Welcome speech by the mother of the groom. What is the most interesting way to present congratulations? Wishes in prose

Your son's wedding is a wonderful event. Parents experience a whole range of emotions at the same time: joy, pride and a bit of sadness, because their little blood leaves its nest. The primary task of the mother is not only to let the child go to a new family life for him, but also, if possible, to give useful guidance and advice.

The complexity of such a task is that other guests will observe the process. Moms get worried, start to get confused in words, cry - this can be avoided if you prepare in advance.

What you need to know when preparing congratulations for your son's wedding

  • The congratulatory speech should be short and succinct. No need to tell a bunch of facts from the life of your son - your congratulations will drag on for a good half hour, and the guests will start to get bored.
  • The optimal length of congratulations is 2-3 minutes. During this time, it is possible to give some valuable advice and express your feelings.
  • If you are afraid to speak to the public, entrust the speech to your father, or congratulate the young in tandem. The emotional factor must not be overlooked.
  • Plan your speech ahead of time. You don’t need to memorize it word for word, but at least follow the outline. First - congratulatory words, then - the essence of wishes, and, finally, a toast.
  • As a rule, the groom's mother is given the floor at least twice: during the blessing with a loaf and at a banquet. Think about what you will say.
  • Remember that the son and his wife are now a couple. Try to refer to both of them in your speech.
  • You can make it light and humorous, but don't overdo it. The groom should not be ashamed or embarrassed. It is not necessary to tell at the wedding how he ran naked or was a crybaby.

Words to son before wedding

According to tradition, it is the mother of the groom who should keep the loaf on the towel and be the first to congratulate the newlyweds. Metaphors related to bread and wedding ceremonies would be appropriate.

Example 1. Dear children! Your family life is just beginning. However, remember that the family is a joint work that will only give results if both parties wish. Walk this path hand in hand, be a support to each other, keep warmth and love in your heart! We present this beautiful loaf to you with the hope that your life path will be just as sweet. Help yourself to bread and salt, children, treat each other as a sign that in the future you will take care of your soul mate. We bless you! May you live happily ever after!

Example 2. Our beloved children! Accept sincere congratulations! Your joint path begins, along which you will go hand in hand. We sincerely wish prosperity, prosperity, happiness! Treat each other with love and respect, cherish and appreciate feelings! On the threshold of a new life, let me treat you to a loaf. This is not just bread, but a symbol of well-being and wealth in the family. Break off a piece, children, dip in salt and treat each other. Remember that life is not only sweet, but also salty. And you will overcome all trials together. May warmth and love remain in your hearts, and the house will be a full bowl! Advice and love!

Table words of congratulations from mother to son

Option 1. Dear newlyweds! Today is the most wonderful day, because it is your family's birthday. And we, parents, rejoice at your happiness and are proud that you made such a necessary and important decision. Remember this moment, children, because now there is no "I", but there is "we". You, son, need to become a support for your wife, love her and take care of her. You, daughter, will be the guardian of the family hearth! Take care of each other! Happiness to you, good luck, prosperity! May you live happily ever after. Bitterly!

Option 2. Dear husband and wife, today you did not just exchange rings and vows, but decided to live as one family. Remember that family is not just a print on paper, it is love, respect and loyalty. Son, it's scary to realize, but how fast you've grown! You are no longer a boy, but a man, the head of the family and the support for your wife. Be a support for your beloved woman, take care of her and cherish. Then her heart will remain a beautiful bud and will not be covered with thorns. Daughter, be a faithful companion to your husband, guide him and give your support. We are sure that if together you will succeed and you will fulfill your desires. Let your house be a full bowl, laughter does not cease in it, and love will burn in your hearts even after 50 years. All the best to you, kids! Bitterly!

Option 3. Dear children! No wonder they say “there are no young wise men” and you just have to know this life. From now on, your destinies will be connected, and your path is just beginning. Son, behave like a man, be a protection for your young wife, pamper and cherish her, save her from disappointments and sorrows. Daughter, you have become part of our family, and we are glad that such a girl is next to our son! As a woman, I want to wish you wisdom and patience - you will need them. Let the house be a full bowl, and happiness never leaves it. Take care and appreciate each other! Bitterly!

Option 4. Dear son! More recently, you ran around the house and waited for dad and me from work. The memory of the joint evenings is very dear to me, but it's time for you to create your own family! I am calm for you, because next to you is a wonderful girl whom you called your wife. Dear children! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May your home be cozy and happy. Plant trees, raise children that you will be proud of later. Your union is the key to success in life. As long as you have each other, you are not afraid of any trouble. Happiness to you, prosperity and kindness! Bitterly!

Option 5. Dear children! May your happiness and love last for many years! I am proud of the man you have become, son, and what a wonderful companion you have chosen. Family life is a cozy and calm haven, but it cannot escape storms. Always remember and take care of each other. Then harmony will always reign in your union! Be happy every second, because these moments are unique, and time flies so fast. I want to raise this glass to you newlyweds! We wish that love will continue to illuminate your path and warm your family with its rays. Walk through life confidently, holding hands tightly! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the son on the wedding in verse

Son, today is your holiday,

You have become the head of your family.

Be patient and learn wisdom

Work hard, don't be lazy.

With all our hearts we wish

You live in harmony and love.

Love your wife, pamper your children

Don't be offended, don't be jealous.

Let there be only happiness in the house,

Let's say "Bitterly!" together.

humorous poem

Son, be a good husband

Don't be late for dinner.

Don't forget about your wife

Give her time.

Don't go to sleep overgrown

Shave more often, don't be lazy.

You stay at home less

Take your wife to a restaurant.

So that the abdomen does not grow -

You eat less bread with lard.

Be an example for children

Take up sports soon.

We wish you love, patience!

Accept congratulations

In life, let there be only joy

Come on, guests, let's shout "Bitterly!".

What words of congratulations to your son for the wedding to choose is up to you. If you forgot the text (this happens) - improvise! It is important that the words come from the heart, only such a speech will be remembered and appreciated!

I can't believe in a miracle
How did this happen all of a sudden?
Only yesterday was the son of a boy,
And now a husband!

You, dear daughter-in-law,
Be wise, forgive him.
You, son, your wife
Take care and protect.

Stick together in hard times
Rejoice in fate!
Well, I will say without flattery:
I got lucky with my fiancee!

Dear newlyweds
I want to dedicate a speech:
Be happy folks
Feelings you must save.

I promise not to disturb you
And with the notation do not climb -
Even though I'm a mother-in-law, I'm not evil.
There is also a sense of tact.

You always live together
Don't just scold.
There will be joy in your life
And all the problems - a trifle.

Dear children, I congratulate you on your wedding day. Son, now you have your own family, take care of it and protect it from all troubles, and you, dear daughter-in-law, always remain a wonderful wife and a good housewife. May your home be filled with eternal happiness and prosperity.

I always dreamed of a daughter
And today the dream comes true
You became my son's wife,
And that means a daughter to me!

Happy wedding day, I congratulate you
Today we are one family.
I wish you happiness and all the best,
I love you folks with all my heart!

My dear children, I congratulate you,
And for you, my family, I sincerely wish:
So that you live in harmony and in great love,
Life was more beautiful than a fairy tale, sweeter than strawberries!

To overcome difficulties, hardships,
And you did not get tired of supporting each other,
So that joy, peace and happiness settle in the house,
And love and kisses were not translated!

I raised my son in love
But still dreamed of a daughter,
And now the dream has come true
And my daughter was found.

And she is pretty, and sweet,
And talented, and kind,
Both beautiful and hardworking
May they live happily with their son!

I will love my daughter-in-law
Help and praise
So that love reigns in the house,
Understanding, peace and tranquility.

My dears! Sorry.
Tears are shed from excitement.

Watching you shine with happiness
How your hearts beat in unison
Can't contain the urge
Mother's big heart.

And say hotly: Dear,
I wish you such happiness
So that you circled through life as birds,
They flew to distant stars.

And flipping through the pages,
Left in them only about high
Feelings of line and interjection!
And I'll tell you today, children,

Respect, appreciate each other!
Tender souls are very vulnerable.
I promise, son, that the wife
Become my beloved daughter!

I promise to raise my grandchildren!
If there are not many of them only ...
My tears today are from onions,
What crumbled into salads ... Bitter!

Happiness came to us and my son,
He brought his wife to the house, and his mother - a daughter!
You are beautiful now and young,
And happy to tears, relatives!

So hold on until old age
And walk together and work,
Give us more grandchildren
And live in joy longer!

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
Be happy for you and your children
Be healthy and patient
Protected by our God!

Dear my children,
You have become one family.
May love shine brightly on you
There will be only peace in the house!

Your wedding has come
I'm already a mother-in-law now
But I won't bother you
And I will not spoil the blood.

I love you dear ones.
Be happy always.
Understand without advice
How to live in love for years.

You, my son, fell in love.
Clearly, for life.
And today you got married.
Hold on to your wife

And your big feelings
Don't hide in vain
After all, love is an art
Get to know him in action.

You, daughter-in-law, be
To only cause delight,
And you are not my mother-in-law,
You can call mom!

Daughter entered our family,
I love you, sister-in-law,
I promise that I will not reproach,
I'll just try to help!

Children, I congratulate you on your wedding,
I wish to live together until old age,
Play a golden wedding
Always obey your father and mother!

To love each other faithfully
Lived every day in harmony
We gave birth to five or six grandchildren,
Realized - there is happiness in the world!

Every mother understands that a child is a guest in the house. Sooner or later, kids grow up, acquire their own family and offspring. If the girl's parents are ready for this from the very beginning, then the mothers of their sons are often jealous of the future spouses of their children. On the wedding day of her son, it is important for a woman to show the newlyweds that she accepts their marriage, blesses and loves with all her heart. A sincere congratulation will help express these feelings.

How to congratulate the mother of her son on his wedding day?

Congratulating her son on his marriage, a woman can express pride that he grew up as a wonderful person, achieved success, found such a beautiful girl. Mom does not have to worry about the text sounding original or unusual. In pre-wedding chores, there is not always time to find the right words for congratulations. The most spiritual will be those parting words that are said sincerely from the heart. For example, a mother may wish a young family to be tolerant of each other, steadfastly overcome life's difficulties, and keep love in any situation.

Congratulations from the mother will be touching if she manages to express her feelings about what is happening as sincerely as possible. During the wedding, the hearts of the guests will surely melt the words of excitement and concern for the fate of the child, and at the same time, trust in the chosen one, who will surely help overcome adversity, will be able to make her son happy. It is believed that it is extremely difficult for mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law to find a common language, and a beautiful congratulation that does not bypass the dignity of the hero of the occasion is the best way to prove the opposite to those who believe in it.

Wishes in prose

Not always and not everyone manages to express their feelings in verse. The congratulations and parting words of the mother to the son will not become less sincere if it is in prose. A few examples of such parting texts below will help you express your worries and wishes to the head of a new family. They will be appropriate at the festive table:

  • Dear newlyweds, beloved son and beautiful daughter-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event, your wedding day, the beginning of a long journey together. Now I remember myself: how exciting it was to sit at the head of the table, among hundreds of guests on the day when my family life began. Then I knew that love would cope with any troubles, everything would be fine. You will have difficult moments, there will be happy ones, the main thing is not to leave each other, do not let despondency and bile appear. You, son, show respect to your wife, and you, daughter, protect your husband.

To be honest with the guests of this magnificent wedding, I will worry about my son, because I raised, fed, educated. Now a lot has changed, my role is to help in any way I can, give advice if necessary, be a true friend of the new family. Please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, dear newlyweds, be happy, successful, love each other. May God reward you with little children to please you as you please me. Let a lot of things turn out for you the way you yourself want it. Congratulations!

  • Dear son, I turn to you first. You were a strong boy, you made your mother happy. I remember how I helped around the house, met me with a cup of tea after a hard day's work, diligently taught even those subjects that I didn't like in order to avoid my frustration. Sometimes, son, you and I had a hard time, but we got through these difficult moments. Now look at yourself: you are so strong, beautiful, successful, sitting next to you is a beautiful wife, whose radiant smile illuminates this wedding all day long.

Dear bride, daughter, I am happy that you have become the chosen one of my son. Like any mother, I am proud of my child, love, trust his choice. If he fell in love with you, then surely there is no more beautiful than your soul in the world. I wish you to live peacefully from today's wedding day until old age, helping each other, always giving a shoulder of support, together reaching those heights that cannot be mastered separately. And I will do my best to help if needed. Happy wedding to you!

touching wishes

Mom's love is always admirable - is there a person in the whole world who would be closer? Any maternal congratulation touches those present, makes you think about a lot, remember your own parents. Here are some examples of surprisingly sincere, sweet and sincere wishes from mother to son on their wedding day:

  • My beloved son, there is no greater joy for a mother than to see her own child, whose eyes are shining. You are all glowing with happiness. I thought that I would be jealous when the time comes to let you go into adulthood, give you to a girl who will take care of you ... But on your wedding day, I feel something else: fun, joy, pleasure and appreciation for the beautiful bride who made my son smile so wide! I congratulate you, young people, on your wedding, I wish that this radiance, radiating now, never leaves your eyes!

  • For me, an important day has come, which I have been waiting for and afraid of - the marriage of a child. Here is my testament to you, son, on your wedding day: be a strong husband, let your wife feel like behind a stone wall. Be patient, son, because everyone has disagreements, do not hurt your beloved with a sharp word when the moment of anger comes. Be loving, do not forget to affectionately address your wife, then you will become the happiest husband. Try to be understanding, even if you do not see the reasons for her fatigue or irritation - after all, the differences between a woman and a man are great.

Have fun while the wedding is buzzing, while the congratulations from the guests interrupt one another. But when the celebration is over, start working hard, because you have become the head of the family. Not only will you have to work to earn money, son, but you will also have to constantly work on relationships. If love is not nurtured like a flower, it will wither away. Do not be afraid of difficulties, boldly go towards life's adversities, do not hesitate to ask for support from your beloved wife. From the day of the wedding, this girl will be your mother, sister and best friend, but do not forget about your roots - about me and dad.

I wish you to become a worthy husband, as you have always been a worthy son for your mother. Protect your family, children, wife, and then you will be happy. Let your life become a real adventure that you and your spouse will experience together until the very end. Happy wedding! Happiness!

Mother's words at the meeting of the newlyweds with the loaf

The classic wedding celebration involves the blessing of the newlyweds, which mom and dad say with a loaf. Modern people rarely use the traditional ceremony of meeting the heroes of the occasion with this product, but the congratulation still looks beautiful and interesting. When the bride and groom approach the husband's mother, she says the following words:

“Beloved, dear, respected, son and daughter, please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, which marked the beginning of a new family. This loaf is not just a delicious dish, but a symbol of the fact that you will live richly, prosperously, and have prosperity in everything. Break off a piece of a delicious pie, and then present to each other. Warm bread served at your wedding, let it keep warm in your hearts to each other forever! I wish that you never go hungry, that you always have something to treat guests with. May you live happily ever after!

On the day of such a wonderful wedding, I want to wish health to you, future children, the unceasing fire of love, peaceful happiness under the roof of the house. My son has always made my heart happy, I am honored that our family has also got a daughter! I am sure that we will all live loving each other, because kindness and understanding warms our hearts. Happy wedding, young people!

What song to sing as a congratulation to your son?

Some mothers give their sons an unusual gift - a song. The choice of song depends on the personal preferences of the mother: it can be an old song with an appeal from a mother to her child, or something related to the past of the family. The main thing is that it reflects the essence of congratulations. For a wedding celebration, the popular song "Council and Love" is perfect.

Video: musical congratulations to his son at the wedding

A musical wedding congratulation to your son in honor of the wedding day is a great opportunity to express your emotions and feelings. Watch in the video below how the beautiful mother beautifully sings a touching song dedicated to her son as a toast/speech, wishing him a happy family life with his wife.

Wishes Congratulations to the mother of the groom at the wedding of his son

Congratulations from the mother of the groom at the wedding of her son

Toasts of the groom's mother at the wedding in verse, congratulations to the mother-in-law

Behind the waltz
Mendelssohn, a festive wedding ceremony, the first home kiss, a magnificent feast. Brand new wedding rings shine on the ring fingers of the newlyweds: a sign of fidelity and love. Two loving hearts united.

A new family has arrived. Everything is like in a fairy tale. But the holiday ended, the guests dispersed. Now the young family will have to live with the groom's parents. Anxious in the soul of the bride.

How will the groom's mother perceive her son's choice, how will she be treated? And give something
The Almighty, so that the mother-in-law turns out to be smart, as in our toast, congratulations and wishes from the mother of the groom.
Toast of a smart mother-in-law at a wedding in verse
In the registry office, you have now sealed the alliance.

Mendelssohn, rings, outfit,
My children's faces shine with happiness.
Peace and love to you, as they say!
Get spiritual values
I am like a mother-in-law and like a good mother
Happiness to you, children, I wish you want!
And give advice to you as a girlfriend:

Be friendly and love each other!
How to properly wash dishes
I'll pretend to be happy with you.
Silly thoughts in my soul I will hide. And I'm ready to help with the housework,
And participate in their upbringing. Daughter, I hope that we will live together!

I will support in a difficult hour, if necessary. If, like a mother, you love your mother-in-law
Little toasts from the mother of the groom at the wedding in verse
My son is the groom. I am overjoyed.

Words cannot express the joy. He will definitely become the best husband,
I wish you only happiness. So be together in euphoria and in a difficult hour,

Congratulations from the mother of the groom at the wedding

The start for the beginning of all speeches at the wedding ceremony is congratulations from the mother of the groom at the wedding. Just on the basis of this, this congratulation on the wedding should be prepared and well thought out. it is better for a smart lady to demonstrate how happy she is with her daughter-in-law, and that she is very pleased to get new relatives. But from the description of all the difficulties that await the young in life together, it is best to refuse. The bride and groom have a big holiday and it is not at all necessary to spoil it by enumerating future difficulties. It will be possible to reflect on them at the end of the honeymoon. I want a daughter-in-law with a son
So that you live without knowing trouble!
Since marriage is only the beginning,
It is fundamentally important that the family does not shake!
A couple of instructions for your beloved bride.
As the mother of the groom, I congratulate you,
You are the best and friendly family,
I want a big euphoria in your life,
To be surrounded by true friends.
Son, now you have become quite big. Let the storms pass you by
Believe my forecast - There, happiness awaits you ahead!
Creator: Lobanok
Wedding greetings from the mother of the groom
A weightless heart is trembling now - Now a son is walking down the aisle ... He will not come, alas, he will warm up now,
To my own mother - still a few ... And what if it comes, it is very rare,
I won’t blame: life, family, affairs ... I wish, son, that you walked aptly in life,
And to save the future from troubles.
So that the road that I have chosen now,
Led only to happiness and goodness. Remember, you have been chosen as a beauty - Keep love at a feast of life. Let the lady who is his wife
Lives as if behind a stone wall.

Love, relatives, invariably in your soul! How unusual to understand is not uncommon in life,
That the son grew up and goes down the aisle ... How painful it is to let go, but he grew up,
But the mother's heart is not aware of everything ... It hurts, gets nervous and pricks,
Since life is not given to everyone simple.
It always whines for the fate of the son,
But we don’t have time to say: wait ... And here it is, that beautiful day has come,
At the time when the son is married - to his family
He flies away like a bird, nice.
I wish to tell him from the bottom of my heart: Be joyful, son, love your wife,
And you, daughter, take care of your husband. Hold on tight with your hand
For the gentle island of your love.
Let there be light and joy in your house,
And a ringing bell: children's laughter. Let sorrows, there will be little pain - Live long together, best of all!

As if a day ago he was still a boy. Became brave, important, smart and strong!
He grew up, matured, fell in love with all his heart. Now a beautiful woman is next to you,
Almighty your home alliance is fastened,
Love each other with all your heart, soul,
So that in the bitter cold in the house it was warm.
Congratulations creator: Witt

Congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the groom

Very entertaining, in most cases, are congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the groom. In accordance with folklore, the attitude of the bride towards this person is ambiguous.

Based on this, even in congratulatory words, at the solemn table, the groom's mother can demonstrate her benevolence and sympathy for the future daughter-in-law. The mother of the groom can find in memory of the beginning of her married life, say words of gratitude to her mother-in-law, tell about joyful and funny cases in her husband's family.

Entrusting her son to another lady, the future mother-in-law, already in this table, wedding speech or toast, can express her trust and confidence that the daughter-in-law will become her son's faithful and reliable friend, and her loving daughter. These sincere congratulations on the wedding of the closest and dearest person will evoke a warm and grateful feeling in the young, which they, like a lit candle, will carefully carry through many years later.

How can a mother congratulate her son on his wedding day?

On the day of the wedding, not only the life of the groom, but also his parents, and especially his mother, change dramatically. At a time when a son gets married, this is both a merry and a sad event at one moment, since he leaves his parental home forever and begins to build his own family, in which his main adviser will no longer be his mother, but his wife. Married life is not always cloudless, so the mother invariably worries about her son. Among the crowd of relatives who will congratulate the young on their wedding day, the words of their parents are the most basic parting words, because it is the parents who know their children best and will be able to find the right words to help them maintain domestic happiness.

How to congratulate your son on his wedding day?

The congratulations of the groom's mother, in most cases, are the saddest at the wedding, as she loses her past connection with her child and is forced to cede the palm to his future wife. You should take into account that excessive tearfulness can break the atmosphere of the holiday, therefore, congratulations on the wedding should be moderately sentimental and outline only positive moments that convey your affectionate attitude towards your child.

The words of the parting speech should not only praise the groom, but also contain positive emotions directed towards the bride. It is possible to say about how exciting the day was for you to get acquainted with the future wife of your son. The congratulation should not be too callous, there is no need to use hackneyed clichés, it is fundamentally important that the mother of the groom and the future mother-in-law show creativity and congratulate the newlyweds with special tenderness.

How to make a congratulation sincere and unique?

It is fundamentally important that in the wedding speech those domestic situations are disclosed that would convey your emotions to your child as much as possible. It is possible to find joyful stories in your memory, tell about how difficult it was for you to raise a handsome man.

For example, it may turn out to be a unique appeal if it mentions how your son did not want to go to kindergarten and school, how he entered the university, etc., since each family has its own stories, which are naturally transmitted warmth and depth of relationship between their parents and their children. It is mandatory to go to highlight the correctness of your son's choice, to express the hope that your upcoming relationship with your daughter-in-law will be warm and sincere.

Congratulations from the mother of the groom are possible both in prosaic and in poetic form. It all depends on your creativity. Well, besides this, congratulating the groom, it is possible to add a little humor and exciting parting words from the mother to the son on the wedding day.

Such a congratulation is guaranteed to please the guests at the wedding. Do not forget that on the day of the wedding, your child becomes a full-fledged man, and you let him go on an independent voyage. He is like a bird that leaves its parent's nest to build its own.

This is despite the fact that it is a little sad, but along with this, a very cheerful moment, which is an obligatory stage in the life of every person.

Congratulations on the wedding from mom to son

Any mother understands that a child is a guest in the house. By all means, kids grow up, acquire their own family and offspring. If the girl's parents are ready for this at first, then the sons' mothers are often jealous of the future spouses of their children.

On the day of her son's wedding, it is fundamentally important for a lady to demonstrate to the newlyweds that she accepts their marriage, blesses and adores with all her heart. A sincere congratulation will help to express these emotions.

How to congratulate the mother of her son on his wedding day?

Congratulating her son on his marriage, a lady can express pride that he grew up to be an excellent person, achieved success, found such a beautiful girl. Mom does not need to worry about the text sounding unique or unusual.

In pre-wedding chores, there is not always time to find the right words for congratulations. The most spiritual will be those parting words that are said honestly from the heart.

For example, a mother may want a young family to be tolerant of each other, steadfastly overcome life's difficulties, and keep love in any situation. Congratulations from the mother will be touching if she manages to express her emotions to what is happening as honestly as possible.

During the wedding, the hearts of the guests will definitely melt the words of excitement and anxiety for the fate of the child, and at one moment the trust of the chosen one, who will definitely help to overcome adversity, will be able to make the son joyful. It is believed that it is very difficult for mothers-in-law with daughters-in-law to find a non-specialized language, and a wonderful congratulation that does not bypass the advantages of the hero of the occasion is the best method to prove the opposite to those who believe in it.

Wishes in prose

Not always and not everyone manages to express their emotions in poetry. The congratulations and parting words of the mother to the son will not become less sincere if it is in prose.

A couple of examples of such parting texts below will help you express your worries and wishes to the head of a new family. They will be appropriate at the ceremonial table:

Honestly, in front of the guests of this magnificent wedding, I will be nervous for my son, because I raised, fed, educated. at the moment, a lot has changed, my role is to help in any way I can, give recommendations, if necessary, be a true friend of the new family.

Please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, dear newlyweds, be joyful, successful, love each other. Let
The Almighty will reward you with small children, so that they please you, as you please me. Let a lot of things turn out the way you yourself want. Congratulations!

Dear bride, daughter, I am glad that you have become the chosen one of my son. Like every mother, I am proud of my child, adore, trust his choice. If he fell in love with you, then there is definitely no more beautiful than your soul in the world.

I want you to live peacefully from today's wedding day until old age, support each other, always lending a shoulder of support, jointly reaching those heights that are unrealistic to master separately. And I will try to help in any way I can, if it is needed. Happy wedding to you!

touching wishes

Mom's love is always admirable - is there a person in the whole world who would be closer? Any maternal congratulation touches those present, makes you think about a lot, find your own parents in the memory.

Here are a couple of examples of surprisingly sincere, sweet and sincere wishes from mother to son on the wedding day: Rejoice while the wedding is buzzing, while congratulations from guests interrupt one another. But at the time when the celebration is over, start working hard, as you have received the position of head of the family. Not only will you have to work hard to earn money, son, but you will also have to constantly work on relationships. If love is not cultivated like a flower, then it will wither away. Do not be afraid of difficulties, boldly go towards life's adversities, do not hesitate to ask for support from your beloved wife.

From the day of the wedding, this woman will be your mother, sister and best friend, but remember your roots - about me and dad. I want you to become a worthy husband, as you have always been a worthy son for your mother. Protect your family, children, wife, and then you will become joyful.

Let your life become a real adventure that you and your wife will experience together until the very end. Happy wedding!

Mother's words when meeting newlyweds with a loaf

The classic wedding celebration involves the blessing of the newlyweds, which mom and dad say with a loaf. Modern people rarely use the classic ceremony of meeting the heroes of the occasion with this product, but congratulations still look beautiful and very interesting.

At the time when the bride and groom approach the spouse's mother, she says the following words: Beloved, dear, dear, son and daughter, accept my congratulations on your wedding day, which marked the beginning of a new family. This loaf is not just a delicious dish, but a sign that you will begin to live richly, prosperously, and have prosperity in everything. Break off a piece of a delicious pie, and later present to each other. Warm bread served at your wedding, let it keep warm in your hearts to each other forever!
I want you not to starve under any circumstances, so that you always have something to treat guests with. advice yes
On the day of such a beautiful wedding, I wish you health, future children, the unceasing fire of love, peaceful happiness under the roof of the house.

My son constantly pleased my heart, I am honored that our family has also acquired a daughter!
I know for sure that we will all live loving each other, because goodness and knowledge warms our hearts. Happy wedding, young ones!

What song to sing as a congratulation to your son?

Some mothers give their sons an unusual present - a song. The choice of piece depends on the personal preferences of the mother: it may be an old song with an appeal from a mother to her child, or something related to the past of the family.

The main thing is that it reflects the essence of congratulations. For a wedding celebration, a popular song is great Advice yes

Video: musical congratulations to his son at the wedding

A musical wedding congratulation to your son in honor of the wedding day is a good opportunity to express your emotions and emotions. see in the view below how the beautiful mother superbly performs a touching song dedicated to her son as a toast / speech, although he has a joyful married life with his wife.

Did you like the article? It is also possible to maintain a special solemn atmosphere at a wedding through beautiful and unique congratulations. To do this, guests need to show little imagination and set aside their personal time in order to prepare good congratulations.

Unusually, it is usually much easier for many people to choose a present for the newlyweds than to write wedding congratulations. They will be able to suffer for a couple of hours or even days, and as a result, the written words will turn out to be banal and uninteresting.

How to believe that the newlyweds will like your wedding congratulations? Because we all want to say something special, something that they will remember forever. The wish must be perfect so that it causes a storm of positive feelings in the bride and groom.

How to write wedding greetings

Most importantly, remember to correctly address the bride and groom. Usually guests will not know the names of one of them. For example, if they are well accustomed to one of them, then perhaps under no circumstances have they seen the other.

Unusually, but this is seen quite often. Just on the basis of this, double-check the names of the bride and groom a couple of times. If you are not sure about the correct pronunciation of the name of the bride or groom, then check with their parents, for example, with their mother.

at the moment it is often possible to meet unusual or foreign names. Based on this, it is better to ask again than to be in an awkward situation when congratulating.

When writing congratulations, it is fundamentally important to address them not to anyone in particular (groom or bride). and both newlyweds. directed to focus on them as a couple, as a whole.

Along with this, one should not say in banal memorized phrases, mention proverbs and sayings. Come up with something new, something that no one but you will tell them.

Congratulations from your parents on the wedding

The wedding of a daughter and a son is an important and extremely important matter. Congratulations on the wedding from your parents should not carry an instructive temperament. It goes without saying that no one reduces your importance in a couple's life, but right now it's their day. Just be happy for the young.

Tell them how glad you are that they met each other. Want your daughter or son long and joyful years of married life. But remember to mention that they can always count on your support and help.

It goes without saying that all mothers are worried about the fate of their children, but it’s better to leave their recommendations for other days. They will definitely need them. This should be taken into account if you decide to make a congratulation from your parents to the groom to their son.

Congratulations from relatives on the wedding

A wedding congratulation from a godmother can carry the temperament of a letter to a son-in-law. It is well known that for any mother there is nothing more serious than the happiness of her beloved daughter and son. In your speech, refer to him as your son, since from now on he is one.

When writing congratulations on a mother’s wedding for her daughter, one should not frighten her with stories about married life. This is not the time. They will definitely think about all the possible difficulties, but a little later. they are on holiday right now.

In your congratulations, remember to say a few words that you are glad to be on this holiday.

We write poems with congratulations on the wedding

If you can write poetry, then it is possible to come up with a poem about the bride and groom. In another case, any other found on the Internet will do.

But keep in mind that your wish should not be too long, especially if you plan to read it out loud at a banquet. Here it is better to do with a quatrain.

It goes without saying that parents will be able to ask their daughter for help or invite their son to write a congratulation for them on their own. But, this is not the best option. In most cases, at weddings, young people say festive speeches for mom and dad.

They thank them for organizing this holiday, for raising them the way they are at the moment. Mom and dad are always pleased to hear their speeches and understand that their children have already grown up and are ready for such an important move - creating a family. And most importantly, remember to sign your greeting cards so that the young ones know from whom they took them.

Wedding congratulations from your parents in verse

  • Beloved daughter, how invariably you are beautiful,
    Son, we love you forever
    Now you are together and it became clear to us
    What a new life you go, cheers!
    And let this life be beautiful for you,
    Health, good luck, warmth for a hundred years!
    Bring the kids to us,
    Do not know sadness, anxiety and troubles!

Your family is new, everything is ahead of you. We only wish you a good journey. Let bad weather and troubles not come to you. And happiness, health, warmth and comfort. Wealth, success let them wait for you
Everywhere and invariably let you be surrounded
Good, good, faithful people
And let everything be good in your life.
Throughout life always and everywhere be together,
And be faithful to each other for two hundred years! Our dear children, we want you at the moment,
So that troubles and bad weather do not under any circumstances know you.
If they get in the way - drive them away as soon as possible,
Well, happiness and success you invariably meet with warmth!
And at a time when it suddenly becomes hard, then you snuggle up to each other,
Do not show tears, do not skimp on smiles,
And of course, we expect more kids from you,
Well, you live together happier and longer!
We sincerely congratulate you,
May your marriage be strong and joyful,
You are for your wife, son, be loved,
And you, daughter, be loved by him.
Do not quarrel under any circumstances and do not swear
Always try to be together everywhere,
Let there be only happiness in your house,
Let all bad weather pass by!
We want you to grow love in your garden!
We want you to always be together, near
Accept each other like a prize
Fate presented to you for a long century!
We want ten kids for you!
We want to have not only hake fish,
And the banks of jelly and milk rivers!
We want you ... Sorry, but already
Full of cravings in your luggage!

Every mother with trepidation and experience is waiting for such an important event as the wedding of her own child. Congratulations from the mother at the son's wedding should be sincere and real, convey the whole whirlpool of emotions and charge with mood. Therefore, mothers need to thoroughly prepare in order to utter a worthy wish and fully show the state of mind.

What should be included in your wedding greetings?

The event itself, when two hearts unite into one family, is touching and exciting. Therefore, any speeches should flow from the heart, have a sincere character, convey the full depth of feelings for those people who have a family that day. A mother's congratulations at her son's wedding should be "seasoned" with such emotions as:

  • Joy.
  • Delight.
  • Experience.
  • Positive mood.

And also it is worth taking into account the nuances that must be present in the congratulations from the mother at the wedding of her son:

  • Sincere wishes for strong feelings.
  • It is worth conveying the excitement that the son has another main woman.
  • It is also necessary to include in the poem or prose speech the wishes of replenishment in the newly born family.

Every mother knows perfectly well what words will touch the deepest living strings of the soul of her son, as well as his wife.

What is the most interesting way to present congratulations?

If there is imagination and creative inspiration, then beautiful congratulations from mother to son on the wedding can take on an even more significant character. Worried moms can take into account the following ideas:

  • Before congratulations, include a short film about the life of a dear son for public viewing. To do this, you need to pick up photos, starting from infancy, ending with the present time, and go to the video creation specialists. Of course, you can also implement the idea yourself, but this task will be performed much brighter and more emotionally by a professional in this field. Under different musical compositions suitable for the photo, memories will flash on the screen. Ideally, if the last photos are joint with the bride. Such a surprise will pleasantly surprise and touch even the most hidden corners of the soul of the couple. You can say congratulations to the mother at the son’s wedding in prose or poetry to the sound of music and during the video, or you can start a speech when the video ends so that the attention of young people and guests does not dissipate.
  • You can just suddenly appear on the stage and sing a song about the wedding, and then say a prepared wish. Such a surprise will also pleasantly surprise those who became the culprit of the holiday.
  • If such significant undertakings cannot be realized, you can simply say congratulations from the mother at the son’s wedding to pleasant background music.

The most important thing is that speeches flow from a pure heart, fill the hearts with triumph and excitement.

Short congratulations from mother at son's wedding in verse

Sometimes there are not enough words to express your happiness. Therefore, if the mother’s congratulations at her son’s wedding in verse are short, it’s okay. The main thing is that they are sincere. Take the following verses as an example:

Today is not like any other day

My son, son became a husband today.

Live happily, my dear blood,

And we, the parents, will help you in everything.

My most beloved man in the world

Dear son, congratulations.

I really can't believe that I'm reading the speech at my son's wedding today.

Excitement and joy overflows,

It's hard for me to speak now.

Most importantly, children, I wish

love each other hard

And always appreciate your relationship.

You were like a little ball

Is this how my sweet son grew up?

Today you became a husband, your wedding,

I wish you love, I do not melt tears.

I think you have a worthy wife,

In joy and in sorrow, let her be near.

Today, excitement covers in the morning,

Because, son, the wedding is yours.

I ironed your shirt at night,

I did not sleep, I was very worried.

May your marriage be strong

Love each other very much.

Let the wedding ring, play,

Your hearts are filled with feelings.

Such short wishes convey a lot of emotions that are in full swing in the soul of a mother whose son became a husband that day.

Long congratulations in verse from mom to son

There are mothers who prefer to express all thoughts that are simply overwhelming. In this case, it is better to choose a congratulation of the mother at the son's wedding with a loaf, a towel and other wedding attributes. For example, you can take such congratulations:

Today we celebrate the holiday

We honor the birth of families.

Dear son, dear

You became a husband, the bride became a wife.

May love accompany you

Leads through life, inspires.

Be a good husband

After all, he chose the best wife.

Let the heart tremble

Gives you joy, fills your soul.

Son, I can't believe it at all

That you have become an adult.

Hold tight now in your hands

From the boat of love oars.

Let the stream and the waterfall

Love sounds and does not stop,

And your new family

Inspires you and your wife to great deeds.

Son, on such a solemn day,

Accept congratulations from me.

Live together, strong family,

What else do mothers want for their sons?

Be a support for your wife

Reliable husband, faithful.

For your future children

Be an example in everything.

Let your love, son,

It burns, it doesn't fade.

And life together, dear,

It lights your hearts with happiness.

You always hold hands

Learn to tolerate each other's characters.

When difficulties arose

Then just smile.

In the meantime, son, let the bell ring,

And the wedding is filled with emotions,

After all, it only happens once in a lifetime.

I wish you all the very best.

Such congratulations from mother to son in honor of the wedding will delight and inspire. Therefore, it is worth taking them into account.

Short congratulations from the groom's mother at her son's wedding in prose

If it is difficult to add rhymes and the mother is worried that she will forget the words in excitement, you can say a wish without consonance of phrases. A mother's congratulations at her son's wedding in prose may be as follows:

Son, it’s hard for me to believe this, but today the boy whom I, it would seem, recently drove in a baby carriage, suddenly said “Yes” and acquired the status of a husband. How quickly time flies. That is why I wish you not to waste a single minute in vain. Son, take care of your wife, because she is the mother of your future children. Give your beloved as many positive emotions as possible, inspire and let her know that she is loved.

Personally, I wish you to feel comfortable in your new status, so that your hopes regarding the family come true. Be happy, very glad, son, that you are now not just a guy, but a married man.

I want to wish you, son, that you always live up to the expectations of the girl who became your wife today. I personally wish you patience, be a reliable rear for your wife, never rush into the pool with your head if something went wrong, because everything is fleeting, bad things pass quickly. May there be as many joyful moments as possible on your family path, may feelings overwhelm, and love never ends. Bitterly!

Such wishes will please both the son and his wife.

Detailed wish to the son in prose from the mother

Open and full congratulations in prose also have a right to exist. An example would be the following request:

Of course, I do not want to take away precious moments of celebration, however, as the mother of the groom, I want to express everything that is in my heart right now.

Thirty-two years ago I had a little son, whom I carried in my arms and drove in a stroller. After that, there were many events that filled my heart with love, excitement and experience. There were ups and downs, joys and sadness, and all these years I walked by my side, not letting me give up and stop halfway. But a more exciting and overflowing feeling than today, perhaps, I did not experience during the entire childhood of my beloved son, except perhaps when he was born. Today is similar to that, because the family was born.

Son, I really hope that you will always be a real man and the head of the family, on whom you can rely. Let your spouse be always proud of you, appreciate your aspirations and goals. It is much easier to achieve any heights together, because people holding hands will never miss a chance and will definitely catch their luck.

Let today be the day that you will remember forever as the brightest and most important event in your life. Love and understanding to you. Bitterly!

Such a wish will touch and give a whirlpool of emotions.

A touching wish from mother to son for the wedding

In order for the wish from the closest person for the groom to be remembered for a long time, you need to prepare. A touching congratulation from a mother to her son on a wedding can be like this:

I waited and hoped for a very long time when my son would finally decide to get married. And today the momentous day has come. I want you to be as reliable and faithful husband as your dad, so that you walk through life hand in hand together until the golden wedding. Let your kids be born as soon as possible, we will definitely help you look after them.

Live to the fullest so that there are many happy moments and positive emotions in your life.

Such a wish is deep, and will touch the most hidden strings of the soul.

Congratulation of the son on the wedding with humor

If mom is doing well with humor, you can add a wish to her son.

Dear son, I no longer hoped that you would someday settle down and decide to marry. Finally, you've made your choice. To be honest, the expectations were not in vain, you chose a wonderful wife, beautiful and smart, because this is a rather rare combination of qualities. I hope you don't think so much about grandchildren. While I have a lot of strength, I want to play with my grandchildren.

In general, you are a good guy, reliable, always looking for a good job with a decent salary. May you always have enough money to shower your missus with gold from head to toe. So that you have enough to travel every weekend or at least once a month.

Live happily, please and indulge each other. Be loved and appreciate every second spent together.

Such a wish will both amuse and convey the mood of the holiday, celebration.

How to make the congratulations memorable for a long time?

It doesn't matter what kind of speeches will be delivered. The most important thing is that they flow from the heart. This is how the congratulation will be remembered and will touch all the strings of the soul.