School of caring parents. “We develop speech by playing. Home game library (games with children for the development of speech)

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", Toropets
Prepared by: Educator of the second junior group A.A. Aguryanova
Business game tasks:
1. To reveal the content and significance of the work of the kindergarten on the development of the speech of children.
2. To increase the role of parents in the organization of play activities for the development of the child's speech at home.
3. To acquaint parents with the novelties of methodological and fictional literature on the development of children's speech.
Preliminary work:
1. Making invitation cards.
2. Drawing up memos.
3. A selection of didactic, word games, pictures, books that contribute to the development of children's speech (for the design of a mini-library)
4. Selection of novelties of methodological literature on the development of children's speech (for the design of a mini-library)
5. Assignments for Parents: Bring a speech development game that parents use to play with their children at home.

Event progress:
1 part

Music sounds

Dear parents, thank you for taking the time to meet with us.
Today we want to talk with you about the fact that the family has a leading role in the development of the child. The family introduces him to the world around him, gives the child the first knowledge and skills. Our task is to help you with this. We involve you in cooperation and interaction. We call on the fact that only through the joint efforts of parents and kindergarten teachers we can solve any problems in the upbringing and development of the child.
Today we are going to talk about the development of children's speech.

1. The child's speech is improved in the process of communication with adults and peers.
2. Speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of thought processes.

The main tasks of speech development in children of primary preschool age:
1. Mastering the norms and rules of the Russian language that correspond to this age.
2. Development of children's communication skills (ability to communicate)

Well-developed speech contributes to successful schooling. Speech impairment affects character formation.
Questions to parents:
A speech defect that is not corrected in time makes the child insecure, withdrawn, irritable. Few children reach a high level. Therefore, targeted training is needed.
-What does this mean (question to parents)
The teacher's answer: in order to create interest in the native language and for the formation of correct speech, it is necessary to communicate with children in the game, on a walk, in everyday life, read fiction, etc.

Distribute handouts "Factors contributing to the child's speech development"

Development tasks that are solved in early preschool age at a preschool educational institution:

1. Formation of a sound culture of speech (we teach to pronounce distinctly certain sounds - water pours s-s-s; mosquito squeaks - z-z-z-z)

2. Enrichment of vocabulary (we help to activate and expand vocabulary)

3. Formation of the grammatical structure (we learn to reconcile a noun with an adjective - a big carrot; we learn to use prepositions - in, on, under, for; we learn to use plural and singular nouns - cat-kittens, duck-ducklings)

4. Learning to tell, the development of coherent speech (We teach to listen carefully, understand the question asked, answer it, speak without interrupting each other, use polite words in speech)
5. Development of intonational expressiveness (telling poems with different intonations - loudly, quietly, slowly, quickly)

In kindergarten, work on the development of speech is carried out throughout all regime moments (morning exercises in poetry, in the classroom, on a walk, etc.)

Part 2

"Traveling around the country - Speech development"
1st station "Creative"
2nd station "Fairytale"
3rd station "Funny fingers"
4th station "Game"
5th station "Lesnaya"
6th station "Riddles"
7th station "Memorize"
8th station "Kindergarten"

Summing up the parent meeting (final word of educators, questions from parents and answers to them)



MADOU kindergarten number 20

the city of Tyumen


Shikhaleva Tatiana Fedorovna

1. Explanatory note

Recently, due to the widespread use of technical means of communication (telephone, television, Internet, etc.), high employment of parents with household (more often financial) family problems, there has been a tendency to reduce the quality of communication between a child and an adult.

Preschool age is a stage of active speech development. In the formation of a child's speech, an important role is played by his environment, namely, parents and teachers. The success of the preschooler in mastering the language largely depends on how they talk to him, how much attention they pay to verbal communication with the child.

Systematic and purposeful family assistance to the child in the development of speech, combined with the adequate use of the recommendations of teachers and kindergarten specialists at various stages of education, contributes to a more effective formation of a preschooler's speech.

Taking into account the relevance of this issue, the team of the MADOU kindergarten number 20 of the city of Tyumen has developed a Day of Caring Parents on the topic: "The development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten."

the main goal which - strengthening the connection between the family and the kindergarten in order to ensure the unity of speech impact on preschoolers.

This form allows you to carry out several forms of work at once: master class, training, round table, pedagogical platform, exhibition, etc.

An action plan for the Day of Caring Parents was drawn up, which provides for the participation of children and parents of all age groups, as well as the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. (Appendix # 1).

Information about the Day of Caring Parents was communicated to parents in advance through colorful announcements in reception rooms, as well as individual invitations.

During the day, parents can choose to attend the activities offered by the kindergarten.

  1. 1. Day of caring parents

"Development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten"

Brief description of descriptive information

1. In the halls of the kindergarten, posters with catchphrases:

  • The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words. (Plutarch.);
  • Speech is an indicator of the mind. (Seneca.);
  • As is the mind, so is speech;
  • The speech is short and clear - that's why it is beautiful;
  • It is one thing to speak, it is another thing to speak;
  • Speech to carry - not to weave sandals;
  • Speech is red by listening.

2. Tips for parents: "We memorize poetry with kids" , “We play with the whole family”, “Rules that can be followed when working with tongue twisters”, “Methodological recommendations of a speech therapist for parents with children with speech disorders”, etc.

3. For a master class: cards with tongue twisters.

4. In parental corners information: "Phonemic hearing is the basis of correct speech"; "Do your children pronounce 'r'?" Advice to parents on working on correct speech breathing, on carrying out mimic exercises with children, on vocabulary work. Game breathing exercises aimed at developing speech breathing, finger games and exercises, games aimed at enriching the vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech. Information about the methods of play speech communication with the child.

Preliminary work of KVN:

  • drawing up crosswords;
  • production of emblems for the teams "Fairy Tale", "Mask".

Preliminary work of the round table:

  • to select pedagogical literature on the problems of raising a child with speech impairments for parents;
  • prepare games and manuals for the development of speech;
  • according to the number of parents, prepare Memos and distribute them at the end of the meeting.

Preliminary work of physical culture and speech leisure:

  • learning logorhythmic gymnastics, games and relay races in joint activities with preschoolers;
  • learning poems, shouts on a sports theme;
  • drawing on the theme "My family", creating emblems for teams during educational activities "Artistic Creativity";
  • consultation for parents "Movement - life";
  • design of a stand for parents "How to organize a sports event with children at home";
  • conversations with children about the Olympics;
  • preparation for the role of a Cheburashka child.

Preparation of equipment for physical education and speech leisure: emblems for teams, gymnastic benches (2 pcs.), basketball baskets (2 pcs.), big balls (2 pcs.), small hoops (14 pcs.) and large (4 pcs.), jump ropes (2 pcs.), cones (4 pcs.), cards with numbers (from 1 to 10), medals, certificates.

Preparation of material for KVN:

  • Crosswords (2 for each team);
  • numbers from 1-5 (for the jury);
  • team emblems.

Equipment and visibility of the round table:

  • methodological literature on the topic of the round table, children's fiction, illustrations by artists - storytellers;
  • games for the development of sound pronunciation, vocabulary development, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;
  • reminders for parents.

Event progress

(Parents register at the entrance to the hall and receive name badges, as well as programs - itineraries for the Day of Caring Parents)

3. Master classes for parents

3.1. Master - class of the educator Klyapysheva T.V. "By playing, we develop the speech of children."

Educator: In order to engage in the development of the speech of preschoolers on your own, it is not at all necessary to turn classes into school lessons. There are many games, simple exercises for the development of speech in children, which are easy to use on the way to kindergarten, on a walk or before bedtime.

The development of the speech of preschoolers in the game is also an additional emotional connection between you and your child, it is the joy of communication, the formation of trusting and friendly relations.

Now we are going to play these games:

"Word chain"

Target: enrichment of the vocabulary of adjectives.

The essence of this game for the development of the speech of preschoolers is the selection of words - nouns and adjectives - united by some sign. That is, the child, with your help, makes a kind of chain of words that are logically connected with each other using transition questions.

For example, the original word is "cat". You ask the question:

Educator: What kind of cat?

Parent: Fluffy, affectionate, colorful ...

Educator: What else is colorful?

Parent: Rainbow, dress, TV ...

Educator: What else could a dress be?

Parent: Silk, new, straight ...

Educator: What else can be straightforward?

Parent: Line, road, sight ... etc.

"Family Olympiad"

Target: clarification of syntagmatic relations between adjective and noun, development of a dictionary of signs.

It is more interesting to play this game with the whole family, and competitive excitement will contribute to the child's interest in such games.

We guess any word for an object. Each of the players must choose as many words as possible for him, answering the questions, "what?", "What?", "What?", "What?". For example: grass (what is it?) - green, soft, emerald, silky, tall, thick, slippery, dry, marsh ... The winner is the one who calls the last word-sign.

"Find by color"

Target: consolidation of the agreement of an adjective with a noun in gender and number.

For this game we need pictures with objects of different colors.

We name a color using an adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this adjective form. For example:

Red - an apple, an armchair, a dress.

Yellow - turnip, paint, bag.

Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil.

"Choose the right word"

Target: development of thinking, speech attention.

From the proposed words denoting the signs of an object, we suggest that the child choose one that is most suitable in meaning.

Think and tell me, which word is more suitable than others?

In the spring… (hot, warm, sultry) wind blows.

In the meadow ... (green, blue, red) poppies have blossomed.

Mom took to the forest ... (bag, package, basket).

Santa Claus comes to visit ... (in autumn, spring, winter).

The dog lives ... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).

The train travels along ... (road, water, rails).

"Say the opposite"

Target: expansion of the dictionary of antonyms.

For this game we need a ball.

We throw the ball to the child and say the word. The child, returning the ball, calls the word opposite in meaning.

Now we will turn into stubborn people who do the opposite. I throw you a ball and call a word, and you say the other way around. For example: dark, but vice versa - light.



















At the end of the master - class, the teacher hands over to all the parents present a memo "Playing with the whole family."

3.2. Master - class of the educator Zubova T.N. "My fingers will tell"

Educator: Scientists believe that the more active and accurate the movements of the child's fingers, the faster his speech develops. Children learn text better if they associate it with gestures and facial expressions. This should be taught to them by adults, but first they must master such techniques themselves.

The teacher invites parents to unite in pairs and decide who will be an adult and who will be a child.

"Drawing poetry"

Each pair receives a tray (30x40cm) with semolina. It is necessary to draw a hare in the rain based on the poem by A.L. Barto "Bunny". First, an adult reads poetry, and the child draws, then the child reads the text, and the adult draws details to the image.

"My teddy bear"

It has been proven that there is a close connection between speech function and motor skills. The combination of hand movements and speech organs speeds up memorization of a poetic text. First, the teacher reads the text, and the child “plays”, then vice versa.

I sewed a shirt for the bear.

(Shows the bear and strokes it.)

I'll sew him pants.

(Shows her pants.)

I need to sew a pocket on them

(Shows his pocket.)

And put a handkerchief.

(Puts a handkerchief in his pocket.)

Porridge was cooked on the stove.

(Takes the pot off the stove.)

Where is our big spoon?

(Looking for a spoon.)

I give you before your meal

I'll wash my hands with water

("Washes" the bear's paws, wipes it off and puts it at the table.)

I'll tie you a napkin

(Ties a napkin.)

Eat a cutlet, eat a candy

(Gives candy on a plate.)

Finish your milk

("Drinks" milk.)

And let's go for a walk soon!

(He takes the bear by the paw and goes for a walk.)

Z. Alexandrova

"Fingers are a close-knit family"

Repeat the names of the fingers with your child before doing the exercise. Let the fingers of one hand "say hello" to the fingers of the other hand, calling them: large, index, middle, ring, little fingers.

Fingers are a close-knit family

They cannot live without each other.

(We squeeze the fingers of each hand into fists and open them.)

Here's a big one!

And this is average.

Nameless and last -

Our little finger, babies!

Ooh! The index was forgotten.

So that the fingers live together

(Alternately, raise the fingers of both hands up.)

We will connect them

And perform the movements ...

(We attach each finger of the hand in turn to the thumb.)

We will show the horns of the goat

(Let's play with our fingers. Move the index finger and little finger forward, bending the rest of the fingers; then raise the horns to the head.)

And the antlers of a deer even ...

(We spread the fingers of both hands wide, crossing our arms, raise the branchy horns to the head.)

"Ay, frets, frets, frets"

It is good to use finger gymnastics with elements of massage of biologically active zones.

Ay, frets, frets, frets (clap their hands),

We are not afraid of water (make intensive washing movements with both palms),

We wash our face cleanly (“wash” our face, rub our ears),

We smile at mom (each other) (smile).

Once upon a time there were bunnies (three fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears)

At the edge of the forest (clap their hands).

Once upon a time there were bunnies (showing ears)

In a little white hut (show the house).

They washed their ears (rubbed their ears)

We washed our paws (washing movements with the palms of our hands),

Bunnies were dressed up (movements of the palms from top to bottom along the body),

They put on slippers (show).

At the end of the master - class, the teacher hands over to all the parents present the memo "We memorize poetry with the kids." (Appendix # 2).

3.3. Master - class of the educator Hasanova N.N. "We develop speech with tongue twisters."

Educator: Why are tongue twisters useful?

Tongue twisters develop the child's speech apparatus, make him more perfect and mobile. Speech becomes correct, expressive, clear, understandable, and the child becomes a successful person in the future. This is the main purpose of tongue twisters, but not the only one.

Despite the fact that tongue twisters are necessarily read quickly, they teach a child in a hurry in speech to pronounce phrases more slowly, without "eating" the endings, so that they understand him.

Learning a tongue twister, a child learns to meaningfully relate to what he says, weigh every word, if not a syllable, feel the connection between phrases, catch very subtle nuances in intonation, sense, meaning.

He also learns not only to speak, but also to listen. This is very useful and comes in handy already at school, when the teacher gives out a lot of different information. Children love to ask again, they are absent-minded and inattentive. Listening to tongue twisters improves their ability to concentrate on what they are listening to. And not only to hear, but to understand the meaning of the statement.

It is also a great idea for a family pastime or for a children's party.

How to pronounce tongue twisters with a child? Tongue twisters are invented solely for pronouncing them out loud. First, you demonstrate this to the child, and then you begin to learn the rhyme together. But at the same time, there are a number of rules, a sequence of actions that must be followed in order to achieve positive results in the development of diction.

(The teacher distributes cards with tongue twisters. (Appendix No. 3).

So, do everything step by step:

  1. At first, pronounce the tongue twister very slowly and clearly, breaking into syllables. The goal of the first step is to learn the tongue twister correctly. Pay attention to the pronunciation of all sounds: both vowels and consonants. It is very important at this stage not to mispronounce any of them. Now you are learning both words and pronunciation. Slowly but surely, as they say.
  2. After this stage has been successfully completed and the child has learned the text and can pronounce it correctly, learn to do the same, but in a silent mode. Now only the articulation apparatus works - no voice, only lips, tongue and teeth.
  3. The third step is to read the tongue twister in a whisper. It is very important that it is in a whisper, and without hissing or quietly, that the child can clearly and clearly pronounce the entire phrase.
  4. Now say the text out loud, but slowly. Continuously, the whole phrase in its entirety, without errors, but not in a hurry.
  5. Play with the intonation of pronunciation: affirmative, interrogative, exclamatory, sad and joyful, thoughtful, aggressive, humming, in different voices. It is also very useful in terms of developing acting skills.

And now the time has come to arrange a competition for the best result: pronounce the entire tongue twister quickly and without mistakes.

(Parents do the task)

Let your child speak beautifully! May he grow up to be successful! May joint activities bring you not only benefit, but also pleasure!

At the end of the master class, the teacher hands over to all the parents present a memo "Rules that can be followed when working with tongue twisters." (Appendix # 4).

4. Pedagogical site

4.1. Logistics center for parents.

Workshop with training elements

"Articulating gymnastics at home"

(Conducted with parents who have children with speech impairments who have previously signed up for the workshop)

1. Introductory part

Speech therapist: Dear mothers and fathers, today we will talk about the development of children's speech.

Correct, expressive speech is a sound portrait of a person. Speech is not a natural gift. It all starts from childhood. Even if the child's mastery of the pronunciation of sounds is going well, then even then work on sound pronunciation and diction is necessary, because clear and correct speech is the key to successful communication.

Many adults and children have blurry, unclear speech. This is a consequence of sluggish, non-energetic movements of the lips and tongue, low mobility of the lower jaw. Please tell me what we do when we want the muscles in our arms and legs to get stronger?

Parents: We do exercises, exercise, go for a massage.

Speech therapist: Yes you are right. Our cheeks, lips, tongue also have muscles. We can train these muscles of the speech apparatus with the help articulatory gymnastics. Articulation exercises are special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus, develop their strength and mobility.

Today we will learn how to perform such exercises. But first, let's get acquainted.

2. Game of acquaintance: the child introduces his mother and names an adjective in the first letter of the name - a characteristic of the mother (for example, Dasha-kind, etc.)

3. The main part:

Speech therapist: Articulation exercises are selected based on the correct articulation of sound, so it is better to combine them into complexes. Each complex prepares certain movements and positions of the lips, tongue, develops a directed air stream, i.e. everything that is necessary for the correct formation of sound.

It is necessary to conduct articulatory gymnastics daily, so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated, become more durable. Better to do it before breakfast for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 3 exercises.

Articulating exercises are performed while sitting, because in this position, the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position. The child should be placed so that he sees the face of an adult, which should be well lit. An adult must monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child, otherwise articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

Now, together we will perform some exercises of general articulatory gymnastics.

(Speech therapist, shows speech exercises, children perform in front of a mirror, parents control the correctness of performance.)

  • Exercise "Frog". Holding lips in a smile, as if soundlessly uttering a sound and ... The front upper and lower teeth are bared.

Pulling the lips straight to the ears is very popular with frogs.
They smile, laugh, and their eyes are like saucers.

  • Exercise "Elephant".

Pulling the lips forward with a tube, as if soundlessly uttering a sound at .

  • Exercise "Frog - Elephant". The alternation of the positions of the lips: in a smile - with a tube. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.
  • Exercise "Fish". Quiet wide opening and closing of the mouth. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.
  • Exercise "Swing". Mouth open wide, lips in a smile. Rhythmically changing the position of the tongue: 1) the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors; 2) the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Only the tongue moves, not the chin!
  • Exercise "Watch". The mouth is parted, the lips are stretched in a smile. The tip of the tongue alternately touches the left and right corner of the mouth. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting. The chin doesn't move!
  • Exercise "Needle". The mouth is parted, the lips are stretched in a smile. Stick out a narrow, tense tongue from your mouth. Hold for 5-10 sec.
  • Exercise "Spatula-needle". Alternating tongue positions: wide-narrow. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.

The tongue lies with a spatula and does not tremble at all.

Tongue with a needle and then pull it with a tip.

Exercise "Hill". The mouth is wide open, the lips are slightly in a smile. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is arched. Hold for 5-10 sec. Then the upper front teeth with light pressure are passed along the back of the tongue from the middle to the tip. The back of the tongue will now become a little bit with us.
Come on, slide, go up! We will rush down the hill.
The teeth are rolling down from the hill.

4. Conclusion:

Speech therapist: Let's summarize our meeting. Do you have a desire to do articulatory gymnastics at home with your child?

5. Exercise "gift".

Hearts cut out of paper and colored pencils are distributed to children and adults. Assignment: write or draw something nice in memory of today's meeting and present to each other. (exercise in a pair "child-mother")

Speech therapist:
We thank you for participating in the workshop, we hope that you have learned a lot of interesting development of speech.

  • Good luck!

4.2. KVN for parents of the older group

"Speech development by means of theatrical activities"

The teacher introduces each other to the teams. Announces that the "Fairy Tale" and "Mask" teams are competing. Represents the members of the jury.


Questions to the Skazka team:

  1. The ability to pronounce words clearly in speech (diction)
  2. Break, temporary stop in speech, music (pause)
  3. The manner of walking, gait (gait)
  4. With the help of what objects, concepts in oral and written speech are designated? (the words)
  5. Pronunciation style that denotes the speaker's different feelings (intonation)
  6. Feeling, emotional experience (emotion)

Questions to the Mask team:

  1. Hand movement, signifying something (gesture)
  2. Art in which feelings, moods are conveyed through sounds (music)
  3. Moving someone in a certain direction, sometimes in a certain rhythm (traffic)
  4. A special device for producing specific sounds (tool)
  5. Features of the color of the sound of a voice, instrument (timbre)
  6. Facial expressions, lips, eyes, expressing pleasure (smile)

The word of the jury.

II stage

"What do we know about fairy tales?"

  1. What are the beginning and ending of fairy tales that are most common when telling, reading (Once upon a time, they decided, and so on. They began to live happily ever after, and make good money; here is the end of the fairy tale , and whoever listened well; and I was there, honey - drinking beer, flowing down his mustache, but it didn't get into his mouth; a fairy tale there, and I came here; a fairy tale on the other side, and I - on this one; three apples fell from the sky: one to me, another to the one who told the tale, and the third - to the one who listened to the tale)
  2. Explain the meaning of the words:

Jury word

  1. 3. Captains competition: "Solve the crossword puzzle"(Appendix No. 6).
  • Words for the sound "K" - movie, book, concert, composer
  • Words for the sound "A" - poster, artist, intermission, applause

Jury word

  1. Crosswords for teams

Theatrical genres - ballet, opera, clownery, operetta, drama

  • Theatrical professions - playwright, make-up artist, composer, director, prompter, illuminator

Jury word

  1. "Whose fairy tales are these?"
    Each team is invited to remember and name the authors of the fairy tales (5-6 fairy tales)

Jury word

  1. "Show a fairy tale"- homework.

Team members show an excerpt of any fairy tale with facial expressions and gestures, and the other team must guess which fairy tale it is.

Jury word

  1. "Compose a fairy tale"
    Team members are invited to compose a fairy tale

Jury word: summarizing.

5. Physical culture and speech leisure "The whole family to the start!" for children and parents of the preparatory group

(To the melody "Maria, Mirabela", music. E. Dogi, preschoolers and parents enter the gym, decorated with children's drawings, balls, flags.)

Physical education teacher:

Good afternoon, dear guys! Good afternoon, dear parents! We are glad to see you in this room.

To the sports ground

We invite everyone now!

Sports and health holiday

It starts with us!

Let me open our holiday "The whole family to the start!"

("Song of Cheburashka" sounds, music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by E. Uspensky, a child in a Cheburashka costume walks into the hall, holding balloons filled with helium.)

Cheburashka: Hello guys! Hello Mom and Dad! You, of course, recognized me! Tell me what was the big sporting event in 2010 in Vancouver? That's right, Olympics. And in 2014 the Olympics will be held here, in Russia, in the city of Sochi. Do you want to become as agile and strong as our Olympians? I have prepared tasks for you, they are in this envelope.

(Cheburashka gives an envelope with assignments to the physical education teacher.)

1st child:

Health, strength, agility -
Here is a fiery covenant of sports!
Let's show our friendship, courage.
Hello to family starts!

2nd child:

To be the first in sports,
You have to love sports.
So that everyone can become an athlete,
We must start the day with exercises!

Cheburashka: Let's start our competition with fun exercises.

A complex of general developmental exercises on the verses of A. Barto "Exercise"

Physical education instructor:

Line up in order.

To charge everything!

(Walking is normal, with a high knee, an additional step,
with the completion of tasks. Rebuilding for general development exercises.)

Left, right!

Running, swimming

We grow bold

Tanned in the sun.

(I. p.: The main hand stand on the belt. At the time - hands to the shoulders; on two -
hands up; three - to the shoulders; by four - take the starting position,
repeat 5-6 times.)

Our feet are fast

Mark our shots.

(I. p.: The main hand stand on the belt. At the time - put your leg forward
on the toe; by two - raise it up; three - on the toe; by four - take the starting position. The same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.)

Our muscles are strong

And the eyes are dim.

(I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart. Hands up. At the time - bend forward, touch
with the hands of the floor - exhale; two - starting position, inhale. Repeat 6-8 times.)

Line up in order.

To charge everything!

(I. p.: Basic stance, jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking
in place. 10 jumps each, repeat 3-4 times.)

Physical education teacher:

Well done boys! And now I want to introduce you to our jury.

(Jury members (senior educator, nurse, educational psychologist)

greet the participants of the holiday. The competition begins.)

Relay "Be nimble"

Team members need to take the ball, walk along the bench, jump from hoop into hoop, throw the ball into the ring, pick it up and run back to their team. Carried out by a child, an adult insures. The jury evaluates their throws, correct execution and speed.

Competition for moms "Who is Longer"

Moms to the "Mammoth Song", muses. V. Shainsky, lyrics D. Nepomniachtchi, twist a hoop at the waist. The duration of the exercise is estimated.

Cheburashka: While the jury is summing up the results, I propose to play.

Attraction game "Who is faster in the hoop"

There are hoops on the floor (one less than the number of children). While the song "Chunga-Changa" is playing, muses. V. Shainsky, lyrics Yu. Entina, everyone moves as soon as she stops - the children take the hoops. The game is played 2-3 times.

Physical education teacher:

The jury announces the results of the first two contests, and we have a task for dads.

Relay for dads "Firefighters"

(Conducted to the melody of the song "Daddy Can", music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich.)

At some distance from the starting line, there are two chairs with their backs to each other, under them a rope. The winner is the one who first reaches the chair, sits on it and pulls out the rope.

Relay "Friendly family"

An adult runs first, reaches the landmark, runs around it and returns to the team, where a child takes him by the waist. Then they run together and so on until the whole team gathers into one "locomotive". The winner is the team that, when completing the task, will preserve its integrity and come to the finish line first.

Group jump family attraction

The child first jumps from the marked line, then mom jumps from him, and dad jumps from the place to which mom jumped. The team with the longest overall jump wins.

Relay "Collect the word"

Syllables are prepared next to the starting line: by-be-da, ko-man-da, charge-ka. Dad runs first, takes the first syllable, reaches the magnetic board and attaches it. Then the child runs, followed by his mother. The first team to get the word wins.

(The jury announces the results.)

Cheburashka: Well done! You and your parents have shown very good results! I see that you have already learned to read, and our competitions turned out to be not only sporty, but also very friendly! I want to reward all the participants in the competition!

(Cheburashka presents chocolate medals to all participants.)

Physical education teacher:

So our competition has come to an end! We congratulate the winners! May joy, fun, cheerfulness and a healthy spirit always reign in your home! We invite you to our friendly round dance!

(To the music of E. Zhigalkin "The Big Round Dance", children and adults lead a round dance.)

6. Round table

Theme:"Development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten"

Music sounds

Leading: Good evening!

We are grateful to you for coming to this meeting. We are counting on your support and help, on mutual understanding. I am confident that our cooperation will be successful.

Today we are going to talk about the development of one of the most important human cognitive processes - speech. Speech as a historically established form of communication develops in preschool age in two directions.

At first, its practical use is being improved in the process of communication between a child and adults and peers.
Secondly, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of thought processes and turns into a tool for thinking.

The main task of speech development in children- this is the mastery of the norms and rules of the native language, determined for each age, as well as the development of communication skills in children, i.e. ability to communicate.

The child himself masters speech only in the process of communicating with adults.

It is known that children, even without special training, from a very early age show great interest in speech: they create new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical aspects of the language. But with spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a certain level. Therefore, targeted teaching is necessary to create an interest in the mother tongue in children and to foster a creative attitude towards speech.

We invite you to choose from the proposed list the most significant factors for the successful speech development of a child and comment on your choice.

(give to each parent).

1. Emotional communication of parents with a child from the moment of birth.
2. Communication of the child with other children.
3. Adult speech is a role model.
4. Development of fine motor skills of hands.
5. Reading children's fiction.
6. Games with a child of adults and friends.

The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. By the statement of the child, one can judge how much he owns the richness of his native language, its grammatical structure, the level of mental, aesthetic and emotional development. Teaching the native language provides opportunities for moral education.

Thus, mastering the native language is considered as the core of the full-fledged formation of the child's personality, which presents great opportunities for solving many problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education.

What do you think, what are the main tasks of speech development that should be solved throughout preschool age? What should we do with the child?

(Invite parents to speak)

  1. Education of the sound culture of speech.
  2. Dictionary work.
  3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.
  4. Teaching storytelling is coherent speech.

"Spicy dish" according to N.M. Metenova

(The presenter gives the parents a basket of balloons, in the balls - questions of "spicy food").

I suggest passing balls to the music until the music stops. Whoever has a ball answers the question.

1. At what age do you need to contact a speech therapist for help? Why?

2. What speech games do you play with your child at home? How often? What are your favorites?

3. What is meant by communication between an adult and a child in a family?

Leading: Our discussion about the development of speech in preschoolers in the family.

Please tell me what questions do children ask you?

(Parental statements)

DOE specialist: The need to ask questions arises in children when they encounter something unknown, when they try to understand this unknown, when they comprehend something new. Moreover, the adult's questions should prompt the child to give complete answers.

Leading: And when a preschooler does not ask an adult questions, is it good or bad? What is the reason?

(Parental statements)

DOE specialist: Lack of required knowledge.
There is no sustained interest in anything.
Previously, the child turned to the adult with questions, but met with the irritation of the adult, was refused.

Leading: If a child learns to speak early, his speech is well developed, but he does not draw, does not sculpt. Is this good for its development?

(Parental statements)

DOE specialist: Drawing and modeling classes contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hand, which creates the prerequisites for successful mastering of writing.
Of great importance for the development of a preschooler's speech is the enrichment of the vocabulary based on the child's knowledge and ideas about the life around him and in the process of observing nature.

Leading: How often do you visit nature, what do you do with your child?

(Parental statements)

DOE specialist: Going with the child for a walk, we can talk about what the weather is like today, what kind of sky, what is in the sky, whether there is a wind, what kind of wind it blows in, how we determined it, what clothes we are wearing, why, with what is it connected with? What time of year is it? In cold weather, feed the birds, observe their behavior and habits. Look around you and see the amazing plant world that surrounds us. Make a riddle and find a solution. Look for signs of the season, introduce the child to folk proverbs and signs. Read a poem, remember a song, play a game with them, for example: What tree is it from? Find the tree by description. Which branch are the kids from? Etc.

Problematic situation.

In the lobby of the kindergarten, in an open-air cage, there were two parrots. All the children had the opportunity to feed them with cookies, to see them well, but no one showed particular interest in them, except for those cases when the birds began to scream.

Then the pupils of the neighboring, middle group, in turn ran out to them, shaking their fingers: “Kesha is good, and Masha is bad! She screams all the time! " However, when in the speech development classes in the same group they talked about parrots, the children could not tell about the birds: what kind of feathers, beak, etc. they have.


Can it be argued that young children are not observant? What was the reason for the inability of the children to tell about the parrot? How to organize supervision of children in in this case?

Leading: Yes, we must ourselves see the world around us and open the eyes of a child to it. To teach him to notice and admire the life around us, to cherish and love all living things, and to be able to express his feelings in words. For example, greeting the sun in the morning, say gentle words to him - signs: golden, radiant, kind, cheerful, bright, expensive, magnificent, spring, warm.

Let's try together to find at least 5 words each - signs for the following words: wind, rain, moon, blizzard, cat, frog, crow, worm, beetle.

(Invite parents to form small groups).

Leading: Tell me what kind words you call your baby. Can a child repeat them?

Leading: Does the child know which city he lives in? Your home address? Your last name and what are the names of your parents? Do you introduce him to your parents, do you look at family photo albums together?

(Invite parents to speak.)

DOE specialist: When communicating with your child, teach him to talk about his favorite toys, about family members, about rest on a weekend, about interesting events in the life of the child and his loved ones, about exciting walks in nature, out of town, etc. The more we talk with the child, the more we show and tell him, the better for his development.

Leading: And now there is an opportunity to say your word about the development of speech of preschoolers to everyone in the word - relay race. For my child to have a well-developed speech, I must (must) ...

Leading: We, in turn, would like to express our gratitude for your participation, for your activity. We were pleased to communicate with you. I really want everything that you learned and remembered today to stay with you, so that your home was joyful and comfortable. All the best!

7. Bibliography

1.Zderiglazova T. Theater of tongue twisters // magazine "Preschool education" No. 8, 2009. from 46-48

2.Metenova N.M. To parents about children. 2009.43s.

3.Repina Z.A., Buyko V.I. Speech therapy lessons. - Yekaterinburg .: Publishing house "LITUR", 2001. - 208s.

4. Ronina O. L., Mironova E. A. Speech therapy leisure in the system of correctional activities of the preschool educational institution // magazine "Handbook of the senior educator of a preschool institution" No. 7, 2011. from 20-29

5. Sidorenko L. My fingers will tell // magazine "Preschool education" №7, 2008. from 67-70

6.Spravnikova I.N. The word on the palm // magazine "Child in kindergarten" No. 4, 2011. from 82-85

7.Sukhorukova S. Lectures on the development of speech // magazine "Preschool education" No. 8, 2006. from 9-12

8. Wide etc. We learn poetry - we develop memory // magazine "Child in kindergarten" №2, 2004. from 59-62

To develop the Day of Caring Parents, articles of Internet resources with a non-exclusive right to use information were used.

Appendix # 1

Plan for Caring Parents Day

One of the conditions for the normal development of a child and his success in further education at school is the correct formation of speech in preschool age. Any, even a minor violation, affects the behavior of the child, his activities. It is necessary to work on the development of all aspects of speech, solving the problems of forming correct pronunciation, developing grammatically correct, coherent speech. The greatest success can be achieved through the interaction of the kindergarten and the family. Only in this case, work on the development of speech will be carried out almost throughout the day: during classes in kindergarten, regime moments, walks, on the way to kindergarten and from kindergarten, on weekends. For this, a favorable atmosphere should be created in the child's family to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten. Since the main activity of preschool children is play, even at home it is possible to orient the child towards the joint performance of play exercises. Every family should have a “Home Game Library” in service, consisting of games on the street, in the kitchen, etc.

Games on the way to kindergarten (from kindergarten).

"Who is the most attentive." You can invite your child to compete in attentiveness. An object that has met on the way is called, in parallel, a distinctive feature of this object is highlighted. For example, “I saw a slide, it’s high” or “I saw a car, it’s big,” etc. You can also offer such a task: to compete with the child in the selection of signs for one subject. Whoever named more words wins. Through these exercises, children learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns.

The game "Happy account" can also be carried out on the street, while walking with a child. When conducting this game, not only the correct use of case forms of nouns is fixed, but also the ability to count. It is only necessary to name each number when counting objects: for example, one tree, two trees, three trees, etc., and follow the clear pronunciation of the case endings of numbers and nouns.

Game "Fish, bird, beast" For the adult's word "fish", the child must list the types of fish and vice versa, if an adult lists and names, for example, perch, pike, carp, the child must quickly name a generalizing word.

"What (who) is green (funny, sad, fast ...)?" To a specific question like: "What is green?" it is necessary to get as many different answers as possible: grass, leaves, crocodile, ribbon, etc.

"Guess the subject by a couple of others" An adult names a couple of objects, actions, images, and the child guesses: dad, mom is a family, meat, onions are cutlets, cake, candles are a holiday, etc.

The world of children's consciousness consists of some questions. They are interested in everything. It is important to use such situations to improve the speech of children.

You can organize the game "I give you a word." An adult and a child take turns giving each other a word, explaining its meaning, while the child can name a word he is familiar with, and an adult - a word unfamiliar to the child and do not just explain the meaning of this word. But they also make up a proposal with him. In the course of such exercises, the child's vocabulary is enriched, and coherent speech develops.

In Game "Live offer" can be played with the whole family. Together, a sentence of three or four words is drawn up, depending on the number of family members. Each player is assigned one word from the sentence. At the signal, everyone should stand in one line and read the sentence that came out. The game can be played several times, while an important condition is that each time the players should stand in a different order, then the sentences will sound differently. For example, a proposal is conceived Blue snowdrops bloomed in the spring. During the game, the sentence may sound like this: Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring or Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring. Each time a new sentence is received, the child should be given the opportunity to read it. Such a game contributes to the development of intonational expressiveness of speech, and also helps to form a child's memory and attention.

"Backwards" Adults and a child together tell the plot of a well-known fairy tale, a story, starting from the end.

"Linguistic Domino". On cards (10cm x 10cm) write short words (ox, prize, cancer, rice, fasting, gas, spruce, fret, etc.) Play by domino rules.

The game "Treat". The child is invited to remember tasty words for a certain sound: A - watermelon, pineapple, etc.; B- banana, sandwich, etc. The words are pronounced by an adult and a child in turn. It is important for the child to say: "I am treating you with a pineapple," "I am treating you with an orange," etc. In parallel with completing this task, the child is practicing the correct use of case forms of nouns. To consolidate the ability to reconcile nouns with an adjective, you can invite the child to add some sign to his word: "I am treating you with an orange orange" or the numeral "I am treating you with two bananas."

Game "One-Two" - invite the child to become a wizard, turn two words into one or vice versa, for example, big eyes - big-eyed, long tail - long-tailed, etc.

In order to introduce antonyms into the child's speech, you can play the game "On the contrary". The question is asked: "What forest?" It is necessary to answer with a couple of words-antonyms: big forest - small forest, old forest - young forest, winter forest - spring forest or an adult names the word, and the child picks up an antonym for it.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands has a great influence on the speech of children, since it has been proven that if the development of finger movements corresponds to the age norm, then the development of speech is also within the normal range. Carrying out exercises at home for the development of hand motility, you can use a variety of improvised materials: clothespins, corks from plastic bottles, "dry pools" with peas, beans, rice.

"Games with clothespins." Various geometric shapes from multi-colored cardboard with the help of clothespins turn into objects, silhouettes of animals, birds, etc. It all depends on the imagination of the players. For example, an oval can be turned into a fish by attaching fins from clothespins to it, it can be turned into a hedgehog, clothespins will play the role of needles. You can arrange a fun competitive game between family members. Who will quickly take off the clothespins from their clothes.

"Dry pool". At the bottom of the bowl with beans (rice, millet, etc.), hide the toys from the kinder surprise. Who will get them faster.

"Dough modeling". When baking, give your child a piece of dough and invite him to mold any shape.

With the help of such games, the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex is stimulated, which has a positive effect on the speech of children.

The development of a child's speech is directly related to the development of general motor skills in children. Therefore, the child's motor activity also needs to be given great attention, playing games with him to develop coordination of movements, spatial orientation. The range of games and game exercises that contribute to the solution of these problems is very large.

Game "Dexterous Bunny": invite the child to jump on two legs with movement forward.

Game "Knock down a pin" (any object - a box, a bottle). You need to knock down the pin by rolling the ball forward.

"Come through, don't hit." Walking on tiptoes between objects placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other. The distance can be decreased or increased, depending on the capabilities of the child.

Every minute of communication with a child can be turned into an exciting game that will contribute not only to the development of children's speech, but to the formation of the child's personality, his moral and volitional qualities, and will also become a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults.

Workshop for parents. The topic of the workshop: "Games aimed at the development of fantasy and verbal creativity, contributing to the development of coherent speech in preschoolers"


Providing assistance to parents in mastering the basic techniques for the development of fantasy and verbal creativity, contributing to the improvement of coherent speech.


To intensify the knowledge of parents about the importance of developing coherent speech;
teach game techniques for the development of fantasy and verbal creativity;
continue to develop the skills of conscious, adequate and effective help to children;
to expand the degree of parental involvement in the implementation of individual work with children.
Of all the knowledge and skills, the most important, the most necessary for life activity is the ability to speak clearly, understandably, beautifully in the native language. Throughout his life, a person has been improving speech, mastering the variety of linguistic means.
The mastery of coherent oral speech, the development of fantasy, imagination and the ability to literary creativity is the most important condition for high-quality preparation for school. An important component of this work is: the development of figurative speech, the education of interest in the artistic word, the formation of the ability to use the means of artistic expression in independent expression. A number of games and exercises contribute to the achievement of these goals, we will consider some of them.

The game "increase - decrease"

Here's a magic wand, it can increase or decrease whatever you want. What would you like to increase and what would you like to decrease? (Parents give their answers).

And here is how your children answered:

I would like to reduce the winter and increase the summer.
- I would like to extend the weekend.
- I want to increase the raindrops to the size of a watermelon.

Let's complicate this game with additional questions:
What would you like to increase and what would you like to decrease? Why do you want to zoom in or out? (Parents give their answers).

And here is how your children answered:

I want to enlarge the candy to the size of the refrigerator so I can cut the pieces with a knife.
- Let your arms become so long for a while that you can get an apple from a branch, or say hello through the window, or get a ball from the roof.
- If the trees in the forest are reduced to the size of grass, and the grass to the size of a match, then it will be easy to look for mushrooms.
- If it is difficult for a child to fantasize independently, offer to fantasize together, ask him supporting questions.

Game "Animate an Object"

This game involves giving the objects of inanimate nature the abilities and qualities of living beings, namely: the ability to move, think, feel, breathe, grow, rejoice, reproduce, joke, smile.
- What kind of living creature would you turn a balloon into?
- What are your shoes thinking? (Parents give their answers).
And here is how your children answered (children's answers).

Game "Gift"

Adults stand in a circle. One is given a box with a bow in his hands and asked to give it to a neighbor with warm words: “I give you a hare,” or “I give you a kid, his horns have not yet grown”, or “I give you a large candy,“ There is a cactus in the box, do not prick. "

Game "Change your character"

Think of a fairy tale with such an incredible plot: The fox has become the most rustic in the forest, and all the animals are deceiving her. (Parents give their answers).

How to play this game at home. Read a fairy tale to your child, it is better to start with fairy tales about animals. Choose one character from the fairy tale with your child, whose character you will change. Pay the child's attention to the fact that changing the character of one character will change the usual relationships between the heroes of the fairy tale.

Game "Zoo"

Participants in the game receive a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to the following plan:

Where does he live?
What does it eat?

Game "With Different Eyes"

Describe the aquarium from the point of view of its owner, and then, from the point of view of the fish that swim there, and the owner's cat.

Game "Describe the situation"

The participants of the game are given the same plot pictures. They are invited to describe the situation from the point of view of its various participants, whose interests may be opposite. For example, from the point of view of the fox and the hare, the bear and the bees.

Game "Come up with a sequel"

Read the beginning of the tale and ask them to think of how the events in the tale will develop, how it will end.

Game "How Lucky I Am"

Think of what objects familiar to you might consider lucky.
How lucky I am, - says the sunflower, - I look like the sun.
How lucky I am, - says the potato, - I feed people.
How lucky I am, - says the birch, - they make fragrant brooms out of me.

Game "Pick a metaphor"

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both objects. For example, "the sound of waves", "cold eyes".
Explain which properties in the given metaphors and to whom are transferred.
Gentle character. Cheeks burn. Drowned in twos. Keep tightly knit. Turned green with anger. Annoying as a fly. Hardworking like a bee.


I will present myself as an object, thing or phenomenon and on his behalf I will tell the story. Listen carefully to me and find out who or what the speech is about by means of leading questions.
“Every person has me in their home. Fragile, transparent. I die from a careless attitude, and it becomes dark not only in my soul ... (light bulb). "

Game "Funny Rhymes"

Match words with rhymes.
Candle -… stove; pipes - ... lips; racket -… pipette; boots - pies, etc.
People say: "There is no consideration without imagination." Albert Einstein considered the ability to imagine above much knowledge, because he believed that discoveries cannot be made without imagination. A well-developed, bold, guided imagination is an invaluable property of original out-of-the-box thinking.
Children subconsciously learn to think - in the game. This should be used and developed imagination and fantasy from early childhood. Let the children "reinvent their own bicycles." Those who did not invent bicycles in childhood will not be able to invent anything at all. It should be fun to fantasize. Remember that play is always immeasurably more productive if we use it to put the child in pleasant situations that allow him to perform heroic deeds and, listening to a fairy tale, see our future as fulfilling and promising. Then, enjoying the game, the child will quickly master the ability to fantasize, and then the ability to imagine, and then to think rationally.

Preschool age is the most fertile period in a person's life, when the main mental processes are intensively developing: thinking, attention, memory, speech, the main qualities of a person are laid. Speech is of particular importance in the development of a preschooler, since it is speech and thinking closely related to it that provide great opportunities for cognition of the world around. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the timely development of other mental processes. Parents need to understand that the child will certainly master the speech, but how quickly and well it will depend on the people around him. Therefore, it is simply necessary that from an early age close people actively develop and enrich the baby's speech. Among others, the most effective means in this matter are didactic (developmental) games for the development of speech.

What are speech development games for preschoolers?

In order to properly organize games for the development of speech at home, it is advisable for parents to get acquainted with the features of didactic games and their difference from other types. At the same time, to understand in what directions the development of speech in preschoolers is going on.

The main feature of such a game is that a learning task is necessarily posed in it, which is solved using certain rules and actions. For example, in the popular game "Object Lotto" the task will be to consolidate children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding world and their properties. In didactic games, the main directions for the development of speech will be:

  1. Enrichment of the vocabulary
  2. Formation of grammatical culture
  3. Formation of sound culture
  4. Making a coherent speech

Didactic vocabulary enrichment games

Important: enriching the vocabulary of children is the main thing parents need to work on. It must be remembered that adults are an example for children, and in those families where they speak in a rich literary language, the child will have correct, well-developed speech. There is no need to wait for a certain age, relatives can already tell the baby about the objects of the surrounding world. This is how the child's passive vocabulary is accumulated, which then turns into an active one.

The accumulation of a preschool child's passive vocabulary should include words denoting objects of the surrounding world, their properties, purpose, and interconnection. In addition, it is necessary by all means to activate the dictionary so that the child can use a large number of words in colloquial speech... For this purpose, educational games for expanding the quantitative stock, consolidating the lexical meaning of the word are suitable for home schooling.

"Bag of words"

A popular game of the "miracle bag" type is good for building up the vocabulary of preschoolers and teaching them to match a word and a subject. It can be carried out with children of all ages, the difference in each age group will be the complication of the verbal series. Younger children consolidate the names of objects, older children pay more attention to the properties and purpose of objects, their relationship. The presenter prepares a beautiful bag where small toys familiar to children are put. The child should find an object in the bag and name it, for example, a ball, spoon, string, cube. Then the item is pulled out of the bag and it is checked whether the child has named it correctly.

At an older age, the rules become more complicated: you need to grope and get the object according to the description. For example, the presenter gives the task: "Find a round, smooth, like a donut, you can put on a finger (ring)" or "A soft, fluffy lump is very fond of milk (toy kitten)", or "Long, heavy, metal (spoon)" ... Having taken out the object, the child must complement the other properties (color, shape, purpose). If the game is played in a subgroup of children, the winner is the one who correctly found and named all the items.

"This place is called ...?"

An educational game that teaches a child to understand the lexical meaning of a word. It is useful because you can play in any setting: while walking, in the country, at home. An adult names a common concept, and a child gives it a name. For example, the place where children study (school); where kids make Easter cakes (sandbox); where books are issued for reading (library), where they come to watch films (cinema). Be sure to reward the child who understood and named all the words. For toddlers, the game will still be difficult, so you can start with middle preschoolers four or five years old.

"How is it correct?"

A playful game, similar to the previous one in terms of the task: you need to choose the correct interpretation of the word, for example, is a spoon an object for digging earth? for drawing? for food? Is a chair a subject for sleeping? for driving on the road? for sitting? Is the watering can a drinkable item? for watering flowers? for storing buttons? Such funny concepts will amuse the child and help to correctly understand the lexical concept.

"Guess what it is?"

The task of the game is to correctly recognize the subject by its parts. For example, the presenter says: “Cabin, propeller, engine, wings, landing gear (aircraft); body, engine, wheels, steering wheel, headlights (car); walls, roof, windows, foundation, pipe, door (house); sidewalks, carriageway, pedestrians, cars (road) ”. In the game for toddlers, pictures can be used to support visual material. Older children work on auditory perception.

"What has the artist forgotten?"

The game helps to consolidate the name of parts of objects, to activate the children's vocabulary. An adult prepares pictures depicting objects that are missing any parts: at the house - windows, at the chair - legs, at the kettle - lids, at the bag - handles. The child must correctly name the missing part and finish drawing it. For older children, you can gradually complicate the plot of the pictures and increase the number of missing parts, for example, tea utensils on the table.

"Object lotto (domestic and wild animals, dishes, flora, transport, furniture, clothing and other topics)"

All kinds of lotto-type tasks provide excellent material for enriching the vocabulary and getting to know new words. The rules are simple: children are given large cards, the presenter takes small cards one by one and names them. Children try to find the appropriate object on their card and close it. The winner is the one who collects big cards faster. As a complicated option for the development of auditory perception, the presenter does not show small pictures, but names them.

Developing games are held in a similar way:

  • "Who cries like: a dog barks, a cat meows, a rooster crows, a cow mooes",
  • "Who has a house: a bear has a den, a mouse has a mink, a bird has a nest?"
  • "Whose cub: a cow has a calf, a sheep has a lamb, a goat has a kid, a dog has a puppy, a bird has a chick."

They make it possible to consolidate the names of animals, their cubs, habits, habitat in the speech of children. The rules are similar to the previous games: find the corresponding picture among others. Riddles can keep you interested in rather monotonous actions. For example, "guess to find the correct picture":

Yesterday I cooked a den all day,
I scooped up a little of the leaves and moss.
I worked for a long time, fell exhausted,
And in the evening he applied a bunch of grass (bear).

A bump ran
Near the stump.
And the bump has a black nose
And the back is in thorns.
On the thorns of leaves a cart
From oak and aspen (hedgehog).

How quiet in the autumn forest!
A moose cow is coming to graze.
And behind her, between the pines
The little one is galloping ... (calf).

Under the bushes at the edge
I see gray ears.
They stick out of the grass,
Little ears ... (bunny).

Here is a lump of fluff.
Nose, black ear.
And let go to the lawn -
The stalker will ask like a bunny
(baby rabbit).

Crochet piglet and tail.
You, of course, know him.
He's a big pig baby
And it is called - ... (piglet).

Games for the formation of a culture of speech in preschool children

Important: parents should know that the formation of the grammatical culture of speech is necessary for mastering the correct construction of sentences, difficult grammatical forms, and understanding of literary speech. All these skills are of great importance in further education at school, since grammar makes speech understandable and beautiful.

Serious speech errors are often observed in young children. For example, they can incorrectly pronounce the endings of nouns (many girls, dolls, bears), change the gender of nouns (beautiful dresses, give ice cream, a large window), incorrectly pronounce non-declining nouns (on the piano, at the coat), verbs (search instead of search, ehay instead of ride, ride instead of gallop), communions (breaking a toy, sewn dresses). All such speech errors, to which parents may not react or be touched by children's distortions, lead to their firm fixation in speech, and in the future you have to turn to speech therapists to correct them. To prevent this from happening, parents need to pay attention to the formation of the correct culture of speech. The period of word-creation, which so touches adults, lasts from 2 to 5, and then work on mistakes is already underway. Therefore, it is better to immediately educate your child by properly organizing children's games.

"Who lives in the house?"

The game perfectly guides children to master such a grammatical category as the gender of nouns. It is possible to solve such a difficult problem for the benefit of the children, if you show your imagination. For example, an adult cuts houses with windows, maybe from thick paper, picks up pictures, for example, a window, an apple, a flower, a rooster, a car, candy, pies, books. It is good if the child takes an active part in the preparation of attributes for the game. This will raise interest in the task: “There are different pictures in four houses, each has its own house, signed with the words 'he', 'she', 'it', 'they'. It is necessary to properly accommodate all the objects. " You can check the correctness of the choice with words - helpers: he is mine; She is mine; it is mine; they are mine. Tasks are designed to develop the speech of older preschoolers.

"We compose poetry"

Such speech games are intended for children from 4 to 5 years old, as they require a certain amount of experience. The assignments teach the children to use the noun cases correctly. In this game, the ability to pronounce the plural of the genitive case is practiced, since it is in this form that preschoolers make the most speech mistakes: without shoes (boots), for guys (guys), from sweets (sweets). In order not to turn the game into a boring activity and maintain the interest in play, you can use comic poems by famous authors S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky or compose similar quatrains yourself, for example:

From snails OK, shell ek
And green frogs ek.

After reading the quatrain, ask the child why Marshak thinks that boys are made of snails, shells and frogs? Is what the author says true? If this is a joke, what else can boys be made of? Invite the child to dream up on this topic, choosing words in rhyme. The adult begins and the child continues:

What are boys made of?
What are boys made of?
From cars OK and the ball her,
And so her, and blue her.
Chocolate OK and frog ek,
And favorite toys ek.
This is what boys are made of!

"Basket of words"

To work with a word, to enrich the vocabulary of children, older preschoolers can be offered a game to convert a word into a diminutive form with suffixes - uk and - OK... It is interesting to play this game with a group of children, for example, at a birthday party, when several children of different ages gather, or at family leisure. The players sit in a circle, the presenter is chosen with a counting rule, who takes the basket in his hands. All participants say: “You have a body OK, throw everything at him OK". The child replies: "I'll put it in the back OK sugar OK, kolob OK, boat OK, boot OK, cake OK". If the player makes a mistake, he gives a phantom (some small item). When the basket has passed all the participants, you can redeem forfeits by completing any task: sing a song, make a riddle, dance, come up with a rhyme for any word, for example, "I will give you a lot of sweets, and give me the bike." You can continue the game by exchanging the basket for a beautiful package. In this case, the players say: “You have a package in your hands uk, throw everything at him uk". The player says: “I'll put it in a bag uk ticket uk, bike uk, Hey uk, a bracelet uk, omelette uk, bouquet uk, gun uk". So that the children do not lose interest in the game, an adult needs to make preparations in advance: a set of words or pictures to help children.

Games for the formation of sound culture

In kindergarten, in preparation for school, much attention is paid to improving the pronunciation of preschoolers in accordance with the norms of the native language, which implies the ability to perceive and reproduce all sounds, work with words, control the volume and speed of speech, use intonation for expressiveness, logical stress. All these skills make it possible to successfully study reading, writing at school, competently perform dictations, creative work. What didactic games for the development of speech in preschoolers can be offered for home use?

"Word chain"

The game develops auditory perception, the ability to manipulate words. The rules are similar to the well-known game of "cities". Participants stand in a circle, the presenter begins the game with a word, throwing the ball to the player. He comes up with a word starting with the last sound of the previous one, for example, before m - m NS NS b - NS kill a - a RBU s - s gold, etc. The main thing is that the players must clearly pronounce the word and highlight the last sound.

"Tell me a word"

The aim of the game is similar to the previous one: the development of auditory perception. An adult throws a ball to a child with a syllable, and he must continue the word and return the ball. For example, le - le then, si - si ma, not - not bo, honey - honey after all. Words are selected from two syllables, the child's desire to find several options is always welcome, for example, le - summer, laziness, babbling, sculpting.

"We populate houses"

The game teaches preschoolers to highlight syllables, helps to correct sound pronunciation. It is better to play individually with the child to get a good result. To maintain interest even among young children, an adult can use a playful moment: different words came to visit - pictures and they want to settle in houses (drawn or built from cubes). In a house with one window, words with one syllable will live, with two windows - two-syllable words. For example, a child clearly pronounces the words "cat, hedgehog, wolf, elk, lynx, mole; squirrel, lis, cat, hare, honey, after all, dya-tel, ka-ban, so-va (You can use pictures from "Lotto") Alternatively, a mix (mixture) of pictures of different subjects is used.

Games for the formation of coherent speech

Competent and beautiful speech is, first of all, the ability to express one's thoughts coherently. The formation of coherent speech, as it were, generalizes the work of the previous directions, therefore, in the games, the connection between the enrichment of the vocabulary and the grammatical structure of speech, the education of sound culture will be traced.

What if...?

The game well develops the ability to meaningfully conduct a dialogue, expands vocabulary, and fosters the cultural speech of preschoolers. You can start playing at the age of four to five, gradually complicating the actions in the older preschool age. The rules are quite simple: an adult begins a phrase as a cause, and a child ends with an effect. Themes can be different: weather, nature, wildlife, household items and more. For example,

  • If we plant a seed in the ground, then ... (a flower will grow).
  • If you do not water the plant, then ... (it will die).
  • If it rains, then ... (you need to take an umbrella, put on boots).
  • If there is cold ice cream, then ... (sore throat).

Alternatively, you can modify phrases that may end not with a consequence, as in the first version, but with a cause. For example,

  • Children are dressed in warm jackets because ... (it's cold outside).
  • We are leaving to rest, because ... (mom and dad have a vacation).
  • The cat loves milk because ... (it tastes good).
  • My brother goes to school because ... (he's big).

It is imperative to encourage the original answers of the children, and write down the most interesting ones, so that they can later discuss at the family council and praise the child.

"Advertising (verbal drawing of an object)"

The whole family can take part in this game, as it is desirable to show the child various options for describing objects. Adults set an example of how to properly characterize any object so that you want to play with it or use it in a household situation. The driver closes his eyes, and one of the participants talks about the subject. The driver tries to guess what is at stake. At the first stage, it is better to use items that are very well known to the child, for example, household or edible household items, or toys. Then, as knowledge is accumulated, it is necessary to talk about other items that can be seen in a toy store or grocery store. For example,

  • These are kitchen utensils, they are made of metal, with a transparent lid. It has a bottom, walls, handles. Without it, you cannot cook a delicious soup or compote (saucepan).
  • Both adults and children love her. It can be round or brick-like, white or brown, wrapped or boxed. It tastes very sweet, without it it will be sad at the holiday, you can even decorate a Christmas tree (candy) with it.

Adults should encourage the child when he tries to write his description of the objects. After the game, you can have a family tea party, having fun discussing the advertisements of the participants in the game.

Such didactic games for the development of speech in preschoolers will definitely help parents to form a competent, beautiful speech in a preschooler, which will help him to study successfully at school.