Do-it-yourself autumn picture from puzzles. Board-printed games in kindergarten

Autumn picture from puzzles. Master class with step by step photo

Picture-puzzle of 1000 elements on the autumn theme. Step by step instructions with photo

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: this master class is intended for children of all ages, teachers and parents who like to collect puzzles or who want to learn this exciting and useful activity, which is perfect for organizing free time for children and adults.
Purpose: interior decoration
Target: collecting pictures from puzzles
contribute to the organization of free time for children and adults,
promote the development of figurative and logical thinking, voluntary attention, perception, memory,
develop fine motor skills

Jigsaw puzzle is a puzzle game in which you need to make a mosaic of many pieces of a picture of various shapes. And they were invented by the Englishman John Spilsbury in 1761. He made a study guide in the form of a dissected geographical map. The invention was a great success, which peaked in the 20th century and became a popular salon entertainment in Europe. Jigsaw puzzles were quite common entertainment in pre-revolutionary Russia, but in the Soviet Union puzzles were never released, so my generation was deprived of the joy of collecting color pictures from small details.
The first time I came across jigsaw puzzles was when a couple of boxes of wonder puzzles came to our school with humanitarian aid in the early 90s. The guys immediately fell in love with them, but due to the limited number, they had to collect bright toy boxes in toy stores and manually make similar games from their lids. They were saved on winter evenings.
Once they brought me a puzzle of 1000 pieces with a view of nature as a gift from Arkhangelsk, but I didn’t have the skill of collecting, and then I couldn’t cope. And a few years later, my youngest daughter and I became interested in collecting puzzles with kittens, which became an excellent school for mastering this wisdom.

Working process.

To work, you only need to go to the store and choose the puzzles you like. I was given 2 boxes of puzzles for my birthday in September. I chose one of them for the master class.

We open the box, pour out all the puzzles from the bag in which they are usually packed.

Now I start to divide all the fragments by color. In this picture, I have highlighted the following areas:
hill on the right
hill on the left
tree branches,
I put the fragments of each zone in separate salad bowls (any containers can be used).

Since I collect puzzles quite often, I have special fiberboard sheets for this lesson. I prefer to collect on the floor, it’s more convenient for me than at the table, and I calmly slide the sheet with the work I have started under the sofa. I always start my work with a frame. To do this, I pour all the fragments with a smooth side onto the main sheet, turn them over to the colored side, and begin to assemble the frame according to the color and shape of the convex and concave sides. I immediately designate 4 corners, and from them I go in different directions. When the frame is assembled, you can see what size the picture will be.

Now I will collect the hill on the right. I lay out all the fragments of this section of the picture in even rows on the second sheet of the plate. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the shape of these fragments. Unfortunately, these puzzles basically have the same shape, only in a small number one of the walls has a bulge and a depression in the form of a hill. I lay them out in separate rows (2nd and 3rd row).

From the frame of the lower right corner, I begin to spread the picture. I carefully look at what shape and color the desired fragment should be and look for it among the prepared fragments. For example, I put a selected fragment next to its place in this picture. I was looking for it on the smooth right side and the black bulbous bottom.

Here is the right hill and assembled.

Now I lay out the fragments from the left hill in even rows, observing the same order.

I start collecting from the left corner of the frame. The second hill is also assembled.

I'm moving on to the houses. It took less time for this stage, because the houses are colorful and the fragments are easier to find. Having previously laid out the fragments of houses, I first assemble a turquoise house.

And after him, and all the others.

The hardest part of the job remains. Laying out the fragments according to the previous principle, I separately lay out the black fragments.

From them I begin to lay out the trunk, rising up.

The branches turned out to be more difficult to collect than other parts of the picture, and I introduced lanterns into the picture. This made the work much easier, gave a more complete picture of the background, and reduced the number of fragments on the other slab.

We continue to collect branches.

Here they are assembled.

Now it remains to assemble the background from the yellow fragments. This work no longer causes great difficulties, especially since all the fragments are again preliminarily laid out in shape, observing the rows.

The picture is assembled, it remains to arrange it in a frame.

To decorate the picture, I selected a frame according to the size. I moved the picture by sliding onto the cardboard from the frame, put glass on top and fixed everything in the frame itself. Now it remains to prepare a place for the picture, and it will decorate the apartment.

The frame holds the picture tightly. Puzzles in our collection of kittens we usually stick together with adhesive tape. There is also a special glue. Here you will decide which method is more convenient and affordable for you.
And this is how puzzles decorate our room in a boarding school.

Everyone probably has their own ways and secrets of collecting puzzles. Today I shared with you mine, which I have been using for years and teaching this to my students. If you are not yet passionate about this business, try it, start with small paintings and conquer the heights of craftsmanship with your children. Good luck to you!

Didactic games on FEMP

"Mosaic", "Puzzles"

Target: develops motor skills of hands, attention, logical thinking, perseverance.

"Colors and Shapes"

Target: helps to teach the child basic colors and their shades, basic shapes, as well as such important concepts as “big”, “small”, “more”, “less”.

Lotto "Entertaining mathematics"

Target: develops attention, logical thinking, perseverance, continues to teach counting to 100, trains visual memory.

Smart domino "subtraction"

Target: develops hand motor skills, attention, logical thinking, perseverance, trains visual memory, strengthens subtraction skills.

"Children about time"

Target: the game introduces children to time concepts (seasons, months, days of the week, parts of the day, hours), forms storytelling skills from pictures.

"Choose by color and shape"

Target: development of logical and figurative thinking, arbitrary and involuntary attention.


Target: the development of attention, speech, figurative and semantic memory, lays the foundations for logical thinking.

"Merry Logic"

Target: develops figurative thinking, analytical perception, develops the ability to visually examine and analyze objects, their verbal description and mental design.


Target: develops memory, observation, forms interest in the world around.

"Color Geometry"

Target: consolidates knowledge about geometric shapes and colors, develops attention, perception, logical thinking.

"A kaleidoscope of shapes, colors, activities"

Target: develops spatial orientation, artistic and creative imagination, intelligence and attention, in a playful way teaches possession of geometric shapes, the ability to determine one specific color from a color variety.

"Solving Examples"

Target: consolidation of counting skills, mastering mathematical operations: addition and subtraction, teaches how to compose and solve problems.

Didactic games for the development of speech

"My house"

Target: to form children's knowledge about the characteristic furnishings of an apartment, the game teaches you to choose the right picture with a piece of furniture for the selected part of the apartment, to develop thinking, ingenuity, the ability to explain your actions, memory.

Lotto "All professions are important"

Target: develops speech, thinking, speech apparatus, ideas about professions.

"Say one word"

Target: develops logical thinking, dexterity and speed of thought and action of the player.

"Speech therapy loto"

Target: develops phonemic hearing, teaches how to pronounce sounds correctly, studies the sound-letter analysis of a word, develops attention, memory, thinking.

"Along the path of words"

Target: develops coherent speech, attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking and phonemic hearing in children.

"We will build a house"

Target: develops memory, thinking, fantasies, to form children's knowledge about the characteristic objects of building material, the game teaches you to choose the right picture.

"The Fourth Extra"

Target: develops logical and imaginative thinking, speech apparatus.

"Chain of words"

Target: develops the ability to locate the first and last sound in words.

"Play it"

Target: the game develops sensory education, visual perception, forms the development of stable ideas about the shape, color, size of objects, teaches to establish a match and a mismatch.

"I know all professions"

Target: introduces professions, trains memory, attention, logical thinking and speech.

"We play shop"

Target: introduces children to items sold in stores, the ability of children to classify items, to call groups of items with generalizing words.

Didactic games around the world

"Animals and birds: what they say and what they eat"

Target: develops speech, introduces animals and birds, as well as how they “speak” and what they eat.


Target: introduces children about the benefits of pets, their varieties, how they are useful in the household, develops voluntary and involuntary attention, memory, figurative and logical thinking.

"Hares in the Forest"

Target: introduces predatory and herbivorous animals, develops logical thinking, memory, speech.


Target: develops attention, logical thinking, dexterity and speed of thought and action of the player.

"Animals and their babies"

Target: introduces animals of central Russia, expands vocabulary, develops memory, teaches correct speech, forms the foundations of logical thinking (generalization, division into groups).


Target: the game develops attention, logical thinking, dexterity and speed of thought and action of the player.


Target: development of visual perception, voluntary attention, introduces fruits, vegetables and berries, memory.


Target: introduces children to the world around them and enriches them with knowledge about animals, their cubs, as well as the barnyard, teaches the child to generalize, analyze and compare.

"Catch a fish"

Target: introduces children to water inhabitants, develops visual perception, voluntary attention, memory and logical thinking.

Lotto "Twins" (birds)

Target: introduces children to bird species, habitat, develops voluntary and involuntary attention, memory, speech apparatus.

Lotto "Twins" (insects and reptiles)

Target: introduces children to varieties of insects and reptiles, habitat, develops voluntary and involuntary attention, memory, speech apparatus.

"Learn the Living World"

Target: introduces domestic and forest animals, forest and agricultural plants, forest and garden flowers, forest and garden berries, vegetables and fruits.

"Choose a picture"

develops attention, memory, thinking, teaches to classify objects, call groups of objects with generalized words, enriches vocabulary.

Alina Rudenko

Recently, a large number of educational games for children have appeared in stores. How to help parents choose the right game for their child? You need to tell them about useful and interesting games.


are gaining more and more popularity every year. And there is nothing surprising in this! This game is played by toddlers, preschool children and adults.

This is a great educational toy and a good way to spend time with your child. However, do not think that the baby will collect puzzles on his own. In all developmental activities, the presence of adults is necessary. It is relatives who can arouse interest in their kids for new interesting activities and toys. If you start to assemble the mosaic yourself, then the baby, watching you, will become interested in this process and begin to help you.

What should be the very first puzzles? They should be very simple: from two to four large parts. The items that the child collects should be familiar to him. It is desirable if it is one large item, for example, your baby's favorite fairy-tale hero.

The details should fit well, and the pattern should be bright and large. When composing puzzles, it is important for adults to pronounce their actions, name the shape and color of the elements.

It is already possible to start collecting puzzles from about 3 - 4 years.

If you started collecting puzzles for the first time, then you will need to assemble the picture yourself and when there are a few details left, ask the child to help.

Galina Yaroshuk, Doctor of Biological Sciences and psychologist, writes that the main activity of a small child is a game. At first, babies observe and repeat the actions of adults, so they develop attention and memory. It is very important to encourage and encourage children during the game.

As soon as the child learns to assemble a puzzle of 4-6 pieces, he can buy more complex versions of this game. If from early childhood a child collects puzzles, then by the age of 3 the baby will already be able to assemble a puzzle of 24 elements. With an increase in the number of parts, you can gradually complicate the pattern depicted on the puzzles. For children from three years old, you can already offer simple plots, for example, an illustration from familiar cartoons or fairy tales, and for older children - a puzzle with educational content, for example, an image of the alphabet. With the help of such games, your child will receive the necessary knowledge in a playful and entertaining way.

Collecting a puzzle - a drawing - is easier than a puzzle made like a photograph. This is a task for older children. The optimal number of puzzle pieces for children aged 3 to 6 years is no more than 50.

Playing puzzles affects the development of the baby:

* develops fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements

* trains the ability to see the task in many ways

* develops logic

* forms the skills of developing a strategic solution to problems

* develops perseverance and accuracy

* develops imagination and fantasy

* develops attention and memory

* Teaches you how to make your own decisions

An interest in puzzles can open up a child's creativity. For example, to contribute to inventing stories from pictures. It seems to be a simple game - but the benefits from it are tangible.

When playing with puzzles, the movements of a child's hand become accurate and meaningful. In the future, this will help the child quickly learn to write, and also relieve handwriting problems.

How to organize puzzle games in a group, in kindergarten?

For children to be interested, you need to have a large number of different puzzles. All children love to collect stories from popular children's fairy tales and cartoons. The boys are happy to collect cars, dinosaurs. Girls - kittens, puppies. Cardboard boxes are torn from frequent use, mosaic details are easily lost or fall into other boxes. But if at least one detail is lost - it's not very interesting to play! To prevent this from happening, we have selected a plastic box with a transparent lid for each game. Inside each box is a finished sample. For convenience, the sample picture and each piece of the puzzles are numbered with one number. You can immediately notice if a part from another mosaic got into the box. In order for everything to be aesthetically pleasing, the boxes must be the same. Playing this game, children get used to the order, after the game you need to remove the grooves in the box. Our puzzles are located in a place accessible to children (in the building corner). When there is free time, children can choose the picture they want to collect as they wish.

Someone likes to play alone, someone unites with a friend. In the game, they learn to communicate, learn to negotiate, give in to each other, enjoy the overall result. Last year we released a preparatory group.

In the new school year, kids came to us. Despite the big difference in age, children are happy to collect puzzles. This is one of our group's favorite games.

Articles used in the consultation:

1. "Puzzles - an educational game for future geniuses"

2. "On the benefits of puzzles and composite pictures"

Children's educational games

Today on store shelves you can find an incredible number of different puzzles - composite pictures. The goal of these puzzles is to assemble a whole image from individual parts.

Composite pictures come in different levels of complexity, which increases with age. All composite pictures can be divided into 4 types: insert pictures, split pictures, cubes with images, puzzles.

The first three categories have already become "classics", but puzzles appeared in our country not so long ago, and every year they are gaining more and more popularity. Moreover, puzzles are collected with great pleasure not only by children, but also by adults.

Let's take a closer look at each of the categories listed above.

Insert pictures

Insert pictures are extremely effective in the formation and development of visual-figurative thinking in a child. Insert pictures are various images with cut out parts. The task is to find the missing pieces and put them in their places. For example, you need to line up a number of elephants of different sizes.

The simplest version of this game is when the cut out element has smooth edges and the pattern depicted on it is symmetrical, for example, a circle and the sun depicted on it. After the child begins to easily cope with this task, you can offer him a picture with jagged edges.

The next stage in complexity is when the child is offered a picture with even cut out edges, but the image on it is no longer symmetrical, for example, a chicken depicted on a square. The child will have to try to insert the chicken correctly, and not upside down.

In the future, you can offer the child inserts in which the cut out elements are part of the image. For example, a geometric train. This game, created in the style of insert frames, will introduce the child to different geometric shapes, the concepts of size, color, part and whole. Playing with the train, the child develops attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, hand motility, fantasy.

First, consider the Engine with your child. Ask him to name the details he knows. If the baby does not yet speak, name the details yourself. Tell at an accessible level who controls the steam locomotive and how it works. Our locomotive has many details - removable inserts in the form of geometric shapes: circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids. Take out the figurines. Look at them and offer to think of what they look like. Circles - on the Sun, the Moon, a plate, a coin, etc.

Liners with a sublayer are very popular with children. Let's look at the example of the game "House". This more complex insert frame is made like a simple 10-piece puzzle. On the entire area of ​​​​the base for the liners, the internal structure of the house is drawn. Under each insert there is some room: a bathroom, a nursery, a kitchen, an attic under the roof, and also, under a cloud, a cheerful sun is hiding, birds nest on a tree, and a dog lives in a kennel near the house.

Show the child how the inserts come out of the frame by naming the parts of the house and explaining what is under them: "This is the roof, there is an attic under it, old things are stored there." If the child is already speaking, picking up the insert, ask him: "Who lives here? What is the name of this room? Do we have one?"

After the kid has memorized the device at home, try to assemble the puzzle. First take out one or more parts and ask to "fix the house". Then try to disassemble the house completely so that the child can assemble it himself. If the child has already mastered coherent speech, ask him to come up with a story about the inhabitants of the house. Think of: what their names are, where they work or study, how they spend their time.

Panels with slots in the form of letters or numbers can be extremely useful for the development of your child. While playing, the child will quickly remember their names, unless, of course, you are too lazy to play with him and name the corresponding letters and numbers.

It is easy to make insert pictures yourself from thick cardboard of different colors. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

Split pictures

Split pictures are pictures cut along straight (in most cases) lines. With the simplest cut pictures (one large object is shown and divided into two parts), you can start practicing from a year and a half. Over time, you can complicate tasks by offering the baby pictures consisting of a larger number of details (6, 8, 12 elements).

The purpose of this game for the little ones is to understand the concepts of part and whole, to develop mechanical skills (put the right part in the right place) and perseverance. In the process, the foundations are laid for such qualities as the ability to combine, synthesize the whole from the details; there is an active development of speech, emotional sphere, visual-motor coordination and spatial perception.

The child must learn to "see" the picture in detail, keep it in memory and repeat on their own, mentally turning and combining the parts.

The game is designed for the smallest, and if you do not teach the child the basics, then the kid can quickly lose interest in it, so at the first stages, if he can’t cope, help him. Collect the pictures yourself, tell us what they depict, ask leading questions in the process, make riddles about the objects depicted: "Scarlet, sugar, green caftan, velvet - who is this?", "What color is a pear? Let's find it," etc. .d.

Invite the child to complete the almost finished picture by adding one detail on their own, then each time complicate the task: two details, three; as a result, the child not only has to make a picture on his own, but also choose the necessary parts from the mixed parts. Accompany the game with poems, riddles, invite the child to count how many plums and how many cherries are in the picture, use the already collected pictures as a visual aid for the development of speech and the basics of oral counting.

You can make split pictures yourself. However, at the same time (and when buying in a store), you need to pay attention to the fact that the item depicted in the pictures should be familiar to the child and bright.

It remains only to add that split pictures are easy to make by sticking a suitable image on cardboard.

Cubes with images

Cubes is a game loved by almost all kids. During the game, visual-figurative thinking, the ability to work according to the model, visual memory, attention, and logic develop. You can start classes from 2 years old.

With the help of cubes, you can introduce your child, for example, to fruits. At the same time, tell us where they grow, what can be prepared from them, adding new words and concepts to the child’s active dictionary.

At the first lesson, be sure to put a sample drawing with the image of a fruit on the bottom of the box to facilitate the work of the baby. Ask the child to find the right part of the cube and put it in the box. As a result of the assembly, a drawing comes out of the cubes, and your baby gets acquainted with the concepts of "part and whole", learns to work according to the model.

Then you can ask the child to fold the drawing without using the sample picture - visual attention and memory work here. Assembling the drawing, comment on the actions of the child: put the top right cube, now the bottom left - developing the ability to navigate in space.

Gradually, you can complicate the classes by offering the child to assemble a picture of 9 cubes. When offering a game, first turn all the cubes on one side: this will help the child to more easily navigate the rules of the game. Then start to complicate the task by turning one block wrong, then do this with two, three cubes, as the baby copes with the task.


Puzzles are extremely popular. And there is nothing surprising in this! After all, this game develops imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills, attention, integrity of perception.

Puzzles differ from the cut-away pictures listed above in that they have a complex curved line connecting parts. In order for a child to correctly compose a picture, it is necessary to compare the shape of one part with the shapes of neighboring ones. At the same time, he must take into account what is depicted on them, and whether a single image is obtained when they are combined.

You can already start collecting puzzles for about from 3.5-4 years, however, here you need to focus on the interest of the child and the complexity of the puzzles. It’s worth starting with puzzles, which include a small number of obligatory large pieces, sometimes made of soft material. Over time, you can complicate tasks by increasing the number of parts and reducing their size.

The items depicted on the puzzles should be familiar to the child. At first, it is desirable that it be one large image, for example, your baby's favorite cartoon character.

When collecting puzzles with a child for the first time, you first need to show how the picture is assembled. Then remove 2-3 details and tell the child, for example: "I assembled the picture, but a strong wind blew and a few details flew away. Come on, help me assemble it again!". With young children, during this entertaining process, you can invent a fairy tale, study the world around you. For example: "Who is drawn on this piece? A dog? What is the dog doing? Sitting," and so on.

Older children, who already have a well-developed imagination and who know the rules of the game, can begin to collect a picture "from scratch", having a sample picture in front of their eyes.

The most important question that all parents ask is how to prepare a child for adulthood. The main assistant in this work is the kindergarten, where the baby spends most of his time. This means that the work of the preschool educational institution and the family must be coordinated. This also applies to such important techniques from the point of view of the success of the educational process as games. One of the most methodically demanded activities in the preschool educational institution is board-printed games.

Goals and objectives of board-printed games

A variety of the main activity of preschoolers, aimed at an analytical approach to solving a game situation, presented in the form of a visual aid, is called a printed board game.

These games include:

  • mosaics;
  • didactic games in pictures (for example, a set of items for the game "The Third Extra");
  • folding cubes (in which the overall image is formed by turning over the faces of each cube);
  • puzzles;
  • lotto;
  • dominoes;
  • checkers, etc.

Board games are an important part of the subject-developing environment in kindergarten

The goals of introducing board-printed games into the educational process are:

  • consolidation or development of acquired knowledge;
  • development of the processes of thinking, attention, memory, imagination and speech;
  • training perseverance, discipline and the ability to bring the work started to the end;
  • education of compliance, tolerant attitude towards partners, as well as the ability to cooperate.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to systematically solve the following tasks:

  • consolidate knowledge about objects, their purpose, species differences;
  • to teach preschoolers to generalize objects according to their essential features and to identify the relationships between them, as well as to make a whole out of parts;
  • identify the interests of children (for example, drawing up collective pictures from the details of a mosaic, folding puzzles on a particular topic, etc.);
  • develop the ability to play in microgroups (children play in pairs, in threes, but if there are many participants in the group, it becomes difficult for them to determine their role in the team - showdowns and quarrels begin);
  • to form the skill of choosing partners in the game (by temperament, by mood, etc., and not just by appearance);
  • methodically competently build a system of interaction between children (the teacher plays the role of guiding the game process, but not the leader);
  • encourage the independence of children.

This is interesting. Scientists have proven that the structure of the human brain in childhood allows you not to forget anything, but to put it in a kind of "portfolio". Over time, all lost situations will be fixed, assimilated and become a habit of the baby's behavior.

visual material

Visualization is one of the main principles of gaming activities and the entire educational process in kindergarten. To carry out this work, certain visual aids are needed. In other words, to create a picture from a mosaic, you need its scheme, and to make a picture from puzzles, you need a whole image as a hint.

Based on the visual perception of information, games such as:

  • plot or symbolic pictures, images for the development of speech, mastering the basics of mathematics, familiarization with the world of things and nature, etc .;
  • puzzles (including voluminous ones);
  • lotto and domino sets;
  • cubes;
  • mosaics;
  • "walkers" with chips and a dice.

Puzzles can be of various shapes, but it is important that each child receives a separate set.

This is interesting. Simple puzzles can be made with your own hands. It is enough to cut into several uneven parts of a postcard with a plot that is understandable to everyone.

In order not to lead to tantrums, immediately stipulate that each child will have their own set of props, for example, a separate puzzle. If the kids see such toys for the first time, then you need to give them time to get to know each other, and only then move on to the game. Please note that in the younger groups, the folding process itself is important for children, so the picture should be the same - then there will be no tears. In older groups, you can give each pupil his own puzzle, but the pictures are different. If time permits, then include the stage of the exchange of details in the game: this way the kids will be able to put together different plots, and the training of motor skills and thinking will be more productive.

Another important point. For some games, for example, loto, dominoes, it is assumed that there is one set for a certain number of players. But there can be more children in the group. In this case, it is worth taking care to purchase not one, but two sets. And share playing chips (or other game materials) equally.

Video: an example of a printable board game "Opposites" in the form of a puzzle

Table: features of the choice of games for children of different ages

Age/Group Development Features Games Examples Time Notes
2–2.5 (first junior)Games should be with plot pictures
  • cubes;
  • puzzles;
  • color pictures;
  • mosaic;
  • didactic games.
  • "Third wheel";
  • "Guess the tree" (compare and identify differences between two / three objects);
  • “Who eats what” (describe the vegetables / fruits shown in the picture), etc.
Up to 5 minutesIf the regime allows (there is time before sleep or before eating), then it would be good to change this activity to a more active one.
3–4 (second junior)Interest in games in pairs
  • folding cubes;
  • mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • colorful dominoes;
  • geometric lotto.
  • "Whose kids?" (to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs);
  • "Fold the square";
  • "Gardener" (the host chooses a gardener who looks at the picture and, without naming, describes the vegetable / fruit).
7 minutesThe work is aimed at the development of speech
4–5 years (intermediate)Work in microgroups (3-4 people)
  • didactic games with pictures;
  • cubes;
  • puzzles;
  • lotto (with pictures);
  • dominoes (with pictures);
  • checkers;
  • walkers.
  • "The fourth extra";
  • "Fold the pattern";
  • “Let's help the doll” (to consolidate knowledge about objects and their purpose);
  • "Where can I buy it?" (children put pictures of products on large cards with shops).
7–8 minutes
5-6 years old (senior)Conscious participation in team games
  • didactic games (for example, paired pictures);
  • cubes;
  • lotto;
  • dominoes (with pictures and numbers);
  • checkers;
  • walkers.
  • “From what tree is the leaf” (children take a card with the image of a leaf and determine from which tree it flew off);
  • “Flies, swims, rides” (to consolidate knowledge about the types of transport: land, air, water).
10 minutesCombination of physical activity of an adult and a child
6–7 years (preparatory)Intolerance towards adult help
  • didactic games;
  • loto (with pictures, numbers and letters);
  • dominoes (classic);
  • checkers;
  • walkers;
  • chess (if the program involves this sport).
  • Topsy-turvy (selection of opposing concepts, for example, the presenter lays out a picture with autumn - children describe spring, etc.);
  • "Who needs what to work?" (to consolidate knowledge about the tools of labor, to cultivate interest in the work of adults).
10–12 minutesChildren learn to comment on their actions with high independence in completing tasks.

The didactic game "Fold the Square" brings up patience and perseverance in children

Card file of desktop-printed games in kindergarten

The card file of finished games is grouped according to the age of the children, which is reflected both in the tasks being solved and in the content of the game.

First junior group

For this category of kids, it is appropriate to use materials that involve folding whole pictures from separate pieces, usually an even number (from 4 to 6). In addition, you need to use mosaics that develop fine motor skills. This type of game uses folding pictures based on a template.

Mosaic "Fold the picture" develops fine motor skills of kids

Another important nuance regarding the methodology of the game: at first, the kids complete the task themselves with the help of an adult, then without an assistant. The last, most difficult stage of work can be folding pictures for speed, but without a competitive moment. Paired or collective games are not introduced in the classroom, each participant must have his own set of materials to exclude the possibility of a quarrel.

"Who hid in the cubes?"

  • introduce children to the main representatives of domestic and wild animals;
    develop the skill of folding elements into a single plot;
  • increase cognitive motivation.


  1. “Guys, in front of you is a picture of an animal, but it fell into 4 parts. Consider them." Note: if the children perform such a task not for the first time, then you can be asked to name those parts of the body that are on the faces of the cube.
  2. “Now try to fold the little animal. To do this, find the cube on which the head is depicted, and put the rest on it.
  3. Together with the children we name the resulting animal.

Mosaic, geometric shapes

  • consolidate knowledge of basic geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, oval);
  • help kids learn to correlate a verbal image with an image;
  • develop attention, memory;
  • develop perseverance at work.


  1. Children receive a set of geometric shapes and a base (cardboard or wooden, plastic) with recesses. "Guys, name the shapes corresponding to each recess."
  2. "Now find among your figures those that fit the shape on the basis."

In the first junior group, children do not play together, but side by side

Second junior group

In addition to the methodological subtleties characteristic of the first junior group, an element of a team game is added.

Dominoes "Animals"

  • consolidate children's knowledge about domestic or wild animals;
  • to teach to correlate the visual and auditory image of the word;
  • develop attention, speech;
  • cultivate the ability to work in a team.


  1. Each kid gets 4-5 bones.
  2. The teacher places the first bone.
  3. The kids take turns putting the appropriate pictures of animals.

At this stage, you can give tasks to complete in pairs.

In the second younger group, you can gradually introduce elements of work in pairs

"Third Extra" (theme "Dishes")

  • to teach children to separate an extra element from those united by some sign;
  • develop logical thinking;
  • cultivate patience.


  1. Children receive 3 pictures.
  2. "Guys, look at the pictures, name the objects."
  3. “Which element and why is superfluous?”

middle group

In working with this age group, the emphasis is on the development of speech. Therefore, all games involve detailed commentary along the way.

"What season?"

  • to consolidate the knowledge of the kids about the seasons and the signs that define them;
  • develop speech, logical thinking.


  1. The teacher distributes 2–3 pictures to the children each depicting the characteristic signs of a particular season (for example, children make a snowman, trees in the snow, a janitor clears the paths).
  2. “Guys, do not show your pictures to anyone. We will guess what is depicted on them. Turning to the baby, he asks him to describe what is drawn on the first card.
  3. Who guessed, calls the time of year.
  4. The one who guessed shows the picture to make sure that the season is guessed correctly.

The game "What time of year?" develops the logical thinking and speech abilities of the child

"Paired Pictures"

  • train to find similarities and differences between two pictures, teach to select the same ones;
  • educate the ability to follow the rules of the game.


  1. The teacher takes 2 pictures that show the same objects. Asks what it is, and also gives additional information (they are the same).
  2. Then the teacher distributes 6 cards to the children and asks them to find pairs.

The game "Paired Pictures" develops the ability to combine objects based on certain signs

To make it more difficult, you can put the pictures in a column, give the kids a set of 3-4 cards and ask them to find a pair for their couples in a common column.

Senior group

A distinctive feature of working with children of this age is that kids need to be taught to compare objects according to a unifying feature.


  • teach ordinal counting from 1 to 10;
  • learn to compare the number with the number of objects in the picture;
  • train voluntary attention, cultivate patience.


  1. Children receive 2-3 central blocks with images of numbers and 10 curly cards with images of objects in an amount from 1 to 10.
  2. Toddlers must connect the center block with matching curly ones to make a solid circle.

The game "Numbers" trains counting skills and voluntary attention

preparatory group

"What does the doctor need?"

  • generalize children's knowledge about professions and expand knowledge about the purpose of certain items related to work;
  • develop fine motor skills, speech, the ability to logically build statements.


  1. On the table are cut pictures (for example, tools).
  2. Children collect whole episodes.
  3. Explain the purpose of the resulting images.

"When does it happen?"

  • reinforce children's ideas about the times of day;
  • cultivate patience and attention.


  1. The child receives a set of pictures depicting stories related to different times of the day.
  2. Children take turns saying what time it is and describing their picture (for example, "It's morning because we're doing exercises").

Game "When does it happen?" reinforces preschoolers' ideas about the times of day

Timing game plan

All elements of the educational process in kindergarten must be strictly timed. Only in this case there will be no violations of discipline, and all new information will be perceived as efficiently as possible. The game plan consists of 3 important steps:

  1. Introduction - 1-2 minutes. The teacher explains or recalls the rules of the game and distributes the necessary materials. If they are already prepared on the tables, then he explains the purpose of each.
  2. The game itself is 3–7 minutes. The teacher helps, directs the actions of children if necessary.
  3. Summing up - 1-2 minutes. At this stage, it is important to praise each participant, regardless of the success of the results of his game.

Even the lotto game is played under the supervision of an adult.

An example of the timing of the game "Where can I buy it?"

When studying the topic “Purchases”, the teacher explains to the kids in which departments of the store this or that product is sold. The purpose of this game is to consolidate the knowledge of kids about various goods and departments of stores (grocery, household, etc.), develop the ability to navigate in the environment, and cultivate a desire to help adults.

  1. Explanation of the rules: children discuss where mothers buy certain products, then an adult distributes small pictures with products, and hangs a large poster on the wall, which depicts various departments of the store (2 minutes).
  2. Children arrange the pictures in the appropriate departments, explaining their choice (2 minutes).
  3. Summing up (3 minutes).

Game "Where can I buy it?" develops the ability of a preschooler to navigate the world around him

An example of a synopsis of the games "What kind of form" and "Lotto"

authorMakrushina Tatyana, MDOU kindergarten "Skazka", Saratov region, r.p. Dergachi
NameFragments of board-printed games "What kind of shape" and "Lotto"
Age of children, group3-4 years old, youngest
Description of the game "What kind of shape"<…Цель: учить детей различать и называть знакомые им геометрические формы: шарик, кубик, кирпичик, призму; развивать умение находить среди нескольких других предметов, разных по цвету, именно тот, который просит воспитатель.
Game progress:
  1. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows the pictures and suggests taking turns naming the geometric shape of the object. Explains the difference between a ball and a cube.
  2. He proposes to build a house from a cube and a prism, lay a path of bricks to it. Draws the attention of children to the size of "building materials".
  3. The teacher asks each child to take one geometric shape and name it.
  4. Children play on their own, erecting any buildings from the available items ...>
Description of the game "Lotto"<…Цель: упражнять детей в умении объединять предметы по месту их произрастания: где что растёт; закрепить знания об овощах, фруктах и цветах.
Game progress:
  1. In the box, the educator has large cards depicting a vegetable garden, a garden and a flower garden, and small cards depicting vegetables, fruits, flowers. Children look at small cards.
  2. The teacher asks the child, who is holding a picture with a cherry, where it grows (on a tree). Then he specifies where the cherry tree grows. The children answer that they are in the garden. The teacher asks where flowers grow (in the forest, in a flower bed, in a meadow), cucumbers (in a garden bed) and other vegetables.
  3. The teacher gives the children to look at the cards, which depict a garden, a garden and a flower garden.
  4. “Now you will play so that everything that grows in the garden appears in the garden, in the flower garden, gets into the flower garden, in the garden - into the garden. All items must fall into their cells on the map.
  5. Whoever closes all the cells first wins. The children exchange cards and the game continues.

Such a game is used when the task is to systematize, consolidate knowledge about other subjects, for example, about dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, etc ...>

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Board-printed games in kindergarten are actively used both directly in the classroom and during leisure activities. This type of activity helps not only to work out and consolidate the acquired knowledge, but also develops cognitive processes, speech, fine motor skills, develops patience and the ability to follow the rules. In addition, children are happy to master different forms of games: individual, pair and collective, which forms the skills of constructive interaction with peers.