The most interesting facts about cats. Unusual facts about cats. Cats tend to use their left paws more often than cats use their right paws. Cats lick themselves to get rid of human smell

  1. Cats never meow to each other. This sound is designed specifically for humans.
  2. A cat can have over 100 kittens in her lifetime.
  3. One pair of cats and their offspring can produce 420,000 kittens in 7 years.
  4. "Sociable" cats follow you from room to room to control your actions.
  5. Cats only sweat on the pads of their paws. Perhaps you noticed wet prints on the table after the examination or veterinary examination when you took the cat?
  6. Cats can make about 100 different sounds. For comparison, dogs are only about 10.
  7. The most fantastic record was set in Argentina by a cat named Mincho, who climbed a tree and didn't come down until she died six years later. During this time, she managed to bring three litters with the same climbing cats.
  8. A falling cat always acts the same way. First the head is leveled, then the back, then the legs, and at the end the back arches to soften the landing.
  9. If your cat is tearing up furniture, try giving the area a lemon or orange scent. Cats hate these smells.
  10. The more you talk to cats, the more they talk to you.
  11. The surface pattern of a cat's nose is as unique as a human fingerprint.
  12. The giraffe, the camel and the cat are the only ambling animals; when walking, they go first with their left legs, and then with their right ones. Such walking guarantees speed, agility and silence.
  13. The Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when they lost their beloved cat.
  14. The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. Cats have 32 muscles in each ear, and they use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.
  15. How old is your cat in human terms? If your cat is 3 years old, this corresponds to a human 21 years old. If 8 years, then humanly 40. If 14, then 70 human years.
  16. The average lifespan of a domestic cat is 15 years, while for a wild cat it is 3 to 5 years.
  17. According to the University of Lyon, there are about 400 million domestic cats in the world. The palm is given to Australia, where there are 9 cats per 10 inhabitants. On the Asian continent, the first place belongs to Indonesia, there are more than 30 million fluffy animals, and in Europe, France, whose inhabitants have 8 million cats in their care. However, there are countries, such as Peru, Gabon, where the domestic cat is almost never found.
  18. Every year, Americans spend four billion dollars on cat food. That's one billion dollars more than they spend on baby food!
  19. If a cat is near you and her tail is trembling, this is the greatest feeling of love that she can express. When the tail begins to fall, it means that the mood has changed, you can move away, she will not be offended.
  20. Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to get out, and it is raining outside, the tail will sway due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home, or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging.
  21. Cats rub against humans to "kill" other people's smells. The smell comes from the glands that are located between the eye and ear and at the base of the tail.
  22. If the pupils are dilated despite bright lighting, the cat is very interested in something or in a playful mood.
  23. For cats to see, 1/6th of the light needed by a person is enough. Their night vision is amazing! In the dark, the cat's eye even uses the light reflected from the retina.
  24. Cats, unlike dogs, cannot focus on close objects, that is, cats are farsighted, and dogs are nearsighted. In fact, a cat sees best at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters.
  25. Cats are 3 times more sensitive to sound volume than humans! (If we listen to loud music or the TV rattles in the room, then we should give the cat the opportunity to go to another room!)
  26. Cats perceive sound frequencies in the range of 50 to 60 kHz. The dog responds to sound with a frequency of about 40 kHz. A person is able to pick up sounds with a frequency of 20 kHz.
  27. The cat's lower jaw trembles and teeth chatter, only if the prey is unattainable.
  28. Cats smell 14 times more than humans!
  29. In addition to the nose, cats can pick up odors with the help of the so-called "Jacobson's tube", located on the upper palate behind the front incisors. The cat uses it when it fully focuses on some particularly interesting smell, drawing in air, slightly raising its upper lip and nose.
  30. Hair care soothes, neutralizes the emerging aggressiveness. If the cat cannot decide which path to take, it should consider its behavior. In a state of uncertainty there is a universal recipe: in doubtful cases - lick yourself!
  31. The toilet should be in a private area where the cat is not shy, and away from the food bowl, as cats don't like to get dirty near where they eat.
  32. Never feed your cat dog food. The protein requirement of cats is five times greater than that of dogs.
  33. Cats love heights. Leopards and jaguars, which sleep in trees, also love the height.
  34. If a cat falls, its inner ear, which controls balance, helps it land on its paws.
  35. A cat has an average of 12 mobile whiskers on each side of the muzzle. At the base of the whiskers there are a large number of nerve endings, so the cat receives information about everything that surrounds it with the help of them, about objects, about wind, about temperature, etc. If a cat's whiskers are removed, it may have poor orientation in space, for example, hunt poorly and generally feel insecure.
  36. The whiskers help the cat determine if it will fit through the hole!
  37. The scientific name of whiskers is vibrissae, which is why they are often called simply vibrissae in Russian-language literature. The mustache really vibrates.
  38. If a cat's whiskers look forward, it is very interested in something. Or in skirmishes he wants to scare the opponent. If the whiskers look back, the cat is frightened, it avoids touching.
  39. The nervous state of the cat is given out by the ears, they are finely twitching, although the cat itself can sit quietly and watch. You can even, touching the cat in this state, get her to hiss and hit with her paw.
  40. When attacked by someone, cats tightly press their ears to their heads. This is to protect against the teeth and claws of the enemy. If the cat attacks itself, then it lowers its ears horizontally and to the sides, forming a triangle.
  41. Cat fights are short, but very ferocious and violent. Their main weapon in fights is their teeth.
  42. When we pet a cat, our heart rate and blood pressure decrease. And people with heart disease have a chance of living longer if they have a cat, unlike those who don't have a cat or dog.

Cats are amazing creatures in their own right and have been living alongside humans for 9,500 years. Among the numerous representatives of these pets there are truly extraordinary individuals with unique characteristics. What do the most amazing cats in the world look like? This collection contains those whose mustaches, paws and tail are traditionally considered documents. But it turns out that even these body parts can differ significantly in different pets, and some of them may be completely absent.

Tailless cats

What could be more amazing than a cat without a tail? Manx is the only breed that has lost such a natural decoration for most cats as a tail as a result of a natural mutation, and not human experiments.

Interesting fact! According to legend, Manx has been left without a tail since the time of the Flood, when he was the last to jump on Noah's Ark and crushed it with a closing door.

But not all Manx are tailless. Felinologists distinguish 5 categories depending on the severity of the tail from its complete absence to standard length. At the same time, the presence of a tail in at least one of the parents is a prerequisite for crossing, otherwise their offspring simply will not survive.

Unlike the previous breed, bobtails have a curved tail, the length of which can vary from 3 to 12 cm, depending on the specific variety: Japanese, Kuril or American bobtail. All cats of this group have a good disposition, love active entertainment and lend themselves well to training. Bobtails have two more features: their hair does not get wet during bathing and practically does not get tangled.

On a note! Since the Middle Ages, the Japanese believed that the cat's tail is a place of accumulation of negative energy and evil forces, so they preferred exclusively cats without tails to store the hearth.

Another amazing tailless breed is the pixie bob, which is considered one of the most jealous in the world. These artificially bred animals, which vaguely resemble a lynx, lack only a small or significant part of the tail: its length varies between 2.5-15 cm.

Curly cats

The list of the most amazing cats in the world rightfully included a whole group of breeds, united by one feature - curly hair, due to a natural mutation of genes. In the name of most of them there is a part "rex", which indicates the presence in the body of the rex gene responsible for curly hair.

Cornish Rex are small graceful animals with a “dry” physique, which are very convenient to keep and care for: they do not shed, do not sweat, do not mark territory, do not climb tables, do not take revenge. The main feature of their appearance is the absence of guard hairs, therefore the coat is formed only from the undercoat and, due to the waviness, gives the cats a “karakul” look.

Devon Rex have an elegant appearance: long fragile limbs, a small head with large ears and slanting eyes, a short muscular body covered with wavy hair.

Important! Devon Rex do not cause allergic reactions even in the most sensitive allergy sufferers, but scientists have not yet been able to find an explanation for this unusual fact.

Selkirk Rex can be either long or short haired. The degree of curlyness depends on their hormonal background, climate and season. At the same time, up to 2 years of age, Selkirks can periodically turn from curly to smooth-haired and vice versa. Among also there are representatives with ordinary wool. You can also determine the type of wool in a newborn kitten by the whiskers: in a smooth-haired kitten they will be straight, and in a curly-haired one they will be twisted.

LaPerm is another amazing cat breed with an extraordinary appearance, whose coat curls in long spirals and curls. It is this feature that is reflected in the name: the French prefix la is connected to the root of the word permanent, meaning a long-lasting perm. Surprisingly, La Perm kittens are often born hairless and only acquire characteristic curls with age.

"Naked" cats

These feline representatives are often spoken of as extraterrestrial beings to emphasize their uniqueness and unusualness compared to other cats. Despite the rather extraordinary appearance and lack of hairline, these amazing cats have many admirers all over the world.

Naked breeds that are artificially bred include:

  • The Canadian Sphynx is one of the most popular hairless cats, whose history began in Canada in the 60s of the XX century, but according to some sources, they were known even during the time of the Incas and Egyptian pharaohs.
  • The St. Petersburg Sphynx (Peterbald) is a relatively young breed, so far rarely found outside of Russia. In addition to the characteristic thin body, large ears and almond-shaped eyes, the Peterbald has webbed feet.
  • Elf - has large ears in the form of a curved shell, which he inherited from his forefathers curls, and a body that is practically naked or covered with inconspicuous fluff with rarely found hair in the ears, muzzle and tail.
  • The Ukrainian Levkoy is another descendant of the Sphynx that can have curled or straight ears. Among Levkoys there are both hairless cats and individuals with hair. Despite the rather formidable appearance, the Levkoy is devoid of aggressiveness and is considered one of the most affectionate breeds.

Among hairless cats, there is another amazing breed that is considered one of the rarest - the Hawaiian Hairless or Kohona. According to various sources, there are from 17 to 40 individuals of these cats in the world and only 3 catteries for their breeding. Many people confuse them with sphinxes, but they differ in the shape of the head and the presence of numerous folds (especially in the head area). To the touch, the skin of the Hawaiian Hairless resembles warm rubber or slightly melted paraffin.

But the main feature that makes the Kohona one of the most amazing cats in the world is the complete absence of hair follicles, which basically excludes the possibility of hair growth, eyebrows or whiskers.

Domestic "predators"

Breeders still do not get tired of competing in breeding pets, the appearance of which will be completely identical to their counterparts living in the wild.

One of these amazing cats is the Savannah with a characteristic leopard color, for breeding which a wild serval was used. These are large animals with muscular paws, which are distinguished by good jumping ability, love to swim, hunt and walk on a leash. This amazing breed is one of the most expensive and is especially common among the rich people of the UAE, where kittens with a good pedigree are asked from $4,000.

Graceful Serengeti outwardly resemble Savannah cats, but are slightly smaller and more affectionate in nature. However, these are rather large animals that prefer an active lifestyle, so they are not suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Tiger fans can also get into their home a miniature version of the tiger - a toyger with a characteristic black and yellow striped color. But by nature, these are unobtrusive and playful pets that are ideally suited for life in an apartment. The name toyger is a play on 2 English words "toy" (toy) and "tiger" (tiger).

Other features

As a result of a natural genetic mutation, such an amazing cat breed as the American Polydactyl appeared, and man contributed to the conservation and distribution of these unusual animals around the world. Unlike ordinary cats, which have a total of 18 fingers (5 and 4 on the front and hind legs, respectively), American polydactyls can have up to 7 fingers on each of the paws.

Interesting! “Extra” fingers are sometimes found in pixie-bob kittens, which does not at all affect the purity of the breed and the possibility of participating in exhibitions.

Another “creation” of a gene mutation is the Munchkin or “Dachshund Cat,” as it is called because of its short limbs. Munchkin's paws are 2-3 times shorter than "traditional" cat limbs. This feature does not affect the lifestyle of these animals in the least, except that they cannot jump as high as other cats, but they will always find a way to get to their goal. These are mobile and playful animals that are happy to walk on a leash and can even learn to follow commands. To look around, they often stand on their hind legs, and to maintain balance, they rest on the floor with their tail. Thanks to the crossing of the Munchkin with other cats, no less amazing cats appear:

  • minskin - a bald cat with short legs, obtained as a result of crossing with a sphinx;
  • napoleon - a dwarf pet with long thick hair and short legs, obtained by crossing with a Persian cat.

There are many breeds of cats, each with its own characteristics. The nature of a cat can be largely determined by the breed.

If you learn more about such details, you can find a pet that suits you perfectly.

So, here are the most unusual, beautiful and popular varieties of cats.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians are extremely popular, it is believed that these are the smartest cats. They have rather large pointed ears, a wide head, and almond-shaped eyes that are golden, green or dark yellow.

They are sociable and active animals that love to play. They do not like to spend time on their owners' laps, preferring to move. Females may not get along well with other cats.

american curl

These animals retain the character of a kitten for life. They are characterized by unusual ears, curved back from the muzzle. Usually these are pets with good health, without genetic defects, you just need to monitor the condition of the ears to prevent the development of infections.

american shorthair cat

This is an extremely common breed in the States, characterized by an athletic build. These are large, slender cats with a strong body. They are usually healthy, getting along well with both owners and strangers. They can live up to twenty years and require only yearly vaccinations and a normal diet. There are more than eighty varieties of their coat color.


Burmese cats not only look cute, they also have a gentle nature. This is a breed from Asia, where it was bred by the monks. These animals have a medium length coat with a lighter body and dark spots on the muzzle. Burmese have blue eyes and small ears.


The Bombay cat loves its owners very much, it constantly needs attention, it will get along well with children. These animals do not like to spend a long time alone. Usually they choose one person to whom they pay special attention. Overall, this is an intelligent, playful breed that gets along well with other cats.


These cats have an impressive lifespan and are known for having canine traits, such as being able to fetch a toy on command. This is an ideal type of animal to keep at home, they tolerate car trips well. Burmese have golden eyes and silky fur. These cats love to meow, they spend time with people and demand attention.

Shorthair Colorpoint

These cats are very smart, playful and demanding. They are close to the Siamese, they have similar body sizes, coat length and location of spots on the body. Such animals are very fond of spending time with a person, but they are distinguished by a sensitive character - it is difficult for them to adapt to strangers or unusual surroundings.

Cornish Rex

These are animals with a long and slender body, they have very thin and sometimes curly hair. They prefer to live in a warm and dry environment. It's too cold outside for them in winter. Such cats prefer to spend time on their knees or near a lamp where they can warm themselves. They remain playful all their lives, like kittens, they like to run and jump. At the same time, they are very smart and curious.

Devon rex

This is a cat breed with very soft and short hair, large ears and a broad head. They have large eyes and a slightly upturned nose. Unlike other breeds, this one has very short and often curled whiskers. Devon Rex are usually active, playful and attached to people. They can jump very high and like to sit at the highest point in the room.

egyptian mau

These are incredibly fast cats, one of the fastest among all the others. They have rather short hair with small spots. Mau have very musical voices, they can make very unusual sounds, in addition, they can wag their tails.


These are extremely popular cats with compact, rounded bodies and short necks. They have large, round eyes, a short nose, and small ears that give the face a kitten-like appearance. These animals are distinguished by a calm and gentle character, but they also love to play. They rarely meow, like to sit on their laps and show more love than most other breeds.


These are medium-sized cats with well-developed muscles and short brown hair. They have brown whiskers and green eyes. These are intelligent animals that use their paws both to explore surrounding objects and to communicate with their owners. The name is explained by the similarity of the shade of wool with the color of Havana cigars.

Himalayan cat

This is the most popular variety of Persian cats. They have long hair, blue eyes and spotted color, round body with short legs. They are calm and intelligent animals that love to spend time with people. They are more active than Persians and love to play.

japanese bobtail

These are cats with an unusually short tail similar to that of a rabbit. They often have eyes of different colors. Most representatives of this breed are active and smart, they love to spend time with a person and are able to memorize commands.

Maine Coon

This breed originated in America. These are cats with long hair, soft and silky. They require a minimum of care. There are cats of various shades and with different eyes, the only exception is the blue color of the eyes or the eyes of two shades.


These cats do not have tails at all, this is a distinctive feature of the breed, as well as elongated hind legs and a round head. Manxes come in a variety of colors and coat types. Rarely seen with long hair.

norwegian forest cat

This is a real Viking cat, big and strong, with a fluffy tail and a large body. These cats are excellent climbers and live up to sixteen years of age. They have a quiet voice and calm nature.


These are playful cats with spots like those of wild ocelots. They are similar in character to dogs, easily remember commands and can even walk on a leash, in addition, they are not afraid of water.

oriental cat

These are smart and sociable animals that are strongly attached to people. This breed (in the main photo) is represented by many shades and colors - three hundred color combinations are possible.


Persian cats are the most popular in the world. They just look luxurious.

Their long coat comes in a variety of colors.


These cats are distinguished by blue eyes and color with expressive spots. They are quite large and muscular, their coat is soft and silky. They have a calm, balanced character.

Russian blue cat

These are calm cats with gray-blue hair. They are very smart, curious, but calm. Such an animal will get along well with children and other pets.


This is a large breed that looks like a miniature cheetah. They become attached to their owners and are able to walk on a leash like dogs.

Scottish fold

This is a breed with forward-curved ears, which makes cats look like owls. They have a calm nature, they get along well with other animals, love to play and spend time with their owners.

Selkirk rex

These are cats with curly hair, large and muscular. They have round heads with large eyes and medium sized ears. They are calm and similar in character to the Persians.

Siamese cat

These are the most talkative cats that are very attached to their owners and love to spend time with them. They have a special color with spots on the muzzle and blue eyes.

Siberian cat

These are cats that are great at jumping and are not afraid of water. They are friendly, smart and energetic. Such an animal lives perfectly at home, but is not afraid of the cold outside.

singapore cat

Love cats with character? Get a Singapura cat! They are very active and playful, love attention and prefer to spend time in places with excellent visibility, climbing higher.

somali cat

These cats resemble foxes, they are fast and active. They practically do not shed, changing their coat only twice a year.


It seems that sphinxes are hairless cats, but they are not. They have leather with a special texture. They like to snuggle up to people or other animals to keep warm. Some don't have mustaches.

What only cats do not exist in the world. Larger and small, fluffy and almost bald, fat and thin, lazy and champions in catching mice ... Among the diverse cat family, there are the most outstanding in one way or another.

  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest of the 330 cats is the ragdoll: the weight of the male reaches 9 kg. For most domestic cats, the average weight of adult males is 2 kg. Neutered cats weigh a little more on average.
  • Well, I think there is little doubt that the largest wild cat is the Ussuri tiger. 4 meters from the nose to the tip of the tail and 384 kg of manpower, muscles, claws and fangs.
  • Tinker Toy, a Himalayan Persian cat owned by Katrina and Scott Forbes of Taylorville, NY. Illinois, USA, is only 7 cm high and 19 cm long. That is, he is the smallest domestic cat on earth.
  • The most lightweight breed of domestic cats are Singaporean cats. The male Siamese hybrid, owned by Angelina Johnson from the United States, weighed only 0.79 kg. At the time of weighing, he was 23 months old.
  • In general, cats live longer than dogs. Although not as long as we would like. The confusion in these data is often introduced by the same nickname, which can be called two or more cats in a row without saying a word. The oldest, probably, can be considered a tabby cat named Puss, which belonged to the American T. Holvey. His cat lived to 36 years. A more reliable case is a tabby cat named Ma, owned by the American Alice St. George Moore of Drewstainton, c. Devon, UK. This cat was euthanized at the age of 34.
  • Among wild felines, the lion lived the longest at the Berlin Zoo. He rested quietly in his enclosure at the age of 29. For comparison. In the wild savanna, lions live an average of 12 years.
  • The largest known litter - 19 kittens (4 stillborn) was brought on August 7, 1970 by a 4-year-old Burmese cat named Antigone. Its owner, Valery Gein, said that the cat became pregnant from a Siamese cat. Of the 15 live kittens, there were 14 cats and 1 cat. The largest number of live kittens (14, all kittens survived) was brought by a Persian cat, owned by Eleanor Dawnson from South Africa.
  • In her long feline life, the Texas tabby tabby has produced 420 kittens. And recognized as a feline mother-heroine!
  • In all official sources, a motley cat named Towser, who lived in Scotland, is recognized as the most successful hunter. It is estimated that in her lifetime she has caught 28,899 mice: an average of 3 mice per day. She died at the age of 20 in 1987.
  • The tiger is the leader among wild human hunters - 436 people. In second place are leopards (400), but lions were responsible for the deaths of 84 people. True, in the book I do not say for what period of time the calculation was carried out.
  • Record of historical orientation. During the excavation of the city of the dead near Karnak in Egypt, the largest burial of cats that has ever been found has been discovered. There are 300,000 cat mummies in the tombs.
  • The cat Ryzhik from the city of Kem can probably be recognized as the owner of the record for the distance of hiking. During the holidays, the owners brought him with them to Petrozavodsk. The next day, the cat suddenly disappeared. Saddened, the owners resigned themselves to the loss and taxied back. Imagine their surprise when, after 2 months, Ryzhik, who had lost a lot of weight, appeared in the Kemsk apartment, having overcome the path from Petrozavodsk 430 km. As soon as he crossed the threshold of the house, he immediately went to the saucer, from which he was always fed milk. The first days the cat slept, ate, and then, having gained strength, returned to his former life.

And this is only a small part of the various achievements and records of cats. Both domestic and wild. Surely our cats will surprise us more than once in the future.

Cats are certainly the cutest creatures, but they are also very curious animals. Like other animals, felines know how to surprise, delight and inspire!

Cats fascinate and know how to puzzle both their behavior and how amazingly their bodies are arranged. If you're a cat lover, you'll love this curious selection of some of the world's most popular pets.

25. Cats are cunning manipulators, and it is they who train us, not we them.

In the course of the study, scientists found that with the help of purring and purring, cats control their owners, literally getting what they want with the help of natural cunning. One of the sounds they have learned to make is actually mimicking the same frequency sounds that babies cry at. Cats literally manipulate our natural reactions!

24. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as holy animals.

You could hear about this in history lessons at school, but if your memory fails you, we will remind you. In ancient Egypt, cats were considered demigods, gave them jewelry and fed them the most delicious food. When a cat died, the Egyptians mummified her body for an honorable burial. Anyone who harmed a cat in any way was sentenced to death. The culprit was often sacrificed to the goddess Bast, the patroness of joy, the hearth and fertility, who was usually depicted as a woman with a cat's head. It is not surprising that it was to her that the unfortunate was sacrificed.

23. Cats may be treating themselves by purring.

A cat's purr can mean many different things and have a pretty important purpose. The researchers found that a cat's purring usually corresponds to a frequency of 25 to 150 hertz. It is in this range that combinations of frequency oscillations of sounds of different pitch occur, which, when entering into resonance with bones and muscles, produce a therapeutic effect on them. There is a version that cat purring is not only an expression of pleasure or gratitude, but also a way of self-healing. Perhaps this is why some people believe that cats can heal others.

22. Cats can even quench their thirst with salt water.

Cat kidneys are able to filter salt and use purified water to hydrate the body. People are not capable of this - we cannot live without fresh water ...

21. Cat whiskers are a sense organ

We used to call them whiskers, but scientists gave them a different name - whiskers. These dense and long hairs are clearly different from the rest of the animal's hair, and they serve somewhat different purposes than human whiskers. It turns out that vibrissae are closely related to the nervous system and muscles, and they provide the cat with important information about the world around them. If you pull a cat's whiskers, she will not like it very much, do not even check! Vibrissae are very sensitive and act as a tactile organ.

20. Almost a hundred yard cats live in New York Disneyland.

The famous Disneyland amusement park once had a big problem with rats, and the solution to such a delicate problem turned out to be quite simple - a whole army of street cats was brought to the iconic park. Animals prey on rodents, and in return they have complete immunity and a bunch of privileges that are not available to other yard animals outside of Disneyland. They are all, of course, vaccinated, neutered and labeled for population control. Cats are fed, treated and taken care of in every possible way. This is done by the park staff.

19. Once a cat fell from 32 floors and survived!

We all know that cats have an extraordinary sense of balance, and they masterfully land on their paws, falling or jumping from rather high objects. However, surviving after falling from 32 floors is still something incredible! This cat escaped with a broken tooth and a lung injury, but the doctors saved the animal, and after discharge it fully recovered.

18. Cats love to sleep.

This is far from a secret. But did you know why or why they sleep so much? In total, cats sleep about 13-16 hours a day, that is, almost 70% of their entire life. The key to such sleepiness, which is unusual for us, lies in the lifestyle of their ancestors and most yard cats. Sleep is simply necessary for them to fully recover or to prepare for an intense hunt. Of course, our pets do not need to survive and fight for prey for a long time, but it is difficult to fight against instincts. And why, because it's so nice to sleep!

17. Domestic cats first appeared in the Middle East

Scientists tracked the region where the species of domestic cats appeared, and it turned out that it was in the Middle East that about 100 thousand years ago people first began to tame these interesting animals. It was the wild cats that lived on the territory of modern Israel, Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries that were the ancestors of our beloved pets.

16. In Mexico, the cat almost became the mayor of the city

During the election of the mayor of the Mexican city of Xalapa (Xalapa), among the real contenders for such a responsible post almost appeared a cat named Morris (Morris). The animal even had its own Facebook page, and managed to collect as many as 100,000 likes. Cat fans believe that Morris owed his popularity not only to his cute face, but also to the fact that the local population was simply tired of corrupt politicians.

15. Cats are considered invasive animals.

We all know that cats are excellent hunters, sometimes even too much. Give them free rein, and they can be quite a serious danger to the population of amphibians, reptiles and birds living with them in the same territory. In the scientific community, cats have even been included in the list of the 100 most invasive animals on the planet, which means that these creatures pose a real threat to biological diversity.

14. The world's largest domestic cat (123 centimeters long)

Incredibly, in this photo you have a representative of the domestic breed of Maine Coon cats, and not some wild animal. In 2010, a cat named Stewie got into the Guinness Book of Records, becoming the largest domestic cat in the world - from nose to tail, the pet had as much as 123 centimeters.

13. The part of the brain responsible for managing emotions is almost the same in cats as in humans.

Outwardly, we, of course, are different, but people still have a lot in common with cats. We think in similar patterns, have short-term and long-term memory, and have almost identical brain regions responsible for controlling emotions.

12. Older cats also sometimes develop dementia.

It is not only the elderly who can develop degenerative brain diseases (dementia, Alzheimer's syndrome and senile insanity). It turns out that old cats also suffer from such ailments. Symptoms of these conditions include strange meowing, problems using the litter box, and a loss of interest in personal hygiene. If your cat is many years old, she has forgotten how to go to the tray and has become a real mess, it may be all about feline dementia.

11. Cats lick themselves to get rid of human smell.

Cats are really clean, and they often lick themselves from head to toe. Have you noticed that they also do this immediately after you pet them? It turns out that they lick themselves also in order to get rid of not only their own smell, but also yours.

10. Cats sweat their paws.

Have you ever noticed that cats leave wet footprints on the floor? It turns out that they sweat just through their paws. This is how they cope with the heat. In addition, shade and the previously mentioned licking of their own fur helps them to cool down.

9. The richest cat in the world had $13 million in her account.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the richest cat in the world was called Blackie. He inherited just a crazy amount from his former owner - Ben Rea (Ben Rea), who died back in 1988. Mr. Rea was originally from the UK, during his lifetime he was engaged in antiques and did not get along with his family at all, preferring cats to his own. The rich man bequeathed the bulk of his fortune to cat charities, although some of it ended up with his gardener, mechanic, plumber and friend.

8. A cat nose print is as unique as human fingerprints.

Each cat in the world is unique, because no cat's nose is like any other. Just like our fingerprints, there is only one cat nose print in the world. Unfortunately, this information is practically useless, because such an imprint can only be removed under sedatives, and cats do not often rob banks ...

7. Cats bring dead prey to your door to tell you that you are a bad hunter and you need to practice.

If you have a house on earth and a cat, she probably brought you at least once some dead bird or rat. This usually causes both a feeling of disgust at the sight of the killed animal and sincere delight, because there is an opinion that this is how the pet usually tries to express its gratitude for your care of it. However, the matter is quite different. To teach their kittens to eat and hunt, cats often bring them dead prey. Neutered cats don't have kittens, but their instincts can't be helped, and therefore they try to pass on their experience at least to people.

6. Cats have a built-in gyroscope that helps them navigate when jumping or falling.

Like true ninjas, cats have an incredible ability to balance and always land on their feet, no matter how high they fly. How do they do it? It turns out that they have an organ in their ear that helps determine which is up and which is down. When a cat is in the air, it controls its body so that by the time it lands, its head is always up and its paws are down. In addition, cats can bend in such a way that their body takes on a shape close to a dome, and this helps to reduce the speed of falling and have time to orient themselves in space.

5. Black cats are bad luck in the US and good luck in the UK.

Superstitions could not bypass these mysterious creatures. In different cultures, they were treated differently at one time, and in this ambiguous issue, sometimes even the coloring of an animal can play a decisive role. In the US, some people believe that black cats bring bad luck. In the UK, they believe the exact opposite. In turn, a white cat is considered a good sign in the United States, and a harbinger of trouble in England.

4. Cats rarely meow for other cats.

Cats often meow for people, as if addressing them with some kind of request, but they rarely communicate with their relatives in the same “language”. Most often, they prefer to interact with each other through body language and scents.

3. Cats tend to use their left paws more often than cats use their right paws.

The researchers noticed that cats and cats have different preferences when it comes to which paw to use for certain tasks. Observations have shown that males usually act with the left paw, and females with the right. One version says that the choice of paw is influenced by the level of testosterone.

2. Cats see perfectly in the dark

Humans can certainly be proud of how well they recognize bright colors, but cats are much better than us at navigating in near-total darkness. But did you know why? It turns out that the cat's eye has 6-8 times more light-sensitive cones than ours, which allows them to see perfectly even at night. In addition, sharp vision at night in cats is also due to the shape of the eye and the size of the cornea.

1. Cats don't taste sweet.

We all sometimes sin with an excessive addiction to sweets, but cats will never understand this. The ability to recognize sweet tastes depends on a gene called Tas1r2. The mutation of this gene has deprived some animals of the opportunity to enjoy sweets, and cats just entered the number of such animals.