Scenario of entertainment "Christmas time. Educational and methodological material (Grade 4) on the topic: Scenario of the holiday "Christmas time"

Holiday "Christmas"


On this winter evening

Smoke curls over the chimney

The moon shines over her

And the hut is full of guests.

Here are the red girls

Coloring pages - sisters.

Good fellows around.

And hostess at the table.

We have gatherings here.

We called you here

Play, have fun.

Indulge in Russian dance with soul.

Mistress. Hello. Dear guests! Merry Christmas to you all! Happy Christmas and Baptism! We have warmth and comfort here. And on the street it's cold and snowstorms are sweeping!

Round dance "Everything around was powdered."

Mistress. Already you, winter - winter,

The winter was snowy (2p)

Christmas brought us

Vedas Christmas is a religious holiday. The very word says that someone was born. Two thousand years ago, in the distant country of Palestine, in the city of Bethlehem, an amazing miracle happened: an extraordinary and divine baby was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary - our Lord Jesus Christ.

Reb 1 There were many stars in the sky

Warm clear night

Quietly sleeping Jesus Christ

On the straw in the manger.

Reb 2 Virgo - mother, bending over him

Gently hummed

The night shimmered golden

star veil

Reb 3 Angels sang to Christ

Glorified the birth

He brought beauty into the world

I believe in salvation.

The song "Christmas".

Mistress. Our Savior Lord was born

Embodied in human flesh

Celebration on earth and in heaven

Christ God Christmas!

Vedas. Let's sing and dance

glorify the birth of Christ

Reb. Christmas has come

We have been waiting for it for a long time

Christmas time is celebrated by the people:

Have fun and sing

Round dance "I sow, I sow, I sow."

Mistress. In our upper room fun - now the Christmas season continues! Did you know that before, on all the days of Christmas time, they were guessing, but the main evening for predictions was at Epiphany. Let's guess too!

Vedas . Once a Epiphany Eve

The girls guessed;

Shoe behind the gate

Taking off with feet throwing

Weed the snow;

Under the window they listened;

They fed counting chicken with grain;

Burnt wax was heated ...

Mistress. In this little pouch, anything for the soul. Whoever takes it out, it will come true, it will come true soon, it will not pass!

Ribbon - to a long, happy life

Button - live in a big family

Coin - to wealth

Sliver - good health

Potatoes - waiting for great happiness

Nail - guest on the doorstep

Paperclips - to new friends

Vedas. We are waiting on the stage of the good fellows -

Both actors and singers

Balagurov and dancers,

Harmonists, dancers

Come out soon, people, open your mouth wide.

Christmas carols have come to us!

(children enter with noise instruments)


Mistress. Oh thank you guys
What came to our hall for Christmas!
I congratulate you on the holiday

I treat the caravan.

He is on a painted platter,
With a white towel.

Christmas time: the script for the holiday.

About me: I have been working at the school for 22 happy years, 15 of them according to the developing system Zankova L.V. One of the wise people said: “To teach, you must be able to do it yourself, to be believed, you must believe yourself, in order to be followed, you must go ahead.” So I, opening the world to children, do not stop developing with them. Over the years I've learned how to take photos, create presentations, and do some Photoshop work, but I know I still have a lot to learn! I love my students and my work!

Explanatory note

One of the educational tasks of the school is to help the little person learn the centuries-old experience of human, spiritual and moral communication between people. In elementary school, for the normal development of the child, it is necessary to preserve the game form of teaching and educating schoolchildren. This work is multifaceted.
Every year, at our methodological association of primary school teachers, we choose the most interesting areas of educational work. For the parallel of the 2nd grade, one of the memorable events is the Multi-Genre Festival "Russian Folk Traditions", which we hold in February. We start preparing immediately after the New Year holidays. Each 2nd grade chooses its own topic, composes its own script, prepares scenery, costumes, etc.
It fell to us to represent the traditional winter holidays, from which we chose the most mysterious time - Christmas time.
The class was divided into interest groups, they began to collect material on holidays, pictures, write down fortune-telling. When there was enough material, they sat down to write the script, almost simultaneously a group of artists emerged. During the discussions, the children had to work with a variety of information, highlight the main thing, correctly formulate their thoughts, answer classmates' questions, participate in dialogues and discussions. And during the rehearsals, they understood that somewhere the text needed to be redone, somewhere to stand differently, etc. Parents helped with costumes. And here's what we got.

Holiday script.

Artists: 2 presenters (Xenia, Yulia), owner, hostess, daughters, carolers, devil, "hole holders", guests
1st host: Hello dear guys!

2nd leader: Hello dear guests!

1st host: Old and young!
Winter is not only the longest season of the year, but also the richest in holidays.

2nd leader: The Christmas season includes Christmas, the Old New Year - St. Basil's Day, Terrible Evenings, Epiphany.

K. What is Christmas time?
The holiday is the longest
It's funny and old fashioned.
Our ancestors drank, ate,
Having fun for two weeks
From Christmas to Epiphany
Prepared meals!

Yu. They went around the yards at Christmas time,
They sang various carols.
The holiday was expected and loved,
Dressed up and joked.
So let's go now
We will meet him at our place! (leave)

1st host: Christmas time is a magical, magical time. According to legend, on holy days the doors to a happy family life were opened. Holy evenings were dedicated to caroling and girlish divination.

2nd leader: Christmas. People rejoiced and rejoiced in honor of the birth of the divine baby Jesus Christ, who will grow up and bring happiness and joy to people.

1st host: Kolyada - this is the name of the old Christmas rite in honor of the Nativity of Christ. At Christmas, any guest was considered sacred. The hosts presented carolers with refreshments.
(carolers walk in a circle) They enter the house.

Everything: We are standing on the threshold.
We don't say hello.
Let's put it another way:
"Peace to your home!"
star of bethlehem
She sent us here.
We came to carol
glorify Christ God
You, the owners, to magnify!

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.
Give me a cow, butter head!
Standing at the window looking at me
Serve a pancake, it will bake smoothly!
Kolyada, Kolyada, give me a pie!
Damn and a cake in the back window!

carol, carol
Christmas carol came
Christmas Eve
With butter, with milk
The owner's yard is full of belly
And the barrels are full of life
There's a pie on the police
Hostess, give me:
Give, know, do not break.

And God forbid that
Who is in this house
To make the rye thick
To from the ear - octopus
From half-grain - a large pie

Give you Lord
livestock, belly
Cow with calf
Sheep with a piglet
Horse with foal
Pig with lamb

Host with hostess
sun and moon
To their dear children
Frequent asterisks
many summers
many summers

carol, carol
Get out of the yard
meet the sun
wish happiness
To have bread in the house
So that the barn was not empty

Owner, hostess
To their dear children
many summers
many summers

Host response: Happy new year, with all kind!
The hosts welcome guests.

2nd leader: The Old New Year is Vasily's Day, which falls on January 14, and therefore, in the old days, Santa Claus was often called Vasilyevich.
(the hostess with her daughters show actions to the words of the presenters)
On this day, all the housewives roasted, boiled, baked as much food as possible, waited for dressed up guests, walked, had fun.

1st host: They cooked porridge - beans, various cereals and berries - the main treat, and sweets - gingerbread with the image of animals (goats)

2nd leader: DIVINATION.
Fortune-telling was the most interesting at Svyatki. This is a very exciting process, but mysterious and dangerous. It was possible to guess at any time, but the most faithful was the spell from January 7 to 19. Girls and boys wondered, wanting to know their fate: whether the groom would be reliable and stately, whether the bride would be beautiful and comely.

scene(carolers and daughters participate) During fortune-telling, a devil constantly runs past.
1. In Russia, girls released a chicken. Whoever catches the first girl will get married this year.
2. Another divination: they took a glass of water, lowered a golden ring into it, and looked. What is presented is what will happen.
Guests take turns taking fortune-telling objects from the bag:
Tape is a long road
Sliver - to good health
Mirror - to beauty
Button - happiness in the family
Candy - to the sweet life
Bagel - to wealth
Feather - promotion.
Dog - to a friend
Run out in turn (backstage). They line up there, at the words “this water ...” they take turns going out, crouching three times (the audience sees a “hole” made of fabric) and lining up for the final part behind the presenters

1st host: Baptism. January 19. It is believed that on the night of Epiphany, water in all springs is blessed. Old people say: "Baptism is such a great holiday that willows can even bloom on this day." It was this water that was supposed to wash away sin (and divination has always been considered associated with evil spirits). After baptism in the hole, it was impossible to wash and rinse clothes for another week.

2nd leader: From century to century, the ancient winter ritual holidays of Mother Russia will be passed on to our children and grandchildren: New Year, St. Basil's Day, Epiphany and Christmas. These are the most magical days of the year.

1st host: They say that these days, whatever you want,
All that hour will happen, all that hour will come true.
“I have a magical wishing candle in my hands. Guys, make every wish. And your wish will surely come true. Only the desire should be kind and bright.

2nd leader: We hope that this candle has lit a spark of happiness, kindness and love for each other. Our holiday is over, thank you for your attention!

Ekaterina Shevchenko

Children walk on Christmas holidays

Leading: All on Christmas time, all on Christmas time, Come on, guys!

Both ovsen and carols will be with us. Yes?

Children: Yes!

Child: What is that - Christmas time?

Vedas: You didn't hear guys? Well, you have to tell and, of course, show.

1 child: Ice has come,

Brought winter into the house.

2 children: The horses were harnessed to the sleigh,

On the way, the path was brought out.

3 children: It's good that every year

Winter is coming to us.

Sings loud songs

The round dance starts.

Children sing a song: "Like thin ice"

(children sit on chairs)

(The light dims. Baba Yaga comes in with an imp and sit down

on a bench near the hut.)

Baba Yaga: Yes, my dear! (Rubs palm on palm.) The carol has arrived! Open the gate! (Rejoices.) Now, let's make a plan for our dirty work on Christmas night. How can we please the carolers? (Thinks.)

Heck: ABOUT! Ruin the road! Make up the road!

Baba Yaga: Well done, blackie! (pats him on the head) But this is not enough.

Heck: Infiltrate the carolers on walk!

Bab Yaga: Oh, you, my clever girl! Praise, praise! (He touches the devil's nose.)

Heck: Oh, grandma! I suggest stealing the month. Painfully, today he is bright and beautiful. So it shines on the road, guys, girls to help.

Baba Yaga: And where did you learn such wisdom? And who are you so smart about?

Heck: All in you, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Good student! Take an example from him! Well, me too. And now to work. Just need to clean up the house first. Tea, Christmas in the yard. Sweep away the cobweb, so that the hut sparkles, so that the native dances! Wow, dear! (Jumps, dances.)

(Cleans up in the hut.) Dance "Stars"

Baba Yaga: Now, get to work! So that it becomes dark in the village!

(They fly away.)

Vedas: Wow, evil spirits! Again flew dirty tricks. But today we guys we will not give our fun roam Babe Yaga with an imp. Let's sing and dance celebrate Christmas!

Mummers enter (Gypsies, Buffoon) And sing:

The carol has come

Open the gate!

open the gate

And welcome guests!

Hello, guys!

Good day, good day!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

(scatter grain)

Just like our carol

Neither small nor great.

She comes to your door

Let everyone bow!

Leading: Hello, dear guests!

We called you here

play, have fun,

Indulge in Russian dance with soul.

Let's spend the evening

Sing a song together.

Song "New Year!" general

(Children sit on chairs.)

(Baba Yaga enters.)

Baba Yaga: Look how fun! Enough treats for neighbors and guests! And Baba-Yaga had no crumbs in his mouth since the past Christmas.

Vedas: Oh, you're lying, Baba Yaga. Who ate sour cream yesterday?

Baba Yaga: Not me! This is a cat ... he did not finish his meal, but I helped him.

Vedas: Okay, enough of Baba Yaga to make excuses. So be it, we will help you and treat you with candy. Truth, guys?

Children: Yes!

(Suddenly, a broom flies from behind the door into the hall.)

Vedas: What kind of joke is this?

Heck: (From behind the door.) The stove is heating up, you want a pie.

Vedas: I'll give you a pie! Wow! Devilry! (threatens him.)

(A shoe flies out from behind the door.)

Vedas: Oh, you! Well, my patience has run out, isn't Chertushko buried there? Did you marvel at our food? (Goes to the door and pulls out the Devil by the ear.) Here is a good fellow with a tail and horns.

Heck: I ran and out of breath,

Inhaled the smoke from the stove,

I got to you on the strength.

How glad I am, how glad I am

that I saw you guys!

I love to have fun

Everybody get up for the game

Who will fall into my paws,

Then he will dance with me!

A game "Zhmurki"

(Then the Devil and Baba Yaga start chasing the children and putting them in a bag without a bottom.)

Heck: Oh, how delicious, but appetizing, I'll take you to my place, maybe for lunch, or maybe for dinner.

Vedas: Shout, shush, evil spirits, if you don’t want to live in friendship with us, go to your forest! (The devil and Baba Yaga run away. (The devil is leaving completely, B-I stays on the sidelines)

The carol rolled

Kolyada is young, uh-uh!

What a glorious day

Get into a round dance

Let's walk around

Yes to amuse the guys!

Dance. senior group


As everyone knows, girlfriends

Masters of singing ditties.

And you guys don't yawn!

Help sing ditties! Chastushki

1. Hey, hurry everyone here!

Kolyada came to visit.

We will joke, grimace,

Run, jump, have fun.

2. From snowflakes clean, new

I'm making a snowman.

And in the spring I will not leave her -

I'll put it in the freezer!

3. Here came to us Kolyada

On the eve Christmas

Open doors wider

Congratulate everyone congratulations!

4. We do not hide our noses

In scarves and collars.

Hotter stoves warm

Skis, sleds and skates!

5. Kolyada, Kolyada!

Nobody sleeps!

In every house old and small

All night fun!

Stomp, leg - leg,

Topni is right.

We sang ditties to you

Even if they are small!

(chastushki - Russian folk melody)

The game "Grandma Ezhka" is being played.

Baba Yaga:

Tay, tay, come on

Play a game with me!

I am Grandma Ezhka,

Bone leg!

I will entertain you

I will play with you!

(teasing children)

girls with mustaches,

Boys with braids.

Children stand in a circle. In the center - leading:

Baba Yaga. She has a broomstick in her hands. To the lyrics of the song, children jump around Baba Yaga, tease her. baba yaga broomstick (can be a branch) tries to touch the children - to "bewitch": as soon as he touches the child, he freezes in any position.

Baba hedgehog,

bone leg,

Fell off the stove

Broke a leg

And then he says:

My stomach hurts.

Grandma went to the garden

frightened all the people.


Wouldn't you like to tell fortunes, but to know your fate?

Well, let's guess

We'll take a look under the pot.


(Game with guests "Fortune telling on pots")

(A bench is placed in the middle of the hall, there are 6 pots on it. The first guest comes out. The children go in a round dance and sing, after the song the guest chooses a pot.)

Pot with tops,

Tell us buddy:

What will happen, what will happen?

Let the bad stay.

Towel: Spreads far. The road is waiting for you, the journey.

Bulka: The mouse runs in the upper room, drags the loaf into the house. There will be prosperity and prosperity in the house.

ringlet: Sow flour, bake pies! Guests are coming to you, suitors are coming to me.

ribbon: Walking through the field, plaiting a Russa braid. Tape - to wealth, profit.

Button: Oh, the bug walked along the mound, threw the good on the washcloth. You live a happy life in a big family. (adult)

(Baba Yaga runs to the sixth pot.)

Baba Yaga: And tell me! I want happiness too!

(Takes out a sprig from the Christmas tree from the sixth pot.)

What's this? Explain?

Vedas: Apparently - to a new broom!

Baba Yaga: (Looks sadly into the pot.) Is there no ring?

Vedas: So who will marry you? How old are you?

Baba Yaga: Oh, a lot. I don't remember how many times Christmas foul. If so, then I'm leaving, but again I will come to you on the next Christmas. And then I'll come up with something new! (Baba Yaga leaves.)

Vedas: Well, well, guys, Baba Yaga flew away until the next Christmas, and our holiday has come to an end.

Let's make every wish

To make it easier to say goodbye!

So that happiness and fun all year round,

So that guests are overwhelmed!

Christmas time

Leading: Hello dear guests! Winter is not only the longest season of the year, but also the richest in holidays. One of them is New Year's Eve. Winter Christmas time is the longest and noisiest annual holiday in Russia. From Christmas to Epiphany, having prepared refreshments, they sang various carols, went around the yards to Christmas time. At Christmas time, they wondered about the future harvest, about brides and grooms, about their fate: they noticed that if the sky is starry, frosty and a lot of snow on New Year's Eve, there will be a good harvest, and if it is cloudy, there is little snow and heat - to crop failure. There was such a custom when young people and children went from house to house: on Christmas Eve, on New Year's Eve and on the eve of Epiphany. Carolers were expected in every house, the owners prepared treats for them in advance and listened to carols.

From behind the door of the "hut" the sounds of an approaching crowd are heard. Knock on the door. Two Carolers enter.

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas,

With donuts, with cakes,

With pig feet.

Carol, carol, give me a pie!

Give it, don't break it

But in general, come on.

Whoever gives a pie - that cattle, belly,

Who will not give a pie -

We are a cow by the horn!

Give a damn, give a gut,

Pig leg.

A little bit of everything!

Carry - don't shake

Come on - don't break!

Give me a slice of bread

Or half the money

Or a chicken with a crest,

Rooster with a comb!

Or a tuft of hay

Or forks to the side.

hostess Don't call, go home. I won't give you anything!

1st caroler Fedul's wife

Was very thirsty.

She has no coat

And the shirt is not washed,

Yes, and the husband is not hefty -

Lazy clumsy.

Cinderella - failure

Not a weaver and not a spinner,

Deverek - picture,

In the head - chaff.

2nd caroler At the mean man

Born rye is good:

Spikelet is empty,

Straw thick,

And the miserly hostess

Don't eat saiki

Don't drink honey

An empty deck for her!

Are about to leave

Master What do you! What do you! Stay!

Eat whatever you want.

What did you think, wife?

Look, what Satan!

Returns Kolyadnikov

hostess Please go to the hut. For dear guests

And the gates wide open. Dear guests - dear feast!

carolers Can you walk here

Have a little quarrel?

Master Walk all you want!

Sort, guys, sort!

Carolers scatter grain from a basket around the hut, saying

carolers We sow, we sow, we sow.

Happy New Year!

Carolers turn to the hostess

carolers Don't be stingy, Marya.

hostess Oh, you sly kids, bare heels!

You will have a pie and a ham!

How about riddles?

carolers Oh, mistress, guess, guess!

hostess 1. The table is white

The whole world is dressed? (Winter)

2. Twelve brothers

They roam one after another

Do they bypass each other? (months)

3.Sieve - is the sieve covered? (Heaven and earth)

4. In the courtyard of a mountain,

And in the hut with water? (Snow)

5. No hands, no ax handle,

Bridge built? (Ice on the river)

6. The old man at the gate

Warmly dragged away,

Doesn't run on his own

And won't you stand? (Freezing)

7. I twist, grumble,

Don't want to know anyone? (Blizzard)

Vedas: Well, what is a Christmas holiday without jokes, jokes, without funny games-competitions?

Toddler game: “Hit the target” (two teams of 6 people each. Task: you need to hit the hoop with a snowball).

Games for seniors:“Taking the snow town” (two teams of 8-10 people each try to hit each other with a snowball. Whichever side had more snowballs, that team won)

"Fun ski track" (two teams of 6 people each. Task: on one ski they run around the chair at speed).

There is a knock on the door. Singing from behind the door.

Carol, carol.

Open up the gate!

The horned goat came

The butted goat came

Who won't give me candy

That grouchy old grandfather.

Who will not give a pie.

That bald hag.

Who will not give sour cream,

To that - some flaws!

The owner invites to the hut

Master Come in, don't hesitate

Eat whatever you want!

A gang of mummers enters, among them two Kikimoras, Baba Yaga leads a Goat on a rope.

Baba Yaga I have my own hut

I have my own stick.

I am a mean old lady

Surname Yaga.

For my goat let's

And of course for me

Pies and loaves,

And we will dance, oh, la-la

Goat How to give a horn

You will be at the threshold.

How to give a hoof

You will fly into the trough.

How to give a tail.

You will be under a bush.

Kikimory We are kikimora beauties,

The hair is long, the mind is short.

We are kikimori girlfriends.

Green like frogs.

We are on the horns of anyone!

Grandma Yaga is with us!

Kikimory, Baba Yaga and Koza sing a carol together:

Give us a shmat of lard

sieve of wheat,

Goat on the hooves of the mittens!

hostess Please, guys, masters of carols,

Here you have gingerbread, jam and other treats!

Master A house is not built without corners,

There is no speech without a proverb.

old proverb

Forever will not break.

From you, dear guests, demand:

Do you know proverbs about winter and frost?

Carolers call proverbs and sayings

And winter begins.

2. If the field is smooth in winter -

And in the barrel will be smooth.

3. Not the snow that sweeps,

And the one on top.

He asks how shod.

5. A fur coat is no joke in winter.

February - blizzards.

Master Your carols were good.

Here are sweet pies for tea!

hostess To remember Christmas!

Carolers all over the place Thanks to this house

Let's go to another one!

Vedas: Dear guests, we invite you all to our cheerful dance. (Dance tunes play). Participants and spectators are invited to dance.

Vedas: The fun was amazing

And thank you all for the holidays!

Happy New Year! Happy New Health! With new happiness! (The melody of a Russian folk song sounds).

Event scenario

Compiled by: Gridasova Olga Vasilievna,

additional education teacher

Christmas gatherings.

Presenter: The twelve days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ are called Christmastide. They continue until Epiphany - January 19th. Christmas entertainments are round dances, dances, slides, plentiful refreshments. During the day at this time, they walked, played and had fun, and in the evenings they gathered for gatherings, guessed or walked dressed up and caroled. Even such proverbs have been preserved: “Summer is for diligence, and winter is for walking!”.That's why we will forget about all the worries for a while and have fun from the heart

This holiday is the longest

It's fun and vintage!

Our ancestors drank, ate

We had fun for two weeks.

From Christmas to Epiphany

Having prepared a meal

Sang various carols

We went around the yards to Svyatki.

Leading. No matter how many years have passed since then, and today the mummers still go from house to house, sing songs with wishes for good, health, and the owners treat them. In their songs, the mummers praise Kolyada. Our ancestors believed: how you praise Kolyada depends on whether the year will be good. Do you know, friends, what this Kolyada is? Or who is she? It is unlikely, because even scientists still cannot accurately solve this riddle. But one old belief that we really like

Kolyada-kolyada, open the gates,

Open the door, bring some bread,

Take out the cups, put the porridge,

Sweet candies, Copper coins,

A pretzel and a bagel And an iron ruble!

Treat with kalach, Do not get sick at all!

May God give joy to the one who is in the terem-house!

Give thick rye on the field, Give the stew is not empty,

Yes, white canvas, Yes, cattle in the barn!

Kolyada-kolyada, Your life will be full!

Leading. Kolyada, the daughter of the Sun God himself! In other words, a new summer sun. She has a trio of frisky horses - gold, silver and diamond, and from this day I will direct them to the summer road, to a new harvest!

And I'm Ovsen, Kolyada's brother! I scatter grains, I sow and sow, I foretell a rich harvest!

The horned goat is a symbol of fertility! I carry a sheaf of hay, I follow the shoots! Cow cow, a symbol of prosperity! They sculpted it from dough and baked it, put it on the window and treated the mummers!

And I’m a Shepherd, I fed a Cow, I brought good luck to the house!

And everyone knows me! The bear is clubfoot, a merry fellow and a joker! I sing, I walk, I answer for the fun!

And I'm Hen, and I didn't come in vain either. The people said that with the beginning of Christmas time, a short winter day was added "by a chicken step." And that already means that spring is just around the corner!

Riddles for the holidays

At the nanny, at the nanny

Forty-eight kids

They were small - everyone was friends,

Grown up - crumbled. (spikelet)

Geese with goslings are swimming on the blue lake. (clouds)

wooden house,

In the house - water. (well)

Crying, crying roar,

Poor head.

Crying in summer and spring

And in autumn sometimes So weeps, so weeps,

That hardly dries up! (rain)

white sheep,

Gilded horns.

During the day she does not graze,

Can't sleep at night! (month)

Not ice, not snow, but melting. (candle)

Wonderful Sasha - Green shirt:

Dressed for summer, undressed for winter! (wood)

wooden giant

He walked through the woods and fields.

Stepped across the river

Yes, I fell asleep over the river! (bridge)

The audience guesses

receive small prizes.

Leading. People believe that on a starry night at Epiphany in all sources - be it a well, a river, a stream or another body of water - the water becomes unusually healing. Collecting holy water, you can not quarrel, swear, allow dark thoughts: water loses its holiness. Swimming in an ice hole is also a folk custom, which is not a church sacrament, but is very popular. But if among those present there are those who like to dive into icy water, then we will ask them to be careful not to harm themselves... Be healthy and happy, dear friends! May God bless you with all the best! Enjoy the holidays and Take care of each other!

presenter : Today we will talk about Christmas divination. Christmas divination is an old, pagan tradition. Christmas time - falls on two weeks from January 6 to Epiphany (that is, until January 19). And this is the best time for divination.
Most of all, young girls were waiting for fortune-telling in order to find out their future and find out the name of their betrothed, but few people refrain from fortune-telling in these magical and mysterious days. Folk signs in divination are very diverse: they are carried out on things, on money, on coffee and mirrors, they are guessing by candles, snow, wax, watches and rings, and so on.

They usually guessed in the evenings when they gathered for gatherings. Now, however, the winter day is in full swing, but let's still tell fortunes with you together! You ask how? Today we will take a closer look at the most simple, popular and unexpected Christmas fortune-telling.

"The future is through folk omens"

The presence of snow. If there is a lot of snow on Christmas Day, this is a good and good year.
Air temperature. If the day is generally warm and fine, then the harvest will be sound and good, the wheat fields will be full of grain.
The presence of wind, and even a blizzard. If there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, there will be a lot of honey due to the abundance of bees.
The number of stars in the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of peas in the harvest.
Children can even start a diary of divination by natural phenomena, where they can write down or even sketch their observations, noting the signs associated with them.

Dynamic pause with elements of divination "Round dance".

Everyone line up in a big round dance and slowly walk in a circle. The driver (in turn, a girl or a boy) is blindfolded and given a beautiful handkerchief in his hands. He walks in a circle in the opposite direction to the round dance and chooses to whom to give a handkerchief, i.e. whom to choose, and the chosen one becomes the leader.
The chorus sings:
Walk, walk, round dance,
Not back, but forward! I'll go round and round
Let me find my destiny! Choose, choose
Look, don't miss it!"
Note:if the driver is a girl, the boys come forward of the circle and vice versa.
The driver answers with words:
All are good
I choose for the soul! (handkerchief passes to the selected person)

Christmas show.

Participants take turns approaching the leader and take out a note from the bag. It indicates one of the signs of winter or winter holidays. For example, snow, skis, sleds, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snowman and so on. Without words, only with gestures, the participant must explain to the others what is written in his note. The winner is the one whose riddle is guessed faster.

Make a wish.

All players are invited to write their name on one piece of paper, and their desire on the other. Names are put in one hat, comic desires - in another. Then the facilitator takes turns taking a piece of paper from the first and from the second hat and reads the prediction aloud to the participant. The winner is the one who gets his own desire.

Through the Looking Glass.

A couple of participants become facing each other. One of them thinks of an action and makes movements that imitate it. For example, going to a ball, baking a cake, painting a picture. The other repeats all his movements after him, and then tries to guess what exactly was guessed by his partner "from the Looking Glass".

Let the candles not go out.

Each of the willing participants picks up a candle and lights it. The task of each of the participants is to go all the way to the Christmas tree, touch any ball and walk back. You need to do this as quickly as possible and do everything so that the candle does not go out. The most dexterous and accurate is the winner.

Music bag.

The participant is given a bag. It contains notes, each of which contains the first line from a song about winter or a winter holiday. The player must get a note, read the first line and remember and sing the next one. Then he takes out another note, and so on. The winner is the one who managed to sing more songs in one minute.

Wish Staff.

Participants write comic tasks on pieces of paper and hang them on the Christmas tree. Then they stand in a circle, and in the center they put a staff. The staff is untwisted and the one he pointed to must remove the note, but not his own, with the task and do what is written there. The one who does it the best wins.

The game "Frozen".

This is a Christmas competition. For the competition, you will need to prepare sheets of paper on which you need to write body parts, for example, lips, arm, leg, ear, little finger on the left hand, nose. These leaflets are folded into a box or hat so that it is not visible what is written on the leaflet.

Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper, they must join with each other with the indicated parts of the body. Thus, the two participants freeze to each other. The next participant approaches them, he and one of the first players take one piece of paper each, freeze to each other. Another participant approaches, and so on. It turns out a very funny chain. Don't forget to take a picture of her.

Gift game.

Each of the players comes up with a "gift" that he would give to his neighbor. Then, using gestures and facial expressions, each of the players, in turn, begins to show his “gift”. As soon as the neighbor has guessed correctly, he can guess his "gift" to the next player. Words are not allowed in the game.