Knit thin socks. Knitting of children's socks by knitting Masters hand-made. Video: How to tie a foot lift

If you want to please your family and friends with knitted socks that will warm them in cold weather, reminding you of your love and care, our photo and video tutorials will help you understand this difficult matter. We invite you to learn from scratch and consider in detail how to knit correctly for adults (male and female) and children.

So, how to knit (for beginners step by step) socks using two, five and circular knitting needles.

Detailed master class "how to knit socks with knitting needles" (photo in stages)

If you learn the basics, in the future you will not be afraid of beautiful products with a jacquard pattern, unusual in the "patchwork" style, new models with braids, very cool with an ornament, etc.

Knitting socks on 5 needles

This technique involves knitting the product without a single seam. The socks are knitted in a spiral, as a result of which they ideally lie on the leg.

Socks on five knitting needles are knitted on top of the sock to the toe in circular knitting, loops are drawn on four knitting needles, the fifth is working.

The number of loops is calculated based on the circumference of the leg. Take two foot measurements:

1st - lifting circle; with a centimeter, measure the leg from the heel to the rise along an inclined plane.

2nd - leg circumference; measured at the foot, at the thinnest point of the leg, above the bone.

Then we determine the average circumference: add the lifting and leg circumferences and divide the resulting figure by 2. For example, the lifting circumference is 31 cm, the leg circumference is 21 cm; we get 31 + 21 \u003d 52, 52: 2 \u003d 26 cm. For this number of centimeters, we calculate the set of loops. It is advisable to round the resulting number of loops to a number divisible by 4, so that it is convenient to knit on 4 knitting needles.

We collect the required number of loops, distribute them on 4 knitting needles and knit an elastic band in a circular knit. Usually the elastic is 5-6 cm, but you can knit even smaller - if you wish. Then knit 7-8 cm knit to the heel. We knit the heel on two knitting needles from half of the loops, and leave the other half on unused knitting needles. On two knitting needles, we knit the fabric with the front knit 5.5 - 6 cm, this is the height of the heel. Depending on the rise of the leg, it may be less, but starting from the 35th leg size, this is a constant value.

Then, to give the heel a shape, we make a heel descent: we divide all the loops into three parts. If there are extra loops, then we attach them to the central part (if the number of loops is not divisible by 3). We will knit the loops of the central part further, and gradually attach the loops of the side parts (they will form the sides of the heel) to the loops of the central part.

We start the descent of the loops from the seamy side to finish it from the front. We knit two thirds of the loops with the purl, then 2 loops together - the last loop from the central part and the first loop from the third part - we knit them together with the purl. After that, we turn the knitting and knit along the front side of the heel, while at the turn we remove the first loop without knitting.

We knit with the front ones, the last loop of the central part and the first loop of the first part we knit together with a broach (remove the first loop, knit the second with the front one, then transfer the removed loop to the knitted one). We turn knitting again, remove the first loop without knitting, etc.

We continue knitting until all side loops are closed. Now we collect loops from the side of the heel, from each second row we collect 1 loop + 1 additional loop, i.e. from 2 rows we collect 3 loops. We turn to circular knitting, we take into work the loops from the left knitting needles, the newly recruited loops from the side parts of the heel and the loops of the central part of the heel. Knit one row with knit stitch. Then, in each 2nd circular row for a better fit of the heel, we knit the 3rd and 2nd loops from the end of the 1st knitting needle together with the front loop and the 2nd and 3rd loops of the 4th knitting needles together with a broach.

We repeat the decrease until the original number of loops is reached (set to start knitting the product). Next, we knit the foot with the front knit in a circle to the bone of the thumb or to the end of the little finger. Then we knit the toe of the sock. We reduce the loops as follows: in each 2nd row of the 3rd and 2nd loops from the end of the 1st and 3rd knitting needles we knit together with the front loops, and the 2nd and 3rd loops of the 2nd and 4th knitting needles together with a broach. When half of the loops remain on the needles, we perform such reductions in each circular row until 4 loops remain. We tighten them with a thread and fix them.

Using two knitting needles (easiest way)

You have already learned how to knit the simplest model on five knitting needles, so we proceed to knitting on 2 knitting needles (you can use circular knitting needles). The knitting of such a model allows you to make patterns of any complexity, but many are confused by the seam. But if you manage to finish beautifully and connect the seams correctly, the seam will be invisible visually and to the touch.

To start knitting, we calculate the number of loops based on the circumference of the leg.

For example, we take 48 loops, we collect them + 2 hem (50 loops in total) for 2 knitting needles, we knit a straight fabric 5-6 cm with an elastic band, then with the front satin stitch or the chosen pattern of 7-8 cm.We start knitting the heel: the number of loops (without hem) we divide into 4 parts, it turns out 12 loops each. We will knit the heel on the two middle parts. Knit 12 + 12 + 12 loops (three parts), turn the work and knit 12 + 12 loops (two middle parts). Again we turn the work and knit 12 + 11 loops.

Again we turn the work and knit 11 + 11 loops, etc. That is, in each row we knit 1 loop less (we make shortened rows) until we have 8 loops left in the work. Now we will begin to increase the number of working loops, in each row knitting the loop removed earlier. So that there are no holes in the knitting, we do this: we put on the side loop on the left knitting needle, and we knit this put on and the next one together with the front one. Those. the number of work loops will increase by 1.

Then we turn the knitting, remove the first loop, then purl 8, raise the side loop on the left knitting needle and knit the purl 2 loops together. And so on, until all loops (12 + 12) are in operation.

Now you start knitting the toe. We again divide the loops into 4 parts - 12 + 12 + 12 + 12. We decrease the loops as follows: in each 2nd row, we knit the 3rd and 2nd loops from the end of the first and third parts together with front loops, and we knit the 2nd and 3rd loops of the second and fourth parts together with a broach. When half of the loops remain on the needles, we perform such reductions in each row until 6 loops remain.

We pull them together with a thread, we sew a sock with the same thread. The seam is made along the top of the sock.

Video tutorials with step by step description

The most interesting mk with a detailed description of the entire process.

Knitting socks on 5 knitting needles video for beginners

Slippers for women

Men's socks (detailed) instructions

12/27/2016 91 258 0 Igor

Skillful pens

It's always nice to wear warm and cozy socks knitted by a grandmother or mom. But it is even more pleasant to knit this piece of clothing yourself. The information in this article will help you learn how to knit quality socks, even if you have never held knitting needles in your hands. Let's start by choosing the knitting needles.

Knitting tool

There are several types of knitting needles, they are: straight, stocking and circular. From the name it is clear that hosiery are suitable for knitting socks. Usually it is 5 knitting needles, the size of which depends on the yarn. We will knit with needles # 3.

Determine the size

It is important to determine the size of the sock. It is necessary to know the diameter of the leg at the widest point. The resulting centimeters must be multiplied by the horizontal knitting density. It can be different, but we will take 1.7. The size of the leg on which we knit a sock is 23.5 cm, so 23.5 * 1.7 \u003d 40. We will collect 40 loops.


So, in order to knit socks, we need:

  • woolen yarn 100 gr;
  • 5 stocking needles # 3.

This article will consider the easiest way to knit - round, from top to bottom. This method has received tremendous recognition among needlewomen not only for its simplicity, but also for the comfortable and comfortable socks, which are then obtained.

How to knit wool socks for beginners:

  1. We have already determined the size of our sock, so we need to cast on 40 stitches (you are using your size), dividing them by 4. It turns out 10 stitches for four needles. To make the explanation clearer, we will visually number them.

    We knit four loops of the 1st knitting needle together with the end of the material remaining on the 4th knitting needle from the dialed loops, thereby closing the ring so that it comes together more tightly. With such an elastic band you need to knit 1 * 1 11cm, that is, the upper part of the sock. Knit should be done with the main front and back stitches.

    If you use any other, then there is a possibility that the sock will be twisted. Provided that it was easy for you to do this work, you can decorate the socks with finishing strips. You just need to knit three rows of loops in the main color, three in another, three in the main color, three in another. This is how it will look.

  2. Knitting the heel of the stocking slightly different from the previous one. Do not touch the stitches on the 3rd and 4th needles yet. But we transfer all 20 loops from the first two knitting needles to one and knit 6 cm with ordinary knitted stockings. There is also such equality: the number of edge loops of the entire product is equal to the number of loops on one knitting needle, subtracting one. Knowing that one edge loop is formed in two rows, we calculate the heel height: (10-1) * 2 \u003d 18. Eighteen rows and there are approximately six cm.

  3. Moving to the center... First, let's finish knitting the heel with the seventeenth front row. And in the eighteenth row, purl, we begin to reduce the loops in the shape of the heel. To do this, you need to visually divide all the loops into three parts. Twenty is not completely divided into 3, so the remaining ones are divided between the two side parts. It turns out that there are 6 loops in the center, and seven in the side loops. If you get not two, but one loop, then attach it to the center. Now the most interesting thing: when you continue to knit the loops in the center, then gradually reduce the loops of the sides, adding them to the center. To complete the last loop of the center, we knit with the wrong one, capturing the first loop of the third part. We unfold the product with the front side. We remove the first loop as an edging for the wall, the thread behind the product, we move the knitting needle from front to back, that is, in the direction from ourselves. The last loop of the center on the front side must be knitted with the first loop of the side of the front. Please note: these loops must be knitted behind the back wall. Turn the product over again with the wrong side.

    We remove the edge loop for the front wall, the thread is already in front of the product, we move the knitting needle away from us. So further we knit only the loop of the center, reducing the sides, while there are loops on them. As a result, only ten center loops remain. The heel is knitted. This is how it should look.

  4. Let's get down to knitting the middle part of the sock, before decreasing the loops "on the fingers". With a knitting needle, where there were loops of the middle part, you need to collect loops from the edge on the front side of the stocking. From each edge loop we take out 1 loop with a total of nine loops. We knit the loops using the facial method on the next pair of knitting needles. We take out an unoccupied knitting needle from the edge 8 loops. The loops of the middle part should be distributed equally between the first and second knitting needles, that is, 3. On the first knitting needle we get 11 loops (8 + 3), on the second 12 loops (9 + 3), on the two remaining knitting needles we get ten loops. If in the middle part of the heel you get an odd number, it's okay, give 1 loop to the first knitting needle, thereby leveling the number.

  5. Next step knit a row of front loops around... It is necessary to subtract the "extra" loops in the first two knitting needles. We tie two loops behind the back wall, having turned the first loop in advance, making a decrease on the first knitting needle at the beginning of the row. On the second, on the contrary, at the end of the row, knitting in two by the main method. And at the end we get ten loops on each knitting needle.

  6. And finally tie a sock around about fifteen centimeters, to the end of the little finger. Let's start to cut off the loops on the toe, where the fingers are. For the first and third knitting needles, knit the first loop, and knit the second and third together with the front one behind the back wall, before turning over the 2nd loop. For the remaining knitting needles, we knit the two penultimate loops together with the front one, we just drag the last one. We perform this process, alternating the circle so that half of the loops do not remain on each spoke, in this example 5. After what has been done, we make a decrease on each circle so that there are two loops on each spoke. We tighten the threads and fix everything. The product is ready.

How to knit baby socks with knitting needles, description and video

A detailed video on how to knit children's socks with knitting needles for the winter and summer seasons, the description contains all sizes up to a year.

Knitted baby socks, video

A video lesson is presented on how to knit baby socks with knitting needles, for babies from birth to one year.
In the video lesson, the size is knitted for 3 months. To knit a different size - substitute the number of loops and rows of your size from the description.

The size: newborn (3, 6, 12) months
In the photo, the socks are tied for 3 months.
Materials: wool for winter or cotton + viscose for summer, 50 g / 210 m thick, 2.0 mm stocking needles.

How to knit baby socks with knitting needles:cast on 32 (36, 40, 40) sts, distribute 3 needles.
Knit with elastic, alternating 1 front, 1 purl loop in a circle - 18 (20, 22, 24) rows.
Knit 4 (5, 6, 6) more rows with knit stitches only.
Heel: Knit 16 (18, 20, 20) heel sts, twist work, set remaining sts aside.
Knit heel stitches in straight and back rows, knit stitch, removing first stitch - 14 (16, 18, 18) rows.
Next, start performing heel reductions:
Row 1 (K side): Remove stitch, K9 (11, 12, 12) K, K2tog. left, turn work.
2nd row (out. Side): remove the loop, 4 (6, 6, 6) out., 2 together out., Turn the work.
Row 3: Slip off, K 4 (6, 6, 6), K 2 together. left, turn work.
4th row: Remove stitch, 4 (6, 6, 6) out., 2 together out., Turn work.
Repeat rows 3-4 until all heel side sts have been removed \u003d 6 (8, 8, 8) sts.

Foot: from the front side knit 6 (8, 8, 8) loops of the heel with the front ones, lift 7 (8, 9, 9) loops evenly along the side of the heel cloth (\u003d loops of the first knitting needle), knit 16 (18, 20, 20) loops of the top of the foot (\u003d loops of the second knitting needle), lift 7 (8, 9, 9) loops evenly along the side of the heel fabric, knit the first 3 (4, 4, 4) loops from the first knitting needle (\u003d loops of the second knitting needle) - connect the work in a circular row, start of row in center of heel \u003d 10 (12, 13, 13) sts on first needle, 16 (18, 20, 20) sts on second needle and 10 (12, 13, 13) sts on third needle, 36 (42, 46, 46) loops on the needles.
Knit with front loops in a circle, while simultaneously performing subtractions:
1st row: knit to the last 2 loops on the first knitting needle, knit 2 together. to the right, knit the second knitting needles with the front loops without decreasing, knit 2 persons together. to the left and finish with the front loops of the third knitting needle.
2nd row: knit with front loops without subtraction.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 32 (36, 40, 40) sts left on the needles \u003d 8/16/8 (9/18/9, 10/20/10, 10/20/10) sts on first / second / third knitting needles.
Continue knitting with knit stitches without decreasing to the desired length of the toe 4.5 (5, 6.5, 7.5) cm from the heel.

1st row: knit to the last. 2 stitches of the first knitting needle, 2 stitches together. right (\u003d first spoke), 2 persons together. left, knit to the last. 2 stitches of the second knitting needles, 2 persons together. right (\u003d second spoke), 2 persons together. left, knit to the end of the row (\u003d 3rd knitting needle).
2nd row: knit with knit stitches.
Repeat rows 1-2 again.
Then perform a decrease in each row (i.e., repeat only the first row) until there are 8 stitches left on the needles (2/4/2 stitches).
Cut the thread, thread all the loops with it, pull off and fasten from the seamy side.

It is in vain that many consider knitting socks an uninteresting and dull occupation, completely unrelated to creativity. This is not true! With a little skill, diligence and patience, you can create not just socks, but a real masterpiece that emphasizes the old truth: beauty is everywhere.

Even knitting socks can be approached as creating a favorite accessory or an exclusive gift that will be welcomed. So, the topic of this article is knitting openwork socks, or rather, the choice of a suitable pattern.

It is no secret that openwork patterns, even the simplest ones, are always exquisite and disliked.Therefore, the thread for knitting should be medium, closer to thin. The yardstick will be the footage of a hundred-gram skein: the optimal length of the thread in it for a good lace is 500-600 meters. Socks made of yarn of this thickness will be moderately thin and warm. The composition of the thread can be any, it all depends on your own preferences, but experienced craftsmen recommend choosing high-quality woolen yarn with the addition of polyamide fiber to strengthen the product and extend the service life.

Today there are special series of sock yarns produced by many manufacturers, with a composition of 70-75% wool and 25-30% polyamide. Note that the masters are supportive of this category and speak very positively about it. Material consumption is approximately 100 grams per pair of socks.

Required tools

They perform work on five toe knitting needles (they are also called needles, since there are no clamps on them). For non-thick yarns, the tools must also be proportioned, so needles no. 1.5-2 are the most suitable option. In the process of work, special markers may be required, which can be paper clips, multi-colored leftovers of yarn, etc.

Choosing patterns for socks

Approximately such a pattern is shown in the second photo - an openwork strip of rhombuses, emphasized by a small pigtail, framed along the edge with a thin openwork path. The article will consider several options for patterned knitting of a sock: completely openwork, textured paths, alternating braids with openwork stripes.

Openwork socks with knitting needles: patterns

Let's start with the simplest patterns that form simple openwork paths. Since even the most primitive laces significantly decorate the knitted fabric, this is the best option for beginner knitters. So, we are dealing with the question of how to tie openwork

Schemes of a narrow and wide openwork track:

5 loops are involved in a narrow strip of openwork, but it is necessary to highlight the pattern on the canvas, adding a purl loop on each side.

The track runs like this:

1 p: \u200b\u200b1 yarn (H), from 2 loops knit one front (VL), 1 person., 2 VL, 1 N.

The 2nd and in all the following even circular (after all, the sock is knitted in a circle) rows are knitted according to the pattern.

From 3rd to 7th rows: 1 persons., 1 H, 3 VL, 1 persons.

From the 9th row, the pattern is repeated. In the diagram, the resulting openwork track is edged with a small pigtail from the overlap of two loops. The number of rows of intersection rapport depends on the master.

A wide strip of openwork can serve as an independent pattern that completely occupies the canvas. In the photo - just such an option. The "Hearts" pattern is a repetition of a strip of 13 stitches. Pattern rapport - 16 rows. The generally accepted symbolism of the loops used in the scheme will help you figure out the pattern yourself.

Openwork socks connected with similar patterns with knitting needles (the schemes are presented in the review) are simple to perform and are quite within the power of novice craftswomen.

Leaves pattern

Modern craftsmen skillfully use the excellent decorativeness of this pattern in many models. Socks did not stand aside either. The presented photo shows white socks with a central openwork stripe made with the "Leaflets" pattern.

Let's get acquainted with the order of execution of this simple, but very effective drawing.

The pattern rapport is 10 rows and 27 loops, which almost completely covers the front of the sock. It fits from like this:

1 p: \u200b\u200b9 facial, 2 VL, 1 N, 2 persons., 1 out., 2 facial, 1H, 2 VL, 9 persons.

2 p: 8 out., 2 loops knit out. (VI), 2 from., 1 N, 1 from., 1 persons., 1 from., 1 N, 2 from., 2 VI, 8 from.

3 p: 7 facial, 2 VL, 1 person., 1 N, 3 persons., 1 out., 3 facial, 1 N, 2 VL, 7 persons.

4 p: 6 from., 2 VI, 3 from., 1 H, 2 from., 1 front, 2 from., 1 H, 3 from., 2 VI, 6 from.

5 p: 5 persons., 2 VL, 2 persons., 1 N, 4 persons., 1 out., 4 persons., 1 N, 2 persons., 2 VL, 5 persons.

6 p: 4 from., 2 VI, 4 from., 1 H, 3 from., 1 person., 3 from., 1 H, 4 from., 2 VI, 4 from.

7 p: 3 lts., 2 overhead lines, 3 person, 1 H, 5 lts., 1 out., 5 lts., 1 H, 3 lts., 2 overhead lines, 3 lts.

8 p: 2 from., 2 VI, 5 from., 1 H, 4 from., 1 front, 4 from., 1 H, 5 from., 2 VI, 2 from.

9 p: 1 lt., 2 overhead lines, 4 lt., 1 H, 6 lt., 1 out., 6 lt., 1 H, 4 lt., 2 overhead lines, 1 front.

10 p: 2 VI, 6 from., 1 H, 5 from., 1 person, 5 from., 1 H, 6 from., 2 VI.

From the next row, the pattern begins to knit again. Such a floral pattern in the central part of the product is a very successful option, which combines the simplicity of execution and the showiness of the finished product. With this pattern, it is easy to knit openwork socks with knitting needles, The description of the execution of the central strip should also not cause difficulties.

Overlaps, plaits and braids in knitting fishnet socks

Openwork patterns when knitting socks are often complemented with various weaves - braids, medium-sized arans, elongated loops and other decorative techniques.

You can give many examples of a successful combination of lace and braids, but it is impossible and unnecessary to talk about all the drawings within the framework of one article. The models shown in the photographs clearly illustrate the possibility of combining various weaves with openwork inserts or stripes.

Often there are small braids, in the intervals between the overlaps of which the craftsmen make openwork holes. Sometimes narrow arans are used, giving additional density to the product and contrasting with delicate textured tracks.

In short, patterns for socks can be made in different variations. Another important rule: the work must be done carefully, trying to pull the working thread with equal force so that the canvas is even and equally dense. If these simple conditions are observed, the openwork socks with knitting needles, the patterns for which we have considered, will become original and unique.

Men's socks, size 27. You can clearly see where the 100 g skein of yarn ended. A detailed description of the knitting process is in the same article below.

I will tell you how to knit 5 knitting socks with straight heel, horseshoe heel, round heel and boomerang heel in detail.

To knit children's socks, you will need 1 skein of bright yarn, preferably acrylic or children's. These are connected by their ANGORA RAM (100 g \u003d 500 m) in 2 strands. I knit socks for adults from 100% wool (133-170 m in 100 g). For women's socks, 100 grams are enough, for men's socks it takes more (we take 2 skeins of 100 grams, see the photo above). The thinner you take the knitting needles and knit tighter, the denser the socks. Now I knit with needles # 2.5.

How to knit socks with knitting needles is simple.

To knit children's socks, we collect 32 loops, women's socks - 40 loops, men's socks - 48 loops (the number of loops for woolen country (home) yarn or purchased with a footage of 130-170 m per 100 g). If the yarn is thinner, then there will be a different number of loops (more).

We distribute the loops evenly over 4 knitting needles. Thus, on each knitting needle it turned out: children's socks - 8 loops, women's socks - 10 loops, men's socks - 12 loops. We close knitting in a circle. We knit with an elastic band 2 * 2 or 1 * 1, I like 2 * 2 more. We determine the length of the elastic band arbitrarily: someone likes low socks in boots, someone long, almost to the knees (then more yarn is needed). I knit both socks at once, on 10 needles. I knitted an elastic band for one sock, switch to other knitting needles and knit exactly the same elastic band for the second.
I will tell you how to knit baby socks. The child is 2 years old. Scored 33 loops, closed in a circle. There are 32 loops left. Each knitting needle has 8 loops. Knitted with an elastic band 2 * 2 27 rows. Now we knit with the front stitch so that the socks sit well on the leg, 5 rows. (For adults, knit 8-10 rows).

How to knit a heel on toe, straight heel

We will knit the heel from half the loops, on two needles. We do not touch the rest yet. We knit front loops in one direction, unfold the work, knit purl loops. Do not forget about the edge loops (we remove the first of them, we knit the last with the purl of the classic one, it is also possible with the front loops, most importantly, the same ones to get a beautiful, even edge)! With the front stitch we knit 10 rows for children's socks (for women - 14-16 rows, for men - 16-20 rows. If the rise of the leg is high, then 2-4 rows more). We divide these loops into 3 parts. For children's socks, we knitted 16 heel loops, distribute them as follows: 5 + 6 sole + 5 loops. (For women 7 + 6 + 7 \u003d 20, for men 8 + 8 + 8 \u003d 24.)

We continue to knit the heel. In the front row, we make the first subtractions. 4 front, 2 together front for the front wall, 4 front, 2 together front for the back wall. We turn the work over. We reshoot 1 loop on the left knitting needle, tighten the thread so that there are no holes. Purl 4, purl 2 together.

We turn the work over. We reshoot 1 loop, pull up the thread, 4 front, 2 together front.

We turn the work over. So we knit until there are 6 loops on two knitting needles. (For men's socks 8 loops).

If you knit like me, on 10 knitting needles, then it's time to move on to another sock and knit exactly the same heel.

How to knit socks on 5 knitting needles. Continuation

We collect loops from the hem heel. Ideally, you should get the same number of loops as you subtract. If there are more loops, this is fixable. In the next rows, we will subtract one loop from each side through the row until the required number of loops is obtained. If there is a high rise of the leg, then be sure to collect more loops. Loops can be typed both front and back. It will turn out beautifully in any case, I will show in the photo.

purl loops were drawn from the edge heel of the sock

On the needles now: 6 loops of the heel, cast on 5 loops along one edge of the heel, 16 loops, cast on 5 loops along the second edge of the heel. Now knit 38 rows. If needed longer, knit more rows. We will decrease evenly on 4 knitting needles so that there is no difference between the right toe or the left. In each row on each knitting needle, we knit the last 2 loops together. So we knit to the end. We fasten the thread, hide it on the seamy side. Socks are ready!

When I knit socks for an adult, in order not to count many rows, I make a pattern in the middle.

Sock knitting pattern

From 3 facial we knit 3 facial ("stars"):

We knit 3 persons of the loops together, we do not fold the loop from the left knitting needle, yarn over and again we knit the faces from it. Now throw off the loop from the left knitting needle. Repeat the pattern after a few front rows. I do it every 5 rows in the sixth or 4 rows in the fifth. There is no difference, the main thing is the same number of rows between the "stars".

I closed these socks in a different way: on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles I reduced the last loops, and on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles - the first loops. It is called a ribbon toe.

Here's another way to use this pattern.

The socks are knitted from the remains of yarn. Here, instead of an elastic band, I knitted "stars" in a checkerboard pattern.

How to knit socks with knitting needles in a beautiful pattern.

Nice socks ?! A very simple pattern. Cast on the number of loops in multiples of 4. We knit with an elastic band * 2 front, 2 purl * the desired length (here 15 rows).

We begin to knit the pattern. It consists of 5 rows.

1 row. * 1 loop reshoot as facial with a crochet, 3 facial *

2 row. Face loops

3 row. * 1 loop reshoot as a front one with a crochet, 3 front *

4 row. Facial

5 row. * 1 front loop, 3 purl loops *

Again, we knit the desired length of the toe to the heel. How to knit such a heel of a sock is described above. The heel in the photo is straight, if desired, you can knit both a round and a boomerang.

When the heel is tied, we continue to knit the sock on 2 knitting needles according to the pattern, on the sole - with the front satin stitch.

We knit the toe of the sock with the front stitch. We close it on both sides. The toe turned out to be ribbon.

Children's socks with a slanting elastic band.

Slanting elastic pattern

Since the rapport is 6 loops, I cast 36 loops on two needles with a double thread. First, 3 rows of elastic * 2 front, 2 purl *. Then 12 rows of oblique elastic, 8 rows of elastic * 2 front, 2 purl *, 5 rows of garter stitch and knit the heel. Everything as usual. When I ran the socks, I left 2 loops between the decreases: one at the end of the knitting needle, the second at the beginning.

Beautiful socks, by Natalia Levina

I knit for children from 40 loops, 10 on a knitting needle. Knitting needles for this knitting should not be ordinary, thin, but thicker.
I want to note that these fishnet socks knit much faster than ordinary socks. They have a very strong heel, no additional thread is needed.
I knit socks for adults according to the pattern of 48 loops (12 on the knitting needle). The heel is knitted the same way.


Adults - 12 loops:
1 row: 1 out., 1 yarn, 3 persons., 2 together;
2nd row: 1 out., 1 person., 1 nak., 2 vm (together);
3 row: 1 out, 2 persons., 1 nak., 1 persons., 2 vm;
4 row: 1 out., 3 persons., 1 nak., 2 cm.

Children - 10 loops:
1 row: 1 out., 1 nak., 2 persons., 2 vm .;
2nd row: 1 out., 1 person., 1 nak., 1 person., 2 vm .;
3 row: 1 out., 2 persons., 1 nak., 2 vm.

1 row: 1 shoot, 1 persons., Remove, persons. etc. (thread behind the knitting needle);
2 row; 1 remove and the entire row with facial ...

I suggest looking at MK how to knit socks with knitting needles, if something was not clear.

Children's socks with short elastic

There are many MK videos on knitting socks on the Internet, I liked this one.

Beautiful pattern for sock

Cast on 12 stitches on each knitting needle.

If teeth are needed on top, then we knit like booties: first with the front satin stitch 5 rows, then * yarn, 3 together * to the end of the row, then with the front stitch 5 rows. Then fit the edge and sew on the seamy side.

Description of the pattern of socks

1 row-3 persons, 2 together the front for the front wall, yarn, 1 persons
2 row-2 persons, 2 persons together, yarn, 2 persons
3 row-1 persons, 2 together persons, yarn, 3 persons
4 row-2 persons together, yarn over, 4 persons
5 row-1 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach, 3 persons
6 row-2 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach, 2 persons
7 row-3 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach, 1 persons
8 row-4 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach
Choose any height and then knit like a regular sock.

Here are some more beautiful patterns.


Socks for men or women in a wide leg. Woolen socks. You will need wool yarn, about 100 g. If you plan to knit a high elastic, then more.

Cast on 49 sts on the needles # 3. Knit 30 rows with elastic band, 1 person. for 1 out. Mark with colored thread or marker the 25th loop (center).
In each front row, knit 5 loops from it (front, yarn, front, yarn, front). Purl rows knit according to the pattern. When there are 97 stitches on the knitting needle (size 37), knit 6 rows in garter stitch, that is, all knit stitches. Run the sole on 13 loops (like a heel). Sew at the back.
Commentary: Without tying 6 stitches on the needles, subtract the middle 3 stitches of the sole on each face. row, until one loop remains from the sole, and then do not sew with a needle, but connect with knitting needles, like a shawl's border.
At the same time, we make a decrease on the sides.

Here's another option for how to knit socks on two needles.

How to knit the heel of a sock.

Here I boast with my socks! YarnArt EVEREST yarn (200 g / 320 m, 70% acrylic, 30% wool) these socks came out of one skein and I liked the yarn very much: it does not fade, keeps its shape, warm, it is pleasant to knit from it. But! I could not choose the color so that the socks came out the same, although I honestly tried.

How to knit socks with boomerang heels.

A beautiful heel, tied like a boomerang heel. These socks are knitted from NAKO Tweed yarn 100 g \u003d 260 m. 32 loops, needles no. 2.5, child's age 3 years.
How to knit the heel of a sock on the needles step by step. Boomerang heel.

First, divide the number of loops in half. We will knit on two of 4 knitting needles. First, I will explain how we will knit. It's easy, most importantly, to understand the meaning. We divide the number of loops into 3 parts, the middle part will always be connected with the front stitch, and the two extreme ones in the upper part of the heel will be knitted in shortened rows, adding yarn overs, and in the lower part of the heel, on the contrary, adding loops.

How to knit socks for kids. Easy way.

For knitting you will need:

Yarn - any non-thorny, preferably merino, 300 m / 100 grams. Only 50 grams.

A set of hosiery needles number 3.

On one needle # 3, we collect 44 loops

We knit with an elastic band * 1 front, 1 purl * in a circle of 18 rows. Next, knit 4 rows of garter stitch.

Knitted toe heel.

For this, loops with 3 and 4 knitting needles can be knitted on one knitting needle with the front stitch in straight and reverse rows. At the same time, the first (edging) loop is peeled off without knitting, and the last one is knitted with the classic purl. So we knit 12 rows of 22 loops.

Next, we divide these 22 loops into 3 parts: 7, 8, 7. We knit only the central 8 loops like this: knit 7 +7, and the 8th loop together with the first loop of the third part of the front for the back wall of the loops. We unfold knitting, remove the first loop without knitting. We knit 6 loops, and the last loop of the second part we knit together with the first loop of the third part of the purl. Repeat rows until center 8 sts remain. The heel is tied.

We knit the central 8 loops in the front row with the front ones, we collect 10 loops from the edge ones like this: we knit two loops with the front one, add the third one from the hole between the loops and also knit the front one. We knit 22 loops (this is the top of the sock), again we collect 10 loops from the edge ones.

Raising the foot. Through a row, you need to subtract 3 loops from the sides. In the place indicated by the arrow, we subtract the outer loop from the knitting needles on which the heel was knitted. When positioned as in the photo, we knit the first loop of the front part with the last loop of the knitting needle, on which the heel was knitted, together with the front loop behind the front wall.

On the second side of the sock, we do the decrease in the same way, but knitting two loops together behind the back wall. We knit to the end of the row.

We knit the next row with the front ones without subtraction. Such reductions will need to be repeated 2 more times. Each spoke should have 11 stitches. (As at the very beginning.) Knit in a circle with the front 20 rows.

How to knit a toe of a sock.

We make decreases in each row, 2 loops together from the sides. (At the beginning of the 1st knitting needle 2 together with the front knitting needles for the front wall, at the end of the 2nd knitting needles 2 together with the front knitting needles 2 for the back wall. there will be no 4 loops left Pull the remaining loops by passing the thread through them with a crochet hook.

Cut the thread, hide the ends from the seamy side. We erase the socks.

Beautiful socks with a semicircular heel (another way of knitting the heel, the so-called horseshoe heel).

Men's socks, foot size 43.

Yarn "Winter comfort" 100 g \u003d 220 m, 2 skeins, sock knitting needles No. 2.5.

I knit 11 rows with an elastic band * 2 front, 2 purl *.

Then 3 rows of garter stitches: 1 row with purl loops, 2nd with knit stitches, 3rd row with purl stitches again. So that when passing from the purl to the front one does not get a step, we will knit the last loop in the row of purl loops together with the broach raised after it.

3 rows of garter stitch.

11 rows according to scheme 1.

And we repeat 3 rows of garter stitch, 5 rows of front stitch, 3 rows of garter stitch.

Moving on to the heel. We take loops on 1 and 4 needles.

On the toe on the left, the front side of the heel is visible, the toe on the right is a view of the reinforced heel from the inside out.

It turns out that the heel can: firstly, tighten, and secondly, knit in another way. Almost straight heel, only the line of the sole will not be clearly visible.

A heel seal is a good idea. We will seal it with a picture:

Front rows: all loops are front.

Purl rows: purl 1, reshoot 1 without knitting.

We knit the edge loops more tightly so that holes do not form when we then lift the loops out of them.

On the front side, convex paths are obtained (see photo above). Knit the desired length. I need a high rise, I knitted 24 rows. The last row is front.

How to knit a heel on a toe. Step by step.

The horseshoe heel is knitted almost as well as a straight one. Only in a straight heel, after we have tied the two together, we immediately turn the work, but here we need to knit another loop and then turn the work. You need to start from the middle of the heel, leaving single central 2-4 loops.

If not clear, watch the video.

Now we will knit a pattern on 2 and 3 knitting needles, and on knitting needles 1 and 4 with front stitch. When we collect loops from the edge loops, insert the knitting needle under both walls of the edge loop. We are gaining tight. If the loops are raised freely, you can knit the first row crossed.

I had 14 loops on each side. Ideally, the knitting needles should have the same number of loops as they were typed, ie 48. We will subtract the extra loops with a wedge. On 1 knitting needle, we knit the 2 penultimate loops together with the front one with a tilt to the right, the last one with the front one. On 4 knitting needles: 1 front, 2 together with the front with a tilt to the left. We make reductions through a row.

The drawing on the top of the sock is done according to the scheme

To make the drawing symmetrical, add one loop from the broach in the middle. It turned out on needles 2 and 3 only 25 loops.

We alternate the pattern according to the scheme with 3 rows of garter stitch and 5 rows of the front surface. So we knit the desired length, up to about the little finger. Before the toe, it is recommended to shorten the hosiery by two loops on both sides, so that it is more comfortable in the shoes. That is, in the row of purl loops, knit the first 2 and last 2 loops with the front ones. You can go to the needles a little thinner. I knitted the whole sock with the same needles.


We decrease the loops on both sides: on 1 knitting needle we knit the 2 penultimate loops together with the front one with a tilt to the right, the last one - with the front one. On 4 knitting needles: 1 front, 2 together with the front with a tilt to the left. Also on 3 knitting needles we knit the 2 penultimate loops together with the front one with a tilt to the right, the last one with the front one. On 2 knitting needles: 1 front, 2 together with the front with a tilt to the left. In each row until the loops run out. Cut the thread, hide it inside the sock. Wash socks.

How to knit round heel socks.

The round heel is knitted on the toes in order not to bandage the entire toe, but only a small part of it, if only the heel is leaky. For those who usually have only the heel wiped.


We collect the required number of loops on the knitting needles, knit an elastic band. Then we knit several rows with the front stitch. For now, we knit, as always. All loops are evenly distributed on 4 needles. What do we do next?

Then we take a junk thread, it will take about 30 cm.We knit 1 row with this junk thread only on 2 knitting needles. It turns out that we have knitted only half of the row. (In the photo, this is a pink thread and it is only on one side. The other side is all blue.) Return to the place where the thread goes from the ball, pull the main thread tighter so that a hole does not form in this place in the future, and continue to knit the sock on the desired length. When the toe was launched, the thread was fixed, we proceed to knitting the heel.

How to knit a round heel.

Raise the loops on both sides of the waste thread.

We dissolve the pink thread. We don't need it anymore. We distribute all the loops on 3 knitting needles (there are now exactly as many of them as there were). Why 3 knitting needles? It will be more convenient that way. The rounding will be done in 6 places, on each knitting needle 2. Attach the thread from the ball. We will knit 5-6 rows in a circle with the front stitch. If, you see, that, after all, there will be a hole, pick up one loop from the broach. In the next row, knit it with a crossed front and subtract it by knitting 2 loops together.

I knitted these socks for a child. She scored 36 loops in total. I left 18 loops for the heel. On both sides, when I dismissed the pink thread, raised 1 loop each, it turned out 38 loops. In the next row, I reduced these 2 loops. Each knitting needle has 9 loops. I knit 5 rows in a circle with the front stitch. I made reductions through a row.

1 row. On each needle, together the first 1 + 2 loops and 5 + 6.

2 row. Each spoke has 7 knit.

3 row. On each spoke, together the first 1 + 2 loops and 4 + 5.

4 row. Each spoke has 5 knit.

5 row. On each spoke, together 1 + 2 and 3 + 4.

6 row. Each spoke has 3 knit.

7 row. On each spoke, 1 knit, 2 together.

Pull the remaining 6 loops. Cut the thread. Hide the tip inside the sock. Secure.

So we learned how to knit socks with knitting needles.

How to knit socks for beginners step by step.

A very detailed master class. We knit socks on two needles

Jacquard socks.

Idea from the Internet.