Escherichia coli in urine and in a smear during pregnancy: symptoms, diagnosis. Treatment of Escherichia coli during pregnancy. The effect of E. coli on pregnancy. E. coli in the urine of pregnant women - what to do

E. coli is a natural component of the human flora, which is normally present in everyone and during pregnancy is a conditionally pathogenic microflora. But, if E. coli is detected in the urine of a pregnant woman, then this is an alarming signal that indicates an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. The prognosis and methods of treatment depend on the titer in which Escherichia coli was detected during pregnancy.

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Questions and answers on: E. coli during pregnancy

2014-04-15 16:42:42

Margaret asks:

Good day!
I lost my virginity at 22. I got married at 25 (8 months ago). With her husband before the wedding did not enter into sexual relations according to his religious concepts.
After the wedding (with the onset of sexual activity with her husband), inflammation of the bladder began. Handed over urine - stably shows an inflammation. Bak. sowing found E. coli - treated, re-analysis showed its absence. I passed a smear - they found ureaplasma - they were treated together with my husband (then I read a bunch of literature where it was reported that ureaplasma is treated only in the CIS, in the West it is not considered a disease)
My husband's tests show nothing.

I suspect that this inflammation is directly related to sexual intercourse.. Now I am 14 weeks pregnant. I don’t want to harm the child, and past courses of antibiotics (I took Amycil and clindomycin before it) did not give results .. Is there any way out of this situation?

Responsible Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

Indeed, ureaplasma is a conditionally pathogenic microflora and sanitation is subject only in some cases. To date, what is the analysis of urine? Only the gynecologist with whom you are registered can prescribe treatment. In any case, herbal preparations (such as kanefron) can be taken.

2013-04-24 10:51:15

Elena asks:

During pregnancy, antibodies to cytomegalovirus were detected in the blood test. Is it dangerous for the child's health? After childbirth, mucous discharge from the vagina did not stop, according to the results of sowing, Escherichia coli E-coli was found, she underwent a course of antibiotics, to which sensitivity was revealed, and then probiotics. After 3 months, discharge appeared again and E-coli was again found in the culture. I observe personal hygiene (a small child). What is the prevention of E-coli, what is the mechanism of infection of the genital organs with it, if normally it is present only in the intestines? Can the frequent appearance of E. coli be the result of a cesarean section (abdominal operation). Is there a possibility of infection of the child and how to avoid this? Thanks.

Responsible Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

What antibodies - Ig G or Ig M were detected? Most likely Ig G (they indicate contact with the infection in the past and are not subject to treatment). They do not affect the health of the child. Regarding E-coli, I can say that it can only be brought in from the anus (incorrect hygiene - be sure to wash from front to back, and not otherwise, wearing thongs, anal sex, etc.). There is no specific prophylaxis; E-coli cannot appear from a cesarean section. The child can theoretically be infected only with joint bathing in the bath.

2012-10-25 11:20:03

Irina asks:

I ask Marina Anatolyevna to comment on my situation:
In the spring of 2010 we got a kitten, in the summer we thought about planning a pregnancy with my husband.
Has handed over the analysis on a toxoplasmosis 21.07.10 - IgA - positive. Having studied on the Internet that the body itself will cope with it, she did not begin to treat it, she took a wait-and-see attitude.
08/04/2010 (in 2 weeks) retaken the analysis in another laboratory. Result: Anti-Toxo IgM - negative, Anti-Toxo IgG - 1.8 (in the comment less than 1.6 - negative, greater than or equal to 3 - positive, 1.6-2.9 - doubtful, it is recommended to repeat after 10-14 days). I decided to wait even longer and retake the analysis again.
02/03/2011 (six months later) retaken the analysis again in this laboratory. Result: Anti-Toxo IgG - 2.0 (in the comment less than 1.6 - negative, greater than or equal to 3 - positive, 1.6-2.9 - doubtful, it is recommended to repeat after 10-14 days).
I didn't understand how? After all, so much time has passed, and the indicator is still obtained in the reference value. I asked the doctors, they said that the main thing is that there is no acute stage, you can plan a pregnancy.
In the summer of 2011, I retaken the analysis again, but it also remained in an intermediate value.
July 2011 - pregnancy, which in September 2011 ended in curettage. The diagnosis is anembryonic. The fertilized egg froze at 7-8 weeks. Then a complication after curettage, treatment. Preparing for a new pregnancy.
I decided to check the analysis for toxoplasma again.
03/13/2012 passed it and was shocked. IgA is positive, IgG is negative. At that time, in parallel, she handed over crops and antibiotics were prescribed for the treatment of Escherichia coli. And my question to the gynecologist is why toxoplasmosis is again in the acute stage and how to treat it, she said that the acute stage is probably due to reduced immunity, and while being treated for bacteria with antibiotics, we will also get rid of toxoplasmosis. Treatment was completed in April.
06/03/2012 decided to take the test again. Result: Anti-Toxo IgM - negative, Anti-Toxo IgG - 2.1 (in the comment less than 1.6 - negative, greater than or equal to 3 - positive, 1.6-2.9 - doubtful, it is recommended to repeat after 10-14 days).
I'm completely confused. Now I'm planning to get pregnant again.
Prompt, please: 1. Could there be anembryony due to toxoplasmosis?
2. Why does it periodically go into an acute stage? And why is everything else in between?
3. Is it necessary to treat it, based on the situation and how to do it (as far as I understand, toxoplasmosis is a virus, and viruses cannot be cured with antibiotics)?
Thank you in advance for your response.

Responsible Klishnya Marina Anatolievna:

Hello Irina! Toxoplasma is a protozoan, not a virus. I suggest that you pass again IgG to Toxoplasma gondii (TOXO) and Avidity of IgG to Toxoplasma gondii (TOXO) in our laboratory "Synevo". And after the results are obtained, it will be possible to try to make assumptions about the state of your health or continue further diagnostics. Thanks to.

2012-06-12 14:12:54

Anna asks:

Hello! 2 years ago there was a birth, they had an episiotomy, they put 3 sutures, everything healed well and quickly, there was not even a scar left. After 2 months, itching appeared in the suture area, which spread to the entire surface of the external labia. , did not prescribe anything and did not treat anything, because she was breastfeeding the child. After 1.5 years, she turned to the gynecologist with the same problem - itching, passed all the tests, found ureaplasma, treated with ciprofloxacin and flucanazole, then re-passed the tests, ureaplasmas not detected. But the itching did not go away, but only intensified, especially at night. They took a scraping from the external genital organs and revealed a suspicion of leukoplakia. There is cervical erosion. the number of leukocytes, sometimes 16-40, sometimes more than 40, abundant growth of Escherichia coli (collie) in the sowing tank. They prescribed Ciprofloxacin, douching with chamomile, betadine suppositories, rectal suppositories of geneferon. There was no result, swelling and redness of the The mucus decreased, and the culture tank and the total smear remained unchanged. E. coli is resistant to antibiotics. Tantum Rosa douching was prescribed at night for 10 days, Klion D suppositories, Genferon suppositories, 1 million per night rectally, then 500,000 vaginally for 10 days. Itching decreased, the outer labia acquired an almost normal color. After treatment, I did not take smears. Abstinence from sexual contact for the duration of treatment. Tell me, what could be the cause of itching? Why is the number of leukocytes increased in smears even after treatment, what could be the cause of inflammation? Before pregnancy and childbirth, there was never anything like this, the sexual partner is always alone, all his tests are good. The pregnancy was normal, everything was clear in smears and tests for infections. There are concomitant diseases: pyelonephritis, recently found sand in the kidney, I adhere to diet I drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Thank you!

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Many microorganisms pass through the human body during life: cocci, viruses, ... It's all about immunity. E. coli - it lives in your intestines, it is a normal human microflora. Itching at night - this is typical for helminths. In addition, there should be a microflora in the vagina that protects against infection - this is Doderlein's stick or lactobacillus in titer 10 to 5 degrees. Be examined for helminths, donate an.blood for sugar, total an.blood, an.excretions for chlamydia, herpes, human papillomavirus, bac.seeding for flora. You need to be examined.

2011-04-22 15:14:00

Victoria asks:

Hello Fedot Gennadievich! During pregnancy, I started having problems with the intestines. As a result of urine culture, Escherichia coli was detected, treated with an antibiotic, it got better and the stool returned to normal. but with blood. Now, 4 months after the birth, I did sigmoidoscopy. They diagnosed me with erosive proctosigmoiditis, non-specific ulcerative colitis. Everything is complicated by the fact that I am breastfeeding. The doctor appointed a consultation with a proctologist. we don’t have this in the city, we have to go to the region and sulfasalazine, and tranexam. it is impossible to understand the doctor's handwriting. I will convey in my own words what he said about the examination: multiple sores all over, bleeding and the presence of mucus mixed with dark bloody secretions. Can you please tell me if the treatment is compatible with hepatitis B?

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Victoria. The symptoms described by you, and also data of the spent sigmoidoscopy can really testify to existence at you of a nonspecific ulcer colitis. The situation is complicated by the fact that you are breastfeeding. As far as I know, the use of both sulfasalazine and other drugs (salofalk, pentasa, assacol - more modern drugs containing mesalazine) is contraindicated during breastfeeding. In this regard, let me recommend that you visit a qualified proctologist in the near future to clarify the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then it will be necessary to prescribe adequate medical treatment and it is possible to switch from breastfeeding to artificial.

2010-12-24 16:54:32

Lucy asks:

The first pregnancy did not go very well (there were brown discharges, which were explained by the doctor as the presence of a polyp and erosion). At 14 weeks, her back began to hurt a lot, no threat was found on ultrasound, the baby is active, the uterus is not in good shape. Just in case, they put it in storage (the attending physician sent me to another doctor to "go to bed" exactly). On the day of admission to the hospital, the water broke, the next day - the uterus is in good shape, there is practically no water. For some time they waited for the process of an independent miscarriage, but the fetus was alive all this time. They waited about 5 days, called an artificial birth. The fetus remained alive until the last moment (the contractions stopped, they did general anesthesia, under which everything was finally completed)

Examination for all possible infections (smears, blood, bakposev) - showed only E. coli in the vagina. Nothing more. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment.

3 months later, the second pregnancy occurred. They prescribed duphaston (due to spotting) plus vitamins. We carefully observed 5 ultrasound scans for four weeks, watched the dynamics of growth. The last three were done at a period of 5-6 weeks in order to fix the heartbeat (with an interval of a couple of days). The latest ultrasound showed anembryony. They did a cleaning.

As a result, I have two doctors - a permanent guide and the one who did both operations. One insists on testing for antiphospholipid syndrome, the other on tests for NK cells.

Help me figure out which tests are better to take, which doctor to entrust?

2010-08-25 21:38:06

Dasha asks:


(parvum + urealyticum, scraping)

Thank you very much, your answers are always informative.

2010-08-18 16:29:39

Daria asks:

Hello. My husband and I are planning a pregnancy. Has made anlizy (August 10). Results:
Bacpose for microflora (urogin.) + antibiogram - Lactobacterium 10 ^ 7 CFU / ml

PCR. Gardnerella vaginalis (scraping) found
PCR. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (scraping) not found
PCR. Mycoplasma hominis (scraping) not detected
PCR. Mycoplasma genitalium not detected
PCR. Trichomonas vaginalis (scraping) not detected
PCR. Ureaplasma species found
(parvum + urealyticum, scraping)
PCR. Chlamydia trachomatis not found

Antibodies IgG to Toxoplasma gondii , Antibodies IgG to cytomegalovirus, Antibodies IgG to HSV 1/2 - positive results
IgG antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis are negative.

This year, pyelonephritis occurred twice (in January and April), which was cured with antibiotics. Never had such problems before in my life. In June, I took an analysis for bacterial culture - E. coli 10 ^ 5 CFU / ml was found. (she did not carry out any treatment, and in the last analysis she “got a trace”), which makes me think about the unreliability of the results). There are practically no complaints - there are no curd discharges, from time to time a white-transparent mucus appears. before or at the end of menstruation, sometimes there is a brown "daub", there is no itching, with a long abstinence from urination, a slight pain appears.

Tell me, please, should I be treated and for what (since we are planning a pregnancy), should I retake the tests, should my husband be treated? By the way, before me, he was treated with antibiotics for ureaplasmosis (complaints, there were no symptoms, just according to the results of the tests). I had several unprotected contacts before him.
Thank you very much, your answers are always informative.

Responsible Vengarenko Victoria Anatolievna:

Daria, I think that you and your husband need to retake tests for gardnerella and ureoplasmosis, if they are positive, treatment, but for toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus inf. You were sick, that's why there are Ig G antibodies.

2010-06-24 22:40:50

Emma asks:

Good afternoon! I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks 2 months ago. During pregnancy, I felt great, according to the ultrasound, the fetus developed well. Before pregnancy, I did not take tests for infections. After the miscarriage, the doctor advised to take tests for infections. I give the results of the tests: by PCR: chlamydia trachomatis "-", Mycoplasma hominis "+", ureaplasma parvum and ureaplasma urealiticum "-", trichomonas vaginalis "-", gardnerella vaginalis "-", herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 type "-", cytomegalovirus "-", cytomegalovirus 16 "+". Laboratory research by PIF method: chlamydia "-", trichomoniasis "-". The result of the analysis by ELISA: Chlamydia (IGg) antibodies norm 0.35 result 0.17; cytomegalovirus (IGg) antibodies norm 0.38 result 0.81; Toxoplasmosis (IGg)-antibodies norm 0.30 result 0.21; Trichomoniasis (IGg)-antibodies norm 0.39 result 0.17; Analysis of secretions from the cervix: a family of mycoplasmas was found. Klebsiella 10 to the 5th degree, Escherichia coli 10 to the 7th degree were isolated. The doctor says the treatment is long, urgent and expensive. Help me understand the test results. What should be treated to avoid a recurrence of a failed pregnancy? When can you get pregnant? Whether it is necessary to hand over to the husband also analyzes and what. Sincerely, Ema.

Responsible Manoilo Tatyana Vladimirovna:

Hello Emma. What was the cause of the miscarriage today is not possible to answer. Your examination for TORCH infection was not carried out correctly, it is not possible to comment. Urogenital dysbacteriosis caused by Klebsiella and Escherichia coli needs to be treated without the use of antibiotics. There are no indications for the treatment of other infections. Therefore, it is most likely that your attending physician does not understand anything about this and misleads you. Husband does not need to be tested. You can read more about this on my website.

Pregnant women should certainly go to the hospital in the early stages and undergo a complete medical examination. Urinalysis and a smear are of great importance, as this allows you to determine exactly how the pregnancy is going and to identify serious abnormalities. Most often, such a study is the only way to determine the presence of E. coli in the body.

This disease is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child, since the consequences can be quite serious. In this matter, it is very important to detect the problem in time and start treatment.

How does E. coli affect pregnancy?

Since women in the position of immunity are greatly weakened, they are most susceptible to the occurrence of various kinds of infections. The most terrible consequence of vaginosis is premature birth or discharge of water, which will lead to infection of the fetus.

In addition, the baby may develop pathologies that will not only affect his health, appearance, but also lead to death. E. coli can pass through the vagina into the placenta and then into the baby's blood. All this can lead to the development of meningitis.

When E. coli enters the urinary tract, it does not exit, but moves into the bladder, which, in turn, causes the development of inflammation. As a result, immunity suffers significantly, which makes a pregnant woman more vulnerable to other serious diseases.

What to do if Escherichia coli is found in the urine?

Usually during the delivery of a general urine test, the results show the presence of some kind of inflammation. Then doctors send for an additional urine test for flora, which allows you to identify the infection and determine which antibiotics will help to cope with the existing problem.

By the way, the infection could enter the body long before pregnancy and simply did not manifest itself. A woman lives a normal life and does not even suspect that she has a similar problem. Often, due to the fact that the analysis was taken incorrectly, the result may be inaccurate.

Therefore, it is important to know the rules that should be followed when passing a urine test:

  • Do not spare money and purchase special jars for analysis at the pharmacy, which are absolutely sterile;
  • It is necessary to collect urine in the morning, after waking up no earlier than 2 hours before the test;
  • Thoroughly rinse the genitals before the procedure. This must be done carefully to prevent germs from entering the vagina. By the way, for this it can be closed with a special swab;
  • The jar for analysis must be opened immediately before collecting the analysis;
  • You need to collect an average portion of urine. Make sure that your fingers do not touch the top edges of the jar;
  • After completion of the procedure, immediately close the jar tightly.

If you follow all these rules, then you can be sure of the result of the analysis. Many are perplexed how exactly the infection entered the body, so you need to figure it out.

Causes of the appearance of E. coli during pregnancy in the urine:

  • Non-observance of personal hygiene. For example, if you wash in the direction from the anus to the vagina;
  • Constant wearing of thongs. Such underwear creates a friction effect, which contributes to the entry of E. coli into the genitourinary system;
  • Sexual contact with a mixture of intestinal microflora and the genitourinary system;
  • During pregnancy due to the high intensity of uterine growth.

As you can see, there are not so many reasons and, given them during life, infection can be avoided.

What to do if E. coli is found in the vagina?

Doctors say that if problems were found in the microflora of the vagina, then there are also deviations in the intestines, so treatment must be carried out in a complex manner. The presence of a wand can lead to serious problems for both the woman and the unborn child.

According to the scientific name of the disease, it is accompanied by strong secretions.

To begin with, we will analyze the causes of inflammation in a woman:

  • The most common mistake is improper hygiene of the genitals. It is necessary to wash first in front and then behind, and not vice versa, as many do;
  • Common causes include: wearing a thong, an intrauterine device, promiscuity, combined sex, extreme heat, weak immunity, diabetes, frequent douching.

Many women do not even know that they have E. coli without a special analysis. But there are symptoms by which you can determine the presence of this problem: itching and burning of the genitals, strong discharge with an unpleasant odor and pain during sexual intercourse.

Prevention of vaginosis during pregnancy

  • Make sure that intimate places are always dry and clean. Wash regularly, and most importantly, do it right;
  • It is not recommended to use deodorized pads and toilet paper, as these products can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Try to use condoms during intercourse;
  • It is not recommended to carry out frequent douching, as this has a negative effect on the condition of the vagina. Doctors recommend that they be carried out only when really necessary;
  • If you use medicines with applicators, then after each use, it must be washed thoroughly;
  • It is recommended to wash after sexual contact, urination and stool.

How to get rid of E. coli?

Many women in the situation refuse to carry out treatment, as they are afraid of harming the child. You should not worry and start the disease, since today there are quite safe antibiotics that do not harm the body, the main thing is to know in advance about the allowed drugs.

Only an obstetrician-gynecologist should prescribe them, no amateur performance in this matter is allowed.

For the treatment of E. coli during pregnancy, it is allowed to use the following antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin, penicillins and cefatoxime. The drug in no way affects the intrauterine development of the baby and does not provoke the development of defects;
  • Furagin. This drug can be used at any time, with the exception of the period from 38 to 42 weeks.

If you have found at least one symptom of E. coli during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. If the tests confirm the presence of an infection in the vagina, the doctor may prescribe a "local" therapy. In mild forms, it is possible to carry out washing with herbal decoctions, therapeutic douching, and you can also use special vaginal suppositories.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe sessions of ultraviolet irradiation of the genital organs. To restore the microflora of the vagina, it is recommended to use drugs, for example, Bioyogurt, vitamins, etc.

Treatment usually lasts from 3 to 10 days. After using the prescribed drug, a second urine test is given, and a month later, a bacterial culture. If the infection is still detected, doctors are likely to prescribe a second treatment, which will be based on the use of drugs in turn.

It should be borne in mind that after antibiotic treatment, the body becomes weak and needs maintenance therapy and a diet. There are also drugs that are best avoided during pregnancy, as they can cause adverse effects, such as an increase in bilirubin, the destruction of red blood cells, damage to nerve endings, etc.

The immune system of a woman during the period of bearing a baby will significantly reduce its protective function, which will allow pathogenic bacteria to enter the body and multiply. E. coli in the urine during pregnancy becomes the source of many diseases of the genitourinary system, which threatens the onset of premature birth or the occurrence of disorders in fetal development.

The effect of Escherichia coli in the urine during pregnancy

E. coli is normally contained in the microflora of the vagina of every woman, but during pregnancy, due to reduced immunity, the bacterium begins to multiply rapidly, thus entering the urinary system. As a result of the pathological process, toxins are released that disrupt the structure of cells and tissues of internal organs.

The influence of E. coli on the development of the fetus carries a great danger, which can lead to various consequences:

  • kidney damage in pregnant women provokes kidney failure, and a violation of the outflow of urine;
  • when E. coli enters the gastrointestinal tract, an environment is created that contributes to the occurrence of gastritis;
  • outpouring of amniotic fluid and subsequent premature birth;
  • the formation of congenital malformations in a child with the spread of microorganisms into the uterine cavity.
The lack of long-term treatment leads to damage to the placenta, the likelihood of intrauterine death of the fetus increases. During labor, the child becomes infected with harmful microorganisms, which further provokes chronic diseases.

Causes of the reproduction of Escherichia coli in the urine of pregnant women

The reasons for the spread of E. coli in the urine during pregnancy are associated with a large number of factors, but the main one is reduced immunity. The growing uterus compresses the surrounding organs of the genitourinary system, which provokes a violation of the outflow of urine and subsequent stagnation.

Also, reproduction occurs under the influence of chronic diseases and with a decrease in the functioning of the endocrine system. If cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis were not cured before pregnancy, then during the period of bearing a baby, due to a reduced defense system, the infection will begin to spread.

The symptoms of the pathological process are quite bright, in addition to general discomfort, there is a burning sensation during urination, constant urge to empty, a sharp specific smell of urine, a change in the color of vaginal secretions. At the initial stage of reproduction, a stick in the urine and symptoms can only be presented in the form of bacterial vaginosis.

Personal hygiene in such a pathology plays an important role. Hygiene procedures should be regular, with a constant change of underwear.

Normal urinalysis values

The test material is collected only in a sterile container and not earlier than 1.5 hours before the urine is delivered to the laboratory. Before urination, you should carry out hygiene procedures and try to collect average urine.

During the diagnosis and decoding, the correctness of the collection is taken into account, and the number of Escherichia coli in the bacterium is also calculated. The norm for the presence of pathogenic bacteria should be in the range from 105 to 108 CFU. Excess levels without additional signs of disease often require minimal treatment. If there is a pronounced symptomatology, confirmed by tests during pregnancy, then drug therapy will be required.

Treatment of Escherichia coli in urine during pregnancy

Treatment is with antibiotic therapy. Preparations are selected depending on the stage of gestation. Penicillins, cephalosporins, and amoxicillin are often prescribed.

Good reviews were acquired by such anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs as Furagin and Canephron. Medicines are taken for 7 to 14 days, after which a second examination is prescribed.

It is also recommended daily washing with infusions of chamomile, string or calendula herbs, which have a disinfectant effect. It is necessary to maintain immunity, both local and general, with the help of fermented milk products and special vitamin complexes.

During pregnancy, a woman's body always experiences physiological stress, which leads to a natural decrease in immunity. This is a favorable condition for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and their active reproduction. If, during a routine examination, E. coli was found in the urine during pregnancy, it means that she developed bacterial vaginosis. Lack of treatment can lead to premature birth and the occurrence of pathologies in the fetus.

A little about Escherichia coli

) are rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria that inhabit the lower part of the human intestine. They are actively involved in metabolism, with their help vitamin K is synthesized, which affects the permeability of the vascular walls. With a decrease in immunity or the occurrence of pathologies, E. coli is able to penetrate into the internal organs.

During reproduction, the microorganism releases many toxins that damage cells and tissues. For example, once inside the abdominal cavity, E. coli provokes peritonitis.

Often, E. coli is found in the microflora of the vagina even before pregnancy. A decrease in immunity contributes to its penetration into the urinary tract of a woman and the formation of extensive infectious foci there. A distinctive feature of strains of Escherichia coli is the presence of flagella, which help bacteria to quickly spread throughout the body.

E. coli in the urine reduces the immunity of a pregnant woman

What is the danger of E. coli for a pregnant woman

E. coli appears in the urine of the expectant mother with a decrease in immunity. Moreover, since the pathogenic bacterium provokes the occurrence of infectious diseases, the body's resistance is significantly reduced. What serves as a favorable environment for the penetration of viruses from the external environment. What else is Escherichia coli dangerous for a pregnant woman:

  • There is an early discharge of amniotic fluid. This leads to premature birth or abortion.
  • From the vagina, the microorganism penetrates through the placenta into the bloodstream of the fetus. Due to the high toxicity of the bacteria and the lack of immunity in the child, congenital pathologies occur.
  • Often E. coli becomes the cause of the formation of meningitis in a child, inflammation of the membranes of the brain.
  • After infection of the urinary tract, the bacterium penetrates into the structural elements of the kidney and provokes damage to the parenchyma, calyces and pelvis.
  • Virulent strains, when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, cause gastritis, gastroenteritis.
  • During the passage of the child through the birth canal of the mother, infection will certainly occur. After the baby is born in his intestines, the growth of beneficial microflora will be suppressed, and harmful bacteria will begin to multiply actively. The child will lag behind in development or die.

The spread of E. coli throughout the body leads to sepsis and pneumonia. If control over pregnancy is not carried out, and the pathogenic microorganism has penetrated the placenta, then there is a high probability of fetal death even in the uterine cavity.

Only a sterile container is needed to detect E. coli

How to prepare for the analysis

E. coli quickly develops resistance to antimicrobial agents and antibiotics. Therefore, she is treated with powerful antibiotics that are unsafe for a pregnant woman. In order not to harm the health of the mother and the unborn child without a good reason, gynecologists prescribe a second urine test, subject to all sterility standards:

  • Urine should be collected only in a sterile container. When buying containers in a pharmacy, you should pay the attention of the pharmacist to this, since the assortment of goods also includes non-sterile containers.
  • Do not eat before collecting urine.
  • It is very important to wash the genitals with a hypoallergenic soap or shower gel before collecting urine. Then pat them dry with a clean cotton towel.
  • The entrance to the vagina must be closed with a sterile swab.
  • Urine collection should be carried out no earlier than one and a half hours before delivery to the laboratory.
  • The container should contain a medium portion of urine.
  • When collecting a stream of urine should not come into contact with the labia.

After filling the container, it is necessary to quickly cover the container with a screw cap, being careful not to touch the inner surface. If necessary, the biological fluid is taken by medical personnel using a sterile catheter.

E. coli is able to cross the placenta

Why is E. coli found in the urine of a pregnant woman

It is extremely rare that the cause of the appearance of escherichia coli in the urine during pregnancy is an actively growing uterus. In this case, the organs of the lower pelvis are squeezed and slightly displaced, leading to stagnation of urine. Such conditions are favorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacillus.

Most often, the factors for the penetration of E. coli into the body include:

  • Sexually transmitted infections, STDs.
  • A persistent decrease in the body's resistance to infectious agents.
  • Violations of the endocrine system, provoking relapses of chronic diseases.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system organs that were not healed before conception: pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic cystitis.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners before and after pregnancy.
  • Anal-vaginal sex.
  • Constant wearing of underwear made of synthetic fabrics.
  • Wearing a thong increases the likelihood of strains of E. coli from the anus entering the vagina, provoking their active reproduction.

And the main reason for the appearance of Escherichia coli in the urine is the neglect of personal hygiene, especially the infrequent change of underwear. During washing, it is necessary to act in a certain direction. The hygiene procedure should be carried out from the vagina to the anus, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the pathogenic bacterium will easily enter the vagina with fecal particles.

Clinical picture

During pregnancy, regular testing is the norm, so laboratory technicians detect E. coli in the urine in the early stages of the disease. Symptoms are not pronounced, so a pregnant woman does not even know about infection with a toxic microbe.

In the acute course of the inflammatory process, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Sharp pain when urinating, incontinence and leakage of urine.
  • The appearance in the urine of an amorphous sediment or drops of urine.
  • Unpleasant smell of urine, change in its color. Pain in the lumbar region and / or abdomen.
  • Hyperthermia followed by chills. Increased sweating.
  • Appearance of greenish mucus with a pungent odor from the vagina.
  • Increased fatigue, lack of appetite.
  • Drowsiness, emotional retardation.

If the kidneys are not involved in the pathological process, then most of the symptoms will be absent. At the initial stage, only signs of bacterial vaginitis appear.

E. coli can cause enterocolitis

Treatment of a pregnant woman when E. coli is found in the urine

In addition to the fact that the bacterium causes numerous complications, the only way to get rid of it is with the help of antibiotics. Pregnant women are horrified by this development, because everyone knows about the teratogenic effects of antimicrobial drugs. Perhaps the first generation of antibiotics had similar properties, but they have long been replaced by modern drugs that can be used when carrying a child.

Gynecologists always select the safest types of antibiotics for pregnant women, without side effects and with minimal contraindications. In addition, sparing doses of medicines that are unable to harm the mother and baby will be selected. What drugs to inject during pregnancy should be selected only by a doctor, self-medication can cause serious harm to the child.

Therapy of a pathogenic microorganism during the bearing of a baby is carried out with such antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (Augmentin, Amoxiclav).
  • Penicillins.
  • Cephalosporins. In the treatment, not the entire range of antibiotics is used, but only some of them, depending on the duration of pregnancy.

These drugs do not have a teratogenic effect and a cumulative effect. Well proven in the treatment of Furagin, an antimicrobial drug. It is the only nitrofuran derivative that can be used during pregnancy, but only up to 35 weeks. For symptomatic treatment, gynecologists recommend Canephron, a herbal anti-inflammatory drug. Cyston has the same properties, but doctors stopped prescribing it to women because of the risk of allergic reactions to medicinal herbs.

If you find one of the symptoms of the appearance of E. coli, you should notify your gynecologist. After passing the tests, sparing treatment can be prescribed. A pregnant woman should be washed daily with herbal infusions:

  • Chamomile.
  • Series.
  • Calendula.

They have disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Sometimes gynecologists recommend antimicrobial suppositories, especially at short gestations.

The floor with ultraviolet light kills all microorganisms, and Escherichia coli is no exception. Physiotherapy procedures using radiation are used in conjunction with drug therapy. Antibiotic therapy lasts about two weeks, and then new laboratory tests of urine are carried out. If E. coli is found again, then differential treatment is carried out to identify effective antimicrobials.

With antibiotic therapy in the intestines and vagina, the content of strains of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is reduced. This can provoke dysbacteriosis, which is unacceptable for a pregnant woman - digestion is disturbed, vitamins and microelements are not fully absorbed. Therefore, during antibiotic therapy, you should drink kefir without flavors and dyes, take probiotics recommended by a gynecologist.

To strengthen the body, it is necessary to use special vitamins, but only those that are recommended during pregnancy. Conventional complexes contain vitamin A, which, in excess, can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Immunomodulators and immunostimulants during pregnancy can only be used with the permission of the attending gynecologist.


After treatment, care must be taken to prevent E. coli in the urine from reappearing:

  • Have sex with a condom.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Avoid douching.
  • Drink about 2 liters of pure water every day.
  • Do not use scented hygiene products.

You should wash yourself after each visit to the toilet and be sure to wash your hands. And it is extremely important during pregnancy to give urine regularly for the possible detection of E. coli. The sooner treatment begins, the less unpleasant complications will occur.

Pregnant women undergo many tests throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Such studies help observing physicians to detect and respond to changes in women's health in a timely manner. It is of great importance. It is his results that are the only way to determine the presence of Escherichia coli in the body. How does it affect pregnancy? How does she threaten the mother and her unborn child? What to do if Escherichia coli is found?

About the influence of Escherichia coli

The weakening of the protective forces during pregnancy is the most common cause of infection in the body. This also applies to Escherichia coli. It can penetrate into the vagina, then into the placenta and blood of the unborn child. Once in the urinary tract, E. coli moves into the bladder and can cause the development of inflammatory processes in a woman, for example, cystitis. If the infection is detected in the later stages of bearing a child, then there is a risk of unauthorized termination of pregnancy,. Before the due date, the water may break. Yes, and the child in this case may be born weakened. That is, E. coli negatively affects the body of the expectant mother and her baby.

About the correct delivery of a urine test

Many women, having learned about such a result of the analysis, panic. But sometimes expectant mothers worry is completely in vain. We are talking about unreliable results of the analysis due to their incorrect delivery. And to avoid this, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Buy in a pharmacy special containers for collecting tests. They are absolutely sterile.
  2. Collect urine in the morning, after the hygienic toilet. By the way, if a woman is washed in the direction from the anus to the vagina, then Escherichia coli can be detected in the urine.
  3. The analysis container is opened just before it is collected.
  4. You need to collect an average portion of urine in a container. This means that the first goes to the toilet, the second to the container and the final one goes back to the toilet.
  5. After the end of the manipulation, the container is tightly closed. By following these rules, you can be sure of the results of a urine test.

It is worth knowing about the causes of infection in the body during pregnancy. And very often it is wearing thongs. Such underwear creates a constant friction effect, which contributes to the entry of E. coli from the anus into the genitourinary system. Less commonly, this occurs during sexual intercourse with a mixture of the microflora of the genitourinary system and intestines (combined sex). As you can see, these risk factors can be avoided.

How to get rid of E. coli?

Some future mothers refuse to carry out the treatment prescribed by the supervising doctor, because they are afraid of harming the child. Don't panic! This will not happen, because today there are safe antibiotics, and gynecologists prescribe them to pregnant women.

Other women allow the other extreme - they self-medicate the infection. This is also unacceptable.

For the treatment of E. coli in expectant mothers, antibiotics Cefatoxime, Amoxicillin and other penicillins are allowed. They do not affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. Furagin can be used by pregnant women in the first and second trimester. The exception is the period from 38 weeks.

Doctors do not prescribe cephalosporins in the first and second trimesters of the term. Cefatoxime is the only approved drug in this group for any period of bearing a child.

It is worth knowing about those antibacterial drugs that adversely affect the development of the fetus. So, sulfonamides can lead to jaundice, tetracycline - to the underdevelopment of bones and teeth in a child, nitrofurans - to anemia, fluoroquinolones - to damage to the joints in the fetus. During the period of treatment, a woman is recommended to consume fermented milk products in order to avoid dysbacteriosis. Treatment with antibacterial drugs for Escherichia coli lasts from 3 to 10 days. Then you need to retake a general urine test.

If E. coli is detected again, then most likely the doctor will prescribe a second treatment. It may be based on the use of antibacterial drugs in turn.