Why does the nail plate on the fingers come off. The nail moves away from the nail bed on the treated arm. Internal factors in the development of onycholysis

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Nails move away from the skin on the hands as a result of aggressive exposure to chemicals or disruption of the internal organs. The problem can be encountered even if you pay the necessary attention to the care of the nail plate.

How pathology manifests itself

The process of detachment most often affects part of the nail. Nails on the middle and ring fingers lend themselves to negative effects. The large nail is affected less frequently than the others.

Dystrophy of the nail plate is divided into three types:

  • Onychomadesis is an inflammatory process at the base of the elbow bed. It is accompanied by pronounced pain and discomfort.
  • Kailonchinia is a peeling of the middle part of the marigold, under it a blood or air bubble forms.
  • Onycholysis is characterized by perpendicular discharge of the plate.

Why the nails on the hands go away is difficult to understand at first glance. If it has not been damaged recently, then the reason may be internal. Outwardly, this is manifested in the whitening or yellowing of part of the plate. She becomes thin and fragile. There is air between it and the skin surface. Gradually, the nail cracks and exfoliates at the ends. This process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations that cause a lot of discomfort.

The skin in the affected area thickens. There may be bleeding and soreness. In some cases, the skin under the nail comes off. This indicates a severe severity of the disease. With mycoses, there is an unpleasant odor and itchy sensations.

With a fungal infection, they increase faster than in other cases. It is extremely important to see a doctor on time.


The condition of the nails reflects the health of the body. Normally, the nail plate has a pinkish tint and a smooth surface. Fragility, delamination and grooves indicate pathological processes in the body. If the nail has moved away from the skin, the help of a specialist is required. He will identify the problem and prescribe treatment. It is impossible to independently determine why the nail has moved away from the nail bed.

The reasons for the violation of the structure of the nail are as follows:

  • fungal infection;
  • impaired circulatory function;
  • exposure to chemicals in the composition of gel polish;
  • the negative impact of taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics;
  • poor-quality processing of tools during manicure;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Structural changes in the nail bed after shellac indicate a poor quality product. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms are provoked by an allergic reaction. In this case, after gel polish, not only marigolds, but also other organs are affected.

Respiratory allergy symptoms and skin rashes appear. What to do, tell the allergist. He will prescribe suitable drugs that suppress the release of histamine.

With the development of an allergic reaction from gel polish, first of all, contact with an irritating substance is excluded.

Who to contact

Why the nails on the hands move away from the skin, a dermatologist determines. Before visiting it, you should make sure that there are no mechanical damages.

Before making a diagnosis, an analysis for the fungus is taken. As part of its implementation, scraping is done. The resulting material is analyzed in a special laboratory.

Methods of treatment

Therapeutic actions are aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology. The method of treatment is selected based on the underlying problem. Cut off damaged areas first. The procedure is painful and unpleasant, but it is necessary to carry it out.

The skin of the nail bed is treated with ioddicerin. The effectiveness of treatment increases the systematic approach. It is necessary to strengthen the body from the inside. For this purpose, vitamin complexes are taken.

In the presence of a fungus, treatment is carried out using antimicrobial drugs - Exoderil, Nizoral, Lamisil or Nogtivit. Locally apply compresses from solutions containing alcohol and manganese.

Treatment of the fungus takes a long time, sometimes this process stretches for several months. Therefore, it is important to contact a medical specialist as soon as possible. Treatment with folk remedies is carried out to suppress the symptoms of the disease.

The following tools are most effective:

  • Baths with the addition of sea salt accelerate regeneration and reduce the intensity of pain. Preference is given to salt without fragrances and dyes.
  • Oil masks strengthen the healthy part of the nail and prevent its further discharge. A few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice are added to the oil base. Olive, almond, peach and sunflower oils are suitable for preparing the mask.
  • Gelatin baths promote healing of the damaged area on the finger. A tablespoon of gelatin granules is poured into a glass of water, and then heated in a microwave oven or using a water bath.
  • Treatment with acetic solution is carried out in case of mycosis. The procedure is repeated every day.
  • Applying aloe leaves to the affected area will have an antibacterial effect and prevent the development of infection.
  • Compresses with the use of alum and glycerin are carried out before going to bed. The components are dissolved in a small amount of water. A cotton pad is soaked with a solution and fixed on the finger with a bandage or fingertip.

It is forbidden to wear gloves if there are problems with the nail plate. Humidity and lack of oxygen aggravate the symptoms.

Preventive actions

When it is clear why the nails move away from the skin, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. Preventive measures help to prevent pathology.

They are as follows:

  • It is necessary to take care of the nails in a timely and quality manner. Mandatory procedures include cleansing from dirt, pouring, cutting and applying nourishing oils.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap after visiting public waters.
  • Protect your hands with rubber gloves while cleaning.
  • Measures to strengthen the immune system help to reduce the likelihood of developing various diseases. These include proper nutrition, exercise, hardening and taking vitamin complexes.
  • Do not wear other people's clothing.
  • It is advisable to do a manicure at home or in proven salons.
  • In case of injuries to the nail plate, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is easier for pathogenic microbes to penetrate through wounds and cracks. This increases the risk of developing an infection.

The photos posted above will allow you to understand the nature of the origin of the pathology.


If you follow preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of diseases of the nails. If it was not possible to avoid them, it is important to take into account the recommendations of specialists. Ignoring the problem is dangerous with serious complications. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be.

The departure of the nail from the nail bed is most often accompanied by discomfort in the leg during movement. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the defect.

Onychomadesis is a disease of the nail plate, during which there is a change in the structure of the nail, followed by its exfoliation. With timely treatment, the development of the disease can be stopped.

Onychomadesis can appear on several fingers, most often this type of problem appears on the lower extremities.

The nail plate at the site of the lesion changes its color and gradually acquires a yellow, and later a dark shade. The lack of treatment contributes to circulatory disorders, as a result of which the nail can completely exfoliate.

Symptoms of onychomadesis

The disease can occur without pain, the most common symptoms are:

Depending on the causes contributing to the formation of the disease, pain symptoms may appear, which are aggravated by contact with the affected area. In complex stages of the development of the disease, purulent discharge and redness of the skin around the nails can be observed.

Causes of nail discharge

Detachment of the nail plate can occur for reasons of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

Non-infectious factors

Detachment of the nail plate, resulting from factors of non-infectious effects on the limbs, appears for various reasons.

They are the following:

Often, the destruction of the nail plate occurs as a result of bruises and mechanical effects on the toes and hands.

infectious causes

Onychomadesis can occur as a result of an infectious lesion of the extremities, the causes are fungal infections.

Infectious factors include:

  • nail candidiasis;
  • epidermophytosis;
  • ringworm (may appear on the nails in the form of spots and seals);
  • felon.

One of the most common causes of plate detachment is a fungus that affects the limbs and passes to healthy areas.

Classification of nail discharge depending on the causes

Onychomadesis is divided into the following groups depending on the causes that caused the problem:

Type of disease Causes
TraumaticOccurs as a result of mechanical impact on the limb (impact, chemical damage). It can appear on the upper and lower extremities.
SystemicIt occurs as a result of diseases of internal organs and hormonal disruptions in the body. After elimination of the disease of the internal organs, it tends to disappear on its own.
BacterialManifested as a result of infectious causes. Requires urgent treatment, can affect healthy nails.
DermatologicalThe causes are diseases of the skin (lichen, eczema, psoriasis).

Depending on the cause that caused the nail to move away from the nail bed on the toes, complications may occur, leading to the complete loss of the nail.

Stages of onychomadesis

The disease can occur in several forms: it is a partial and complete lesion of the nail plate.

Also, onychomadesis can manifest itself in various stages:

  1. Development of the disease- minor symptoms of the disease appear. Most often in the form of small light spots on the nail plate. The disease is quickly treatable and does not cause discomfort to the patient.
  2. stable flow Onychomadesis is manifested by symptoms such as brittleness and damage to the nails. Symptoms do not increase, with the use of drugs there is no necessary therapeutic result.
  3. The subsidence of the disease- manifested by minor symptoms that disappear on their own, or after the use of drugs.
  4. Regressive stage, which tends to reduce the intensity of symptoms, but after a short time it manifests itself with renewed vigor. Most often manifested in diseases of the internal organs.
  5. Recovery- the symptoms of the disease reduce the intensity, the nail acquires a healthy appearance.

A specialist will be able to correctly determine the stage of development of onychomadesis after carrying out the necessary type of diagnosis.

Diagnosis of pathology

To determine the stage of the disease, the following types of diagnostics are carried out:

The nail has moved away from the nail bed on the leg without visible prerequisites and requires the appointment of the correct treatment, for this, general tests are carried out to identify possible causes of the onset of the disease.

The scheme of treatment of onychomadesis

Treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach to fixing the problem.

For cases where the nail has moved away from the nail bed on the leg, the following treatment regimen is used:

  • physiotherapy - strengthens the nail plate and prevents the further development of the disease (diathermy, iontophoresis);
  • vitamin therapy - helps to strengthen the body;
  • limb massage - helps to increase blood flow to activate the process of regeneration of damaged areas;
  • the use of drugs to eliminate fungal infections and strengthen blood vessels.

Medicines for internal use

Often, patients with illness are prescribed medications for internal use. The use of drugs is used if the disease is caused by fungal infections and damage to internal organs. The duration of treatment is prescribed for each patient individually.

Medicines can cause side effects, so you should consult your doctor before starting therapy.

Local funds

The nail has moved away from the nail bed on the leg - a complex disease, so it is necessary to use local preparations for complex treatment. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the high level of penetration into the nail plate and the elimination of infection. Also means for external use strengthen nails and reduce their fragility.

The following means may be used:

  1. Lamisil- cream for external application. It is prescribed to eliminate fungi, the cream prevents nail exfoliation and eliminates the inflammatory process. It is prescribed twice a day until the symptoms of the disease decrease. To achieve the result, it is necessary to use in complex treatment.
  2. Loceryl- the drug in the form of varnish is used to protect the damaged area from external factors. The composition of the varnish contains components that eliminate the infection and nourish the nail. Used once every 5-6 days.
  3. Ichthyol ointment- has an antimicrobial effect, reduces the process of inflammation. It is necessary to apply once a day under a gauze bandage.
  4. Onychoplast- is prescribed for partial damage, the effect of the patch is aimed at softening the nail layer and removing the damaged area. It is recommended to use every few days.

The use of local remedies for the treatment of the disease reduces unpleasant symptoms and speeds up the healing process.

Removal of the nail plate

For cases where the nail has moved away from the nail bed and complex therapy is not effective, a complete or partial removal of the plate on the toe is prescribed.

The procedure can be carried out in the following ways:

  • Surgical removal- local anesthesia is performed, after which the specialist removes the damaged area using special forceps. After the procedure, a recovery period of several months is prescribed.
  • Use of phenol- a special agent is applied to the affected area, which leads to the gradual elimination of the plate.
  • Application of radio waves- The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The damaged area is removed with special forceps, after which the affected area is treated with radio waves to prevent recurrence.
  • Using a laser- removal is carried out using a laser knife. The procedure does not cause unpleasant symptoms and prevents the recurrence of the problem.

The method is selected for each patient individually, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Folk methods

The nail has moved away from the nail plate on the leg - a problem that can be eliminated with the help of alternative methods of treatment. The action of the methods is to eliminate pathogenic microflora from the affected area and block the further development of nail detachment.

With the help of special recipes, there is a strengthening effect on the nails and improves blood circulation.

When using traditional medicine methods, it is necessary to first conduct a test for the individual reaction of the body to the constituent components. Treatment with folk methods is carried out only after consultation with the attending physician.


The tool must be applied as a gauze compress to the damaged area and fixed with a bandage.

Propolis (alcohol tincture) restores damaged tissues and eliminates fungal infection. The compress is applied at night, the duration of treatment is carried out until the symptoms disappear.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil contains components that have antiseptic properties and are effectively used to treat fungal infections. Before use, the damaged area is steamed in water, after which a small amount of oil is applied, and fixed with a plaster or bandage, left overnight.

Lotions with aloe

The plant has anti-inflammatory properties, aloe contains vitamin E, which restores damaged areas. The leaf of the plant is cleaned, crushed and mixed in equal amounts with water. The resulting composition is applied to the gauze cut and applied to the nail. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

Baths with herbs

Herbs in equal proportions (celandine, chamomile, sage, string), are poured with hot water and left for several hours. In the resulting infusion, lower the legs and hold for at least 20 minutes. The duration of treatment is up to 2 months.

The disease, during which the nail moves away from the nail bed on the extremities of the legs, is most often accompanied by complex consequences.

Especially in the absence of proper treatment. To prevent such problems, it is necessary to properly monitor the hygiene of the feet and promptly eliminate all diseases of the internal organs. It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of comfortable shoes, and in cases of injury to the limbs, seek medical help in a timely manner.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Broken nail video

What is onycholysis, causes, symptoms and treatment:

The first impression of a person directly depends on the beauty of nails, hair, hands: whether he is neat, attentive, responsible. Appearance depends on daily habits and cleanliness. Problems with the hands are mostly related to the state of health, for example, often the nail moves away from the skin due to illness, and not just bad habits.

Why does the nail come off

Every girl at least once in her life faced the problem of peeling the nail plate from the bed. This process is medically called onycholysis. Onycholysis is a disease of the nails that is accompanied by inflammation, pain, and possibly even bleeding of the bed. Exists several types of disease:

  1. Kailonhiniya - when the nail departs in the middle;
  2. Onychoshisis - the plate peels off across its growth;
  3. Onychomadesis is the most unpleasant form. The nail comes off from the very base, at the cuticle, which can cause severe inflammation. The whole process is accompanied by suppuration and severe pain.

In addition to this common cause, the nail may be pulling away from the skin. from tight shoes. This is the scourge of young girls, fans of stilettos or running shoes. Now the tendency to build up toenails is becoming more and more popular, it looks beautiful in sandals, but by wearing closed shoes or sneakers on such a creation, you will create an unfavorable environment for nails. They will begin to bend and break due to unnatural pressure.

Play a very important role in nail exfoliation physical exercise. If you are engaged in weightlifting, then you need to be prepared for such sad consequences. Also, the plate can move away from a blow to the finger (for example, something was dropped on the hand or the corner was touched with the little finger). In this case, there is a change in the color of the nail, but very rarely the process is accompanied by pain.

The hardest case is onychomycosis or fungus. Most often, with a correct and clean lifestyle, it appears on the little finger, as the most “clamped” finger, gradually moving to all the others. On the legs, its spread is much faster than on the hands; on this limb, the disease is also more difficult to treat. With a fungus, pain is rarely felt, more often itching, an unpleasant smell or discomfort, nails change colors.

Symptoms of onycholysis:

  1. A void appears under a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail. Depending on the place of its occurrence, the type of disease can be diagnosed;
  2. The plate above the empty space changes color. Most often, yellowish shades appear. But at the same time, if there was a bruise, the nail becomes blue, and with a lack of minerals, it turns white;
  3. The lesion can begin both at the tips of the nails (more often) and from the bed (much less often, but more problematic), so any detachment of a couple of millimeters should be suspicious;
  4. Often the process is accompanied by itching. Pain occurs only in the advanced form of onycholysis or with onychomadesis.

Photo - Complete exfoliation of the nail

Video: treatment of nail fungus

How to treat

Before treating the nail, if it moves away from the skin, you need to consult a specialist. If he has already turned yellow, then professional and immediate treatment is needed. Various baths with useful mineral components are often used. They are also suitable for the prevention of disease.

Photo - The nail on the hands departs

Step by step treatment plan:

  1. Cut off the diseased fingernail or toenail with sterile scissors. This should only be done if the operation is possible, i.e. when peeling the tip of the plate;
  2. After that, treat the place of the cut with "Yodicerin", which will not bake;
  3. Prepare a mineral bath based on tea tree and sea salt. It is best to use Himalayan or Dead Sea salt. We take two tablespoons of the mineral and about 5 drops of ether in a glass of water;
  4. We keep our hands in the solution for 20 minutes, after which we carefully wipe them with a towel;
  5. Now it remains to apply only a soothing cream to the open area near the nail to regenerate and protect the skin. It can be "Bepanten", "Panthenol".

This is an option with the simplest form, which appears due to tight shoes, or a bruise has become the cause of the detachment. If you develop a fungus, trimming your nail can be dangerous because of the chance of spreading spores. It is better to immediately dip your fingers in a bath based on chamomile decoction and sea salt. After that, an antifungal drug prescribed by a doctor should be applied to a clean and dry nail plate. We do not recommend wrapping the nail in this case so that it can “breathe”. It should be noted that even if the symptoms have ceased to bother you, the treatment cannot be stopped. Antifungal creams ("Dermazol", "Clotrimazole" and others) should be used for at least 3 months, and sometimes even a year.

What to do if the nail moves away from the skin - secondary causes:

  1. Watch your diet, try to limit fast food and synthetic additives as much as possible;
  2. Often this disease itself is a symptom of psoriasis of the nail plate, eczema, atopic dermatitis;
  3. At first, avoid taking strong antibiotics;
  4. Get rid of uncomfortable shoes. Believe me, even the most beloved shoes will not be a joy if your nails constantly move away from the skin or a gouty bone appears;
  5. This part of the body is greatly influenced by the general background of the body. Constant stress or lack of sleep can in itself cause the destruction of the plate.

It is not such a rare situation when the nail exfoliates on the hand. This problem, which causes severe discomfort and negative emotions, can be due to various reasons. To put your nails in order and choose the right effective treatment, you must first find out the source of the disease. The publication will tell about this - about the causes of nail exfoliation and their elimination.


Typically, this condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The nails peel off the skin on the hands.
  • Under the plate, a free space is formed in which air accumulates.
  • Nails begin to turn yellow, gradually becoming dark brown.
  • The skin around the exfoliated part becomes inflamed.
  • Sometimes there is bleeding and pus.
  • Discomfort and pain.

If you do not take any measures, then subsequently the nail can completely exfoliate. The disease progresses in different ways.

  • The middle part of the plate comes off. This condition is called kaylonchinia. It is characterized by the formation of an air or blood bubble.
  • Detachment occurs across, perpendicular to the nail bed. This is onycholysis.
  • The very base of the plate lags behind, in which serious inflammation occurs. The disease is called onychomadesis.

The most common is onycholysis. It usually occurs on the nails of the hands: on the little finger and ring finger. As a rule, the exfoliated part occupies no more than half of the plate. It can take the form of a crescent, a trapezoid or stripes. A process that affects the entire nail is extremely rare and occurs due to significant damage.

Why do fingernails peel off?

This disease has many causes. In exfoliation of nails, physical activity plays an important role. Sad consequences most often occur during weightlifting. It can also happen from a blow to the finger. In this case, the plate immediately changes color, but the process is rarely accompanied by severe pain.

Perhaps the most severe case is fungal diseases. Even with a clean and proper lifestyle, onychomycosis can occur. On the hands, it does not spread as quickly as on the legs, but is difficult to treat. With a fungus, pain is almost never felt, but the color of the plate changes, a certain discomfort is felt, and an unpleasant odor is felt.

As already mentioned, due to significant damage, the nails on the hands exfoliate very strongly. The reasons may be the following. Non-infectious trauma of the fingers, erythroderma, alopecia areata, taking tetracycline drugs, acute paronychia of strepto-staphylococcal or candidal nature.

Secondary sources of the problem

Doctors note that there are also reasons that indirectly affect why the nails on the hands exfoliate. This ailment itself can be a symptom of other diseases: atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, circulatory disorders, functional disorders of the endocrine, nervous or cardiovascular system.

Promotes the use of strong and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, hand contact with chemicals. It is important to watch your diet. The diet should not include synthetic additives and fast food: they harm the health of the whole organism. Constant lack of sleep and stress also greatly affect the condition of the hands.

At the first suspicious symptoms, urgent measures must be taken. The first step is to figure out why the nails on the hands exfoliate. Causes and treatment are directly interconnected. The doctor will be able to choose the appropriate treatment regimen only on the basis of the diagnosis.

Detachment of extended nails

Many girls are faced with the fact that extended nails fall off. Often this is due to improper preparation for the natural plate procedure. The master should not use tools with rough abrasiveness, since excessive filing reduces the adhesive properties of the nail. If you file it in the transverse direction, then the plate will also weaken, and the material will not hold. Blunt files can also cause peeling. They do not remove the thickness, but only heat the material. As a result, it shifts from the natural nail, violating adhesion.

Of great importance is the quality of laying out the gel. If the composition gets on the cuticle or lies in a thick layer, then in most cases this will lead to peeling. In addition, it is important to press the corners in the stress zone when working with forms. If extended fingernails peel off, and during the correction the master left a crack or made another mistake, this will further aggravate the problem. This can be explained by the fact that the air left under the new material will begin to move and lift it.

Also, the client's hands may be too cold or wet. In the first case, the fingers need to be thoroughly warmed up. In the second, you will have to use special tools to eliminate excessive moisture.

The use of old lamps also leads to delamination of artificial material. The fact is that the LEDs do not burn out suddenly, but gradually lose power. This negatively affects the polymerization of the gel. Under a low-power lamp, the material “dries out” only from above, and remains “raw” below. Because of this, the detachment of the extended nail occurs.

Features of diagnosing a problem

If the nail exfoliates from the nail plate on the hands, it is urgent to go to the clinic to see your doctor. Usually, with such a problem, doctors write out a referral for analysis, the results of which determine the presence of a fungal infection. If the results of the study are negative, additional studies are carried out to identify the cause. As a rule, the doctor sends to the dermatovenerological dispensary, which already uses other types of diagnostics.

Which doctor to contact?

If you do not want to stand in line and waste time going to the clinic, you can make an appointment in private medical offices. There, doctors will conduct a qualitative examination and laboratory tests. To solve the problem, you should first consult a dermatologist.

If there is confirmation of a fungal nail disease, then it is worth making an appointment with a specialist in this problem. Such ailments are dealt with by a doctor of a narrow focus - a mycologist.

The nail on the hand exfoliates: treatment

The method of therapy directly depends on the cause that served as the development of nail detachment.

The easiest way is to put in order a plate that has changed its state and suffered as a result of some kind of injury. As the experts themselves say, in this case, simple care is often enough. It does not cause difficulties, but it must be done in a timely manner and very carefully. Care consists in the gradual shearing of the damaged nail. The next step is to treat the finger with antibacterial agents and seal it with a band-aid. This is necessary so that foreign microorganisms do not penetrate into the injury site, which can initiate an infection. If everything is done correctly, then it remains only to wait for the exfoliating nail to grow back and be replaced by healthy tissues.

If the nails exfoliate from the skin on the hands due to a systemic disease, then local treatment of the finger can only temporarily eliminate the symptoms. In general, this will not give the expected result, and the problem will not be solved. Therefore, it is required to deal with the underlying disease that caused the detachment of the nails.

If the onset of the disease is due to exposure to strong chemicals, you will have to get rid of any contact with the irritant. The condition of the nails will return to normal over time. The same can be said about taking strong antibiotics. In this case, you don't have to do anything either. The plates themselves will stop peeling off and become healthy, although this process will drag on for an indefinite period. To speed up recovery, experts advise drinking vitamins for nails.

If the nails on the hands exfoliate due to a fungal infection, then you will have to be patient. The treatment will be very difficult, and one cannot do without the help of a doctor. Fungi are insidious in that they can spread throughout the body with the bloodstream. In some cases, they can be completely eliminated only after a few years. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the extent of the damage to the body and the stage of the disease. Doctors usually prescribe antifungals and antimycotics. It is also recommended during the treatment period to fight the disease with the help of auxiliary methods. This is the observance of proper nutrition, physiotherapy, baths with salt, soda and potassium permanganate.

An important point in recovery is following hygiene requirements. As a rule, experts recommend eliminating any allergens from everyday life. It can be anything: food, household chemicals, animals, and so on. It is also necessary to constantly use a pharmacy hand cream, which is designed to treat dermatitis or eczema. If the disease occurs during the cold season, then it is necessary to treat the gloves with special agents that can kill the fungus. It will have to be repeated often until it gets warm outside.

Folk methods

Some doctors recommend that their patients supplement their medication with folk remedies. They will speed up recovery if the nail on the hand exfoliates. What can you do yourself at home? In general, not all folk recipes will be good. With a serious pathology, there is a risk of harming so much that complications will arise that will not be easy to eliminate. Usually doctors prescribe all kinds of baths and lotions. The following folk remedies will help restore health to the nails:

  • Olive oil. Warm up to a warm state and dip your nails into it.
  • Sea salt. Dissolve in warm water and dip your fingers into it.
  • Chamomile. Prepare a decoction, cool and hold the affected area in it.
  • Green tea. Let it brew, cool down and dip your nails into it.
  • Berries of black currant, cranberry or lingonberry. Grind and apply to the affected area as a mask.
  • Alum. Dissolve in water and mix with glycerin. Moisten cotton wool with the solution and apply to your finger.
  • Iodine. Apply to the plate before going to bed.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Wipe the affected nails with it several times a day.
  • Gelatin. Dilute in water and heat a little. Lower your fingers and hold until the mixture cools.

If it is a bath or lotion, then the procedure can last 15-30 minutes.

If the nail still hurts

If the nail exfoliates on the hand at the initial stage, then usually this process is not accompanied by pain. Only over time, the pathogen enters the cavity under the plate. It already spreads to the soft tissues under the nail, resulting in the formation of sores that become inflamed and often fester. It is this condition that is accompanied by pain. In some cases, they are unbearable. The disease is dangerous because it develops very rapidly and can lead to complete loss of the nail. No doctor can guarantee that the plate will grow back. In addition, there is a high risk of infection spreading to neighboring fingers.

If not only the nail on the hand exfoliates, but pain is also felt, it is necessary to act immediately. You should immediately consult a doctor and take tests to determine the source of the problem. Only proper and timely therapy will get rid of discomfort and save nails. If the pain began in the evening, and there is no way to immediately go to a specialist, you can take an analgesic. It will reduce discomfort, make it possible to fall asleep and endure until the morning.


In order not to know how the nails exfoliate from the nail bed on the hands, it is necessary to prevent this problem. Experts recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Take care of your nails carefully and regularly. Timely clean them of dirt and trim as they grow.
  • Observe personal hygiene. Wash hands after every visit to the street. After swimming in a pool or pond, use antibacterial soap.
  • Do a manicure after disinfecting the instruments.
  • Boost the immune system, periodically drink a course of vitamins.

  • Prompt treatment of chronic diseases.
  • Massage your fingers while applying the cream to improve blood circulation.
  • Minimize contact with toxic and harmful substances. When cleaning the house using household chemicals, wear personal protective equipment. Hands must be in gloves.
  • When treating with antibiotics, it is advisable to take antifungal drugs. But on this issue, you should first consult with your doctor.

This publication provides information on what measures to take if the nail on the hand exfoliates, and why this happens. There can be many reasons for such a disease. These are fungus, trauma, chronic diseases, an unbalanced diet, poor hygiene and safety when working with chemicals. Only an experienced doctor will be able to diagnose the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you do not start it in a timely manner, then you can completely lose the nail. In order not to feel this problem, it is necessary to take elementary preventive measures in a timely manner.

A number of systemic and local causes are known, due to which detachment of the nail on the big toe develops. If the treatment is chosen correctly and carried out on time, it is possible to avoid the complete loss of the nail on the big toe. Independent attempts to treat detachment will lead to a number of undesirable consequences. If the first signs of exfoliation of the nail plate are found, it is recommended to immediately visit a dermatologist.

The full course of treatment is usually three months and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the stage of the disease. After the treatment, a new plate grows on the nail bed of the toe, the old one is gradually trimmed. When the nail plate is detached, a number of conservative measures are indicated.

First of all, the presence of chronic diseases and metabolic disorders should be excluded. After a doctor's examination and identification of the cause of the detachment of the toenail plate, a treatment plan is developed. If there are no systemic chronic diseases, attempts are made to eliminate the exfoliation with the help of alternative traditional medicine. If the disease is fungal in nature, self-treatment will be guaranteed to be ineffective.

The pathogenetic mechanism of detachment of the nail plate includes the appearance of dead epithelial cells under the free edge of the plate. These keratinized epithelial cells cause re-infection and recurrent course. Given this factor, careful observance of hygiene rules becomes the key to effective treatment. Foot baths with the addition of sea salt or potassium permanganate have a good hygienic and therapeutic effect. Substances have a disinfecting and antifungal effect, strengthen the structure of the nail plate, and prevent brittleness.

For the most rapid and effective treatment, a balanced diet is required. In the daily plan, there should be a sufficient amount of easily digestible iron, calcium ions, vitamins of groups B, A, E. To replenish the body with substances, it is necessary to include fruits, milk, and fermented milk products filled with pectins in the diet. Useful sunflower and butter, whole grain cereals, sunflower seeds and different types of nuts.

Local therapies

If there is a detachment of the nail plate on the big toe, it is permissible to apply local treatment. It is allowed to resort to such methods when the absence of fungal infection of the nails is reliably established. Otherwise, instead of improving, you can get a number of additional health complications.

Medical methods of therapy

When seeking medical help from a dermatologist, the doctor will first prescribe oral intake of vitamins and preparations containing active calcium ions. Substances are considered basic in the structure of the nail plate, their intake will become an indispensable condition for effective treatment. The first appointment of a dermatologist will be the described foot baths with manganese.

As an antimicrobial and antifungal therapy, a synthomycin emulsion or an alcohol solution of Tinol is prescribed. The course of treatment directly depends on the severity of the lesion and the general condition of the patient's body. In a particular case, the duration is determined individually.

To improve blood circulation in the nail bed, accelerate the growth of a new nail plate, massage is applied on the legs. For a similar reason, physiotherapy is prescribed.

If, according to the results of mycological examination, a fungus is identified as the cause of nail damage, the diagnosis becomes the reason for a full-fledged complex treatment. Fungal lesions of the toes are extremely difficult to treat, characterized by a high degree of contagiousness. Do not resort to self-medication, provoking the further spread of an infectious lesion. A fungal infection tends to spread rapidly, after a week it is possible to lose a nail on the thumb, to get an infection of the body.

Before a full-fledged therapeutic course, the doctor will prescribe tests to determine the nature of the infectious agent and sensitivity to specific drugs. Each type of fungus is sensitive to a certain drug; treatment based on tests will become as fast and effective as possible.

If the pathological process has been going on for a long time, is in an advanced stage, only local treatment with mycocidal drugs is not enough. In these cases, doctors prescribe tablets or capsules for oral administration. Such drugs have an antifungal effect on the body.

Treatment takes a long period of time, lasting up to a year. However, the effect will be obtained necessarily. In extreme and advanced cases, the nail plate is removed with the help of surgery.

What antimycotics to choose for treatment

The appointment of antimycotic drugs of systemic action for oral administration is within the competence of a dermatologist or mycologist. Each of the drugs of this pharmacological group has a number of side effects and contraindications. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the nail and the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drugs.

Here is a list of antimycotic agents that are often prescribed and bring the greatest effect:

  • Ketoconazole.
  • Intraconazole.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Griseofulvin.
  • Terbinafine.

It is recommended to start the treatment of fungal infection of the nail plate on the big toe with foot baths with the addition of sea salt or potassium permanganate. Use baths with pharmacological preparations - Tinol or Chrysarobin. After the bath, an antifungal agent is applied to the affected nail. The course of treatment with antifungal ointment averages two weeks. After applying the cream, the nail is sealed with a plaster and left in this form overnight.

After the complete discharge of the affected plate, continue to rub ointments or cream into the freed nail hole until a new plate grows and closes the nail bed.

Methods of surgical exposure

They resort to removing the nail plate by contacting beauty salons. A dermatocosmetologist will remove the affected plate using special equipment. The treatment is painless, quickly eliminates the deficiency.

Laser nail removal methods are becoming increasingly popular among patients and professionals. However, remember that such treatment is contraindicated during pregnancy and a number of systemic hematological diseases. In other cases, treating a peeled nail with a laser will be faster and more effective than at home.

Detachment in systemic diseases

It happens that the skin on the toes is clean, no signs of fungal infection of the toenails are detected during the examination, and the nail exfoliates for no apparent reason. Perhaps this is the result of an injury. In winter, the nail exfoliates when. However, often this condition becomes the result of a lack of vitamins or endocrinopathy. In such a situation, they undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, begin treatment of the underlying disease, which caused problems with toenails.

If the detachment of the nail plate on the big toe is due to a deficiency of trace elements, the doctor will recommend taking the appropriate vitamin and mineral complexes. To treat children, pregnant women and the elderly, special complexes have been developed containing vitamins and minerals in accordance with the age category.

If the nail began to turn yellow and fall off as a result of endocrine pathology, complex systematic treatment by an endocrinologist will help. You will have to normalize the level of sugar in the blood and the level of hormones of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is shown to be treated continuously and systematically.