How tall is a 3 year old. Information from Russian pediatricians and WHO specialists. What determines the weight of a child at three years

A child at the age of 3 is a special little personality, which is significantly different from a newborn baby. He almost doubled, became 4 times heavier, knows how to do a lot himself and actively manifests his character.

A 3-year-old child's growth chart is useful for parents and other relatives, because it helps to determine the developmental standards of a toddler and select clothes and shoes for him without his presence.

In the first months of life, the height and weight of the child increase significantly, but gradually the monthly increase becomes less and less.
By the age of three, the child becomes 5-7 cm taller per year and, on average, gains 1.5-2 kg of body weight over the same period.

Age Height(cm) Weight, kg) Clothing size step


newborn 50-54 3-3,5 56 50/56 35
3 months 58-62 5-5,5 62 56/62 40
6 months 63-68 7-8 68 62/68 44
9 months 69-74 8-9 74 68/74 46
12 months 75-80 9-11 80 74/80 47
18 months 81-86 10,5-12,5 86 86/92 48
2 years 87-92 12-14,5 92 86/92 49
3 years 93-98 13,5-15 98 98/104 50
4 years 99-104 15-18 104 98/104 51

How and how often the child is measured

During the first year of life, measurements of the baby are made every month by a pediatrician or district nurse. After a year, parents often do this. And although catching a little fidget is not as easy as we would like, many moms and dads keep a ruler on the wall or the surface of the closet, marking the stages of his growing up.

When doctors no longer control these parameters, parents often try to figure out in other ways what should be the normal height and weight of a child at 3 years old. A table with such information helps to determine the approximate limits of the norm and know how the baby will grow further. After all, often such tables include information for several years.

Margarita, mother of three-year-old Vanya: “Until the age of one, we found out every month how much Vanya weighs and how tall he is. And then, when the monthly weigh-ins at the clinic stopped, we somehow stopped monitoring it. It was necessary to know his height to buy clothes, so as not to measure, and the weight remained unknown for a long time, because we do not have scales at home. And when he entered the kindergarten, the doctors again took all the measurements and entered them into his card. Now in the kindergarten they will measure the weight and height of the child.

How to use the children's height and weight chart

Child growth charts provide information about children of different ages. Most often they are divided into several types:

  • information about children under 1 year by month;
  • data for every six months to five years of age;
  • annual figures for children from one to 12 years.

It is important for parents to understand that height and weight indicators for boys and girls may differ slightly. Between the ages of 0 and 5, boys grow faster and are larger, then girls catch up and overtake them, and after adolescence, the situation levels off again.

Height and weight tables usually contain information on height, weight, head circumference, and leg size. Sometimes they add an average clothing size for a particular age. Then the rows indicate the age of the child, and the columns all the rest of the information. At the intersection of the row and column, you can see the desired number.

Information from Russian pediatricians and WHO specialists

For many decades, the World Health Organization has been keeping statistics on the height, weight and other parameters of children of different ages to derive average data. Based on these figures, normal values ​​​​and indicators are formed, which are taken as a starting point in many clinics and children's institutions around the world.

Pediatricians in Russia keep their own individual statistics, which also contains information for many years. However, the data of WHO and domestic experts are slightly different. This is due to factors that are taken into account when deriving averages: nutrition, physical activity, hereditary factors and the environment.

In any case, parents should remember that small deviations from the norm are allowed if there are certain reasons and conditions. A pediatrician can understand this and give recommendations.

Variety of tables and information

In addition to the table of height and weight for a child at the age of 3, there are also other parameters for child growth. For example, a child's foot growth table up to 3 years old allows you to determine the size and choose shoes for the baby. Another useful source of information would be a 3-year-old child's clothing chart to determine the size of things. Although many companies and manufacturers of children's clothing always have their own size chart.

It is useful to have all the data and figures at hand in order to track the growth and maturation of the child. After all, parents do not always have the opportunity to take measurements of the child and compare them with the norm. And the tables visually and informatively provide all the necessary information.

After the birth of a baby, almost all parents wonder how well their child develops. And if your child eats and weighs a little less than the neighbor's, then this sometimes becomes perhaps the biggest problem for the whole family. Grandmothers sigh and wail, watching your baby refuse the next portion of meatballs; the spouse is indignant and forces the baby to finish eating dinner to the last bite; and you, as a loving mother, are ready to do everything so that the little one finally has an appetite.

Unfortunately, few parents think that all worries and anxieties about the weight of a three-year-old baby can be easily dispelled if you know what the body weight norms for children of this age are. Let's figure out whether you need to force your children to eat "under the stick", and whether your child is really underweight.

What determines the weight of a child at three years old?

Undoubtedly, proper nutrition plays an important role in the development of every baby. However, the main indicator of a child's weight is not the presence or absence of appetite, but genetics. First of all, parents should pay attention to the physique of the ancestors of their son or daughter. The fact is that, by and large, the child repeats the development of dad, mom, grandma or grandpa. Therefore, if you or your parents have never been curvaceous, then you should not expect the baby to eat as much as the neighbor's plump little one. Poor appetite in a child is not always an indicator of some kind of pathology. Perhaps his body simply cannot digest the amount of food that you offer. Moreover, if you divide the usual portion of food into several parts and allow the crumbs to eat a little, but more often, then the problem of poor appetite will simply disappear.

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Causes for concern

Alarming "bells" indicating a lack of weight in a child are frequent illnesses of the crumbs, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis, lethargy or excessive excitability of the baby. Too much weight in children can also indicate that it is time to see a specialist. However, do not sound the alarm when the deviations from the normal weight of the baby are insignificant. Next, we will talk about what should be the body weight of a child at three years old according to the centile table.

Weight norms for three-year-old children

The average body weight of a child of three years of age should be approximately fourteen kilograms. The weight of boys, as a rule, is slightly higher than that of girls. At the same time, the baby continues to grow, so the parameters of the circumference of the head and chest also increase. Here it is important to ensure that all weight and height gains take place systematically. At the same time, one should not forget that in the second year of a baby’s life, the weight gain of his body decreases significantly. Differences between the weight of the boy and girls are revealed. The difference can fluctuate within two kilograms. After three years, the baby ceases to be chubby, compared with the first and second year of life. And this does not mean that your child is not all right. Such is the nature of the development of young children. At three years, they stretch, so the intensity of weight gain decreases.

It should be noted that the weight norm for children of any age is determined taking into account the diet and physical activity. In order to know whether your child meets the necessary parameters in his development, it is necessary to record all the changes in the child at a certain time and monitor his health. This, as a rule, is done by pediatricians, however, children can be weighed without outside help, at home. At the same time, it is imperative to keep a diary of the development of the child, where to record all indicators and changes. Today, such calculators for calculating the weight and height of children can be found on many sites on the Internet, so it is now possible to find out how well your baby is developing online.

Summing up, I would like to remind you that each child has his own individual characteristics, so you should not compare your child with a neighbor's boy or girl. One baby may be taller and thinner, the other shorter and denser. If the weight and height indicators do not differ much from the standard program, then there is no need to worry. Still have doubts? Your local pediatrician will help dispel them.

The growth of a child at 3 years old depends on how intensively the baby develops. A constant increase in the growth parameter is a pretty good indicator of development.

Anthropological factors and their influence on the development of the child

The following factors influence the physiological development of children:

Nutrition of the child (in what quantity he receives proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other necessary trace elements);


Hormonal background.

Also, the growth of a child at 3 years old is influenced by factors such as good care, physical activity, long sleep, and a favorable psychological atmosphere surrounding the child.

In the process of growing up, children are positively affected by sports, which are accompanied by frequent jumps (volleyball, basketball).

In addition, the growth of a child at the age of 3 increases intensively during sleep, especially in the morning (when a child constantly does not get enough sleep or gets up early, this negatively affects his development).

Psychological Factors of Slowing Growth

Gender has a huge influence on the physical development of children of 3 years old. Y increases faster than girls. The exception is adolescence, it is then that girls often overtake boys in development, but then the boys still gain their own.

Puberty also plays an important role. When there is a large amount of sex hormones in the body of adolescents, growth slows down (by the age of 18 it practically stops).

Climatic conditions can also affect the growth of a child of 3 years of age.

Rules for taking measurements

In order to measure the growth of a child up to 3 years old, a measuring tape is used. This procedure is done on the table. The tape is pre-straightened and well fixed.

The baby is laid on a flat surface so that the upper part of the head lies at the beginning of the measuring tape.

Then, pressing a little on the knees, straighten the legs and measure.

To measure the height of a child at 3 years old, you can use a height meter (this is made of paper). The child is taken off his shoes and put on the floor, while leaning his back against the ruler. The body should be straightened, the arms should be lowered along the body, the knees should be extended, and the feet should be shifted. During the measurement, you need to ensure that the child easily comes into contact with the wall in three places: the back (shoulder blades), booty and heels. We put any flat object perpendicular to the stadiometer on his head and make a mark on the scale, by which we can easily recognize the height of the child. The table of standards allows you to judge the correct development of the child.

Determination of weight

Weight can be easily read with a digital scale. It is necessary to control that the child is located strictly in the center of the measuring device. The method of measurement depends on age. Babies are put on a diaper, after weighing, its weight is subtracted from the total indicator.

You need to weigh in the morning, before feeding, after the child went to the toilet.

The circumference of the chest is measured mainly with a centimeter tape, it is placed on the chest under the shoulder blades, the child should take the arms to the side. Then he should lower his hands, and the ends of the measuring tape are connected at the level of the nipples. At the moment when the child breathes evenly, they freeze. For girls with well-developed breasts, the tape is applied over the chest and measured.

When measuring the circumference of the head, the measuring tape is applied to the back of the head, and in front - to the superciliary arches. The ends of the tape are connected and the measurement result is obtained.

Assessment of anthropometric indicators using centile tables

The centile table is used to determine the degree of development of the baby, it subdivides children according to the parameters of height, weight, head and chest circumference. Using such tables is quite simple and convenient, it is easy to understand the results obtained.

The columns of the tables show us the numerical boundaries of the signs by the proportion (percentage, centile) of children of a certain age and gender.

For average values ​​or normal values, the values ​​​​that half of healthy children have are taken, this corresponds to an interval of 25-50-75%. A table that contains indicators such as age, weight, height of babies indicates these indicators, marking them in red.

The intervals located next to the average values ​​are estimated below or above the average (10-25% and 75-90%). Parents can evaluate such indicators as quite normal.

But when the indicator is located in the zone of 3-10 or 90-97%, you should be alert and consult a doctor. When the baby's indicators are located in this zone, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the baby.

Body weight of boys, kg




Body weight of girls, kg


When the baby’s indicators have gone beyond the established limits of the norm, namely, beyond the values ​​\u200b\u200bof 3 or 97%, most likely he has some kind of pathology that affects his physical development. When you have such values, only a doctor can determine the cause of the developmental delay in the child and help solve this problem.

To help you understand what a centile scale is, let's look at an example. We have one hundred babies of the same age and gender. They are in order of increasing height, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest. The growth of the first three babies is the smallest, it is considered very low. From 3 to 10 - low, from 10 to 25 - below average, from 25 to 75 - average, from 75 to 90 is already considered above average, from 90 to 97, according to existing standards, is considered high and the last three babies are very tall .


When the child lived for 3 years, his height and weight should correspond to the normal indicators of the anthropological table. This once again confirms the fact that he develops normally, receives proper care, observes the daily routine and eats fully.

For the good development of the child, he must be accustomed to sports, work at an early age. The conclusion suggests itself: so that the child does not lag behind in growth, you need to make sure that he observes the daily routine, eats right and is friends with physical education. As a result, physiological development will not be long in coming.

A three-year-old child can dress and wash independently. Communicates with other children in the game, can follow simple rules. Very inquisitive and seeks independence.

Newborn baby

The main thing that a newborn needs is bodily contact with the mother, warmth and breastfeeding. These needs will be the most important throughout the entire neonatal period - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are weight gain from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to keep the head in the supine position and eye contact with the mother.

Baby 2 months

A two-month-old baby is very sociable and mobile: he smiles at his mother, reports his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with might and main, sometimes hitting a suspended toy.

Baby 3 months

In a three-month-old baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Baby 4 months

At 4 months, most children can roll over and are increasingly interested in the world around them: their vision acquires an "adult" quality, and their hands are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month-old baby is preparing to crawl - spins around the navel, rolls. May be interested in adult food. Often the first tooth is on the way.

Baby 6 months

At 6 months, they begin to introduce the baby to new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are just trying to tear their bodies off the floor. Some master sitting before crawling. Many stand up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for it with a glance. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well, can get up with support from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The kid can stand and step over, holding on to the support. There is a "tweezer grip" - the child can now take objects with the thumb and forefinger. Gums and teething teeth need increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many babies take their first steps. The kid is fascinated by picking up items in boxes and scattering them, closing and opening lids.

Child 11 months

At 11 months, many children begin to walk and master the actions with objects that correspond to their purpose: the doll is put to bed, goods are transported by car. Some children have their first words.

Child 1 year old

A one-year-old baby understands and fulfills simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, manipulates with a pyramid, cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child actively and varied moves, knows how to run. Learns to use a spoon, knows how to drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, it almost stops in weight gain and growth.

Child 1.5 years

At a year and a half, the baby speaks about 40 words, the first sentences may appear. Interested in books - looking at pictures, turning pages. Learns to use pencils, begins to master dressing skills.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby is usually already oriented in simple shapes and colors, watching with interest the children playing (“playing nearby”). Can finish the last words in familiar verses.

Child 2 years old

By this age, many children master the potty, learn to eat neatly themselves. The child can listen to the explanations of the adult, some children begin to ask questions.

Child 2.5 years

At two and a half years, children begin to say "I" about themselves. The kid can learn to ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, draw and sculpt from plasticine with pleasure.

Child 3 years old

A three-year-old child can dress and wash independently. Communicates with other children in the game, can follow simple rules. Very inquisitive and seeks independence.

By the age of 3, a child usually masters a tricycle, swings on a swing, and rolls on a sled. Knows how to play with peers, share toys. For children 3 years old, it is easy to perform two actions at the same time: for example, stomp and clap. A child of 3 years old is not afraid to swim, supported by an adult. The following tricks and movements can be included in games for children 3 years old: stepping over obstacles on the floor (blocks) in alternating steps, walking along an inclined board, jumping over a line on the floor, long jumping from a place on two legs, jumping from a small height. A three-year-old child runs, jumps, throws and catches the ball with pleasure.

Height and weight of a child 3 years old data of domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children aged 3 years WHO data

Cognitive development of a child of 3 years

Distinguishing objects by features:
At 3 years old, the child correctly names four primary colors and some shades of colors.
Oriented in seven colors of the spectrum (knows black and white colors), finds according to the model, at the request of an adult.
A three-year-old child collects sequentially (puts the smaller one into the larger one) nesting dolls, bowls, molds, caps from four to six components (at the show, at the request of an adult, in an independent game).
Games for a child of 3 years old can be based on the selection of flat geometric shapes for a sample (circle, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, oval, square).
Clearly orientated in the configuration of three-dimensional geometric shapes (selects to the holes corresponding in shape). He names some of them: ball, cube, prism ("roof"), cylinder ("column"), brick, cone.
Identifies by touch (in the game) and names familiar geometric or other shapes.
At the age of 3, a child assembles a pyramid of eight to ten rings according to a pattern or pattern (in descending order of size, in size and color, in shape and size).
Finds and can name a large, small object, medium - between them.
Determines the object by texture (soft, hard).
Composes a picture from two parts (in class).
Selects a mosaic to a simple pattern.
Remembers and indicates the place where the toy removed by the adult stood (in a joint game).
Imitates the writing of an adult (imitates).
At 3 years old, a child can add the missing details to an adult’s drawing (a stem to a flower, a leaf to a branch).
Draws circles, ovals, draws lines, depicts rectangular objects; paint over; mimics the pattern.
Draws on his own. Explains what he is drawing (sun, path, rain, etc.).
Rolls out lumps of clay, plasticine in the palms; connects the parts.
Sculpts simple shapes (ball, column, sausage, bagel).
Performs a simple application from ready-made forms.

Game actions (the beginning of a role-playing game):
A three-year-old child takes the initiative in the game (creativity). Can "take a role" (calls herself in the game "mother", "doctor", etc.). Aware of their role in the game.
Fantasizes in the game (introduction of a fairy-tale character).
Plays calmly with other children using substitute items.
Imitates other children (in any games).
Follows the rules in outdoor games.
He builds a house, a fence, a car, a bridge, etc. from cubes (according to a model, according to a drawing, according to a speech instruction, according to a plan).
Uses various three-dimensional geometric shapes in building games and construction, plays with buildings with toys.

Social and emotional development of a child of 3 years

Wants to be good, waiting for praise, approval, emotionally positive reinforcement from an adult.
Shows initiative and independence.
Experiences emotional satisfaction if he was able to accomplish something. Satisfied when praised.
Shows a sense of pride for himself ("I run best of all"), for parents ("dad is the strongest", "mother is the most beautiful").
Curious, curious.
The long-term memory of a 3-year-old child is based on previous emotional experiences; memories may arise from the last year.
Shows emotional restraint: does not scream in public places, calmly crosses the street with an adult, does not run along the sidewalk, calmly listens to the request of an adult and fulfills it, stops crying when there is a reasonable prohibition.
Disobedient, emotionally tense with restriction of movements, with a lack of understanding by adults of his requests and desires. Can be assertive in their demands.
Worries if scolded. Long can be offended by the punishment.
Experiencing a feeling of chagrin, shame. He understands that he did something bad (did not have time to go to the toilet, spilled water); expects a negative assessment from an adult.
He understands when someone else is doing something wrong. Gives an emotionally negative assessment ("It is impossible: to offend, break, tear, take away, fight").
Can be jealous, offended, intercede, angry, cunning, mischievous.
Owns non-verbal ways of emotional communication. He expresses his feelings with his eyes, facial expressions, tone, gestures, expressive movements, postures.
Emotionally expresses imaginary situations (in the game).
Speech saturates with emotionally expressive shades (often by imitation).
He designates his emotional states with a word: I laugh, I'm afraid, I'm cold.
There may be fears, fear of the dark.
Begins to understand humor (laughs, perplexed).
Emotionally empathizes with the characters when listening to fairy tales, watching children's performances, cartoons (he is happy, sad, angry, winces from "pain", etc.).
Emotionally responsive (experiences pleasure) to music, singing, artistic word. Sings along, dances (transmits the rhythm). Responds to changes in music - moves differently (circling, crouching, waving, clapping, stomping).
Emotionally reacts differently to familiar and unfamiliar musical or artistic works, when looking at illustrations.
Prefers cheerful music and songs, bright drawings.
Shows interest in drawing and modeling.
Experiencing emotional satisfaction from outdoor games.
Emotionally reacts differently to beautiful, ugly (notices, distinguishes, evaluates).
Emotionally anticipates the result of some actions (own or other people).
Gets upset when he can't do something.
He rejoices in his skillful actions when he succeeds.
Friendly, emotionally open, trusting to people. He is interested in their actions (cases), answers if they ask about something.
Remembers kind and harsh people (emotionally responsive and emotionally restrained).
Shows shyness with characteristic facial expressions, especially when a stranger addresses him.
Understands the state of others based on their emotional experience.
Emotionally evaluates the situation: empathizes (if someone is hurt), helps (if you need help), sympathizes, behaves quietly (if someone is sleeping, tired).
He notices grief, discontent, joy of adults or children.
Imitates facial expressions, voice intonations, emotional and expressive movements of close adults.
Imitates the emotional behavior of peers (can copy more noisy, noisy).
Kindly treats children: does not grab toys, does not take without asking, shares his toys.
Enjoys socializing with peers. There is an interest in joint games.
Expresses sympathy for some children.
Wary of unfamiliar animals, individuals, new situations.

Speech development of a child at 3 years old (up to 1500 spoken words)

Pronounces complex sentences when communicating. Uses words to express desires, feelings, impressions.
Speaks in simple, grammatical sentences.
His actions are often accompanied by speech. Begins to use subordinate clauses (not always).
Words change by numbers and cases. Asks cognitive questions: "Where?", "Where?", "Why?", "When?" and others. Easily repeats unfamiliar words and phrases after adults. Quickly learns poems, songs, excerpts from fairy tales. He pronounces many sounds correctly (vowels and simple consonants).
Word creation and a tendency to rhyme appear. Enters into speech dialogues with children and adults. Answers the questions of an adult according to the plot picture. Names some animals (their cubs), household items, clothes, utensils, equipment, plants and more from the picture.
Tells a familiar story in a connected way. It conveys in words, gesture, intonation the content of a fairy tale, nursery rhyme, song, poem. He speaks about a book, an event (after questions and from memory).
Can prove, think out a sentence said by an adult.
Quickly answers the question: "What is your name?". Knows his last name.
Answers the question: "How old are you?". Shows on fingers.
Distinguishes and names people by belonging to a certain gender, by age (boy, uncle, grandfather, girl, aunt, grandmother).
Knows his gender: boy or girl; calls after a question from an adult.
Knows the names of body parts (head, neck, back, chest, abdomen, arms, legs, fingers).
Knows the purpose of body parts (answers questions): "eyes look", "ears listen", "legs walk").
Knows the names of the same parts of the body in humans and animals: "eyes - for everyone, legs - for a person, paws - for an animal, hands - for a person, wings - for a bird."
In the game, he calls himself some kind of character. Answers the question of an adult: "Who are you in the game?".
When playing, he accompanies his actions with words.
Uses role-playing speech in the game. Speaks for himself and for the doll.
He recognizes and names the whole image by detail (by the trunk - an elephant, by the trousers - a boy).
Has an idea about the number, shows and says: "one, two, three, many, few."
Anticipates the result (thinking possibilities). Uses means to achieve a goal.
Able to observe for a long time, focus attention, get involved in their activities.
Begins to distinguish between right and left sides (may be mistaken).
Generalizes objects according to their properties (who (what) flies? who (what) swims?).
Moves from calling himself in the third person to the pronoun "I".
Shows a special interest in the conversations of adults among themselves.
He listens for a long time to a fairy tale read or told by adults or recorded on audio cassettes.

Household skills of a child of 3 years

She dresses on her own with a little help from an adult.
Undresses independently; folds her clothes before going to bed.
Fastens several buttons.
Tie (tie) shoelaces.
Knows the purpose of many objects, their location and purpose.
Performs assignments of two or three actions (take, put, bring).
Can wash hands with soap, wash, dry with a towel.
Notices the mess in his clothes.
Uses a handkerchief.
He wipes his feet at the entrance to the apartment.
Regulates its physiological needs.
Eats carefully.
Holds a spoon by the end of the handle.
Uses a napkin.
Does not leave the table until the end of the meal.
Doesn't interfere with others at the table.
Says "thank you", says hello, says goodbye.

Both newly-made and already experienced parents know that every year of a baby's life is unique. And the physical development of a 3-year-old child is completely characterized by critical changes. This article will help you get detailed information about what specific physical parameters are considered normal for three-year-olds.

Children grow with individual dynamics. It is important to pay attention not to how much a child grows in 3 years, what he can or cannot do, but to the very fact of progress and the acquisition of new skills. That is the indicator of development.

3 year old baby head size

Measurement of head circumference is necessary to determine the presence or absence of signs of its increase, as well as to assess the growth rate. The size of a child's head directly depends on hereditary factors. Surely, you have noticed how the sizes of heads differ in adults. And, of course, this does not affect their intellectual abilities, in the absence of deviation from the norm.

Both a very large and a very small head can be a negative symptom. Exceeding the allowable size may indicate macro- and hydrocephalus, and lagging behind - microcephaly.

The head circumference of a boy at 3 years old is from 48.7 to 52.3 centimeters. For a girl, these figures range from 47.6 to 51.1 centimeters. The circumference increases most rapidly during the first two years. During this time, the baby's head increases by an average of 33 percent, which indicates the proper maturation of the brain.

How many teeth does a 3 year old have?

As a rule, by the age of three, children already have a complete set of milk teeth of 20 pieces: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 molars (molars, chewing teeth). The first teeth to grow are the incisors. And the last to come out are the molars - in a child at 3 years old, it is considered normal to have two chewing teeth in each side of the upper and lower jaws.
For various reasons, the formation of milk dentition in the upper and lower jaws may lag behind. This delay is normal and may be due to various factors, including genetics (especially maternal genetics). If possible, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

What should be the size of the feet of a child at 3 years old?

A child's foot grows an average of four centimeters during the first two years of life. Over the next two years, the children's feet become larger by 2.5-3 centimeters. In the future, until the age of fourteen, the leg grows by about 1 centimeter every year. The size of a boy's foot at 3 years old is about 16 centimeters. In turn, the size of a girl's foot at 3 years old can and should be similar. At this age, growth parameters differ only slightly by gender. The shoe size of a 3-year-old girl or a boy of the same age with such a foot length is 9-9.5 (USA), 26 (EUR).

The size of shoes for a three-year-old baby is constantly changing. Do not buy expensive branded shoes and boots. It is more profitable to spend this money on high-quality orthopedic shoes of domestic production.

Three year old child's clothing size

Until the age of 5, children grow almost the same, and the size of the clothes of boys is almost the same as the size of clothes for a girl at 3 years old. The average size of a dress for a girl of 3 years old or a suit for a boy of the same age is 28. At 3 years old, the size of a boy's or girl's clothes is calculated taking into account standard growth parameters - from 98 to 104 centimeters.

Weight of a child at 3 years old

The weight of a girl or boy at 3 years is more than 4 times the body weight of a healthy newborn. Opinions about what exactly the weight of a child at 3 years old - the norm may vary. So, when asked how much a boy should weigh at 3 years old, domestic pediatricians answer with a range of 13 to 17.4 kilograms. In turn, when it comes to how much a three-year-old girl should weigh, the range is somewhat reduced - 12.5-17 kilograms. WHO standards are more variable. From their point of view, normal for a boy is a weight in the range of 11.3-18.3 kilograms, and for girls - 10.8-18.1.