Congratulate on February 23 cool congratulations. Congratulations to your beloved brother from sister

Dear friends, today we made for you a selection of congratulations on February 23: Cool and funny, in verses and pictures that you can congratulate your dear men.

Funny congratulations on February 23

So, today is a holiday -
Twenty third of February.
Be on a straight, my companion,
And do not greader ruble.
Let health be much
Bogatyr power - Voooo!
So that the house was not a burgrel
And beautiful cars!

Merry holiday has come.
The day is significant, male.
Drinks military, drinking stove
And who for the service "nor naked."

From the soul you congratulate you,
Our knights, soldiers!
And you wish you health
After this important date.

On February 23, we, too, not to mention
We want to congratulate the men,
So that every fortune was, healthy.
So sweetly slept and tasty ate,
What wanted, I had.
Fishing, sauna, football -
Male to please the floor.
Let life consist of victories
Let the soldier stand
So that were for male back
We, as behind the stone wall.

From twenty-third of February
Congratulations we.
And we wish from the soul
In pleasure to sin.

Drink love wine
To get blood it.
In the sea passion to drown
And in the arms fall asleep.

So that the glass was fuller
To be called vocals,
So that the vortex lives,
Well, you hold on in the saddle.

Today is your holiday, men,
We wish you, not bothering
Health, money, two cars,
With your beloved sleep and eat nothing!

On socks like in a hole in the raw
And shampoo has long been concluded
Deesk - that long ago in the garbage
Shave with nothing, wash too!

Soon, brothers, 23 ...
To reach gifts
Believe or do not believe -
Empty all the counters!

But the stock is full
There will be all cabinets in the apartment,
Soap, foam, gels, razors!
I will become the cleanest in the world!

Congratulations on February 23 Cool - poems and pictures

Defender's Day Meet -
Break tea tea
Only with beer do not interfere:
It is harmful and know!

Congratulations to all military,
All beautiful, hefty.
Bold you wish you
Our lives protecting.
On the day of the defender we are
Kiss at least a hundred times!

Congratulations on the twenty-third,
Be mighty, like the wind,
Be beautiful as the ocean,
And hot, like a volcano!
Fresh be like a breeze marine,
And, of course, only mine!

All men polygamans,
To the floor weak weak,
At the twenty-third -
Holiday nice
I would like to wish

You have more adventure
And beautiful most wives
So that there was no doubt
To everyone in love!

My favorite, my native,
Man is our dear.
We wish you happiness.
We love us, protect yourself ...
Here is my speech.
Happy defender you
Congratulations the whole family!

Happy Defender Day today
Congratulations we are
And sincerely wish
To be the same as always!

Right happy, kind, bold,
All in the world protect
The best will be in the world dad
And friends do not forget!

Very soon the holiday of our men will come - February 23. On this day, everyone wants to congratulate expensive and beloved, friends and colleagues original, having fun, with humor. To facilitate this task, we picked up cool congratulations to men from February 23 in verses and prose: long and short, universal (suit any man), for colleagues and loved ones.

From February 23 - congratulations to men cool in verses

23 The number quietly approached ...
Well, and the month is February, whose holiday, guess?
Expensive men congratulate the hurry rather we
Do not be embarrassed, say straight: in love with you insanely.

Who, if not a man, will support us in a difficult hour?
I will regret it, I will give your wise tip and advice.
We cannot and imagine how it would live without men,
In the world they flew all the cranes and broke the darkness of cars!

You are skillful hard workers, with you simple and light,
We work in the name of the world, so that it was good.
So as not to know your family of fear, hunger, war.
To read the children to read about them in the books!

You put trees, okay building at home,
You grow a generation, you are crazy about children!
It means that it is not for nothing that we call you now
Real fighters, for the country, for life, for us!

February 23 - this is the day of the hero!
On this day we remember - without men it is difficult for us to live.
Who saves women in everyday life, who will help the nail to drive us away?
Who will be the weak floor of our defend, save, love?

Our glorious men, we want to wish you:
Be happy, loved and do not dare to lose heart!
Let health fails, let him burn in the eyes of the spark,
In the heart, let it always burn this spark!

To each job cleverly aroused in his hands,
So that your eyes were happiness, so that you did not know the fear.
If they even face - it is, in a word, trifles.
Real men are not whale!

On the day of the defender, we wish weak women to protect,
And kids, and animals, no one offended!
Well you are not just so men, you are all - kings for us!
This day we waited a long time to confess to you in love.

From February 23, congratulations!
Happiness, joy we wish
So that luck smiles more often
And the currency came out,

Don't lose weight and not fully
Shapes are slender.
That friends are guarding
And the relatives did not bore

On the Canaars every year rest
Pineapples eat.
You can also taste
Yes, I can drink it ...

To house, car, cottage
There were no task for you,
And appeared without work
For the power of magic words.

Cool greeting boys

Dear our boys,
Day is not easy today.
We promise you to chew
Do not put on the table

You, contrary to habit,
Need knights to be
Do not pull us for pigtails
And briefcases do not beat.

And everybody will forget
We are in a special day,
Congratulations today will be
Our knights guys.

Classmates relatives,
All the guys are crowning,
Sincerely congratulations to you
You wish you all the courage.
Conquer hearts with mind
He is not up to the bottom!
With ease so that everything is given
And you did not know fatigue.
Protect us always,
Bag to the house brings,
And wear our books,
The rest is nonsense
The rest you want.
Happy Defender, boys!

We all love holidays very much,
And in this special moment of February,
Congratulations to you, boys,
There are earth around you today.

You are the future defenders and warriors,
Be brave and strong always,
Credit with difficulties with dignity,
Never sadness on trifles!

Congratulations on the night wrote:
Long thought, solved,
Well, men wish
When will we congratulate?

In general, happiness and health,
In particular - love and strength,
So as not to poke up with improving,
So that the Most High stored you!

To know certainly -
There is no live without us.
Happy Holiday Men Universe!
Congratulations we all!

What to say? Defender you cool!
Such power, courage - hero!
Not fit to you
Neither Seagal, nor Stallone, nor Van Damm.
You for the country - Protection is the best of all,
There are no noise for you.
Let it be so from now and always.
Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!

Twenty third of February.
In the country they came up with no vain,
After all, only today men
Get new socks.
And coffee strong straight into bed,
And in the morning it is early not to get up.
All wishes - now,
But per year alone only once!

On this day, February, per hour
I wish you heartily
So that success affected the century with you,
And in the pocket dollars rustled.
Let all secret dreams come true,
Life will be filled with bright color.
Give you not razors and socks,
And at home, apartments and cabriolets.

In this glorious winter day,
Overcoming laziness
Any man looks a hepard,
Even if the seal itself is.
Mile to our men
We wish for centuries:
Forces, vigors, courage
And the tight wallet!

With military training you are familiar
And you will gather the machine, without looking.
You ride by car and "riding",
Do not be confused and on a large parade.
Let the holiday February 23 you
I will prevent everything about what you dream.
Problems let the wakta of kindness
And all things you want will come true.

On the day of all defenders, men
We wish you all want:
Walked success so that next, like an officer,
For all problems in order to find a BTR.
And so that, of course, on the front of the personal
You all had super and fine!

High-Hoose defender such
Screams today today is the whole country.
And here in no way differently
After all, you are worthy of this good!
Let the Division of Smile
Steps next to you.
Will not let any errors
Success let us command fate.

Funny congratulations on February 23 to men: with humor, short

Cake from Vobl on the table - not for reason.
And to the beer, the mountain of shrimp is so cooled.
Happy Holiday, Favorite Men!
You admitted happiness today.

Congratulations to a friend

From February 23 I want to congratulate you
And on the table the chain of vodka with sandwiches to put.
Let's drink a little: liter two, and maybe five.
After all, we are with your men and you need to celebrate the holiday.

Today on the day of men you can all -
Beer drink, with friends, take a walk,
But still do it extremely caution:
I will meet you in the evening with the rocks.

Let success, like a fighter,
Get rid of problems and obstacles.
And on February 23 on the life of the nurse
Let the many awards hang.

February 23, we celebrate together.
And I will give men all that you need for life.
Package of socks, a set of panties and shaving foam.
Let them be happy in full favorite husbands.

Let February on February 23
Merry bright your head.
Succeed to you let the zealo serves
And life will be as if in paradise.

The defender is the coolest,
The man is the best on earth,
Such an opinion is unanimously.
Total wish you best!

Let him ram and let it sparkle
Holiday only in honor of you!
Ladies let them surround attention.
Congratulations on February 23!

On this day you want to say so much.
Give, hug, congratulate and of course wish.
But I will take myself in my hands and only the thought I will say one thing:
Be always an exemplary husband and love your wife.

I wish to be big and strong
And so that wealth was stable.
So that women loved you
And happiness was abundant!

General has lamps,
In the ensign - a whole warehouse,
And I have only phrases,
So that all men wish:
Think more often about good
On the ball - portray from the ship,
And in general - everything is more!
And - from the twenty-third of February!

Today women are for you,
Let them prepare a whole pelvis:
Favorite fried kitt
The delicious eggs omelette
Great kebab tar,
Salmon from bull horns.
Being a barrel let them ride
Although it may not be enough!
Let the Day of Men congratulate you
Such a gift is the highest class!

Let women felt warm
After all, in February it will come in handy,
Today is the day of men, and therefore yours.
I wish you to sing forever and having fun!

Congratulations to you, friends,
From February 23!
And wish you health
Only Bogatyrovsky!
From all women - admiration!
From the boss - Honor!
From children - love and inspiration!
And let in life always lucky!

"From February 23!
Blah blah blah and tra la-la ... "
Repeat you on this day
There will be all who is not too lazy.
Well I wish to distinguish
Drink a lot - but do not get drunk
And in the future, do not blister
Live, love and flourish!

Men favorite congratulations
We are from February 23!
And on this day you wish you
Always be in the life of the helm,
Solve brilliantly all tasks
And in a situation of any
Do not miss your luck
And live in harmony with you!

Funny congratulations on February 23 in their own words (in prose)

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you in life to be strong like a bear. On the road - quick as a cheetah. At work - hardy, like a camel. In the family being king, as if lion. Only please do not turn into a donkey in any situation! Happy holiday!

Happy holiday you, real men! We wish to make exploits, like Hercules. So that all the earthly goddess admire you, and the rest of the men enviously sighed aside. And you would sit on the top of life Olympus and bathed in the rays of their magnificent glory!

Congratulations to the best defenders with your holiday! Without you, we would just disappear. In each apartment would flow the crane in the kitchen. No one would change the light bulb blinking in the corridor. The shelves were lying on the floor, and women went on foot, because there would be no one to fix the car. Our dear men, please live happily and happy, and please us with your skills!

Great man! I wish you to build such a house so that all neighbors are disgraced. Plant so many trees so that under their crowns could take a whole regiment of soldiers in the heat. Grow son, grandson and great-grandchildren. Let him be paradise in any chaolate. And so that with age you did not blame, like beer, but only rigid how good wine!

Congratulations, my bogatyr, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to drink so much beer as you want, eat it with chips and nuts, but look like a champion of bodybuilders. I wish it late to watch your favorite movies or play games, but the next morning look like a young Brad Pitt. Work two days a week, and five days rest, and to make money, like Bill Gates!

Dear our defenders! We wish you today all day to lie on the sofa with a bottle of beer in one hand and a piece of meat in another. And let all the channels go your favorite films and programs. And you relax, do not think about problems and matters. After all, tomorrow the holiday will end, and again the harsh men's everyday life!

Our dear defenders! We wish you all the standard gifts that usually give on February 23, they served right and long. Socks did not smell and did not rub the whole year. The razor machine was not tupped, the foam did not end. The shower gel and shampoo perfectly foamed and washed even the most resistant dirt. And we wish to get something really worth and pleasant to these familiar tricks!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues: cool, with humor

How can we work with you,
Global problems to solve together
And your beautiful, good faces
We can always raise the mood!

We congratulate you, our defenders!
We wish you success, luck in love,
Health and cheerfulness to those who older
To bring our own plans to life!

You in the leaders came out in all nominations,
Your experience and knowledge is very necessary,
In our eyes, everyone went to certification,
To continue to work for the good of the country!

We wish you always safe work,
So that your spouses calmly slept
And so that the automaton and kizzo bots
Already never had to wear!

We taught in youth Sinus and Tangent,
And they prayed on the field of Samiwood.
And you according to the barracks then shoved,
Puffy, made your march-throws!

You knew how to gather machine guns
And put on the form until the match is on.
You did not think, did not guess, guys,
What to work together to work here!

We are with you here, like sisters and brothers,
And many already understand without words.
And how not to congratulate, do not squeeze in arms
We are those with whom we work eight hours?

We and I spend a third of your life here,
And we are very proud of every of you.
Native defenders of our depreciation,
We congratulate you from the soul now!

Dear and respected colleague,
From the twenty-third of you February!
In the career I wish you a big run
Be the first in everything and always at the helm!

We were prevented for a short time
The holiday to us is not in vain came.
With a sense of given debt
We invite you at the table!

Even the boss is penetrating the date,
Break to extend Vel!
So, the office of soldiers,
From February 23!

Today with the feast of men
Colleague congratulations,
Ries in the rank of Chin -
You predict it.

Salary pleases let
Work manages,
Fountain bright through the edge
Let luck be poured!

Would be the work of our monotonous,
Every day - longing routine,
If used in the women's "battalion"
Places were not found to men.

We congratulate you on the holiday!
Happiness to you and your families.
Let God protect you,
Will give health, forces, patience.

Laughter to you, luck, money,
Weekends are excellent, bright.
Let the authorities honors and appreciate
Awards you in the royal!

Congratulations we congratulate Men from February 23!
Let you add to the salary
Minimum two zero.
At home waiting for all bliss,
Wives will respect
In the meantime, let's drink
And continue to celebrate!

All Male Collective
We wish peace and warmth!
And congratulations from the soul of you
We are from February 23!

Let life be favorable to you,
Love wishes and victories!
Health, joy, good luck
And fertile long years!

True man
All tasks on shoulder!
All the valiant and strong
Wish now want:

Let the boss be good
And the spouse is not capricious,
And the mood - Lychim and cheerful!
Happy Defender's Day is fray!

Happy Defender of Defender I congratulate me colleagues!
You can't get the best men with you, you are the best forever!
Wish I want courage, courage, mental strength,
To each our employee, as if in a wonderful fairy tale lived!

Let the beautiful beauties are endowed with
Leave on a cool resort will be even extended.
Money flows albeit in pockets and never melt.
From the heart I wish you nice to live your years!

Colleagues, together congratulations,
You from February 23!
And we all wish from the soul,
You have a stunning day!

We raise you mood
And vodka with beer trees.
Give you socks with jam
And we will wait for reciprocity.

Happy Defender, Men!
Let not scare you wrinkles,
And seed you only colors
And the devil in the edge is sometimes dangerous.

We wish our love office,
His work to go
And stay to us the shield
We are just this and wait!

Twenty third of February -
Good reason!
The table is already covered for you,
Colleagues men.

Defenders are ours,
Do everything for you
For you we paint lips
And the arrows at the eye.

For you we torment the legs
On thin heels,
And gold rings
For you on your fingers.

For you all ready,
You just tell us
For you we will overavel the mountains,
You only love us.

You are part of the team of extraordinary
You are part of the team of incomparable.
With you there is something to talk about
With at lunch, we can drink seagull.

Let your qualities increase
And millions are added in the account.
Give congratulations on February
And let the migraine do not torment you tomorrow morning!

Colleagues, lovely you,
We can not work without you.
You are all strong, everything is so brave,
All - from February 23!

We wish you not to know the seals,
We wish you not to lose heart
As well as award big
We wish you to get!

We wish you success, peace,
And let everything be on the shoulder.
We wish you good and happiness,
Keep firm and country!

From February 23 - cool congratulations to your loved one

From February 23.
I congratulate you.
Take a bag of gifts
Kisses a bunch of hot
Bank of Rudnya Icikov,
Chips on a plate slide,
Beer box, vodka, by the way,
This, perhaps, is enough.

Favorite my defender,
You are all congratulations
Smiles to you, joy
And completely luck everywhere!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Health and wealth,
Do not part with a dream
Moving to be active
Tightened, sports,
You are the best of me!
Favorite, from February 23!

Woke out a splash,
My favorite i'm you
I cover the clearing
In the twenty-third of February!
Wish me with impatience
I want to you as soon as possible:
Happiness, inspiration forces,
The best thing in fate!

Defender my favorite is the most
I want to congratulate you!
I want to be weak today
Clear to your shoulder.
I want to see soon
Hug and for a long time to kiss
Well, who will warm me?
Favorite will call?

February 23 - a male solid holiday,
Bouquet, loved, take from the wishes of different.
I wish in life I have huge achievements to you,
And also - joyful victories, success and accomplishments.

I wish you to be sad, you did not have a reason
Well, of course, so that you always be a man.
Health to you strong and many, many strength,
I my native, in my hands so that the day and night wearing.

We are not afraid - because we are together.
I want to congratulate you
From the defender is flying away during the day.
Let there be happiness on the way
Luck and success with you.
And never be sad,
Defender you, my dear.

From February 23 I congratulate you!
And with all my heart I wish you happiness and good
Be beautiful, bold, strong, kind of good!
Smile in the morning you don't forget too!

Humorous Oda beloved husband on February 23

Today is the twenty-third of February.
Men all honored, and therefore
To tell you, my beloved, must
I'm just the truth ... not otherwise.

Defender you are wonderful, dear!
For everything you take with zeal and really
Therefore they are not afraid with you
Neither the faucet dried, nor a broken regiment.

Under the repair of field
You always act successfully.
Loss is usually no no,
You achieve goals inevitable.

Neighbor attacks too for you
There are no threats.
And even my mom never
You do not cause problems.

Kids, as if ordinary on the platform,
Your orders performed cute.
You probably and form something to face
Oh orders you would nadailed:

"For courage!", "For the courage!", "For love!",
"For endless patience!",
For helping always and everyone is ready
Without a fuss, without delay.

And in driving a car
I will say right: it does not compare
With you, my beloved, nobody
You will obey any track.

And what to enemy socks,
Scattered throughout the apartment,
Then these are the misties of enemies,
They are from the cabinet as if deserters

Run away probably in order
To make you a little.
But it is cute, nothing.
I will not be strict for this.

You still, my beloved,
And the husband, and the dad is perfect.
I am proud of immensely I am
And it's all principled!

We are constantly surrounded by real men: Pope, brothers, husbands, friends, colleagues. We are friends with them, we love them, they support us, give us computers and washbasins, invite to the cinema, put on the ear and firmly hug at night. Therefore, we are simply obliged to make them pleasant surprises in February 23! It does not matter who your man by profession is a programmer, a scientist, a businessman, a farmer or soldier - the main thing is that he is your defender! Your favorite and dear defender, and on February 23, this is an excellent reason once again remind him of it.

The easiest way to congratulate men from February 23 is to send a message or an electronic card. We offer you a selection of cheerful and romantic congratulations of a strong half of humanity.

* * *

Funny congratulations on February 23 in verse

I congratulate you
From the 23rd of February!
You are the defender my brave,
To me with you only not scary!

For a date come,
Heat and pretty!
Waiting for you, love!
Your faithful ... car!

* * *
Today, you will scatter socks,
You can eat, walk and have fun,
And all my laws contrary
With friends you can get drunk!

And I will not say a word nor reproach,
Congratulations on the holiday, but, however,
I'm immediately warning you:
I'll take my own 8th of March!

* * *
All women know:
Men everywhere!
They lack
To beat and swear
Not knowing the mercy.
In love confesses
Behind a cup of tea.
Men congratulations
We do not get angry with them!
In frigid steel
Without them will turn.

* * *
If you want to be a military,
But while you did not
Training on girls
And fight them pushed !!!

* * *
My dear, my beloved -
To be with me,
If there was not you?
Would kiss another on February 23!

* * *
What a man will wish
On February 23?
Failure never know
Not with anything.
And, frankly,
Hot so that there was a bed -
Important, too, fact.
And full house always friends
And life is full of trump cards.

* * *
You congratulate you ready passionately
In some galatics open ...
To beautiful day on March 8
I do not stay Y Pazbed trough!

Cute and no less fun congratulations

* * *
You are a real warrior, I know!
You could conquer me
No gun, saber and horse!
You congratulate you today
My general, my love!

* * *
"You are the best of me!"
I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Health and wealth,
Do not part with a dream

Moving to be active
Tightened, sports,
You are the best of me!
Cute, from the 23rd of February!

* * *
I wish you success, I wish good luck,
Easy to relax and work with the return.
So that the joy in the fate of your more often met,
So that everything went out and everything turned out.

* * *
What do you need a man for happiness?
Beautiful very wife,
After all, life without love and without passion
Sometimes it is not a sweet.
I wish good work
I'm on the day of real men
Today I will leave care -
After all, the holiday is similar - one.

Funny Congratulations in Prose from February 23

Let nothing and never distract you from important male affairs: fishing, garage, friendly boys with strippers. And all the marchs of external aggressors, laughing to encroach on these saints, let's powerful and resolute!

Congratulations for dad

Dear Dad! Congratulations on February 23. You are a real sample of a courageous defender of our friendly family, we really appreciate and love you. Happy holiday! Thank you for being there!

Congratulations to your beloved brother from sister

Favorite brother! I congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland! I am proud that there is a real man next to me, on which you can always rely! Happy holiday!

Surely on this day you will not stay at home and with friends the sender in a cafe or restaurant has fun to celebrate the holiday. And, of course, you want to say something pleasant to loved ones. Here, as it can be formulated:

Congratulations for colleagues

Without a man, even in Khorosakh live lonely. One-only representative of the strong half of humanity is more expensive than a million dollars. In turn, women are also needed by men: to have anyone to protect. So let each man find out a woman who he will be the nail of all the best of this world.

Or so.

Dear Men! Today you have a real holiday: we are ready once a year on this day to fulfill your desires, small whims and whims. After all, nothing stands in the morning to bring your favorite cup of coffee into bed, from the store to bring the bags, cook a delicious dinner, and also to praise a dear man throughout the day, holy and cherish. But do not forget that from tomorrow our time will come when, during the whole of the year to next 23 February, we will wait for attention, help, understanding and supporting. After all, you have such strong, smart and brave. Happy holiday!

A real man Be sure to serve in the army. At least in the army of lovers by General. For real men.

Sometimes we are not fair to men,
Groals, heartless and jealous.
Therefore, men are not in vain
So love twenty-third of February.
Today you can walk and have fun,
Drink vodka and forget in infamony.
And on this day no wife, nor mom
Arrange scandals, squabbles, drama.
We wish men with all good luck,
Let all tasks be performed on their shoulder.
The most cool cars for all cars
Health, happiness, power, abundance.
Friends worthy, faithful, company,
Ideas of successful, undertakings of the audacious.
Love diverse but beautiful
Feasts frequent, money bunch, beer sea,
Beauty of hot, slim, long-legged
And thoughts are bright in the heads of warring!

No matter how old you are
And it is important to be always a man,
Keep the answer
For the safety of your loved ones.
Defender of his country
A man everyone should be
Will won't let the war
But we are the enemy ready to beat.


Once upon a time, in primitive genus
Did not know the universe contention,
But a certain savage on the head made an enemy,
This is how the military appeared.


If I woke up with a machine gun,
From clothes: helmet and belt,
Under a mine pillow and grenade,
Next to the bow of a basin like a target,
If my cute spouse
With admiration looks at me,
So I'm not boring yesterday
Met twenty-third of February!


Let it be on the holiday of the army and fleet
All men have only one concern -
Glasses bezing fill to the edge,
And drink all day for us, for men!


Men, happy holiday to congratulate
I am very pleasant - very much.
I will not smash -
You need and day and night.
And even if we swear -
For this women you sorry
But an extra winery at the late hour
Your married people are not gray.
Man - husband, man - friend
He is our defender fair.
In the arms of your strong hands
We feel happy.


Today Arsenal is filled under the urban -
Glass grenades and empty ammunition,
And the life of men is like a fairy tale,
After all, on this day we wanted not a decree!


Give me vodka and snack,
Cream for facets, shaving foam,
So that I'm not sad today
On the holiday of the twenty-third of February.
On this day for women of all man
Commander, brave general,
Even if they have a reason
Run a frantic scandal.
Vleu deftly I am on a stool
In the cowards, with a bottle in hand,
I am cool - with me at least in intelligence,
Although you have a fight in the kabaska!


Let everything come true,
And the women say let "yes"!
And full will let the glass be,
And the friend and swell will be, and drunk!
I wish you lucky,
Long roads on Earth!
And every time your dream,
Comes true. Here is beauty!

AND If tomorrow the enemy comes - do not panic!
We have a machine gun in the storage room
And armored train on the spare!
From February 23!

FROM Kazhi, uncle, because no wonder
Meet the morning with a hard
On the 24th?
So that life is happy to become
You note the 23rd,
But I don't forget to measure!
I want to wish health
And never lose heart!

FROM During the day of the defender to congratulate
I want you now.
Protect me, favorite,
Well, at least a couple of times!

C. Is it necessary for men? Recently learned.
Bank account with six pile capital
Reliable friends, the prospects of ambitious,
Dwellings of five-bedroom and five-star,

Disposable socks whole stock,
Everywhere passed Fais control once,
So that the wheelbarrow is better and cooler,
Gasoline is infinite, the weather without Tuchuk,

Gaishnikov good, without traffic jams,
Girlfriend, so that the legs grew up
So that she never asked for money
About married silent and beer wore,

Head praised, so as for the mind and courage,
And the premium issued, without tension,
Salad raised, the team respected
And grew in connection with this, completely capital,

So that the cat "Masyany" was happy with everyone,
Slept somewhere near, and meowell modestly,
It would be good to teach her:
Prepare, wash, go to work.

Oh, and, of course, to be president,
Another rock star and legend.
And if everything is true that I set out
All this then I wish you

B. dude today is well done
Start all the cucumber,
Satellite snacks
Point all with vodka,
Gram five hundred, well, Ile Politra,
Holiday to understand the palette,
Let him help not let
You wait for salute brother,
And here and on the second,
We celebrate, dear!

P I am warm with a beautiful day. And my congratulations will not be banal, I wish you to shoot at you today ... beautiful eyes, they took captive ... Sweet sponges, won ... Gentle hands! In general, war and love you! Happy holiday!

D. Wairty third - this date
All the most important for you guys!
And you are terribly happy
All in the soul of Patriarchate.

For such your views
You will honor you awards:
Let the girls congratulate you
Happy Patriarchate!

D. about the holiday a little left
You will be drunk, my defender, in Umitting!
Let what is conceived, came true,
And life was like chocolate.
And there will be a holiday and fun,
And the money is poured let the river
And sexual attraction
The age will remain with you.
And let women love gently
And tears pour that you are on the other!
And I ... I'll just be near
You are for me and so the hero!

P Cook from February 23,
My general, I hurry you loving
Today you can hand out orders,
And I am ready to give you!

P Ring paratroopers. All jumped. Release:
- Ivanov, you first jumped up?
- Yes, Comrade Captain, the parachute did not reveal - I had to go back!
Let's drink for that and at any failure we can go back and start everything first!

P Ust February 23 will be the day when you finally understand what you need to stop! By the way, with the past new year, and then we have not seen you sober from that time! Congratulations!

J. Waola happiness whole heavy
And so that your gunpowder

I I wish you such adventures,
So that you woke up tomorrow you are in doubt,
And, though everything was, and it was with you!
And after a glass, what was the "hug"?
Tell friends, YouTube will show
And maybe the channels are central even
Acceptance today, see congratulations,
And tomorrow you can need apologies!

I I propose to drink standing
For your valor, strength, honor.
And for the dignity of men,
I hope there is also it?

FROM February 23,
I congratulate you
Because you are a man
You have here Kadyk!
And mustache, and the car,
Congratulations, you are a man!

P Jean husband came from work,
Instead of trousers on it tights,
All in lipstick and spirits,
In women's pink shorts!
But you do not dare
Kiss him soon
Husband and so tired
Glorious holiday celebrated!
They had a corporate party,
Female friendly team
Congratured them "Oh! Laa!"
From February 23!

23 February - the best calendar day!
Guys in the heat of Azart, quagitized until March 8.
And then, as our grandfathers, go to battle before the Victory Day!
Well, there, between us, the new year is not far off!

T. fucking congratulate i'm ready passionately
In some galatics open ...
To beautiful day on March 8
I do not stay Y Pazbed trough!

IN February Day for the noise of blizzards
Do not hear the rumble of victories ...
Girls give us shampoos,
And we would like to blowjob !!!

Z. And the health of the wounded,
For freedom of prisoners,
For beautiful girls
And for us, the military!

P I get ready from February 23! And I wish you be sure to win your war with my wives, and came to us in the garage, to the deposited territory!

Cool congratulations on February 23 for our men are assembled here in a fun, high-quality selection, which appeared here thanks to the fact that I screamed on the slaves of poetic pages and give you pearl from talented Russian poets. I hope that something you have to do with this especially to taste and you will delight your men on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!

I raise the toast - for the most kind, passionate,
Heart, expensive, favorite and beautiful,
Caring and sensitive, responsive, simple,
Welcome, disinterested, for our expensive!
But I praise more, probably not with my hands ...
I wish you health, and happiness ... peasants!))

Sergey Garyaev

Forgive us, loved men!

Forgive us, loved men!
We feel the blame wholely:
When the scandal we turn without a reason
And drive away, closing you access to the body ...

You, throwing a thought pensive and sad
On soft sofa pillows
Leave a "chop" for us "cabbage",
Kissing us in curly macushki ...

From work we meet you carelessly,
Wet, tired and hungry,
And crying that we need nothing to boast
That is little in the wardrobe rags fashionable!

You smoke, soaring nervously
Noses and volitional chin,
And thinking: "What are women - bitch",
Bring us new tights ...

At your hobby looking with ukriznaya,
(Covered in the corner of dust layers),
We blowing your lips, you knew capriciously,
What's "That's right, our moms said"!

And you, sighing, take it out on landfills
Favorite stickers and bottles,
And the heart is expensive lighters ...
And we will make a look of the nape.

And sacrificing the basketball final,
That the marker in the program was noted,
Watching with us TV shows
For our tears, put their own shoulders ...

You suffer baskets and loss,
In the markets tedious jumps.
And bags follow the heroic,
I gave us wallets and all the sleeps ...

And do not see the end, and there is no limit
Patience of great male
And we, in female cunning and skillfully,
Accustomed to the position of this ...

Forget the same whims and resentment,
Hearts warm our warm glance
Forgive us, and then it will be visible ...
Love us, and be with us next!

Twenty-third today number!
I will give you in February
All blizzards and blizzards called -
The best present on the ground!

February 23nd you congratulate you
From the soul a lot of good wish you.
We wish that the rivers were milk,
And in them the barrels with beer are overhose floated.

So that money grew on the trees down,
So that the old age is away, and the strength is higher!
Without excess costs so that everything is able to
And all that good, the century did not end.

We wish the victory in love enjoy
And captured only heart happiness!

Congratulations to all men
From oblique, to the village

Congratulations to all men:
From mesheless, before the seen
All who are in the form who in the fields -
From February 23.

Congratulations to the power of the floor,
Everyone who works like ox
Who keeps the sword and shield
All who will protect the weak.

Congratulations to all guys:
Stolen and in a row
Those who are small else
But persists in battle.

Today is February 23. Spring sponge

Today is February 23. Tint sponge
The face will decorate light, languid makeup,
We dress in such mini skirts,
So that the men's pants crack as much!

Men, drink in the morning for you, and Slavim,
And give you toast to the mountain!
And tomorrow, chatter skirts will correct,

(We are in your honor danced until the morning ...)

February brings a wonderful holiday to us

February brings a wonderful holiday to us:
Day of all men, defenders, fighters!
I love men good me and different
Congratulations on them, do not hit the dirt face!

But there is one man whose gift
It will be different from gifts that for all.
I will give him a present. Not so he is
But seductive to rarity, cute sin ...

My gift will fill his passion,
My gift is piquant, like me.
I will give the evening leading to happiness






































Soon, brothers, 23 ...

But the stock is full





























































