Methods of early development of Glen Domana from 0 to 4 years. Methods of raising children Glen Domana. Who is a doman

In the modern world, many parents think that the earlier they will begin developing classes with the child, the better. Thinking about how to do it better, they are searching for a suitable technique. One of the most famous is the Glen Domana technique. Consider more, what are the features of this technique and how it works.

From the life of Glen Domana

In 1919, in one of the oldest cities of the United States - Philadelphia - Glen Doman appeared. Having graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1940, he begins his workforce physiotherapist in the hospital. It is here that he begins to work on the study of how the children's brain develops. However, the beginning of the war is interrupted. In 1941, Doman goes to the army by a volunteer, having passed training on infantry officer courses. His service ends in the rank of the commander of the infantry company with a reward of a cross "For outstanding merit".

Returning to medicine after the war, Glen Doman, together with comrades, begins to assist in restoring children with different brain injuries and serious lesions of the nervous system. In 1955, they were founded by the Non-Profit Institute for the Development of Human Potential. The theoretical and practical base of the institute was the method of Domana.

For more than 20 years, constantly in work, conducting numerous studies, experiments, experiments, making conclusions, coming to any conclusions, Doman with its colleagues-like-minded people were looking for ways and opportunities to cure such children (with full or partial paralysis , severe lag in development, incapable of perceiving peace and communication). They considered it important to treat the root cause - the brain, and not the effect of defeats, i.e. body.

In 1960, Doman publishes an article on the methodological work and the treatment of children with damage to the brain and the results of their rehabilitation in the magazine of the American Medical Association. It was then that many people learned about him. His activities made a "soft scientific revolution".

From this period, along with their associates, Doman actively continued his work, developed and improved new programs and techniques for the recovery of the guys. For successes in their activities, he was awarded a lot of awards.

In the book "Harmonious Development of the Child" you can find a more complete description of its method.

When you can start classes

As a result of his observations, Doman came to the conclusion that children in their entire life will not recognize as much as the information can learn in the first 6 years of life. Almost from birth, the child is ready for the knowledge of the world, he is interested in everything that is in his surroundings. At this age you do not have to additionally motivate the child. Classes must be carried out in the form of an entertaining game.

In his opinion, you can start learning children from 3 months, because it is at this age that the reaction shows a reaction to objects. The educational process begins with the demonstration of cards for a short period of time (literally a few seconds per card). It is necessary that real items are presented on the cards: fruit vegetables, animals, furniture, transport, geometric shapes, etc.

Methods of Domana.

For many years, Doman spent various studies by focusing at work with children lagging behind in development. However, looking at how their brothers and sisters, who were absolutely healthy, joined the classes with interest and sought great success, he created a technique that was developed taking into account and their interests and needs.

The main provisions on which the technique is based on:

  • The human brain grows and develops, only being constantly in work.
  • To achieve great success in the development of kid's intelligence, it is necessary that its brain actively worked from birth to 3 years.
  • Physical development plays an important role in ripening the brain and motor intelligence.
  • Until the child achieves 5 years, his brain itself is configured to receive new knowledge, it does not arise the need to further motivate the child to this.

Principles of Learning on Domana

  • To the learning process, it is necessary to start as far as possible, because the child is younger, the easier it will learn.
  • Do not forget to praise the baby and sincerely rejoice to his successes.
  • A child is also a person to be able to show respect and confidence.
  • Training should be carried out with pleasure.
  • Training should be held in the appropriate setting.
  • The occupation must end earlier than the child will be bored or becomes boring.
  • New information for learning should be provided very often.
  • Regularity, sequence and organized classes are very important.
  • No need to check how the baby learned the information.
  • Requires careful preparation for classes, do everything in advance.
  • Surrently stop the lesson, if suddenly the baby or you become boring.

Physical development

It is the physical development that Glen Doman pays great attention to its system. He is confident that it is directly interconnected with the development of the child's intellect. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to good physical development from birth.

The needs of the child in swimming, walking, crawling, grabbing is given to him from nature. It is necessary since the appearance of crumbs to the world approve their development, to provide the child with complete freedom of movements. Helping the baby to be active from birth, parents help him develop intellectually much faster than his peers.

For the physical activity of the baby, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions.

This can help a special track for crawling. It is necessary that the crumb is located between his sideboards, practically touching their forearms and hips. The track is located under a slight bias. It is best that its surfaces are smooth, no blankets or mattresses are required. Dressing the crumb crawling there, you must at least.

During the day, the baby must conduct at least 3-4 hours in it.For such a track, the child will be able to cite a rather long distance, and by 4 months, provided that the right organization, will begin to actively crawl. Due to this, the active intellectual development of the child, its brain and opportunities for the perception of the new one will go.

With the help of the track, it is stimulated by congenital reflexes, imitating the intrauterine space when the crumb remembers its first reflex, with which it appears.

Teach the baby to overcome obstacles with a variety of rollers and ladies. Turn and twist it as much as possible, by this you will contribute to the development of a feeling of equilibrium. Help and encourage the child in his attempts to walk, run, swim.

For newborns Glen Doman created its equilibrium program - dynamic gymnastics, which you can successfully use at home.

The essence of the Methods of Domana

Together with active physical development at the same time, you can begin intellectual classes. For this, cards with major real pictures and signatures on them are applied. With their help, the baby is easier to assimilate new information, gets the desired load for the development of the brain.

You can buy ready-made cards of cards, find them on the Internet and print on a color printer or do yourself. All cards must have a white background, each - only one picture. The signature is written below the large letters of red. As possible, offer the child a new information that is interested in its information. If this is not done, then the child is very rapidly these classes will not be interesting.

At the beginning of the class you will need 5 cards of one thematic line. Each card is shown to the baby for 5-10 seconds, the name under it is loud and clearly read. About three classes, you can start replacing cards on one of the set. Show a child one set is possible only once for the lesson. You need to do at least 3 times a day. In total, you will have at least 15 posts of cards per day.

What would you do not teach the child, do not wait for the instant result. You will see the results when the child is ready to demonstrate them. Be sure: the crumb is heard and remembers, doing it, you do not spend time.

How to teach reading the system of Domana

Looking for words that are written, the child is not aware of their meaning. If he, together with the show of the word, voice him, will work mechanical memorization, the brain of the kid will understand the information obtained, tied it together. It is this way that the baby begins to understand the laws of reading, just as it happened with the development of oral speech.

Glen Doman is confident that it is already possible to start learning to read in a similar way already semi-annual crumb.

For work, you will need cards with sets of words. Their size should be 10 * 50 cm, the text of bright red, the font is 1.5 cm in thickness, and each letter should be 7.5 cm high. Do not meet the child with difficult words at the very beginning of learning. Try to pick up such words that the child knows well (Mom, Dad, Grandfather, you can use the names of preferred dishes, clothes, pets).

Try to adhere to the following learning scheme:

  • A set of words is a group of 5 words combined with one topic.
  • You need to do three times daily.
  • The first day. Demonstrate a child one set of words. Voicate words with a clear, even voice. For each word you need to spend no more than 15 seconds. It turns out 3 classes with one set of words.
  • Second day. To the already shown set of words, add one more. We receive 6 lessons per day (3 with the previously studied set of words, 3 with new) and two set of words.
  • Day Three. Three set of words and nine classes.
  • Day four. Four set of words and 12 classes.
  • Fifth day. Five sets of words and 15 lessons during the day.
  • Day sixth. You add another set of words, but simultaneously with this of the five previous sets, we exclude one word.

Adhering to such a scheme, you will constantly replace the sets of words by adding a new one every time. First, demonstrate words, then phrase, and then you can try to demonstrate entire proposals.

How to teach count

Adults having heard the word "two" imagine a figure, and the children think of the facts. They will present two points, two candy, two apples, but not even guess to relate the word "two" with the image of the figures. It is on this particular line for children and a Doman was relied, when creating a technique. Allowing the baby to interact with concrete facts, and not abstract concepts, you will give him a great chance to learn a bill without recounting, determine how many things depicts, learn about basic mathematical actions.

For accounting, you will need 100 cards in size 27 * 27 cm. On the cards in scattered form, red dots are depicted from 1 to 100. Their diameter should not exceed 2 cm. In class, the child initially lifted the concept of "quantity", then the concept of "equation". After that, you can start learning to solve problems. Only then on the house you can introduce a child with a graphic image of numbers, the concept of "digit". Lastly, proceed to solving digital equations.

The principle of learning mathematics is similar to learning to reading. Only at the beginning of occupations it is necessary to pay enough attention to the set of cards from 1 to 5, and from 5 to 10.

I also need to get acquainted with the basic actions. For example, when learning subtracting 2 out of 3, pronouncing the action (three minus two is equal to one) demonstrate the corresponding cards with three points, "minus" sign, two points, "equal" sign, one point.

Even for half a minute you can teach a lot

In comparison, the human brain, Glen Doman puts the most advanced computer, which sums up on the basis of the facts. He believes that it is absolutely useless for a long time to explain to the child and wait for him from smart thoughts and the right solutions about the actions performed. The child must provide accurate, affordable, clear information.To explain the said, it leads the following example.

Looking at the dog, the child is interested in you about her. What can you do:

  • dismiss him with the words: "Leave, I once";
  • report Cross: "This is the Gav-Gav";
  • briefly reply: "This is a dog";
  • say: "This is a dog Senbernar breed";
  • demonstrate pictures with dogs;
  • show pictures with different breeds of dogs and say: "Look, here everywhere depicts animals, which are called dogs, but they can be different. There is a poodle, German Shepherd, Doberman, Chow-Chow, dachshund, etc.

From the last answer, the kid will be able to make a small discovery for himself, realizing that all dogs have common features - this is the number of paws, the presence of tail, wool, but they can differ in color, size, wool, tail, and the shape of the ears and Therefore, in just half a minute, the child will be able to make a huge intellectual work and accelerate the activity of the brain.

Obtaining encyclopedic knowledge

If you follow Domana, then you need to understand that the purpose of human life is to obtain multilateral knowledge of the world around. Explanations and explanations for children will not bring any benefit, their brain is able to perceive only the facts.

In order for training on cards to give a child a truly encyclopedic knowledge, it is necessary:

  • all parts on the cards were clearly clearly;
  • only one item was depicted on each card;
  • all depicted items had a name;
  • child this subject was previously unfamiliar;
  • cards were quite large (28 * 28 cm);
  • cards were clean.

You need to do with cards on average for 30 seconds.

Negative moments

It would seem that everything in the method of Domana is described clear, accessible, clearly and logical. However, as in any other method, it has its own negative points.

  • The child only know the facts, should be able to apply them in life, use them. Otherwise, all the information he gets will be just a trash in his head.
  • Large load on the brain kid can lead to negative consequences In the form of mental disorders, mood drops, lack of appetite, problems in communication, increased anxiety, vulnerability, sensitivity.
  • It is necessary that the training corresponds to the child's age.If the baby sees a dog, he will relate her image with the word "dog", and on the house I will call the Association with a card. For example, seeing a giraffe or an elephant in reality, the crumb can simply not know them.
  • Passivity of the child, the lack of creative and creative moments in training. The child does not learn independently find information, curiosity is dull.
  • The baby practically does not have time to communicate with friends, games. The aesthetic, emotional, moral development is not paying attention. Parents spend a lot of time in preparation for classes: Make cards, sorted, pick up suitable, etc.
  • Not all the senses are involved. There is no tactful development, the smell and flavoring receptors are not used.
  • Mechanical memorization of words when teaching reading.If the child will meet unfamiliar words in the text, he will not be able to read it and understand the meaning of read.
  • According to the method, it is necessary to accompany the readable text by display of pictures. The child will continue to learn how to read texts without illustrations, it will hardly understand the read. All this can lead to the lack of a child of the desire to do what it is not interesting or poorly obtained.
  • Lack of active gaming activities In which the child is easiest to learn new information.


The method of Glen Domana can very help parents in the development of their children and even grow geniuses and adderkind. but it is necessary to take into account the age of your baby, Suitable for classes competently, follow the state of the child's health, take into account his individual capabilities. You can not make a child to do. It is best to carry out integrated classes in the game form and not forget to praise and encourage each, even if a small achievement.

N. Zhukov

Glen Doman (1920) is an American neurophysiologist, the author of the method of intensive intellectual and physical development of children from the moment of birth, based on the results of a detailed study of the patterns of children's development. The main idea of \u200b\u200bGlen Domana sounds like this: "In any child, hidden the huge potential, which can be developed, thereby giving it unlimited opportunities in life."

Family of Glen Domana: Katie's wife, son Douglas (is the vice-president of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential), Daughter Janet (He heads this institute).

Historical reference. In 1940, Glen Doman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and after his end he worked as a physiotherapist in the hospital. In 1941, his work was interrupted by World War II. Doman began his service in the army with a private infantryman, and finished the commander of the infantry company. At the end of the war, Doman returned to medical practice. Together with his colleagues, he organized and began to carry out work on the restoration of children with various brain damage and severe lesions of the nervous system. In 1955, Glen Doman founded the Human Development Institute based on its technique.

Methodology Treatment of children with brain damage

(according to the book of Domanana "What to do if your child has brain damage ...")

For more than 20 years, working 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, during endless studies, experiments, testing, observations, conclusions, Doman and his associates were looking for solutions aimed at the cure of children with brain damage (partial or full paralysis, significant lagging in development, lack of perception of the world, inability to

communication). They proceeded from that position that it is necessary to treat the damaged brain - the root cause, and not the body - a consequence of brain damage.

During the painstaking work, Doman has developed a unique techniquewhich was a comprehensive treatment of patients with children. For each child they prepared an individual program. It all started with copying - the procedure was as follows: adults performed with their hands, feet and head of the child, as he would do, being healthy. A lot of time, the children were spent on the floor, face down, learning to crawl under adult supervision.

In addition, children received an active visual, auditory, tactile stimulation with increasing frequency, intensity and duration. Glen Doman in the framework of the technique has developed respiratory programs (with an increased oxygen content), speech development, as well as a manual program. These procedures were irritants that stimulated a certain sense body, which led to the activation of the brain work as a whole.

The result was that after some time the majority of children, passing the stage of physical improvement, characteristic of the development of healthy guys, demonstrated a noticeable improvement. This was an indisputable proof of what "that the brain is actually developing in the process of its intensive use, and the development of the child's intellect is firmly associated with its physical development."

In 1960, an article of Domana on the methods of treating children with brain damage and a description of the results of their rehabilitation appeared in the magazine of the American Medical Association. The work of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential has become a wide range of people. Domana's research produced in science "Soft Revolution". Since then, Glen Danan and the group of its like-minded people persistently continued continuous work on creating and improving new programs, techniques aimed at improving children with various brain impairment.

Among the many awards received by Doman in various countries, there is even a knightly title given to him by the Brazilian government for outstanding work on behalf of children around the world.

Domana Methods for Healthy Children

Subsequently, Glen Doman began to apply his developing methodology for learning healthy children. It all started with the fact that healthy brothers and sisters of sick children with whom daily classes were held, also with pleasure joined the exercise and very quickly achieved significant results. Then Doman inspired by a random discovery, developed a methodology that takes into account the interests and needs of healthy children. The result exceeded all expectations!

Children of the two, three, four years have read freely, believed, became real erudites and, at the same time, were well developed physically: they swam well, ran, Lazali, performed gymnastic etudes and acrobatic tricks.

The main theses of Glen Domana techniques

- Each child can become a genius, and earlier development is the key to his genius.

- The human brain grows due to its continuous use, and this growth is actually completed by six years.

- Little children have a huge thirst for knowledge. They easily assimilate a huge amount of information, and it remains for a long time in their memory.

- Little children are confident that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults will be fully paid to them, especially dad with mom.

- The best teachers are parents. They can teach their child with absolutely everything they know, if only do it sincerely and joyfully, using the facts.

Basic principles and rules for teaching a child according to the method of Domana

1. Start as soon as possible - the smaller the child, the easier it is to teach it everything.

2. Rejoice to the success of the baby and praise it.

3. Respect your child and trust him.

4. Learn only when the learning process likes both.

5. Create a suitable learning environment.

6. Stay before your child wants it.

7. More often enter a new material.

8. Be organized and consistent, spend regular classes.

9. Do not check your child's knowledge.

10. Carefully prepare educational materials and do it in advance.

11. If you or your child are not interested in - stop classes.

All children can be physically perfect

(according to the book of Domanna "How to make a child physically perfect")

In the method of Glen Domana, the early physical development attached great importance, because it is closely related to the child's intellect and its abilities. Therefore, from the very birth, it is necessary to provide the child with the freedom of movements and consolidate its congenital reflexes (crawl, grab, walk, swim).

Since these reflexes are given to children in nature, you need to use them, and otherwise they will gradually disappear, and the child will have to learn to crawl, swim, walk. Saving the child's reflexes, we will provide him with the opportunity to become an active participant in the life process, and therefore earlier than their peers "wise" and "grow up".

So, pushing out the ideas of the Domana methodology, it can be concluded that you need to create conditions for the physical stimulation of the kid!

For this, the newborn is placed in a special device - a track for crawling, which is under a slight inclination. Baby lying between the side of the track on the stomach concerns their hips and forearms. Thanks to this, he is triggered by the innate reflex, which helped crumbling from the mother's tummy, and, barely appeared on the light, the kid is inserted enough of quite considerable distances along the track. The recommended time for finding a child in the track (on the floor, on the mate) - 3-4 hours a day. At the same time, a minimum amount of clothing should be on the child.
The smooth surface of the track (without carpets, soft mattresses, blankets, and so on.) Is also the perfect medium for movement in a dream, which also contributes to early development. If you are doing everything right, your baby will start truly crawling on all fours to four months.

Also, the method of Glen Domana focuses on the development of a balance of balance and equilibrium (you need to tweer and twist a child in various ways), on training to overcome obstacles (rollers lying on the floor, stairs, etc.). It is important to teach a child to swim, help him walk, run ...

Doman in his methodology argues that in its development from birth and up to six years old, the child passes seven stages, which correspond to the seven stages of the ripening of the brain. First, the control of hearing, vision, manual skills, movement is carried out at the level of the upper spinal cord departments - this is the first stage. The latter, the seventh level are the top sections of the cerebral cortex. Each brain level gradually turns on, displacing the previous and taking control over various functions.

From one stage to another we move, having mastered and performing a lot of certain movements. These seven stages of the usual child, with which they are not specifically engaged in, take place in six and a half years, but they can also go through three and a half years, if they act in accordance with the method of Glen Domana. ;

What can you teach your child in 30 seconds

(according to the book of Domanian "Harmonious Development of the Child")

Doman believes that "the human brain is the most perfect computer, and it obeys the same patterns: the more facts he knows, the more conclusions he can extract of them. At the same time, if we score our children's heads with any nonsense, it is unlikely to wait for smart speeches and actions from them. Therefore, we must provide them with accurate, distinct and unambiguous information. "
So consider in the example: if a child approached you and asks you about the dog seen, you can tell him:

1. Backward

2. This is "Gav-GAV";

3. This is a dog";

4. This is "Labrador";

5. Show him ten pictures with dogs;

6. Teach it to establish a connection between facts (show him ten cards with dogs and say: "Looking, babe, all these pictures are depicting animals called" Dogs ": German Shepherd, Collie, Labrador, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, Chow Chow , Bologna ").

Domana's technique argues that if you prefer the sixth option, the child will be able to draw conclusions yourself: all dogs have wool, paws, tail, etc., but can have a different color, size, growth, tail length, etc. Thus, in 30 seconds it is possible to significantly speed up the development of the child's brain.

How to teach your child to read

(according to the book of Domanana "How to teach your child to read").

The child's eye sees the written word, although he does not understand his meaning. But, if the baby sees and at the same time hears the written word, then his brain interprets the information received - "understands" and mechanically remembers written. Glen Doman in his methodology argues that over time the baby on the basis of his own experience will understand the laws of reading, just like once he learned to understand the oral speech.

How to work with Domana cards

Teach a child to reading by the method of Domana can begin with a six-month age.

For this use special cards with a size of 10x50 cm, with a red-written print letter 7.5 cm high and a font thickness of 1.5 cm. For the start of the training on the Methods of Domana Parents pick up words well familiar to the child (family members, toys, clothing, Parts of the body, favorite dishes, etc.).

1st day. Within 5-10 seconds, mom shows a child with each other 5 cards with words and clearly pronounces written on them: "Mom", "Dad", "Grandma", etc. Everything, the occupation is over. Now the baby receives the award - Mamina Kiss, Hugs, Lask, Words of Love, etc. During the first day, the showing of the Domana cards must be repeated 2 more times.

2nd day. Repeat yesterday's cards and add another 5 new cards. Today, the baby will already receive 6 short classes - 3 for old cards and 3 on a new one.

3rd day. Another 5 new cards is added and, therefore, nine shows will be conducted.

4th and 5th day. Thus, gradually you reach up to 25 cards and 15 demonstrations per day.

6th day. We add new five cards, removing in the studied sets on one word.

Approximate daily learning program reading with Domana cards

Daily content - 5 sets of words (25 cards). One lesson is 1 set of 5 words shown only once.

Frequency - each set 3 times a day (5 sets of 3 times \u003d 15 classes).

The duration of one occupation is 5 seconds.

Introduced words - 5 words daily (one at each set).

Remote words - 5 words daily (one of each set).

The number of demonstrations of each word - 3 times a day for 5 days, i.e. Just 15 times.

Note: The methods of Domana give clear recommendations that the dosage of classes and the number of cards change depending on the desire and mood of the child.

Gradually, the font of letters will decrease, and the red color will change black.

"Pellet with a pellery"

The sequence of learning to read according to the method of Glen Domana is built by simple to complex

    • The first stage is separate words.
    • The second stage is phrases.
    • The third stage is simple suggestions.
    • The fourth stage is a common offer.
    • Fifth stage - books.

How to teach your child to count

(according to the book of Domanana "How to train your child mathematics")

"Mathematics with pellery"

Doman in his methodology argues that children see things as they are actually. If we say "two" - the child will present the quantity: two points, and we, adults, - icon (digit "2"). Those. The child is thinking by the facts, and if we give such facts to the child, he will learn from the go to determine the number of items, without recounting them, and will open such mathematical rules as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

To train the child, the account according to the method of Glen Domana needs to be made 100 cards in size 27x27 cm. On each card will be drawn in a chaotic order from 1 to 100 points with a diameter of a little less than 2 cm.

Showing cards is carried out in the same way as with reading cards. Only in this case, at the initial stage, you only use two sets: cards with points from 1 to 5 and cards with points from 6 to 10.

The sequence of learning an account according to the method of Domana on the actual material is built as follows:

  • The first stage is the development of the concept "number".
  • The second stage is the equations.
  • Third stage - solving problems.
  • The fourth stage is the development of the concept of "digit", the memorization of numbers.
  • Fifth stage - digital equations.

How to give a child encyclopedic knowledge

(on the book "How to give your child encyclopedic knowledge")

"By and large," Glen Doman says, "the purpose of life is to acquire versatile knowledge about the world around." Explaining something for children is useless - they still do not know anything. Children's brain can only perceive naked facts.

To the cards really transferred encyclopedic knowledge to the child, they must meet the following requirements of the city of Domana:

1. All details are clearly visible.

2. Only one item is depicted.

3. He must have a special name.

4. This item must be unfamiliar to your child.

5. The card must be large - the best size is 28x28 cm.

6. The card must be clean.

On one lesson on cards with pictures according to the method of Glen Domana, about 30 seconds are given.

Doman in its methodology divided all existing knowledge for ten sections

1. Biology - it includes categories, such as birds, and, accordingly, a set of cards: ordinary crow, raspberry, nightingale, finch, eagle, ostrich, chicken, sparrow, aunt, Heron, etc.

2. Art - It includes categories, for example, the pictures of Wang Gogh, and, accordingly, a set of reproduction cards: "Schoolboy", "Sunflowers", "Madame Rulin with his child", "Postman Ruling", "Sad old man", " Terrace Cafe at night, "," Self-portrait "," Gypsy Trucks "," Church in Overnight "," Fields with peach trees in bloom ", etc.

3. History - it includes categories, such as rulers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Nikolai II, Alexander Nevsky, Stolypin, Alexander I, Lenin, Ivan Grozny, Peter I, Ecaterina II, Brezhnev, Kerensky, etc.

4. Geography - it includes categories, for example, city of Russia, and, accordingly, a set of cards with species of these cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Suzdal, Sochi, etc.

5. Music - It includes categories, such as composers - and, accordingly, set of cards: Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Verdi, Kalman, Bach, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, etc.

6. Language - it includes categories, such as English or Italian, and, respectively, a set of cards: Giorno (Dean), Ora (hour), Senso, Enigma (Riddle), Scatola (Box), etc.

7. Mathematics - It includes categories, such as quantity, and, accordingly, a set of cards: one point, two points, etc.

8. human anatomy - It includes categories, such as a skeleton of a person, and, accordingly, a set of cards-drawings: skull, bertovaya bone, shovel, phalange of the finger, pelvis, ankle, clavicle, elbow bone, lower jaw, etc.

9. General knowledge - it includes categories, for example, tools of labor, and, accordingly, a set of cards: a knife, an ax, saw, screwdriver, a planer, hammer, shovel, rake, drill, braid, etc.

10. Literature - It includes categories, for example, Russian writers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Chekhov, Goncharov, Bunin, etc.

As part of the Glen Domana technique, classes begin with a demonstration of three different categories of 10 cards in each. Each category is shown 3 times during the day. Gradually, you can add all new and new categories while their daily amount does not reach 12 (when showing 3 times a day).

When you get 1000 cards with your baby, the time of the intellectual program will come. Based on the Domana technique, categories give a general information review, and the intellectual program allows you to go further, deepening the level of knowledge within each category.

Each such program begins with the simplest and finishes quite complicated information.

Section: Biology.

Set of cards: ordinary crow.

Level 1: Ravens are bought their nests on trees or in shrubs.

Level 2: Voronene nests are made of twigs, drilled grass or wool.

3rd level: crows feed on insects, seeds, fruits and nuts.

4th level: crows (among other things) eat mollusks, palm, mice, eggs, fish, garbage, putty, rubber, insulating material.

5th Level: Crow's female has one chicks of chicks per year.

Level 7: Crows belong to the Family of Voronene.

Level 8: The Voronene family includes crows, jokes and forties.

9th level: Most birds of the Voronene family choose a couple of life.

10th level: Most birds of the Voronene family live with flocks and nest with densely populated colonies.

The 11th level: only in New Zealand and on most of the Pacific Islands there are no representatives of the Voronene family.

12th level: The Voronene family has 103 species united in 26 birth.

I would like to finish the survey of the system as the words of Glen Domana himself: "Our techniques are the fruit of many years of work, and they have proven themselves well. But never forget that miracles are not concluded in the techniques, but in the child itself. His brain is the most incredible miracle. And you yourself are also a miracle. "

Causes of improving the state of sick children

Not all healthy children engaged in homework with the help of Glen Domana cards achieve significant results. Conversely, very many children at the Housean Institute were able to enter new levels of their physical and intellectual development. It happened in part for such reasons:

1. Mother sick children believed in success. They applied maximum effort, manufacturing thousands of cards, because they had no other option, and they donated everyone that their children would have learned to at least raise their heads, at least crawl, at least to see a little, at least hear a little ...

2. The method of Glen Domana - became the way of life of the family, where the sick child was grew. But as soon as the classes ceased - the child's development often stopped.

3. Strict following the methods of Domana - Conducting classes is systematically and in the exact sequence - led to the fact that the children got used to such a suppression of the material (through the stimulation of the right hemisphere of the brain, bypassing the left) and already with difficulty perceived information outside of classes.

4. Children with brain injuries for the absence of other opportunities could only be engaged in what they were proposed, and they were able to do only what they were taught.

Controversial issues of the methods of Domana

When you read the books of Glen Domana, you infect it with ideas, because it looks very simple, logical and tempting. However, there are controversial moments of this technique, about which a hot debate is underway:

In its method, Doman constantly compares the human brain with a computer, very perfect, endowed with a huge margin of memory. But living children are not electronic cars. Filling their heads with hundreds and even thousands of bytes of information, we are unlikely to make them smarter or more educated. After all, you know a little about or other facts. You need to be able to apply them and use, and if this does not happen, then unnecessary information that the child cannot be filtered and "digest" - accumulates in his head as unnecessary trash.

An abundance of information can overload and exhaust the child's nervous system. And there is some likelihood that it will contribute to mental disorders (problems in communication, sharp mood differences, susceptibility, vulnerability, sensitivity, anxiety, lack of ability to perceive and focus, etc.) or physical (headaches, increased fatigue, violations Appetitis, etc.). If you are lucky and the child will be resistant to such overloads - then maybe everything will end with really excellent successes.

It is important that stimulating education and training development correspond to the age characteristics of children. For example, children first develop visual thinking, the child sees the dog and relates it to the name "Dog". Studying in the framework of the Domana methodology on cards written words and other incomprehensible to child objects, the child is formed an abstract image, i.e. It compares the name only with a specific card. It is unlikely that he learns an antelope in the zoo, so well-shown them before it in the picture. After all, this requires a certain experience, intellectual maturity and an effective need for which the year old children are not yet.

When learning on the method of Glen Domana, a child passive, he receives information only to reproduce it later. There is no creativity, there is no need to extract information, there is no questions here. You only need to watch pictures and listen impassive facts. Thus, the curiosity embedded in each child from birth, disappears, disappears the desire to independently learn and study the world.

Drinking by intellectual development and operating abstract concepts according to the Glen Domana technique, adults do not leave the child's child for creative, aesthetic, moral, psychological and emotional development. And how about just talking and play, move and run, sing and dance? After all, as you know, the child's brain is developing gradually and in accordance with the harmony laid out by nature itself, and when we stimulate only one or two brain parts, they develop at the expense of other departments.

In class practices, only visual and hearing authorities are mainly involved, while the interaction of all other senses of feelings is important for the integrity of perception: taste, odor, tactile sensations.

Cards with Domana cards (their manufacture, sorting, selection, training) takes a lot of time. And most parents soon begins not to grab the enthusiasm with whom they started working on this technique.

Training to read on cards with pictures and signatures is built on the machine memorization of words, while the child still cannot read books with strangers to him, analyze read, extract the necessary information. Trained according to the method of Glen Domana, the child only reproduces the previously learned text. In practice, most children do not catch the relationship between gap words and sounding speech, and they still have to learn to read again.

Readable or listening books do not always be accompanied by pictures, as this is customary in the method of Domana. It is necessary so that the Baby's brain learns to independently build a visual series based on text. Otherwise, the child who is accustomed to getting lightweight knowledge only from the pictures is likely to easily take the usual textbook text without illustrations and does not want to learn what is difficult or not interesting.

Babes better remember that material that is included in a variety of games and active activities. And according to the method of Glen Domana, the material flow occurs only in one way - through the cards.

Fortunately, children are perfectly developed instinct of self-preservation

Up to 6 months, on the one hand, children move little little, and they could be attracted to the show of cards, but on the other hand, they still focus on the objects seen, and the knowledge of the world around the world is still very scarce.

After 6 months, due to the fact that the kids begin to actively crawl and walk, it is also quite difficult to keep their attention on cards and classes on the method of Domana.

After a year, children are not a minute at the point - sometimes moms have to run behind them with the cards of Domana, so that at least the edge of the eyes look at the demonstrated methodical material.

At 1.5 - 2.5 years, the kids in all show their independence and independence - they can start selecting cards from you, to consider pictures for a long time, ask questions, thus the entire method of Glen Domana.

At 2.5 - 4 years, children are no longer anyway, to study. They will watch only what they really will interest them.

After four yearsthe child appears much more important things than the viewing of the cards. It is during this period that he can refuse to refuse to engage in the Domana technique.

Listen to your crumb, and you will definitely understand what and how to deal with it.

Most modern parents believe that from the very first days of the child's life must be fully developed. Today there are many pedagogical systems developed by both foreign and domestic specialists aimed at early child development.

In this article, we will tell about one of them, a popular for several decades, which is the author of which is a neurosurgeon from the US Glen Doman. The technique of this author contributing to the earlier development of children today is widely applied worldwide. According to it, they are engaged in both healthy children and with those, any problems of development.

Who is a doman?

Before we begin to consider the technique, say a few words about her authors - Glen House. In 1940, he successfully graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, after which the short time worked in the hospital with a physiotherapist. He served all the second world war in the infantry, having passed the way from the ordinary to the company commander.

Returning to a peaceful life, he resumed medical practice, and subsequently engaged in the rehabilitation of children with serious pathologies and diseases of the nervous system, as well as with various brain dysfunctions. In 1955, he created, and then for a long time and led the Philadelphia Institute for the Development of Human Potential. As a result of perennial research and practical work, both sick and with healthy children, a variety of discoveries were made and a methodology for the development of Glen Domana was created.

Basic provisions

When developing an early development system, Doman and the team of the institute headed by him relied on the following principles:

  1. Only with constant work can grow and develop.
  2. The child's intellect is best developing with intensive brain load from the first days of life and up to three years.
  3. Good physical development of a small man contributes to more intensive formation of the brain and motor intelligence.
  4. In the actual growth phase, lasting from the moment of birth and up to 3-5 years, the child's brain is programmed for training and does not require additional motivation.

When to start?

Based on the basic provisions, which developed Glen Doman, an early development technique can be used since 3 months, when a child already responds to objects. Start classes with a demonstration of cards, which depict a variety of real objects - fruits, animals, toys, birds, transport and others. Thanks to such activities, it develops speech, attention, photographic and audible memory. Parents who use the Glen Domana technique, the reviews leave positive, since it is a fascinating game for baby, and not boring learning. This technique is designed for children under the age of three, as it later, the Doman noted, the ability to assimilate the new information is significantly reduced.

Motor Intellect.

The more intense the baby's brain is loaded, the faster it develops, found out as a result of research Glen Doman. The technique he developed proposes to develop mental activity of the baby through the formation of "motor" intelligence, that is, by mastering a variety of motor skills. For "forcing" the development of movements, Doman has developed a special simulator - a track for crawling. This is a narrow space, from two sides limited by side. The width of the track should be such that the hips and the forearms of the baby touches the side. All this is aimed at creating imitation of the intrauterine space and awakening in the memory of the child's "first reflex", thanks to which he could be born. Such a simulator allows the baby for the past 4 months to actively crawl and "conquer" quite large distances, thereby developing its motor intelligence, brain and ability to perceive new information.

You can make a similar design and from two finished bookshelves, the cover of the wall and the space between them with a soft blanket or plaid. To interest the baby, at the end of the "path" you can install a bright toy.

Main tool

In parallel with the track-simulator, special cards are used for the early development of children.

They are made of a certain size and contain realistic images and inscriptions, which helps the child to perceive information and get the brain load needed for development. The baby is enough to show cards with images of studied concepts, and the rules that they obey, the child will find himself. According to Glen Doman himself, this technique will be able to bring up the Wunderkind and genius.

Where to take them?

If you have an interest and desire to work out with your chance, then you can:

  • buy;
  • find sets on the Internet and print them;
  • choose pictures and make cards yourself.

It is only important to remember that if the Glena Domana technique is used, the cards should be with a white background, which hosts large, and most importantly, as a realistic image of the object is located.

At the bottom of the red large font, the word is written, which indicates the object depicted in the picture, object or phenomenon.

Rules of creation

For those who decided to make Domana's cards with their own hands, we give their main parameters and characteristics:

  1. Dimensions: 28 x 28 See How many parents say, a decrease in a couple of centimeters did not affect classes.
  2. On each card - one image.
  3. Background - only white.
  4. The image must be clearer and most realistic.
  5. The name of the subject shown on the card, write under it large red printed letters. On the reverse side duplicate the inscription pencil. In the future, there may be interesting facts and information.
  6. The proposed information should be new and unfamiliar for the child, otherwise it will quickly lose interest.

How to conduct classes?

How often and how much time will continue classes, parents decide, focusing on the physical and kid and its regime. It is worth practicing only when the child is calm and cheerful, slept and fed.

For classes, it is necessary to choose 5 cards related to one topic and demonstrate to the baby each for a few seconds, while simultaneously pronouncing the name of the subject, recommends Glen Doman. The technique provides through three lessons to replace one card from a new set. Thus, all pictures will be replaced. In about a week, you can slowly get acquainted with the method itself, and with cards.

  • prepare 5 sets of words of the same or different topics;
  • during each lesson, one set is demonstrated once;
  • classes time is about 10-15 seconds;
  • a day is held up to 15 demonstrations;
  • each set and card is shown to the child three times a day.

Learn to read

The method of reading Glen Domana is based on the mechanical memorization of the whole word, and not folding it from individual letters and syllables.

First, the child shows and voiced separate words, then phrases, and then simple sentences. In the same principle, the work with the cards is based on reading books. For several days, the adult reads the book two or three times a day. At some point, the child will have a desire to read the book on their own. Since the baby remembers the word entirely, and does not fold a syllable syllable, seeing it in the text, he recognizes and reproduces his sound.

Foreign languages

If your baby seizes his native language without any difficulty, then the Glen Glen's technique is English, and another foreign language will also help you master. You can start doing from a biennium.

Before you begin to develop with a child of any foreign language, parents must adequately appreciate their level of ownership. Well-set pronunciation and knowledge of the grammatical foundations will be sufficient to help the baby in learning a new language. If you doubt your own pronunciation or knowledge, it is better to find a teacher.

Regardless of whether there is a teacher or not, you can organize the following information streams for a child who will contribute to the study of the selected language:

  • Songs and audio tracks, television programs in this language, which can be included as a background when playing or placing children from birth to two years. The child is most likely to watch the screen will not be, but his brain will "write down" words and sounds.
  • Starting from two years, when a child can already focus on a moving image for a long time, you can start viewing cartoon films, fairy tales, theatrical performances for children in a foreign language. This will help the baby to correlate the situation, movement and objects with sounds and understand their meaning.
  • From three years you can teach a child to use educational language interactive programs on a computer or other device.

Thanks to the tremendous work, which Glen Doman did, became very popular. Many parents take her base and optimize the development and health status of their baby, often combining with elements of other systems. Remember that for a child it is a game, and it should be fun, interesting and exciting.

I heard a lot about the method of Glen Domana, I read this book in printouts and when I found in a labyrinth very happy. Indeed, the cards need a mad quantity, but when you see how the child likes, somehow retract and even interestingly draw them. In addition, you can buy ready-made. Here with adaptations for physical development - tracks, ladders ... It is much more difficult, but exercises that do not require the manufacture of a special inventory (and there are also quite a lot of them in the book), we are doing with pleasure.
The main difficulty in making cards is their size. For numbers 27x27cm, and for words 10x50cm. The standard A4 format does not fit. Here and are looking all the time in the Maze Cardboard more and more. And the cards with the words make a smaller size and have been writing short words. Even for cards with flowers, you need a color cardboard. And which you do not open - almost everywhere only 8 colors, and almost anywhere it is not indicated, which colors (thanks to the reviewers, which sometimes write in feedbacks). The most successful thing that was able to find: http: //www.Syt/OFFICE/201797/
We study mathematics and reading from the first days. Now younger than 5 months. I did not expect myself, but if my baby is in a bad mood, you often begin to show words or numbers to him, and he is magically soothing. And if we play together with the older brother (he is 3 years old) - the eldest teaches the younger. I post a few cards with the words and ask the eldest to show the baby where, for example, the word "mother". He honestly looking for the right word among several, if it is mistaken - the self or mother helps, and with delight shows the youngest.
And with the study of animals and plants, a set of ready-made cards "Who lives around me" http: // Although they are from the Zaitsev technique, but to collect such a number of pictures and make cards it's hard, unless Just begin to prepare in advance, before the birth of the baby to postpone successful pictures, for example, from old magazines. The difficulty is that the image should not contain backgrounds and foreign items. For example, if it is a crow, then in the picture there should be only one crow. Although if there is a good color printer, you can find on the Internet and print a lot of suitable pictures.
Classes themselves do not require much time. The duration of each occupation is measured by seconds.
There are also completely simple recommendations that do not require absolutely no preparation: for example, from the first days of life as often as possible to upload a child to the tummy, which allows you to very quickly learn how to crawl.
And the argument is to teach the child than before, the more productive is extremely simple. For 9 months of pregnancy, the head (respectively, the brain) is driven 35cm. Up to three years, the child's head grows up to 50 cm, and for the entire subsequent life, just a few centimeters.
One of the basic principles - for the baby classes and training should be a holiday. It is constantly emphasized that it is always necessary to finish the occupation before the child wants, so that the next "lesson" he waited with impatience.
In general, a very interesting edition.

Children quickly grab countless items.


So, we will not waste time, especially since it needs one memory for the beginning of all sciences, which children are gifted in the highest degree.

Quintilian (42-118 years. N. Er) about the education of the speaker

You have a baby! Of course, like all the parents, you dream that he grows smart and inquisitive, capable and comprehensively developed, so that he has no problems in learning and learning knowledge, because its success in the future depends on it. And you intend to make every effort to provide him all for this necessary.

Today, parents can seriously approach the development of the child. Opportunities that open books, benefits, games and toys for them are endless. Almost all moms and dads are familiar with the term "early development", but not everyone has an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bhis meaning. We hope that our book will help you figure it out.

What is early development

The term "early development" means the intensive development of the kid's abilities, starting with his birth. Modern psychologists and teachers believe that 7 years is very late in order to start learning the child, because his brain is ready to perceive new information from the first seconds after birth. Therefore, parents strongly recommend starting to deal with the child from the first days of his life.

In accordance with the fashion trends, there were a lot of developing children's centers, circles and whole schools who are ready to accept the child and to train his asams of reading, mathematics, drawing and other useful things from 6 months. Here the parents were divided into 2 camps: some claim that new-fashioned tendencies deprive the child of childhood, that he should play the toys as follows, and then it is so embarrassed by their parents themselves, and everyone grew up successful and fully developed people.

Supporters of the second point of view with enthusiasm perceived a new look and actively began for the development and training of babies, sometimes in the cast depriving them of the very "childhood". Who is right? We offer you to find the "golden middle" ourselves, having understood the essence of the proposed development methodologies and independently answering questions, for which they are intended and how they work. In this case, you yourself will be able to develop your baby, without turning the process into boring lessons and a meantime, but, on the contrary, enjoying communication with each other.

Each child is individual and develops individual pace. It is impossible to compare it with other children.

The goal of any Early Development Methods is not "to push" in the child as much knowledge as possible and the facts, but to teach it to receive these knowledge - developing his mental and physical abilities.

Training should bring mutual pleasure and baby, and mom, only in this case it will be successful.

Chapter 1 Early Development on the Methods of Domana

Who is Glen Doman

It will not be an exaggeration, if not to say that no early development technique has caused so many disputes and contradictory judgments as the Glen System Doman.

Among the opinions about its development method, you can hear both enthusiastic reviews and harsh criticism by teachers and parents.

Many people were taken for this work, they received dubious results or did not receive them at all, they saw the unwillingness, the resistance of children against such a way of filing information, as a result, infected from the houses of early development by the ideas of early development, changed the methodology to be unrecognizable and received their own, as, for example, known Many Cecile Lump.

So who is he, Glen Doman is the greatest teacher who discovered the universal recipe for the growth of geniuses, or simply the author of the doubtful technique around which the stormy advertising campaign unfolded? Is it useful or harmful to engage in a child on the system of Domana?

Perhaps, many will seem strange that such a well-known technique "on the education of geniuses" was originally rehabilitation. At the end of the forties of the 20th century, American Military Neurosurgeon Milkurge Glen Doman, working in the Philadelphia Institute, later called the Institute of Accelerated Development of the Child (Better Baby Institute (BBI)) began to study the treatment of children with brain injuries.

With the help of external stimuli, he tried to stimulate the "reserve" cerebral cells that are not affected by the disease. So that the children began to fix the view, they began to show cards with painted red dots, gradually increasing their number and intensity of classes. Then - words, pictures. The whole lesson occupied 5-10 seconds, but there were several dozen such lessons per day. The method worked.

The conclusions to which Doman and his colleagues came to be sketchically described as follows: stimulating one of the senses organs, you can achieve a sharp increase in the activity of the brain as a whole.

As a neurophysiologist scientist, Doman made a unique discovery: the brain develops only if it works. And the more intense the load on the brain of the baby in the first years of his life, the better his intelligence will develop. The more the baby from the birth of the baby is encouraged to move, the faster there is a brain, the more perfect and mature will be its cells and the higher (according to Domana terminology) will be its motor intelligence. This means that the kid is much earlier than the generally accepted deadlines begin to crawl independently, sit, walk. And as soon as the child is mastering one or another motor skill, the next, higher, brain department begins to develop. Well, the faster the formation of higher departments (and especially the crust) of the brain is going, the smarter and the smarter will be your baby.

The creative possibilities of children enrolled in the system of the Institute of Accelerated Development of the Child are so wide that Doman himself called them the children of Renaissance.

What gives the Domana technique to parents and children

In the future, the system designed for patients, Doman tried to apply in work with healthy children. With her works, he showed that the human potential is huge that at a very early age of children can be learned very much. At his institute, children of two, three, four years begin to read, perfectly master mathematics, become real erudites and at the same time well-developed physically: they are well floating, run, climb.

Another opening of the Domana is not less important: the brain of the child from birth is programmed to training since birth, and while its active growth is underway (after three years it slows down significantly, and after six almost stops), the child does not require any additional motivation for learning.

Human potential is huge; At a very early age, children can be learned very much.

Stimulating one of the senses, you can achieve a sharp increase in the activity of the brain as a whole.

The brain develops only if it works.

The more the baby from the birth of the baby is encouraged to move, the faster there is a brain formation.

The main principle of the Domana technique is the harmonious development of the child. This means that the development of intelligence occurs in an inseparable connection with physical development. Doman seeks to "give children unlimited opportunities in life. And the implementation of this goal will be determined by the fact that a child will choose who he decides to become, which will like him from a long list of opportunities. " But so that he can choose, he needs to provide these opportunities. It is designed to make classes: it is necessary to develop a rumor, the ability to languages, plastic and muscle strength is everything that can then be a favorite thing, the source of inspiration.

If a competently organize the process, any child with pleasure will learn from everything that you offer him.

This is the surest way to make a baby happy and successful. It will learn without serious losses to withstand heavy loads, will be ready for the rhythm of modern life, to realize that study is a source of interesting discoveries and new opportunities.

Before starting classes

Working with a child according to the method of Domana reminds the creation of a complex computer program. Therefore, each particle of knowledge that the kid will receive is called a "bit of information".

The brain of the child from birth is programmed for training.

Study is effective only during the growth of the brain. And the human brain grows up to 7-7.5 years, but it is most active in the first three years.

All babies have incredible abilities to languages.

The faster the formation of the highest departments (and especially the bark) of the brain, the smarter and the smarter will be your baby.

Almost from birth, the child can be shown big cards with "information bits". For learning reading, use cards with words. For learning mathematics - cards, on which the digit is replaced by the corresponding number of points. For encyclopedic knowledge - cards with pictures. Such a card can depict an animal, insect or artwork. The name of the subject is recorded on the turn, it is his child and must read. What details (by Domana - informative) explanation, the better. For example, the inscription "Big Galapagos Turtle" is preferable than the "turtle".

Undoubtedly, the method of Glen Domana is useful and with the right organization of classes are effective, although, like any technique, this system has its own minuses. However, it is not necessary to immediately refuse the methodology proposed by Doman. Remember the "Golden Mid" rule? That's it, it is necessary to observe it, skillfully combining the elements of this system with other methods of early development, with common sense, the features of your child, as well as your life.

Glen Doman claims: "If you show a child within ten seconds, it is not just 10 random cards, but 10 cards related to a certain category, then thereby provide it with the opportunity to make up 36,28,800 combinations of knowledge gained. Now he will not just remember for the whole life ten bits of information, but will master the whole system of knowledge. "

The Domana system is good because the child absorbs a large amount of information with ease, pleasant to it in a way, without violence, threats and the like "educational" delights. For the development of creative and research abilities, parents can always find other ways.

Before starting classes, be sure to pay attention to several important points.

Classes on this technique will require parents of certain forces and costs - after all, for a long time they will have to make thousands of cards with points, words, images of animals, plants, various items.

In the Domana system, the child is a passive learning object. He is sitting, and Mom shows it one, then another series of cards, telling a strictly defined set of information about each. There is no dialogue and joint creativity with the child.

Do not give up the traditional "grandmother" methods. Let the baby listen as many fairy tales as possible, songs, poems, and they do not always be accompanied by the pictures so that the brain of the kid learned to independently hold the visual row to the text. This will help to develop a speech from the baby, on time to form the functions of interpretation of the text. Do not forget about such vintage "development", like traditional fun, cubs, finger games.

Scientists believe that it is impossible to forget about the emotional and cognitive development of the child, since it is impossible to develop only one (in this case the visual) component. "Fact" must be fascinated, touch and lick, that is, to investigate it with all the senses, and then, using its relationship with other "facts", to determine the place in the world.

If you use only a picture with signatures when learning, as a Doman recommends, a child's text thinking is not formed: the ability to read independently (or listen) and analyze the text, extract the necessary information from it.

Doman compares the human brain with a computer, very perfect, endowed with a huge margin of memory, but still a computer that is necessary for successful work to provide a good database. But the child is not a computer, and he needs more than a certain amount of information.

So, if you decide to start learning a child according to the method of Glen Domana, listen to the advice of specialists and experienced parents.

Focus on the baby's reaction. Doman recommends showing cards very quickly, delaying every no more than 1-2 seconds. The brain of a small child works differently than an adult, and the baby seems to be "take pictures", and then at rest processes the information received. For children of the first - the beginning of the second year of life, it really is true. But a one and a half-year-old kid himself will definitely give you to understand that this technique does not suit it. Most likely, he will start selecting your album, to consider pictures for a long time, ask questions. Listen to your crumb, and you will definitely understand exactly how you need to do with it. Rely on your intuition, because any finished technique is just a diagram from which you need to choose what seems useful and necessary for your baby.

Never do what you do not like and what, as you think, do not like the child.

Do not feel seriously to the statement of the Domana that the only need for the child is to know, and a useless game is just a parental way to "get rid" from the kid. Psychologists have long been proven that the game for a child is modeling the world and the possibility of self-expression.

Engage with a child in time as much as you get. Do not worry that in your routine of the day it is not possible to enter a three-time showing of several blocks of cards, most of the exercise, etc. It is worth recalling that the technique was initially developed for children suffering from various diseases, and parents were ready to "live for a child." The goal of their lives was to put them on their feet. Are such victims need a healthy baby? Will parents be happy, submitting their lives in whole of his learning? And does this happiness bring the most child?

Taking on the method of Domana, use only what you are under power. In any case, it will be better than nothing.

Do not ask the child to give you answers, play with you, read you when he has no mood, just because it has come to another "portion" of knowledge.

The main thing is to talk as much as possible with the child to any topics. This is the key to your success.

Give the child as many ways to get information as possible, do not limit yourself only by cards. Let the baby be at the disposal of the kid will be cards, books, microscope, musical instruments and much more that you can afford. The environment in which the child lives should be developing.

The information you give a small child should be built on the basis of the principle "Child and his environment", and its boundaries need to be expanded depending on the age of the child. For example, you can show the baby card with items, fruits and vegetables, the plants of the terrain, in which you live, home and wild animals, which he can see or about which is told in his books. Very helpful cards depicting what children do (goes, sits, swims, drinks from the bottle, smiles, sleeping). You can make a series of cards on which representatives of different professions will be depicted: painter, driver, fisherman, doctor, seller, clown, etc. All this not only expands the horizon of the baby, but also develops his speech. For ease of use, insert cards into photo albums or folders with transparent pockets - files, and sign pictures with large, clear letters. Then the baby will not only remember the pictures, but also gradually learn to read.

Rejoice to each success of your child, even the slightest attempt to express yourself, especially if this desire is noticed by you for the first time.

Improve yourself, never stop the achieved, look for answers to children's questions with the baby, reason.

Do not load a child with useless information. So that the abnormal abstract facts are not "hung in the air," such classes are well combined with reading favorite books. For example, reading Russian folk tales, prepare a series of cards with animals and plants that are mentioned in them, images of the objects of old life (spindles, spindle, rocker, napti, etc.). If the kid without end demands to reread "Aibolita", it's time to tell him what Africa is and show it on a geographical map, to make and consider the Album "Rhodes' Beasts", in which images of animals cured by Aibolite will meet.

Try to give the child not separate facts, but systemically organized information; Serve it from different sides, from different points of view, lighten the same topic not only on cards, but also in games, posters, books, other benefits.

Little children are much better for learning than anyone else.

Little children are confident that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults will be fully paid to them, especially dad with mom.

The best teachers are parents.

They can teach their child with absolutely everything they know, if only this knowledge is true and based on the facts.

Do not arrange "knowledge checks": testing identifies only what is not learned.

Teaching is a game that ends before the child gets tired.

Notes of experienced parents

Marina F..: "My daughter and I began to deal with the house with 3 months. Started with the development of physical abilities. Thanks to these exercises, in 3 months went with support and crawled, the child began to sit at 4 months, to walk - at 6.5 months. Moreover, opponents of such development indicate only that such classes are allegedly harmful to the child's spine. I will say right away that all the exercises of the Domana for this period of development are based on the movement without load on the spine. Thanks to these exercises, the muscles and ligaments of the spine are strengthened. And the question is: "Why can't the child crawl or in 6 months to walk?" - I do not understand. Maybe it will be more logical to assume that it is harmful to swaded a child and not give him to move? And if a child can walk or crawl, he gets the opportunity to open new horizons for the knowledge of the surrounding world. At least my child was delighted.

Further from 7 months we began to learn to read. For a child, it was a fascinating game. Again, I do not understand those who ask: "Where is the childhood? Where are the necessary children's games? "Our training did not take more than half an hour, here's the answer - all day for other games. The result of classes was the fact that a child in 1 year 8 months read children's books himself. Moreover, so that there are no problems with long and unknown words, we, in addition to whole words, learned all the well-known syllables. From 10 months studied to count. Now my daughter is 2 years and 3 months, we consider up to 100, we make all simple mathematical actions, start learning the multiplication table.

I will give the main argument why I am "for" Domana. Most children who are not prepared for the school by the end of the first class do not have time to learn a simple score and mathematical actions, and here the second class is the multiplication table. The material is complicated. Children are trying to understand the multiplication table, not knowing the invoice. And the snowball begins: the child has not learned one thing, - he already needs to be absorbed. And so before the graduation class. And the initial knowledge polished to the ideal helps, and do not slow down the learning of the school program. In life, the child will be easier to understand other simple and complex things. "

Chapter 2 How to teach a child

No need to be a professional

Most parents, having acquainted with the method of Glen Domana in theory, are afraid to go to the practical part and start classes with their child. Explanations to this several.

Many scares the statement that all instructions need to be performed as accurate as possible - only in this case, you can achieve the desired result.

Other parents, having familiarized to the Domana technique, decide that it is too difficult to deal with the child: cooking to the lessons take too much strength and time, the lessons themselves require systematic and high pace, and it is quite difficult to provide a small child and many other duties who also need to do.

At the age of 5 years, the child easily assimilates a huge amount of information. And what he is younger, the better it does. If he does not have 2 years, the learning process will go easier and efficiently.

The child under 5 years old is able to perceive the information amazingly quickly.

All children are linguistic geniuses.

Children under 5 years old are literally crowded with vital energy.

In addition, many parents who do not have pedagogical education are afraid to be mistaken, do something wrong, thereby hurting the child. They prefer to give the baby to developing centers where children will be in the safe hands of specialists.

Of course, such arguments are not deprived of common sense, but still do not hurry to abandon the Domana technique. Pay attention to the following facts.

The mother from the first days of birth is needed by mom's attention. Classes give the baby not only knowledge, but the so necessary for him to communicate with each other. In addition, who, how don't your mother know better needs and the possibility of his baby?