How to get older in person. How to make a girl look older: the secrets of makeup and clothing style. How to look older: hairstyle

“I wish I looked older!” - such an idea comes into the minds of many teenagers who want to appear older, smarter and more attractive. Then some time passes, and those very boys and girls who dreamed of “getting old” a little are already thinking how to keep their youth longer. Do you recognize yourself or your friends? Man constantly wants what he does not have. Maybe it's better to enjoy the delights of your age, because everything comes in due time? Let's not turn experiments with age into the main goal of our lives, so as not to be disappointed later.

But if there is a desire sometimes to look a little older, then there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to do everything in moderation. How to look older than your age for a girl or a guy? Let's talk about it.

How to look older for a girl

We work on ourselves in two directions: appearance and mind. As for appearance, here you need to pay attention to hair, makeup and clothing.

  • Hairstyle - hair is better than medium length or moderately short, dark in color, without bangs. Light strands, curls, long hair or too short, voluminous bangs - all this makes you younger. To look not only older, but also more beautiful, get a stylish haircut (for example, bob) from a good hairdresser and maintain it. Dark hair does not mean black, because black is not for everyone. Ask the hairdresser to choose a shade of hair for you a few shades darker and dye your hair.
  • Make-up - lipstick in rich dark tones (brown, red, raspberry and their shades), mascara - black, blush - dark or bronze (on the cheekbones), eye shadow - dark tones (brown and gray gamma). Make-up should be unobtrusive and harmonious. If you paint your eyes brightly, it is better to apply gloss or pastel-colored lipstick on your lips. If the lips are brightly highlighted, then the eyes should be made up to a minimum. All together - vulgar, stupid and repulsive!
  • Clothing is preferable to “non-youth”, classic cut: trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets. Beautiful blouses and shirts in a simple style will be good, scarves and neckerchiefs, stylish but strict earrings and rings, high-quality watches will complement the image.

Bronze tan (do not overdo it!), “feminine” fragrance, high heels will help to look older. Remember to become an adult not only in appearance, but also in behavior. A calm tone, a confident look, an even, fairly loud voice, the ability to listen to an interlocutor, knowledge in many areas is what you need. You must become a good conversationalist and an interesting person who has his own opinion, knows a lot and knows how.

How to make a guy look older

A guy is made older and more attractive by a pumped-up figure, so from now on the gym is your best friend! You can also visit the solarium - a beautiful male figure in combination with tanned skin looks great!

Make a stylish men's haircut, buy good men's perfume. We do not recommend dressing in a business style if the figure and appearance do not allow it. This will make you look funny. It is better to choose stylish modern men's clothing for your age. Colors are better to choose dark or neutral. Avoid bright prints, cheap fakes. Clothing does not have to be expensive, but it must be tastefully chosen and only emphasize dignity.

Avoid sportswear unless you are exercising. Leave hoods, sweatshirts with zippers, kangaroos, stripes, sportswear and sneakers for the hall. Adult men know how to choose clothes according to the occasion. Learn and you. Casual option: jumpers, shirts, vests, trousers or dark jeans.

Style is largely in the details, so invest in good gloves, a stylish men's scarf and wallet.

And of course, as in the case of girls, reinforce your external image with your behavior. We also recommend that many be interested, constantly improve, learn something new, learn to be a good conversationalist. Develop yourself as a person, and then everything will be fine!

Now you know how to look older. And yet I want to say again that you don’t need to spend all your youth on this desire. After all, youth is so unique, and when it passes, you will look older anyway, but it will be impossible to return the charm of adolescence. Learn to enjoy your life, your age and your appearance, and then you will be truly happy.

More often women they try to look younger, because this way you can stay attractive to the opposite sex for a longer time and be self-confident. Today, with the help of some cosmetics, you can restore skin elasticity and freshness, which is important for many. A huge number of decorative products have also appeared, created in order to hide age spots, make lips bigger, and eyes more expressive.

But for this you need to learn competently to use them. However, there are those girls and women who, for certain purposes, need to look older with help. To do this, you do not need to master the skills of makeup to draw wrinkles and folds, it is important just to learn how to skillfully apply ordinary decorative products. How to do it? You will learn about this in this article.

1. Make your complexion darker to look older. For this, you should not choose dark tonal foundations, because the skin of the face will differ from the neck and décolleté. To create the effect, you will need a bronzer or just a darker powder. Of course, first you need to powder your entire face with powder of your skin tone, so that other products lay down better.

Your task will be to darken face and cheekbones, which is also great for those who want to make the oval of the face more elongated. You will need a large natural bristle brush and dark powder. Pick up a little product on the brush, remove the excess on the back of the hand and walk with light movements along the contour of the face and under the cheekbone. You can draw relief stripes on the neck more pronounced, but you need to do this with the remains of the product.

2. Use dark lipstick. Dark lipsticks always add age visually, so you should definitely include such a product in your makeup. Plum, brown, burgundy and dark red shades are all perfect for you if you need to look older. Most of all, it is brown lipstick that will add age to you, which should clearly outline the lips or even make them a little thinner than they are. Choose a lipstick with a moisturizing effect so that it does not dry out thin skin, but you should not apply gloss on top.

3. Line your eyes with black eyeliner to make you look older.. You will need a regular black pencil, which will make your eyes more expressive, but also add age. It must be applied to the upper and lower eyelids. Try to draw the line as close to the eyelashes as possible, also lightly draw a thin tip on the outer part of the upper eyelid. Your lashes will appear thicker, but you can also look older. Of course, in order for the makeup to be beautiful, be sure to blend the pencil with a soft, thin brush made of synthetic bristles. You can add some dark shadows to the blending brush to get a soft transition.

4. Use dark shadows to look older. Of course, if your plans were not to make yourself smokey ice, then you will not need black shadows. The ideal option would be dark matte brown shadows, which can make the eyes more voluminous and beautiful, but at the same time you will visually add a few years to your age. For the base, take beige or cream shadows, and with brown, work exclusively on the crease of the upper eyelid and the lower lash line. Gray shadows are also great, which can be used to decorate the entire upper eyelid, adding an even darker shade to the crease of the upper eyelid.

5. Pay attention to the eyebrows. Usually, people around consider women with wide eyebrows younger than they really are. Therefore, it is so important to make sure that they are not very catchy and expressive. If possible, make the shadows as thin and accurate as possible, slightly pinching them in the right place, or simply paint over with a light gel so that they become almost invisible.

6. Use a warm blush to look older. Wearing your favorite soft pink or peach blush will make you look younger. You also need to get the opposite effect, and for this, coral, burgundy, brown and scarlet blush are perfect for you. It will be enough to apply them in large quantities, so do not overdo it.

7. Match your nail polish to your lipstick shade. Most often, only experienced mature women do this, who know perfectly well that these two colors should be combined in the image. So you can look more noble and expensive, but at the same time older than your age. If you have burgundy lipstick, nail polish should be the same light, if plum, then plum varnish, etc. Do not forget that your nails must be in perfect condition, as for the lips, which must be thoroughly moistened in advance.

8. Use good mascara to look older. To make the makeup look harmonious, you need to draw your eyelashes well enough, so use good quality mascara. If this is makeup for the evening, then you can safely use even false eyelashes, which are not so expensive, but the result will please you.

9. Use corrector. Of course, many people associate acne and redness with adolescence. In fact, makeup should be appropriate and beautiful, so stock up on a good corrector. It should be applied to all redness and rashes that you have on your skin, as well as to mask spider veins and bruises under the eyes.

Powder carefully on top masking so that the corrector lasts longer on your skin. You will get quite rich and heavy makeup, but with its help you will look much older than you really are.

10. To look older, complement your makeup with expensive earrings and matching clothes.. Of course, if you have such an opportunity. Usually, in their youth and youth, girls do not often wear jewelry made of precious metals with expensive stones, so such accessories are associated precisely with maturity.

if you have earrings with diamonds, then use them in your image. It is also worth noting that a few years of age will add an evening dress or a long skirt to you, so the perfect make-up can be complemented by a suitable outfit.

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Many teenage girls and girls in their 20s and 25s want to look older. Such a desire is characterized by a cute appearance, behavior or even style of clothing. In most cases, such a problem is faced by office workers, whose decisions require a certain tact. They are taken lightly, because the appearance does not inspire confidence. To remedy the situation, you need to resort to some tricks, which we will talk about today. So let's get started.

Step #1. Avoid fancy clothes

It's no secret that clothes characterize a person, so it makes sense to start reincarnation with a wardrobe.

  1. Ditch the teenage clothes, go shopping for more "mature" things. In the usual boutiques for children, you will get a low-quality blouse, top or trousers, while in the department for adults, linen or silk shirts, natural jeans, and beautiful underwear are weighed.
  2. Get rid of the girlish ways, stop wearing funny bags, clothes with cartoon characters or overly colorful pants. Avoid clothes that look cute. This wardrobe includes pleated blouses, stockings, miniskirts, jeans with Mickey Mouse, etc.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to sporty style, abandon it completely. Eliminate baggy pants and T-shirts, prefer leggings and a T-shirt that supports the chest. Do not wear sneakers all the time, choose older moccasins.
  4. Do not wear a T-shirt or sweater with logos all over, give preference to plain polo shirts, sweaters in restrained shades, blouses with a brooch or rhinestones.
  5. If until now you've been wearing loose-fitting clothes that completely hid your figure, it's time to change your habits. Get tight-fitting black trousers, they will visually make your legs longer. Choose a top (blouses, jackets, sweaters, etc.) that will suit your body type.

Step #2. Pay attention to shoes

You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, consider this fact.

  1. Buy shoes, sandals, boots only in quality stores. Give preference to products made of genuine leather, firstly, they are durable, and secondly, they look chic.
  2. Give up sneakers made of fabric, bright sneakers, cheap slates. When meeting and meeting, the opponent will first of all pay attention to the shoes, if it is “flashy”, this is wrong. For this reason, color plays an important role, it can be black, beige, brown or red.
  3. If you have never worn high heels until now, you should change your habits. Visit an Italian shoe boutique, choose the most chic pair with a thick heel about 8-10 cm high. Practice walking at home, then go out into the world. In the summer, wear beautiful sandals or ballet flats.

Step #3. Change your hairstyle

Intricate haircuts or hairstyles like cute pigtails gathered at the back of the head, ponytails and even dreadlocks give a childish look. There is no single version of an adult haircut, it all depends on the characteristics of the face (setting the eyes, facial contours, jaw line and cheekbones).

  1. To look older, dye your hair brown, chocolate, or another dark shade. Do not carry out the procedure using bright colors, they look ridiculous.
  2. Maintain a conservative hairstyle, no need to shave the temple or braid the entire surface of the head. Visit a hairdresser with the words “Please choose a hairstyle that takes into account the structure of my face. I want to look older." The master will take into account the wishes and give practical recommendations.
  3. If you have medium length hair, keep it in a bun or a low ponytail. You can also create an elegant short haircut that adds 2-3 years in age.
  4. Break the habit of wearing cute headbands, putting decorative flowers in your hair, or pinning your hair with cartoon clips.

Step number 4. Put on your makeup

Very often you can meet young girls who look much older than their years due to the right makeup.

  1. Find video makeup courses on the Internet, pay attention to the lessons on applying cosmetics specifically to your face type.
  2. Use smokey-eye makeup, highlight your eyes with dark eyeliner, draw arrows. Discard bright and pearlescent shadows that look vulgar.
  3. Use concealer to mask acne and possible breakouts. Apply foundation to your face, then powder and cover your cheekbones with blush.
  4. Don't paint your nails with girly colors (shades of pink), make it a habit to visit the nail technician every month. Tidy up your eyebrows: remove excess hairs, choose the optimal bend, taking into account the features of the face and the fit of the eyes.
  5. Paint your lips with lipstick, not gloss, highlight the contour with a pencil and blend it. When applying makeup, focus on only one detail: eyes or lips. If you chose the first option, paint your lips with hygienic colorless lipstick in addition. In the case of the second option, line your eyes with a pencil and apply mascara to your eyelashes, nothing more.

Step number 5. Develop confidence and tact

Maturity is characterized by a person's confidence. Even if you are dressed as expected, a hunched gait or slurred speech will speak for itself.

  1. It is important to understand that there is a certain difference between condescending behavior and confident behavior. Do not try to put yourself above others, stop showing off purchases or achievements, behave maturely and with restraint.
  2. Do not raise your tone to the interlocutor, speak clearly, loudly enough, but not squeaky. Do not forget to use words of gratitude, when asking for help, say “please”, when you get what you want - “thank you”.
  3. Learn to listen and hear your opponent, do not interrupt. Ask appropriate questions, do not try to turn the conversation on yourself. Have non-committal conversations about the weather, animals, relatives. Do not gossip, remain neutral in controversial situations.

Step number 6. Learn to stand up for yourself

  1. In cases where the opponent shows disrespect to you, politely ask to stop. Try to force others to respect you, be open to dialogue (even conflict), do not hide behind your back and do not agree. Do not insult the interlocutor, do not hide behind irony or sarcasm, this is a sign of weakness.
  2. For example, during the conversation you were interrupted, politely make it clear that you have not finished the speech, and then continue. Be able to correctly argue your own decisions, accept criticism only from close people.
  3. Try not to notice the mistakes of others, learn from your own mistakes. If the person hurt you, let him know about it. Do not swear, do not return evil for evil.

It's easy to look mature with a few tricks. Choose clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure, pay attention to shoes, they must be of high quality. Do a beautiful make-up using foundation, blush and powder. Develop vocabulary, be confident, keep conversations simple.

Video: how to look older than your age

Girls in adolescence have a great desire to look older than their age. This desire arises for various reasons. For example, a guy who is older than her will like it. Another option is to imitate adults, namely mother, grandmother, older sister (girls), older brother (guys). Most often, young people try to look older in order to be able to visit discos, drink alcoholic beverages, and freely buy them in stores.

But quite often there are such cases when a girl is 20 years old, but looks 15-16 years old, of course, such people have a hard time, and by age mistake they are not mistaken for an adult.

There are still cases when a girl (boyfriend) wants to get a job and they need to transform and change their everyday clothing style to a business one that throws on each person for several years.

The concept of “looking older” can be viewed from several angles. Of course, you can put on clothes, make bright makeup, maybe the girl will look older, but in her mind she will be inferior to a wise and experienced woman.

So, the problem of age has been relevant at all times, and in order to achieve the goal of looking older, you should approach this issue well. All steps should be carefully considered, and all consequences should be considered in advance.

Change your style.

The most suitable way to change yourself is to change your habits, make brighter makeup, update your wardrobe, change your hairstyle. In this case, the main task is not to overdo it. In order not to make gross mistakes, it would be more correct to seek help from experienced stylists or friends who are fluent in this issue. A consultation with an experienced stylist will help you solve your problem more competently.

If it is not possible to contact a stylist, then you can design your new image using the photoshop computer program. With its help, you can completely change your appearance, and decide on the main style.

To make a beautiful make-up, you will have to completely use your own cosmetics, you will no longer need old cosmetics. In fact, for makeup, there are a few tips to consider:

  • Moderate makeup will make your face look natural. And the presence of a large amount of powder, bright lipstick and shadows will make your appearance ridiculous and defiant. To avoid shame and not look like a “made-up doll”, it is best to purchase black mascara, and it is better to use brown, gray and dark shades for shadows.
  • Clothing is an important issue. In the wardrobe of a girl, there should be as many elegant blouses, strict trouser suits, elegant dresses as possible, but the presence of T-shirts and jeans should be significantly reduced. It is best to buy clothes not in youth, but in older clothing departments. Quite often in such stores there are things that are not suitable for older women, and youth style will be the most ideal option for you.

Shoe selection.

Shoes are the face of every person. Shoes should be matched to existing clothes. There is no one shoe for all occasions, we call such shoes “universal”. It is best to purchase several pairs of shoes for yourself.

The heel on the shoes makes the girl elegant and attractive. But not every woman will be able to walk in the highest heels. To solve this problem, you can buy shoes with a smaller heel, or yoke.

Choosing the right accessories.

To look older, follow a simple rule: "Don't wear plain, cheap jewelry."

  • Please note that older women all jewelry and bijouterie is more expensive. Instead of two small rings, it is better to buy one massive gold ring.
  • When choosing a bag, be more careful. It should be remembered that it must be made of high-quality suede and leather.
  • A variety of hoops and simple barrettes will rejuvenate you, so you should purchase accessories that emphasize your style.

Behavior rules

In addition to makeup, style, makeup and accessories, you need to globally change your behavior. Manners of behavior are the first business card against the background of adult life. It is necessary to learn all the norms and rules of good taste, and in the future to use them. In society, one should behave politely, restrained.

You need to work on your speech. Never raise your voice, be punctual, during a conversation with another person do not interrupt the interlocutor, learn to listen carefully to him. Try to gesticulate less with your hands. The rules of good manners are relevant at all times.

When communicating with people, it is not ethical to talk only about yourself. Whining about your problems is the first sign of bad behavior and shows you are incompetent to solve the problem.

Try to avoid conflict situations, and in the event of a conflict, try to tactfully get away from the provocateur of the conflict.

When interacting with people, pay attention to your posture. Remember that stooping will make you look like a notorious teenager.

Haircut is an important attribute of your appearance.

Haircut is also the most important attribute in age. For adult girls, punk or ripped haircuts are completely unsuitable. For a business woman, short and styled haircuts are suitable. For each person, of course, the choice of hairstyles is individual, the classic is relevant at all times. You have long hair and you don’t want to cut it short, it’s enough to learn how to take care of it, choose a shampoo, learn how to style your hair according to your chosen style. Do not forget that the right hairstyle will affect your appearance and throw on for several years.

And so let's sum up our results. To look older than your age, you have to go through many "tests". The desire for adulthood is good, but remember that childhood will not return. So maybe it's better to stay a little longer a child? Although this is a personal matter for each of us.