How does a baby gain weight after birth? Wet diaper test. When real numbers don't match the norm

Immediately after birth, the baby has a certain body weight. For medical reasons, the norm is 2.3-3.1 kg. Initially, the baby's weight is measured by the pediatrician while still in the hospital. If this parameter deviates from the above figures, this is not a cause for concern.

Remember that all children are individual in their development. Some are born too "fragile", while others are more well-fed. Physiological changes in the body depend on many factors. So, let's look at what should be the rate of weight gain in newborns? How to calculate correctly and what to do if the child does not gain or is overweight?

What is considered normal at birth?

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the normal weight in a healthy baby is in the range of 2300 - 3100 kg.

Closer to discharge, somewhere 3-4 days after birth, the baby loses weight a little, and its weight becomes 6-10% less. This is due to the loss of fluid and the adaptation of the body to the external environment. It is from this point that the approximate figures of the weight gain begin to be considered.

The weight of the newborn can be affected by:

  • Nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. From what food and in what quantity the mother ate during the gestation period. For example, food rich in calories and vitamins promotes the growth of a larger fetus.
  • Absence of pathologies in the baby. One of the important factors in good health and gradual weight gain. It is possible to assess the norm of physical development during the neonatal period by measuring the ratio of head circumference, body circumference, height and weight.
  • Heredity. Petite girls give birth to smaller babies, and vice versa - mothers with large physiques give birth to real heroes.
  • Floor. According to statistics, girls are born with less weight and height, and boys are more plump and heavier.
  • The psycho-emotional state of the mother. Psychological stress and frequent stress also negatively affect the health of the mother and the weight of the child.
  • Bad habits during pregnancy. Smoking, drinking alcohol, psychotropic and narcotic drugs - increases the likelihood of the birth of an unhealthy baby, who in the future will gain weight poorly and often get sick.

Infant weight at discharge

In the first few days after birth, babies tend to lose weight. This is a natural physiological feature at an early age, so you should not be intimidated. The loss of mass is caused by a number of objective reasons:

  1. Adapting the body to new conditions. Having changed the intrauterine environment, the baby begins to gradually get used to a new life. During adaptation, there is a difference in body weight (up to -10%) with the subsequent normalization of metabolism.
  2. Food. For the first few days, the baby only eats a small amount of colostrum. And only with the appearance of a sufficient amount of breast milk, the digestion process will gradually improve. Also, the average indicators of the rate of weight gain in children under one year old will also increase significantly.
  3. Loss of fluid. As soon as the baby is born, his respiratory system begins to function. With respiration, oxygen enters the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released. Within a few hours, a lot of fluid comes out of the alveoli of the lungs, which is bad for the weight of the newborn.

Average rates of increase by month

Below are the average indicators of weight gain in babies from birth to one year old:

  • for 1 month, the baby adds 70-150 grams per week;
  • 2 - 4 - gains from 140 to 200 grams (for every 7 days);
  • 5 - 6 - recovers twice, and the increase in body weight per week reaches 100-160 grams;
  • from 6 to 12 - growth slows down a little and closer to 1 year, the child should weigh three times more than the indicators that were at birth.

You can accurately determine how many grams a newborn is adding per week using baby weights. With their help, you can track the algorithm for weight change after artificial feeding or GW.

If, when weighing a baby, the weight indicators differ significantly from the indicated norms, then it is necessary to correct the feeding regime. Sometimes weight loss can be caused by genetic inheritance, improper breastfeeding, or a lactation problem.

Weight table for children under one year old

The table contains approximate values ​​about the rate of weight gain in a child under one year old. It was compiled by WHO specialists and is necessary for pediatricians to register during routine examinations. Remember that each newborn is different and the growth figures (boys, girls) presented in the table may differ from real indicators.

Pay attention to the formation of mass, that the higher the growth of the crumbs, the more rapidly the weight increases. For example, with a baby's height of 1.52-1.53 ​​cm, he gains 170 grams, and when he grows up to 1.58 cm, he adds 210.

How to calculate the correct weight for a baby

During the first five months, the average weight gain is 800 grams, and after six - 400 grams (monthly). In order to calculate the approximate weight of a baby up to six months, you need to use the following formula:

"М (kg) = m + 800n", where the value m is an indicator of weight at discharge + 800 x (multiply by age in months).

For example, we need to carry out an approximate calculation of the weight of a child of 3 months, who weighed 3200 after discharge from the hospital.

The calculation formula is as follows: 3200 + 800 x 4 = 6400 grams.

To determine the rate of increase in a child over 6 months old, the formula is as follows:

Weight = figure for discharge + additional six months + 400 x age (months)

So, to calculate how much the baby has added in 9 months, multiply 800 by 9, we get the proper weight - 7200 grams.

Over-and-under: opinion of Komarovsky

Underweight occurs in 10-15% of newborns. The main reason, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is the lack of a feeding regimen and all kinds of diseases.

In addition, in order for a child to gain weight correctly, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • To improve the lactation process, increase the amount of fluid consumed. Add to your daily diet: green, black tea, compote, fresh juices and drinking water.
  • Do not cut back on night feedings. Long breaks lead to dehydration of the body, a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother and, as a result, the baby is not getting enough. Therefore, let's suckle the breast any time the baby is hungry.
  • Do not forget to introduce complementary foods (cereals, vegetables and juices).

Most often, young children suffer from an excess of their weight. They become inactive, metabolism is disturbed, which leads to a deterioration in their development.

In order to avoid unwanted weight gain in all newborns, follow these simple rules:

  • Refuse night feedings. Drink some water instead of breast milk.
  • GW in the daytime with an interval of 5 hours.
  • Only green vegetables are allowed from complementary foods.
  • Follow your diet. Fatty, sweet, and spicy foods are high in calories.
  • Do gymnastics, give your child a wellness massage.

If, after six months, the baby is rapidly recovering and closer to the year his excess weight does not return to normal, this may indicate health problems. In this case, it is advisable to see a pediatrician or endocrinologist.

Every mother knows that Weight gain is an indicator of the health and normal development of an infant. Doctors at the hospital say that you need to monitor this parameter constantly.

Weight and height are checked on the day of discharge from the hospital.

Once the baby is born, his height and weight are measured. Weight is checked on the day of discharge from the hospital. This is necessary to monitor whether the child is developing normally, whether there are any deviations. from the norms generally accepted by the Ministry of Health. Such deviations may include lactose deficiency in infants, symptoms which you can find out by following the link.

It's believed that the weight of each newborn is considered normal if it is in the range of 2.7 to 3.7 kg ... And in most cases, babies are born that way. Therefore, it is important for new parents to know how babies gain weight by months. The weight gain table will help keep track of this parameter.

The initial value of the newborn's weight is influenced by the diet of the expectant mother.

1. Health child;

2. Heredity ;

3. Floor;

4. The food ration of the future mom , as well as her mental and physiological state ;

5. The mother has bad habits .

Babies and artificial - what is the difference

Weight gain in babies whose mothers are breastfeeding and artificial babies not the same. Weight gain in an infant occurs naturally and evenly, it is hardly possible to overfeed him, he will eat exactly as much as he needs.

Weight gain in infants occurs naturally and evenly.

Artists, as a rule, suffer from overweight, which is gaining due to overfeeding.

Find out if your child's weight meets the norms different formulas and tables will help.

Komarovsky's formula for calculating body weight

Pediatrician Komarovsky proposed a formula that can be used to calculate the weight of a newborn under the age of one year.

Doctor Komarovsky.

Optimal / estimated weight (M) calculated as follows :

M= m + 800 x n
m- the weight of the newborn baby
n- age (in months).

If at birth the weight of the child was 3200 grams, then at the age of 6 months he should weigh:

3200 + 800 x 6 = 8000

WHO weight gain chart

There are other ways to find out if your child's weight and height are up to standard.

In 2006, the World Health Organization proposed weight gain table for babies by month. It shows the relationship of a child's age (from birth to one year) with his height, weight, and other basic parameters.

WHO weight gain chart.

It is important for young parents to know how babies gain weight by months. The table shows us the following pattern - if the difference in height in babies of both sexes is about 1-2 cm (boys are taller), then the difference in weight increases with age.

In the first month of life at first it is about 0.3-0.5 kg, starting from the age of three months, the difference reaches 0.6-0.7 kg... Leadership is of course for the boys.

Features of weight gain in boys

From the same table of weight gain in infants by months, you can see how the boy's height changes. If the difference in height in the first three months of life is 3 cm , then further this parameter grows not so fast, and in subsequent months increases by only 1, less often 2 cm.

The same can be said for weight. In the first month of life, the boy gains 1.2 kg.

The difference in weight between an 11 month old boy and a one year old boy is only 0.2 kg.

Then this figure goes down, the difference in weight between an 11-month-old boy and a one-year-old boy is only 0.2 kg.

Features of weight gain in girls

The same table shows the standards for how babies should ideally gain weight by months in girls. The growth of a newborn differs from the growth of a girl, who is already a month old, by almost 4.5 cm, while the weight at the same age differs by 1 kg.

As she grows up girl gains 1-2 cm in height, weight gain decreases every month... The weight of a one-year-old girl differs from the weight of an 11-month-old girl in the same way as for boys by 0.2 kg.

Girls are smaller - according to the table, they should weigh 9 kg.

At the age of one, the boy's weight should reach about 10 kg. Girls are smaller - according to the table, they should weigh 9 kg.

Now the mother herself can observe and control how the weight gain in infants goes by months, the table clearly shows this.

Weight gain rates

In the first six months of his life, the baby should gain 600 g every month. In the second half of the year, this the value decreases and is already 300-500g.

If the weight of the baby differs from the tabular data by 12-14%, this is considered normal, there is no cause for concern. The big difference is the reason to see a doctor.

If the difference from the tabular data is more than 10%, you should already contact a specialist.

With growth, the situation is more complicated. If the difference from the tabular data is more than 10%, you should already contact a specialist.

Underweight: causes, symptoms and consequences

Of course, the table reflects how the weight gain in infants goes by months. But if the weight of the baby differs from what is indicated in it, you do not need to panic right away. Small deviations from tabular norms are permissible.

Low weight may be due to the following facts:

Constitutional features of parents. A fat child cannot be born in a family of skinny parents, and vice versa.
Differences from tabular data are permissible for individual regions. Affects the baby's weight and the type of feeding.

To determine if a baby is underweight, weighing alone will not be enough. It is necessary to measure growth, conduct a survey of parents, examine the child and take all the necessary tests from him.

A newborn may not gain weight well due to frequent illnesses.

A newborn may not gain weight well for a variety of reasons. Here the main causes of malnutrition (underweight) :

Availability diseases;
Improper nutrition;
Dysbacteriosis or poor digestibility of milk;
Fast fatiguability child;
Incorrect organization of the feeding procedure.

The consequence of all these reasons is the fact that the child is not full and therefore does not gain weight.

Hypotrophy can lead to a number of other diseases:

Low immunity , the child is often sick ARVI ;
Anemia ;
Rickets ;
Endocrine dysfunctions (manifests itself in adolescence, delayed sexual development);
Discoloration of nails, hair, etc.

Take care of yourself and your child, dear parents. And be healthy!

Take care of yourself and your child, dear parents. And be healthy!

Find out now about the most useful preparation Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

The birth of a child is the happiest event in any family. The annoying diets during pregnancy, the purchase of clothes, toys and cribs for the baby are all in the past. Now more responsible tasks await young parents.

Weight gain table for babies by month

Visits to pediatricians, endless household chores, a new diet for moms. With the arrival of a baby in the home, life changes dramatically.

The most important indicator of a healthy baby, for which special attention must be paid, is the rate of weight gain in infants. It is these data that make it possible to trace the full development of the child.

Weight gain table for babies girls and boys:

The presented table shows how much a normal weight gain in infants should be.

It is worth paying attention to the difference between boys and girls: sons by their nature are larger than daughters, because their weight gain rates are slightly higher. If the indicators are slightly outside the scope of the tabular results, do not worry.

The weight gain chart is averages. Infants' weight is influenced by the type of feeding of the child, the quality of the mother's nutrition, the gender of the child and birth weight.

Each child is unique, not like the others, respectively, all the increase goes in an individual direction. The tabular results are only a kind of guideline that will help parents calculate the weight gain of the baby.

Weight gain in infants by month

According to statistics, the average weight of a full-term baby is between 2500 and 4500 grams. These indicators are recorded immediately after birth, because in the first days of his life, the baby will lose about 10% of his weight. This is due to the abrupt change in the newborn's habitat.

Adapting to the new light consumes a lot of energy, and the baby's body loses a lot of fluid. Even breast milk does not immediately acquire the necessary fat content, because a full-fledged product of the mammary glands is produced only 2-3 days after childbirth. Therefore, a noticeable weight gain in infants begins at about 5 days.

To correctly calculate the rate of weight gain in babies by month, experts recommend relying on the following.

  • weight gain is calculated according to the indicator that was recorded before the child was discharged;
  • the first 3-5 days of weight gain may not be observed;
  • children who had a lower initial weight at birth gain weight faster than large babies. By the end of the first year of life, these indicators are approximately smoothed out.

The first 3-4 months, the newborn has the maximum weight gain. This is explained by the almost immobile lifestyle of the baby and the high need for food. The newborn only sleeps, eats and “goes to the toilet” - energy costs are minimized.

0 to 5 months. In just the second month of his life, a child can add a whole kilogram: approximately 30 grams per day. At 4-5 months, the baby's activity noticeably increases: he begins to move more, sleep less, and, accordingly, spend more of his vital energy. Despite good nutrition, weight gain is no longer as high as the first months of life. Now the baby is adding at least 400-500 grams.

6 months to 1 year. The weight of a six-month-old child approximately doubles from the initial indicators. That is, now it should normally weigh about 6-8 kilograms. At 10-12 months, the weight gain becomes the smallest. The child's activity increases, he begins to roll over, crawl, try to walk. According to the calculations of pediatricians, the weight of the baby by the year of life increases three times in comparison with the initial one.

Weight gain in breastfed newborns

When a baby is breastfed, mom's diet plays an important role. The rate of weight gain of the newborn depends on the fact that it is there.

Do not forget about the feeding process itself: the fattest (pediatricians call it hind milk) milk is at the end of feeding. Therefore, it is not recommended to change breasts during the process. If, after observing all the rules, the result has not changed, a specialist consultation is necessary: ​​it may be necessary to adjust the feeding regime of the baby.

Rapid weight gain in newborns breastfeeding can be cause for concern. To finally make sure that the baby does not have any diseases, it is recommended to take tests. If the indicators are negative, there is no need to worry. By the end of the first year, the results will be equally smoothed out and will be close to the tabular results.

Underweight in a newborn- the main reason for the worry of parents. When the rates of weight gain in infants are minimized, and the child has poorly expressed subcutaneous fat, it is necessary to make small adjustments to the diet.

If the mass gain is very slow, then you should pay attention to the amount and fat content of milk. With certain diets, these indicators can be improved. Most often, in such cases, nurses include walnuts and broccoli in their diet.

Supplementary feeding. Most often, mothers switch to mixed feeding, giving the baby, in addition to breast milk, infant formula. By the way, the table of weight gain in infants (who) is focused on this type of feeding, since the weight gain in this case becomes more predictable.

As you can see, a mismatch with tabular data is not always a bad result. The fact is that each child and his mother are individual. In case of underweight or too fast weight gain, pay attention to the condition of the baby. If he feels great, then everything is in order.

Trust your child, listen to the mother's intuition - this is what will warn you when developmental deviations appear. Calmness and love of others will be the best helper in weight gain in babies!

After the newborn, as he grows, he is gaining less, and the increase is up to 600-1000 g per month. If you have scales at home, you can check the weight every week, if you weigh the baby more often, these results cannot be considered believable.

Reasons for poor weight gain in infants:

  • the child was not immediately attached to the breast or fed;
  • the newborn does not correctly capture the breast;
  • impaired lactation in mom;
  • if the baby is weak or premature, he does not have enough strength to eat;
  • the transferred disease of the newborn;
  • change of scenery, for example, moving or the arrival of a large number of people .;
  • any change in the environment is stressful for the child;
  • long walks or visits can also affect the baby;
  • small weight gain in infants may be due to new skills, for example, learned to roll over or a massage course.

Normal weight gain in artificial infants is considered the same as with breastfeeding. But it's worth noting that formula-fed babies gain weight much faster. Only this is not a reason to switch to supplementary feeding.

If it is possible to regain weight with the help of breast milk, it is better not to resort to artificial feeding.

Good afternoon, my dear readers - moms and dads! Your baby has just been born, I congratulate you on this! Exciting moments, joy, anxiety and uncertainty - all in one. For some time, these feelings will prevail over you, but you still need to tune in a new way and life will go back on track. Along with thousands of questions, in the head of young parents there is an urgent question about how much a newborn should normally weigh and how soon he should gain weight and height. The classic table of newborn weight gain by month will help you with this.

Girls and boys are usually born in a different weight category: boys are usually slightly larger. Yet, how much should a newborn weigh?

The birth weight of a baby depends on the following factors:

  • The gender of the child;
  • Date of birth;
  • Parental packages;
  • Mom's nutrition during pregnancy;
  • The presence of fetal abnormalities or problems with the passage of pregnancy;
  • The presence of bad habits in the mother during pregnancy.

A healthy full-term boy normally weighs (on average) - 3.5-3.7 kg... Girl, respectively - 3.2-3.5 kg.

In the maternity hospital, the newborn is weighed two control times - immediately at birth and at discharge.

This is done in order to compare how much the baby will lose in weight over these few days. And there will undoubtedly be losses.

2. Why does the baby lose weight after birth?

Physiological weight loss of a newborn is normal; you should not be afraid of this in any case.

Natural weight loss in a newborn comes from:

  • Natural loss of fluid through the skin;
  • A sharp change in diet;
  • The amount of food in the early days;
  • Stress due to habitat change.

After birth, a child experiences shock, real stress, and this is understandable. This shock is one of the reasons for minor weight loss. Nutrition is also new for the baby, the umbilical cord no longer supplies him with all the necessary substances, he has to "get" food on his own, which are still so fragile.

In the first three days, the mother sets up lactation, colostrum begins to be secreted, milk will arrive later. This colostrum is not enough for the baby to eat. Despite its quantity, colostrum's nutritional properties are about the same as concentrated milk, and even more.

All these factors lead to the fact that the baby slightly loses weight in the first days of life. As a rule, he very quickly replenishes this weight loss in the first month.

At discharge from the hospital, the baby's weight is measured again. The allowable amount of weight loss from birth to discharge from the hospital is 5-10 percent. From this, and count the weight gain by week and month.

3. Norms of weight gain and growth of a newborn up to a year by months

Normally, in the first 4 months, the baby grows most intensively. Every month it grows by 2-3 cm, the rate of weight gain per month, on average, is 600-800 grams.

By 6 months, the baby will already weigh twice as much as it was at the time of discharge from the hospital, and by the year - three times.

Do not forget that weight gain, as well as height, depends on the initial build of the newborn. An increase in a large child may not be the same as in a small child, everything is individual.

Meanwhile, I present to you a table with averaged data on the increase in height and weight of babies up to a year by months:

4. Factors Affecting Newborn Weight Gain

The weight gain and height graph for girls and boys is slightly different. As a rule, girls gain more weight and height in the first month than boys. In the following months, the curve of the ratio of height / weight for both girls and boys goes smoothly and proportionally.

Weight gain in newborns is affected by:

  1. Type of feeding - breastfeeding or artificial;
  2. Feeding method - by the hour or on demand;
  3. Milk quality;
  4. Baby's health.

So, if the baby is bottle-fed, he will gain more weight than the one that is breastfed.

Feeding on demand also leads to more weight gain than feeding on time.

If the baby is healthy and adapts well to the new environment, he will develop correctly, that is, gain weight and grow within normal limits:

If the baby is underweight in the first two months, the pediatrician will draw your attention to this and possibly prescribe supplementation.

It so happens that the mother does not have enough of her milk, then the baby is constantly hungry and grows poorly. By picking up a supplement mixture, you can easily fix this problem.

With a critically low weight of the baby, an examination is prescribed to identify possible pathologies. After six months, weight and height gain is slower and depends on the baby's nutrition. At this time, complementary foods are introduced, so it becomes easier to regulate the amount of food that the baby receives per day:

Also, if the baby is sick, there is a lack of weight. With recovery, usually, everything falls into place. Dear mummies, do not worry, any deviations in weight gain or height can be corrected. The main thing is to see your pediatrician and lead a healthy lifestyle.

And in this video you can see what the neonatologist says about weight gain in babies:

For today, I say goodbye, do not forget to subscribe to updates and share information on social networks.

The first thing that doctors do in the hospital after a baby is born is weigh the newborn. For the next few days of his life, the hospital staff will monitor the baby's weight to determine if the baby is developing normally. But as soon as a happy mother with a newborn baby is at home, all the care of the child, including the control of its weight, falls on the shoulders of the newly-made parents. And here many mothers are worried about questions - and how to determine if a child has pathologies in development.

Baby weight at birth: what is considered normal?

It is generally accepted that the normal weight of an infant at birth should vary within three to five kilograms ... But not everything is so simple and unambiguous, because several factors influence the weight of a newborn child.

The baby weighs from 3 to 5 kilograms at birth.


The weight of the newborn depends on the nutrition of the expectant mother.

  • Often the weight of the baby determined by the complexion and physique of both parents ... If mom and dad are short and thin, then their baby will most likely weigh no more than two and a half to three kilograms at birth. And vice versa - babies weighing four to five kilograms are born to tall parents.
  • An important role in this issue is played by food for the future mother during the entire period of pregnancy. Low birth weight babies are born to women whose diet was inadequate and unbalanced.
  • Newborns will also be lightweight, who were looking forward to the moment to leave their mother's cozy tummy and were born a few days ahead of schedule.
  • It is also important gender of the child... , as a rule, are born with a weight of no more than two and a half to three and a half kilograms, while boys weigh from three to five kilograms at birth.
  • Factors such as bad ecology or bad habits expectant mother, for example, drinking alcohol or smoking.

Weight loss in a newborn immediately after childbirth

It's not just the mother's body that is stressed during childbirth.

At birth, the baby also experiences stress and some changes occur in his body.

A newborn in the first two to three days of his life loses from one hundred fifty to three hundred grams from the original weight... This occurs due to the emptying of the bladder and intestines of the baby and is considered a completely normal process.

On the second day of life, the newborn loses from 150 to 300 grams.

Starting from the third day of life, the weight of the newborn will be increase daily by about twenty to thirty grams.

Babies with weight are considered a deviation from the norm. less than two and a half or more than five kilograms.

An interesting fact: babies who weighed two and a half to three kilograms at birth gain weight much faster than larger newborns.

The first month of a newborn's life: how much should he gain in weight

Regardless of the initial birth weight of the baby, he must grow and develop normally, and it is especially important for parents to monitor the condition of the baby and control his weight in the first month of his life.

The first thirty days after the birth of a newborn is the period when his body learns to adapt to the outside world. At this time, babies mostly sleep and eat, because in this way their body adapts to new conditions and gains strength for further full development.

In the first month of life, babies mostly eat and sleep.

It is not worth expecting that the baby will immediately begin to gain weight after birth.... As a rule, the weight of the newborn begins to increase only on the tenth day of birth.

There are no exact figures on how many grams a baby should gain in the first month, because it all depends on the individual and physiological characteristics of each baby's body.

What factors affect the dynamics of weight in newborns

Babies can gain extra weight from formula feeding.

  • One of the main factors of weight gain in infants is considered food... Mother's milk is considered the best food for a newborn, which nature itself has taken care of, so the development of breastfed babies is more harmonious. Artificial formula is often the reason that babies can gain excess weight in the first month.
  • Genetic predisposition also significantly affects. For thin-boned, lean parents, babies gain weight more slowly than for moms and dads with curvaceous forms.
  • An important factor in this matter is gender of the newborn ... According to statistics, boys gain weight much faster in the first month of life than girls.
  • The diet of a nursing mother also affects the dynamics of weight in infants. It is known that breast milk contains all the nutrients of those foods that are present on the mother's table. Therefore, in order for the baby to develop harmoniously, the mother's menu should be varied and complete.
  • An important role in this issue is played by parameters of the baby at birth ... Babies weighing more than four kilograms will gain weight faster than small, skinny newborns. But babies who at birth weighed two to two and a half kilograms in the first month will gain more weight than their peers who weigh three to four kilograms at birth.

Newborn weight gain table at 1 month

To determine how much a newborn should add approximately in the first month of his life, take a look at the following table.

According to the calculations in the table, a boy should normally gain from nine hundred to one thousand three hundred grams per month, and girls should gain from eight hundred to one thousand two hundred grams.

If the baby's weight gain does not meet the above standards, parents should not panic, because these criteria are relative and pediatricians consider it normal if the baby gains less than six hundred grams or more than one and a half kilograms in the first month of life.

The criteria in the table are relative and small deviations are perfectly normal.

Does nutrition affect newborn weight gain?

Nutrition is directly related to the weight of the baby. It depends on the quality of breast milk or artificial mixture how much the baby will gain weight in the first month of life.

The quality of breast milk is directly related to the weight gain of the newborn.

Breast milk

When breastfeeding, the baby's weight increases by about 1000 grams.

When breastfeeding, the weight of newborns increases on average by nine hundred thousand two hundred grams ... Again, this indicator fluctuates depending on the complexion and physique of the newly-made parents, as well as on the fat content and nutritional value of mother's milk.

Artificial mixtures

On artificial mixtures, babies gain weight more intensively.

For artificial mixtures, mainly cow or goat milk is used, which has more calories than human milk, so babies on such food gain weight more intensively. For the first month, babies on adapted baby food can gain from one to one and a half kilograms.

Both indicators correspond to the norms, and if the baby feels good at the same time, he has healthy sleep and normal bowel movements, then there are no deviations in the development of the child.

Reasons for underweight in the first month of a baby's life

If the weight of the baby has practically not increased in the first month, then it is necessary to find out the reason for this deviation.

Colic in a newborn can be the cause of a lack of weight.

Possible reasons for underweight:

  • The problem might be in the nutrition of a newborn ... If the baby is breastfed, then the mother needs to check whether he has enough milk and whether it is nutritious enough. When feeding with artificial formula, make sure that it is prepared according to the specified instructions and that the amount of serving is enough for the baby to saturate.
  • The reason may be poor appetite of a newborn ... Perhaps the mother either introduced a new product into her diet, which gave the taste of milk an unpleasant taste, which is why the child refuses it. The cause of the problem should be identified and corrected.
  • The baby may not gain weight through an unfavorable home atmosphere or a nervous breakdown of the mother ... Perhaps the baby does not receive enough attention from the person most dear to him, as a result of which he often cries and brings himself to exhaustion. Children should grow up in a quiet, cozy environment, only then they feel comfortable and calm.
  • Some diseases can also cause underweight in infants. For example, problems with the digestive system or rickets lead to the fact that the weight of a month-old baby is much lower than normal. To make sure the health of the child, you should be examined by a pediatrician.
  • Some mothers smoke and do not want to part with this bad habit, even during childbirth and breastfeeding. Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes harm not only a nursing mother, but also a newborn, therefore smoking is unacceptable during breastfeeding.

If the problem of lack of weight in a newborn is not caused by the above reasons, then parents should not postpone a visit to the doctor in order to make sure that the development of the baby is proceeding as expected.

Causes of overweight in monthly newborns

Sometimes it also happens that the baby is gaining weight very intensively in the first thirty days of his life and many mothers are worried if this is due to some pathology.

If the baby is gaining weight very quickly, then it should be shown to the pediatrician.

As mentioned, formula-fed babies may gain slightly more weight than normal. Perhaps the reason is that the baby To fed more often than necessary and mom should slightly reduce the portion or reconsider his diet.

If such a problem arose during breastfeeding, then the baby's mother probably introduced new products into her menu, due to which milk has become more nutritious.

If a newborn gains weight too quickly, it is advisable to show it to a specialist, because this can become the first symptoms of diseases associated with the kidneys or the endocrine system.


If the baby is active and cheerful, then you should not worry about small deviations in weight.

Every caring mother needs to know how much a baby is gaining weight each week. But you should not panic if the baby has scored a little more or less than the specified norms. All newborn babies develop in different ways and, if the baby is active and cheerful at the same time, then a slight deviation in one direction or another does not harm his health at all.

Video about weight gain in newborns