Real ways to catch her husband on treason. How to understand that the man changes you and catch it on "hot

Often, a woman begins to distort the question of how best to turn his man in treason. At that moment, few people think about learning about the betrayal of a loved one, the lady will have to face more serious problems. Perhaps, during its own investigation, a certain excitement will appear, but in the depths of the soul, each girl sincerely dreams of mistaken and get evidence that her partner remains faithful to her. To stop tormented yourself with guesses and uncertainty, you need to pay attention to the behavior of your second half.

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    Signs that a man changes

    Many guys believe that there is nothing terrible in treason, so they perceive it as a way to get rid of stress. Nevertheless, they carefully hide the fact of deception, believing that the betrayal will never be disclosed.

    Regardless of the smelting, almost every person who deceives his soul mate, makes a number of mistakes, comparing which you can easily make sure that the partner is incorrect. There are a number of "symptoms", which indicate that the man began to meet with another woman.

    Turned into a workaholic

    If a woman draws attention to the fact that earlier her partner was always sent to work and returned home at the same time, and for some time he began to linger in the service, then this is the main signal of what, perhaps he had a mystery life .

    It is worth paying attention to how he reacts to the requirements of the authorities on additional shifts or business trips. If a man happily perceives all these proposals and begins to collect suitcases, then he probably has a novel.

    In such a situation, it is worth trying to bring it on clean water. For example, it is recommended to try to call the head of the spouse and ask why the husband works lately so actively. If the man's director is very surprised at the fact that one of his employees works without days off, then in this case the treason is obvious.

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a man works overtime, it is quite logical that the bosses should pay him great awards. If this does not happen, and the man continues to "enhance as an ox", then, most likely, he meets at this time with another woman.

    Changes in appearance

    When a man puts his mistress on the side, he always wants to make the best impression on it. Over the years of marriage, he could stop shaving, go to the shower every day and stroke costumes to work. If suddenly there were changes in it for the better, do not be happy that he does it for his spouse.

    If a man carefully chooses tie, shoes and a suit, acquired a new toilet water, changed the haircut and tries to look as elegant as elegant as possible, that is, the high probability that all this is done for another woman.

    Desire to do sports

    There is nothing terrible that the man decided to start engaging in sports exercises to throw the weight or simply support his body in a tone. However, it should be borne in mind that the guy who actually takes care of his health and does not do this for another woman, will definitely discuss his decision to go to the gym with his wife. For example, he can offer her to do together.

    If a man just puts his faithful before the fact that he began to go to the gym, then, most likely, this is not done at all for the spouse (perhaps he even spun a novel with someone in class). In this situation, it is worth trying to independently offer him to visit the fitness club together. If a man begins to aggressively respond to such an idea, then you should think about his infidelity.

    Changes in sexual life

    The brightest sign that the man had a different lady, is his coldness towards his wife in bed. It all depends on how much the spouses are together. It often happens that after a few years of living life passion fades, there are deeper feelings between partners, and sex is departed into the background.

    If a man completely began to exclude sex from the life of spouses, then this suggests that he receives satisfaction on the side.

    There is another version of the development of events. If suddenly the husband began to try something new in sex and behaves as if he was already practiced. Such behavior, many perceive as the desire of a man to diversify sex life and become even closer to their wife.

    If he is very masterfully using new sex techniques and gets into new postures without unnecessary awkwardness, this suggests that he may have already practiced with someone. If a man wants to just try something new, he will definitely pre-discuss it with a woman. For example, he admits that he looked at one thematic film and now wants to try the same with his wife.

    Assessing a glance on other ladies

    As soon as a man begins to change, his self-confidence rises several times. After that, he perceives every prominent woman as another potential mistress. Very often for a man, sex with the side becomes so natural that he even forgets that in the presence of his wife should not look at the other ladies.

    If he behaves like a hunter and flies with other women, not even embarrassed by the fact that his wife goes next to him, then this suggests that his self-esteem has grown very much.

    Change attitude to the spouse

    In this situation there are two options for the development of events. In the first case, the husband becomes more affectionate, gentle and caring towards his woman. He begins to make unexpected gifts and surprises. Suddenly, the family appears complete idyll, which was not even at the very beginning of relations.

    It is not necessary to rejoice in such a change. Probably, the husband simply feels his guilt on the subconscious level and trying to apologize to his second half thus. Many men who find the output of energy on the side, embody their sexual fantasies with a woman to which they do not feel any feelings. After receiving such a discharge, they are in excellent mood and begin to show more love for their second half.

    There is another version of the development of events. Unexpectedly there is a rejection towards his wife. The spouse in everything begins to annoy everything. A man quit for the second half according to the most harmless trifles. He begins to make complaints about how she prepares, removes, looks like, etc.

    In this case, the psychology of men works in a different way. He mentally understands what is to blame for treason. At the same time, he justifies himself by the fact that his wife independently forces him to go into the embrace of another woman, as it is an absolutely non-ideal person who is badly preparing, removes and so on.

    Fear look into the eyes of the spouse

    Anyone who makes deception or some kind of ugly act, shy to look into the eyes of whom he betrayed. Such a sign is characteristic only if the man is tormented by remorse for the fact that he started a novel on the side. In such a situation, he begins to hide a look.

    More magazine experiences do not have such "shortcomings". They behave confidently and absolutely lie calmly, looking into their eyes their wives.

    Increased attention to telephone and social networks

    If an unexpectedly, the man put the password on his mobile phone and constantly holds him in his hands, not learning to him even in the toilet, then this indicates that her husband is afraid to get some unexpected message that comes to his eyes. In the same way, he begins to behave in social networks.

    To make sure that the man has someone appeared, it is enough to try to take his phone into his hands. If the question of his wife, why a password appeared on it, a man behaves aggressively or invent unthinkable explanations, he has something to hide.

    Some snocks husbands in treason using a telephone, putting a special program on a mobile spouse that will track its calls and correspondence. It is worth trying to determine the location of the husband. If he says it is at work, and the tracking system shows that he is at the other end of the city, then everything will become extremely clear.

    Changing the financial situation

    To catch a husband in treason, it is enough to start watching his accounts. When a man begins to meet a woman, he must impress her. It requires very large financial costs, because the potential mistress needs to drive into a restaurant, give her flowers and amaze gifts. This outlines the family budget.

    In this case, it is worth paying attention to whether the spouse did not have any inexplicable spending recently. After that, it is enough to ask a question in the forehead and clarify with him, where the money is rehakted. Of course, in this situation, a man can come up with any excuse. For example, he will report that he needed to go to fix the car, or he began to dine in a more expensive restaurant.

    There is one tricky way that will help withdraw a deceiver for clean water. Asking minor questions to her husband, it is necessary to memorize what he answered. When the lie invents on the go, it is very quickly forgotten. Therefore, after a while it is necessary to repeat your questions and make sure that the man will begin to invent new answer options.

    Attentive attitude to the car

    If a man is wise enough, then a mistress, he will not spend money on hotels and other things that quickly rush to his wife. If he has a car, then, most likely, with his opponent, he meets in him.

    It is worth paying attention, whether the front seat is not incited in an unusual way, there are no cigarettes with traces of lipstick in the ashtray of the car.

    Men often use the car in order to explain their absence at home. If recently the spouse began to say that he needs to go to the maintenance station, wash the car and so on, then you should ask him for the service for these services. If this time he spends on to spend with another woman, he will not have any checks.

    One sign is not proof

    If a woman noticed that a man behaves somehow unusual, you should not judge him only one sign and immediately blame him in the treasures. It must be understood that over time the partner will still give himself. When a guy is lying for a long time, he gets so accustomed to this that he often makes serious misconduct, which easily give him infidelity.

    It should be borne in mind that all the listed signs of treason could occur in relations since the first day. In this case, the woman will not even understand that some changes have occurred with her beloved.

    Why not hurry events

    All listed signs of treason can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes it happens that the woman just sees the fact that it subconsciously naughnthazed. Therefore, it is necessary to be removed from the problem and look at the situation with a sober look. Almost each of the signs of treason can be explained differently.

    If a man said that he had a challenge at work, then this could happen. If he has sick relatives, a wedding anniversary ahead, you need to collect a child to school, the spouses pay a mortgage, etc., in such a situation, the husband will readily take any hack and agree on business trips and extracurricular tasks.

    In this situation, it is worth paying attention to the details and be sure to try to make sure that the man really is delayed at work.

    If a man stopped paying attention to a woman in an intimate life, then there are many explanations for this. At first, when people are just beginning to meet, a young guy makes a breath of energy and is ready to have sex for days. When it comes to a man who has been in 40 years, then during this period, many begin health problems.

    Often partners hide such details, as they are shy to say their beloved that now they cannot fulfill their marital duties fully. For a man, it is very difficult to confess that he is not able to satisfy his woman. Therefore, before accusing a spouse that he does not want to sleep with his wife, you need to make sure that he does not suffer from some serious pathology.

    If the husband has a relation to a woman, it is likely that he passes the period of age crisis. Men at this time become too sensitive. They begin to behave aggressively and begin to be easily annoyed. Therefore, there is a chance that the husband is experiencing a difficult period to rethinking his life.

    To catch a guy on treason, you need to use several recommendations:

    • Sniffing a spouse. As soon as a man comes home after another delay at work, it is necessary to hug it and sniff. If he spent time with another woman, then it will come from him completely different, unusual for the second half fragrance. Most odor concentrates in the area of \u200b\u200bneck, hands and chest. If the guy wears a mustache and beard, then it is worth remembering that the hair also absorb fragrances very well.
    • Check pockets. If there is such an opportunity, you should carefully climb into a jacket and a bag of a man. It is recommended to do it under the pretext of washing.
    • Please note how he behaves after work.. If the husband, coming home, convulsively examines his clothes (especially the collar of the shirt) and runs to take a shower, then this is an alarming bell.
    • Vocabulary. If an unexpectedly, the man began to use completely different words and expressions, the intonation and the timbre of his voice changed, then this suggests that he spends a lot of time with someone else. A person unconsciously copies the behavior manner and the features of that interlocutor who he likes.

    It is guaranteed to say that the husband changes, only he himself can. In order not to suffer from heavy guessing and do not try to catch it on treason, it is recommended to try to talk to him. Some spouses do not stand conscience remorse. Once a woman asks leading questions, incorrect husbands honestly confess. You need to follow your heart and listen to intuition. Very often a woman on a subconscious level understands that something in a relationship is wrong.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a fault, problems at work and in personal life pursued me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in you, all the failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad strength.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation when it seems that all life rolls under the slope and passes by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when it was necessary for renting an apartment 11. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have affected.

    It all started with the fact that I ordered myself personal ...

Check phone. View your husband's mobile invoice bills for repeated calls to unknown numbers. Try to find out the name of the owner of this number in the phone. Or call this number and ask whose number is. Require the husband to explain to you the cause of these calls. Track the Metage.

Track the Metage. Check the speedometer on the husband's car. Compare data from the number of kilometers, which it passes from home to work. If the metra is significantly more - then, in addition to work, it goes to other places. If there is an opportunity, put the car at a rapid place near his work, and when you see that he leaves from work during the day, make sure of it and see where it goes.

Check out clothes. Look carefully, whether there are no traces of lipstick on clothes. Smoke, it does not smell like an unfamiliar perfume. Traces or smell mean that your husband has a very close relationship with another woman. If you notice it only once, do not arrange a scandal, so it could happen as a result of an innocent situation. But if it happens periodically, then this is not just a coincidence.

Install the tracking program. Install the tracking program on your spouse's computer without his knowledge. The program tracks all actions performed on the computer and sends a detailed report to your email box. It may come in handy if your husband communicates with his mistress on a chat or email.

iBOT. Insert the IBOT spyware in the USB port on your husband's computer to release nano bots that will follow all the actions on the computer. Nano-botes cannot be revealed using spyware detectors. Remove the device in about five seconds. When will be ready to find out what your husband is engaged in a computer, insert the device once again into its computer and write all the information collected. You can view it on another computer. These devices can also be used to find SMS messages that have been removed from the SIM phone card.

Make him a surprise. If your husband tells you that it will work late, take sandwiches and look at it in the evening to work. If he took the day off or he works at home, come home unexpectedly to spend it. If you think he can change you when you leave the city, schedule a false trip. Register at the local hotel. Put the machine next to the house, from where you can watch your spouse.

If today there was a female version of the dictionary with the interpretations of the concepts of Ozhegov, then, by the time, opposite the definition of "treason" would stand in greasy, weighty why? The fact is that the girls in reality in this regard are all ambiguous. Did the wife know? What to do? Is it possible to warn so ridiculous awkwardness? These and other no less interesting questions can be found in the process of familiarizing with the materials of this article.

What to consider treason?

Before considering the question of how to catch a wife in treason, it is appropriate to analyze the term itself. The fact is that today there is no (apparently, in the future, it is also not foreseen) a single opinion about what can be treated. Directly the fact of connection with another man? Or kiss? Or maybe sex by phone?

That is why it will be best to slightly narrow the boundaries and discuss signs of the only formed novel on the side. How to catch a wife on treason? The question is not easy, however lifting. If you have time from time to time, an incomprehensible feeling occurs, as if something goes wrong, it would be appropriate to take advantage of a very interesting crib. She will definitely help to figure out who deceives you: girlfriend or premonition? If more than three of the above items, you will learn your wife or a girl, you will have to admit such an unwanted fact: she began a new novel on the side.

No complaints!

How to catch a wife in treason? The first "symptom" is that a woman suddenly ceases to get to the man. For some incomprehensible reason, she suddenly stops routing the scenes of jealousy, stroke, pay attention to the barbaric habit of a man, for example, picking up a screwdriver in the teeth or on garbage buckets that were not taken out.

How to recognize cheating wife? Of course, a man can happily assume that it was not at all in vain under the battle of New Year's chimes, he was given to paper - and the desire finally came true. However, much more logical to explain such a good behavior that the focus of attention of the woman has changed in definitely, and she elementary ceased to pay attention to his (most likely, already former) man.

You can not know about it!

By the way, a man may not be aware of events. Often, a woman entails his claims, saw, and also expresses its own discontent, even if there is no good reason for it, not at all because it is hysterical and sadist. No need to laugh, but this is due to the fact that it is holding off for her man, loves and does not want to ever sobly him because of absolute banalities. By the way, in the female language it is called the "struggle for relationships."

How to catch a wife in treason in conversation? Now, when a novel with another man is always flared up, a woman has not yet had time to get confused in unreliable Alibi, to block firewood and fake in debauchery and lies. She is absolutely not ashamed - rather, on the contrary, good and fun. Finally she feels interesting and alive. That is why it is becoming ease, immediacy and seemingly sincere purity. Only that the fact is that on the stage described, she and there is no case to her man (everything says that the former man) and before what is happening around.

What then?

How to catch a wife in treason? Spy things It is not necessary here, it is enough just to catch the most ignoring from a woman. By the way, this shortness and immediacy is somewhat later replaced by anger. Why? The fact is that it is starting to be tormented by remorse.

By the way, it is possible that the man will be accused of treason. It is like a protective mask, ridiculous justification to its unworthy behavior. However, it will be after. So far, the blessed lull has come. And men should think about such circumstances should be at least alarming.

New girlfriends

How to understand that the wife changes? The second sign of treason is the emergence of new girlfriends. This long ago she had no one to go to a cafe or movie. Now almost all evenings at the week are engaged in incomprehensible Irishkami, Nadya and Olenki. By the way, most likely, it is not a cafe at all, but the room is pre-booking in advance. In addition, she is not with deer, but with some Eduard Venediktovich.

How to catch a wife in treason? It is important to note that this can actually be new girlfriends. The fact is that the old guard, most likely, will not pushed her for Eduard Venediktovich, especially if your pair has formed enough. Surely, her old girlfriends have already humbled with your candidates and, most likely, began to sympathize with a pair in general.

How to recognize cheating wife? It is completely logical that on men's absences with buddies and all sorts of business trips, it is unlikely to pay attention. By the way, most likely, she will even like it.

She looks great

How to catch a wife in treason? The third sign of treason is that a woman will certainly be prettier. The blush on the cheeks, the mountain of new dresses and shoes - all this is simple and obviously like pasta in the fleet. By the way, the dresses are, of course, good, but when a woman begins to pay close attention to what is under these dresses, it is worth thinking.

It is important to note that this does not mean that the girls are accepted to make pedicure and deep epilation, pierce the navel and buy a lot of vicious laces only when they have a lover. However, it is necessary to agree that the relationship between a man and a woman who have long been living together, to a certain extent painted by the household plan to promiscuity.

It is quite another thing if a new novel has a new novel in the midst of the representative. It was then that she dwells all around the clock. It can be concluded that the life of the wrong wife is nothing more than a solid expression and challenge.

Other behavior

How to catch a wife on treason? The next sign that speaks of the unworthy behavior of his wife is that it behaves and speaks somehow differently. By the way, one of the main symptoms of the presence in the life of a new cavalier woman and the seriousness of his intentions is a suddenly changed direction of its interests and addictions. In addition, her vocabulary in case of the emergence of a new man is significantly replenished due to new words.

In short, a man should be in substantial tension if the wife suddenly begins to talk about what the crucian is best to catch in windy weather and on Perlovka when he is completely sure: she has never been interested in fishing and quite far from this topic.

Sex with a changeable

By the way, traces of someone else's influence are often manifested in an intimate connection with his wife. Today, there is such an opinion that an incorrect wife is all his forces from married duty. However, this happens not with all and not always.

On the contrary, the woman who threw it to a targeted way to give her husband high attention in erotic terms in order to reduce its vigilance. Not in vain say that a satisfied man is an inexperienced man.

Does she always have a phone in her hands?

How to catch a wife in treason through the phone? Of course, it is possible to call with a lacaround and begin to ask leading questions when there are suspicions about her stay next to the lover. However, today, when social networks and other communication mechanisms appeared, everything became much easier.

An incorrect woman is most likely to have absolutely all free time next to a new man, but it is far from always can afford it in accordance with very obvious reasons. That is why the Classier seeks the ability to maintain communication, even if virtually. Thus, from now on, and perhaps forever a laptop and the phone becomes the best friends of women.

Whenever you looked at her - she is always with the in love (and therefore, a somewhat stupid) smile looks into the screen and at the same time poured with a pink blush, and then he says that he performs a very important operating function or develops an incredibly serious conversation with her friend.

It is important to note that the main commandment of the changers is to eliminate the remaining evidence, getting rid of compromising messages and the ruthless erasing of the correspondence history. However, this commandment incorrect representatives of beautiful sex often ignore. Surely, she knows that it is easy to get caught and simple. However, a somewhat foggy perspective to be exposed is nothing compared to the excellent opportunity to reread several times a day, as they missed and how they want it.

It is clear that she will try to protect his own personal life from a sudden invasion of her husband by setting passwords on a computer and telephone, entering social networks solely from their laptop, as well as locking their own devices in the closet. That is why quite harmless from her husband, please use it with a tablet or a telephone can bring the change to the infarction.

Now you know the main signs of treason. But you should not bring your observations to paranoia. Perhaps the wife is just preparing you a gift or she has new friends.

In addition to the fact that the woman should be a good mistress, an interesting companion and the desired mistress, sometimes she has to reincarnate in a real detective, in order to catch the wrong husband on treason. The role of a private detective does not require special skills. Perhaps the main thing here is intuition and an email.

Phone to help

The human phone can tell about many things, including about the novel on the side. And even if your husband prudently removes traces of betrayal from mobile, some hooks will still remain. If your spouse is not careful, it is enough to take the phone in your hands, as the evidence will emerge one after another. So,

1. Open the call log. If it is empty, it is already alarming. Why delete what does not cause suspicion? If there are often new contacts in the history of calls (and even with the male name), rewrite these numbers and type from another phone (and suddenly an employee of Ivanov I.I. will be a young girl with a pleasant voice?). Pay attention to the time of calls and on the behavior of the husband during a conversation with suspicious subscribers. The reaction of an incorrect spouse for a call (the more untrained masking skills from his wife) will be at least strange.

2. No less interesting and informative - SMS log. Particularly informative messages from the operator that the subscriber appears on the network. Such a message comes at any time of the day, and the "suspect" may not have time to remove it from memory. If the numbers that appear in touch are not listed in the outgoing call list, it means that they are obviously removed from history. Check such contacts, and, of course, the correspondence itself. Most likely, compromising SMS are immediately removed from the memory. But still!

3. The modern phone represents not only the possibility of talking and sending SMS, but also Internet communication is also (Skype, mail, chats). So do not forget to explore various programs. Somewhere "traitor" is exactly punctured.

4. And finally, a win-win option that can be checked using a mobile phone - setting the surveillance. Yes, everything is like in the present private cheek. While your hubby will, for example, take a shower (in the bath, he definitely does not take a mobile phone), download the service "Beach" on his phone. To do this, make a request to the operator. As a rule, such "surveillance" is set for children so that parents always know where the child is located (approximate address). But why not use the possibilities of "beacon" for cunning exposure?

Social networks

Explore the husband's accounts in social networks need very carefully, so that he did not suspect it. Otherwise, firstly, passwords will change, and, secondly, he will be guilty for the invasion of his personal space. So, it is advisable to know passwords, but if they often change or hide, try to enter the spouse page not from the browser, but from the application on the tablet, where the secondary (and all subsequent) the input is automatically (without requesting a password).

If there is no tablet, distract the husband suddenly from the computer, for example, call to the phone (agree in advance to kuma call him for advice) or ask for urgently to run into the pharmacy, and during this time, visit its page in Soc. networks.


The mistress of her husband, as a rule, encroaches not only on your man, but also on his car (in the sense that they go together). Explore the vehicle is simpler. First, pay attention to the often pushed chair, other people's hair in the car and other items that do not belong to you.

Check the glove box and trunk. And finally, before fishing, hunting or any other traveling by the male team, fix the speedometer in the head. The next day check the kilometer. Perhaps the "suspect" did not go beyond the city, and was not nearby and not with friends.

Sudden checks

Complete my husband sudden checks and unplanned meetings. Take a look without warning to work (preferably, on a lunch break), go back from a holiday or travel a day before. Look at the reaction of the spouse and on the situation as a whole. Inspect the working office and look for traces of treason in your own apartment. To bring the mistress to the house only the last cynic is capable, nevertheless some unacute household trivia may indicate marital adventures.

In general, if you specify the goal, then catch a husband on treason is not so difficult (if it is really infernen). The main thing is not to try to convince myself in devotion to your loved one and do not look for excuses with obvious evidence (lipstick on a shirt, love SMS, without a tracely disappeared sex and the husband's night). If you feel that the spouse is a novel, remove the "pink" glasses and act.

Is your husband started coming from work late and keeps a cell phone off? Does he answer rudely when you ask him when he returns home? Your in danger? Do you have a strong feeling that something is wrong? If your answer is "yes", it is possible that your husband has become distant and maybe deceive you! And gets up in front of you, the most obvious question: how do you catch a deceiving husband? Do you want to track his conversations on a cell phone? Hire a private detective? Watch his location? Or just blame him directly. Most know nothing and do not know how to find out the whole truth. However, the fact is that you cannot blame him without any hard evidence in your hands. If you really feel something is wrong, and your husband is deceiving you, then here are some tips to help you catch your husband.

How to learn about treason husband

  • If you feel your husband is deceiving you, just write down all the actions that he mentions you. For example, write down all the statements that he makes about his whereabouts, for example, "Last Sunday, walked on a fishing friend", "went for a birthday", etc., and then recheck, asking people whom he mentioned. Do not forget to keep track of the date and time.
  • If you have a suspicion that your husband has extramarital intrigues with a colleague, watch his actions during official meetings. He avoids an employee in your presence, but communicates with frequent views and tracks movement? Then, perhaps he has a secret relationship.
  • He goes early goes to work and says it's too late to come home? If so, surprise him, looking at his office and invites him for lunch. Watch it and write down his reaction. He is surprised and glad to see you? Or is he confused and stunned?
  • Announce that you leave for a weekend on some time work, and then suddenly come back home. See how it will react.
  • Check his phone when he takes a shower. Are there any repeated calls from an unfamiliar number? Are there any suspicious SMS messages in his cell phone?
  • Look at his credit card statements, cash withdrawals and other bank details. Do you see some transactions for large amounts of money? You can make a list of expenses and ask for clarification, especially if you have a joint bank account with him.
  • Is he regularly communicating at night on the Internet? You can set any monitoring program on your computer. This will allow you to record all the activities on the Internet, including the history of chat, login, web surfing, or participating in online dating service.
  • Create weighty arguments from sufficient evidence that your husband is deceiving you. If you just ask him directly, most likely, he will deny the charges. Therefore, put it before him with good evidence, so that he could not deny them. Record everything suspicious than you encounter.
  • Plan your confrontation. Think in advance how to resist him. Be prepared with questions that you need to ask him about his novel.