Microcurrents for the face effect of the procedure. Microcurrents or darsonval - which is better? Side effects and complications

Microcurrent therapy is a type of physiotherapeutic effect on the human body with a weak pulsed electric current. Currently, this is the easiest, most pleasant and safest way to restore youth to your skin.

The essence of the work of microcurrents

Microcurrents have two main ways of influence:

  1. Under the influence of weak electrical impulses, muscle tone normalizes, blood circulation and lymph flow in tissues improves, which speeds up metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the skin.
  2. Microcurrents contribute to a deeper penetration of active components of cosmetics, such as collagen, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, etc., which enhances the effect of the use of cosmetic preparations.
Photo: electric shock physiotherapy

Muscle tone can be reduced, and then the face looks haggard and limp. It can often be locally elevated. Usually the muscles of the face in the region of the bridge of the nose, the muscles of the forehead or around the mouth are spasmodic.

Muscle spasms occur in response to prolonged stress, prolonged exposure to bright sun without sunglasses, to the most common emotions that a person’s face expresses. In these places, the first wrinkles usually appear first.

Microcurrents normalize muscle tone: relaxes muscle clamps and activates muscles that have lost their tone. As a result, the face acquires a calm expression, the skin straightens.

Such facial skin therapy improves blood circulation both by relaxing the muscles and by normalizing blood flow through the vessels. As a result, the skin receives more of the nutrients and oxygen it needs, redness disappears, complexion improves. Activation of metabolism accelerates cell division, which facilitates and accelerates the process of skin renewal, healing of acne marks. As a result, the skin looks fresher and cleaner.

Photo: microcurrents on the face

Activation of blood flow and metabolism enhances local immunity of the skin, both cellular and humoral.

Fibroblasts contribute to the production of their own collagen and elastin in the skin, improve the saturation of tissues with water from the inside due to the natural moisturizing factor produced by fibroblasts, which makes the skin younger, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Microcurrents normalize lymph flow in facial tissues. Accordingly, toxins and metabolic products are removed faster, skin cells function in optimal conditions for them. This allows you to remove swelling on the face, bags under the eyes, lighten dark circles in the skin of the eyelids, slows down the aging process of tissues.

If the procedure is carried out on a special gel containing active caring ingredients, then the beneficial substances penetrate from the gel into the deeper layers of the skin, have a more pronounced and longer effect aimed at moisturizing, nourishing, toning the skin, anti-inflammatory and anti-acne effects, better narrow the pores and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.


This procedure is one of the safest types of physiotherapy treatment, but even it has its contraindications.

General contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: cardiac arrhythmias, the presence of a pacemaker, arterial hypertension with high blood pressure, a crisis course;
  4. Diseases of the nervous system: epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by seizures;
  5. The patient has a stroke, a heart attack in the past, oncological diseases;
  6. Hypersensitivity to the effects of electric current;
  7. Piercing in the affected area;
  8. Acute infectious diseases with a violation of the general condition and fever;
  9. Condition after surgery on internal organs (less than 6 months);
  10. Tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, embolism;
  11. collagenoses.

It is also a contraindication:

  1. Gold and platinum skin reinforcement, the presence of metal ceramics and metal fillings (some cosmetologists regard it as a relative contraindication);
  2. Herpetic eruptions.

Video: The course of the procedure


In cosmetology

  • Increased skin tone, improved facial oval, clearer drawing of the cheekbones, chin, non-surgical tightening of the skin around the eyes, elimination of the double chin;
  • Prevention of the formation of wrinkles, elimination of shallow wrinkles, especially those formed in response to dehydration of the skin;
  • Treatment of pigmentation, prevention of photoaging, elimination of dark circles around the eyes;
  • Elimination of enlarged pores;
  • Elimination of hypersensitivity of the skin, a tendency to redness, dehydration;
  • Treatment of oily skin, aimed at regulating the secretion of sebum, preventing acne, accelerating the healing of post-acne and scars as part of a complex of cosmetic procedures;
  • Treatment of rosacea at the stage of the appearance of erythema in a complex of cosmetic procedures to eliminate redness of the skin of the face;
Photo: facial pigmentation

In dermatology

  • treatment of excessive hair loss;
  • Treatment of perioral dermatitis, atopic dermatitis;
  • Elimination of swelling of the face with dermatitis, etc.
Photo: atopic dermatitis

In plastic surgery

  • Preparing patients for cosmetic surgery on the face and body;
  • Postoperative management of patients in order to eliminate edema, lymph stagnation, postoperative scars.

For body:

  • Improving the tone of the skin of the chest, arms, legs, abdomen, prevention of flabbiness and sagging of the skin during weight loss, with age and for other reasons;
  • Use in anti-cellulite programs to improve blood circulation, activate metabolism and eliminate toxins;
  • Treatment of scars, scars and stretch marks;

How is the procedure

Photo: massager "Microcurrents for the face"

Whether it is worth prescribing microcurrents for the face, how to do the procedure, how many sessions are needed per course, you can ask your doctor. At the consultation, the cosmetologist determines the type of skin and the main problems that the treatment will be directed to.

Usually, a medical complex is compiled, including, if necessary, cleanings, peelings, care procedures, hardware procedures, and special home care.

It is this combination that allows you to influence the problem in different ways and get the most pronounced and lasting result.

If microcurrents are prescribed for the face, a course of 8-12 procedures will need to be completed in full, since the effect of therapy may not appear immediately, but after 6-7 procedures. The duration of one procedure can be from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the program compiled by the beautician.

The procedure is performed using special electrodes, which are applied to the previously cleansed facial skin on a special gel, ampoule concentrate or cream.

Before applying a cosmetic preparation, scrubbing or enzyme peeling can be performed. Microcurrent therapy can also be carried out simply using water or saline, but in this case it is necessary to use special electrodes that will easily glide over the skin and without special lubrication, which are cream or gel. During the procedure, the patient does not feel muscle contractions or pain. A slight tingling may be felt.

Video: Getting rid of wrinkles

After the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist can apply a special caring cosmetic product (cream, gel or concentrate) to the client's skin. Can apply a cream mask, which is washed off with water after a while. And it may be limited to removing the remnants of the product for which the procedure was carried out, if the cosmetic product contains a sufficient amount of active ingredients that will affect the client's skin for some time. At the consultation, the doctor will also tell you whether it will be necessary to do more, and how often to do the procedures in the future.


Photo: facial device with microcurrents

The device for the person with microcurrents allows to use mono-and bipolar impulses in work. Monopolar impulses are most often used for deep injection of active ingredients of cosmetics into the skin.

For this, either two active electrodes can be used, or one passive, which is fixed on the patient's skin, and one active. To a much lesser extent, they affect muscle tone and lymph flow than bipolar ones.

Bipolar impulses have a pronounced effect on the speed and intensity of metabolic processes in tissues, lymphatic drainage and muscle tone, quickly relieve swelling and provide detoxification of the body. In this case, two active electrodes are used for the procedure.

Varieties of microcurrent therapy are distinguished depending on the preferred expected effect:

  1. Microcurrent facelift aims to increase skin elasticity and improve its appearance.
  2. Reprogramming of mimic muscles involves removing the increased tone of mimic muscles to reduce mimic wrinkles. When the procedure is performed correctly on good equipment, the effect of reducing wrinkles from microcurrents is comparable to Botox injections, but retains the mobility of mimic muscles.
  3. Ion mesotherapy is used to introduce certain substances into the skin. The effect of increasing the permeability of the skin for large molecules from it is less than from electrophoresis, but the complex effect of microcurrents and active substances makes the procedure very effective.
  4. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage allows you to activate the outflow of lymph from the tissues, for this, massage with electrodes is carried out along the lines of lymph outflow.
  5. Desincrustation of the skin allows you to clean the pores from impurities and sebaceous plugs. It is carried out using special solutions that soften the contents of the sebaceous glands and help cleanse them.

What electrodes can be used

The different shape and size of the electrodes allow you to work with different cosmetic preparations, on different parts of the face and body. Therefore, if suddenly you and your girlfriends underwent the procedure with different electrodes, it was still microcurrent therapy, just the options for its use could differ.

Electrodes are:

  • Movable metal spherical: designed to work on the face and body, provide a large area of ​​contact with the skin, they are ideal for massaging with a special gel;
  • Mobile electrodes with cotton swabs: used for work on the face and neck using solutions and lotions;
  • Glove electrodes can be used on the face and neck, but it is best to work on the body, most often the procedure using glove electrodes is carried out on a gel;
  • Stationary electrodes are similar to electrodes from an ECG machine, they can be used to work on the face and body, they are convenient for providing long-term exposure to specific areas or areas, for example, on the lymph nodes.

Consequences and complications (side effects)

If the patient has no contraindications for the procedure, then there is no risk of complications. Pain may appear during therapy at the location of the electrodes, but it disappears if you ask the cosmetologist to reduce the intensity of exposure.

Some cosmetologists take patients with dental implants and pins for the procedure, and during the procedure, when pain occurs, they bypass the areas where metal structures are located.

It should be remembered that the electrodes should not be placed in the projection of the heart, neck vessels and eyeballs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of microcurrent therapy:

  1. Security;
  2. Good tolerability of procedures;
  3. A large number of indications;
  4. Complex effect on tissues;
  5. Improvement in the skin condition visible and felt by the client after the procedure;
  6. Good compatibility with other cosmetic procedures and various cosmetic products;
  7. High degree of profitability of procedures for salons.

Cons of microcurrent therapy:

  1. The presence of contraindications.
  2. The need to maintain the result by conducting repeated courses of procedures.

It would seem that this is a procedure? But it turns out that this is the easiest and safest way to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin without the risk of complications.

Use at home

Photo: using the device at home

Microcurrents for the face at home are convenient, useful and safe if you follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Make sure that you have no contraindications for the use of microcurrents;
  2. Choose a safe and proven appliance for home use;
  3. Be sure to choose a special gel for procedures, taking into account those skin problems that you want to get rid of;
  4. Follow the device manufacturer's instructions for the procedure;
  5. For a more pronounced effect, use scrubs, nourishing or moisturizing masks, massage or self-massage of the face.

It is possible that the procedure carried out at home will be less effective due to the technical characteristics and capabilities of devices for home use. This disadvantage can be compensated by a large number of procedures.


Currently, there are many microcurrent therapy devices for home use on the market. So there are plenty to choose from. If you want to make microcurrents for the face yourself, the device must have the following technical characteristics: pulse strength from 20 to 800 microamperes, frequency 1-300 Hertz.

All devices can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Devices that allow facial massage with microcurrents;
  2. Combined devices that allow you to carry out procedures using galvanic currents, myostimulation, vibration massage and other influences.

The easiest and safest way is to choose a massager from manufacturers such as Galvanic Spa (USA), Skin Expert (China), Gezatone.

It is important to remember that it is very harmful to conduct facial microcurrents on dry skin! Therefore, for home use, you will need to purchase a special gel.

Well proven gels beauty style water-based, which have been specially developed for these procedures. For the treatment of sensitive, dry facial skin prone to redness, skin with rosacea, a preparation containing horse chestnut, ginkgo biloba, cornflower extract, red grape polyphenols is well suited.

Photo: collagen gels

For the care of dehydrated skin, after active insolation, in winter, it will be best to use a gel with aloe vera extract and hyaluronic acid.

If the skin began to lose elasticity with age, and the first wrinkles began to appear, then you need to choose a gel with collagen and elastin in the composition. A facelift with microcurrents using this gel will give a pronounced and lasting result.

In the presence of deep wrinkles, it will be optimal to use a gel with a high content of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

Video: Microcurrent therapy device


At what age can microcurrent therapy be performed?

If you decide to do facial microcurrents, age is neither a limitation nor an indication. Procedures are prescribed in the presence of skin problems that can be corrected with microcurrents. Already at the age of 18-20, dryness and sensitivity of the skin, a tendency to redness, oily skin with acne and comedones, and rosacea can be noted. There are no contraindications for age.

How often can the procedure be done? With what frequency?

The first 8-12 sessions can be done as a course 2-3 times a week. Then you can carry out maintenance procedures from time to time or take a break for 4-5 months. The optimal frequency for a course of procedures is 2 times a year.

What effect to expect, persistence of the effect?

Improvement in the condition and appearance of the skin occurs after the first session. Significant improvement occurs after 5-6 procedures. Microcurrents normalize muscle tone, blood circulation, accelerate lymph flow, therefore the first visible effect will be an improvement in complexion, a decrease in edema and an increase in skin elasticity and tone.

Facial skin problems such as post-acne, age spots, excessive skin sensitivity, skin dehydration, etc. will go away gradually. In order to speed up the result, you can add other cosmetic procedures that will affect the problem.

If you have completed the entire course, the effect will be persistent, but its duration will be influenced by factors such as:

  • lifestyle and habits (smoking, overeating, drinking enough/insufficient amount of water, proper sleep and optimal daily routine, exposure to stress, etc.);
  • the presence of acute or chronic diseases;
  • daily supportive skin care;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements, etc.

Do facial microcurrents help with acne (acne)? Microcurrent therapy is effective in the fight against mild to moderate acne, post-acne and scars at the site of resolved elements, and is used to prevent new rashes.

To enhance the effect, you can use special care cosmetics for oily / combination skin with a tendency to rashes, vitamin and mineral complexes.

In order to make the effect more lasting, it is recommended to follow a diet that will not provoke the appearance of new rashes (refusal of flour, sweet, fatty, spicy, spicy), do not touch your face with dirty hands, undergo the necessary examination by a dermatologist and, if possible, eliminate cause of acne.

Is it possible to do procedures for rosacea?

Yes, it is possible and useful to use microcurrents for the face with rosacea. Due to the normalization of blood flow in the vessels, a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin, and an increase in its level of hydration, the usual redness in the areas of rosacea disappears, the progression of the disease stops, and the reaction of the face in the form of redness to external influences becomes less pronounced.

Does it hurt?

The procedure is absolutely painless. There may be only a slight tingling at the point of contact of the electrodes with the skin. If unpleasant sensations appear, then the beautician can reduce the current in the device to a comfortable value.

Can I do it if I wear braces?

The presence of metal structures in the affected area is a contraindication for the procedure. But many cosmetologists consider this contraindication to be relative, if the device for microcurrent therapy allows you to change the settings so as to select the optimal mode of exposure, and you will easily endure the procedure. If during the procedure you feel discomfort, then you can bypass the braces area (middle part of the cheeks) and work in the forehead, around the eyes and in the lower jaw.

Can it be used to treat rosacea?

Microcurrents for the treatment of rosacea are effective at the initial stage of the disease - erythematous.

Subsequently, in the presence of papules or dilated vessels, microcurrent therapy will also improve the condition of the skin and prevent the progression of the disease, but it will not be able to remove spider veins and the vascular network.

Is it possible that the condition of the skin worsens after the sessions of microcurrent therapy procedures are stopped due to addiction?

While a person takes care of the skin, he gets used to the fact that the skin is taut, smooth, has an even color and narrow pores. If you stop caring for your skin, it will not get worse, it will become what it can be in the absence of care. Microcurrent therapy itself is not addictive and does not worsen the condition of the skin after the treatment is stopped.

How many sessions are needed?

The optimal number of procedures is 8-12. If there are indications, you can increase the number of procedures to 15. Sometimes you can stop at 6 procedures, but then there is a risk that the result of the treatment will not be stable.

Does microcurrent therapy help to smooth bags under the eyes?

Yes, it helps. Especially if you use massage with electrodes along the lines of lymph outflow from the eye area. Microcurrents relax muscle spasm in the eye area, which maintains swelling in the eyelid area, improves lymph flow, due to which you can get rid of bags under the eyes in a few procedures.

Can it be done with a dental implant or post?

The presence of a dental implant or post is considered as a relative contraindication, and a number of cosmetologists perform microcurrent therapy on patients with metal structures in the jaw, face and neck.

Is the microcurrent procedure contraindicated in the presence of moles?

If there are single moles on the skin without signs of tumor degeneration, then the procedure is carried out in such a way that the moles are bypassed. With a large number of moles, the procedure is carried out only after consulting a cosmetologist.

Do I need special preparation for the procedure?

Special preparation for the procedure is not required. Before the procedure itself, in the beauty parlor, the skin is cleansed and toned, a scrub can be used.

Procedure analogues

According to the mechanisms of action and the effect, microcurrent therapy procedures can be compared with such procedures as Futuro Pro biostimulation, radiofrequency lifting with myostimulation and chiromassage. But each of the types of procedures copes better with its specific tasks, so the choice is yours and your beautician.

Prices for the procedure in Russian rubles

ProcedureMoscowSt. Petersburgregions
microcurrent lymphatic drainagefrom 1500from 1500from 700
microcurrent liftingfrom 1800from 2000from 700
microcurrent injection of ampoulefrom 1400from 500
microcurrents for the whole facefrom 1800from1500from 1300
microcurrents on the eye area and foreheadfrom 1000from 900
microcurrents on the neck and chin areafrom 1000from 800

The price of the procedures is indicated without the cost of cosmetics, such as gels and lotions for the procedure. Therefore, the final price of one procedure, taking into account consumables, may be higher.

Name Price discount price
Microcurrent complex: Face, neck and décolleté4500 4050
Microcurrent complex: Neck, décolleté2000 1800
Microcurrent complex: Belly2500 2250
Microcurrent complex: Hands1500 1350
Microcurrent Complex: Face2800 2520
Microcurrent Complex: Legs2500 2250
Microcurrent Complex: Hands2300 2070
Microcurrent Complex: Back3500 3150
Microcurrent complex: Buttocks2500 2250

Photos before and after microcurrent therapy for the face

The use of microcurrents is a certain method of influencing the skin of the human body with a weak pulsed electric current.

This technique is used for the implementation of cosmetic procedures, as a restorative or anti-aging therapy. In addition, it successfully works in eliminating the manifestations of cellulite, conducting lymphatic drainage.

Microcurrents are indispensable with the simultaneous administration of various drugs, as well as a remedy for relieving severe pain.

Moreover, this technique allows you to effectively improve the circulation of intercellular fluid, relieve swelling, congestion in muscle tissues. Thanks to this method, the skin of the face becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, water balance is restored, and elasticity is increased.

The concept of microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is most often used in the restoration of skin areas, accelerates its regeneration, is indispensable for rehabilitation after forced plastic or cosmetic surgeries, and restores its natural state.

What are the most common procedures for such therapy? This is, first of all:

  1. Lifting, which actively affects the elasticity of blood vessels, helps to normalize the tone of the subcutaneous muscles. This method is in most cases used for facelift, removal;
  2. Lymphatic drainage helps to effectively relieve skin inflammation, swelling, is an excellent tool for recovery in the postoperative period. This method is unique in that the result is a simultaneous effect on the skin, muscle tissue, and blood vessels.

The sequence of application of this method consists of the following procedures:

  • separate lymphatic drainage;
  • then the facial muscles are strengthened;
  • In addition, the regenerative processes of certain areas of the skin are stimulated;
  • cosmetic preparations are introduced to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

As a rule, the effect of the use of microcurrent therapy occurs after the first procedure. There can be up to a dozen of them in the first month of treatment.

Microcurrents actively affect the entire body as a whole. In a person who has undergone a course of such therapy, sleep improves, digestion normalizes, and manifestations of neurological diseases disappear.

The mechanism of action of microcurrents

The basis of this method of influencing the human body is the process of restoring intracellular metabolism. This means the following:

  • cells begin to receive enough oxygen, as well as essential nutrients. At the same time, the excretion of waste products of cells is normalized;
  • the processes of ATP synthesis are accelerated. At the same time, the energy saturation of the cell increases multiple times;
  • amino acid transport processes are enhanced;
  • the process of production of lipids, essential proteins, enzymes is normalized;
  • the ability to quickly regenerate tissue is restored.

In addition to the cellular level of exposure, microcurrents also affect muscle tissue. This manifests itself in the following:

  • There is a periodic compression and expansion of tissue fibers, which affects the vessels located between them. So, when the fibers are compressed, the vessels close, after which the flow of blood and lymph stops. Opening the fibers leads to the resumption of current, which allows you to normalize the circulation of body fluids;
  • At the same time, muscle tone is restored and the natural depth of wrinkles is reduced.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the mechanism of the analgesic effect of microcurrents. Here is the return of pain stimulation of the body beyond the threshold of "gate control". Thus, the human body has a certain threshold of pain, which inhibits the manifestation of pain.

But the penetration of certain infections into human cells "breaks" this kind of protection, a person begins to feel unbearable pain when, with the normal functioning of cells, he could not feel this pain at all.

Microcurrents release a certain amount of analgesics contained inside the person, as a result, the pain stops.

Indications and contraindications for microcurrent therapy

Carrying out procedures with microcurrents involves taking into account the characteristics of each organism, the presence of certain human diseases. This corresponds to certain indications and contraindications.

So, the indications are:

  • swelling of a different nature;
  • chronic, including acute pain in muscle tissue;
  • increased muscle tone due to overexertion;
  • the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • the presence of scars from skin damage, including as a consequence of surgery;
  • cellulite manifestations;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • atonic skin condition, the appearance of stretch marks;
  • problematic, oily skin.

Microcurrent therapy is effective in the prevention of skin aging, removing the accumulated symptom of fatigue, while stimulating blood circulation. One session of such therapy can be compared with a full wellness sleep.

Contraindications include the following conditions of the body:

  • epilepsy;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • the presence of oncological diseases;
  • manifestations of fever;
  • heart diseases;
  • the presence of a pacemaker in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • consequences of a heart attack or stroke;
  • just a bad feeling.

As can be seen from the above list, contraindications are specific, and there are not so many of them. Thus, microcurrent therapy assumes the presence of a healing effect for the vast majority of people.

Cost of the procedure

On average, the procedure of microcurrent therapy is not so expensive. So, on average, the price for a session of microcurrents of facial muscles ranges from 600 to 800 rubles. Lymphatic drainage can cost about 500 rubles for a service, lifting - 700 rubles.

The anti-cellulite program is much more expensive. Here the cost of the service starts from 1800 rubles. And complex procedures, together with the introduction of special preparations, cost from 1,400 rubles.

Customer Reviews

This technique has many positive effects on the human body. Below we will consider examples of reviews of real people who have undergone a certain course of treatment with microcurrents:

Maria, 27 years old, suffered from swelling of the face. Thanks to the procedures, the pores are narrowed, the face becomes fresh, puffiness has decreased.

Natalia, 42 years old. Attends regularly this procedure 2-3 times a month. As a result, skin texture and complexion have improved, and overall well-being has changed.

Albina, 37 years old. Attended microcurrent therapy procedures in the postoperative period. As a result of such treatment, the rehabilitation period was reduced by a third, muscles and nerve endings quickly recovered. In a relatively short time, numbness at the site of surgical intervention disappeared, sensitivity was restored.

Elena, 31 years old. There were wrinkles on the face, pigmentation - in short, a full range of problems. After sessions of microcurrent therapy, the skin became elastic, like that of a child, clean and even, has a perfect tone, there is not even a hint of bags under the eyes.

Svetlana, 33 years old. I go to microcurrents, 6 sessions have already passed, there are deep wrinkles. After 4 sessions there is a noticeable effect, mimic wrinkles between the eyebrows have already decreased. The result is very satisfied.

Alina, 38 years old. Microcurrents perfectly refreshed my skin, a healthy glow on my face and natural shine appeared. The skin has become more vibrant, well-being has improved markedly. Signed up for a monthly treatment program.

Victoria, 25 years old. I had an unusual microcurrent therapy procedure. A very deep cut was accidentally formed on the arm and did not heal for a long time. I tried all sorts of ointments, but to no avail. Recommended microcurrents. After several sessions, the wound healed completely, and after a while even the scar disappeared. This is such wonderful therapy.

Microcurrent therapy is a modern way to bring the human skin into a normal and healthy state. This is a practically safe, painless and effective method of rejuvenating muscle cells and tissues, which is becoming increasingly popular.

Posted in category

Hardware cosmetology does not stand still. Constantly evolving, it pleases and surprises at the same time. It pleases, because it allows you to rejuvenate without surgery, and it surprises because it uses the most incredible means to rejuvenate the skin, such as electric current, for example. Microscopic impulses of electric current activates the process of tissue repair. The skin is rejuvenated from the inside because under the influence of microcurrent, the activity of the mimic muscles of the face improves. Microcurrent normalizes the work of the structural elements of the dermis and epidermis.

What is Microcurrent Facial Therapy?

This is electrical stimulation that increases the production of proteins such as elastin and collagen, as well as certain amino acids. A facelift is achieved due to the increased production of proteins.

The procedure is that certain cosmetic substances are applied to the skin: vitamins, collagen, amino acids and others. Further, it is affected by currents of low frequency and amplitude. At the same time, microcurrents play the role of conductors that deliver substances to the deep skin.

Various types of microcurrents are used. The procedure can be carried out at home. Information about microcurrent therapy for the face at home.

Types of microcurrents

There are three ways of summing up electronic impulses used in anti-aging therapy:

  • Special stationary electrodes are used, installed at certain points;
  • Stick electrodes. Moveable electrodes, taking into account a specially designed scheme;
  • Use conductive gloves. A specialist puts them on his hands and gently massages certain areas of the face.

In addition to various methods of summing up, microcurrent therapy is divided into separate types according to the effect achieved:

  • Currents regulating the tone of skeletal and facial muscles. As a result, too tense muscles relax, and weakened ones are restored.
  • Currents aimed at skin deincrustation: deep cleansing of pores, adjustment of sebaceous and other glands. As a result, clear skin, without rosacea and acne.
  • Microiontophoresis. As a result, improved skin permeability ensures the absorption of more nutrients.
  • Microcurrent lymphatic drainage guarantees anti-edematous effect. It is used to combat excess fluid in the subcutaneous fat.

There will be no quick results from microcurrents.


  • Decreased skin elasticity;
  • Scarring;
  • Consequences of acne;
  • Enlarged and clogged pores;
  • Blurring of facial contours;
  • The omission of facial tissues;
  • Problematic skin;
  • bags or circles under the eyes;
  • Dry or vice versa oily skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • Muscle atony;
  • muscle hypertrophy;
  • Dehydrated, depleted skin;
  • swelling;
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery.

How is microcurrent facelift performed?

  1. Before starting the procedure, the beautician cleans the skin from the remnants of cosmetics, dust, skin secretions.D
  2. Next, the skin is scrubbed and toned.P
  3. The active substance is applied to the skin, and microcurrents are used.

The procedure does not require any special preparation. The session lasts approximately sixty minutes. It is accompanied by a slight tingling or tingling sensation. These sensations are pleasant enough. There is no soreness.

During the session, some clients relax so much that they even fall asleep. Feeling very comfortable. After the session, a nourishing cream is applied.

The number of sessions is as follows:

  • For mature skin, it is advisable to perform the procedure three times a week for two months.
  • Relatively young skin can be rehabilitated in a shorter time. Three sessions are usually enough.


Many are concerned about the question: “Are microcurrents as good as they are said to be”? Perhaps this is just another advertising attack by the beauty industry. An analysis of feedback from those who have experienced all the delights of microcurrent therapy shows that among patients there are not only those who are delighted with the procedure, but also those who are frankly disappointed.

However, enthusiastic customers are still the vast majority. They note that the skin condition has improved in all areas: color, elasticity, oval, regenerating effect. In addition, the skin became clean, bright and even. Disappointment was experienced by those who expected more from microcurrent therapy. There will be no quick results. You need to prepare for this. Microcurrents start natural processes, and they take time.

In general, microcurrent has diverse positive effects not only on the skin, but also on the muscles, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • muscle tissue is tightened;
  • wrinkles are smoothed on the skin, so it stretches a little;
  • metabolic cellular and muscular processes are normalized.

Possible side effects and complications after the use of microcurrent

Patients with a low pain threshold and a propensity may experience moments such as burning during the procedure or redness of the skin. This is perfectly corrected by adjusting the microcurrent therapy regimen. There may be a metallic taste in the mouth.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Postponed stroke;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Oncology;
  • Metal structures in the body;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm;
  • Pacemaker;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Severe somatic diseases.

So, microcurrent therapy is a great way to normalize the flow of electrochemical processes at the cellular level. It helps to improve the condition of blood vessels, muscle fibers and skin. As a result of this therapy, the appearance of the skin of the face improves. She becomes younger, healthier, smoother and cleaner.

There is no recovery period for microcurrent therapy. Stimulation of fibroblasts with electrical impulses activates the synthesis of skin proteins (elastin and collagen), thereby restoring its surface, a noticeable lifting effect appears, the oval is tightened and even facial features are made clearer.

You can learn more about the effect of microcurrents on facial skin cells and see how a microcurrent therapy session is performed in this video:

Microcurrent therapy goes well with massage. At the same time, this is an indispensable tool in the postoperative period, as it helps to regulate lymphatic drainage and blood microcirculation.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

16 536 0 Hello! Rejuvenation without surgery is a reality and progress in cosmetology. In this article, we will talk about one of these methods, called microcurrent therapy for the face and body.

What is microcurrent therapy

Since the advent of electricity in human life, its scope has been constantly expanding. It is used in almost all areas of our life.

It is known that electric current was first successfully used in medicine, and then in cosmetology. In medical practice, electric current with various parameters can cure many diseases, relieve pain symptoms, provoke cell activity and biochemical processes in them.

Electrotherapy finds application for high and low voltage current. Exposure to high voltage electricity is called darsonvalization, and low or low voltage is called microcurrent therapy.

The main purpose of microcurrents in medicine is the removal of pain, anesthesia and physiotherapy. There are two directions of microcurrent therapy:

  • MENS - neuromuscular effect
  • TENS is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

In cosmetology, microcurrents have found application as one of the methods of hardware rejuvenation. To do this, microcurrents are used with a current strength in the range of 10-600 μA, with a voltage of 10-14 V and different frequencies from 0.1 to 300 Hz. These indicators have a mild and non-traumatic impulse effect on all layers of the epidermis, muscle layers, nerve endings and blood vessels, as well as subcutaneous tissue.

As a result of exposure to microcurrents on cells, biochemical processes are activated in them, lymphatic drainage improves, collagen production is stimulated, and vessel walls are strengthened. Outwardly, the skin condition improves, wrinkles are tightened, puffiness and unevenness disappear.

Distinguish microcurrent therapy of the face and body. On the body, microcurrents are applied in the décolleté, neck, abdomen, buttocks, and arms.

Indications for microcurrent therapy:

Microcurrent therapy is used for the following indications:

  • weak muscle tone;
  • sagging skin;
  • "second chin" and fuzzy facial contours;
  • sagging and cellulite;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • acne of a non-infectious and fungal nature;
  • lifting and prevention of wrinkles;
  • recovery after facial plastic surgery and preoperative preparation;
  • scars and skin irregularities;
  • rosacea;
  • baldness;
  • care for oily and dry skin.

The effect of microcurrent therapy:

  • regeneration and restoration of cells;
  • improving muscle tone or relaxing tense muscles;
  • activation of biochemical processes in cells;
  • improved outflow of blood and lymph;
  • lifting;
  • nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • correction of irregularities, sagging, cellulite;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • removal of toxins and radicals from cells;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • stabilization of melanocytes;
  • even skin tone.


Microcurrent therapy is not carried out in the presence of:

  • pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy and mental disorders;
  • diseases of the blood vessels;
  • infectious and fungal skin lesions;
  • cardio and electrostimulators;
  • implants;
  • facelifts with gold or platinum threads.

With caution, microcurrents are used in cases of heart attack and stroke, severe forms of diseases and diseases in the acute stage, in the presence of metal fillings and metal-ceramic teeth. With a surgical operation, the possibility of using microcurrents comes at least six months later.

Also a contraindication is individual intolerance to electric current.

How is the procedure carried out

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist for contraindications and to identify the area affected by microcurrents.

Microcurrent therapy sessions are best done in a special clinic or beauty salon.

Then make-up removal is carried out, a special conductive gel is applied to the skin.

Microcurrent therapy is carried out in several ways:

  1. Electrodes are attached to the area of ​​application of microcurrents. As a rule, this method is convenient for large areas of skin.
  2. Exposure to microcurrents is carried out using movable electrodes. The movements of the electrodes are carried out in predetermined directions. The movable electrodes themselves are special disposable sticks.
  3. Massage with conductive gloves. This method is considered the most effective.

After the procedure, the conductive agent is removed, a cream or mask is applied.

Microcurrent therapy is carried out in a course. The session lasts approximately 20 minutes to 1 hour. The result is visible immediately after the first procedure and accumulates with each session. The duration of the course and the frequency of sessions will depend on the condition of the skin and the results achieved.

For maximum effect, a set of procedures is being developed, including microcurrent therapy in combination with other hardware, caring procedures and home care products.

Varieties of microcurrent therapy

Depending on the problem of the skin of the face and body, one of the types of microcurrent therapy can be applied or in combination:

  • microcurrent lymphatic drainage- is aimed at getting rid of excess fluid in the tissues, its uniform distribution. Applied on the face and body. Helps to get rid of edema, smoothing the skin, smoothing.
  • microcurrent face and neck lifting- for tight and even skin.
  • decontamination or galvanic cleaning– the procedure is carried out for deep cleansing of pores from sebaceous secretions, toxins and impurities using alkaline solutions and galvanic current. Suitable for very sensitive skin and fine skin porosity.
  • non-injection mesotherapy or electroporation- a method that uses an electric current instead of a needle, acting on the ionic bonds of the epidermis. Thanks to this method, the skin is tightened, protein metabolism in cells is activated, and mimic wrinkles , evens out skin tone, relieves enlarged pores, scars, acne and pigmentation.
  • reprogramming of the mimic muscles of the face and neck or myostimulation- allows you to influence the muscles, relaxing or straining them. Thus, it contributes to the elimination or minimization of mimic wrinkles.

Microcurrent therapy is suitable for any age and gender, subject to contraindications. During the course of microcurrent therapy, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, refrain from caffeine and nicotine, alcohol.

Fixing procedures (1-2 times) include sessions a month or a half after the course.

Benefits of Microcurrent Therapy

This method of hardware cosmetology has the following advantages:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • quick result;
  • seamless rejuvenation;
  • complex impact;
  • a wide range of indications;
  • enhancing the effect of other cosmetic procedures and compatibility with them;
  • security.

Disadvantages of Microcurrent Therapy

The disadvantages of this technique are the presence of a large number of absolute contraindications, the relative high cost and complexity of conducting microcurrent therapy at home.

Duration of effect and age categories

The achieved result from microcurrents is able to persist for six months. There is a direct dependence of the durability of the effect on the condition of the skin, age and course of procedures.

Age categories of microcurrent therapy

  1. – microcurrents are used as prophylaxis, the course of procedures is short.
  2. - the beginning of age-related changes and the course consists of an average of 5-6 procedures 1 time per week.
  3. – age category for active restoration of age-related changes – the course is 8-12 procedures every 3 days.
  4. - from 10-12 procedures with a weekly course in 1-2 days.

Combination of microcurrents with injections

Beauty injections can activate positive skin changes in combination with microcurrents. Along with this, microcurrent therapy requires caution in various injection methods of rejuvenation. The use of microcurrents is recommended approximately two weeks after the injections.

Combination with other cosmetic procedures

Microcurrents perfectly complement and complement a number of cosmetic procedures:

  • ELOS-rejuvenation and other hardware procedures;
  • any caring procedures - cleaning, masks, etc.
  • before and after plastic surgery.

Possible side effects and complications

Side effects include slight tingling during the procedure, which is considered normal. Also here can be attributed the taste of metal in the mouth, bright flashes when exposed to the area around the eyes. Such manifestations are considered minor side effects and are within the normal range.

Possible complications appear with individual intolerance to electric current or non-compliance with contraindications. This also includes improper procedure, insufficient qualification of a specialist.

Procedure analogues

Similar procedures for microcurrent therapy are biostimulation and electrical stimulation. These procedures are carried out only in specialized clinics by highly qualified specialists.

  • Biostimulation is aimed at the effect of electric current on tissues, muscles and blood vessels. A current of different frequencies and at different depths of exposure is used.
  • Electrical stimulation uses bipolar and pulsed currents, affecting certain mimic areas.

Microcurrent therapy at home

Microcurrents can be used for rejuvenation and at home. To do this, you need to purchase special portable equipment and familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure, contraindications. The effect of procedures at home will be less pronounced or take a longer course due to the nature of the equipment.

Experts still recommend preferring microcurrent therapy in a clinic or salon under the supervision of a cosmetologist. At the same time, the modern equipment market offers many novelties of hardware cosmetology at home. Such equipment does not require complex maintenance, is completely safe and versatile in use.

Useful articles:

Facial microcurrent procedure is a modern and effective method of rejuvenation. It allows you to solve the most pressing problems and improves skin condition. But there are some contraindications and features that you should familiarize yourself with.

Microcurrents: the essence of the method and its effectiveness

Microcurrents are a modern physiotherapeutic method, which is based on the effect on tissues of weak discharges of pulsed current. Low-frequency pulses not only affect the skin, but also penetrate through it into the subcutaneous tissue and muscle tissue, affecting the deep layers and having a complex effect.

Microcurrent therapy refers to non-invasive and gentle methods, as it does not violate the integrity of the skin. Procedures are carried out in cosmetology clinics and salons using specialized devices.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained IS FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

The effect is achieved due to the complex impact exerted in several directions:

  • Improving blood circulation and blood supply to all tissues. Thanks to the influx of blood, the cells of the dermis receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.
  • lymphatic drainage effect. Microcurrents act on the lymph nodes and blood vessels, normalizing the flow of lymph.
  • Restoration of the physiological activity of tissues and cells, stimulation of intercellular metabolism.
  • Elimination of congestion in the upper and deeper layers of the dermis.
  • Normalization of water-salt balance, removal of excess fluid and removal of puffiness.
  • Removal of toxins and slags from tissues, purification of cells.
  • Moisturizing the deep layers of the skin, promoting the retention of moisture by cells.
  • Relief of inflammatory processes.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, a decrease in the synthesis of skin secretions.
  • Stimulation of muscles, increasing their tone.
  • Improvement of microcirculation in the tissues of the skin and muscles, acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Stimulation of the synthesis of elastin, collagen, proteins, enzymes and lipids.
  • Acceleration of regeneration processes, restoration of damaged tissues.

Such a complex effect allows you to improve the condition of the skin and achieve several effects, such as smoothing wrinkles, eliminating excessive fat content, nutrition, improving complexion, lifting the oval and contours of the face, moisturizing, increasing the elasticity of the skin, eliminating circles and bags under the eyes.

Indications and contraindications

  • Hyperpigmentation, uneven or dull complexion;
  • Signs of aging: reduced skin elasticity, wrinkles, ptosis of the eyelids or other areas, sagging;
  • inflammation, acne;
  • Bags under the eyes, puffiness of the face;
  • The presence of scars, post-acne, scars;
  • Increased sebum synthesis;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Vascular "asterisks" and "mesh", rosacea;
  • Postponed plastic surgery or aggressive and rough procedures.

Microcurrents are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with epilepsy and serious nervous disorders, oncological diseases, infectious skin lesions, acute viral infections, with severe cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks, with exacerbation of dermatological diseases with lesions on the face, with the presence of pacemakers and other electrical devices in the body, with increased sensitivity to current and violation of the integrity of the skin in the affected area.

How is the procedure carried out?

Special preparation for the procedures is not required, it is enough just to remove the make-up. The impact can be in several ways:

  • Stationary electrodes. During the session, they remain motionless and are fixed on the surface of the face, which makes it possible to effectively work out large areas and achieve a deep impact.
  • Stick electrodes are thin tips that are used to influence small or delicate areas, such as the eyelids, corners of the eyes.
  • Conductive gloves allow you to achieve the best effect, since in addition to the effect of the current passing through them, a facial massage is performed. In addition, the specialist gets the opportunity to act pointwise, pay attention to problem areas and, if necessary, cover large areas.

There are several types of impact:

  1. Lymphatic drainage involves the impact on the flow of lymph;
  2. Desincrustation is the cleansing of the skin and the narrowing of enlarged pores;
  3. Reprogramming of mimic muscles - impact on muscle tissues, increasing their tone and smoothing mimic wrinkles;
  4. Microiontophoresis involves the application of individually selected drugs to the skin and their penetration into the layers of the dermis under the influence of current;
  5. Lifting - lifting of facial contours, elimination of ptosis, increase of elasticity.

Before the procedure, the surface of the face is treated with a special conductive gel, which ensures the penetration of impulses into the deep layers of tissues. Next, the specialist begins to process the face with a special apparatus. A slight tingling sensation may be felt during exposure, but this usually does not cause pain or discomfort. After the session, redness, slight swelling, hyperemia are possible. But all these symptoms go away on their own within an hour and do not require help.

The duration of one session depends on the specific problems and the area of ​​the affected areas. The procedure usually takes 40-60 minutes. Many are interested in how many microcurrent facial procedures should be done. Their number depends on which defects are eliminated, on the degree of their severity, the condition of the skin and individual characteristics. It may take from three to six to 10-15 sessions, carried out at intervals of two to three days.

If the desired effect is achieved, you need to maintain it and visit a specialist once or twice a month.

Advantages and disadvantages of microcurrent therapy

The main advantages of microcurrent therapy:

  • High efficiency;
  • Multidirectional complex impact;
  • the procedure is non-invasive and as safe as possible;
  • No need for preparation and rehabilitation period;
  • Low likelihood of side effects;
  • Microcurrents are well combined with other cosmetic procedures;
  • The effect is noticeable already after the first procedures and is fixed during subsequent sessions;
  • Minimum discomfort.
  • Relatively high cost of the procedure;
  • The presence of contraindications;
  • The need for several sessions and subsequent maintenance of the effect.