Why does a dog vomit food. Vomiting may be induced. Vomiting due to organic disorders or lesions of the central nervous system

Vomiting in a domestic dog can be caused by a wide range of diseases of a different nature. When diagnosing the cause of vomiting, the age of your pet, the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the diet of the dog, are important.

Vomiting in dogs is an uncontrolled reflex act, as a result of which the contents of the stomach of the animal are excreted through the mouth. It is important to distinguish real vomiting from regurgitation - in the latter case, the food does not have time to enter the stomach and is excreted directly from the esophagus in almost the same form as it entered the dog's mouth.

Why is the dog vomiting?

Most often, vomiting occurs as a protective reaction of the body, aimed at getting rid of various kinds of toxic substances. The most common causes of vomiting in dogs are:

Poisoning with poison or poor-quality food;

Foreign body in the stomach;

Acute infectious diseases;

chronic diseases;

Worm infestations;

Intestinal obstruction;

Individual intolerance to certain products.

Dog Vomiting: Treating the Real Cause

Often the owner, seeing that the dog is vomiting, makes the erroneous conclusion that it is necessary to treat the vomiting itself. That is why on dog forums and veterinary portals questions “how to treat vomiting in dogs”, “what to give a dog with vomiting” or even “how to stop vomiting in a dog” appear daily on dog forums and veterinary portals. Meanwhile, “treating vomiting” on your own, without determining what exactly caused it, is not only pointless, but also dangerous - without a diagnosis, this can lead to a deterioration in the animal’s condition. In most cases, only a veterinarian can determine the real cause of vomiting in a dog, but the owner of the dog can make his job much easier.

If the dog vomits - what to do before the doctor arrives

First of all, it is unacceptable to scold the dog if it has stained the floor or carpet with vomiting: firstly, it cannot restrain the urge to vomit, and secondly, toxins are removed from the body with vomit, so do not try to stop the dog from vomiting. If a muzzle or tight collar is worn, at the first urge to vomit, they must be removed immediately so that the dog does not choke on vomit.

The first thing to do if the dog vomits is to analyze the symptoms (the more information you give the veterinarian, the easier it will be for him to understand what treatment is required). As mentioned above, vomiting in itself is not a disease - it is only a symptom of some kind of malfunction in the body. In order to assess how serious this failure is, veterinarians recommend paying attention to a number of factors, based on which it is possible to more accurately determine why the dog is vomiting:

1) The nature of vomiting (frequent, rare, on an empty stomach, after eating, etc.).

3) Adverse symptoms of vomiting: general condition of the dog (peppy or lethargic), appetite (normal, increased or refusal to feed), thirst or refusal of water, fever, diarrhea, constipation, cough, discharge from the nose and eyes, bloating, pain, cramps, etc.

4) Everything that happened to the dog in the last 2-3 days: eating garbage on a walk, a sharp change in diet, the time of the last meal, contact with sick / stray animals or unfriendly people who could give a poisoned treat, contact with harmful chemical connections (for example, if you have repairs), etc.

Particular attention should be paid to such side symptoms as diarrhea, apathy, decreased or lack of appetite, low or high temperature - in combination with vomiting in a dog, they indicate diseases that require urgent veterinary care.

Important! Regardless of the cause, with a long course, and especially if the dog has uncontrollable vomiting, it is necessary to prevent dehydration (dehydration) of the body. To do this, you need to provide the dog with free access to water, and if it refuses to drink, pour water forcibly through the mouth using a syringe without a needle.

If your dog is vomiting blood

Blood vomiting in dogs occurs due to gastric bleeding (massive hemorrhage from the vessels of the stomach). This is a very dangerous symptom that requires immediate veterinary treatment. The cause of hematemesis can be both mechanical damage to the gastric mucosa by a bone or a foreign body, and infectious diseases (parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis). Also, the reason that the dog vomits blood can be poisoning (heavy metals, poison for rats and mice, aspirin and other analgesics), hypoadrenocorticism, in some cases, tumor decay. Contrary to popular belief, hematemesis is not always a bright red, scarlet color: if the bleeding is not profuse, or vomiting occurs some time after it, the vomit usually has a red-brown, coffee color. Sometimes it seems to the owner that the dog is vomiting black - but more often it is also bloody vomiting.

Chronic vomiting of blood in a dog that occurs at regular intervals may indicate a stomach ulcer. This disease usually occurs as a result of an injury to the stomach with a sharp object or due to malnutrition. A characteristic feature is the alternation of periods of exacerbation (when the ulcer opens) and rest (after the ulcer is scarred). If from time to time, in addition to vomiting with blood (or with blood and mucus), the dog simultaneously experiences lethargy, refusal to feed, belching, it makes sense to do an examination to detect an ulcer.

Vomiting in a dog as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases

Dog vomiting after eating or on an empty stomach in the morning is most often associated with the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis. But if the dog vomits 5-6 hours after eating, a neoplasm or a foreign body in the stomach is possible: a gastroscopy procedure will be required to determine the exact cause of vomiting. Diseases such as acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis, or hepatic colic usually cause debilitating (prolonged) vomiting. Also, vomiting in the morning with yellow or white foam can be a symptom of pancreatitis or indigestion.

Vomiting and foul odor from dog's mouth

There are a number of serious diseases that cause vomiting, and they can be diagnosed by the appearance of a characteristic odor from the animal's mouth:

The dog smells like ammonia or urine from the mouth - kidney failure is possible;

A sweet or acetone smell can indicate diabetes in a dog;

The smell of rot from the mouth of a dog indicates problems with the intestines or disease of the gums and teeth.

Vomiting and refusal to feed

If the dog does not eat and vomits, it can be ... anything from a banal poisoning to an infection. First of all, in no case do not try to force feed the dog, it is better, on the contrary, to take a break in feeding. If after 12 hours there is still no appetite and vomiting continues, it is necessary to be examined by a veterinarian. If the dog does not eat anything and vomits, but at the same time she has an increased / decreased temperature, diarrhea - it makes no sense to wait 12 hours, show the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Vomiting, diarrhea, fever in a dog

If a dog vomits and the temperature is increased or decreased, there is reason to suspect an acute infectious disease, primarily leptospirosis, an intestinal form of canine distemper, and parvovirus enteritis. All these diseases are characterized by high mortality, especially among puppies, so it is necessary to take the dog to the doctor as soon as possible to establish an accurate diagnosis and start treatment.

Vomiting due to foreign bodies in the throat, esophagus, or intestines

If your dog is throwing up and is not able to go to the toilet properly "in a big way", this may be a symptom of intestinal obstruction. Often, small toys, stones, bones, etc., eaten by the dog, get stuck in the intestines. As a rule, this “does not resolve” by itself, the dog begins to lose weight and often vomit (many owners state that with obstruction, the dog constantly vomits). If you have a suspicion that the dog has swallowed some object, it is better to establish this as early as possible, since the obstruction often requires surgery, and it will be harder for a weakened dog to endure it. Another dangerous symptom is the visible urge to vomit in the dog, but the vomit itself does not come out. If against the background of such attempts there is a rapid swelling of the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to immediately deliver the dog to a veterinary clinic. Vomiting combined with coughing or coughing and vomiting is often caused by a wound or foreign body in the throat or mouth. In this case, you should also immediately take the dog to the doctor.

Dog vomiting after eating grass

Many dog ​​owners have encountered the fact that the dog eats grass on a walk and vomits bile along with the eaten grass (as a rule, this happens in the morning on an empty stomach). In most cases, this behavior is due to the fact that the animal cleans the stomach. If this happens rarely (no more than 5 times a month), while the general health of the dog is good, there is no reason for concern. However, often the eating of grass and the dog vomiting afterwards can indicate an excess of bile in the stomachs. In turn, the reason for this is most often improper feeding of the dog, in particular, excess fat (additional symptoms: belching with a sour smell, soft stools with mucus, obesity, increased greasy coat). Also, in some cases, this behavior indicates infection with worms.

So, what to do if the dog vomits? If after vomiting the pet looks cheerful, there is no blood and worms in the vomit, the temperature, appetite and stools are normal - it makes sense to take a break in feeding for 12-24 hours and observe the dynamics of the dog's condition. In all other cases, when vomiting is plentiful, with blood or worms, or is accompanied by at least one side symptom in the form of food refusal, fever, diarrhea or constipation, general lethargy of the pet, you need to deliver it to the veterinary clinic for examination as soon as possible. Remember - your attentiveness and quickness can save your dog's life!

Vomiting in dogs is just as common as in humans. Sometimes the urge to empty the stomach can be quite benign, and sometimes the desire to empty the womb can mean serious problems inside the body.

If vomiting in a dog in the morning causes a cough, while the process accompanies loss of appetite, convulsions occur in the dog, all these are symptoms of certain pathologies. How to stop vomiting in a dog? What does white foam vomit in a dog mean? Will Cerucal and Enterosgel help? What other antiemetic drugs can be used and how to treat a pet?

As you can see, there are many questions in connection with such an unpleasant phenomenon as vomiting in a pet. There are even more reasons why a dog empties its stomach by returning food through the esophagus rather than in a more natural manner.

Let's very briefly explain the mechanism of this unpleasant event. Why can a dog vomit in principle. Vomiting is known to be preceded by nausea. With a feeling of heaviness and obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract, the animal feels the need to empty it of food debris in the fastest way.

This is if we talk about conditionally controlled vomiting. Sometimes the dog cannot control itself completely, and the eruption occurs by itself, involuntarily.

There can be plenty of reasons for this, from point needs that do not entail any continuation, to the presence of serious pathologies inside the body that require treatment.


Symptoms preceding vomiting are not so numerous. However, we will still list the main signs that indicate the presence of a feeling of nausea in an animal, followed by a real emptying of the stomach.

So, the pet’s eruption is preceded by such manifestations as:

  • restlessness with walking in a small area from one side to the other, like a tiger in a cage;
  • noticeable excessive salivation in the dog;
  • sometimes the urge accompanies the dog's cough;
  • possible indigestion with diarrhea, lethargy;
  • the dog often burps, it is not difficult to understand that the pet’s gastrointestinal tract is not all right;
  • just before vomiting, the animal often licks itself, this is typical for all pets, not just dogs.

All these manifestations of nausea that cause vomiting in a pet, for sure, many had the opportunity to observe with their own eyes. This is especially true of anxiety and licking before the urge.

The connection of diarrhea and vomiting in a pet should also not be ignored. Most often, this indicates a common cause of problems in the body. It looks like something is going on with the dog.

There can be a huge number of reasons.

Causes of a moderate nature

As we have already said, not always the desire to vomit can mean that the dog has serious diseases that require treatment.

There are many non-dangerous reasons why an animal can simply empty its stomach in a pinpoint manner, just as a person sometimes does, without any further consequences.

Here the main criterion is the subsequent behavior of the pet. If he behaves normally, he has the same appetite and there is external cheerfulness, most likely, you don’t have to worry. However, let's list the reasons why a dog may vomit without further symptoms of any problems.

These include the following, namely:

  • binge eating;
  • poor-quality nutrition or a sharp change in diet;
  • nervous excitement, stress;
  • pet pregnancy;
  • have recently been vaccinated;
  • after anesthesia, if an operation was performed;
  • eating greens to stimulate emptying;
  • heat stroke, overheating in the heat;
  • motion sickness in stuffy transport.

All of these listed situations can become a normal reaction of the pet's body to various catalysts that can cause the dog to vomit.

Right at the top of the list is such a reason as overeating. This is the most common cause of nausea in pets with a desire to return some of what they have eaten. Everything is simple here. Fraer's greed ruined! The dog is overeating and the stomach is not coping. Therefore, there is a feeling of heaviness, followed by spitting up food.

In this case, sometimes there is frequent vomiting of white foam in the dog. In principle, here also you should not be afraid ahead of time. Vomiting foam may indicate that the pet caught air while eating. This is the so-called hungry vomiting.

Also, eating poor-quality food can lead to slight indigestion. Especially if the dog previously ate selected feed. Here I want to scold the owners, sometimes feeding the pet with forbidden sweets or smoked meats.

All dogs are highly emotional animals. A strong emotional outburst can also cause a gag reflex in a dog who is nervous about his food bowl.

It is necessary to evaluate both the nature of vomiting and the general condition.

Let's list all the main causes of bad temper that can cause such unpleasant things as vomiting in a dog that is yellow, with a touch of pink, orange or green. Also, in this case, a dog's cough, loose stools, vomiting with bile and mucus, brown vomiting and many other very unpleasant symptoms can be observed.

As you can see, there are many reasons. Let's go through some of the points from the list.

Very often, the cause of vomiting with undigested food in an animal can be poisoning, as well as diseases of the digestive tract. Gastritis in a dog, a stomach ulcer - all this can easily lead to indigestion. Also for these reasons, there is a cough in dogs, lethargy and apathy. Vomiting in a dog after eating is not always a reason for tantrums, but it is an alarming bell.

Diarrhea and vomiting in a dog with undigested food are direct signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or symptoms of intoxication of the body when poisoned by poor-quality food, uncontrolled drug therapy or household chemicals.

The first day do not feed at all. Only water and rice water on the second day. Further, in the absence of morning urges, sick animals are given special food in small portions. Don't forget to take your prescribed medications.


Cerucal well helps the dog with vomiting. You can give your pet this remedy at a dose of 0.6 mg. for 10 kg. masses. Cerucal is also used for indigestion, viral infections and diseases of the kidneys and liver.

However, Cerucal should not be used for intestinal obstruction. All contraindications are indicated in the instructions.


Enterosgel causes a decrease in the urge to defecate and the animal. This tool is an excellent absorbent and helps well in removing toxins from the body, thus solving the problem of loose stools.

The dosage is calculated by the veterinarian individually for the animal. It depends on the weight of the animal. A puppy can be given Enterosgel once a day at a dose of 1 teaspoon. An adult dog can take Enterosgel in 2 doses of 1 tsp, or immediately 2 tsp. at a time.


Is it possible to give Smecta to a dog?

This is another absorbent that can be given to a dog for diarrhea. The dosage directly depends on the size and age of the pet.


What antiemetic drugs for animals do you know? Do you have experience in this area? Share!

Nausea in dogs is common. It is not always a sign of a pet’s illness, sometimes nausea and vomiting are part of natural processes in the body. However, nausea in a dog is an occasion to pay close attention to the health of the pet. Consider what to do if the dog is sick. Causes of vomiting and symptoms of concomitant diseases. Methods of treatment and prevention.

Causes of nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are natural processes aimed at ridding the body of accumulated toxins. Vomiting also serves to clear the stomach of foreign objects or excess food. Let's highlight the possible causes of nausea in a dog:

Nausea and vomiting may indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, neoplasms, and serious inflammatory processes in the body. Mostly, vomiting is only a symptom of the disease, therefore, in order to treat it, it is necessary to diagnose the root cause of the dog's poor health.

When Nausea and Vomiting Are Normal

Vomiting does not always indicate a disease of the animal, sometimes it is part of the natural processes in the body and does not pose any danger to the dog.

It is quite common for puppies to regurgitate food when switching to solid food. This is due to overeating, in which case regurgitation is a normal phenomenon. Gagging is also common in older dogs, although in this case it is still better to go for a preventive examination by a veterinarian.

Nausea and vomiting in a dog are possible when switching to a new food. The dog's body may not accept some of the ingredients of the new food. In this case, it must be replaced with another one.

If the dog absorbs food very quickly, he may vomit from overeating. Even vomiting in an animal can be due to strong feelings and stress.

On the road, the dog can get motion sickness, so it is natural for a dog to vomit after a trip by car.

It happens that the dog is sick after vaccination. If the animal vomited once, there is nothing to worry about, but if the vomiting continues, you need to see a doctor.

During walks, dogs often eat grass, and after they vomit bile. This is a normal process - this is how the pet cleans the stomach. It is worth remembering that such vomiting is considered normal if it happens no more than five times a month, in addition, there should be no blood and worms in the vomit.

Disease symptoms

Nausea in a dog is a signal for the owner to pay attention to the health of the pet. It is necessary to try to note all the symptoms that accompany vomiting. This is necessary to make it easier for the doctor to diagnose the disease that causes nausea in the animal.

Let's highlight the main symptoms indicating a dog's disease:

  • frequent urge to vomit;
  • constant belching after eating;
  • decrease in activity and appetite of the pet;
  • liquid stool;
  • pet vomits blood;
  • the dog vomits foam;
  • worms in vomit and feces;
  • increased or decreased body temperature;
  • increased salivation;
  • chills;
  • hard breath;
  • sudden change in behavior.

Dog vomiting foam

After food from the stomach enters the intestines, the stomach still continues to produce gastric juice. Along with it, the walls of the stomach are covered with a special mucus that protects the organ from acid. This mucus contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. If a dog swallows air, this mucus turns into foam due to a chemical reaction.

Vomiting in a dog with white foam in itself only indicates that it was empty. If this happened once, then you should not worry about it. However, if a dog with white foam vomits repeatedly, it may be a symptom of a more serious illness. In this case, you need to urgently show the animal to a specialist.

It happens that the dog foam. The mechanism here is the same as that of vomiting with white foam, but in this case, excess gastric juice is still removed from the stomach. A more saturated yellow color may indicate that bile has entered the stomach.

Vomiting blood

Vomiting blood in a dog is a very dangerous symptom in which you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. Blood in the vomit may indicate damage to the esophagus. This can happen due to sharp bone fragments or third-party swallowed objects.

Blood in the vomit is also a symptom of infectious diseases. Even blood in the vomit can be a symptom of poisoning.

In case of problems with the liver, the blood is thrown into the stomach, and then comes out with vomiting. With long-term use of potent antibiotics, bleeding in the stomach may occur.

Even if vomiting with blood was an isolated case, the animal should still be taken to the veterinarian for examination.

Vomiting bile

Vomiting bile is also an alarm signal indicating serious problems with the animal's body. Main possible reasons:

If a dog vomits yellow foam, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis. The accumulation of bile in the stomach may indicate a serious infectious disease of the pet, which can lead to his death.

Vomiting as a sign of internal diseases

In a dog on an empty stomach may indicate gastritis. If vomiting occurs some time after eating, third-party objects may enter the throat or stomach. The dog can be very sick due to cholecystitis, pancreatitis and hepatic colic.

If a dog's mouth stinks of urine or ammonia, the animal may have kidney failure. If a sweet smell or the smell of acetone comes from the mouth, diabetes is possible. The smell of rot can indicate problems with the teeth or intestines.

If vomiting in a dog is accompanied by diarrhea, high or low temperature, we can talk about a serious infectious disease. If the dog is nauseous and shaking, the cause may be a disorder of the central nervous system.

Fountain vomiting may be associated with obstruction of food from the stomach to the intestines. It is most commonly seen in puppies.

First aid

What to do if the dog is sick? It is necessary to limit the animal in eating for several hours (from 4 to 24). After that, you can give a small portion. If the dog vomits again, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Water can only be given boiled or bottled in small portions every half an hour. Large portions of water can again cause vomiting. You can also give your dog ice cubes to lick.

Vomiting is dangerous because it can cause severe dehydration. It is necessary to lift a fold of skin on the back of the animal, holding it with two fingers. If the wrinkle does not disappear after you remove your hand, this indicates a lack of fluid in the dog's body. If the dog refuses to drink on its own, water can be drawn into a syringe and slowly injected into the mouth. A dropper may be needed to restore fluid levels in the body.

If the dog has lost consciousness, you need to turn it on its side and stick out its tongue from the mouth so that it does not choke on its own vomit.


Often, when a dog vomits, the owners are more interested in the question of how to stop the vomiting and nausea itself, while they do not seek to find out the reasons that caused the dog to feel unwell. This approach is wrong and even dangerous. Nausea and vomiting are only symptoms of serious illnesses. It is pointless to treat one symptom, while ignoring the cause of its appearance.

What to do if the dog is sick? To begin with, the animal must be taken to a specialist in order to diagnose the disease that caused vomiting. The doctor will conduct an external examination of the dog, take all the necessary tests, and then make a diagnosis. Treat the root cause of nausea first.

Used to treat nausea:

  • special diet;
  • short fasting;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs that remove toxins;
  • drugs for nausea;
  • surgical intervention.


Most often, digestive problems in dogs appear from improper feeding. When feeding a dog with natural food, it must be remembered that different diets are suitable for different breeds of dogs. The dog should not be fed what the owner eats. Such food is not balanced enough, does not contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

When feeding ready-made dry food, you need to choose only premium foods that are recommended by breeders for your dog breed. Feed the animal in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The dog must have access to clean drinking water at all times.

In free access, the animal should not have household chemicals, sharp piercing objects. From an early age, you need to wean the dog to pick up garbage from the ground, and also carefully monitor the animal during walks.

Once every few months, the dog should be given anthelmintic drugs. Periodically, the animal should be taken for a preventive examination by a veterinarian. Pay attention to any changes in the dog's behavior or health.

So, what to do if the dog is sick? To begin with, it is necessary to note other symptoms of the disease that can be observed in the animal. If the dog vomits no more than a few times a month, then you should not panic. However, if the animal vomits constantly, if blood or bile is found in the vomit, if the dog has other symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The process of digestion is complex and consists of several main and intermediate stages. Failure at a certain stage will cause problems for subsequent ones, resulting in dysfunction of the entire digestive system.

So that your pet does not suffer from all sorts of problems associated with eating, and you do not rush from article to article in search of a solution, we have collected and structured all the necessary information in one place.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long it takes for food to pass into the intestines and be digested. Let's break it down into subsections:


The more you eat at one time, the longer it will take to digest. This is due to the ratio of the amount of food and the volume of secretion of gastric juice, bile, digestive enzymes. Moreover, a large amount of food presses on the walls of the stomach, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Nutrient type and consistency

  • Carbohydrates, foods of plant origin, etc., take longer to digest, since the length of the intestines in dogs, its microflora and the composition of enzymes are more adapted to the rapid digestion of animal products.
  • Squirrels. They are digested much faster than any other nutrients. Their digestibility depends on the fat content of meat, leaner meat is digested and absorbed more easily than pork and lamb.
  • Fats. Absorbed slightly faster than proteins. The dog's body digests only animal fats, while vegetable fats are excreted in urine and feces. In other words, the more carbohydrates in the meal and the less fat and protein, the more food will be digested.

Useful video

Check out the video in which the veterinarian answered all the questions about vomiting in dogs in detail:


Digestive problems are an unpleasant thing that affects mood, overall quality of life. To prevent problems, follow the regimen, eat a minimum of junk food and products of dubious composition, feed your pet on time so that the stomach gets used to and adjusts biorhythms.

Visit the veterinary clinic once a year for a diagnosis. If necessary, make sure that your pet is protected from viruses and infections.

In contact with

Our pets cannot tell when something is bothering them, so it is important for the owner to pay attention to the unusual behavior of the animal.

Some symptoms, such as vomiting in a dog, can indicate very serious illnesses: sometimes delay and untimely treatment lead to the death of a pet.

What does pet vomiting mean?

If a dog vomits, it means that not everything is safe in her body. If the animal suddenly becomes restless, often licks its face, refuses food - your pet is sick. Vomiting will follow.

When You Don't Need a Vet

The most common causes of nausea can be:

  • binge eating;
  • heatstroke;
  • stressful situations.

Small puppies often sin by overeating: they do not feel full. If you don't remove the food from the puppy, he will continue to eat until the food runs out or he vomits.

Heatstroke threatens a dog that is constantly under the scorching rays of the sun, if she has nowhere to hide from them - in the shade or shelter. In the event of a strong fright, a puppy or an adult dog may begin to vomit. It will pass as soon as the animal calms down.

All these cases of short-term vomiting do not pose a particular threat to the animal: it will stop as soon as the cause that caused it is eliminated:

  1. Small puppies should be given food in doses, no more than what is recommended by the norms. If the pet has not eaten a portion, it is better to remove it before the next feeding.
  2. The animal living in the yard should have a booth or some other shelter where the dog can hide during the heat.
  3. When a pet is frightened, it is necessary to calm it down as soon as possible, take it away from the source of danger that caused the fright. Offer a dog that has burped up a treat or a toy, try watering it. As soon as the animal calms down, the urge will stop.

A small puppy that feeds on mother's milk often burps after eating. In a puppy, vomiting is considered physiological and does not require the intervention of a veterinarian.

Vomiting is a sign of poisoning or allergies

Most often, vomiting in a dog is pathological. It may indicate that a foreign body has entered the animal's alimentary tract. These can be bone fragments, a caustic insect that the dog swallowed, irritants that got into the throat or esophagus with food eaten by the plant.

The dog is trying to get rid of an irritant or stuck object that causes vomiting. In difficult cases (wounds form in the throat from an acute foreign body, the animal cannot get rid of it), the intervention of a veterinarian is required.

poisoning- the most common factor that causes vomiting. Poor-quality food, food randomly picked up on the street, which seemed attractive to the dog, can cause a gag reflex. Urges appear some time after eating and may be accompanied by fever, lethargy, diarrhea.

The pet needs to be given as much water as possible, activated charcoal or other sorbents can be given to cleanse the stomach. It is better to keep the dog on a starvation diet for a couple of days so that the stomach is completely cleared.

Vomiting can be caused by individual intolerance to certain types of food, allergic reactions.

In order to properly treat, it is necessary to establish the allergen that causes such a reaction in the animal's body. If your pet is allergic to certain ingredients in the food, you need to change the diet.

Dangerous diseases in which vomiting is possible

Vomiting in dogs can be a symptom of a serious illness. Dangerous infectious and viral diseases - encephalitis, meningitis, enteritis - are accompanied by vomiting. If you do not start treatment on time, everything will end sadly.

With viral intestinal enteritis, the disease develops at lightning speed: the puppy’s vomiting is frothy or viscous, diarrhea may appear: watery or dark, then bloody, emitting a putrid odor.

The puppy often vomits, there are unbearable pains in the stomach, he refuses to eat and drink, the body suffers from dehydration. Puppies and animals with a weakened immune system die in 1-3 days.

Vomiting can accompany acute and chronic diseases:

  • ulcer, acute gastritis or tumors of the stomach. With gastric bleeding, vomit may contain blood;
  • intestinal obstruction - in this case, bile or a small amount of feces will be present in the vomit;
  • diabetes mellitus, liver failure;
  • with renal failure, repeated vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea. When the dog vomits, you can smell the ammonia smell;
  • oncology. With her, the dog vomits 5-6 hours after feeding.

If vomiting is repeated, debilitating, accompanied by other symptoms indicating pathological processes occurring in the animal's body, the dog should immediately contact a veterinarian.

pathological vomiting. Principles of treatment

Pathological vomiting in a dog- a dangerous sign, in this case it is impossible to engage in self-treatment. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the dog: pass a biochemical and general blood test.

If the dog vomited, you need to observe its further behavior. If the pet continues to have fun and wag its tail after that, there is no particular reason for concern: perhaps your dog was in a hurry to swallow a tidbit and choked on it.

Foam in the vomit indicates a disease, vomiting with yellow foam is especially dangerous, it can report problems with the liver.

Vomiting with bile

Sometimes the causes of vomiting with bile are the ingestion of food from the human table into the dog's body. Our food may contain preservatives, synthetic products, various food additives that improve the taste and color of the product. For a dog, they can be dangerous: processed food, low-quality "budget" food is difficult to digest by the dog's stomach, causing rejection of harmful food.

With irregular, poor and improper nutrition, a dog can develop gastritis. A starving dog has gas in its stomach that causes nausea. Since there is no food in the stomach, the dog vomits bile.

It is impossible to feed a plentifully hungry dog ​​at once: it is better to give her food little by little, in small, but frequent portions, so that the stomach adapts to the normal mode of operation.

Even if you have an exclusively "pet" animal that does not pick up food on the street, deworming should be carried out periodically, since there can be many sources of infection.

Foam and mucus in the vomit

Mucus is formed in the stomach when food has already passed into the intestines. It excludes the possibility of self-digestion of the tissues of the stomach. When interacting with air, proteins and other active ingredients can form foam.

As a rule, vomiting with foam and mucus occurs when the stomach is empty. If this is a one-time occurrence, there is no point in raising a panic. Another thing is if it does not stop within a few days. There is reason to suspect indigestion or the development of pancreatitis.

Causes of hematemesis

A dangerous symptom that speaks of internal, gastric bleeding. If blood appears in the vomit, contact your veterinarian immediately.

It can be called:

  1. damage to the stomach by bone fragments and other foreign objects;
  2. stomach ulcer;
  3. poisoning;
  4. breakdown of neoplasms.

The most dangerous diseases that blood in vomit can report are parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis.

The first is a dangerous disease that can lead to the death of the animal, and often due to dehydration. Therefore, diarrhea and vomiting are eliminated in the first place, restoring the water balance in parallel by introducing saline solutions, immune sera.

Nutrition is carried out intravenously: they give vitamin C, glucose, nutrient solutions. Self-treatment cannot be carried out.

Leptospirosis- a disease that can affect a person.

Characteristic signs:

  • anemia;
  • fever;
  • damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • hemorrhages of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lesions of the central nervous system.

This disease can be suspected by bloody vomiting, diarrhea with bloody signs leading to dehydration.

The disease develops quickly, is accompanied by convulsions and causes the death of a pet in 60-80% of cases.

Should vomiting be treated?

Vomiting in dogs helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. This is a sign that will tell the owner that the dog is sick. You need to treat the cause itself, and help should be aimed at maintaining the water balance in the body and alleviating the condition of the dog. Dehydration is very dangerous for any living organism.

If warning signs appear, observe the pet to inform the veterinarian about the general condition of the dog, the nature of vomiting, and additional symptoms. This will help to quickly establish the causes and prescribe the correct treatment.

Make sure you have fresh drinking water in your pet's bowl. If the dog refuses to drink on its own, the doctor will prescribe injections to maintain the water-salt balance in the body.

If you vomit on the first day, do not give food. It is better to keep the dog on a starvation diet, allowing him only to drink. On the second day, you can give the dog rice water, low-fat broth. They must be fresh: done - fed the pet.

And most importantly: do not scold the dog if it vomited: the animal does not know how to control physiological urges.

Strictly follow the instructions of the veterinarian. If a dog vomits with a chronic illness, a special diet, special food or diet is recommended.