machine?

This question is more relevant than ever, because in modern life a washing machine is the first assistant of any housewife, and the cost of dry-cleaning a coat for many remains quite high. Therefore, the answer will be a positive confirmation of this - you can wash a coat in a washing machine. But, in this case, you should definitely pay special attention to:

  • on the properties of the detergent, since its chemical composition can irreversibly damage the product;
  • on the material from which the coat is sewn;
  • for the presence of lining or filler inside the product.

If the coat consists of 70-80% wool, you can safely wash it in a washing machine. Although, at the same time, you should not set the spin program at high speeds. Delicate mode will be the most suitable.

Well, if the coat has inserts or is sewn from a material that shrinks during washing, then, of course, it cannot be washed. It is worth noting another equally important circumstance: there is no need to wash the entire product if the contamination is localized in only one place. It will be enough to produce only this place.

How to wash a drape coat in a washing machine

Before washing a coat from a drape, you need to make sure that there are no overhead (glued) parts, because during the washing process they may fall off. After that, you should pay attention to the washing conditions indicated by the manufacturer, shown on the label. In principle, washing a drape coat is carried out similarly to cashmere. True, it is worth considering one nuance: since most drape coats have glued inserts, they should be washed on a “delicate wash” in soapy water.

This solution is not at all difficult to prepare, since it contains water and detergent, which is designed for washing delicate items made of natural wool. It should be borne in mind that the soap solution should not be overly concentrated. Otherwise, it is not possible to avoid stains on the surface of the fabric. After washing, rinse the coat in clean cold water. And after all, hang it up to dry outdoors.

But, even in the case when drape items do not have glued inserts, it is categorically not recommended to wash in an automatic machine.

How to clean a wool coat at home

Dispel all doubts, cleaning a woolen coat at home is a very real and feasible event for everyone. The main thing is that you must follow all the rules and adhere to the conditions indicated on the manufacturer's label.

And so, firstly, during the cleaning process, you should not test a newfangled product on the entire product. To begin with, it is worth testing it on an “invisible” place (on the inside). And, if, as a result of the experiment, the product has not changed its natural appearance, it is quite possible to start cleaning the entire coat.

Secondly, any pollution should be removed, starting from the edges, gradually moving towards the center.

And, of course, given the interest in this topic, I would like to give some useful tips on how to clean a woolen coat from the most common contaminants.

For example, to clean the coat from grease stains , it is necessary to sprinkle the local place with talcum powder and clean it with a soft sponge. If the result is not pleasing, the procedure should be repeated. Also, greasy places are well cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and salt, in a ratio of 4: 1, or (do not be surprised) with gasoline. To do this, it is necessary to moisten the contaminated place with it, then sprinkle with salt and wipe with a rubber sponge. After that, clean with a stiff brush.

Get rid of wine stains , you can use salt, which must be applied to the contaminated area, and then rinsed with water. But, as for colored coats, such a procedure is strictly prohibited!

The stains left after tea, are well cleaned with a solution of glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 0.5, respectively.

beer stains can be cleaned with vinegar and alcohol (proportion 1: 1).

In general, in order not to aggravate her condition of her outerwear, it is necessary to take care of her every day, especially when it comes to wool coats. To do this, you can use a sticky roller or a soft brush.

A real wool coat is a stylish and warm wardrobe item that will never go out of style. And in order for such clothes to serve you as long as possible and not lose their visual appeal, it is important to properly care for them. Of course, the easiest way is to dry-clean a woolen product, because professionals know exactly how to handle it. But even at home, you can put your coat in order. Next, we will detail how to do this.


Of course, before you start cleaning a woolen or wool blend coat, you should carefully study the information on the product label. There are clearly written recommendations for the care of this particular clothing. For example, can the material be washed or dried. Some types of wool may only be dry cleaned from dirt and under no circumstances should it be wet. Other models can be washed or wet-treated without consequences. One way or another, it all depends on the particular coat.

Now let's take a closer look at the stages of cleaning a woolen product.

Thorough inspection of the product

After you have studied the information on the coat label, you should carefully inspect the product along the entire length. View not only the outside, but also the lining. Also, special attention should be paid to under the collar, near the pockets, and also on the cuffs. After all, it is in these areas that most pollution occurs. After you find the most problematic areas and spots, you will know exactly what to pay attention to first.

Removal of surface contaminants

Before you start cleaning and removing stains, you need to clean the woolen product from pellets, excess lint, dust and threads. This is very easy to do at home using a special sticky roller. It is sold at any hardware store and is inexpensive. At the same time, such a device significantly improves the appearance of a coat without washing. With regular processing of the fabric in this way, it will be possible to keep clothes in excellent condition for as long as possible.

Be sure to take note of this simple and effective method. Small stains that cannot be cleaned with a roller can be removed with a dry or slightly damp brush with soft bristles.

The main thing is not to use aggressive detergents and large amounts of water.

Removing tough stains

Difficult stains are those that could not be removed with a brush, cloth or soapy solution. You can try applying a small amount of the solution to the problem area, wait ten or fifteen minutes, and then work with a clean, soft brush. Just don't push too hard on the material, as you won't damage it.

For more severe contamination, other methods are required. So, if there is a greasy stain on the coat, then it will be possible to remove it with the help of a small amount of starch or ordinary talc. Pour the powder on the dirt, cover with a paper or thin cloth towel and wait a few hours (about six or even ten). After this time, simply remove the remaining powder with a brush.

Greasy areas on a wool coat, such as the cuffs of the sleeves, the area near the pockets, are easy to clean up with vinegar and alcohol. To do this, you need to mix these two components in equal parts and apply the resulting solution to the problem area with cotton wool. Leave for fifteen minutes, and then treat the area with a soft, clean cloth or brush. In the same way, it will be possible to quickly remove contamination from food or drinks.

It is customary to eliminate contamination from engine oil using conventional gasoline. It is only necessary to soak a cotton pad in fuel and process wool products from the inside. And traces of a tea or coffee drink are easy to eliminate if glycerin is applied to the solution.

When you need to refresh and remove dirt from a white or light product, it is best to use a solution based on ammonia and table salt. And dark-colored clothes are best treated with warm black tea. Also a very effective tool in the fight for the purity and freshness of products made from natural wool is the well-known powder Vanish. Use it following the instructions and you will get excellent results in a fairly short time and without effort.

In addition, on the shelves of modern stores it is easy to find ready-made powders and solutions that are designed specifically for the care of natural wool. The main thing is to carefully choose the composition of the product and make sure that it does not contain alkali and chlorine. Otherwise, you can just ruin a beautiful coat.

Washing rules

If you decide to choose not dry, but wet cleaning of wool products, you should be very careful. Use only delicate detergents and shampoos designed specifically for wool. The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. Otherwise, the product is deformed and will look just awful. Never twist or wring out the coat. This can seriously damage the fabric and ruin the look of the garment.

Cats are gentle and sweet pets that will not only bring you a lot of pleasure, but can also upset you. There is an age-old problem of wool accumulation on clothes, furniture or various household items. Such trouble can only be avoided if you keep hairless cats. In this article, we will share with you effective and easy ways to clean your clothes from cat hair, helping to keep your favorite things attractive.

Prevention of hair accumulation

If you make it a habit to do some activities, it will prevent the formation of deposits of cat hair, and you will not need to clean the room every day. In addition, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the principle of cleaning various objects from thin downy hairs that are so difficult to remove from home surfaces.

Even if by nature your animal is very clean, it cannot cope with all the amount of hair shed, especially if it has a molting period. To avoid severe contamination of all surfaces in a residential area, cat owners should definitely take into account the following points:

  • Not many owners know that some breeds of cats do not have a seasonal molt, their hair falls out evenly and constantly. In this case, you need to purchase special tools and treat the animal with them every few days. To this procedure, the pet must be taught from a very young age.
  • If the air in the room is dry, it can increase the process of hair loss. You need to monitor this indicator, if such a need arises, humidify the air in the room by any means available to you.
  • In some cases, especially in summer, a haircut can help. But this process should not be carried out independently. We advise you to contact a professional.

Important! Before you start grooming your pet and start actively combing it, you should consult with your veterinarian. In some cases, increased hair loss, especially outside of the shedding season, may indicate a serious illness in the animal.

  • The cat must receive quality nutrition. With a lack of trace elements and fatty acids in the pet's diet, excessively intense molting can occur, and the animal will lose too much hair.

These activities will help minimize the amount of hair on household items and clothing. The villi that have appeared on the surface of things can be removed using one of the simple methods.

Cleaning clothes

Dust, lint and wool adhering to clothes can spoil the look of even the best outfit, especially if the lint has a contrasting color. Find the right solution to an annoying problem in simple ways, and your favorite clothes will look perfect in minutes.

Adhesives and abrasives

To help solve the problem of how to remove cat hair from clothes, the use of a sticky roller, which can be bought at the supermarket by visiting the laundry department, in pet stores or fabric stores.

Application rules:

  1. Before use, remove the wrapper from the roller, then start cleaning with light strokes up and down the garment.
  2. During cleaning procedures, the roller will become less sticky. When the intensity of the procedures being carried out decreases significantly, it will be enough to remove the contaminated top layer of sticky paper from the roller.
  3. After exposing a clean surface, the procedure should be continued until the clothes are completely cleaned.

Important! A sticky roller can be made by hand. To do this, you need a rolling pin and a roll of wide adhesive tape:

  • You need to unwind a little adhesive tape, placing its edge on the same level with the end of the rolling pin.
  • Make sure the smooth side of the tape is facing the rolling pin and the sticky side is facing you.
  • Tightly, in a spiral, wrap the tape around the rolling pin, and do not leave uncovered surfaces.
  • When winding to the opposite side of the wooden product, fasten and cut the tape. It should stick to the surface of the rolling pin on its own, but if not, you can secure it with a small piece of tape.

When using the adhesive roller, consider the following helpful tips and tricks:

  • when the layers of sticky paper run out, you can buy a replacement roller or simply purchase a new roller;
  • today you can buy a reusable roller for cleaning clothes, which contains a gel-like material that is responsible for collecting debris;
  • to clean a dirty roller, simply wash it in soapy water and let it dry.


Such a simple material can be used in many ways, and each of them allows you to effectively and quickly clean clothes from cat hair.

Method 1:

  1. Take a wide tape.
  2. Cut off a piece from it so that it can be wound around your hand twice.
  3. Pull it out and, holding your fingers together, wrap the tape around your fingers, sticky side out.
  4. Lightly press the wrapped fingers against the contaminated area.
  5. When the hair and fluff stop sticking to the tape, you just need to turn it around your fingers, making sure that the used place is directed in your direction.
  6. Continue cleaning clothes with the fresh side of the tape.

Method 2:

  1. Find a roll of wide scotch tape, and cut a strip a few centimeters long from it.
  2. Apply it with the sticky side to the stained area.
  3. Be sure to make sure that the tape runs in the same direction as the weave of the fabric threads (usually they run up and down).
  4. To smooth it, you need to rub lightly on the surface of the adhesive tape, and then tear it off the fabric.

Important! Try to find tape about 5 centimeters wide, because the wider the tape, the more area you can process at one time.


To clean fleeces and sweaters, you can use a special pumice stone. In the same way, you can remove spools from clothes.

Important! You need to make sure that you clean the right way - in the direction of the weave, and not against it. Never apply too much pressure to the pumice stone or work too long on one area. The pumice stone removes the top layer of the fabric, and if you're too diligent, you can make a hole in it.

Helpful tips to clean cat hair safely:

  • Do not use this method for wool and cotton fabrics. And never use it on shiny and delicate fabrics like satin or silk.
  • During processing, most of the fluff and wool will move to the bottom of the product. To completely remove it, you can use a roller for cleaning clothes or a piece of tape.
  • As a work surface, use a table covered with a tablecloth. This will make the cleaning process much easier.


Velcro is also used to remove villi:

  1. Buy Velcro sewing tape and cut a piece from it equal to the width of your palm.
  2. Set aside the soft side and take the rough (hooked) side.
  3. Slide the Velcro down over the clothes.
  4. If wool residue collects at the bottom of the product, use a roller or tape to clean it.

Machine for shaving

To solve the problem of how to quickly remove hair from clothes, a clean razor will help, which can also be used to remove pellets.

Important! Its use is especially effective for removing lint that is stuck deep inside textile fibers.

For best results, do the following:

  1. Take the razor and place it near the very top of the garment.
  2. Gently slide the jig a few centimeters down the fabric.
  3. Stop the movement and remove the collected fibers.
  4. This process must be repeated until the product is completely cleaned.

Important! When working, be extremely careful not to cut the fabric, because one wrong move, and the clothes will be irretrievably damaged.

Wet sponge or scraper

A damp sponge or scraper can also be used to remove hair. Wet the sponge with water and carefully wring out excess moisture. We wipe the fabric with the rough side of the sponge. Capturing small areas of tissue, we move down.

How else can you clean things up?

  1. To remove pile and wool, a special brush is often used. This device resembles an ordinary comb, but instead of teeth, it has a fleecy pad. These pads feel like the soft side of Velcro. For cleaning, you just need to brush in one direction over the surface of the fabric. It is recommended to start from the top of the clothes gradually moving down.
  2. An anti-static cloth may help remove lint. It will also help to get rid of static electricity, which attracts hairs very strongly.
  3. You will need an electric clothes dryer. It is battery operated, and to achieve the desired cleaning effect, you just need to run it over your clothes. Pellets and wool will disappear.
  4. Pellets and pet hair can be removed from garments using rubber gloves, as for washing dishes. Put on a glove and run it parallel to the seams to the bottom of the product. Wool and pellets will stick to the glove and you can collect them in one place.
  5. For cleaning, you can use old tights or nylon. Put on a sock or tights on your hand, pull them tight, gently running your hand down the fabric. The fur will stick to the surface of the pantyhose or sock.