Health of children in kindergarten. Children's health in dow

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A healthy environment in a preschool educational institution is a condition for the physical and mental health of children.

“If you cannot raise a child so that he does not get sick, then, in any case, maintain a high level of health is possible". N. M. AMOSOV

A hot topic at all times is human health. Health can't be cured with medication.

Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation child's physical and mental health. During this period, there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body.

Preschool age is a favorable period for developing the right habits and forming healthy lifestyle, which, combined with teaching preschoolers how to improve and preserve health will lead to positive results.

Only healthy the child can be successful in the process of personal and intellectual development, and therefore successful in learning. From how competently organized work with children physical education how effectively they are used for this terms preschool, depends child health.

The relevance of developmental pedagogy recovery is due the creation in the preschool educational institution of effective health-saving, a pedagogical system that will allow timely overcoming violations of the state child health and development.

A healthy environment is flexible, a developing system that does not oppress the child, the basis of which is an emotionally comfortable Wednesday stay and a favorable mode of organization of life children.

Wednesday is one of the main funds development of the child's personality, the source of his individual studies and social experience. Subject-developing Wednesday must provide not only physical activity of children, but also be the basis for their independent motor activity. The role of an adult rationally organize Wednesday in a group.

Each group must have wellness routine of the day contributing to the harmonious physical and full mental development, which provides for a variety of activities throughout the day in accordance with interests and needs, taking into account the time of year, age children, as well as their states health.

allowances should correspond to age characteristics, the space of the motor zone, periodically change taking into account the implementation of the program, interests children and results of individual work. must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements (be safe for children, easy to wash);

Back to main directions wellness activities in kindergarten applies:

Organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the creation of hygienic living conditions of children;

organization healthy balanced nutrition;

Security psychological safety of children during their stay in kindergarten;

Organization of medical and preventive work with children and employees; physical education of children.

Modern preschoolers experience significant mental overload. Children are forced to spend considerable time in a sedentary position. To compensate for lack of mobility, health physical exercise.

Necessary wellness work continuously and systematically. Everything wellness activities should be arranged in a sequential chain and evenly distributed throughout the day. The morning starts with gymnastics. It is important for hardening the body, increasing efficiency children after sleep and regular physical training in order to improve the muscular apparatus, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

During gymnastics on the street, we pay special attention to proper breathing. The walk is powerful means hardening of the body. Daily walking time children is at least 4 - 4.5 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day. day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half of the day - after daytime sleep or before leaving children home. When the air temperature is below minus 15 C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 15 C and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years at air temperature below minus 20 C and wind speed over 15 m/s.

An important role of the teacher lies in the correct organization of the walk (we select outdoor games with alternating sedentary games, we carry out gymnastic exercises aimed at developing motor activity, we organize labor activities on the territory of the site, flower garden, vegetable garden, observation of nature and the surrounding world, conversations, organize plot - role-playing games, we carry out individual work with children, taking into account age characteristics).

After a daytime sleep, we do gymnastics "Awakenings". Children in panties perform a series of exercises. This contributes to the hardening of the body.

Also, for the prevention of flat feet, hardening of the body, children walk barefoot on a gymnastic rug, (in the summer on pebbles, grass, they perform a number of exercises, for example: "Pick up the pencil", "Put down the handkerchief", "Roll the ball", Daily procedure time increases by 1 min. and gradually brought to 15-20 minutes. The meaning of walking barefoot is to harden the skin of the feet, which occurs mainly under the influence of low temperatures of the floor and earth.

Children especially like to perform finger gymnastics, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, affects the entire body as a whole.

Children love water very much.

Water procedures excite the nervous system, so they should be carried out after morning or afternoon sleep. Wiping the skin after any water treatment with a dry towel provides a good massage, promotes better blood circulation, and hence nutrition. Washing with water at room temperature has a hardening effect on the child's body. The water temperature is gradually decreasing (from 29-30 to 22-20 for 2 every 5-6 days). Children with great pleasure perform water procedures. First, they wash the face, hands, then the neck and arms up to the elbow.

As a result of systematic hardening, the state of the nervous system is normalized. The stability of the emotional sphere increases, which makes it more restrained and balanced. In addition, the child has an increase in the body's endurance, its performance, and an improvement in mood.

But we must not forget about the principle of individuality (the age of the child, the state of his health, level of hardening, sex).

It is also important to pay attention to psychological environment in preschool. One of the basic human needs is the need for security and protection. Feeling safe is the most important condition interpersonal communication. When we say this, we mean psychological safety. Man being in psychologically dangerous situation experiencing anxiety and fear. The most common source of a child's emotional experiences is his relationships with other people. Sincerity and openness in relationships largely depends on the emotional state. In the absence of a benevolent psychological climate in the children's team, it is easy to detect obvious signs of embarrassment, discomfort in the child - he speaks in a low voice, avoids eye contact, shifts from foot to foot, pulls clothes, holds his hands to his mouth. Frequent absenteeism for no reason can testify to that the child does not want to be in the team. A lot of useful information about the emotional state of the child is provided by observing his posture in certain situations. So, crossed arms and legs during communication is a defensive reaction. If a child covers his mouth with his hand while listening, this testifies to that he doesn't trust whoever he's talking to. Clenched fists indicate a state of hostility. Feelings of fear and insecurity conditions the emergence of protective reactions that can manifest themselves in various forms of behavior. Under the influence of fear, a person sometimes strives to become invisible in order to attract the attention of those who are the source of his anxiety as little as possible. Another form of defensive behavior that is often encountered is aggression. Expression "Attack is the best means of protection» most accurately characterizes this type of behavior. Unfortunately, children, and even adults, rarely manage to determine their own feelings. For example: "I am angry", "I'm sad", "I feel calm". In fact, we rarely use these seemingly simple expressions, which testifies to that we are not used to talking directly about our feelings. Each child comes to us from his own family, from his own home. So what makes a home different from any other place? The house is, theoretically, the space where the child can show his individuality as much as possible. At home, in the family, there are customs and rituals that bring its members closer together. The safest in psychological in terms of the place for the child is his home. If this is true, these children are happy. In order for the kindergarten to become the place where the child feels at home, and maybe even better, the employee needs to make a lot of effort and ingenuity. Such a personality can be formed in conditions of such a psychological space, where the child from the first day of the visit is given the opportunity to express his "I", make choices in accordance with their value orientations, where they are encouraged to put forward various kinds of initiatives, make interesting proposals, where they develop the willingness and ability to take responsibility, where they create terms for self-affirmation of the child, taking into account the strengths of his personality. chief condition for such a psychological space is safe Wednesday, atmosphere psychological comfort, which is both developing and psychotherapeutic, because barriers disappear in this atmosphere, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on learning activities and creativity. Creation psychological comfort is one of the most important tasks. It is necessary to encourage the creative manifestations of the child. It is important that children are not afraid to make mistakes. The task of the educator is not to suppress the desires, creative impulses of the students, but to support and guide them. Each educator, undoubtedly, has its own arsenal of methods and techniques that allow you to create a comfortable psychological environment for pupils.

It is possible to identify the main: -

No monologues during GCD. Only dialogue, lively, in which everyone participates.

It is advisable to plan daily work in groups. At the same time, children learn to communicate in a small team, argue, ask for help and offer it. The most important and most difficult thing to achieve is the positive emotional attitude of the educator. It is not easy, but it is necessary for him to manage his emotions, and to teach children to the same.

All activities carried out in kindergarten are impossible without the participation of the family in this process, since a number of wellness activities should be continued at home conditions. The participation of parents is very important in all the work of a preschool institution. In the groups, we designed stands for parents, we regularly hold consultations, parent meetings, and joint sports holidays are organized. Indeed, only through the joint activities of teachers and parents can the most significant results be achieved in solving the problem - reducing the incidence of children, strengthening them health.

List of sources used

1. Evdakimova E. S. Designing as health-saving technology in the preschool educational institution // Management of the preschool educational institution. 2004. N1.

2. Nazarenko L. D. Wellness basics of exercise. - M., 2002.

3. Pankratova I. V. Rastim healthy generation // Management of the preschool educational institution. 2004. N1.

4. Sukharev A. G. The concept of strengthening health child and adolescent population of Russia // School health. 2000. Vol. 7. N2. P. 29 - 34. Fomina N. A.

5. Chebotareva O. V. Theoretical seminar "Using health-saving

Every child who has reached a certain age is enrolled in a kindergarten by their parents. Some act on the basis that the child does not spend his days aimlessly chasing a ball, watching cartoons for hours. In other cases (in almost every family), there is no one to look after the child because of employment. But whatever the reason, the health of children in kindergarten is consistently ensured, which has a positive impact both mentally and physically.

Many mothers consider it right to leave their baby at home, preferring to keep him with him all day and "blow dust off him." They explain this behavior by the fact that when communicating with other kids, there is a chance to pick up various viral diseases. However, the same mothers do not understand or fundamentally do not want to understand that it is impossible to turn a child into a “greenhouse plant”.

And the constant presence of the baby in the home walls and the restriction in communication will make him a notorious, self-contained and uncommunicative egoist. It is extremely important to assign him to a children's institution, giving the child complete freedom of communication and self-development. As much as parents would not like it, in any case they will not be able to devote enough time to their child to play with him and work out.

Moms are busy all day with household chores: washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and more. Dads, on the other hand, spend most of their time at work, but in the evening they are too tired to engage in children's play or education.

Ensuring the health of children is the number 1 problem for both their parents and caregivers. Therefore, various events are organized and carried out, aimed at both physical and mental development. These can be educational games (riddles, puzzles on various topics), simple physical exercises, staging small scenes, and more.

Taking part in all this, the child involuntarily develops, improves, learns the world, learns to communicate with peers and adults (in this case, with educators, parents of children from the group). And most importantly, he gets acquainted with such life concepts as: independence, responsibility, determination. These concepts play a leading role in the formation of personality.

Wellness activities

In any kindergarten, a number of recreational activities are carried out aimed at ensuring and maintaining the health of the baby. Wellness activities include:

  1. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical culture and health work.
  3. hardening.
  4. Prevention.

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle

This event is aimed at developing in the child the need to lead and strive for a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, special attention is paid to the observance of the daily routine by the baby, the inculcation and development of cultural and hygienic skills, and training in caring for one's body.

Physical culture and health work

This type of recreational activities is no less important than all others. Being engaged in physical education and gymnastics, the muscles, joints, bone tissue of the baby are strengthened. The body acquires the ability to fight various ailments, diseases, and disorders. Thus, physical culture and recreation activities include:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education;
  • outdoor games and game exercises;
  • physical education in the fresh air;
  • sport games;
  • breathing exercises after daytime sleep;
  • diagnostics of physical development;
  • sports and music holidays;
  • leisure.


Hardening procedures are aimed at strengthening the health of each child, making him strong and increasing his immunity. Before proceeding with the implementation of this event, the presence of any disease in the child is excluded. In general, hardening involves:

  • outdoor games, hiking;
  • taking air baths;
  • implementation of water procedures;
  • water games;
  • dosed sunbathing.

Walking barefoot is both a hardening procedure and a great pleasure. The kids love it.


The child's compliance with basic prevention measures is also part of the health care program. Preventive measures include:

  • ensuring the cleanliness of the environment;
  • creation of a healthy microclimate;
  • rational and balanced nutrition;
  • vitaminization - the use of vitamin drinks, fruits;
  • flu prevention - herbal medicine using onions and garlic;
  • preventive vaccinations to protect the child from such serious diseases as whooping cough, mumps, tuberculosis, chickenpox and others;
  • aromatherapy procedures;
  • medical and physical culture;
  • restorative massage.

The implementation of recreational activities is aimed at ensuring that the child, while in kindergarten, grows up absolutely healthy and strong!

Actual topic for conversation at all times is human health. Health cannot be maintained with medicines. But there is another means - movement. Physical exercises, movement should firmly enter the life of every person who wants to maintain working capacity, health, and a full long life.
Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation of the child's physical and mental health. During this period, there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children, which has been outlined in recent years, and an increase in the number of children with mental and speech development disorders, dictates the need to find mechanisms to change this situation.
The main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for an independent life, giving him the necessary skills and abilities for this, cultivating certain habits. But can every professionally trained teacher, just an adult responsible person dispassionately relate to the unfavorable state of health of his pupils, his progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this, largely rhetorical question, was the demand for health-saving educational technologies by teachers of an educational institution.

Health saving educational technologies- a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, methods of organizing the educational process that does not harm the health of children; qualitative characteristics of pedagogical technologies in terms of their impact on the health of students and teachers; technological basis of health-saving pedagogy.
Purpose of health saving technology:
provide a preschoolerhigh level of real health,arming him with the necessary baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating a culture of health in him. Many tasks that the teacher solves in the course of his activity are subordinated to the solution of this goal. Teachers in kindergartens teach children a culture of health, how to take care of their bodies, that is, a conscious attitude towards their health, safe behavior.
Tasks of health-saving technology:
1. to unite the efforts of employees and parents for the effective organization of sports and recreational work, including the prevention of violations of flat feet and posture.
2. to teach children safe behavior in emergency situations in nature and in the metropolis.
3. to carry out continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school by means of physical culture and health work.

All health-saving technologies can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health.
  2. dynamic pauses (complexes of physical minutes, which may include breathing, finger, articulatory gymnastics, eye gymnastics, etc.)
  3. mobile and sports games
  4. contrast track, exercise equipment
  5. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.
  6. morning exercises
  7. physical education classes
  8. swimming pool
  9. acupressure
  10. sports entertainment, holidays
  11. health day
  12. Media (situational small games - role-playing imitative simulation game)
  13. Technologies of musical influence.
  14. music therapy
  15. fairy tale therapy
  16. bibliotherapy

4. Behavior correction technology.

The teacher who guards the health of the child, educating the culture of the health of the child and parents, first of all, must be healthy himself, have valeological knowledge, not overworked, must be able to objectively assess his own merits and demerits associated with professional activities, draw up a plan for the necessary self-correction and proceed to its implementation.
For the implementation of enriched physical development and health improvement of children in kindergarten, non-traditional methods of work are used. Each group should be equipped with "Health Corners". They are equipped with both traditional aids (massage mats, massagers, sports equipment, etc.) and non-standard equipment made by teachers:
1 .“Dry aquarium”, which helps to relieve tension, fatigue, relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle
2 .Walking on a cork mat where foot massage takes place
3 .For the development of speech breathing and an increase in lung capacity, we use traditional and non-traditional equipment (sultans, turntables)
4 .It is well known that there are many points on the palms of the hands, massaging which can affect various points of the body. To do this, we use various massagers, including homemade ones.
5 .To massage the feet and develop coordination of movements, mats of their ropes with knots are used.
6 .Walking along paths made of metal corks barefoot.
7 .Daily after sleep, perform health-improving gymnastics barefoot to the music.

In the structure of the health regimes of each group, the spectra of medical and restorative techniques, techniques, methods should be woven:
- mimic workouts
- gymnastics for the eyes (helping to relieve static tension in the muscles of the eyes, blood circulation)
- finger gymnastics (trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, speed of reaction)
- breathing exercises (promotes the development and strengthening of the chest)
- acupressure
-games, exercises for the prevention and correction of flat feet and posture.
As a result, health-saving activity forms in the child a strong motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.
The set goals are successfully implemented in practice.
- Dynamic pauses, which are carried out by the teacher during classes, 2-5 minutes, as the children get tired. May include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.
With the help of proper breathing, you can avoid sinusitis, asthma, neurosis, get rid of headaches, runny nose, colds, indigestion and sleep, and quickly restore performance after mental and physical fatigue. For proper breathing, the following rules must be observed: you need to breathe only through the nose evenly and rhythmically; try to fill the lungs with air as much as possible when inhaling and exhale as deeply as possible; stop doing breathing exercises if you experience the slightest discomfort.
- You need to do breathing exercises in a well-ventilated room, in a calm environment. The development of the complex should be carried out gradually, adding one exercise every week.
- The systematic use of physical education leads to an improvement in the psycho-emotional state, to a change in attitude towards oneself and one's health. It is possible to suggest a physical minutes to one of the children.

- Mobile and sports games. Spend educators, head of physical education. As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - sedentary games.
- Relaxation. Spend educators, head of physical education, psychologist in any suitable room. For all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff), sounds of nature.
- Finger gymnastics. It is carried out from a young age individually or with a subgroup daily by a teacher or speech therapist. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. It is held at any convenient time, as well as during classes.
- Gymnastics for the eyes. Daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time and during classes to relieve visual stress in children.
- Respiratory gymnastics. In various forms of physical culture and health work, at physical. minutes during classes and after sleep: during gymnastics.
- Gymnastics invigorating. Daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 min. The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed planks. Conducted by a teacher.
- Gymnastics corrective and orthopedic. In various forms of physical culture and health work. Conducted by educators, head of physical education.
- Physical education.They are held in a well-ventilated room 2-3 times a week, in the gym. Younger age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, senior age - 25-30 minutes. Conducted by educators, head of physical education.
- Problem-play situations.It is carried out in free time, it is possible in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized invisibly for children, by including the teacher in the process of playing activities.
The possibility of purposeful formation of the foundations of mental self-regulation in 5-year-old children is achieved through mobile, role-playing games, and physical education sessions.

- Communication games on the course "Knowing myself" by M.V.Karepanova and E.V.Kharlampova.
1 time per week for 30 min. from older age. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing classes that help children adapt in a team. Conducted by a psychologist.
- Classes from the series "Health" on life safety for children and parents as a cognitive development.1 time per week for 30 min. from Art. age in the afternoon. Conducted by educators.
- Self-massage. In various forms of physical culture and health work or during physical minutes, in order to prevent colds. Conducted by educators.
- Psycho-gymnastics. 1 time per week from older age for 25-30 minutes. Conducted by a psychologist.
- Technology of influence through fairy tales
A fairy tale is a mirror reflecting the real world through the prism of personal perception. In it, perhaps, everything that does not happen in life. In fairy tale therapy classes, the children and I learn to compose verbal images. Remembering the old and inventing new images, children increase their figurative repertoire, and the inner world of the child becomes more interesting, richer. This is a true chance to understand and accept yourself and the world, increase self-esteem and change in the desired direction.
Since feelings are not only positive, but also negative, the images in children are born not only joyful, but also frightening. One of the important goals of these activities is to transform negative images into positive ones so that the world of the child is beautiful and joyful.
A calm state of the nervous system returns the child to health.
A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

- Technologies of musical impact. In various forms of physical culture and health work. They are used to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc. Conducted by educators and music director.
Additionally, hardening methods can be used:

- rinsing the throat and mouth with solutions of herbs (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula, etc.), which have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, or with a solution of sea salt, is carried out daily after dinner for 2 weeks alternately.
- washing with cold water after a daytime sleep.
- walking barefoot in combination with air baths is carried out in physical education classes and after daytime sleep.
- A healthy lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, rational nutrition, personal hygiene, a healthy psychological climate in the family, at school, in kindergarten, no bad habits, attentive attitude to one's health.

What health-saving educational technologies are used in work with parents?
- consultations, recommendations and conversations with parents on disease prevention, personal hygiene, the benefits of additional walks and classes in various sports sections, highlight these issues as well at parent meetings; slide folders; personal example of a teacher, non-traditional forms of work with parents, practical demonstrations (workshops); questioning; joint actions: sports holidays, days of health; memos, booklets from the series "Finger gymnastics", "How to harden a child properly?", open days; teaching parents the techniques and methods of healing children (trainings, workshops); issue of the newspaper DOW and other forms of work.
For creation of pedagogical conditions for the health-saving process of upbringing and development of childrenin a preschool institution are: the organization of various activities for children in a playful way; construction of the educational process in the form of a model of culture; organization of cultural creativity of preschoolers; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, game exercises and manuals
All this the work is carried out comprehensively, throughout the day and with the participation of medical and pedagogical workers: an educator, a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist teacher, a physical education instructor, and a music director.
The main educators of the child are the parents. From how the child's day regimen is properly organized, what attention the parents pay to the child's health, his mood, the state of physical comfort depend. The healthy lifestyle of a child, to which he is taught in an educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then be fixed, or not, and then the information received will be superfluous and painful for the child.
Health care is one of the most important tasks of every person. Among all earthly blessings, health is a valuable gift given to man by nature, which cannot be replaced by anything, but people do not take care of health as it is necessary.
But it is important to understand that taking care of the health of our children today is a full-fledged labor potential of our country in the near future.
All of us, parents, doctors, teachers, want our children to study well, to become stronger year by year, to grow up and enter into a great life as people who are not only knowledgeable, but also healthy. After all, health is a priceless gift.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Solnyshko"

Project in the preschool educational institution "Azbuka zdorovya".

(healthy lifestyle week)

(from 06.02-10.02.2017)

Prepared by senior educator: Leshukova A.N.


The project in the preschool educational institution "ABC of Health" is the practical implementation of innovative health-saving technologies in educational activities.

Using the recommendations of scientists: I.V. Nikitina, T.N. Doronova, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, working in the field of health protection, as well as the technology of developing education, we try to create in each age group such a developing environment that will facilitate the implementation of the program.

Problem: Lack of parental awareness of the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on lifestyle in the family (reduced activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the daily routine, growing risk factors).

Currently, the problem of the state of health and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance. The preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated dramatically. Children's health problems need new approaches, trusting partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

Objective of the project: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health saving in preschool educational institutions, by introducing



  • To expand and consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
  • To improve physical abilities in the joint motor activity of children.
  • To improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic "Healthy lifestyle".
  • To create a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Ways to implement the project:

  • thematic integrated classes, including physical education;
  • monitoring procedures (questionnaires for parents, tests for educators);
  • sport competitions;
  • conversations;
  • games, relay races;
  • consultations for parents; "Sports workshop"; exhibition of children's art.

Expected Result:

  • increasing children's interest in physical exercises and sports;
  • increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle;
  • improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in health protection;
  • the creation of a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents;
  • design of the exhibition "Sports equipment";
  • Creation of a card file: "Outdoor games for preschool children."

Project type:

By duration: short-term;

According to the dominant line in the project: practice-oriented;

By the nature of contacts: within the framework of the preschool educational institution.

By the number of participants: frontal.

Our project is the result of the creative activity of children, parents, kindergarten teachers.

A feature of the project is a single educational and educational space created on the basis of trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents. This is the key to successful work with children.

Our work is not aimed at achieving high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children show their own potential, so that, growing up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, value their own health and the health of those around them.

Target: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health saving in a preschool educational institution.

Implementation period: 06.02.-17.02.2017

Project Manager: - Leshukova A.N.

Creative team members:.

  1. Educator - Myakaeva A.A.
  2. Educator - Tantseva E.M.
  3. Educator -Turbovskaya I.S.
  4. Educator - Rukhlyadko A.A.

5. Educator - Bogdan I.Yu.

  1. Educator-Voronina N.V.
  2. Educator - Shipilova N.V.

8. Educator - Tikhonyuk A.M.

9. Educator - Kaiser A.V.

Project participants:

Pupils of MBDU "Solnyshko" aged 2 to 7 years; teachers;

Parents of pupils.

Name of the event



Preparatory stage

Collection and analysis of information

senior teacher


Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;

Creation of a creative team.

senior teacher


Project development.

senior teacher

creative Group

Informing and engaging

Parents to participate in the project.


Main stage.



MONDAY - Healthy eating

Parent meeting: "Interaction between teachers and parents in maintaining the mental and physical health of children"

senior teacher


Rukhlyadko A.A.

Music director Golubenko S.V.

Opening: "Journey to the Land of Healthy Eating"

music worker


“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”,

"Proper and healthy food", "Vitamins and health",

"How to behave at the table."


Book corner "On healthy eating"


Didactic games: "Harmful useful",



Modeling: "Basket of useful products."


Reading fiction: "Vitamin Tale"

I. A. Krupnova.

S. Kapitukyan "Masha is having lunch".


Application: "Vegetables and fruits"


Role-playing game "Dining room".


Excursion to the catering unit of the kindergarten.


Mobile game "Bring the item."


TUESDAY "Valeology and preschooler"

"Personal hygiene. The ear is the organ of hearing.

"To be healthy you have to be clean"

"Cleanliness is the key to health."

"How parts of the body move, who gives the command."


Medical worker


Outdoor games: "Allowed - prohibited" "Parts of the body."

"Fun and sad";


THURSDAY "A healthy mind in a healthy body!"


Outdoor games: "Run to the flag" "Airplanes".

"At the bear in the forest" Skiing


"Don't crawl over the line." "Find the flag." Game-fun "To meet the sun."

Drawing "My favorite sport".


"Man and his health". "Get on the charger." "Tooth care". Sports games in winter.



Examining the pictures "Entertainment in the winter."


Quiz "Sports Attributes".


Learning a sports slogan about sports, a folk saying about a healthy lifestyle


Reading the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning ...".


Relaxation course. Charger

music worker


Sports activities with parents:

"Fun Starts"

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

music worker



"Playing with kids"

FRIDAY "If you want to be healthy!"

Closing: "If you want to be healthy...".

WEEK(from 06.02-10.02.2017) « ABC of health" - healthy lifestyle

MONDAY "Healthy Eating"

“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”,

"Proper and healthy food", "Vitamins and health", "How to behave at the table." Country "Vitaminia". Production of the newspaper "Healthy eating1"

Book corner "About healthy eating" Didactic games: "Harmful useful",

Games: "Useful products", "Find and name".

Mobile game "Bring an item

TUESDAY "Valeology and preschooler"

"What parts does my body have"

Quiz about personal hygiene items.

"Fun and sad";

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief" Playing the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, some water ..."

Game situation "Everyone has his own towel."

Exhibition of drawings and crafts: "The Fairy of Purity".

WEDNESDAY “Safety Lessons. First aid"

"On fire safety" "Lessons of caution."

Role-playing game "Ambulance".

Reading works: "If you are alone at home." K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Marshak "Little Red Riding Hood" Song "Tili-bom! Tilibom!

Rhyme "Don-don-don".

Mobile game "On the path". Game situation "I'm lost."

Quiz "The ABC of security".

Entertainment: "How to cope with the dangers that lie in wait for children"

THURSDAY "A healthy mind in a healthy body!"

Ball game "What sports do you know?"

"Man and his health". "Get on the charger." "Tooth care". Sports games in winter. Quiz "Sports Attributes". Learning sports speeches about sports, folk sayings about healthy lifestyles. Reading the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning ...".

"Games with kids" (continuity between the groups of MBDU "Solnyshko"

FRIDAY "If you want to be healthy!"

In the methodical office there is a book on valeology "Home Alone";

Sex-role education of children of preschool age (senior, preparatory)

Demo folders:

  • "Food" (32 cards)
  • "Vegetables. Fruits" (32 cards)
  • "Vegetables. Fruits" (18 cards)
  • "School.Sport" (32 cards)
  • "Daily routine" (8 cards)
  • "Man" (age, gender, body structure, body parts, feelings)
  • Abstracts "Be healthy!" (in Ukrainian)

Giving their baby to kindergarten for the first time, almost all parents face the same problem: the child starts to get sick more often. How can you ensure strong children's health in kindergarten and avoid frequent colds or infectious diseases? Useful recommendations are in the Country of Councils.

The poor health of children in kindergarten has always been a big problem. A child entering kindergarten for the first time finds itself in a rather aggressive viral and microbial environment, because in the team there may be children with a cold, runny nose, etc. Therefore, in a kindergarten, a child is often at risk of diseases.

To improve the health of children in kindergarten, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules. To begin with, if the child is just about to enter kindergarten, you need to work on strengthening his immunity. So, you need to let the child walk in the fresh air, ensure that the daily diet of the child contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The child does not need to create "greenhouse conditions" trying in every possible way to protect it from the slightest influence of the environment. This means that you do not need to over-wrap the child during walks, you do not need to create “sterile cleanliness” in the house. It is better to give the child more contact with other children (this is also useful in terms of social development), and regularly carry out tempering procedures.

The health of children in kindergarten depends not only on the state of immunity, but, it turns out, also on how psychologically comfortable the kids are within the walls of a preschool institution. If a child goes to the garden with tears, if he cannot get used to the team in any way, then this will not affect his health in the best way.

That's why adaptation of the child in kindergarten should be given special attention. You need to try to choose a garden in which the child would like. It is also necessary to prepare the baby for the first trip to kindergarten: tell him how much fun he can spend time there, how he can play with other children.

To be completely sure that the health of children in kindergarten will not be shaken, it is best to go through a medical examination with the child even before entering the kindergarten. During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the child is healthy, whether he has signs of any incipient disease. If the child's immunity is weakened after an illness, then it is better to wait until the immunity gets stronger, and only then take the baby to kindergarten.

Often the health of kids in kindergarten suffers from the fact that parents bring a knowingly sick child to the group. Such behavior of parents is fraught with infection of other children in the team and complication of the course of the disease of their own child. If possible, a sick child should be left at home.

True, it’s also not worth it to play it safe, keeping the child at home for 3-4 weeks at the slightest suspicion of a cold. The fact is that during this time new viruses and microbes will appear in the children's team, and therefore the child runs the risk of getting sick again immediately after the first visit to the kindergarten.

This is the responsibility of both the kindergarten staff and the parents. By common efforts, we must try to create all the conditions for children to develop properly and healthy.