Correction classes for the development of shallow and common motility for young children. Development of small motility in children of junior preschool age

Brief abstract article: The article contains theoretical foundations of studying the problem of the development of shallow motility in children of preschool age, as well as the practical material on this topic is generalized.

The development of shallow motility of the hands is of great importance for the general physical and mental development of the child throughout preschool childhood. Continuing the analogy of the arms with the brain, one can say: it is the small muscles of the hands, like the highest departments of the brain, ensure the work of thought and the function of speech.

V.V. Sukhomlinsky wrote:

"The origins of the abilities and admission of children are in the tips of their fingers. From them, figuratively speaking, the finest streams that feed the source of creative thoughts. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a children's hand with an instrument of labor, the more difficult the movement necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the children's mind. The more skill in the children's soul, the more smarter than the child. "

The movement of the fingers is historically, during the evolution of humanity was closely related to the speech function. The first form of communication of primitive people was gestures, and the leading place in gestures was given to his hand. This primary hand language, with the help of which people communicated, was complemented by the exclamations, shouts, and sound-powered.

Millennium passed before all this was formed in a sound speech. All scientists studying the psyche of children emphasize a large stimulating effect of the function of the hand. The movement of the hands in people was improved from generation to generation, and at the same time the speech function developed in parallel. Throughout early childhood, dependence is clearly traced: as the thin handmade motor is performed, speech function is developing.

In children who have speech violations, the development of small motility should pay special attention.

Work on the development of hand brushes is systematically carried out, 3-5 minutes daily, in kindergarten and home:

  1. exercise for the development of shallow motility are included in the speech of the speech therapist and the educator;
  2. games with fingers - in mode moments and walks;
  3. palching gymnastics is carried out in a complex with articulation, educators, in the time specifically allocated in the day, as well as at home with parents;
  4. games and actions with objects - on physical education.

Effective techniques for the development of shallow motility hands

At the beginning of the school year, children often experience difficulties in performing many hands exercises. These exercises are gradually being developed, first carried out passively, with the help of an adult, and as they assiments, children go to independent execution.

The following effective techniques for the development of shallow hands are usually used:

- Kinesitherapy. Here we use such techniques as a "ring", "fist - edge", "score", "lifting crane" and others.

- hydrohymnastics and cryotherapy. Hydrogimnastics - rolling, rolling in warm water of various items, such as rubber ball, one or two beads, mass makers, small figures, sticks, pencils, etc. Cryotherapy is one of the modern teaching techniques, which consists in using ice games. The dosage effect of the cold for the nerve finishes has beneficial properties.

CONSTRUTEPIATE - The use of contrast baths for hands. The stimulating effect is based on the variable exposure of the cold and heat on the nerve finisters.

- test therapy. Testoplasty - It is a modeling of salt dough.

- Paperoplasty. Paper - This is one of the simplest available materials. The paper is used in thickness and quality: napkin, cigarette, cottage, corrugated, close, glossy, etc. From paper you can make products from strips, products in the technique of applique, papier - mache, origami.

- Exercises with objects (buttons, beads). Thanks to the "butcher" massage, the so-called "monural intelligence" is activated. Effective benefit for training hands of the preschooler recognized beads. Offering a child for stringing beads with holes with holes of different diameters and depths, teachers and parents contribute to the continuous improvement of the coordination of the "Eye" system - hand of mosaic and puzzles - lad out the drawings from different geometric figures in sample, all kinds of designers, building materials (various pyramid shape, cones ) Also very effective in the work on the development of shallow motility.

- Laces, lacing - This is an ideal toy to strengthen the fingers and the whole brush of the child's hand, the development of the eyeball, an indispensable way to develop small motility and movement coordination.

- clothespins. In class and during the free games of children, dough teachers are increasingly using plastic clothespins of different colors, size and shape, helping teachers to develop a small motility of children's hands, fix sensory skills and spatial performances, develop the communicative speech function, imagination.

- Finger games. Finger games - This is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with fingers.

- work with natural material. The manufacture of toys, various crafts from natural material contributes not only to the motor and mental development of the child, but also actively developing his speech activities. Children love games that resemble the theater representation, where one part of children is artists, and the other - viewers.

- Frames M. Montessori. Classic montessori allowance - pedagogy - a set of various types of fasteners (buttons, buckles, hooks, "zipper", pins, buttons, lacing).

- graphic work. Shading, coloring and circuit cuttings by contour. Hatching exercises contribute to strengthening the muscles of the hand, develop the ability to act according to the specified rules. It is also used to teach the missing parts in colors, objects of figures; connection of points applied on a sheet of paper; Strokes of contours, lecturer, drawing all sorts of tracks and lines.

- Massage - Very useful and pleasant lesson, superbly activating brain speech centers. Massage gives excellent results.

The children are very loved to "treat" hand. This exercise contributes to the development of imagination, self-confidence, activating biologically active skin points located on hand. This is a kind of massage.

Children - "Sculptors" make a skillful and confident hand. At first, "hand" - "clay" knead, seeking her plasticity. Then knew, smoothed every finger, giving it a special "character." The thumb is kind, strong (dad). Indicative - strict, follow-up (mother). The average is the chief assistant of the parents (older brother). Unnamed - meek, but hardworking sister. Mysinets - a small assistant of all family members, naughty (younger brother). After the "sculptor" worked with his fingers, he appreciates his "creation" as a whole (feeling, strokes and fingers, and palm, and the back side of the hand).

One of the effective techniques to ensure the development of the cognitive, emotional-volitional sphere of the child is Su - Jok therapy. This technique is very effective to activate points on hand with a ball, walnut, pencil, "rosary", massage elastic rings.

The development of fine movements of the hands contributes to physical exercises based on grazing movements and the growing power of the brush. The use of physical attacks in classes with children is of great importance. Fizkultpause duration in one occupation is 3-5 minutes.

A good help in the work of parents is close contact with the educator of the children's preschool institution, which is visited by the child. Here, parents learn what shortcomings and mistakes have a preschooler in various types of hand-made activities, and will also receive a qualified Council on the methodology of classes, drawing, appliqué, etc.

Shumakova E.D.,
teacher speech therapist

Studies of development of the movements of the child's hands are of interest not only for teachers and psychologists, but also for other specialists (philosophers, linguists, historians, biologists), since hands possessing the variety of functions, are a specific human body. The ontogenesis of the development of the hands of the child's hands is interesting. THEM. Sechenov was one of the first scientists who criticized the theory of hereditary predetermination of the development of the movements of a child, as the result of the maturation of certain nerve structures. He wrote that "the movement of a man's hand is inheritance not predetermined, but arise in the process of upbringing and learning, as a result of associative ties between visual, tactile and muscular changes in the process of active interaction with the environment.

In a breast child in the initial period of life, Motorika is the first and only aspect of development, which is available to objective observation. The normal development of motility testifies to the normal development of the child. Thin motility reflects intelligent abilities. About the skills of a child in 6 months can be said: "From any position, the child tries to move and establish the balance between the body and the limbs (often unsuccessfully), in order to grab the items in close proximity. It is attracted mainly brightly painted objects. It grabs large or small objects, but still prevailing the palm type, which it performs however, increasingly coordinated movements. He stretches his hand to grab the items outside its radius of action. Apparently, the eyes wish more than the child in a state from a motor point of view. Hands are shaved and fingers are ready for fine activities. Setting objects still resembles pliers. Grabbing the subject, the child looks at him (mastering his eyes). He is actively knocking, waving, throws toys, shifts them out of one hand to another. Hands are connected by midline. The child plays hands and legs; He touches items and learns to distinguish pleasant materials and surfaces from unpleasant, while he exists pleasure or displeasure.

MM Koltsova came to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of kinesthetic pulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers. If the development of the movements of the fingers is lagging behind, speech development is delayed, although the total motoric can be normal and even above the norm.

According to psychologists and physiologists in children of middle preschool age, small muscles are poorly developed, the coordination of movements is imperfect, the coordination of movements is not completed, the stuffing of the wrists and the phalanx of the fingers. Spectator and motor analyzers, which directly participate in perception and reproduction of letters and their elements are at different stages of development. In children of 5-6 years, the ability to evaluate spatial differences is not enough formed, on which the completeness and accuracy of perception and reproduction of the forms of letters depends.

Most children have fingers are sediments, their movements are distinguished by inaccuracy or inconsistency. Many five-year-old children hold a spoon in a fist, with difficulty take a tassel, pencil, scissors, sometimes they cannot unbuck and fasten the buttons, lace up shoes. It is by 6 to 7 years that the ripening of the corresponding brain areas is mainly ends, the development of small muscles of the brush.

It is important that the child is prepared for the assimilation of new motor skills (including writing skills), and not forced to correct the incorrectly formed old ones.

Changing the incorrectly formed skill requires a lot of time and time from both the child and adults. This creates an additional burden on the central nervous system of the child.

Therefore, work on the development of small motility should begin with early childhood.

Adults should alert such a clear sign of lack of hand to the fingers, as active turning sheet of paper when drawing and painting. Such types of visual activity, as drawing and painting, produce spatial orientation on the sheet plane, the ability to change the direction of the line with the help of thin movements of the fingers. Reaching the same goals with the help of turning the sheet, the child deprives himself a finger training and hands. .

Referring to the mechanisms that ensure the age dynamics of the visual activity, it should be noted that throughout the large part of early preschool children in the control of the visual movements dominates the executive engine component. The period from a year to four years is leaving for the development of arbitrary regulation of the movement of the hand. Control of action, feedback is carried out on the basis of kinesity. Drawing, children at this age are often trying to copy adult movements or rely on the "hand memory". Spectatic movement control does not play a special role. By five years, the intersensive integration of the kinesthetic sensations during drawing and visual images perceived at the same time. Hand as if teaches the eye. By age, 6-8 years is formed a fairly perfect system of intersensive integration. From this point on, the visual and engine coordination begins to occupy the leading place in the regulation of graphotor movements and in the formation of the corresponding skills.

For the development of fine manual coordination, it is important that the child is systematically engaged in a variety of hand-made types. This drawing, applique, modeling, laying out patterns from mosaic, designing from small parts. In a senior preschool age for girls (perhaps for boys), a needlework is a needlework: sewing, embroidery, knitting, macrame.

The development of manual swelling is impossible without timely mastering self-service skills: by the five-year-old age, the child should not have difficulty in stagning of buttons, tie shoes on shoes, nodules on a scarf, etc. It is important to meet children's participation in domestic affairs: table serving, room cleaning and t .P. These daily loads have not only high moral value, but are a good systematic training for fingers.

In the development of the psyche of the child, a number of age-related periods are distinguished with the characteristic features of the formation of perception and thinking, other higher mental functions. Critical periods are also distinguished, or development crises, through the change of which there is an age development of the psyche, emphasizing its unevenness. In this case, the transition from one period to another can manifest itself as a sharp change, the "jump" of development. The physiologically critical period is characterized by the "transformation of one dominant state characteristic of the previous age period, to a substantially new dominant state required in the subsequent age period."

G. Lublin briefly described the "steps" of the development of the hands and brain, the "steps" of the development of psychomotor of children of preschool age:

The first year of life. In the first month of life, hands are compressed in cams. Movements are detachments and conlude. The own hand during this period is one of the main "objects" on which the baby's look stops.

Already by the fourth month, the fingers are not compressed. The baby loves to play with his fingers, knows how to keep a rattle, swing her, sometimes he managed to lame a rattle of mouth. If the toy falls into the field of view, the movement of the hand turns out to be controlled by the eye, (this process will be improved).

In the fifth month, grabbing and feeling of objects is of great importance not only for the development of motility, but also for thinking.

The leap in the development of fine motility occurs on the ninth month. The child takes the items already lacking, but a swearing movement. Usually, first touches the index finger, and then takes two fingers (for example, balls, light toy). A jump in the development of motility leads to a jump in the development of speech and thinking.

The eleventh month is a new jerk in the development of thinking. If earlier the baby produced with objects a manipulative actions, now he is trying to use them functionally, that is, on the intended purpose: it is trying to build from the cubes, from the cup - to drink, doll lays sleeping, omitting. The child is preparing to master the vertex of manual and touch abilities - the ability to ride the rings on the pyramid rod.

At the beginning of the second year, most children start to walk. After receiving relative independence, the child is trying to "take the whole world into your hands." A new stage begins in the development of the arm and brain - familiarization with the surrounding substantive world. During this period, the child seizes subject actions, i.e. uses the subject in accordance with its functional purpose. For example, the kid does not just manipulate a spoon and fork, he wants to figure out how to act with them. And although during the second year of life, the child takes on these "instruments of labor", the process itself is important for him, and not the result.

As noted by the city of Lublin, correlative and instruments of the child have the greatest impact on the development of the child's thinking.

Corresponding effects are such actions, in the course of which one item must be brought into line with another (or one part of the subject in accordance with the other). For example, to close the box, you should choose a cover (to close the Matrius - find its second part, etc.). Thus, the child should relate the items in size (value) and form.

Actions are actions, in the process of which one item is an "gun" (spoon, fork, cuckoo, pencil, etc.) is used to influence another object. The method of using such "guns" a child will learn from an adult.

The most beloved and important for the development of the hand and brain of the game - with sand, water and clay. At the same time, it is important to vaccinate the child the necessary hygienic skills (learning to wash your hands with soap, wipe, alternately massaging all your fingers), turning each procedure into a joyful and useful game.

At this age, books are very important - clamshells, since the baby is easier to learn how to flip a book with solid cardboard pages. Adult together with the child considers pictures in the book, calls the pictures of the characters, reads short texts. Speech contact opens a new world to the baby. However, scientists are noticed that only the names of those subjects are deeply recorded in the consciousness of the child of this age, which "passed" through his hand, its actions.

On the third year of life, objective activity becomes the lead. Hands of a child in constant motion, in work.

Children's psychologists believe: the transition from the sample to the ability is the most important achievement of this age stage. Employees of the laboratory L.A. Hungarian held the following experiment: they gave the children of one and a half, two and three years as a test and diagnostic material with three cuts (round, square and triangular) and three corresponding wooden figures - liner. Showed how inserts are inserted. The researchers noticed that a two-way child, trying to imitate an adult, stubbornly, any shape in any hole, not believing with the form. A two-year-old baby begins to act as well: applies a circle to a square hole - does not climb. He does not stop on it. Transfer the liner to the triangular hole - again failure. And finally, applies to the circular. After a few minutes, all the shapes are inserted with samples. This is thinking in action. The child of three years decides the task immediately, correctly placing the figures, because "samples" performed in the mind - after all, the armor "taught" the brain for two years.

The child's hand on the fourth year of life is mastered with a multitude of fastening frames - dispatching of buttons, hinges, hooks, lightning, buckles, lipukes, etc.; With bathing and dressing doll - Goliusha; learned to wash the handkerchiefs, socks; It will learn to cut boiled vegetables for salads, putting the table beautifully, folding in different paper and linen napkins; Wash the dishes. Hands of the child will begin to master and touch standards: the size, length, shape, color, taste, surface structure, and much more. From the feeling - to the perception, from perception - to the presentation, from the presentation - to understanding. Thus, the "manual" experience will give "food for mind," will enrich speech with special concepts - "weapons of thought". At this age, the development of cognitive interests, skills, goal-setting is important: so that the head is planted, and the hand made the sensory - motor and verbal (verbal) cognitive activity complemented one other.

Gradually chaotic perceptions of the child accumulated over the previous three years of life will begin to systematize and organize.

In the fifth year of life, previously acquired skills are improved, new interests appear, for example, drinking the jigsaw, embroidery with a cross, crochet, and others. "Exhibitions of creativity", where crafts are demonstrated, accompanied by stories about how it was performed. Manual skills teach the child to overcome difficulties, develop his will and cognitive interests. The more he asks questions, the more "receiving the hands of the answers.

An attractive occupation becomes Scripture on the stencils of numbers and letters. This is a step towards the development of "diplomas" and the preparation of your hand to the letter.

At this age, children love to play blindfolded. "Hands see!" - They do discovery and ready to recheck their capabilities again and again. For such games you need letters and numbers carved from dense cardboard, metal or chopped out of wood.

The sixth year of life - "Hand is preparing for school." If the child's hand developed from birth, then on the sixth year of life, he is improving in "Handmade Celmits": Masters more complex methods of cutting, gluing, flexing, winding, crossing, folding, using fabric, paper, wire, foil, utility and natural materials; Applies various tools and tools: handles, pencils, tassels, markers, scissors, hammer, rakes, brushes, watering cans, shovels, etc.

(32 Votes: 4.06 of 5)

All mothers know that children need to develop fine motility hands. But not everyone knows how to do it right, and in general what is the petty motor and what features does she have? What classes, games and exercises are worth spending with children for the development of motility? Consider in detail all these questions.

General concept and features of small motility children

Small Motorika is the ability to perform small and accurate movements with brushes and fingers and legs as a result of coordinated actions of the most important systems: nervous, muscle and bone. Regarding the motility of brushes and finger hands often apply the term dexterity. The area of \u200b\u200bshallow motility includes a large number of diverse movements: from simple gestures (for example, capturing toys) to very complex movements (for example, writing and drawing).

The development of small motility plays an important role for the overall development of the child. Small motility develops with newborn. First, the baby looks at his hands, then he learns to manage them. At first he takes objects with the whole palm, then only two (big and index) fingers. Then the child is taught correctly hold a spoon, pencil, brush.

The shallow motor has a very important feature. It is connected with the nervous system, eyesight, attention, memory and the perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of small motility and the development of speech is very closely connected. And this is explained very simple. In the brain, speech and motor centers are very close to each other. Therefore, when stimulating motor skills of finger hands, the speech center begins to activate. That is why for the timely development of the child's speech, much attention is necessary to pay the development of small motility. Small motility directly affects the agility of the hands, on the handwriting, which will be formed in the future, for the rate of the child's reaction.

According to the peculiarities of the development of small motility, the child will continue to be readiness of his training in school institution. If everything is in order, then the child is prepared for learning a letter, knows how to think logically and arguing, has good memory, concentration, attention and imagination, connected speech.

Small motility develops gradually, this is an individual process and every child he passes its pace. First, the movements of the baby are awkward, inept and non-harmonic. To help the baby to improve small motor skills, you need to play with him in educational games (in the online journal "Development" there are articles about educational games for children in 1 year, as well as games for the development of children in 2 years).

Classes, games and exercises for the development of shallow motility

There are many classes, games and exercises for the development of shallow motility. They can be divided into the following groups: finger games, games with minor items, modeling and drawing, finger massages. Articles on the development of the child under the Montessori system as well as monumentors will also be interesting.

Consider the simplest and efficient games:

1. Massage Ladoshek

This is the easiest and most universal way to develop small motors. Drive your finger through the palms of the child, I am align them and massag. Attend your actions accompany the sustavary "forty-crow".

2. Ladushki

Everything since childhood knows the ladushk-ladushki. This game will teach the smallest straightening fingers and clap in your hands.

3. Breaking paper

This exercise is suitable for children from 7 months. Give the baby several sheets of soft colored paper. He will gladly feel it, starts to twist in his hands and tear. This lesson will give him an unraded to pleasure.

4. Passing page

After a year, the breaking of paper can be replaced by turning the pages of some books with pictures or magazine.

5. Beads

Children like to sort out small items, which is very useful. Therefore, you can put on any beads with beads of various sizes and shapes. The child will be happy to sort out their fingers and interest.

6. Bowl liners

Of these, you can build turrets, put them in each other. This game forms the concept of the size of the items from the child.

7. Craises

In a bowl, pour any cereal and give it to the baby. He will touch the croup with his hand or wake up her through his fingers. This game is well developing fine motility and tactile sensations.

8. Jars with cereals

Put different cereals in the jars and give the child to lower your hand into each of the cans. So he will be able to forgive various grains and take them with his fingers. You can complicate the task. In the eyes of the child, jump out some small item in the cereal and give him a jar. Let it try to find this item.

9. Drawing on sand

Put on the sand tray. Take the child's finger in my hand and spend them in the sand. You can start with simple figures - lines, rectangles, circle, gradually complicating the task.

Toys for the development of shallow motor

10. Pea

You will need a pea and a jar with a removable lid. Show the child that you first need to remove the cover, then take the pea with your fingers and put in a jar, after close the lid. Ask the child to do the same actions. Do not be discouraged if the first time nothing works. Show the baby all the chain of action slowly several times and then it will surely repeat everything. For active kids, this game is rapidly bored, in this case you do not need to force them. Offer the child another game.

11. Screwing covers

Such a simple occupation, like screwing and spouting covers of cans, bottles, bubbles develops finger agility. Invite your kid vessels of different sizes and shape, it will make the game more diverse.

12. Occasion, unbuttonation and lacing

For this exercise, no additional toys will be required. Gradually, turn on the child into the dressing process. Let him fastens and unbutton the buttons and lightning. It will not only develop the movement of the hands, but also teach a child to independence. Even give a child some unnecessary lacing shoe, which will become an excellent hand simulator.

13. Lepak

Lrak is suitable for children of different ages. Plasticine, clay, dough are suitable for modeling. When you're going to bake something, I will definitely call a child with you. He will like to mive and roll the dough. In addition, he will be proud, which helps mom.

Exercises for the development of shallow motility hands

14. Drawing and painting

It is very useful to circuit out the contour of pictures consisting of dotted lines, as well as color objects of various shapes. It is very useful to draw on vertical surfaces: wall, board, mirror. Therefore, it is desirable to hang the baby a special board so that he painted.

15. Picking up mosaics and puzzles

For children under 3 years old choose puzzles and mosaics with large parts. Puzzles also train imagination.

16. Cutting out

Buy baby baby scissors, adhesive pencil, colored paper and cardboard. Teach it to make it. Cut pictures, glipe them, make snowflakes, etc. This will not only develop a shallow motorcy, but also spatial imagination and creative thinking.

However, it is worth remembering one simple thing. Games for the development of shallow motorities should be carried out under the supervision of adults. Otherwise, the child can swallow some small detail or stifling her. Play games and perform exercises, developing fine motor skills, you need systematically. Make a child every day and soon remove that your baby's movements are becoming more and more smooth, clear and coordinated.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 24

ust-Labinsky district

Methodical development

"Clear fingers"

(Development of shallow motility hands)

Prepared an educator:

Biryukova Tatiana Vladimirovna

2016 year


    Explanatory note …………………………………………………………………….3

    1. Relevance ……………………………………………………………………….……...4

      Goals and objectives ………………………………………………………………………..……..5

      Novelty …………………………………………………………………………………….5

      Methods and techniques ……………………………………………………………….…………6


    1. Work organization …………………………………………………………………….…….7

      List of basic events …………………………………………………………….8

      Performance ………………………………………………………………………………9

    Conclusion ..................................................................................................... ..... 10

    List of references .............................................................................. .... 11

    Appendix ..................................................................................................... ..... 12

Methodical development "Clear fingers" Designed to work with preschool children. This manual contains material on the educational area "Cognition",through the integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Security", "Communication", "reading fiction".

The presented methodological development is addressed to teachers of pre-school educational institutions working with children of preschool age, parents.

Explanatory note

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education", "Concept for Preschool Education", the main priority of education today is the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with a child: the adoption and support of its individuality, interests and needs, the development of creative abilities and concern for its emotional well-being.

The leading cognitive process at an early age is perception. Its value is difficult to overestimate. If the child does not receive the contributing to the development of the perception of components, then he can show serious gaps in ideas about a number of properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world

The perception of peace by the child goes through feelings and sensations. Children are trusting and immediately, easily included in the joint practical activity with adults, with pleasure manipulate various objects.

The main tasks of the formation of perception are integrated with the tasks of the development of speech, movements, gaming skills. In order to interest the kids, the game methods and techniques, an artistic word awaken in them.

The proposed material can be used variatively, specify it, complement the tasks, interaction techniques with children.

"The origins of abilities and giving

children - on the tips of their fingers.

The more confidence in movements

children's hands, the thinner the interaction of the hand

with an instrument of labor, harder movement,

brighter creative element of the children's mind.

And the more skill in the children's hand, thedest child is smarter ... "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


For no reason for anyone, it is no secret that the development of small motility (flexibility and accuracy of the movements of the fingers) and tactile sensitivity is a powerful development stimulus in children of perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech. Children who are better developed small hands, have a more developed brain, especially those departments that are responsible for speech. The fingers of the hands are endowed with a large number of receptors sending pulses to the central nervous system of a person.

Therefore, it is very important from the earliest age to develop a small motorcy from the child. But just to do the baby exercises will be boring - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games.

Along with the development of shallow motility, memory develops, attention, as well as the vocabulary of the kid.

Small Motoric Hands is a variety of fingers and palms.

Very good when there are many diverse toys in which children and parents are interested in playing together. But very few think that the enormous potential for the development of small motility, tactile sensitivity gives the kids itself.

You can develop flexibility of fingers and tactile sensitivity of children, organizing educational games for children with conventional items. Most importantly - in order to play with the child, we do not need to buy anything specifically - we have everything at hand: buttons, covers, cereals, linen clothespins, paper, etc.

The level of development of small motility is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for learning. Usually a child who has a high level of development of small motility, can logically argue, he has enough memory and attention, connected speech.

The relevance of the work on the development of small motors of young children is due to the age psychological and physiological features of children: in early and younger preschool age, the structures and functions of the child's brain are intensively developed, which expands its opportunities in the knowledge of the surrounding world. To the educator, organizing a variety of children with objects, toys and natural objects, it is important to activate in children the sensory bases of knowledge, teach kids to use different senses for information about the world around the world: vision, hearing, smell, tactile sensations.

At the tips of the children's fingers are the nerve endings, which contribute to the transfer of a huge number of signals into the cerebral center, and this affects the development of the child as a whole. That is why, the relevance of small motility is indisputable. All methods of development of small motorbers have a beneficial effect on the body.

So, forming and improving the thin motility of the fingers of the hands, we complicate the structure of the brain, develop the psyche and intelligence of the child. Through the development of small motility, we are improving mental processes and the speech function of the child.

Joint activities under this program are conducted in a game form. During the game, the situation of success is most implemented, therefore, work occurs naturally, there is no mental tension.

Goal and tasks:

Purpose:Develop finger hands using traditional and non-traditional methods.


    Pick for the development of shallow motility finger games, exercises, practical tasks, board games, prepare didactic material.

    Develop imagination, speech, thinking, orientation in space, memory, attention, perfection.

    Introduce children with unconventional methods of visual activities.

    The formation of the ability to embody your ideas into an artistic image.

    Development of the ability to produce accurate brush movements and fingers.

    Development of the ability of coordinated hand work with visual perception.

    Education of a good attitude towards your and someone else's work.

    Strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

    provide emotional well-being.

    Expand the horizons of children, create an atmosphere of joy and pleasure.

    Brief feelings of sympathy for peers, form a single children-adult team.

    Develop cognitive abilities, mental processes of children.

    Brief interest in a variety of human relationships.

    Enrich children with a variety of sensory impressions.

    Develop the creativity and creativity of the project participants.

    To acquaint parents with work, which is held in the group on this topic and its meaning, attract them to joint activities.

Novelty of this methodological development It is that work on the development of manual skill was carried out through various types of children's activities. I started my work on the development of small motility with children of junior preschool age (from 3 to 4 years old). To improve manual skill in the younger group, I used: pyramids, "lacing", a very important part of the work are finger games ("soup", "family", "Flower", "Hedgehog", "House"). In addition to games and exercises, the development of manual skill contributes to various types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, design).Of course, having mastered by all kinds of productive activities, the child will not learn to write. But they all make the hand of the baby skillful, easily and freely controlling tool, develop visual control over the movement of the hand, help the formation of communication hand-eye. All this will be a good helper at school.

In the modeling I use a variety of techniques: rolling with straight and circular motions between palms, flattening, pulling, learn to connect the details by fading, smoothing. In the middle group, I plan to use natural material: bones, seeds, pebbles, shells and make up patterns on plasticine.

In appliqué classes, I use the applique from the napkins, pushing the application, sticking ready-made figures. I think a particularly positive impact on the development of shallow hands has a napkin applique. By faming pieces of paper napkin with finger tips, it turns out lumps that children use to fill the circuit of the pattern, sticking these lumps to certain places. Collective work performed by napkin applique differ in colorful, artistic taste. Children with pleasure are engaged in this applique, getting, satisfaction in the form of a finished work done with their own hands adorning group.

Working with the children, I decided to gradually enter into the moderators short classes with napkin appliqué. Initially, the children of crossed large pieces of napkins, then the squares became less and less. Fingers of children became more destructive. Creating drawings was collective and individual. Productive activities are always interested in children, but when children see the finished work that adorns the group, there is no limit of childhood joy, admiration, pride in their work.

Publishing appliqué is a separate type of application, the essence of which can be caught from the name. In the punching applique, all the details of the pattern are not cut out of colored paper, and come off and glued in the form of a mosaic. Publishing appliqué is simple in performance, a child of 3 years can master it. In addition, it does not need clear lines here - a real space for creativity.

Methods and techniques:

Properly selected methods and teaching techniques contribute to the development of small motility in children.

1. Finger games are the development of speech, creative activity, the concentration of attention, the development of memory, emotionality.

2. Using modeling from various material (plasticine, clay, dough, using natural material; non-traditional drawing technique; use of the designer ("Lego", wooden, metallic); applique.

3. Didactic games: puzzles, beads, mosaic, lacing.

4. Development of graphomotor skills: stencils, graphic dictations.

5. Why is the development of small motility important for children?

Work organization:



Study of literature on the topic.

Get the necessary knowledge and skills.

Drawing up card files for the development of shallow motor

Distribute games on lexical topics

Development of a promising work plan for the development of shallow motility for the current school year

Develop practical activities for the period of the project.

Selection of visual information and advisory material for parents.

Questioning of parents.

Identify the competence of parents on this issue.

Survey of children.

Identification of the level of development of small motility.

Experimental activity: Cognition of properties: household goods, natural material (nuts, beans, cereals, flour, clothespins Plastic covers, paper)

The formation of sensory representations, the development of cognitive-research activities.

Performance of productive activities (non-traditional techniques) "Merry paintings", "patterns on a tray", etc.

Acquisition to Fine Arts.

Using Su-Jock methods

Strengthening health with non-traditional techniques

Studying finger games

Training fingers, attention, imagination.

List of basic events

Education area



Experimental activities: knowledge of properties: household goods, natural material (nuts, beans, cereals, flour, cloves plastic covers, paper).

D / and "wonderful bag",

"Lotto", "Elegant beads", etc.


Exhausting hopping fun games

"Five cheerful piglets", "family", "Cabbage", "Friendship", etc.


Collective creativity,

promotion to the standards and rules of interaction with peers and adults.

Artistic creativity

Performance of productive activities "Merry Pictures", "Patterns on a tray", etc.

Subject - developing environment

Replenishment of the Corner of Children's Sensory Development (Lace, Lotto, Dry Pool, Mosaic)


Strengthening the health of children with unconventional techniques.

Joint activities with parents

Vividly - information and advisory material for parents.

Performing creative tasks.

Participation in fastening learning games with children at home.


Using this system in order to develop small motors of the hands of children of preschool age, I achieved certain results. In the process of re-diagnostics, a positive dynamics in the development of small motility of children's hands is traced. With a high level of 36% pupil, the average level of 60% of children, low - in 4%.

    The brushes and fingers of children acquired good mobility, flexibility, disappeared the movement disappeared. In the visual activities, children demonstrate a good pressure, confident lines. Most children have achieved a high level of development of productive skills and self-service skills

    Children are familiar with non-traditional methods of fine activities.

The results obtained during the experiment helped to solve a number of other tasks:

    The effectiveness of diagnostic studies for all types of children at the end of the year was quite high.

    Brighter and more interesting was the life in the group.

    The partnerships of teachers with children have improved.

    The cooperation of teachers and parents has strengthened.

    Disturbed with children finger games

    Classes contributed to the development of such mental functions in children, as thinking, memory, attention, speech; improved orientation in space; They brought up such qualities as hecticness, patience, the desire to bring started to the end


The system used has given a positive result in the development of small motors of preschool children.


The development of the hand and coordination of the movements of the fingers - the task is complex, covering many areas of the child's activities. It is one aspect of the problem of ensuring full-fledged development in preschool age. And since the total motor backlog is observed by researchers from most modern children, the weak hand of the preschooler must and need to develop

Given the fact that the active movements of the fingers of the hands stimulate the development of speech, it is advisable to expand the volume of finger games and systematically use them in working with children.

In such a way that the result of the work is effective, it is necessary to use a variety of techniques and methods of working on the formation of fine movements of the fingers. The results of your work I see in the manifestation of the interest of children to various activities.

An outstanding teacher Maria Montessori claimed that finding a way to teach a child to do work before he began to work for the very work itself, that is, to prepare movements with repeated exercises. She also wrote that "the child, while taking care of the things that he does bad, sleeps in itself sensitivity to his own mistakes, while it must be remembered that the first impression of the child is brighter and strong."

Therefore, I try to give children the opportunity to experience the pleasure of the creative process, from what he did something himself, learning what any work and any action can be done with interest.

As a result of the work done, I came to the conclusion that targeted, systematic and planned work on the development of small-scale hands in preschool children in cooperation with parents contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, has a positive effect on the brain's speech zones, and most importantly - contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health of the child. And all this directly prepares him for successful school education.

In the future, I will continue to look for new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of small-scale hands, general motility, independence that will form interest in various activities.

Informational resources:


    O. A. Zagigigina Games for the development of shallow Motoric hands using non-standard equipment Childhood-press

Finger steps. Exercises for the development of small motility E. Yu. Timofeeva, E. I. Chernova

    Belaya, A. E., Miiryasova, V. I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers [Text]: benefits for parents and teachers / A. E. Belaya, V. I. Miryasova. - M.: LLC Publishing House AST, 2000. -48c.

    Krusenchuk, Oh. I. Teach me to speak correctly! [Text]: Logopedia allowance for children and parents / O. I. Krusenchuk.- SPb.: Publishing House Limit, 2005. -208c.

(Children 3, 4 years old)


Relevance of the study The use of finger gymnastics, as a means of developing small motility of hands in children of younger preschool age in science, are of great importance and is regarded as one of the figures of the physical and mental development of the child.

Studying the problem of the development of small motility takes place in different aspects: psychological, physiological, pedagogical.

THEM. Siechens wrote that the movement of a man's hand is inherited inheritance is not predetermined, but arise in the process of education and training as a result of the formation of associative ties between visual sensations, tangible and muscle in the process of active interaction with the environment.

ON THE. Bernstein in his theory shows that the anatomical development of the levels of constructing movements comes from the first months of life and ends to two years. Further, the long-term process of adjusting to each other all levels of constructing movements begins.

Numerous exercises are being developed: finger games (M.S. Vorontsova, I. Svellova et al.), Auto didactic games with objects (L. Pavlova, whisctar).

The object of the study is the petty motorcycle of younger preschoolers.

The subject of research is a finger gymnastics.

The purpose of the study is to study the features of the use of finger gymnastics, as a means of developing small motility of hands in children of junior preschool age.

Research tasks:

1. Analyze scientific literature on the research problem.

2. Set the values \u200b\u200bof small motility in children of junior preschool age.

3. Give the overall characteristic of the features of the development of shallow motility in children of junior preschool age.

4. Consider the diagnosis of the development level of small motility in children of junior preschool age.

5. Examine the pedagogical aspect of finger gymnastics.

Research methods: Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of small motility from preschoolers.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the development of small motility in children of junior preschool age

1.1 Development values \u200b\u200bof small motility in children of junior preschool age

The development of small motility is important in several aspects that identify existing areas of scientific research:

1) due to the development of cognitive abilities;

2) in connection with the development of speech;

3) the development of its own movements for the implementation of subject and instrument actions, including letters.

Development cognitive abilitiesin connection with the development of the movements of the hands, especially actively flows in infant and early age due to the fact that the movements of the hand examining various subjects is the condition of knowledge of the objective world. "Direct practical contact with objects, actions with them lead to the discovery of all new and new properties of objects and relations between them" (D.B. Elkonin).

With the development of small motility, the development of speech is closely connected. If you carefully look at a picture of the brain, it becomes clear that the motor speech area is located next to the propulsion area, being part of it. About a third of the entire motor projection area occupies the projection of the hand of hand, located close to the speech zone. Training of fine movements of finger hands has a big impact on the development of the active speech of the child. Conducted by M.M. Koltsova, L.F. Fominic research and observation showed that the degree of development of the movements of the fingers coincides with the degree of development of speech in children. To determine the level of development of speech with the children of the first years of life, was carried out by such an experiment: they asked for a child to show one finger, two, three ("Make like that," showed how to do). Children who manage to repeat isolated fingers, speak well. Conversely, in poorly speaking children, fingers are either tense and flex only all together, or, on the contrary, are sluggish, wadded and do not make individual movements. Thus, while the movements of the fingers are not free, it is not possible to achieve the development of speech in children.

The question of the development of its own movements for the implementation of subject and instrument actions will be considered when illuminating the features of the development of small motility in ontogenesis.

Understand the basic psychophysiological patterns of motor development of the child of preschool age allows the theory of N.A. Bernstein. The development of the engine's motor sphere is to form the most complex organization of actions that ensure the rapid, correct and accurate performance of various movements due to their correction, refinement, changes in the course of execution.

ON THE. Bernstein wrote: "Coordination of movements is overcoming excessive degrees of freedom of the driving authority, turning it into the control system." A man's hand from the shoulder to the fingertips, has a huge number degrees of Freedom:it is purposefully (arbitrary) to make a movement with hand, say, convey a spoon to mouth, means not to give this infinite number of degrees of freedom to come true, limit them to a minimum that is necessary in this particular case. For example, a child, learning to act with a spoon, learns to limit the mobility of the joints.

ON THE. Bernstein was proposed a completely new understanding of traffic management: he called him principle of sensor correction,clarifying motor impulses in the process of motion based on continuously incoming changes in the course of its flow. It described that what information is borne by feedback signals: whether the degree of muscle tension is reported, the position of body parts, about the speed, the afferent signals come to different sensitive centers and, accordingly, switch to motor paths at different levels. ON THE. Bernstein described the levels of constructing movements. Each level has a specific motor manifestation inherent in it, each level corresponds to its class of movements: the central control department - the floor, the type of sensory corrections, the type of motor tasks and the repertoire of movements.

Level A - This level is functioning from the first weeks of the newborn. Provides body keeping in equilibrium. Movement, where this level acts as a lead: tremor, rhythmic-vibration movements, acceptance and retention of a certain poses, while most of the movements that are regulated by this level remains throughout the lifetime involuntary and unconscious.

Level B - this level ensures the processing of signals from muscle-articular receptors, reporting on the mutual location of the parts of the body, provides the coordinated operation of large muscle groups. This level begins to function for 2 years of child's life.

Levels A and B ensure the retention of general postures, for example, when performing by the child movements with brushes and fingers. They, although they do not directly move the movement, nevertheless ensure the coordination of the working body with the whole body. In repetitive movements, the level in provides a rhythmic organization that determines the optimal work of the hand and energy costs, i.e. Speakers as background levels.

The level C is the level of the spatial field. It comes on information about the state of the external environment. This level is responsible for building movements adapted to the spatial properties of objects - to their form, mass and other features. Among them are the types of locomotions (movement), a thin motor skill, etc. In ensuring this level, the bark takes place along with subcortical structures, so its ripening, starting very early - in the first year of life - continues throughout the whole childhood and even youth.

The following levels - can be directly involved in the subtle movements of the hands, as leading levels.

The level C is something like 2 separate levels, one of which is to some extent subordinated to the other - S1 and C2 suite.

The C1 sublayer - provides a fitness of movement in the course of the process. This group of devices acts as a projection of the motor process at an externally real space with its forces and objects. From 6-7 to 10 years, the level of regulation of arbitrary movements in an external spatial field of movements requiring aiming, copying, imitation is intensively developing. Movements acquire accuracy and strength. Since 3 years, the success of actions are gradually begins to grow, which are provided by the level of regulation of meaningful actions. In preschool age, this level of regulation of movements is only beginning its development, which continues throughout the subsequent life.

On the S2 sublayer - the same fitness of movements to the external space becomes thinner, specialized, acquiring a more pronounced target or final character, and turns into a projection of movement at its endpoint in an external space with an accuracy setting and accuracy. For example, this spatial field sublevel makes decisive emphasis on the accuracy of entering or accuracy, and in a more complex design on the accuracy of the visible form, for example, sinking the figure in compliance with the geometric similarity.

Level D - level of action. It functions with the obligatory participation of the crust (dark and premotor zones) and provides an organization with objects. This is a specific human level of motor activity, since it includes all types of guns and manual manipulations. The characteristic feature of the movements of this level is that they not only take into account spatial features, but are consistent with the logic of using the subject. This is no longer just movement, but in a much greater degree - chains of movements (lacing, zeeping of nodules, buttons button).

The level of E is the highest level of the organization of movement, semantic coordination. Performs the work of the articulation apparatus when speech, movement with a letter.

Natural ontogenesis folds from two very time-free phases.

The first phase is an anatomical ripening of central-nerve substrates of motor functions, departing by the time of birth and ending to 2-2.5 years.

The second phase, which is sometimes tightened is sometimes quite far over the age of puberty, and there is a phase of final functional ripening and establishing the operation of coordination levels.

The development of movements corresponding to each level becomes possible in ontogenesis as the morphofunctional ripening of the brain departments providing these movements.

Along with this, as Bernstein emphasizes, the conditions of education and targeted learning, which contributes to the development of the movements of the hands.

Motor tasks that adult poses in the process of education, and the child's attempts to solve them are a prerequisite for the development of the corresponding levels of constructing movements. So, various tasks for small motorbers contribute to the development of fine movements of brushes and fingers.

1.2 General characteristics of the features of the development of shallow motility in children of junior preschool age

The development of small motility is paid to the first months of the child's life. THEM. Siechens wrote that the movement of a man's hand is atheritisically predetermined, but arise in the process of education and training, as a result of the formation of associative ties between visual sensations, tangible and muscular in the process of active interaction with the environment.

A.M. Flonareva believes that the leading role of the visual analyzer in the development of hand movements. The study of the visual reactions of infants with the help of accurate equipment carried out in the last decade has shown that the development of the senses of the kid, including tanging and kintesia underlying the movement of the hands, is carried out under leading vision. The most early function of view is the reflection of objects - makes a visual analyzer by the central apparatus in the knowledge of movement. Through the perception of the movement occurs, as was shown by I.M. Sechenov, reflection of the spatial-temporal characteristics of the real world.

Movement, carrying out practical contact - the "real meeting" of hands with an external object, obeys its properties: feeling the subject, the hand reproduces its value and contour and through the signals coming from its motor apparatus, forms "blind" in the brain.

A.N. Leontyev wrote: "The" retina trained eye "is, in fact, the retina eye originally learned from his hand. Unlike the process of contact reception, the size and distance, which is carried out in motion, as if forcedly imposed object, is rigidly defined and not controlled: after all, the object itself does not physically resist the movement of the gaze, which it has a hand moving along it. "

This makes it possible to understand the complexity of the relationships of analyzers, the interaction of visual-tactive-kinstic ties. "The eye teaches the hand - the hand teaches the eye."

In a child, the ability to send the movements of his handles to the subject and his feeling occurs only for 4 months. Grabbing the subject arises between 5 and 6 months of life. The development of the hand as the analyzer begins with the appearance of a child feeling movement. The hand is moving here not for the subject, but on the subject.

From feeling, the intensive development of the movements of the child begins. By 5 months, his act of grabbing is formed, in which two movements are combined: the direction of the hand to the subject with his feeling and considering its handles.

The act of grabbing is associated with the formation of visual motor coordination, and it represents the first directional action, also being an important condition for the development of various manipulations with the subject.

By 6 months, the child independently moves from the lying position in the sedentary. This allows the child to follow the eyes of the hands with the object.

At 7 months - the subject is captured almost instantly. The act of grabbing is performed with the opposition of the thumb rest.

Throughout the second half of the life of the child, his manual movements are especially intensively developing. N.L. Figurin and M.P. Denisova indicate that the new phase in the development of movements begins with the advent of repeated movements.

First, there is a pattery - the child hits something by something, then shifting the object from hand to another hand. Chain movements arise, i.e. Such in which several different movements follow one after another.

In the process of forming a child of repeated and chain movements, ideas about the properties of objects and a possible action with these items are developing. In the future, the child learns to manipulate two items at the same time, it appears the first functional actions with these items.

By the end of the 1st year of life there are significant changes in the development of the actions of the child. Approximately 10-11 months, children are done with toys those actions that adults show them.

These actions come first in joint activities with adults, later on the basis of these actions - independent actions appear.

At the initial stage of the development of the child's action, not with objects, but with a single thing, on which the method of action with it was shown and learned. The first functional actions are not actually an objective action. In the assimilation of subject actions, the most important role is owned by speech - as the main means of communication of an adult with a child.

The formation of actions in early childhood is closely related to the change in the nature of the estimated activity of the child.

Stage I - "manipulative activity".

Stage II - visual orientation. The shape of the figures, the base for the landmarks in which the child sets possible actions with the subject. What can be done with this - the main question of orientation in the subject.

Allocate 2 types of actions with objects in young children:

1. Action with objects - tools. Action based on orientation in the specifics of the items themselves and the conditions of their use. For example, in such a movement, like drinking milk from a cup. All actions are directed to the shape of the cup and the presence of milk in it. P.Ya. Halperin allocated the main stages of mastering the tool (in this text they are not considered).

2. Actions with toys with greater functionality, allowing freedom of action with them. The same subject can act as an instrument and as a toy. The cube allows you to produce different actions with it, as an action instrument - a constructor, like a mug of milk.

1.3 Diagnostics of the level of development of small motility in children of junior preschool age

In connection with the importance of the development of shallow motor, the question of the rapid detection of the level of shallow motility on simple tasks remains relevant. In our country, 1923 was widely widespread the test N. Laketsky. "Motoric Evaluation Tests" are combined into several groups according to different components of the movement: static coordination; Dynamic coordination; movement speed; The power of movements; accompanying movements. Tests are designed as a benchmark for the diagnosis of psychomotor development in accordance with age standards. Consider some tests for children 4-8 years. These tasks, the execution of which requires the participation of subtle movements of the hands.

"Static coordination". Closing the eyes, touch the left and right hand (alternately) the tip of the nose.

"Movement speed." The laying of coins in the box (when performing this test of the tests of all ages, it is necessary to warn that it is necessary to lay coins with the necessary speed).

For children for 5 years.

"Dynamic coordination". The subject is given a square sheet of cigarette paper and offer as quickly as possible with the fingers of the right hand ride it into the ball.

"Motion speed." Laying matches in the box.

"Static coordination". Inscription vertical lines.

Test "Labyrinth". Before the subject, which is sitting at the table, put two labyrinths, the subject's right hand takes a sharpened pencil and on the sound signal begins to conduct a pencil a continuous line until it comes to exit from the labyrinth.

Test on folding cards. 8 years.

On an alternate touch of the tip of the thumb alternately to the tips of the other fingers of the same hand, starting with the mother's maiden.

In the last decade, attempts to create a battery of test tasks on petty motor skills as one of the sections of the so-called individual motor development cards are renewed. Among such tasks - the implementation of subject and instruments, in mastering which, on a certain age step, indicates the compliance of the established norms of psychophysiological development.

So in the "diary of the educator" presented tests for children of preschool age, starting from 3 years, including tasks to identify the development of small motility. Most tasks are performed with objects; The tests of N. Laketsky are selectively used.

Testing is carried out individually with each child.

For children 3-4 years. Shooting in one small items (buttons, chips, peas), table surface in a small box.

For children 4-5 years. Budgery of the average value (or buttons) beads on a thick fishing line.

For children 5-6 years. Put the lace in the shoe, lace out the cross on the cross, tie a boot.

For children 6-7 years. Touch in turn on the end of the thumb to the tips of the fingers of the same hand, starting with the little finger, and then - in the opposite direction; Perform in a moving pace, first for the right hand, then for the left.


Organized hand movements are formed in the child gradually during the first - second half of the year of life, primarily as a result of the development of actions with objects.

Diagnostic tests are designed as a benchmark for the diagnosis of psychomotor development in accordance with age standards. Test tasks, the execution of which requires the participation of fine movements of the hands.

Chapter 2. Pedagogical aspects of finger gymnastics with junior preschoolers

2.1 Values \u200b\u200bof finger gymnastics for the development of small motility hands in children of junior preschool age

Exercise and rhythmic movements with fingers inductively leads to excitation in speech centers of the brain and a sharp strengthening of the agreed activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech.

Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, learn to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the speech activity of the child.

The baby learns to concentrate its attention and properly distribute it.

If the child will perform exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, then his speech will become a clearer, rhythmic, bright, and control over the movements performed.

The memory of the child develops, as he learns to memorize certain positions of the hands and the sequence of movements.

The kid has imagination and fantasy. Mastering with many exercises, he will be able to "tell the hands" the whole stories.

As a result of the finger, the hands of the hand and fingers will get strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the skill of the letter.

2.2 General characteristics of finger gymnastics

Fingering gymnastics -

Exercises can be divided into three groups.

I group. Exercises for hands hands

Develop imitative ability;

Teach strain and relax muscles;

Develop the ability to keep the position of the fingers for a while;

It is taught to switch from one move to another.

II group. Static finger exercises.

Improve earlier skills at a higher level and require more accurate movements.

III group. Dynamic finger exercises

Develop accurate coordination of movements;

Teach to bend and blend fingers;

Thought to oppose the thumb as the rest.

All these exercises will be useful not only to children with a delay in the development of speech or any kind of disabilities, but also children who have speech development take time time.

When conducting games, you must follow the following rules:

Work out successively all exercises starting from the first group.

Gaming tasks must be gradually complicated.

You can start the game only when the child wants to play.

Never start the game if you are tired or if the child does not feel.

It is unacceptable to overwork the child in the game.

Remember! Any exercises will be effective only at regular occupations. Daily about 5 minutes.

Forms of work on the development of shallow hands can be traditional and non-traditional.


Self-massage of hands and fingers (stroking, kneading);

Games with fingers with speech accompaniment;

Finger gymnastics without speech accompaniment;

Graphic exercises: hatching, Dorisovka Pictures, graphic dictation, connection at points, continued row;

Subject: Games with paper, clay, plasticine, sand, water, drawing with crayons, coal;

Games: Mosaic, designers, lacing, folding split pictures, games with liners, folding matretory;

Puppet Theaters: Forest, Makeup, Global, Shadow Theater;

Games for the development of tactile perception: "Smooth - rough", "Find the same to the touch", "wonderful bag."


Self-massage of hands and fingers with walnuts, pencils, massage brushes;

Games with fingers, using a variety of material: thrus, natural, household household.

2.3 Selection of exercises for finger gymnastics

Fingering gymnastics "fingers"


Children repeat the words and movements for the psychologist:

I have two hands, (raise your hands in front of you)

There are ten fingers. (put your fingers to the sides)

Ten clever and fun,

Fast wonder boys. (move your fingers)

There will be our fingers to work, (compress in cams and squeeze the fingers of two hands)

Not stick to the wonderful boys to be lazy!

Finger gymnastics "Meeting"

Purpose: Azvitia speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Children repeat the words, and with the fingers of the right hand in turn "greet" with the fingers of the left hand, touching each other with the tips.

On the right handle - fingers.

On the left handle - fingers.

It's time for them to meet -

Prepare a suitcase.

Fingering gymnastics "Trees"

Locate your hand brushes in front of them, palms to yourself. The fingers are divorced to the sides and are tense. After performing the exercise, shake your hand brushes.

In the tree field costs

Wind branches stimples. (Shack your hands from side to side.)

Blowing the wind to us in the face

The village was hardened! (Shove hands down-up, without bending your fingers.)

Finger gymnastics "for mushrooms"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Children repeat the words and bend thumbs, starting with the mother's:

We put in the body

The smallest fungus:

Headiness, Wave

And funny pig

White, Ryzhik, Raw,

Podberezovik of course

And beauties Magnifier

Let it decorate the skate!

Finger gymnastics "Butterfly"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Cross the wrists and press the palm to the back side to each other. Straight fingers. Light hands in the wrists imitate the butterfly flight.


Over flower flew,

Fun flushed -

Pollen collected.

Fingering gymnastics "on a log"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

On a log, on a log

Crawled bucashchka, (Move the fingers of both hands on the table surface, imitating the movements of the bug)

Flying butterfly, (Cross the wrists and press the palm of the rear side to each other.)

Ptashka proportioned. (Straight fingers. Light, but sharp movements of hands in the wrists imitate the flight of Ptashchki.)

Fingering gymnastics "rain"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Pads right and left hand press to the table. Alternately tapping them on the surface of the table as a game of piano.

Rain rain

Do not rain!

Do not rain! You wait!

Go out, go out, sunshine -

Golden bottom.

Palching gymnastics "On a visit to the finger big"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Children repeat the word and movement psychologist.

To visit my finger big (Set up a thumb.)

Came straight to the house (Connect at the angle of finger tips of both hands.)

Index and medium (Alternately called fingers to connect with large on two hands at the same time.)

Unnamed and the last

Mysinetse-baby himself (in misintsy, fingers compressed in a fist.)

Knocked about the threshold. (Sticks to knock on each other.)

Together fingers friends (Rhythmic finger compression on both hands.)

It is impossible for each other.

Filter gymnastics "Flowers"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Pronounce words, synchronously moving the brushes of both hands from the position of the hanging cams to the brushes raised up with the fingers spread.

Bloomed flowers flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers stretch to the sun,

Five magic petals.

Fingering gymnastics "Flowers"

Purpose:development of speech function and movement of brushes and fingers.

Our scarlet flowers bloom the petals. (Slowly blend fingers from cams.)

The breeze is a little breathing, the petals pegs. (Shaking hands to the right-left hands.)

Our scarlet flowers close the petals, (Slowly compress the fingers into the fist.)

The head is swing, quietly fall asleep. (Shaking cams forward - back.)


The purpose of the study was to study the features of using finger gymnastics, as a means of developing small motility of hands in children of junior preschool age.

To achieve the goal, we solved theoretical tasks and conclusions were made that:

Small motor skills are thin movements of the hands and fingers of man's hands, it is the necessary component of many actions of a person: subject, instrument, labor, developed in the course of cultural development of human society.

The development of small motility is very important for the implementation of subject and instrument actions, including letters.

Organized hand movements are formed in the child gradually during the first - second half of the year of life, primarily as a result of the development of actions with objects.

Diagnostic tests are designed as a benchmark for the diagnosis of psychomotor development in accordance with age standards. Test tasks, the execution of which requires the participation of subtle movements of the hands

Fingering gymnastics contributes to the development of hand brush, and fingers will get strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the skill of the letter.

Fingering gymnastics - these are games with plasticine, pebbles and peas, games with butt and lacing. All these classes help develop the motor skills and skills of brushes and fingers, make complex manipulations with objects.

Exercises for finger gymnastics are selected taking into account age characteristics of the child, the level of development of small motility.


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