Psychological support of children in Dow. The main activities of the teacher-psychologist Dow. Psychological support psychological support in kindergarten

Basic principles of accompanying the child's development: the advisory nature of the councils of the accompanying: responsibility for solving the problem remains for the child, his parents, teachers, close to the environment; the recommendation of the accompanying tips: responsibility for solving the problem remains for the child, his parents, educators, close environment;

Continuity of escort: child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of help in solving the problem; The maintenance stops if the problem is solved or the approach to its solution is obvious; Children under the constant influence of risk factors, such as a chronically sick child, orphan, should be ensured continuously accompanied during the entire period of their formation; maintenance continuity: the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem; The maintenance stops if the problem is solved or the approach to its solution is obvious; Children under the constant influence of risk factors, such as a chronically sick child, a child-orphan, should be ensured by continuously accompanied during the entire period of their formation;

Multidisciplinary accompaniment involves the coordinated work of the team of specialists included in a single organized model and owning a unified system of methods; Multidisciplinality of support involves the coordinated work of the team of specialists included in the unified organized model and owning a unified system of methods; Autonomy: Specialists are autonomous from pressure from the outside in the decision-making situations. Autonomy: Specialists are autonomous from pressure from the outside in the decision-making situations.

Advisory-projective stage (discussion with all interested parties to solve problems, building forecasts of efficiency, choosing methods, distribution of responsibilities for the implementation of the decision, determining the terms of execution and the possibility of adjusting plans);

The reflexive stage (understanding the results of the problem of solving the problem, it may be final in solving an individual problem; or starting in the design of special methods for preventing and correction of mass problems in the educational institution).

Social situation of development of each particular child, i.e. a specific combination of external social conditions and its internal development processes (for example, the peculiarities of family microenvironment, living conditions, the specifics of education and training in an educational institution);

The model of psychological and pedagogical support of the development of an early age child's support is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions to optimize the course of the child's mental development, as well as ensure the prevention of violations of the socialization process. The accompaniment is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for optimization The movement of the psychic development of the child, as well as to ensure the prevention of violations of the socialization process.

The tasks of essential the development of an early age: stimulating the development of the age of psychological neoplasms, as well as the prerequisites for those mental functions and activities that will develop in preschool age; stimulating the development of the age of psychological neoplasms, as well as the prerequisites for those mental functions and activities that will be develop in preschool age;

Ensuring the formation of mental functions that determine the productive interaction with others at this age; providing the formation of mental functions that determine the productive interaction at this age with others; promoting the formation of adaptive behavior in a variety of social situations. The formation of adaptive behavior in a variety of social situations ..

Adaptation must be considered not as a passive adaptation to changing conditions, but as the process of developing new forms and ways of activity, ensuring the effectiveness of activities in changing conditions and maintaining their psychophysical well-being.

New conditions characterizing DWA can be divided into three groups: 1. Conditions related to the new interaction organization with adults.1. Conditions related to the new interaction organization with adults. 2. Conditions associated with the new environment of the environment. Conditions related to the new environmental organization. 3. Conditions for interaction with peers.3. Conditions of interaction with peers.

For successful adaptation, it is necessary to organize the satisfaction of the basic needs of a child, both organic (in vacation, food, etc.) and social (trust contacts and cooperation with adults, knowledge, recognition, approval, etc.), in a new environment and new means. For successful adaptation, it is necessary to organize the satisfaction of the basic needs of a child, both organic (in vacation, food, etc.) and social (trust contacts and cooperation with adults, knowledge, recognition, approval, etc.), in a new environment and new means.

Principles of the organization of interaction with the child: Pedagogical impact follows the direction of the child's attention; Pedagogical impact follows the direction of the child's attention; Natural, daily emerging situations are used; natural, daily emerging situations are used;

Priority of indirect influence through a properly organized environment, space; the priority of indirect influence through a properly organized environment, space; The assimilation of the rules proceeds in the game form; the assimilation of the rules proceeds in a game form;

Training and education is included in the interaction of the child and adult, taking into account the natural samples of communication of the child and parents. Teaching and education is included in the interaction of the child and adult, taking into account the natural samples of the child and parents.

The tasks of the previous section of the program, when they are developed, are included in the subsequent section when new tasks are introduced; tasks of the previous section of the program when they are developed, included in the subsequent section when introducing new tasks; Familiar play situations include in household processes; familiar play situations include into household processes;

For the unit of interaction with the child, the game can be repeated several times, but to stop before he went to her; If the child is desired, the game resumes; for the unit of interaction with the child, the game can be repeated several times, but to stop before he went to her; If desired, the child is renewed;

With daily use of games, the child's condition takes into account the condition of the child at a particular moment of interaction, so it is possible to return to the games that were previously mastered. In the daily use of games, the child's condition takes into account the condition of the child at a specific moment of interaction, so it is possible to return to games that have previously been mastered.

Requirements for the organization of educational space: determination of a sufficient place for walking, running, games with balls, banking; creating a set of objects for braking negative emotions; connection of game corners with real household situations;

Each technique is set out according to the scheme: the name in which its purpose is reflected; the name in which its purpose is reflected; its algorithm; algorithm for its holding; processing of data with the selection of parameters, their gradations; their scale estimates in the form of points; data processing with the selection of parameters, their gradations; their scales estimates in the form of points; diagnostics; diagnostics;

List of references used: 1). Afonkina Yu.A. Psychological and pedagogical support in the Dow Development of an early child's child. - M.: Arkt, - 80 s. 2). The adaptation of the child to the terms of the kindergarten: process management, diagnosis, recommendations / auto-comp. N.V. Sokolovskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, - 188 p.

3). Sitnikov V.M., Ilina Tue. Control over the organization of the pedagogical process in early row groups. - M.: LLC "Publishing Scripture 2003", - 80 s. 4). First steps. Materials of the Moscow City Competition "First Steps" (model of educating young children) 2001-2002. - M.: Link Press, - 392 p.

5). Mirnova E.O. The child is an adult - peers (guidelines). - M.: MHPU, - 140 s. Photographic of photographic materials: Efimova S. N.

Psychological support of the child in Dow

Reshetnikova L.A.


Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type" Grains "

Psychological support of the educational process is a prerequisite for federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of November 23, 2009 No. 655), which states that the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved Integrated during the development of all educational areas ("Physical Culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading Artistic Literature", "Artistic Creativity", "Music "), Along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.

FGTs define not only the structure of one of the main documents of the DOW, but also those principles on which teachers need to build educational work with preschoolers (principles of educational education, complex-thematic, integration, etc.). To implement these principles, it is necessary to rethink by all specialists of the pre-school education system, including the PSE psychologist, since it owns a large role in solving problems of development, training and education of children.

At the present stage of development of the pre-school education system, the actual activity of the teacher-psychologist increases, since the achievement of educational purposes without psychological support of the program seems very problematic.

The activities of the psychologist in the educational process in the conditions of introducing FGT aimed at ensuring the development of children's development; Evaluation of the comfort of the educational environment, the level of its safety for children; participation in the development of the educational program of the educational institution; conducting psychological design, examination and monitoring of conditions and results of educational activities; prediction of social risks of the educational process, conducting preventive work; The provision of high-quality psychological and pedagogical and social assistance to all participants in the educational process.

Types of work and maintenance of the psychological support of pupils of DW: Prevention, diagnostics, individual and group (screening), counseling (individual and group), developing work (individual and group), drawing up an individual educational route, correctional work (individual and group), Psychological education and education of children and adults

However, the analysis of the activities of practical psychologists shows that the diagnostic and correctional and developing work occupies most of the time. The education of parents and teachers is carried out mainly during consultations on the general issues of the development of preschool children and the peculiarities of interaction with a specific child. Psychophylactic work is often limited to solving the tasks of adaptation and the preparedness of children to school learning. Undoubtedly, these are serious problems. But outside the attention of the psychologist, other, no less important tasks of preventive work are to promote the creation of favorable conditions for the full development of the child on each age stage and the timely prevention of violations in the formation of personality and intelligence. Their decision is very difficult in the separation from the educational program, which is implemented in kindergarten, without the psychological substantiation of its content, provisions and principles based on the basis, without psychological support of the educational process.

An analysis of scientific literature has shown that psychological and pedagogical support has a wide variety of species and forms that differ in orientation, subject and object: support of parenthood; accompaniment of a child (gifted, hyperactive, with difficulty learning, in a critical situation, etc.); support of the teacher in the process of educational activities; support of child-parent relations, etc. In addition, the problem of support in education is considered as a personality development strategy, and as a tactic for the implementation of its individual potential.

Psychological support is a system of professional activity of a psychologist, which covers all the subjects of the educational process in a preschool institution, to create socio-psychological conditions for the full residence of preschool childhood, successful learning and development of children.

The activities of the psychologist as part of the maintenance assumes: systematic tracking of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of its mental development in the learning process, the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the identity of children of their successful learning and development, the creation of special socio-psychological conditions to assist children having Problems in psychological development, training.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of the diverse methods of correctional and developing work with children, but acts as a comprehensive technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the tasks of development, training, socialization.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period by 2010 adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation determines the priority objectives and objectives, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support. The peculiarity of the development of the maintenance system at the present stage is the need to solve the problems of supporting the child in the context of modernization of education, changes in its structure and content. The priority goal of the modernization of education is to ensure high quality of Russian education, which is not only reduced to student training, a set of knowledge and skills, but binds to the upbringing, the concept of "quality of life", disclosed through such categories as "health", "social well-being", "Self-realization", "security". Accordingly, the responsibility of the responsibility of the psychological and pedagogical support system cannot be limited by the framework of the tasks of overcoming difficulties in training, but to include the tasks of ensuring successful socialization, preserving and promoting health, protect the rights of children and adolescents.

1) Methodical recommendations for the organization and maintenance of psychological services in preschool educational institutions (letter of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region N 1551 / 01-10 of June 22, 2007). Appointment of the psychological service of the municipal pre-school educational institution (MDOU)

In the Russian education system, the system of support and assistance to the child in the educational process - psychological support. The initial position for the formation of the theory and practice of complex accompaniment is a systematic - an orientational approach, according to which development is understood as the choice and development of the subject of development of certain innovations. Such a method is understood as a method that provides the creation of conditions for the subject of the subject of development of optimal solutions in various situations of life selection. To implement the right to select various alternatives of development, you need to teach a person to choose, help him understand the essence of the problem situation, to develop a plan for solving and make the first steps.

The teacher-psychologist DW carries out activities within its professional competence, working with children with a level of mental development, corresponding to the age norm.

The purpose of the psychological support of the child in the educational process is ensuring the normal development of the child.

This goal is specified in the following tasks:

Prevention of the emergence of the problems of the child's development;

Assistance (assistance) to a child in solving the urgent tasks of development, training and socialization;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of children, parents, teachers;

Psychological support of educational programs.

The main directions of psychological accompaniment are considered to be psychodiagnostics, correction and development; psychoprophylaxis; psychological consulting; Psychological education and training.

Psychological support is aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for the successful development and training of each child.

The tasks of psychological support are specified depending on the level of (stage) of education. Pre-school education in this system is given a primary role, since Early diagnosis allows you to assess the compliance of the level of development of the child with age standards, to prevent and adjust possible deviations. In view of the fact that the foundations of further well-being in the development of the child are laid in preschool childhood, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the child of preschool age acquires special significance and relevance.

Main functions:

Creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of psychophysical health and emotional well-being of children.

Maximum assistance to the full mental and personal development of the child.

Preparation of children to a new social development situation.

The study of the individual characteristics of children in the unity of intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of their manifestation.

Rendering assistance to children in need of special training programs and special forms of organization of activity.

Preventive and propaificic work with teachers and parents for development in children of personal neoplasms of preschool age.

Education to staff and parents to full-fledged developing communication with children.

Promoting the formation of the psychological competence of staff of the DOC and parents in the laws of the child's development, in matters of training and education.

2) The current state of studying the ideology and technologies of psychological escort E.S. Zaitseva

Formation of professional culture of the future specialist. Materials of the X Student Scientific Conference and V International Pedagogical Readings. Arkhangelsk, 2003.

Y. Slyusarev The concept of "escort" used to designate a non-media form to provide healthy psychological assistance to "not just to strengthen or worthy, but on the development and self-evolution of identity identity", assistance that launching self-development mechanisms and activating their own human resources (5). A number of authors understand escort as support for mentally healthy people who have personal difficulties at a certain stage of development.

Many researchers note that support "provides for the support of naturally developing reactions, processes and personal states." Moreover, successfully organized socio-psychological support opens the prospects for personal growth, helps a person to enter the "development zone", which is still not available to him.

In contrast to the correction, it implies not a "correction of shortcomings and rework", and the search for hidden resources for the development of a person or family, support on his (its) own capabilities and the creation on this basis of psychological conditions for restoring connections with the world of people.

The main principles of psychological support are humane attitude towards personality and faith in her strength; Qualified assistance and support for natural development.

The result of the psychological support of the person in the process of adaptation to life is new life quality - adaptability, i.e. The ability to independently achieve relative equilibrium in relations with themselves and others in both favorable and extreme life situations.

1. The concept of psychological and pedagogical support (according to M.R. Bityanova)

Maintenance is a certain ideology of work, this is the very first and most important answer to the question, why is a psychologist need. However, before detailing to dwell on the content of this concept, consider in general the situation in domestic psychological practice in terms of the goals and the ideologies that are laid in various existing approaches.

You can speak, in our opinion, about the three main ideas lying on the basis of various models of psychological activity.

The idea is the first: the essence of psychological activity is in the scientific and methodological guidance of the educational process in DOU. This is "alien" for a psychologist practice. Its goal can be given in different words, for example, as a scientific psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, but in any case it is the goals of "someone else's" practice, other professional perception of the world (primarily a child), which is often poorly compatible with psychological world.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe second: the meaning of the activity of the psychologist in the Dow - in providing assistance to children experiencing various difficulties of psychological or socio-psychological nature, identifying and preventing these difficulties. As part of such models, the functions of the teacher and the psychologist are quite clearly bred. Moreover, their activities are often independent of each other. Beyond the limits of help falls out of psychological pupils, who receive their share of attention of the psychologist only if they begin to demonstrate some unwanted manifestations in behavior, training, or, say, well-being. In addition, psychologists working in line with such models often have a specific look at the children: their psychological world becomes interesting to a specialist primarily only in terms of the presence of violations that need to be corrected and corrected.

The idea is third: the essence of psychological activity is accompanied by a child in the process of all learning. The attractiveness of the idea is understandable: it really makes it possible to organize psychological activities as "their" practice, with their internal goals and values, but it allows you to organically undermine this practice into the tissue of the educational pedagogical system. Allows you to make it an independent, but not alien part of this system. It becomes possible to connect the goals of psychological and pedagogical practices and their focus on the main thing - on the identity of the child.

First of all, what does "accompany" mean? In the dictionary of the Russian language, we read: accompany - it means to go, go along with anyone as a satellite or spent. That is, the accompaniment of the child on his life path is movement with him, next to him, sometimes - a little ahead, if you need to explain possible paths. Adult closely looks around and listens to his young satellite, his desires, needs, fixes achievements and emerging difficulties, helps advice and their own example to navigate the world around the world, understand and accept themselves. But at the same time it does not try to control, impose its paths and landmarks. And only when the child is lost or asks for help, helps him return to his way. Neither the child himself nor his impended satellite can not significantly affect what is happening around the road. An adult is also unable to specify the child the path for which you certainly need to go. The choice of the road is the right and obligation of each personality, but if at intersections and developments with the child, the one who is able to facilitate the process of choice, to make it more conscious is a big luck. It is in such a support of the child at all stages of his training and see the main purpose of psychological practice.

The task of a psychologist is to create conditions for the productive movement of the child in terms of the ways that he chose himself in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and family (and sometimes in contrast to them), help him make a conscious personal election in this complex world, to develop inevitable conflicts, master The most individually significant and valuable methods of knowledge, communication, understanding of themselves and others. That is, the psychologist's activities are largely asked by the social, family and pedagogical system in which a child is really located and which is essentially limited by the framework of the school environment. However, in this framework, its own goals and objectives can be identified.

So, accompaniment is a system of professional activities of a psychologist aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful training and psychological development of a child in interaction situations.

The object of psychological practice is the training and psychological development of the child in the situation of interaction, the subject - socio-psychological conditions of successful education and development.

2. The main directions of psychological support of the activities of teachers in system changes.

2.1. Psychodiagnostic

Diagnostic work - historically the first form of psychological practice.

The following principles of constructing and organizing psychodiagnostic activities of the psychologist can be distinguished.

The first is the compliance of the chosen diagnostic approach and the specific methodology for the purposes of psychological activities (goals and objectives of effective accompaniment).

The second - the results of the survey should be either immediately formulated on the "pedagogical" language, or it is easy to give in to such a language.

The third is the prognosticity of the methods used, that is, the ability to predict on their basis certain features of the development of the child at the further stages of training, prevent potential disorders and difficulties.

The fourth is the high developing potential of the method, that is, the possibility of obtaining a developing effect in the process of the most examination and construction on the basis of various educational programs.

Fifth - efficiency of the procedure.

2.2. Psychocorrection and developing work.

The developing activity of a psychologist is focused on the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the holistic psychological development of the child, and psychocorrection - on the decision in the process of such a development of specific problems of learning, behavior or mental well-being. The choice of a specific form is determined by the results of psychodiagnostics.

2.3. Counseling and Enlightenment

Counseling and Enlightenment of Pedagogues

Psychological and pedagogical counseling is a universal form of organizing cooperation in teachers in solving various problems and professional tasks of the teacher himself.

Psychological enlightenment is aimed at creating such conditions, within which teachers could get professionally and personal knowledge for them. First of all, we are talking about psychological knowledge and skills that allow teachers:

Organize an effective educational process and with meaningful, and with methodological points of view;

Build a relationship with pupils and colleagues on a mutually beneficial basis;

Realize and comprehend itself in profession and communicate with other participants in interactions.

Consulting and education of parents.

The common goal of various forms of psychologist's activities in relation to parents - and enlightenment, and consulting - see the creation of socio-psychological conditions to attract families to the accompaniment of the child in the development process.

In general, working with parents is built in two directions: psychological education and socio-psychological counseling on the problems of learning and personal development of children.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling of parents held at the request of parents or the initiative of a psychologist can perform various functions. First of all, informing parents about the problems of child development. Parents do not always have a fairly complete and objective performance about them. Further, this is advisory and methodological assistance in organizing effective child-parent communication, if the parents themselves addressed such a request or a psychologist believes that it is in this area that the causes of the child's school problems are taken. The reason for consultation may also be the need to obtain additional diagnostic information from parents. For example, at the stage of in-depth diagnostics, a psychologist may ask parents to help him identify the influence of a family situation on the psychological well-being of a child at school. Finally, the purpose of consulting can be psychological support for parents in the event of the detection of serious psychological problems with their child or in connection with serious emotional experiences and events in his family.

2.4. Socio-dispatching activities

The socio-dispatching activity of the psychologist Dow is aimed at receiving children, their parents and teachers of socio-psychological assistance, which goes beyond the functional duties and professional competence of a psychologist. Obviously, the effective implementation of this function is possible only when psychological activities in the Dow is a link of an extensive system of social and psychological support (or helping services) of public education. In this case, a psychologist has an idea where, as with which accompanying documentation, you can "forward" the request. In all other situations, he has no confidence that the customer will be provided with the necessary assistance, effective forms of cooperation are proposed. To implement dispatching functions in this case, at the disposal of the psychologist should have at least a bank of reliable data on various socio-psychological services providing professional services.

When does a psychologist appeals to socio-dispatching activities? First, when the alleged form of working with the child, his parents or teachers go beyond its functional duties. Secondly, when a psychologist does not have sufficient knowledge and experience to provide the necessary assistance to himself. Thirdly, when the solution of the problem is possible only when it is submitted beyond the school interaction and the people participating in it. The psychologist is one of his participants.

However, the activities of the psychologist and in the cases described above are not limited to the "redirection of the problem." It implies a consistent solution to the following tasks:

Determination of the nature of the problem and the possibilities of its decision

Search for a specialist who can assist

Assistance in establishing contact with the client

Preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation

Tracking the results of client interaction with a specialist

Implementation of the psychological support of the client in the process of working with a specialist.

The duties of the psychologist Dow still include support for the development of the child, only the forms and contents of this process are changing.


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1 Psychological support of children in the Dowan aim of psychological support DOU is: - the creation of conditions for the full mental and personal development of children, -Heservation and strengthening of psychophysical health and is the emotional well-being of all participants in the educational process. The main tasks of psychological accompaniment in DOU are: 1. Psychological support of the educational and educational process of DOU. 2. Conducting group and individual work with children, taking into account their individually psychological features. 3. Participation in creating optimal conditions for the development and livelihoods of children at the moments of innovative changes in the work of DOU. 4. Promoting the formation of the psychological competence of employees of DW and Parents in the laws of the child's development, in matters of training and education. The main activities of the teacher-psychologist Dow. 1. Psychodiagnostics. Purpose: obtaining information about the level of mental development of children, identifying individual and personal features. This direction includes different types and methods of psychodiagnostics in accordance with the age and individual features of children: - diagnostics of the level of adaptation to the conditions of early young children are held in September, December and May. This survey is carried out by monitoring children in regime moments and different activities. According to the results of the diagnostics, the observation protocols for each child are filled. - Psychodiagnostic examination of the mental and emotional-volitional development of children of younger and senior preschool age is held in September, December and May. The diagnosis is carried out by the author's methods of S.Dubrama and the system of express diagnostics methods N.N. Pavlova, L.G. Rodenko.

2 This psychodiagnostic allows you to determine the level of development of mental functions, emotional-volitional and personal development in children of junior and senior preschool age. According to the results of the survey, the protocol is filled with each child, the general results of each group are recorded in the pivot table. - The diagnosis of psychological readiness of children in school training is held in September, December, May in order to determine the level of readiness to assimilate the school program of children of the preparatory group. The survey is carried out by the complex method of L.Ya. Yasyukov "School readiness". The diagnostic results are recorded in protocols and a summary table. - In-depth diagnosis of the development of a child, children's, pedagogical, parent teams is carried out in order to identify and concretize the problems of participants in the educational process. This survey is carried out at the requests of parents, educators, administration of DOU and personal observations. Projective techniques, conversation, interviews, observation, poll of parents, survey, serve as diagnostics. 2. Educational and psychocorrection work. Purpose: Creating conditions for the disclosure of the potential abilities of the child, the correctional work of the mental, emotional-volitional and personal development of children. Correctional and developing work is built on the basis of individual and group interaction. I. Individual work is presented in the form of individual classes with a child, consulting with parents. In the educational and correctional work with children, the teacher-psychologist uses the following methods and adoptions: conversation as a means of studying current emotions and feelings; Picturesque technique of A. Hungarian, observation; active listening; body contact; Relaxation exercises; Principles used in working with children and their parents: Systemity;

3 clarity; availability; Professional competence; Customer Respect; Compliance with professional confidentiality. II. Group work with children is built in the form of developing classes The chosen form of work gives positive results. Thanks to the group interaction, children become more kind, open and responsive, the percentage of children with the presence of fears and alarming states is significantly reduced, relationships between children and their parents are also improved. In such classes, it goes: - Develop an emotional sphere. Introduction of a child into the world of human emotions. - Development of communicative skills necessary for the success of the development of the communication process. - development of the volitional sphere of arbitrariness and mental processes, self-regulation necessary for successful schooling. - Development of the Personal Sphere Formation of adequate self-esteem, increase confidence. - Development of the intellectual sphere The development of mental skills, visual-effective, visual-shaped, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking. -Foformation of positive motivation for learning. - Development of cognitive and mental processes of perception, memory, attention, imagination. With children attending early age groups, classes aimed at reducing anxiety, stress are held. And also in the adaptation period, we observe the children, talking to parents, together with the educators fill the adaptation sheets. 3. Consulting. Objective: optimization of the interaction of participants in the educational process and the provision of psychological assistance in building and implementing an individual approach to the education and development of children.

4 Psychological consulting is aimed at providing psychological assistance in solving the problems with which parents, educators and the administration of the Dow are treated. Consultation involves the active position of the consulted, joint work out of the existing difficulties and the search for optimal solutions. The subject of the consultations held does not go beyond the professional competence of the teacher-psychologist DOU: -Consulting on issues related to the optimization of the educational process in the DW and family in the interests of the child; - group and individual consultations of teachers and parents; - Group forms of work with personnel institutions for personal and professional growth; - systematized psychological education of parents in the form of parental meetings, round tables with an obligatory accounting of the age of the age of children and the relevance of the topics under consideration for parents; - Creating information corners of the teacher psychologist. An important part is to increase the psychological competence of teachers, the administration of the DOU and parents. Consultation is built up with a support for the results of studying the specific characteristics of our DOU, taking into account the traditions and local conditions, qualifications and features of the pedagogical team, the originals of children and parents. 4. Psychoprofilax. Purpose: Prevent possible problems in the development and interaction of participants in the educational process. The work of the psychologist's teacher in the framework of the psychoprophylaxis includes many directions. one). Work on the adaptation of the subjects of the educational process (children, teachers, parents) to the conditions of the new social environment: - Analysis of medical maps (Map "Child's Development History") of newly incoming children for information on the development and health of the child, identifying children's risk groups requiring increased risk attention psychologist;

5 - group and individual advice for parents of newly incoming children; - Informing teachers about the identified features of the child and family, in order to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational process. 2). Tracking the dynamics of the socio-emotional development of preschool children. 3). Identification of cases of psychological disadvantages of teachers and development in conjunction with the administration of ways to eliminate the causes of this state in the work situation. four). Prevention of professional burnout at the pedagogical team and promoting a favorable socio-psychological climate in Dow. With the introduction of innovations in the Dow, a psychologist may act as an assistant administration in planning, organizing and overcoming psychological resistance to innovation. 5. Organizational and methodological work. - participation in pedagogical and methodological councils, planned and operational meetings, parental meetings; - preparation and design of annual and calendar-thematic planning, cyclicogram and schedule of the teacher-psychologist; - registration of magazines for advisory, psychoprophilactic and corrective development; - development and registration of monitoring the development of preschool children; - analysis and processing of diagnostic data; - development and registration of the individual route of the child's development; The combination of all directions of the teacher of the psychologist allows you to identify and develop the individual capabilities and abilities of the child taking into account its psycho-physiological features. Psychologically, the competent support of natural development ensures the maximum implementation of all available

6 he has opportunities and avoids many difficulties and deviations during his mental and personal development. Psychological and pedagogical support Together with the formation of the humanistic orientation of education, the idea of \u200b\u200bpsychological and pedagogical support of the development of children began to develop, it originated as part of the problem of providing effective qualified psychological assistance. The accompaniment paradigm has gained special popularity among psychological service models in education. A short term of existence in the education system of this model of psychologist's activities (since 1994) and its widespread in various educational institutions show the intensity of studying the specifics of the problem. However, despite the sufficiently large number of publications on the problem of psychological support, the specificity of the accompanying work was not sufficiently studied in relation to various categories of accompanied in different types of educational institutions. Therefore, we consider the problem of psychological support of the development of the preschooler to the category of poorly studied. Studies conducted recently on this topic, make it possible to conclude the relevance of supporting the development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions (in the future - DOU). Preschool age has a special value for the subsequent development of a person (L.I. Bozovich, V.V. Davydov, B.C. Mukhina, D. B. Elkonin, etc.). Therefore, the problem of psychological support of preschoolers is relevant and significant. Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the context of the educational institution (DOU, School) is a fairly young direction in education. The first book to help the teacher psychologist was published in 1991: "Workbook of the school psychologist" ed. A.I. Dubrovina. In the works of Bityanova M.R., Ovcharovarov R.V., Friedman L.M. -

7 Pedagogical support for pre-school education in the light of federal state requirements Objective to GOS Providing the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation - Availability of high-quality main general education - the system of education of the Education-Educational and Educational Development and Education of Children and the Conservation of their Health -Creeding the social situation of the development of the requirements for the formation of competences ?? Psychological and pedagogical support is a holistic, systemically organized activity, in the process of which social and phlegm and pedagogical conditions are being created for successful training and development of each child in the educational environment. Development of the identity of the child, his abilities, interests are continuous. In order to predict, send, to lead the child to success it needs to know and understand. Knowledge of every preschooler, his individuality, needs, creative potential The main direction of the teacher-psychologist Dow. In accordance with FGT, psychological and pedagogical support should be carried out by the psychologists of the DOW in cooperation with teachers. The maintenance of psychological and pedagogical support includes: three promising directions in the educational functionality of a psychologist: -Consulting educators on the improvement of the educational process. First of all, it is caused by the need to provide individual educational routes of children. In particular, the teacher-psychologist, together with the educator, should create conditions for the psychologically comfortable existence of children in various educational areas, to determine the psychologically reasonable "corridors" of the transition of students from one educational environment to another, to provide the necessary level of competence of pupils in the framework of a particular Eklade Dow. In the aggregate, this is the psychological support of an individual educational route.

8-Diagnostics of the state of the educational and educational process in kindergarten. The task is to evaluate the current state of the educational process. - Professional communication. Or psychological enlightenment. The need to introduce a new term is related to the task of overcoming the widely common false and contigious psychological knowledge. That is, it is worth the task of overcoming surface psychological education, the consequences of the dissemination of information, not confirmed by science. The practice of educational training shows that a long and painstaking work of a psychologist's teacher with a teacher for analyzing the conditions and results of the development of a pupil in a real educational process is necessary. Obviously, it is necessary to raise the psychological training of educators to a higher level. It means that the interaction of the psychologist's teacher with an educator in organizing an educational process should be asked to a qualitatively higher level. It follows that the priority activity of the pedagogasicol is becoming an educational. Developed an algorithm for psychological and pedagogical support based on the analysis of current requests. It is divided into external and domestic resources of the direction of modernization of the educational process internal resource of the DOU -Organization of individually oriented educational work in groups -Postanovka educational tasks based on the specifics of the contingent for the types of readiness for school -Evep pedagogical work on the creation of a children's team-program Socialization -Plain and targeted Organization of walks - Claims a comprehensive-thematic principle - Planned work on the maintenance of children in independent and gaming activities in the afternoon of the game as a means of correction of personal development and communication

9 Attracting the external resource - Evices of the family into an educational educational pedagogical process -Prophylaxis and education - the development of professional dialogue-metrogenous and professional support of specialists of the DOU-Association of the correctional process of students with features in development, behavior and socialization - monitoring research system -Federal state requirements: directions Modernization of the educational process, internal resource DOU - attracting an external resource -individual and group developing work - Diagnostics

The main activities of the psychologist Dow proposed content of the activities of the teacher-psychologist DWA is specified in two planes of mandatory activities and additional. This delimitation

Psychological support of the educational process in MBDOU DOSV 108 »Working with children Individual work with children in the process of their adaptation to the preschool educational institution Detection of individual

Regulations on the psychological service of the State Budgetary Pre-school educational institution of a kindergarten 24 combined type of Primorsky district of St. Petersburg 1. General provisions 1.1.

Psychological service DOU is one of the unified system of psychological service in the formation of a social assistance system to family and children. It is designed to provide timely qualified

Psychological and pedagogical support of children with APV performing correctional, developing and educational tasks set by the adapted basic educational program of the DOU (AOOP) is ensured

"Approve" the head "Toguchinsky kindergarten 2" I.A.Shipovova from 2016. Perspective and calendar plan of work for the 2016-2017 academic year of the teacher-psychologist Zhukova I.V. Purpose: Creating conditions aimed

Purpose: Supporting the process of psychological development of children by creating certain conditions in the educational field of DOU. Tasks: 1. To promote the personal and intellectual development of pupils

Activities of the teacher-psychologist in Dow Head of GMO Pedagogogs - Psychologists: Kiryanova E.N. Directions of activity 1. Psychological support of the adaptation process to the conditions of kindergarten. 2. Development

Analytical report of the teacher-psychologist MBDOU Kindergarten "Birch" Sorokina E.I. For the 2014 15 academic year, the goal of the teacher-psychologist: creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of psychological health

Perspective work plan of the teacher - Psychologist for 2017 2018 academic year Purpose: the creation of favorable social and psychological conditions for the successful education and psychological development of the child taking into account

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten combined species 5" Leninogorsk Municipal Education "Leninogorsk Municipal District" Republic of Tatarstan Appendix

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 301 Krasnoarmeysky district Volgograd" Plan of work of the teacher-psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year Approve the head of my kindergarten 301

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 1 »Smile» PGT.Smirny claims: Head of MBDOU LDLukyanova 2015. Work plan for the 2015-2016 educational year of the teacher-psychologist

General Education Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Primary School of Kindergarten" Raduga "Regulations on the psychological and speech therapy service 1. Common provisions 1.1. In its activities, psychological and speech therapy

Accepted at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council MOU "SOSH 30" Protocol 11 from "31" August 2015. Approve. Director Maou "Sosh 30" Yu.M. Schekhov "02" September 2015. Correctional work program (adaptation model

MADOU CRR Y TBI for the annual work plan of 2017-2018 academic year "122 of 08/15/2017 Psychological plan - pedagogical support of participants in the educational process MADOU CRR D / C -" Fairy Tale "for 2017-2018

Municipal budget institution "Ust-Yanskaya District Department of Education" Municipal State Educational Institution "Wyandinskaya Main Communication School" "I argue" director of wheel

I approve the head of the MDOU kindergarten 44 Dulkova N.N. 06g. Plan of work on 06-07 academic year of the teacher-psychologist of the municipal pre-school educational institution of kindergarten 44 overalls

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Children's Development Center Children's Garden 122" Report on the work of the psychological service of the MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten 122" for 2014-2015 scientifical year prepared

I argue: Head of kindergarten 246 OJSC Russian Railways N.G. Nabaeva 2015. Plan of work of the teacher-psychologist for 2016-2017 academic year P / P. 2. Tasks Studying the adaptation period of children of junior groups and newly applicants

"I approve": director of GBOU SOSH 644 Petukhova T.V. 20 year work plan of the teacher-psychologist for 2018-2019 academic year The introduction of the GEF of primary general education makes new requirements not only to the content,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" River "with. Ryttkuchi "Agreed at the meeting Approve: Head of MDOU DS" RUCHES "s. Ryttkuchi Pedagogical Council Z.V. Mandzhiev

Explanatory note of psychological pedagogical support in the framework of modernization of education is intended to optimize the ratio of development strategies, formation and correction in training and education

Perspective work plan of the teacher of the psychologist MBDOU 40 Kindergarten "Golden Key" for 2016 2017 academic year The main goal of the work: the creation of conditions that contribute to the protection of physical and mental health

"I approve": director of GBOU SOSH 644 Petukhova T.V. 20 year plan of work of the teacher-psychologist for the 2019-2020 academic year The implementation of the GEF makes new requirements not only to the content, but also to the organizational

Explanatory note by the aim of psychological pedagogical support of the child in the educational process is to ensure its normal development (in accordance with the norm of development in the appropriate

Introduction: Municipal state preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Star" with. Kalinka Khabarovsk Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory conducts its educational activities

The work program of the psychologist MADOU "Kindergarten 34" was developed in accordance with regulatory acts regulating educational activities in the Russian Federation. Regulatory support

Coordinated by the head of MBDOU 310 2016. Pedagogue-psychologist MBDOU 310 teacher for 2016-2017. Tasks of the teacher-psychologist: 1. Conservation and strengthening of psychological health of children; 2. Creation

Annual tasks of DOU 1. Improvement of work on preschoolers for preschoolers by the state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of Tajikistan, taking into account the effective use of regional umc, innovative techniques and programs. 2. Implementation B.

I approve the director of school 7 A.V. Kobejs on May 27, 2017. Work plan for 2017-2018 academic year of teacher-Ponomareva Olga Vladimirovna Introduction GEF of primary general education makes new requirements

The work plan of the teacher - psychologist MBOU G. Irkutsk Sosh 50 Hadaeva N.M. For 2014-2015 academic year 2014/2015 school year Objective: Psychological and pedagogical support of students in the learning process: Creating

Directions of work concern for health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child; Creating in groups of the atmosphere of humane and friendly relations to all pupils,

GBOU SOSH 256 Admiralteysky District St. Petersburg approved by order of Director GBOU SOSH 256 s St. Petersburg dated 08/31/2016 Personal psychologist's work plan for 2016-2017 academic year Developer

The main objective of the work: the creation of conditions that contribute to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, the free and efficient development of the abilities of each

Coordinated with MBOU Center PMS I argue: the head of Madou d \\ Garden of the combined type 26 "Ratchonka" L.A.Volkov Annual work plan of the teacher_Sikhologist for the 2018-2019 academic year The purpose of the institution: Life Protection

Analysis of the activity of the teacher-psychologist Political N.O. For 2013 2014, the work of the psychologist's teacher is carried out within the framework of a social psychological service. According to the service plan, the goal of the school psychologist

GBOU SOSH 256 Admiralteysky District Saint Petersburg Approving School Director adopted ped. Soviet PR.1 of 08/30/2018 Pedagogue-psychologist's work plan For 2018-2019 Study year Developer Program: Borovsky

State budgetary educational institution Secondary school 6 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Analytical report on the work of the teacher-psychologist Kostina A.V. For 2017-2018

Plan of work of the teacher-psychologist for 2017/2018 academic year Compiled by: Demyina O.E. Pedagogue-psychologist MBDOU D / s 210 g. Nizhny Novgorod Annual work plan of the teacher-psychologist The purpose of the psychologist's teacher: -

The psychological and pedagogical support model of the participants of the educational process MOU "SOSH 36" G.Vladimir 1. General provisions 1.1. The priority of the Federal Educational Standard of the Second

The psychological and pedagogical accompaniment model in the implementation of the implementation of the GEF to an important place in the educational process is occupied by the mental health of the pupils, the individualization of educational routes,

Annual work plan for 2018-2019 academic year of the teacher of the pedagogicalologist MBDOU "Kindergarten 33". Kear Olga Sergeyevna The main tasks of kindergarten: health promotion, preparing children to school, comprehensive

Pedagogue-psychologist Schavedro E.S. The aim of psychological support is to create social and psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning. Tasks: - systematically

I approve the head of the MKDOU d / s 4 "bell" G.V. Parunyan "01" September 2017, a promising work plan for the teacher-psychologist Nakalkovaya E.A. Municipal state pre-school educational institution

The priority goal of modernizing education is to ensure the high quality of Russian education, which is not only reduced to student studies, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with

1 Purpose: Improving the efficiency of education institution by harmonizing the mental development of students, ensuring successful socialization, conservation and health promotion, protection

"I argue" I.O.V.V. Kindergarten 72 O.N. Larichna Order 10 dated 28.05.2015G Regulations on the psychological service of the municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten 72 adopted:

Coordinated by the head of MBDOU 310 2017. Plan of work of the teacher-psychologist MBDOU 310 for 2017-2018. Objectives of work: 1. Conservation and strengthening the psychological health of children; 2. Creating favorable

Annotation to the working programs of teachers of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 137 of the compensating view" of the city of Cheboksary of the Chuvash Republic in the Dow educators

Objective of work: the creation of favorable psychological conditions for the development of all students, the work of school teachers; Psychological support for parents and teachers in educating and educating children

3.2.2. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of the basic general education requirements of the standard to the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational

Department of Education of the city of Moscow Southern District Department of Education State Budgetary Educational Institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Pedagogical College

Annotation To the working program of an early age group, a working program for the development of children of an early age group has been developed in accordance with the content of the educational process of the first youngest group.

I argue: the head of MDOU D / C 1 "Sunshiko" Balagorova N.N. Perspective work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year of the teacher of the psychologist MDOU 1 "Solnyshko" Putilina Elena Viktorovna 2015. Objectives: 1. Creating conditions

Analysis of the work of the teacher psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year teacher-psychologist T.V. Great. Analysis of the work of the teacher psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year. Psychological support is a professional system

107 Correction Program Correction Program aims to ensure the correction of shortcomings in the physical or mental development of children with disabilities and rendering

Ensuring about pedagogical assistance in pre-pedagogical assistance to pupils and the provision of O-pedagogical, medical and social assistance in the MADOU Kindergarten combined

State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten 27 Outlooking Piece of Petrodvortsovsky District of St. Petersburg Analytical report on the work of the teacher-psychologist

DIRECTION OF ACTIVITIES Event Used Methodology, Program Target Audience A brief summary of the psycho-philament and psychosrodization of adaptation classes with newly received children "Psychologist classes

Analytical report on the work of the teacher-psychologist Madou kindergarten 3 Medvedeva O.A. For the 2017-2018 academic year in accordance with the main tasks and documentation of the DOW for 2017-2018. and given the results

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" River "S. Ryttkuchi" Approve the head of MBDOU DS "River" Z.V. MANGIEVA Analytical report of the teacher psychologist Dubina I.V.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 167" work plan for the teacher psychologist for 2018-2019 school year teacher-psychologist: E.S. Cossack purpose of the work of the teacher-psychologist: assistance

Annotation to the Working Program for the Development of Children of the Second Evernight Group Working Program is developed by educators in accordance with the content of the main educational program of preschool educational

Annual work plan for the psychologist for 2016-2017 academic year. The main tasks of the kindergarten: for 2016-2017 academic year: 1. Ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health of preschoolers

"The role of the teacher-psychologist DOU in organizing escorting children with ABS in the conditions of the implementation of inclusive practice" Anzzupova D.V., teacher-psychologist MBDOU kindergarten 8, Mr. Livna Ideas of Psychological - Pedagogical

"Approve" director of GBOU MGDMTS. Peter Veliky N.A. Susov 20 g. Regulations on the socio-psychological service of the MGDMC named after Peter Great I. General provisions. 1.1. This position determines

U t in e r f d au, head of MBDOU "Kindergarten 15" Kovalchuk L.A. Plan of work of the teacher of the psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten 15" Mesota Raisa Viktorovna for 2015 2016 academic year is based on educational

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Rodnichok "with. Bulls psychological and pedagogical support of the child. Further: Pedagogian-psychologist TA. Fabric psychologicalization of educational

The work plan of the psychologist for the 2016-2017 school year of the task: 1. Strengthen the psychological health of children, given the age and individual features of children. 2. Create favorable conditions for

Annual work plan of the teacher-psychologist Evlashkina N.M. 0-0 school year Purpose: Creating conditions for the harmonious development of children in the process of school education, psychological and pedagogical support of the child